DNA by Sarkhan Bashirov
Azərbaycan Tarixi Şəcərə Cəmiyyətinin Xəbərləri, XI buraxılış, 2023
The subject of the research is the genealogy of the Turkic Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 179... more The subject of the research is the genealogy of the Turkic Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 1795-1925. In development of the work of the previous author, with the help of Y-DNA tests confi rmed the patrilineal relationship of the modern descendants of Feth Ali Shah Qajar (1772–1834). A deeper study of Y-DNA was carried out using next generation sequencing (NGS) methods. The paternal origin of the Qajar dynasty from the indigenous population of the northern regions of Azerbaijan has been revealed.
Materials and methods. The article analyzed the 67-marker Y-STR haplotypes of I1-M253 Azerbaijani... more Materials and methods. The article analyzed the 67-marker Y-STR haplotypes of I1-M253 Azerbaijanis
from the northwestern region of Azerbaijan (Gabala and Aghdash districts). Based on the characteristic DYS
values, the entire group of studied haplotypes can be reliably assigned as I1-BY453 subclade. Time to the
most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) was estimated using infinite allele mutation model with a probability
of 95% and an average generation interval of 31 years.
Results. TMRCA calculated as 35 generations. Taking into account the average generation interval of
31 years, that population can be traced to common male ancestor who lived ~1085 years ago (in the middle
of the 10th century). The location map of the closest to the considered group matched haplotypes includes
the adjacent areas of modern Denmark and southern Sweden. The ancestor of the studied group of
Azerbaijanis, apparently, arrived from this territory during the Caspian expeditions of the Vikings on the state
of the Shirvanshahs in the 9th-11th centuries. In Denmark and Sweden, this time fits with the reign of the
Danish House of Knytlinga.
Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the data suggests that the presence of haplogroup I1-M253
(TMRCA ~1000 years) in Transcaucasia clearly indicates the fact of one-time contacts with Denmark and
Sweden during the Knytlinga dynasty and can be correlated with the period of the Viking Caspian expeditions
on the state of the Shirvanshahs during IX-XI centuries.
Papers by Sarkhan Bashirov
Genesis: исторические исследования
The subject of the study was the genealogy of the Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 1795-1925. D... more The subject of the study was the genealogy of the Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 1795-1925. Documentary sources indicate Gara Piri bey Qajar (XV century – 1513), the first beglyarbek of Karabakh with the center in Ganja (now Azerbaijan) as the earliest ancestor of the dynasty. At the end of the XVI century, the great–grandson of Gar Piri bey was appointed Shah Abbas I beglyarbek of Astrabad (now Gorgan, Iran), from whose descendant - Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar (1741-1797), the shah dynasty began. Agha-Mohammed Khan himself traced his family back to a legendary ancestor named Qajar, the son of Sartak-noyon from the Mongolian Jalai tribe, the mentor of Genghisid Argun Khan (1284-1291). According to other sources, the Qajars are a Turkoman tribe that settled in Transcaucasia during the Mongol period. These data on the early history point to the Qajar dynasty as having originally Central Asian origin. In 2007, a study of the Y-DNA of two modern representatives of different lines of ...
Материалы VII международной научной конференции «Актуальные проблемы азербайджановедения» на тему: «Мультикультуральные и толерантные ценности в наследии Общенационального лидера Азербайджана Гейдара Алиева», 3-5 мая 2016 г., г. Баку, 2016
The article deals with the question of use of the ethnonym «Georgians» for denote Orthodox Udis. ... more The article deals with the question of use of the ethnonym «Georgians» for denote Orthodox Udis. The causes and history of this ethnonym in the above-mentioned the value. The author pays special attention to the processes that contributed to the transfer of the ethnonym «Georgian» in the Orthodox Udis. The reasons of the release of this exoethnonym disuse.
Genesis: исторические исследования
The subject of the study was the genealogy of the Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 1795-1925. D... more The subject of the study was the genealogy of the Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 1795-1925. Documentary sources indicate Gara Piri bey Qajar (XV century – 1513), the first beglyarbek of Karabakh with the center in Ganja (now Azerbaijan) as the earliest ancestor of the dynasty. At the end of the XVI century, the great–grandson of Gar Piri bey was appointed Shah Abbas I beglyarbek of Astrabad (now Gorgan, Iran), from whose descendant - Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar (1741-1797), the shah dynasty began. Agha-Mohammed Khan himself traced his family back to a legendary ancestor named Qajar, the son of Sartak-noyon from the Mongolian Jalai tribe, the mentor of Genghisid Argun Khan (1284-1291). According to other sources, the Qajars are a Turkoman tribe that settled in Transcaucasia during the Mongol period. These data on the early history point to the Qajar dynasty as having originally Central Asian origin. In 2007, a study of the Y-DNA of two modern representatives of different lines of ...
Анализируются научные и периодические издания, в которых сообщается об удинах, написанные в перио... more Анализируются научные и периодические издания, в которых сообщается об удинах, написанные в период их вхождения в состав Российской империи (XIX - начало XX в.). Выявлены интерес и причины обращения ученых разных стран к удинскому этносу. Подробно описываются хозяйственная деятельность удин, жилища, быт, дана классификация. Сделан вывод о значимости указанного периода в истории удин, т.к. именно тогда происходит накопление первичных научных данных об удинах и начинается их изучение.
The article deals with scientific literature and periodicals referring to the Udis and which were written in the period that followed their joining the Russian Empire (XIX - beginning of the XX century). The reasons to study the Udis ethnos by scientists of different countries, including foreign countries, are found out. These sources deal with the Udis, describe their economic activities, household and everyday life, give their classification. The author makes the conclusion about the importance of this period in the Udis history, as the first knowledge about the Udis and first research of them refer to this period.
Genesis: исторические исследования, 2022
The subject of the study was the genealogy of the Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 1795-1925. D... more The subject of the study was the genealogy of the Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran in 1795-1925. Documentary sources indicate Gara Piri bey Qajar (XV century – 1513), the first beglyarbek of Karabakh with the center in Ganja (now Azerbaijan) as the earliest ancestor of the dynasty. At the end of the XVI century, the great–grandson of Gar Piri bey was appointed Shah Abbas I beglyarbek of Astrabad (now Gorgan, Iran), from whose descendant - Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar (1741-1797), the shah dynasty began. Agha-Mohammed Khan himself traced his family back to a legendary ancestor named Qajar, the son of Sartak-noyon from the Mongolian Jalai tribe, the mentor of Genghisid Argun Khan (1284-1291). According to other sources, the Qajars are a Turkoman tribe that settled in Transcaucasia during the Mongol period. These data on the early history point to the Qajar dynasty as having originally Central Asian origin. In 2007, a study of the Y-DNA of two modern representatives of different lines of ...
Дербент – город трёх религий. Материалы Международной на- учно-практической конференции (Дербент, 25 марта 2015 г.) , 2015
ГУМАНИТАРНАЯ НАУКА ЮГА РОССИИ: МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЕ И РЕГИОНАЛЬНОЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ Материалы II Международной научной конференции (г. Элиста, 14–15 сентября 2016 г.), 2016
Утверждено к печати Ученым советом Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения науки Калм... more Утверждено к печати Ученым советом Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения науки Калмыцкого института гуманитарных исследований Российской академии наук
Легенды о принятии ислама у населения Габалинского магала, 2021
В статье рассматриваются легенды населения Габалинского магала, посвященные исламизации региона. ... more В статье рассматриваются легенды населения Габалинского магала, посвященные исламизации региона.
В них были выявлены элементы дагестанских исторических хроник. Однако, упомянутые легенды являются продуктом
народного творчества населения Габалинского магала, т. к. в них отражены местные реалии и имеются важные черты, отличающие их от дагестанских исторических хроник. Было выявлено, что эти легенды могли появиться не ранее X в., а окончательно сложились в период между XVI — серединой XVIII в. Было проанализировано понятие «гявуры», которое используется в отношении местного домусульманского населения. Нами было установлено, что эти легенды отражают не события периода арабского завоевания, а гораздо более поздние.
Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia)
Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia)
DNA by Sarkhan Bashirov
from the northwestern region of Azerbaijan (Gabala and Aghdash districts). Based on the characteristic DYS
values, the entire group of studied haplotypes can be reliably assigned as I1-BY453 subclade. Time to the
most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) was estimated using infinite allele mutation model with a probability
of 95% and an average generation interval of 31 years.
Results. TMRCA calculated as 35 generations. Taking into account the average generation interval of
31 years, that population can be traced to common male ancestor who lived ~1085 years ago (in the middle
of the 10th century). The location map of the closest to the considered group matched haplotypes includes
the adjacent areas of modern Denmark and southern Sweden. The ancestor of the studied group of
Azerbaijanis, apparently, arrived from this territory during the Caspian expeditions of the Vikings on the state
of the Shirvanshahs in the 9th-11th centuries. In Denmark and Sweden, this time fits with the reign of the
Danish House of Knytlinga.
Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the data suggests that the presence of haplogroup I1-M253
(TMRCA ~1000 years) in Transcaucasia clearly indicates the fact of one-time contacts with Denmark and
Sweden during the Knytlinga dynasty and can be correlated with the period of the Viking Caspian expeditions
on the state of the Shirvanshahs during IX-XI centuries.
Papers by Sarkhan Bashirov
The article deals with scientific literature and periodicals referring to the Udis and which were written in the period that followed their joining the Russian Empire (XIX - beginning of the XX century). The reasons to study the Udis ethnos by scientists of different countries, including foreign countries, are found out. These sources deal with the Udis, describe their economic activities, household and everyday life, give their classification. The author makes the conclusion about the importance of this period in the Udis history, as the first knowledge about the Udis and first research of them refer to this period.
В них были выявлены элементы дагестанских исторических хроник. Однако, упомянутые легенды являются продуктом
народного творчества населения Габалинского магала, т. к. в них отражены местные реалии и имеются важные черты, отличающие их от дагестанских исторических хроник. Было выявлено, что эти легенды могли появиться не ранее X в., а окончательно сложились в период между XVI — серединой XVIII в. Было проанализировано понятие «гявуры», которое используется в отношении местного домусульманского населения. Нами было установлено, что эти легенды отражают не события периода арабского завоевания, а гораздо более поздние.
from the northwestern region of Azerbaijan (Gabala and Aghdash districts). Based on the characteristic DYS
values, the entire group of studied haplotypes can be reliably assigned as I1-BY453 subclade. Time to the
most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) was estimated using infinite allele mutation model with a probability
of 95% and an average generation interval of 31 years.
Results. TMRCA calculated as 35 generations. Taking into account the average generation interval of
31 years, that population can be traced to common male ancestor who lived ~1085 years ago (in the middle
of the 10th century). The location map of the closest to the considered group matched haplotypes includes
the adjacent areas of modern Denmark and southern Sweden. The ancestor of the studied group of
Azerbaijanis, apparently, arrived from this territory during the Caspian expeditions of the Vikings on the state
of the Shirvanshahs in the 9th-11th centuries. In Denmark and Sweden, this time fits with the reign of the
Danish House of Knytlinga.
Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the data suggests that the presence of haplogroup I1-M253
(TMRCA ~1000 years) in Transcaucasia clearly indicates the fact of one-time contacts with Denmark and
Sweden during the Knytlinga dynasty and can be correlated with the period of the Viking Caspian expeditions
on the state of the Shirvanshahs during IX-XI centuries.
The article deals with scientific literature and periodicals referring to the Udis and which were written in the period that followed their joining the Russian Empire (XIX - beginning of the XX century). The reasons to study the Udis ethnos by scientists of different countries, including foreign countries, are found out. These sources deal with the Udis, describe their economic activities, household and everyday life, give their classification. The author makes the conclusion about the importance of this period in the Udis history, as the first knowledge about the Udis and first research of them refer to this period.
В них были выявлены элементы дагестанских исторических хроник. Однако, упомянутые легенды являются продуктом
народного творчества населения Габалинского магала, т. к. в них отражены местные реалии и имеются важные черты, отличающие их от дагестанских исторических хроник. Было выявлено, что эти легенды могли появиться не ранее X в., а окончательно сложились в период между XVI — серединой XVIII в. Было проанализировано понятие «гявуры», которое используется в отношении местного домусульманского населения. Нами было установлено, что эти легенды отражают не события периода арабского завоевания, а гораздо более поздние.