Papers by Francisco K E L S E N Oliveira
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI), 2019
This article contains data from a group of users, divided into subgroups according to their level... more This article contains data from a group of users, divided into subgroups according to their levels of knowledge about technology. Statistical hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods were studied, compared and used in the creations of the subgroups from the similarities of the skill levels with these users' technology. The research sample consists of teachers who answered online questionnaires about their skills in the use of software and hardware with an educational bias. The statistical methods of the grouping were performed and showed the possibilities of groupings of the users. The analysis of these groups allowed the identification of the common characteristics among the individuals of each subgroup. Therefore, it was possible to define two subgroups of users, one with skills in technology and another without skills in technology. The partial results of the research showed two main algorithms for grouping with 92% similarity from groups of users with skills in technology and the other with little skill, confirming the accuracy of the techniques discriminating against individuals.
Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em Revista, 2020
Este estudo foi voltado para utilização de abordagens de ensino para área da segurança da informa... more Este estudo foi voltado para utilização de abordagens de ensino para área da segurança da informação, considerando o contexto dos Cursos on-line abertos e massivos. Para isso utilizou-se a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL) que teve como objetivo identificar abordagens, ferramentas ou instrumentos aplicados no processo de ensino aprendizagem, que possam promover uma proposta de curso on-line e favoreça o elo intrínseco entre teoria e prática. A busca dos dados foi realizada no Portal Periódicos CAPES/MEC, através de combinações dos termos definidos no protocolo da revisão, para automatizar a condução da RSL a ferramenta stArt foi utilizada. As análises demonstram resultados positivos no desempenho dos aprendizes que utilizaram metodologias ativas e recursos da web se comparado com o ensino tradicional. Porém, ainda existem poucos estudos que trazem evidência para essa temática. Palavras-chave: Curso on-line aberto e massivo, EAD, Segurança da Informação. Abstract This study focused on the use of teaching approaches for information security, considering the context of open and massive online courses. For this we used the Systematic Literature Review (RSL) that aimed to identify approaches, tools or instruments applied in the teaching-learning process, which can promote an online course proposal and favor the intrinsic link between theory and practice. The data search was performed in the CAPES / MEC Periodic Portal, through combinations of the terms defined in the review protocol, to automate the conduction of the RSL the stArt tool was used. The analyzes show positive results in the performance of learners who used active methodologies and web resources compared to traditional teaching. However, there are still few studies that bring evidence to this theme. INTRODUÇÃO A informação vem assumindo um caráter estratégico e tem sido considerado um ativo crítico para os mais diversos tipos de instituições. Lopes (2012) considera que a informação assumiu um valor fundamental para as organizações. Sendo assim, passou-se a dedicar especial atenção ao valor que a informação tem, de acordo com Sêmola (2014) fazendo bom uso da informação é possível subsidiar processos de tomada de decisão, melhorar a produtividade, otimizar tarefas, reduzir custos, obter vantagem competitiva e tratar continuidade de uma instituição. Para se estabelecer um grau de importância para as informações é necessário avaliar o dano que a sua perda, ou o seu vazamento poderia provocar, não só em termos financeiros, mas também considerando a imagem, a reputação da instituição. De acordo com Foina (2015), uma informação
Workshop do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2019
Resumo. Este trabalho visa conceber um ambiente Web integrado de armazenamento, criação, edição e... more Resumo. Este trabalho visa conceber um ambiente Web integrado de armazenamento, criação, edição e compartilhamento de recursos educacionais abertos (REA). Assim, será possível ter todas as funções mencionadas em apenas um único sistema on-line, inclusive com a possibilidade dos REAs salvos ou criados nesta plataforma serem incorporados ou indexados por outras. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise de competidores que mostrou a indisponibilidade de exemplo semelhante que realize todas essas funcionalidades. Almeja-se que tal ambiente promova o aumento da produção de REAs e esses REAs possibilitem novas práticas educacionais abertas (PEAs), que possam ser utilizadas, reutilizadas ou modificadas nos mais diversos contextos educacionais. 1. Cenário de uso Através da inserção das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação (TDICs) nos propósitos educacionais busca-se trazer melhorias significativas ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem mediante a criação de conteúdos didáticos digitais. O problema é que parte dos materiais disponibilizados na rede encontra-se sob licenças proprietárias, restringindo seu uso e manipulação a um grupo específico de indivíduos. Neste cenário uma solução viável é a aplicação dos Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REAs) atuando em conjunto com as TDICs. Para Matias et al. (2016), os REAs consistem em materiais de apoio à educação disponibilizados e compartilhados de forma livre e aberta nos mais diversos formatos e meios de comunicação, tal qual a comunicação via Internet, sob licença livre ou domínio público com base na educação aberta. Mantendo o contexto da criação e difusão do conhecimento, uma característica interessante dos REAs é a possibilidade de adaptação às várias situações dos usuários, por exemplo, um docente poderia acessar e adaptar à sua aula o plano de aula disponibilizado por outro docente. Isto se deve, principalmente, às liberdades 5R's, a saber, Reutilizar, Revisar, Remixar, Redistribuir e
TEEM'19: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, 2019
Most of the research on Learning Design (LD) focuses on technology to automatically run a sequenc... more Most of the research on Learning Design (LD) focuses on technology to automatically run a sequence of activities proposed to students and facilitated by the educator through computers. One way of thinking about a LD system is as a workflow mechanism for collaborative activities, and a specific learning design is similar to a recipe, however, educational and for teachers-describes ingredients (content) and instructions (process). The aim of this article is to outline the state-of-the-art in Learning Design, covering the period from 2001 to 2018. We analyzed the quality, coverage of topics, research methodologies adopted and the potential impact of LD. We carried out manual and automatic research for Systematic Literature Review (SLR) published in journals and conference proceedings. We investigated the relevant studies, compared and integrated our results with the two previous higher education studies. Therefore, 67 articles were identified, which we classified in two main areas of research: a) The use of the specification and its standards; b) The development of systems of authorship, management and execution of LD. From these 67, only 8 achieved the minimum quality requirements established and were considered relevant for the scenario of this research. Finally, our results allow us to see that the SLR as a research method has been less adopt in the LD research community. Additionally, most SLRs did not assess the quality of primary studies, thus restricting their potential impact on educational practice.
Revista Semiárido De Visu, 2019
Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática acerca das principais abordagens teóricas da aprend... more Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática acerca das principais abordagens teóricas da aprendizagem empregadas na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT) e explora como a abordagem cognitivista de George Kelly pode oferecer contribuições para essa área da educação. Foi percebida uma maior ênfase no uso de abordagens cognitivistas e humanistas nas experiências relatadas nos trabalhos, bem como a utilização da aprendizagem colaborativa em contextos que envolvem recursos tecnológicos e da teoria da aprendizagem significativa em que o estudante é considerado como possuidor de saberes prévios, e isso deve ser valorizado e incorporado no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Em relação à abordagem dos constructos pessoais de George Kelly, considera-se que ela pode contribuir para tornar o processo educacional mais alinhado ao desenvolvimento dos educandos, contudo, o sistema educacional brasileiro ainda apresenta uma grande ênfase em metodologias tradicionais e isso acaba dificultando outros arranjos na relação de ensino-aprendizagem nos espaços formais de educação. Palavras-chave: Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, homem-cientista, abordagens da aprendizagem. ABSTRACT This article presents a systematic mapping of the main theoretical approaches to learning used in vocational and technological education (EFA) and to explore how the cognitive approach of George Kelly can offer contributions to this area of education. A greater emphasis was placed on the use of cognitive and humanistic approaches in the experiences reported in the works, as well as the use of collaborative learning in contexts involving technological resources and the theory of meaningful learning in which the student is considered to have prior knowledge, and this should be valued and incorporated into the teaching-learning process. Regarding George Kelly's personal constructs approach, it is considered that it can contribute to make the educational process more aligned to the students' development, however, the Brazilian educational system still places a great emphasis on traditional methodologies and this complicates other arrangements in the teaching-learning relationship in the formal educational spaces. keywords: Professional and Technological Education, man-scientist, approaches to learning.
Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em Revista, 2019
Tendo em vista a mudança comportamental dos estudantes nas novas gerações, considerando a popular... more Tendo em vista a mudança comportamental dos estudantes nas novas gerações, considerando a popularização da tecnologia, entende-se que a Orientação Profissional (OP) precisa ater-se a essas transformações. Desse modo, a gamificação aparece como uma possibilidade de trabalho, inclusive no campo da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT). Diante desse cenário, o presente trabalho objetiva verificar as possíveis aproximações entre a OP, a gamificação e a EPT. Para tanto, parte-se de uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura. A partir das pesquisas é possível inferir que a gamificação é um tema que vem ganhando espaço atualmente, uma característica não tão presente na Orientação Profissional, não tendo sido encontrados resultados relacionando esses dois eixos na literatura pesquisada. Todavia, isso não implica na rejeição da proposta de combinar a gamificação com a orientação profissional, ao contrário disso, reforça a ideia de que a estratégia de gamificação, que já está sendo utilizada em vários contextos conforme a RSL pode promover o engajamento dos participantes e abre ainda mais questionamentos que carecem de investigação teórica e experimentação prática que possam comprovar ou refutar a viabilidade de combinar no processo de Orientação Profissional as estratégias de gamificação e direcioná-la para estudantes da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica.
Proceedings of the WAVE2, 2019
Educational planning, and consequently, the production of educational materials, are considered e... more Educational planning, and consequently, the production of educational materials, are considered essential for teachers. These artifacts are commonly adapted; however, by factors still to be investigated, are used improvised, or just copied and paste the planning used the previous year to comply with a school standard. The present work aims to contribute to a better understanding of teachers' planning practices, to influence the learning experience design supported by groupware to be integrated into teaching practice, to promote professional development. Resumo. O planejamento educacional e, consequentemente, a produção de ma-teriais educativos são considerados essenciais para os professores. Esses ar-tefatos são comumente adaptados; no entanto, por fatores ainda a serem in-vestigados, são usados improvisados, ou simplesmente copiados e colados no planejamento utilizado no ano anterior para cumprir um padrão escolar. O presente trabalho visa contribuir para uma melhor compreensão das práticas de planejamento dos professores, para influenciar o design da experiência de aprendizagem apoiada pelo groupware para ser integrado na prática de ensino, afim de promover o desenvolvimento profissional.
The purpose of this work is to present and discuss the results of the usability and attractivenes... more The purpose of this work is to present and discuss the results of the usability and attractiveness analysis of an information system of sharing lesson plans with open educational resources (OER). For this, Human-Centered Design practices were adopted to understand better the needs related to the act of planning lessons and the meaning given to this planning. As a compliment, studies were done on the professional activities involved in the execution of lesson planning. With this set of information, programmers and designers used Brainsketching's collaborative creativity technique to materialize the team's ideas into low-fidelity prototypes. Then the prototype was scanned and received interaction features. Task analysis was performed for each of the main tasks to understand how actions of representative users would take place. After this step was applied a usability test with the public of 18 teachers from the middle level of public schools in the city of Recife, Brazil, in the first semester of 2017. The results found evidence problems of satisfaction and use of the high fidelity version tested application. These issues were related to critical tasks and users' longings. Although it presents usability and satisfaction problems, the application is recognized as essential and with potential for evolution by the target audience.
This chapter presents the results of studies and research developed by the Group of Studies and R... more This chapter presents the results of studies and research developed by the Group of Studies and Research in Technological Educational Practices (GEPET) of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sertão Pernambucano - Campus Salgueiro. Therefore, they present a reflection about how the education professional can, from authoring and execution tools that facilitate the processes of creation, edition, use, reuse and sharing of units of learning (UAs), to become user and producer of contents for Virtual Learning Environments when creating and editing these UAs, adapting to their pedagogical context. In this sense, they suggest the technique of Design Science Research (DSR) as a way to help teachers or developers of educational content from the requirements survey stage to the evaluation of UAs.
The present article aims to present a systematic mapping of journals published from 2008 to 2014,... more The present article aims to present a systematic mapping of journals published from 2008 to 2014, collected through the Plataforma Sucupira - Capes, in order to analyze whether the concept of Literacy intertwined with the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language is being addressed in scientific work in the context of technical education of our country, that is, in the professional technical network, especially the public network. Thus, for such analysis, a Systematic Review of Literature (RSL) was done, in which such journals were analyzed through key terms used specifically for the search of works that encompass this theme. Therefore, a percentage result was obtained on the amount of work involved in the perspective of Literacy and the Spanish as a Foreign Language, providing discussions about the possible shortcomings expressed in this educational context. Finally, the present work guided the study under the concept of the pedagogy of literacy in the theoretical perspective proposed by Soares (2005), Cassany (2006), Rojo (2009) and Street, (2010), likewise worked with perspective of the Spanish as a Foreign Language presented by Baptista (2010), as well as the development of RSL by Oliveira and Gomes (2015) and the technical education landscape by the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Educação Básica (2013).
This research aimed to group users into subgroups according to their levels of knowledge about te... more This research aimed to group users into subgroups according to their levels of knowledge about technology. Statistical hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods were studied, compared and used in the creations of the subgroups from the similarities of the skill levels with these users' technology. The research sample consisted of teachers who answered online questionnaires about their skills with the use of software and hardware with educational bias. The statistical methods of grouping were performed and showed the possibilities of groupings of the users. The analyses of these groups allowed to identify the common characteristics among the individuals of each subgroup. Therefore, it was possible to define two subgroups of users, one with skill in technology and another with skill with technology, so that the partial results of the research showed two main algorithms for grouping with 92% similarity in the formation of groups of users with skill with technology and the other with little skill, confirming the accuracy of the techniques of discrimination against individuals.
The availability of open educational resources (OER) in digital educational repositories (DER) ha... more The availability of open educational resources (OER) in digital educational repositories (DER) has motivated users to use such materials. This is analogous to Open Textbooks (OT), whose adherents can become active participants in the publishing process still dominated by publishers. Teachers can elaborate and make available their teaching materials in the DER or even adapt them to suit their educational contexts. Therefore, this work seeks to assist teachers in the process of choosing OT based on well-defined evaluation criteria, either to adopt it fully or partially to meet their demand. Therefore, this study aims to define OT evaluative criteria of Mathematics in High School. For this, the bibliographical research identified two papers on the evaluation criteria for Higher Education in Sociology (OLIVEIRA, ABREU, 2016) and Portuguese Language (SANTOS et al., 2017), as well as based on government documents (BRASIL, 2000; 2014). The analysis of the materials made it possible to propose the evaluation criteria with the levels: common curricular components, curriculum of Mathematics, OER and Linguistics. Therefore, it is expected to promote the production, edition, use, reuse and sharing of OTs appropriate to the evaluation criteria guiding the selection of these resources.
This research aimed to group users into subgroups according to their levels of knowledge about te... more This research aimed to group users into subgroups according to their levels of knowledge about technology. Statistical hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods were studied, compared and used in the creations of the subgroups from the similarities of the skill levels with these users’ technology. The research sample consisted of teachers who answered online questionnaires about their skills with the use of software and hardware with educational bias. The statistical methods of grouping were performed and showed the possibilities of groupings of the users. The analyses of these groups allowed to identify the common characteristics among the individuals of each subgroup. Therefore, it was possible to define two subgroups of users, one with skill in technology and another with skill with technology, so that the partial results of the research showed two main algorithms for grouping with 92% similarity in the formation of groups of users with skill with technology and the other with little skill, confirming the accuracy of the techniques of discrimination against individuals.
This article proposes to know the use and the relation of the Open Educational Resources (OER) in... more This article proposes to know the use and the relation of the Open Educational Resources (OER) in the processes of teaching and learning in the classroom of high schools. For this, the methodological aspects of the research took as reference the process of Systematic Review of Literature (SRL), which made it possible to identify the different works on the proposed theme. The results of this research show that in more than half of the cases of OER use there is improvement in student performance. Resumo. Este artigo propõe conhecer o uso e a relação dos Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA) nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem em sala de aula de escolas do ensino médio. Para isso, os aspectos metodológicos da pesquisa tomaram como referência o processo de Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL), que possibilitou identificar os diversos trabalhos sobre o tema proposto. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que em mais da metade dos casos de uso dos REA há melhoria no desempenho dos estudantes.
This manuscript objetives to analyze the various statistical models of grouping, present the appl... more This manuscript objetives to analyze the various statistical models of grouping, present the application to the context of a real research sample and discuss the results obtained in light of the concepts under analysis. Like the first chapter, this subject is approached in a didactic way in order to facilitate the understanding of the subject by other researchers or interested in the subject.
This manuscript objetives to discuss in a practical and didactic way how to perform systematic re... more This manuscript objetives to discuss in a practical and didactic way how to perform systematic review of the literature (SRL). In addition, they present the steps of SRL, computational tools to support such activity and related concepts. To do this, it details each of these aspects from a reference publication so that such a model can be replicated by other researchers from different areas of knowledge.
Anais dos Workshops do V Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2016), Nov 10, 2016
This research carried out a comparative study between evaluative models adopted in online courses... more This research carried out a comparative study between evaluative models adopted in online courses offered by the federal public institutions of education of Pernambuco. The comparative analysis of the methods considered the institutional structure, the model of monitoring of students and the evaluation institutional model. Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco (IFPE) and of Sertão of Pernambuco (IF Sertão-PE) formed the sample of this research. The analysis showed that both evaluation criteria defined were used by teachers of disciplines, while the biggest difference is in the evaluative criteria by IF Sertão-PE institutionalized.
Ao longo dos últimos anos, as reflexões sobre os processos de ensino e aprendizagem vêm proporcio... more Ao longo dos últimos anos, as reflexões sobre os processos de ensino e aprendizagem vêm proporcionando ao docente uma formação muito além da teoria e prática, isto é, busca-se formar um profissional crítico e sensível ao contexto no qual atua. Diante desse cenário, a formação continuada aliada ao desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais por meio da criação de espaços para a formação online de professores vem reforçar as possibilidades de qualificação desse profissional. Nessa perspectiva, para esta investigação, pautamo-nos na compreensão de que formar cidadãos na sociedade em rede (CASTELLS, 1999) e no contexto da cibercultura (LEMOS, 2002), necessita-se que professores e alunos desenvolvam uma postura autônoma na busca pelo conhecimento. Assim, a pedagogia dialógica de Freire (2006) defende o desenvolvimento de experiências educacionais significativas que busquem posturas de decisão, de investigação e de responsabilidade para que cenários colaborativos de aprendizagem se constituam. Logo, nosso objetivo consistiu em analisar o discurso construído em fóruns de discussão de um curso online voltado à formação de professores-tutores por meio das marcas linguísticas deixadas que nos revelam as suas ações autônomas (SEARLE, 1969; VAN DIJK, 2003). Metodologicamente, observamos a natureza dos diálogos realizados no fórum, por meio da abordagem qualitativa interpretativista à luz da concepção de Freire (2007) sobre a autonomia. Estudos empíricos sobre autonomia em fóruns virtuais também inspirarem esta investigação (FREIRE et al., 2011; ABREU et al., 2012). A análise das 50 mensagens iniciais do fórum revelou a emergência de vocativos; advérbios de intensidade associados a elogios; pronomes interrogativos; expressões que designam ordem ou conselho, entre outros – indicadores linguísticos que destacam a primazia por uma prática autônoma nesse fórum. Portanto, a análise linguística de fóruns virtuais permitiu esboçar e comprovar espaços de valorização da autonomia em contextos educacionais a distância.
The work discusses the literature around open educational resources (OER) to assist teaching and ... more The work discusses the literature around open educational resources (OER) to assist teaching and learning proposals. The authors bring the foundations that guide the discussions of the current group of studies and research in Educational Technology Practices – GEPET.
This research aimed to propose an environment of sharing open educational resources (ACREA) from ... more This research aimed to propose an environment of sharing open educational resources (ACREA) from the needs of a group of teachers. Thus the ACREA released the open educational resources (OER)-educational materials made available under public domain and licensed in an open and free to the community, that the access, use, adapt and redistribute (WILEY, 2005). Based in Mallman and Jacques (2015), this research considers that the OERs have 5Rs freedoms: retention, reuse, review, remix and redistribution. These freedoms are based on four principles of free software (TAURION, 2004): run, study, redistribute and improve. In this way, by means of online questionnaires were raised the system requirements from the needs of teachers about an environment of sharing of educational resources. The parsed data enabled the business model and the modeling ACREA in Unified Modeling Language (UML). After this step, the ACREA was developed and published in order to ensure access to the community. However, a few shared Areas on ACREA and low participation of teachers in the use of the tool.
Papers by Francisco K E L S E N Oliveira
Thus, the book, which is divided into seven chapters, organized in two parts - the first on methodological aspects of research and the second on reports of investigations carried out in the area of Education - presents the work developed by researchers linked to GEPET, based in Campus Salgeiro of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sertão Pernambucano (IF Sertão-PE).
It should be noted that the work also serves as a historical landmark of the second year of actions and research carried out by collaborators and researchers linked to GEPET. Therefore, each experience was gathered in the form of an article and composes a chapter that describes in detail how it happened, the methodology used in each one and the results obtained.
The first part of the work brings together two chapters that deal in a didactic and replicable way of researching, respectively, the use of the Systematic Review of Literature (RSL) and statistical methods of grouping.
Thus, in the first chapter, Oliveira and Gomes discuss in a practical and didactic way how to perform RSL. In addition, they present the steps of RSL, computational tools to support such activity and related concepts. To do this, it details each of these aspects from a reference publication so that such a model can be replicated by other researchers from different areas of knowledge.
In the second chapter, Oliveira, Oliveira and Gomes analyze the various statistical models of grouping, present the application to the context of a real research sample and discuss the results obtained in light of the concepts under analysis. Like the first chapter, this subject is approached in a didactic way in order to facilitate the understanding of the subject by other researchers or interested in the subject.
The second part of the book presents results of realized researches and is sub-divided into five chapters. Therefore, in the third chapter, Vidal, Barros, Leães and Oliveira address the Brazilian Language of Signals (LIBRAS) in the context of the elaboration of a dictionary aimed at students of the higher course of Food Technology.
In the fourth chapter, Soares and Correia report the results of the research carried out with the use of poetry in citizen education, based on a partnership created among teachers, researchers and students of the IF Sertão-PE with Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) around Campus Salgueiro.
In the fifth chapter of the book, Leães, Lima, Maciel and Carvalho present a case study on the PROEJA of the Building course at Campus Salgueiro, based on the analysis of socioeconomic indexes and their relationships in the context of the research.
The work presented in the sixth chapter points to reflections on the concept of evaluation and the perspective of the pedagogy of literacy in its critical aspect. The authors Silva and Abreu discuss how to build on the ground of the school a citizen training and non-meritocratic evaluation through the analysis of evaluation instruments.
The seventh chapter brings the experience in allying a technical area, namely: civil construction, to literacy practices. Morais, Benvenuto, Abreu and Barreto present through discursive textual genres present in the sphere of civil construction as allying the teaching of languages and bring significant learning practices to learners of that specific technical area.
Therefore, the gathering of these diverse experiences in a work allows the dissemination of successful practices that can be reproduced or adapted by other professionals or educators, with a view to improving their practices, adapting them to their realities or even experimenting with them.
Da mesma forma, as instituições educacionais particulares também buscaram investir na compra de smartboards, tablets e outros recursos de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), a fim de proporcionar recursos tecnológicos de apoio aos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, mas também como estratégia de marketing acima de tudo.
A simples utilização de tais ferramentas das TICs não é o suficiente para garantir uma boa qualidade da educação, pois vários outros fatores estão essencialmente ligados, como a definição da metodologia a ser adotada de acordo com recurso tecnológico escolhido, as condições físicas do laboratório ou sala de aula utilizada, capacitação dos docentes para uso adequado das ferramentas, apoio familiar e de outros profissionais dos setores pedagógico e administrativo das instituições de ensino, enfim há uma série de pontos a serem elencados, tendo em vista alcançar os objetivos de uma educação de qualidade. Entretanto, a troca de experiências de sucesso entre os profissionais pode trazer múltiplos benefícios aos docentes e discentes.
Assim, o livro Experiências com as TICs apresenta alguns relatos de profissionais da educação de áreas distintas que utilizaram as TICs em suas ações docentes como ferramentas auxiliares ou mesmo realizaram suas avaliações de ferramentas com o intuito de garantir melhores condições para realização de futuras experiências com tais softwares.
Cada experiência está reunida na forma de artigo e compõe um capítulo que mostra detalhadamente como ocorreu, a metodologia utilizada em cada uma e os resultados alcançados. A reunião dessas diversas experiências em uma obra possibilita a difusão de práticas exitosas que poderão ser reproduzidas ou adaptadas por outros profissionais ou educadores, tendo em vista o aperfeiçoamento de suas práticas, a adequação de modelos de sucesso às suas realidades ou mesmo a realização de um experimento, seja apenas para conhecer tal prática ou realizar um estudo de caso.
As experiências descritas envolvem basicamente o uso de computadores, de dispositivos móveis, da internet e de softwares específicos, bem como abrange as disciplinas de Português e Matemática, principalmente, mas podem ser utilizadas em outras áreas do conhecimento com as devidas modificações dos conteúdos a partir da infraestrutura descrita
and dissemination of the resources developed directly in LMS, as well as another space destined for exchanging experiences and learning with courses among users.
participation of teachers who responded to the online survey of semi-structured survey on the experiences of use and level of knowledge of technological tools to support education. The data collected were organized into tables and Analysis algorithms for
grouping were executed to set two subgroups of users, one with skill in technology and one without, so the partial results of the research showed two main algorithms for realization of the Group and the results of both show 92% of similarity between
groups made in two situations, confirming the accuracy of the techniques regarding discrimination against individuals.