
Showing posts with the label counters

Those Tricky Teens and Twenties

This week I am going to tell you TEN great activities to help your kids learn those tricky teen numbers from 11-19!  Of course, place value is a big part of learning to identify the numbers in the teens, but memorization of the names of the numbers also plays a part.  I hope that these ideas are helpful to you! 1.  Ten Frames and Counters "Ten Frames" can help develop a sense of "ten-ness" at a glance. Give the children one with a  completed ten and another one with a five to form 15.  Have the children look at the ten frames and try to put that many objects into a modified egg carton that has just ten spaces- five on each side, plus another five in a bowl or paper plate. Then have them find number 15 on a flashcard and match it, for example.   You can download ten frames, free, right here!! . Instead of the egg cartons, you can get the CounTEN Sorting Cartons .  Ice cube trays with ten spaces also work great.  Sometimes t...