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Günümüzde neredeyse her çalışma disiplininin merkezine oturmuş olan ‘sürdürülebilirlik’ nosyonu çerçevesi içinde; mekanın ‘yer’le ilişkisi ve imaj bağlamında, kimlik ve bellek alt başlıkları öne çıkmaktadır. Yerel, ulusal ve de uluslar... more
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      Industrial HeritageCreative IndustriesSocial sustainabilityArchitecture and Public Spaces
The aim of this paper is to investigate the notion of architectural design as a tool for communication throughout a discussion on its emergent form. Herewith concerned with the explanation of the signified in the signifier theoretically,... more
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      SemioticsDeconstructionArchitectural HistoryPostmodernism
This work examines re-evaluating the neglected spaces in city centers, public realm and cultural heritage notions, within the framework of “sustainability”. “Industrial heritage” and “cultural and creative (/new) industries” phenomena are... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentIndustrial HeritageIdentity (Culture)Urban Regeneration
Known for their several purposes and benefits for buildings and environment, green roofs are a main issue in architectural, urban and mechanical design systems. This work focuses on the design’s energy systems part and aims to acquire... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityEnergy efficiencyGreen Roofs
1980’li yıllardan sonra etkisini yaşamın her alanında belirgin olarak gösteren küreselleşme ve yeni teknolojilerin sürekli gelişimi doğrultusunda, ekonomik, politik ve bunların neticesinde planlama sistemlerinin değişimini, kentlerin... more
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      Identity (Culture)Social sustainabilityPublic Space
The aim of this paper is to discuss the emergent form of deconstructionist architecture, by which -thought in a linguistic way- the extensity from the intensity of materials comes into being throughout sub-references. The answers to the... more
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      DeconstructionArchitectural TheoryPhenomenology of Space and Place
In the vast framework of discussions on design studio pedagogy, this paper focuses on the relationship between the extent of the first-semester architectural design course and the level of individual and social skills developed during it.... more
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      Architecture Design Studio pedagogical methodsArchitecture Education
This paper presents an insight into the learning experiences of the design studio in a specific time-space axis. Variable and ambiguous meanings of architectural design studio culture concept are tried to be made visiblein the... more
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      Student Centered LearningIn-depth InterviewsArchitecture EducationDesign Studio Culture
The discourse on how to innovate and improve design-based higher education has been complex and contradictory over the centuries. Problematized from the starting point that practice (praxis) and theory (theoria) not being comprehended as... more
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      Higher EducationCurriculum DevelopmentDesign StudioArchitecture Education
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      RegenerationIndustrial HeritageUniversity Campuses
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      Mimarlık EğitimiDesign Studio Culturestüdyo kültürü
Mimari tasarım stüdyosunun birlikte öğrenmeye açık pedagojik tabanı dolayısıyla özellikli bir olgu olarak açıklanması gereğinin altı çizilmelidir. Tasarım stüdyosunda, bilmek ile sonuçlanan öğrenme eyleminden ziyade, araştırmak,... more
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      Uzaktan eğitimMimari TasarımMimarlık EğitimiMimari Tasarım Stüdyosu
Mimarlıkta mekâna, sinemada senaryoya karşılık gelen anlatı; zaman, mekân ve hareket kavramlarıyla kurulan disiplinler arası kesitte bir yaşam kurgusu olarak ele alındığında, dönemin dünya görüşü ve toplumsal yapısı ile gündelik hayata... more
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      Urban MorphologySociology of Everyday LifeEveryday LifeIndustrialization
This study examines the inclusive education concept from the perspective of the relatively new Education for All (EFA) notion in an architectural design studio case. The research is mainly based on Cross’s good designer features approach... more
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      Inclusive education (Learning And Teaching)Students FeedbackArchitectural Education- Issues In Teaching Architectural DesignEducators
In the vast framework of discussions on design studio pedagogy, this paper focuses on the relationship between the extent of the first-semester architectural design course and the level of individual and social skills developed during it.... more
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Developing, experimenting, and sharing critical pedagogical approaches is becoming increasingly important in architectural education, which supposedly superposes theory and practice. In this article, the authors reveal and reflect on an... more
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      Peer AssessmentArchitectural EducationReflective practice in educationJohn Dewey
Endüstrileşme ve göçle büyüyen kentlerde yeni mimari unsurlar ortaya çıkmış; modernizmin etkisiyle 20. yüzyılın başlarında, fonksiyonellik ve minimalizm vurgulanarak planlama yaklaşımları değişmiştir. Kentin fiziksel dönüşümüyle birlikte... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesPublicityTactical Urbanism
Abstract: Primary schools were established to educate children about Koran and basics of religion since the early years of Islam. They used to give children the basic level of education in Ottoman Empire, as well. Many primary schools... more
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      Architectural HistoryOttoman art and architectureMimar SinanKültürel Miras
Abstract: Aim: This study aims to determine the architectural approach of Architect Sinan in primary school design by comparing the architectural features of 8 primary schools which are designed by Architect Sinan in architectural... more
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      Architectural HistoryOttoman art and architectureMimar SinanHistorical Metrology
Öz Anadolu Yakası'nda bir Boğaz Köyü olan Paşabahçe'de yerleşimin yoğunlaşması 18. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra gerçekleşmiştir. Sahilde yer alan köy yerleşiminde, bitişik nizam yapılardan oluşan bir doku vardır. Köyün çeperinde,... more
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      Traditional ArchitectureBosphorusBoğaziçiBeykoz