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In the context of the fourth industrial revolution, not all regions have the same access to technology for project development. These technological limitations do not necessarily result in worst projects and, on the contrary, can... more
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      Tactical UrbanismPavilionSimplexityruled surfaces
The city of Piacenza hosts a significant portion of newcomers compared to the number of residents. However, the lack of communication between the two is also straightforward in the urban context. In this regard, an abandoned place near to... more
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      DIY cultureMaker CultureTactical UrbanismAbandoned Places
sul territorio "Lelio Pagani" nel campo delle politiche e degli strumenti di Pianificazione/Programmazione del territorio. Referente per l'Università degli Studi di Bergamo della rete europea UNISCAPE. Dal 2015 è Prorettore delegato... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban RegenerationUrban and community planningTactical Urbanism
‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) urbanism is usually initiated by community members using a grassroots approach to change urban areas. Community planning involves making decisions about urban areas. This paper examines topics regarding DIY urbanism... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationNeoliberalismTactical UrbanismDIY urbanism
Unsanctioned, unscripted, and seemingly “undesirable” activities have long appropriated urban spaces in routine and sometimes unexpected ways, bringing new meanings and unforeseen functions to those places. In the last decade or so, such... more
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      Spatial PracticesUrban DesignInsurgent PlanningUrban Informality
“Urbanismo tático: um guia para as cidades brasileiras” foi criado para difundir a abordagem do urbanismo tático no Brasil e para auxiliar na implantação de ações nas nossas cidades, empoderando cidadãos a promoverem transformações dos... more
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      Public SpaceBrasilEspaço PúblicoTactical Urbanism
Este artículo presenta la cartografía afectiva de Río de Janeiro, dedicada al mapeo de acciones temporales y tácticas realizadas en los espacios públicos, como apropiaciones espontáneas, intervenciones de arte público y fiestas locales.... more
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      Public SpaceRio de JaneiroEspaço PublicoTactical Urbanism
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      Urban PlanningQuality of lifeUrban StudiesHappiness and Well Being
Urban Studies Placebo Urban Interventions. Provincializing the Smart City Model in Santiago, Chile. Abstract The implementation of the Smart City (SC) model in Santiago, Chile has not heralded any significant interventions in terms of... more
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      Urban Studies and PlanningTactical UrbanismUrban Planning, Smart Cities
Thesis. M.U.D. American University of Beirut. Department of Architecture and Design , 2016. ET:6451.
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      Social ChangeCultural HeritageCommunity DevelopmentSocial Interaction
After more than a century of heroic urban visions, city dwellers today live in suburban subdivisions, gated communities, edge cities, apartment towers, and slums. The contemporary cities we know are more often the embodiment of unexpected... more
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      The Everyday (Architecture)UrbanismCity and Regional PlanningUrban Informality
O livro Urbanismo Tático: X ações para transformar cidades analisa os processos pelos quais o urbanismo tático tem sido incorporado na criação de políticas de recuperação e ativação de espaços públicos no cenário contemporâneo,... more
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      Tactical UrbanismUrbanismo Tático
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesSocial Theory
El presente documento hace visible los resultados de un ejercicio investigativo llevado a cabo por el equipo del Laboratorio de Cultura Ciudadana durante 2016. Particularmente, durante 2016 se realizó una pesquisa que tuvo por objetivo... more
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      Community DevelopmentGlobal citiesPolitical communicationUrbanism
PARACITY Magazine presenting the modular organic parasitic urban structure developed for flooding, tsunami-risk, post-industrial and slum areas. Presented in the China Central Academy of Fine Arts CAFAM Biennale 2014. Casagrande... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryArchitectureLandscape Architecture
This paper follows the principles of Tactical Urbanism. It presents an approach to solving problems of vendors in Cairo. The core issue revolving around: "make a relative balance in the application of the principles of Tactical Urbanism... more
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      Urban StudiesUrbanismUrban DesignTactical Urbanism
The publication deals with the issue of evaluating the effects of the currently followed urban policies, especially in reference to the so-called nightmare of participation. The book is part of a debate concerned with phenomena such as... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban RegenerationGentrificationUrbanism
Devido à valorização dos transportes motorizados individuais ao longo do século XX, os espaços urbanos mudaram de configuração afetando a oferta de espaços de qualidade para as pessoas, e, consequentemente, a importância do pedestre nas... more
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      Public SpaceTactical Urbanism
PT Este artigo apresenta o conceito de amabilidade urbana, uma qualidade específica do espaço público submetido a uma intervenção temporária. Trata-se de um atributo espacial que se manifesta através de conexões e interações entre pessoas... more
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      Public spacesArt in public spaceEspaçøs Públicos AbertosTactical Urbanism
Projects like the ones in Savda Ghevra brings to light the fact that to create functional cities as a positive environment for all kinds of citizens, there is a need to move away from the existing approach of simplifying it into a single... more
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    • Tactical Urbanism
In an era rocked by climate change and other disruptions, our cities must be resilient to survive and thrive. But what does that mean, exactly? How can we address the problems facing cities today—poverty, job loss, crumbling... more
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      Climate ChangeSustainable TransportationRenewable EnergyCommunity Resilience
Public space is still one of the most complex architectural and urban planning programs due to the fact that it is compelled to adapt and meet the increasingly specific needs of a high diversity of users. The purpose of this paper is to... more
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      Urban PlanningICT for DevelopmentPedestrian Walkability (Architecture and public spaces)Urban Development
Transitoire, éphémère, temporaire, la pratique de l'aménagement et de l'urbanisme s'enrichit depuis maintenant plusieurs années d'un nouveau vocabulaire. Celui-ci vise à décrire l’importance que prennent certaines actions de court terme... more
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      UrbanismEventsTemporality (Time Studies)Town planning
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      UrbanismSão Paulo (Brazil)Arquitetura e UrbanismoTactical Urbanism
М Ма ат те ер ри иа ал лы ы М Ме еж жд ду ун на ар ро од дн но ой й н на ау уч чн но о--п пр ра ак кт ти ич че ес ск ко ой й к ко он нф фе ер ре ен нц ци ии и 26-27 апреля 2013 г.
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      Social MovementsCommunicationNew MediaUrban Studies
This paper follows the principles of Tactical Urbanism. It presents an approach to solve problems of vendors in Cairo. The core issue revolving around: "make a relative balance in the application of the principles of Tactical Urbanism... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismUrban DesignTactical Urbanism
Trabalho final de graduação na Escola da Cidade em 2016.
Orientadora: Marina Grinover.

Banca com Guilherme Wisnik e Carol Tonetti.
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      CommonsUrban PlanningUrban RegenerationUrban Studies
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      Cultural GeographyContemporary ArtUrbanismPlacemaking
This dissertation explores how we can both imaginatively and practically build another world, another future. Infrastructures of the imagination means using imaginative techniques to design new cities that are sustainable, pluralistic,... more
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      Future StudiesMedia StudiesArt TheoryFilm Studies
Proceedings of 10th INU STUDY DAY on “Crisis and Rebirth of Cities”,  Naples
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      Urban RegenerationPublic spacesTactical Urbanism
Les politiques du temps au service des politiques d’aménagement durable des territoires Ce guide aborde un domaine encore peu exploré par la communauté scientifique française et étrangère et par le monde de la décision publique : le lien... more
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      ArchitectureUser Experience (UX)Urban PlanningUrban Studies
In recent years, there has been an unprecedented exodus of persons displaced from conflict torn regions to Europe. In the third quarter of 2016, about 183,000 people were granted protection status by the European Union member states... more
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      UrbanismCollaborative DesignArchitecture DesignSocial Inclusion
Systems, demography and life in Indian cities is facing complex transformation. Rapid urbanization has put forth the demand for a new thinking process of planned development. In recent past, small scale attempts to improve urban areas,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningPublic Participation In GovernanceUrban Design
Özet Bu çalışmanın konusu, taktiksel kentçiliğin, kuramsal altyapısı, nedenleri, kapsamı, farklı yöntemleri ve güncel örnekleri ile birlikte ele alınarak, incelenmesidir. Taktiksel kentçilik (Tactical Urbanism), Bricolage, Urban... more
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      Michel de CerteauEveryday LifeTactical UrbanismGündelik Hayat
This thesis explores the history and current practice of Intersection-Repair-style street paintings in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR. It assesses relationships between functions street paintings perform and reasons people want to paint,... more
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      Place AttachmentParticipatory DesignStreet ArtPublic Space
Spatial inequality is the development of public space that selects and benefits certain constituencies over others, with direct effects on how space is used, and by whom. Over time it can contribute to socio-political conflict and... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureBoard GamesDIY cultureUrban Design
Transient, ephemeral, temporary, the practice of planning and urban development has been enriched with a new vocabulary for several years now. The purpose of this article is to describe the importance that certain short-term actions... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismTemporality (Time Studies)Town planning
Ce guide pratique sur l'étude et la mise en oeuvre des projets temporaires, a été conçu pour l'Union Sociale de L'Habitat à l'attention des organismes Hlm. Il renseigne les questions importantes à se poser à toutes les étapes d'un projet... more
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      Urban StudiesSocial HousingUrban Studies and PlanningTactical Urbanism
This discussion of participatory urbanism will describe the context from which it emerged in the United States, define the term and its current manifestation, and describe an early example of participatory urbanism seeded by digital... more
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      Design Process (Architecture)Urban DesignTactical UrbanismCommunity participation and engagement
The overvaluation of the use of automobile has detrimentally affected the importance of pedestrians within the city and consequently its public spaces. As a way of treating contemporary urban paradigms, Tactical Urbanism aims to recover... more
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      Tactical UrbanismUrbanismo Tático
Guerra dos lugares: a colonização da terra e da moradia na era das finanças. São Paulo: Boitempo.
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    • Tactical Urbanism
Este libro presenta algunas aproximaciones tanto conceptuales como prácticas a los temas de derecho a la ciudad, cultura ciudadana e innovación pública para la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia). En este manuscrito, en primer lugar, Anna... more
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      Social MovementsGlobal citiesDemocratizationPolitical communication
This book is set in Merryweather and Akkurat Bold It is printed on Munken Cream 80g paper/Card Graphics 275g. Generated with Print on Demand Technology dpr-barcelona Viladomat 59 4o 4a 08015 Barcelona w tw @dpr_barcelona... more
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      ArchitectureUrban Design (Urban Studies)Urban DesignTactical Urbanism
In an era rocked by climate change and other large-scale disruptions, our cities must be resilient in order to survive and thrive. But what does that mean, exactly? What is known about urban resilience, and what remains to be explored?... more
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      Climate ChangeSustainable TransportationRenewable EnergyConservation
Localizado no centro de Brasília, o Conic, um complexo de edifícios no Setor de Diversões Sul, foi concebido por Lucio Costa como um lugar sofisticado e cosmopolita para abrigar funções voltadas ao comércio e ao entretenimento. No... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchParticipatory DesignCommunity Engagement & ParticipationUrban Regeneration
This paper proposes a reflection on the tactical modes of production and consumption of spatial structures from the study of urban situations located in the center and the periphery. The argument is based on the critique of political... more
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      SemioticsLatin American StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesNarrative
This paper discusses a contemporary design strategy to deal with urban spaces. In 21st century architecture it is possible to recognize the existence of several projects that consist in doing almost nothing, carrying out only minimal... more
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      ArchitectureSustainable Urban EnvironmentsArchitectural TheoryTheory Of Architecture
Sustaining participation in design is difficult, especially in neighborhoods that seek change consistent with their cultural values. Participatory Design offers several approaches (e.g. infrastructuring) that help to balance the... more
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      Participatory DesignCommunity Engagement & ParticipationGentrificationUrbanism
A presente dissertação é fruto de uma investigação sobre formas e possibilidades de atuação política na cidade contemporânea. Em contraponto direto à crise de projeto e da representatividade política instaurada na contemporaneidade, as... more
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      Urban interventions (Architecture)Artist CollectivesTactical UrbanismUrbanismo, Intervenções Urbanas
Workshop report on tactical urbanism for Heerenstraat, in Paramaribo's Historic Inner City. A collaboration between TU Delft's European Post-master in Urbanism, the Inter-American Development Bank and Suriname's Ministry of Education in... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismCommunity ParticipationUrban Design