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Questions tagged [automation]

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Authentication errors when using build server

This is my build command: ...
virtouso's user avatar
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How to automate strafe jumping?

I'm a complete noob when it comes to math so excuse my ignorance. I've trying to automate strafe jumping (from the quake engine) into another quake engine based game. I've tried a fair bit to get this ...
illtropic's user avatar
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Generating Shader Includes via script at compile time

I'm experimenting with compute shaders in Unity. A pretty typical thing you wanna do is marshal a buffer of structs back and fourth between C# and HLSL land. Ordinarily you'd have to manually define ...
Charly's user avatar
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Install and register game to local steam client programmatically

I'm doing some automated UI testing - I want to programmatically install a game and then launch it. From what I've seen, the Steam client isn't very accessible for UI automation (I can't view elements ...
TomSelleck's user avatar
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Unity Build Automation

My current project has some editor scripts that I run just prior to run/build, which dynamically creates some game objects in my main scene based on configuration. I don't want these objects to ...
Dan Bryant's user avatar
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Text based cards tracker

I wish to build a card tracker that reads in game text and keeps track on the cards that are out. Like an Overwolf app, but for a card game. I mailed Overwolf and asked what are my options, they ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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Build Unity from C# script

I'd like to build and package all the ports of my Unity game through a scripting system. Linux and Windows work fine through the Unity command line options, but there is none for WebGL. For WebGL, ...
piegames's user avatar
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Setup sub platforms inside Unity

I want to automate some of my Unity build process. I know that setting up automatic builds for platforms is relatively easy, just start Unity headless and tell it to build platform X! This is fine ...
user3797758's user avatar
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How to assign game objects to a script without dragging and dropping into inspector?

So I have a script for getting into a car which, when mouse down is detected on the given game object it will teleport the player to the car, turn of the player's controller, and switch the player ...
nova nanite's user avatar
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"Solve" a game algorithmically -- creating bots (and making them smart) [closed]

EDIT : at first I gave a lot of context for this question, explaining why I wanted to create a bot. I'm sorry it distracted people from my "actual" question. My question is pretty simple : how does ...
Feffe's user avatar
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Create Full Tile Map Zone in an Art Software, then generate corresponding tile name list?

I'm completely new to tile map creation. I'm a programmer and I'd like to make life easier for myself. It's a bit long to explain the problem I think I have, but bear with me. The Scenario: From ...
Jordy's user avatar
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Generating Formulas for glDrawElements with Tile Grids

glDrawElements can be used to save you from uploading a lot of vertices to the GPU. Many 2D games use tiles, which are rendered in grids. I have done some ...
Lucien's user avatar
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libgdx automove Actor does not work

I am trying to make my sprite start moving from the moment it is created and do its animation. It draws on the screen right and animates but doesn't move. It should start moving towards the direction ...
nitheism's user avatar
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Efficient method to export a lot of pre-rendered sprites from 3D models

I have a lot of 3D Characters and I wish to use them in a 2.5D game as Sprites; in doing this I have to render them from a fixed camera angle and since each should have its own atlas file containing ...
Iman Rosstin's user avatar
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How to calculate the estimated time of arrival and control signal between two quaternion?

I'm trying to wrap my head around a control algorithm for a space game. If the user sets a target rotation I want to get a ETA counter and show the engine output. The only input to the system is a max ...
Johan Holtby's user avatar
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I can load new tiles but how do I load new chunks?

I have successfully been able to add new tiles and place random trees on a 2d map grid however I haven't used chunks. I just load a new tile when the player moves and save it to the map array. But I ...
zachdyer's user avatar
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XNA - Autodeploy .exe of game upon succesfull commit to GIT

I know of ClickOnce which creates an .exe file so a user can play my XNA game. However, I have to manually go through a wizard in order to create this file. I would like for the new .exe to be ...
R-nold's user avatar
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Automatic Left/Right movement

First 2d game in Unity. Started Character controller in C#. Tried to get the character to move constantly right then once it hits the wall move left without needing any input from the player. Looked ...
user49628's user avatar
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Auto-tiling with Yoshi's Island style tiles

I'm creating a 2D platformer and I'd like to implement an auto-tiling system. Normally, this wouldn't be particularly difficult. However, I'd like to have tiles like in Yoshi's Island, where the ...
jmegaffin's user avatar
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How can I extract a list of Minecraft items and recipes?

I'm designing a robust system for resolving item dependencies in Minecraft and to do so, I need to maintain a database of items and recipes. Right now, this database has to be hand-crafted (no pun ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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Is it worth having AI opponents step in for disconnected players in an online multiplayer card game

I have an online multiplayer card game resembling spades/bridge and I want to implement a system that autoplays when a client disconnects. Right now, there is a client and server. In the new system, ...
Mika's user avatar
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Cocos2D Command-Line Application

Is it possible to create a terminal application which uses cocos2d? I've tried to make one using cocos2d 2.x, but it requires a MacGLView to be initialized. I need it so that I could program a ...
Hasyimi Bahrudin's user avatar
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How can I generate a 2d navigation mesh in a dynamic environment at runtime?

So I've grasped how to use A* for path-finding, and I am able to use it on a grid. However, my game world is huge and I have many enemies moving toward the player, which is a moving target, so a grid ...
Stephen's user avatar
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UI Automation for Flash Games [closed]

has anyone used or heard of a good selenium-like toolset for doing automated UI testing with Flash? I would ideally like to have the ability to record and playback events against my game and integrate ...
j03m's user avatar
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Calculate winner of battle when auto is chosen

There are two slightly different scenarios I am interested in and I'l give you examples of each. The first is like the tournament system in Super Smash Brothers Melee, when there can be dozens of cpu ...
Skeith's user avatar
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Automating repetitive game development tasks

Disclaimer: this is an open-ended and kinda "far out" question Over the last few years I've made a few iPhone games. I use very common programs like Xcode and Illustrator to make the games. ...
MrDatabase's user avatar
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