Media File
Media File
Media File
B1 B2
Guide pdagogique
Coordination pdagogique
Juliette Ban-Larrosa
IA-IPR, Acadmie de Paris
Claudine Lennevi
Acadmie de Caen
Pascale Fontaine
Claudine Lennevi
Acadmie de Versailles
Acadmie de Caen
Mlanie Herment
Isabelle Tripault
Acadmie de Paris
Acadmie de Rennes
Corinne Legay
Hugues Azas
Acadmie dAmiens
Acadmie de Toulouse
La loi du 11 mars 1957 nautorisant, au terme des alinas 2 et 3 de larticle 41, dune part, que les copies ou reproductions strictement rserves lusage priv du copiste et non destin une utilisation collective et, dautre part, que les analyses et les courtes
citations dans le but dexemple et dillustration, toute reproduction intgrale, ou partielle, faite sans le consentement de lauteur
ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause, est illicite. (alina 1er de larticle 40) cette reprsentation ou reproduction, par quelque
procd que ce soit, constituerait donc une contre faon sanctionne par les articles 425 et suivants du Code Pnal.
Les ditions Didier, Paris, 2012
ISBN 978-2-278-07387-0
Introduction ............................................................ p. 5
- Fiches dvaluation et de notation ........ p. 18
Dossier TICE ............................................................. p. 21
Unit 1 Going to university .................................... p. 27
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. 55-61
Unit 2 The new Americans ................................... p. 63
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. 96-101
Unit 3 Tech-less world .......................................... p. 103
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. 126-132
Unit 4 The Queen ................................................ p. 133
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. 157-163
Unit 5 War on screen ........................................... p. 165
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. 200-206
Unit 6 Telecommuting ......................................... p. 207
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. xx
Unit 7 Museum restitution ................................... p. xx
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. xx
Unit 8 British characters ...................................... p. xx
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. xx
Unit 9 News from the world ................................. p. xx
- Fiches valuations ............................... p. xx
Password Tle sinscrit la suite de Password 1re dans les prconisations du nouveau programme du cycle
terminal (B.O. du 30 septembre 2010). La mthode a pour objectif de consolider les acquis de la classe de
premire dans les cinq activits langagires et de permettre aux lves datteindre le niveau B2 du CECRL
en n de classe terminale, tout en les exposant de manire dynamique aux ralits culturelles du monde
anglophone. Elle croise comptences langagires, comptences culturelles et comptences linguistiques.
Les comptences dans chacune des cinq activits langagires font lobjet dun travail de consolidation
et de dveloppement progressif et structur. Ces activits langagires sont travailles en synergie au
cours des chapitres, la communication les articulant entre elles : on ne pourrait concevoir un cours o les
lves ne sexprimeraient pas sous prtexte quils doivent progresser en comprhension, ou ne feraient
que de la mthodologie parce que certaines stratgies de base leur font dfaut, ou encore, seraient
invits sexprimer loral sans activit de passage lcrit pour synthtiser et structurer leur parole
dans un autre code.
Chaque chapitre de Password Tle :
- aborde et explore un thme culturel, li aux notions du programme ;
- est pilot par une tche nale ;
- intgre les comptences linguistiques en lien avec le thme et les tches nales ;
- privilgie deux activits langagires : une activit langagire dominante , laquelle est associe
une autre activit langagire, articulant ainsi rception et production. Mais quelles que soient ces deux
activits langagires centrales, les trois autres sont galement prsentes au travers de supports ou
dactivits. La production orale, mme lorsquelle nest pas considre comme spciquement dominante , constitue un objectif majeur et est toujours prsente : cest sur lactivit orale des lves que
repose tout lapprentissage ;
- propose deux types dvaluations en n de parcours : valuations par la tche dans les deux activits
langagires cibles dans le chapitre dune part, et valuations type BAC en vue de la prparation aux
nouvelles preuves du baccalaurat dans les cinq activits langagires dautre part.
La progression annuelle prvoit un travail sur toutes les activits langagires et couvre les quatre notions
au programme.
Chapitres et notions au programme :
Mythes et hros
Espaces et changes
Lide de progrs
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
4. The Queen
5. War on screen
8. British characters
2. The New Americans
7. Museum restitution
3. Tech-less world
6. Telecommuting
1. Going to university
9. News from the world
Recap qui clturent chaque double-page de documents ; une che rcapitulative (propose sous forme de
che photocopiable dans le Workbook et mise la disposition des lves sur
peut tre renseigne au fur et mesure du parcours pour visualiser et faciliter la synthse et prparer aux
preuves orales du baccalaurat.
Des lments culturels phares sont abords par des entres originales : par exemple, les notions
de pouvoir et contre-pouvoir par la question de la slection lentre luniversit, lide de progrs
par des rcits post-apocalyptiques, les espaces et changes par le sujet de la restitution leur pays
dorigine dobjets patrimoniaux conservs dans les muses du monde occidental.
2. Lapproche actionnelle
Clairement dnie dans les programmes du collge et prconise dans le programme de seconde, lapproche
actionnelle prend toute sa place dans lobjectif denrichissement culturel du cycle terminal.
Dans Password Tle, chaque chapitre est ax sur deux activits langagires une de rception, lautre de
production , values toutes deux dans des tches nales (ex. Final Tasks, manuel p. 26). Dans ce guide
pdagogique, un parcours minimal (ex. p. 00) est suggr pour chaque chapitre : il permet de raliser la tche
nale dans lactivit langagire dominante.
Lapproche actionnelle de Password Tle se caractrise aussi par la ralisation de tches dentranement,
notamment dans lactivit langagire dominante, en vue de la prparation de la tche nale. Ces training
tasks permettent galement dapprofondir des lments culturels en lien avec la notion aborde (ex. :
manuel p. 19).
Le manuel propose neuf chapitres qui invitent llve, en n de parcours, rinvestir et mettre en uvre
ses comptences dans les activits langagires :
- deux chapitres associant CO et PO (units 2 et 7) ;
- un chapitre associant CO et PE (unit 5) ;
- deux chapitres associant CE et PO (units 1 et 6) ;
- quatre chapitres associant CE et PE (units 3, 4, 8, 9).
Le pilotage par la tche nale assure la cohrence de ces parcours : les activits de rception et de production proposes en entranement concourent au mme objectif, donner aux lves les savoirs et savoir-faire
utiles la ralisation des tches nales.
Ces tches ainsi que les comptences vises sont clairement annonces au dbut de chaque chapitre an
de donner un l conducteur et un but identi la squence.
La tche de production ancre celle-ci dans des contextes dnis qui permettent aux lves dtre auteurs
de leurs actes de langage, lcrit comme loral. Ils ont ainsi la possibilit de donner libre cours leur
inventivit pour sexprimer personnellement et communiquer de manire authentique en anglais, en rinvestissant ce qui a t appris au cours de la squence.
Les chapitres permettent dtudier et de sexercer des types de discours diffrents, notamment raconter
(story-telling / creative writing), dcrire et/ou expliquer (describing / explaining), argumenter et dbattre
(arguing / debating).
Les tches nales proposes le sont dans un souci de cohrence didactique du parcours. Selon le temps que
le professeur souhaitera consacrer familiariser les lves au nouveau format des preuves du baccalaurat,
il/elle pourra choisir de faire faire ou non les tches nales suggres, Ces tches peuvent donc ne pas tre
faites systmatiquement, mais il est important de ne pas les ngliger compltement : elles donnent un l
directeur la squence denseignement, permettent aux lves de montrer leurs comptences dans les
cinq activits langagires et donnent au professeur un guidage dans la progression annuelle.
Grammaire et lexique
La grammaire de Password Tle est une grammaire pour dire et faire : loral comme lcrit, un point de
langue est abord dans la mesure o llve en a besoin pour comprendre ou pour sexprimer. Cette grammaire fait une part gale loral et lcrit : des activits dentranement et des apports thoriques sont
fournis dans ces deux domaines. On pourra se rfrer au prcis grammatical (manuel p. 188) et au prcis
phonologique (manuel p. 214).
Lapprentissage du lexique fait galement lobjet de multiples activits qui aident les lves toffer leur
vocabulaire par classement, drivation ou dveloppement de domaines lexicaux.
La correction phonologique, indissociable de lintelligibilit, est aussi importante si ce nest plus dans le cas
de langlais , que la correction syntaxique. Il sagit bien sr de faire acqurir une prononciation recevable des
phonmes mais aussi daider les lves comprendre et de les entraner respecter les caractristiques
suprasegmentales. Celles-ci seront galement primordiales en rception.
Le prcis de prononciation offre llve la possibilit dentendre sur le CD audio encart dans le manuel
CD 1 Classe : documents et entranements) les exemples cits, et de sentraner en autonomie
partir de courts enregistrements.
De nombreuses activits permettent llve de reconnatre les rgles et les rgularits auxquelles obit
langlais oral pour mieux le comprendre, puis le mettre progressivement en musique pour mieux communiquer.
4. Progression
Dans le manuel
Les chapitres se succdent dans le manuel selon une progression dans les comptences demandes dans
lactivit langagire de production phare.
Expression orale en continu :
- unit 1 : dfendre une motion tire au sort (argumentation dfendant un point qui nest pas le sien) ;
- unit 6 : faire une campagne promotionnelle (argumentation adapter au public concern).
Expression orale en interaction :
- unit 2 : prendre part une mission tlvise o un rle prcis est assign chacun (rinvestissement
de faits et dexplications tudis) ;
- unit 7 : prendre part un dbat dides et dfendre son point de vue selon le rle assign (recombinaison
dexplications et darguments divers vus dans le chapitre et mise en perspective personnelle).
Expression crite :
- unit 3 : rdiger la description dun monde post-apocalyptique (invention, description, explication) ;
- unit 4 : rdiger un pisode de la vie dElizabeth II partir dun fait divers rel (cration selon une trame
narrative connue) ;
- unit 5 : rdiger une critique de lm (cration guide par genre de lcrit) ;
- unit 8 : rdiger le portrait dun personnage emblmatique de la culture britannique (crit sous-tendu par
connaissances culturelles) ;
- unit 9 : participer une discussion sur un forum en ligne sur le mtier de journaliste (argumentation).
En rception, les supports proposs sont en adquation avec lactivit langagire de rception privilgie
dans le chapitre et les tches nales. Les documents audios et vidos sont de nature diverse (documentaire,
bande-annonce, extraits de lms...). Les articles de presse sont nombreux mais la majorit des supports
sont des extraits de ction an de consolider la lecture dcrits charge implicite.
La progression du manuel nest pas rigide : le professeur nest pas oblig de suivre les chapitres dans un
ordre strict, lui/elle de dnir, selon les lves et leurs acquis, ce qui leur est le mieux adapt.
5. Lvaluation
Les activits langagires ne peuvent tre construites de manire isole mais les acquis doivent tre valus
sparment an de donner une image juste du niveau de llve selon lactivit langagire cible : on peut
tre meilleur en rception quen expression, ou plus laise loral qu lcrit, et inversement.
Laccent mis sur lacquisition de comptences par les lves roriente lvaluation et ses formes : il ne
sagit plus uniquement de juger des savoirs ou de noter un niveau selon une norme universelle, mais de
jauger ce que llve sait et peut en faire lorsquil est confront une tche nouvelle pour laquelle il aura
t prpar par des moyens multiples.
Les nouvelles preuves du Baccalaurat prvoient une valuation de chacune des activits langagires.
6. La prparation au baccalaurat
Les entranements spcifiques
Cinq chapitres proposent des pages conseils et des entranements spcifiques aux cinq activits langagires values:
Chapitre 1 : expression orale en continu
Chapitre 2 : comprhension de loral
Chapitre 3 : comprhension de lcrit ( partir dun support unique) et expression crite
Chapitre 4 : comprhension de lcrit ( partir de deux textes)
Chapitre 7 : expression orale en interaction
Dans ces pages, outre des extraits du texte de dfinition des preuves (B.O. du 24 novembre 2011), on trouvera des conseils pour aborder les sujets le jour de lpreuve ainsi que des activits guides et commentes.
Les valuations
lissue de chaque chapitre sont proposes des valuations des comptences orales et des comptences
crites construites en conformit avec les textes du B.O. dfinissant les preuves. Ces preuves diffrent
selon les sries. La comprhension de loral nest pas prvue pour la srie L, mais il est utile de se rappeler
que cette comptence est fondamentale la construction de la comptence dexpression orale. Il est donc
recommand dentraner tous les lves la comprhension de loral, et donc dvaluer leurs acquis dans
cette activit langagire.
La comprhension de loral
Un document sonore authentique li la notion aborde dans le chapitre est propos dans le
luations pour chaque chapitre.
CD2 va-
Le barme est fourni par la fiche dvaluation et de notation publie avec les nouvelles dfinitions des
preuves : un exemplaire est propos dans ce guide p. 00. Pour chaque document, les lments de corrigs
proposs dans ce guide sont donc prsents sous forme de fiche renseigne avec les lments attendus
pour chaque niveau (ex. p. 00).
Lexpression orale
Elle prendra la forme dune synthse de ce qui a t vu dans le chapitre, adosse la problmatique aborde.
Une fiche rcapitulative (reproduite dans le Workbook ou accessible sur aidera les
lves baliser cette synthse orale.
La fiche dvaluation et de notation publie avec les nouvelles dfinitions des preuves (reproduite p. 00 de
ce guide), ne peut, pour cette activit langagire, tre renseigne avec des lments de contenu attendus,
la prestation de llve ne pouvant tre prsuppose.
La comprhension de lcrit
Le sujet est compos dun texte (chapitre 3) ou de plusieurs documents (tous les autres chapitres).
Les questions sont barmes en points ; le total des points, aprs la division indique, donnera la note sur 10.
Lexpression crite
Elle comportera deux sujets dexpression lun de nature narrative, lautre de nature explicative et/ou
Il nexiste pas, pour le moment, de fiche dvaluation et de notation officielle. On pourra valuer lexpression
en tenant compte du traitement du sujet dune part, de la recevabilit linguistique de lautre. Des suggestions
sont fournies dans ce guide p. 00 en fonction des types de sujet, mais il va de soi que ces suggestions seront
obsoltes ds quune fiche de notation officielle aura t publie.
les stratgies de rception de loral et sont mises en avant lorsque les projets sont oraux (pages Language
Tools et Workbook) ;
- les activits de rception et dexpression (notamment dans les Training Tasks) font lobjet dun entranement rigoureux pour doter les lves des outils conceptuels, langagiers, linguistiques et mthodologiques
ncessaires la ralisation de la tche nale.
1. Stimuler la communication
Password Tle aide stimuler la communication en classe :
- en donnant loccasion, lenvie et le besoin de sexprimer ;
- en fondant la communication sur des changes rels ;
- en proposant des situations de communication motivantes qui favorisent la participation active.
Le manuel aide le professeur se dcentrer :
- il fait conance aux lves et part de ce quils ont appris en cours danglais, dans dautres disciplines
ou en dehors de lcole ;
- il favorise le travail coopratif, o coute et respect de lautre sont essentiels : ainsi, il aide les lves les
moins laise et valorise ceux qui le sont davantage en favorisant les changes dides et de comptences
lors des travaux en groupe ;
- il encourage la circulation de la parole dlve lve (discuss with the class, discuss in your group,
report back to the other groups) ;
- il soutient les efforts dattention et dcoute (coute active et participation sont favorises par des appels
ractions, des tches dcoute, une incitation la prise de notes et par des pauses rcapitulatives
intervalles rguliers).
individuelles, et donc souvent divergentes, que lon pourra construire collectivement une langue recevable
et permettre ainsi chaque lve damliorer sa langue.
La dmarche dvaluation se caractrise gnralement par un questionnement directif. Ce type de
questionnement peut avoir son utilit, mais le privilgier pour solliciter la parole prsente des inconvnients :
- il peut court-circuiter la mmoire immdiate et arrter les lves qui seraient capables de sexprimer sur
ce quils viennent dentendre (souvent les dernires rpliques) mais pas dans lordre choisi par le professeur
(qui dans sa logique personnelle commencera par le commencement) ;
- il impose la communication le schma articiel des questions-rponses, et donne ainsi aux lves
limpression que prendre la parole, cest dabord rpondre des questions... que lon ne se poserait pas
ncessairement demble ;
- il ne permet pas ceux qui nont pas bien compris la question dintervenir ;
- il force llve un cheminement qui nest pas ncessairement le sien un moment donn et contraint sa
parole : llve doit rendre compte du sens dans lordre des questions, ordre qui peut ne pas lui tre vident.
Ce qui ne lui permettra pas de sexprimer, faute de connatre la rponse attendue, ou de savoir comment
laborer cette rponse ;
- il limite lexpression discursive : une question ferme on peut souvent rpondre par des mots isols ;
- il nentrane pas llve faire une synthse de ce quil a compris.
Cest la raison pour laquelle lappareil pdagogique de Password Tle limite les questions.
Il est bien sr possible dutiliser le questionnement directif pour aider structurer la pense et la
parole mais on ne peut ordonner des lments que lorsquon a sufsamment dinformations pour cela et
que lon sait dans quel but on le fait.
Par exemple, lors de la premire dcouverte dun texte on demande souvent who?, what?, where?. Or les
rponses ces questions ncessitent parfois que lon ait pris le temps de relire, de sinterroger, damorcer
la construction du sens, et on ne peut donc pas les poser demble. En revanche, llve peut les utiliser
pour lui-mme, lorsquil y aura t entran, comme stratgie pour baliser la reconstitution du factuel.
Identification du genre
Le genre auquel appartient le document peut aussi servir de base aux reprages ncessaires : si lon sait
quon va lire ou couter un texte extrait dun roman policier, un conte, un crit militant, on peut prvoir quels
reprages pourront tre pertinents.
Nature du document
Le guidage par le sens repose aussi sur le respect de la nature et de la spcicit des documents :
- un texte destin tre lu ne studie pas comme un texte destin tre entendu ;
- un texte destin tre entendu ne peut pas studier partir de son script ;
- une vido ne studie pas comme un support oral sans images ;
- un texte tir de la presse ne studie pas comme un extrait duvre littraire ;
- un extrait de lm de ction ne se regarde pas comme un documentaire but prcis.
Il est possible de faire couter un texte crit aprs quon la tudi, lorsque son sens a t construit et
compris, dans le but spcique de mettre en relief les liens entre sens et phonologie ; mais la lecture tant
une activit individuelle qui ncessite que lon puisse lire son rythme, on laissera dans un premier temps
les lves dcouvrir lcrit par eux-mmes.
Un document vido a la particularit dassocier limage et le son. Pour en conduire lexploitation, il faut
donc dterminer o et comment lun et lautre...
- se compltent : limage aide alors gnralement comprendre le son ;
- sont redondants : on peut alors se passer du son pour comprendre ;
- sont dissocis : on doit prter attention au son, limage napportant que peu daide.
Types de textes
Ltude des textes selon leur type (narratif, informatif, argumentatif, etc.) doit aussi tre prise en compte. Il
sera utile, sur ce point, de sintresser ce que les lves tudient en classe de franais : les types de textes,
registres et genres y sont abords ds le collge. Lentre par les types de textes fait appel en rception
des stratgies que les lves utilisent aussi en classe de franais et permet, en production, de sappuyer
sur des modles ables de construction du discours.
Tous les documents sonores proposs dans Password Tle proviennent de sources extrieures (missions
de radio ou autres), ou ont t enregistrs en studio par nos soins partir de briefs non rdigs. Ce guide
pdagogique propose des transcriptions des documents sonores et de la bande son des documents vido
proposs en supports principaux dentranement.
Ces transcriptions peuvent constituer une aide pour le professeur mais ne lui permettent pas elles
seules de mener son travail danalyse du support sonore : seule lcoute du document lui permettra de se
rendre directement compte des particularits de chacun de ces supports et vitera les dangers inhrents
aux prparations de mise en place de la comprhension de loral partir de la transcription crite.
Il est entendu quen situation dapprentissage scolaire et selon les objectifs xs, la consultation du script
aprs coute et lucidation du sens peut tre utile. Dans ce cas, on liera cette consultation une activit qui
renforcera les comptences phonologiques des lves. Par exemple, rcouter un document (dont le sens aura
pralablement t construit) avec le script et stylo en main pour marquer tel ou tel phnomne et entraner
son oreille le reprer.
En revanche, nous ne fournissons pas de script pour les documents audio proposs en valuation la
dmarche gnrale, lorsquil sagit dun examen ou dun concours, est que le jury prpare le barme
lcoute uniquement, sans connaissance pralable de lcrit.
4. Dvelopper lautonomie
Les neuf chapitres sont construits de manire accompagner les lves dans lacquisition/la consolidation
dune autonomie langagire et favoriser des transferts de plus en plus importants.
Divers outils sont mis la disposition des lves pour favoriser lautonomie :
- la double-page Stratgies ;
- des entranements sur des savoir-faire cls du chapitre : Training Tasks et activits des pages Language Tools ;
- des entranements la synthse (Recap).
1. Formes de travail
La dmarche de Password Tle donne llve un rle majeur. Il sagit pour lui de participer laction et
de dire et faire le plus possible.
La gestion du groupe classe est de ce fait modie : des travaux peuvent ncessiter que les lves travaillent
en groupes de tailles diverses (par deux, trois ou quatre ; par quart, tiers ou moiti de classe). On pourra
aussi prvoir que des travaux soient mens en dehors de la classe, notamment laide des TICE : ceci augmentera lexposition la langue et permettra de se concentrer, dans la classe, sur les travaux ncessitant
un guidage et sur la production orale des lves.
Travail de groupe
Llve apprend mieux en faisant : lentranement vise lautonomie et implique que llve puisse se
confronter la langue sans questionnement magistral prdtermin. Llve doit donc, aussi souvent que
possible, avoir la main dans la dcouverte des supports.
Le travail de groupe permet aux lves de construire leur apprentissage au travers dchanges entre pairs :
linteractivit se fait alors sans lombre de la correction magistrale. Les questions qui se posent, les rponses
que lon trouve, vitent lautocensure. En dautres termes, le travail par groupe permet la ngociation et le
questionnement, dabord en collectivit rduite pour parvenir des rponses qui leur tour seront ngocies
et discutes avec le reste de la classe.
Il sera important de faire comprendre aux lves que ce travail est un entranement supplmentaire et fait
partie de lacquisition de la langue. Il doit se drouler imprativement en anglais.
Ce travail de groupe renforce lentranement la prise de parole et lacquisition de savoir-faire qui vont audel de la matrise des structures de la langue : couter, tenir compte de la parole de lautre, ragir avec pertinence, oser dire pour soi, interroger ses convictions, senrichir de lopinion des autres, apprendre cooprer
Il concourra ainsi une construction rgulire des comptences dexpression orale : la prise de parole en
continu, comme linteraction orale ou le dbat, sont des formes spciques de prise de parole ; elles sont
plus complexes quil ny parat et on devra tudier leurs spcicits de manire explicite. Ces formes de
prise de parole auront t solidement prpares cours aprs cours si les lves sont quips en expression
discursive personnelle.
Il serait nanmoins souhaitable quau cours de lanne tous les lves puissent travailler avec des groupes
diffrents de manire garantir la cohsion de la classe, si importante pour que chacun puisse sexprimer
en son nom propre.
Les consignes
Les lves pourront dautant mieux se saisir de lautonomie qui leur est laisse sils savent clairement
quelle est leur tche et de quelle dure ils disposent pour laccomplir. Les consignes donnes dans le
manuel pourront tre explicites si besoin est an que chacun sache exactement ce que lon attend, et de
lui, et du groupe.
On pourra dsigner ou demander de dsigner un animateur ou modrateur pour rguler les interventions de chacun lintrieur du groupe et garder un il sur la montre. On pourra galement dsigner
ou demander de dsigner un rapporteur ou secrtaire , charg de rendre compte du travail du groupe
la classe.
Un entranement systmatique
Les entranements, cest--dire la mise en bouche et la mise en oreille , sont dautant plus indispensables quand on ne passe que quelques heures par semaine parler et pratiquer une langue trangre.
La prosodie de la langue anglaise est trs loigne de larticulation syllabique du franais et cest par les
rptitions et les habitudes dcoute que lon peut aider les lves grer les spcicits de ces deux ralits linguistiques. Ainsi, on nhsitera pas faire travailler les lves en autonomie sur leur
CD pour
complter un travail non termin en classe par exemple , puis faire restituer en classe le sens de ce
quils ont compris.
Des rptitions collectives et individuelles dnoncs achevs et dont le sens a t clairement saisi de
tous doivent tre orchestres tout au long du cours rptitions dont le professeur donnera le modle, quil
faudra au besoin redonner, entre deux lves, pour viter les dperditions naturelles.
Critres de russite
la note choisie
LV1 : 1 pt
LV2 : 2 pts
LV1 : 3 pts
LV2 : 4 pts
LV1 : 5 pts
LV2 : 6 pts
LV1 : 8 pts
LV2 : 10 pts
LV1 : 10 pts
Critres de russite
Le candidat na pas compris le document. Il nen a repr que des lments
isols et nest parvenu en identifier ni le thme ni les interlocuteurs (leur
fonction, leur rle).
A1 Le candidat est parvenu relever des mots isols et des expressions
courantes qui, malgr quelques mises en relation, ne lui ont permis daccder
qu une comprhension superficielle ou partielle du document (en particulier,
les interlocuteurs nont pas t pleinement identifis).
A2 Certaines informations ont t comprises mais le relev est insuffisant et
conduit une comprhension encore lacunaire ou partielle.
Le candidat a su identifier le thme de la discussion et la fonction ou le rle
des interlocuteurs.
B1 Le candidat a su relever les points principaux de la discussion (contexte,
objet, interlocuteurs et, ventuellement, conclusion de lchange).
Comprhension satisfaisante.
B2 Le candidat a saisi et relev un nombre suffisant de dtails significatifs
(relations entre les interlocuteurs, tenants et aboutissants, attitude des
locuteurs, ton, humour, points de vue, etc.).
Comprhension fine.
Apprciation :
Note de llve A + B (2 documents) ou A x 2 (1 document) =
la note choisie
LV1 : 1 pt
LV2 : 2 pts
LV1 : 3 pts
LV2 : 4 pts
LV1 : 5 pts
LV2 : 6 pts
LV1 : 8 pts
LV2 : 10 pts
LV1 : 10 pts
. /20
A. Sexprimer en continu
B. Prendre part
une conversation
C. Intelligibilit/recevabilit
Degr 1
Degr 1
LV1 : 1 pt
Produit des
noncs trs
LV2 : 1 ou
courts, strotyps, 2 pts
ponctus de
pauses et de faux
Peut intervenir
simplement, mais
la communication
repose sur la
rptition et la
Degr 2
Degr 2
Degr 2
Sexprime dans
une langue
malgr un
vocabulaire limit
et des erreurs.
Degr 3
Degr 3
Produit un discours
simple et bref
propos de la notion
LV1 : 3 pts
LV2 : 4 pts
Degr 3
Produit un discours
articul et nuanc,
pertinent par
rapport la notion
LV1 : 4 pts
LV2 : 5 pts
Degr 1
Prend sa part
dans lchange,
sait au besoin
se reprendre et
LV1 : 2 pts
LV2 : 2 pts
LV1 : 4 pts
LV2 : 6 pts
Sexprime dans
une langue qui
est partiellement
LV1 : 1 ou
2 pts
LV2 : 1 ou
2 pts
LV1 : 3 ou
4 pts
LV2 : 3, 4
ou 5 pts
LV1 : 5 ou
6 pts
LV2 : 6 ou
7 pts
Degr 4
Degr 4
convaincre, ragit
avec vivacit et
LV1 : 6 pts
Sexprime dans
une langue
correcte, fluide,
qui sapproche de
LV1 : 7 ou
8 pts
LV2 : 8 pts
Note A, sur 6
Sexprimer en
Note B, sur 6
Prendre part une
Note C, sur 8
Sexprimer en
Degr 4
Apprciation :
Note de llve (total A + B + C) =
. /20
Instructions ofcielles, B.O. n 43 du 24 novembre 2011
Sujet 2
B. Recevabilit
A. Traitement du sujet
Consignes non
Hors sujet partiel
Consignes non
Hors sujet partiel
0,5 1,5 pt
0,5 1,5 pt
Consigne respecte
Sujet compris mais
traitement plat et
Construction vague
Sexprime dans
une langue simple
et assez fautive,
mais est toujours
Consigne respecte
Sujet compris mais
traitement plat et
Construction vague
Sexprime dans
une langue simple
et assez fautive,
mais est toujours
3 5 pts
3 5 pts
Effort de construction
Prise en compte des
spcificits du type
Traitement adquat et
pertinent du sujet
Diversit des ides
Effort de construction
Prise en compte des
spcificits du type
Traitement adquat et
pertinent du sujet
Diversit des ides
4 7,5 pts
5,5 8 pts
4 7,5 pts
5,5 8 pts
8 10 pts
8,5 10 pts
8 10 pts
8,5 10 pts
Apprciation :
Note de llve (total sujet 1 + sujet 2) : 2
B. Recevabilit
. /20
Si vous demandez aux lves de senregistrer chez eux par leurs propres moyens (tlphone, lecteur MP3,
micro, etc.), prenez soin de les avertir quils devront vous rendre leur chier sonore au format MP3 ou WAV.
En effet, quand ils utilisent leur tlphone, les formats de chiers ne sont pas forcment reconnus par les
ordinateurs. Il faut donc quils se chargent eux-mmes de la conversion. Pour cela, ils peuvent se rendre
sur un site de conversion de chiers multimdia tel que ou tlcharger un logiciel
gratuit comme Format Factory.
Ils peuvent ensuite, au choix :
- dposer leur chier sur lespace numrique de travail de ltablissement,
- utiliser les fonctionnalits du Labo de langue de la version numrique enrichie de Password,
- dposer leur chier sur le rseau de ltablissement,
- vous envoyer le chier par mail,
- vous lamener sur cl USB (solution de dernier recours, les cls pouvant contenir des virus).
Dossier TICE
a. Recadrer
1. Copiez/collez limage dans PhotoFiltre aprs avoir ouvert celui-ci.
2. Slectionnez avec votre curseur la partie qui vous intresse (elle se trouve alors encadre de petits tirets
vous pouvez choisir avec la barre doutils droite la forme de votre slection : carre, ovale, triangulaire,
libre, etc.
3. Dans la partie slectionne, cliquez droit puis slectionnez recadrer
3. Si le fond de limage nest pas une couleur unie mais est compose de motifs, vous pouvez utiliser un
outil trs pratique qui se trouve dans la barre doutils sur la droite (avant de sen servir, il est prfrable de
zoomer sur limage an de pouvoir faire un travail plus minutieux).
Sur lafche ci-dessous, il peut tre intressant denlever un mot de la phrase daccroche. Voici le rsultat
obtenu avec loutil tampon de clonage :
Dossier TICE
Dossier TICE
Copiez ladresse URL du site vers lequel vous voulez envoyer les lves.
Collez cette adresse dans lespace appel cible .
Cliquez sur appliquer puis fermer .
Avantage de cette option : linsertion du lien dans votre texte est plus harmonieuse (Ex. : You will browse
through the UCLA website). Inconvnient : llve na plus ladresse sous les yeux sur sa version papier.
Vous pouvez aussi insrer un lien hypertexte sur une image. La dmarche est la mme, sauf que vous
leffectuerez sur une image et non sur un mot (cliquez sur limage, puis insertion , hyperlien , etc.) :
En fin de parcours
valuation de lexpression orale :
- tche : dfendre une motion concernant laccs luniversit
valuation de la comprhension de lcrit :
- tche dappariement : associer motions et opinions
dans les cinq activits langagires :
- comprhension dune mission radiophonique,
- expression orale sur le thme de luniversit comme lieu de pouvoir,
- lecture et comprhension de plusieurs documents (extraits dun article de presse et dun roman),
- rdaction dun tmoignage et dun commentaire personnel post sur internet.
Parcours culturel
Parcours culturel
Notion :
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
pouvoir que donnent lducation, largent,
pouvoir des individus
Thme :
Laccs luniversit : la question de la slection
en Grande Bretagne et aux tats-Unis ; le rle de
lenseignement suprieur.
Problmatique :
Quelle slection pour laccs lenseignement
Le cot de luniversit pp. 14-15
Students discontent
Teenagers debate
A personal story
I dont care what it costs
Entranements et valuations
Activits langagires
Faire une intervention
orale argumente pour
dfendre une opinion
des faits et des opinions
dans une motion ou
un tmoignage
Comprendre lexplicite
et saisir limplicite dans
un texte de fiction
Comprendre une
information spcifique
ou une explication dans
un reportage ou un
Tches dentranement
valuations finales
Ragir un point
Exposer un point
Tche 1 :
de vue sur laccs
de vue
Dfendre une motion
luniversit en prsentant
pp. 24-25 concernant les critres
des contre-arguments
dadmission luniversit
p. 15
Tche 2 :
Identifier les opinions de
diffrentes personnes et
leur associer la motion
p. 26
Expliquer de manire
argumente les solutions
envisages pour financer
ses tudes
p. 17
Aprs quelques
recherches, expliquer
pour quelle universit
amricaine on aimerait
p. 19
Exprimer de manire
Expression orale
argumente son opinion
sur le rle de luniversit
p. 21 p. 30
4 situations dvaluation
p. 27
Outils de la langue
Protest p. 14
Students and degrees p. 14
Funding p. 14
Financing p. 17
Facing difficulties p. 17
Non-academic skills p. 19
Transformation p. 21
Accomplishment p. 21
p. 6
Higher education
What is / It is that p. 14
p. 8
g Prcis grammatical 19 p. 207
La concession p. 17
p. 8
g Prcis grammatical 21 p. 209
ce picto signale les documents que les lves pourront tudier la maison, en autonomie, avant la
mise en commun en classe.
en blanc, les autres supports et activits proposs que le professeur pourra choisir dtudier en fonction
de sa classe et du temps dont il dispose. Ces activits peuvent tre effectues la maison par la classe
entire ou un groupe dlves et suivies dune mise en commun classe entire. Elles peuvent aussi tre
utilises pour les cours dapprofondissement prvus en option. Par exemple, louverture sur le sens des
tudes (manuel pp. 20-21), pourra tre vue en approfondissement.
Les activits sur la langue (Language tools, manuel pp. 22-23) et sur les Stratgies (manuel pp. 24-25)
seront menes mesure de lavance dans le chapitre, en fonction des documents et tches choisis par le
professeur et des besoins des lves.
pp. 12-13
The cost of university
Students discontent
p. 14
Teenagers debate
pp. 14-15
p. 14
p. 15
p. 16
p. 16
p. 17
p. 17
p. 18
p. 19
p. 19
p. 20
p. 21
p. 21
Language tools
p. 22-23
p. 24-25
p. 26
p. 26
p. 27
Fiche Recap
Mise la disposition des lves dans le Workbook
p. 9 ou sur le site
Cette che rcapitulative permet deffectuer une trace crite (sous forme de notes) lissue des diffrents
Recaps puis de faire la synthse en n de chapitre, de manire se prparer activement lpreuve orale
du baccalaurat :
- noter ce que lon a appris,
- progresser dans la dcouverte de la problmatique,
- tablir les liens avec la notion au programme et dautres chapitres traitant la mme notion.
Voir aussi Entranement
Prparer les lves entrer dans lunit grce
un document iconographique reprsentant un
campus amricain.
Permettre aux lves de commencer changer
leurs ides sur le sens des tudes suprieures.
Faire merger ce quils connaissent des systmes
universitaires britannique et amricain et peut-tre
amorcer des comparaisons avec la France.
Forme de travail
Collective. Le temps consacr cette activit dpendra videmment des ides des lves mais il ne
devrait pas excder une demi-sance et le professeur veillera imprimer un rythme assez soutenu
aux changes.
Cette double-page propose daborder lun des aspects de la problmatique (laspect nancier) en observant
la situation en Angleterre.
1. Students discontent
Analyse des documents
Ce document vido extrait de CNN Student News
rend compte des manifestations tudiantes qui se
sont droules Londres (Parliament Square) le 9
dcembre 2010. Les participants protestaient contre
ladoption dune loi propose par le gouvernement
visant augmenter les frais de scolarit luniversit de 3,290 9,000 . On remarquera que lun des
manifestants porte un masque : il sagit du masque
de V for Vendetta, une bande dessine cre par
Alan Moore (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
et porte lcran en 2006. Le masque est inspir
de celui de Guy Fawkes et est devenu depuis plusieurs annes un symbole de la rvolte, comme en
tmoigne sa popularit lors du mouvement Occupy
Wall Street en 2011 par exemple.
Le correspondant de CNN, en direct depuis Londres,
sadresse un public amricain et amorce une com-
Manuel p. 14
DVD Vido 1
Squenage de la vido
From the beginning
to 0039
the American news
anchor, Carl Azuz,
in the CNN studios
Carl Azuz, CNN student news anchor
first up though / we are headed off to europe // violent protests in the streets of london /
over a vote in parliament / thats britains government / about college tuition // uk has a limit
/ on how much universities can charge students // this vote / raised that limit nearly 10000
dollars // it was around 4700 originally / now the limit is around 14000 dollars // people who
support this plan say the country needs to cut its deficit // but the protesters argue that
the increase will price some people out of a college education // dan rivers was in london
yesterday / when the protests turned violent // he has more on this situation //
From 0040 to 0145 Dan Rivers, CNN senior international correspondent, London
the London
- high angle shot: the
- NO written on the
ground (protesters +
police forces: violence
on both sides)
- superimpositions: the
journalist in the street +
mounted police
noises: explosions
its going to result in a trebling of student tuition fees / something that in the us / perhaps
/ people are more used to // but here / there is just no culture of / leaving university
with $50000 / $60000 / $70000 worth of debt / and clearly / this is part of / major austerity
measures to / try and rein in this huge deficit we have here // but this is the result of it /
bitter / anger and violence on the streets / with the police struggling at times / really / to
contain the crowd //
this will impact students // not those who are currently at university / but those who
will go to university // i was talking to one student yesterday / who said look / this isnt
going to affect me / but for my thirteenyearold and elevenyearold brothers / it will have a
massive impact // and she was from a lowerincome family and was saying / her brothers
probably wont go to university because / theyre so worried about mounting up these
massive debts // now the government says / if you go to university / youre going to get a
better job / and youll only have to pay this money back when youre earning over about
$35000 // and therefore / this is a fair way / of doing this and there are safeguards to
help lowerincome / students get into the system //
Lgende :
- Soulign : informations concernant les raisons de la manifestation et ses consquences,
- en gras : les arguments de ceux qui sont pour ou contre la manifestation et la hausse des frais de scolarit,
- en italique : la situation aux USA.
Lexique et phonologie
Si certains mots ont t introduits en amont lors de
ltude des pages introductives, comme suggr
plus haut (tuition fees, loan, grant, massive debts),
le lexique ne posera pas de problme majeur. Les
lves peuvent infrer le sens de rein in (= control),
associ austerity et decit, mount up (= accumulate),
associ worried et massive debts, et safeguards
(= rules to protect someone) associ help.
Les journalistes sont comprhensibles et les lves
pourront mettre en place les stratgies dcoute
quils auront dveloppes antrieurement. Si ce
chapitre est le premier de lanne, ce sera loccasion
pour le professeur de les faire rviser et sentraner
grce aux pages Stratgies - Comprendre un monologue, manuel pp. 44-45.
On ne manquera pas, par exemple, de faire remarquer et analyser laccentuation forte du modal will.
Les exercices Stressing prepositions, manuel p. 22
et Workbook
p. 7 pourront tre effectus
en amont, en classe ou la maison.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. collective ; 3. en groupes puis collective ; 4. individuelle.
H.E. (renvoyer la problmatique pour que
les lves comprennent H.E.) not just for the
rich even poorer students must be able to
go to university
Tape man hates cuts: and so do students
ironical statement?
Because my Daddy cant pay only rich
students will be able to afford to go to university
/ lower-income students will be penalised / it
will be unfair.
Coalition of resistance different groups
must be uniting to protest over the governments decisions.
Socialist Worker maybe workers support
the students / political opposition to Camerons
/ to the governments liberal policies.
Theres Some Things Money cant buy For
education theres mastercard it implies
money can buy education / you can be educated
only if you are rich enough.
One of the demonstrators is wearing a mask /
the mask that the hero of V for Vendetta wore.
Some people also wore it during the Occupy
Wall street movement.It has become a symbol
of protest.
Accs au sens
Productions possibles :
a march/a demonstration: a crowd of young
people / English students
but an American report
students are protesting over university fees /
are against fees and cuts (three similar placards)
/ they dont want to pay higher fees / dont want
the government to stop nancing universities
/ reduce / cut public nancial contribution to
British parliament must have approved of
rising university tuition fees
smiling or not / sometimes wearing masks not
to be recognized?
shouting slogans against the government / one
with a megaphone
must be voicing concern at how high fees can
be / voicing their disagreement over high fees
students are holding signs up high with different slogans on them
Stop fees and cuts (x 3) that is the issue /
the students claim is quite clear
dductions. Inviter les lves se poser mutuellement des questions et ragir aux conclusions de
leurs camarades an de favoriser linteraction en
classe. Le professeur proposera des enrichissements lexicaux.
3. a. Pour une comprhension plus ne du document, la classe est divise en trois groupes, chacun
charg dune recherche dinformations spcique :
informations concernant les raisons de la manifestation et ses consquences (groupe 1),
les arguments de ceux qui sont pour ou contre
la manifestation et la hausse des frais de scolarit
(groupe 2),
Se reporter la transcription dans le tableau cidessus. Si le professeur dispose dun laboratoire, il
peut partager la classe en trois groupes travaillant en
autonomie partir de leurs consignes. Le travail peut
aussi se faire en classe avec trois groupes rpartis
gographiquement. Reformulation par groupes avant
mise en commun. Conduire les activits dinfrence
ce stade au sein de chaque groupe.
Productions possibles :
The situation in the USA
People expect expensive fees / they are used
to having to pay to go to university.
There is a culture of having huge debt / of being
saddled with debts when leaving university.
Students have to pay off / repay enormous
debts when they have a job.
Le professeur incitera les lves utiliser les tournures emphatiques en fournissant un premier modle
si ncessaire. Ce travail sera renforc la maison, par
exemple avec les activits des Language tools What
is/It is that, manuel p. 23 et Workbook
p. 8). Trace crite retant les changes au tableau.
2. Teenagers debate
Manuel p. 15
Analyse du document
La tche nale des lves dans ce chapitre tant de
dfendre une motion, ils devront mobiliser des arguments. Grce ce document extrait du site du Guardian, ils vont dcouvrir davantage darguments pour ou
contre laugmentation des droits de scolarit en GrandeBretagne, et auront ainsi des exemples de formulation.
remove the cap, afuent auront t introduits en
degree and graduate : renvoyer aux Language Tools,
manuel p. 14.
Le professeur pourra demander aux lves de reformuler les mots suivants avant den prciser ventuellement le sens :
Productions possibles :
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle ; 3. en groupes puis
collective ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
1. Les lves sont invits lire le titre et lintroduction du document an dimaginer les arguments qui
Higher tuition fees are necessary because the
country needs to reduce its decit.
Grants will be given to poorer students.
The cost will be too high and it will be impossible for everybody to enroll at university.
Money should not have an impact on your
Arguments :
AGAINST Emilie Adams, 15
proposal to remove the cap on tuition fees: having
a degree is being jeopardised
widening class divide; people from less affluent
backgrounds would be discriminated from achieving
their academic goals
having money shouldnt automatically give you the
right to an education and a high-ying career
those from more affluent areas of society will be
subsequently given an education at no real cost to
some may have to work part-time throughout their
study or take up a debt in order to buy their degree
a degree will become a status symbol, a reection
of money rather than of peoples effort, commitment
and hard work
will limit those with genuine aspirations and vocational goals moving forward in their chosen career
the wealthier will obtain the more prestigious
degrees while those who struggle to raise the full
funds for their degree may be left with the less prestigious awards
lower attendance of university courses and therefore
the current economic strain will not be decreased
a drop in the sort of jobs that fuel our economy, and
vital key workers like doctors will decline
the value of university is also meeting new people
different from myself: the diversity of people in university will be drastically reduced / separation of
classes / devaluing the wider experience of going to
Productions possibles :
Against - Emilie Adams, 15
The rise will widen class divide
Students will come from the same social classes:
only those who can pay will be able to attend
university = the richer will get richer because
they will have good jobs / the poorer wont
be able to get good jobs so will stay poor / get
poorer = there will be no social integration:
- the gap between those who have money and
those who dont will get wider,
- there will be no social mobility.
A degree will show how much money students have
- peoples effort and hard work wont matter
so much
- having money will give some people the right
to an education and they will be successful in
their jobs
- people who are less wealthy wont be able to
achieve their aims at university
- those with sincere aspirations who know what
jobs they want to study for / who have vocational goals wont be able to move forward in their
chosen career
- some will have to work part-time to pay for
their study
- others will accept to have a debt to buy
their degree
- the wealthier will get the better degrees and
the poorer will be left with the worse
It will make going to university seem less
- fewer students will attend university courses :
more people will need to nd a job / the current
economic difficulties will not be reduced
- the number of necessary key workers like
doctors will decline
For - James Bartle, 18
The problem boils down to this: having excellent universities which are funded through a fair
contribution from graduates or universities of
very bad quality which give students degrees
of little value.
Universities have to maintain high levels of
quality: necessary to provide money to the
universities on a fair basis and for a long time.
Also necessary to ll the gap in the university
budget and students must contribute.
Degrees: an investment in the future / students that benet most from having a degree get
better paid jobs / their business activity will be
successful / they will make a contribution back
into the system. / They will make a contribution
back into the system: it means they will pay
back/repay what they owe one year after having
found a job (if they earn more than 21,000
a year) / if they have no job or earn less than
21,000, they will not repay the money.
On amnera les lves synthtiser les diffrents
aspects du problme pos par le cot des frais de
scolarit luniversit.
Productions possibles :
The cost of university is a real issue
It is about social justice: can universities be free?
Universities do cost money and somebody
has to pay. Who?
How much should studies cost (i.e. who should
have access to them)?
Increasing tuition levels are pricing college
education out of reach of all but the very wealthy / is nancial aid sufficient? / student loan
debt is a real problem.
Should education be paid for through tuition
or later through taxation?
High fees are a message to young people of
limited economic means that they are not
allowed to develop themselves as they see t
in order to contribute back to their society.
de sentraner loral,
de scouter mutuellement an denchaner logiquement les arguments.
tapes et mise en uvre : il est prfrable de faire
travailler les lves par groupes (de 4 6 en fonction
de la classe) an que la parole circule vite, que les
lves soient sollicits plusieurs fois et quils soient
amens rester concentrs et attentifs.
Un lve lance un argument contre la hausse des
frais de scolarit I think the rise of tuition fees is
unfair because studying will become too expensive for
the poorest students ;
un autre lve donne un contre-argument Yes
but if we do not do anything, the universities will not
be able to reduce their decits ;
un troisime intervient But shouldnt the government meet the costs, as it is the case in France?
Et ainsi de suite.
1. A personal story
Analyse du document
Il sagit du tmoignage dune ancienne tudiante
amricaine publi sur un site internet qui sollicite
les rcits personnels des internautes. Lintrt de ce
tmoignage rside dans son authenticit dune part, et
dans la multiplicit des dmarches entreprises par la
jeune femme pour viter davoir contracter des prts
tudiants dautre part. On attirera aussi lattention des
lves sur la conscience quont les Amricains non
seulement de la ncessit des tudes suprieures
mais aussi de leur cot, et sur la grande dtermination quil convient davoir pour accder luniversit.
Nous avons choisi daccompagner ce texte dun
dessin humoristique sur le sujet du nancement
des tudes suprieures. On pourra au passage
dire aux lves que limportance du problme se
mesure peut-tre au nombre trs impressionnant
de cartoons dont il fait lobjet.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. et 3. individuelle puis mise en commun avec toute la classe.
Manuel p. 16
Le titre du document (A personal story) ainsi que
la prsence dans le titre du texte du pronom personnel I permettront aux lves de comprendre
facilement quils vont lire un tmoignage personnel. Le dessin humoristique qui accompagne
le tmoignage illustre parfaitement le paradoxe
doux-amer du systme de financement des tudes
suprieures aux tats-Unis et permettra dassurer
la transition entre le reportage vido I don't care
what it costs, assez poignant, et ce texte plus
lger et optimiste.
On demandera aux lves de mettre en relation le
dessin avec le titre du tmoignage.
Si lon dispose du matriel ncessaire, on pourra
rvler le cartoon progressivement aux lves (ce
qui implique videmment de navoir pas fait ouvrir
les livres). laide dun logiciel de retouche dimage
comme Photoltre (gratuit), on peut altrer ce dessin
en retirant certains lments textuels (supprimer
la n des phrases de la conseillre, droite) an
de crer un dcit informationnel qui favorisera la
rexion des lves (voir dossier TICE Didactiser
un document iconographique p. 000 de ce guide). On
peut ensuite projeter limage au vidoprojecteur ou
au tableau interactif et inviter les lves imaginer
le texte manquant.
Productions possibles :
In this cartoon, we can see a woman advising
a student / a guidance counsellor.
The student wonders why he should go to
The woman has logical answers:
- if he goes to college, hell get a good job,
- if he gets a good job, he will get/earn a lot of
- if he has money, he will be able to pay back
his college loans.
= going to college will provide him with a good
job which will pay well and will enable him to
pay off his college loans
She is a guidance counselor but does not say
he should go to college to learn more things /
enrich his culture. She has a realistic/practical/
matter-of fact point of view.
What makes it funny/the irony: if you need
to go to university just to get money to pay the
bank back, why bother? = the guidance counselor is in fact saying that going to university is
not a good idea = contrary to what she should
be doing.
The cartoonist wants to denounce the sacrices students have to make to study: they have
to ask for loans to study, but in the end they
have to spend all their money on paying them
back. So it would probably be better to try to
avoid student loans, and that seems to be what
Crystal did.
Given the title of the text, it must be a students testimony about how she managed to
pay her college fees without asking for loans.
Perhaps she got a part-time job / may have had
a part-time job / must have had a job.
Her parents may have saved money for her.
She may have asked all her family to help.
Its unfair, education should be free, people
shouldnt have to make so many sacrices to
benet from education. As Crystal says, she was
lucky to get help from her parents.
Besides, working three jobs at the same time
must have prevented her from studying as much
as she could have, so it could have jeopardized
her education.
On the other hand, being confronted to so
many obstacles/deterrents must make American students more aware of the importance
of their college education.
Manuel p. 17
DVD Vido 2
Analyse du document
Il sagit dune vido extraite dun reportage
de PBS sur le campus de luniversit de Boston en 2008 (lintgralit du reportage peut tre
visionne ici :
Squenage de la vido
Time code
From the
beginning to
From 031 to
From 102 to
Interview of a student, Ian Witherby. Ian Witherby, student: I think that it becomes a sort of
standard practice to just accept the fact that, if you want
to get what you want out of life, youre going to have to be
in debt.
John Merrow: Ian Witherby will graduate from UMass
Boston this spring with a degree in philosophy and at least
$65,000 in federal and private loans. How long is it going
to take you to pay off the amount of money youre going to
Ian Witherby: I have no idea. Wild guess, off-the-cuff, 20
John Merrow: But youre 24 now.
Ian Witherby: Yes.
John Merrow: Youll be 44, 45 years old?
Ian Witherby: Yes.
Pas de difcults particulires.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis en groupes ; 3. mise
en commun avec toute la classe.
On pourra ventuellement faire travailler les lves
la maison sur le reportage intgral (sans leur
communiquer le lien donn plus haut puisque le
script de la vido y apparat ; le reportage est aussi
disponible sur YouTube :
watch?v=_iJGIjgdIJc) en partageant la classe en
groupes et en assignant un tmoignage diffrent
chaque groupe. La mise en commun prendra
dautant plus de sens que tous les groupes auront
entendu des tmoignages diffrents mais complmentaires.
So we can guess the report must be about
students coping with their tuition fees in a
university in Boston, Massachusetts.
She must resent the price she has to pay but/
and yet/however she doesnt mind, she wants to
pursue her studies all the same, and thats probably why she says I dont care what it costs.
No matter how expensive the tuition fees are,
she wants to...
The title can also be a quotation from the
report, may be a comment from another student
/ a professor / a parent...
Accs au sens
La question 3 peut tre donne trois groupes dlves et faire l'objet d'un travail la maison, aprs un
premier visionnage en classe.
Time code
From the
beginning to
Most students
From 102 to
Ian Witherby
From 157 to
the end
Their feelings
bitter, resentful
She thinks its unfair that as a
student coming from a working
class background, she was too
rich to get maximum grants but not
wealthy enough to be able to pay
for her studies.
She feels bad for her mother who
feels guilty.
- Annabelle Rosario seems to feel more pessimistic about the future. Despite/in spite of
her two jobs, she is still unable to overcome
her difficulties.
She also seems to be resentful at the system for
not helping the students who come from the
lower middle class or working class.
Yet, both students are aware that higher
education is necessary if they want to have a
good job. Theyre both determined and willing
to do their best to complete their education,
in spite/despite the difficulties / no matter
what the sacrice / whatever sacrices are
necessary / it may involve.
On amnera les lves lister les diffrents moyens
la disposition des tudiants amricains pour nancer leurs tudes.
Productions possibles :
To nance/pay for/cover their college education, students can:
apply for scholarships/grants, either meritbased or need-based, or specic (student-specic, college-specic, or career-specic),
ask for student loans that they will have to pay
back when they have completed their education,
work part-time,
ask their parents to help them (if they can).
Il y aura peu de difcults lexicales majeures et
les mots inconnus pourront tre soit infrs, soit
compenss grce au contexte immdiat.
Ex. : dans les trois exemples qui suivent, llve peut
comprendre le sens de la phrase mme sil ignore
les mots souligns en sappuyant sur ce que nous
signalons ici en gras :
If the unthinkable happened and you didnt make it
to the League, it was pretty good credentials just to
be able to say you graduated from Dupont (l. 12-13) ;
He took it as an inside-out compliment. (l.19) ;
The high school would make sure he had all the
grades he needed to stay eligible. (l. 21-22).
Ladjectif stern (l. 30), sil est inconnu des lves,
pourra tre infr grce au verbe turned et au
contraste avec kindly smile. Les mots en italiques
et le mot damned dans les phrases qui suivent
devraient achever de conforter les suppositions des
lves quant au ton de lentraneur.
En cas de difcults
Les lves trouveront une aide sous la forme
dun travail dinfrence, Workbook
p. 6.
1. stern: svre 2. drift along: sintaller,
prendre racine (ici)
- The word things can refer to any obstacle
to their program: some teachers may have
given them a bad mark, they may have refused
to let them attend a class, etc.
- What did the coach think Jojos problem
was at the beginning of the meeting?
He thought that Jojo was having trouble
passing, which means he thought his marks
were not sufcient.
- Highlight the coachs questions throughout
the meeting. What do they reveal about the
coachs views on academics?
He does not feel much respect for academics, he regards them as totally unimportant and as completely disposable.
Productions possibles :
In this cartoon, there is a man who is probably
being interviewed for a job. He is explaining
how his academic skills have prevented him
from getting an athletic scholarship.
At rst sight, this cartoon is funny. It suggests
- only illiterate people get athletic scholarships,
- it is easier to get a scholarship if you have
athletic skills than if youre academically skilled.
It shows how important sports are in American universities. Theyre much more acknowledged than in France.
It is also a comment on higher education in
the US: the universities are more interested in
winning sports championships than preparing
for good academic degrees / prefer brawn
to brain.
It may be seen as unfair/absurd for those
who can achieve good academic standards but
are not sporty.
It can also be seen as shocking: students who
are not interested in studying / are not capable
of studying can have access to university / suggests that the students who get athletic scholarships are stupid.
2. En individuel, puis collectivement. Dans un premier temps, les lves vont se concentrer sur le
personnage principal et les nombreuses informations donnes sur son identit et sa personnalit.
La consigne donne dans le manuel les invite
comprendre quelle est la situation de Jojo.
Productions possibles :
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. 3. 4. et 5. individuelle puis mise en
commun avec toute la classe.
4. Part 2.
Cet change devrait tre assez ais comprendre
pour les lves, dautant quils connatront dj
bien le personnage de Jojo. Quant lentraneur,
Buster Roth, il est tellement conforme au strotype du coach rigide que lon trouve souvent dans
les lms amricains que les lves auront certainement dj des images mentales adquates en
le dcouvrant.
On pourra, au choix, proposer aux lves de
reprendre leur travail en groupes avant la mise
en commun, ou bien donner ce deuxime texte
travailler la maison, le contexte tant dj connu
et le Workbook proposant une aide.
Productions possibles :
In the rst text, it was obvious that what Jojo
expected from university was:
- a good-quality basketball training,
- a better chance to later play for the League.
But in this second passage, he seems to have
grown and he now expects more from the university: he would like to study academics more
The university expects him to keep playing
basketball well enough for the team to compete
against other prestigious universities.
Dupont University needs him for its reputation. So they are ready to do whatever is necessary to help him focus only on his athletic skills:
- the athletes have tutors who probably help
them study, and may even do their work,
- there is the program Buster Roth talks about:
apparently, some teachers agree to lower the
level of their courses to help the athletes graduate.
5. Productions possibles :
Several elements are striking in Jojos
he has been admitted into Dupont on account
of his athletic skills while his brother, who must
be brighter, got a less prestigious university,
it seems unfair yet why shouldnt athletics
be rewarded as much as academics?
in order to keep his scholarship, he has to
pretend he is not very clever,
he is prevented from studying academics
harder, probably because his coach is afraid /
fears that may prevent/deter him from training
yet there are tutors and teachers who help
him get good grades,
the pressure must be so overwhelming that
he seems terried to even explain his feelings
to his coach he doesnt seem to be in charge
of his own situation.
= paradoxical situation
= narrators irony reinforced by the fact that
Jojo likes French, a subject that is seen as terribly complicated/arcane/only for the real scholars (= Jojo tries to explain that what he does
is not so complicated: he read French books in
English, l. 48).
Il sagit de rcapituler les diffrents talents pris
en compte pour ladmission dans les universits
amricaines. Voir la partie lexicale des Language
tools, manuel p. 22.
On invitera les lves donner leur opinion sur le sujet :
Productions possibles :
In the USA, admission depends on more
various skills than in France.
It seems fairer: anyone can have a chance to
access higher education:
- the USA may have more all-round students:
students who have various skills and abilities,
- it must be more enriching for the university,
- it must be less frustrating for the students who
choose to keep studying what they like.
It seems unfair to the students who work
hard academically but who have no athletic
skills: some students may not feel the need to
develop certain academic skills that are considered indispensable in France
Training Task 3:
Extra-curricular activities
On proposera ce travail de prfrence la maison
an de gagner du temps. Il sera peut-tre utile de
montrer des lves faibles un exemple de site
internet duniversit amricaine pour quils se familiarisent avec les onglets.
La mise en commun pourra se faire en classe entire
directement, ou bien en groupes pralablement.
Certains mots normalement inconnus des lves
ne sont pas ncessaires la construction du sens
du texte, et dautres pourront tre infrs grce au
contexte :
knack: les lves pourraient penser habit, interest,
counter-spin: send the ball back (l. 18)
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective ; 3. en
groupes. 4. collective ; 5. individuelle.
En cas de difcult
Demander aux lves de relever des rfrences des dates, des moments qui
scandent le temps, puis dy associer des
faits ou vnements :
- in the summer of 72: the narrators brother
went to college (l. 1)
- after his freshman year: he came back one
year later and he had changed (l. 2-3)
- in seventh- and eighth grades: the narrator
was at school and that is when his brother
changed (l. 8-9)
- that summer: after the narrators brothers
freshman year (l. 14)
- Chapter Elevens return to college: after the
vacation following the freshman year (l. 14-15)
- Christmas of 73: four months later (l. 28-29)
- that weekend: a weekend during the Christmas vacation (l. 41-42).
Chapter Elevens
- he had become another person
- hed grown his hair out
- hed started learning the guitar
- he was wearing granny glasses
- he wore faded bell-bottom jeans
- went from science geek to John
Lennon look-alike
- he wore Earth shoes
- he started meditating
- he claimed to understand 2001:
A Space Odyssey
- he bought a motorcycle
- he beat his father at ping-pong
- he decided to study anthropology
Productions possibles :
The extract spans about 16 months.
The main scene takes place in the summer
of 73.
But the narrator remembers the previous year
(use of past perfect).
He also mentions what happened at Christmas of 73.
Productions possibles :
a. Chapter Eleven has changed
physically: he is now very similar to a star, the
well-known John Lennon / he is dressed in a
casual way (wide trousers, Earth shoes, long
hair, glasses).
hobbies: he is interested in music, meditation,
intellectual/highbrow lms (= serious and said
to be difficult to understand), motorcycling.
Productions possibles :
Ironical: the situation is amusing because a
transformation happens, the opposite of what
the family expected / the description of Chapter
Eleven is meant to make the readers smile.
Light: seen through a childs eyes
Il sagit deffectuer une synthse des diffrents points
de vue donns sur le sens des tudes suprieures.
Productions possibles :
For the parents, the purpose of university
is to
- enable their son to get a good job (becoming
an engineer),
- equip Chapter Eleven to earn a living.
So it is a utilitarian purpose.
For Chapter Eleven, it is to
- assert his personality,
- blossom, following fullling courses.
So it is pure learning / learning for its own sake.
En cas de difcult
Aider les lves avec des questions plus prcises sur quelques aspects du texte.
Situation dj pose : Chapter Eleven has
undergone a transformation his parents cannot
understand. He now looks like J. Lennon.
l. 1-2: a kind of farewell. Is it really a farewell/good bye? What does the narrator mean?
Do you think he is being
serious ; funny reproachful?
l. 10-11: He claimed to understand 2001:
A Space Odyssey, even the ending. What
does the use of even suggest? (that he is
exaggerating / pretending he can understand
something which is difcult to understand for
a lot of people. So the narrator is making fun
of Chapter Eleven)
to convince
Objectifs : permettre aux lves de
sentraner prendre la parole en continu,
prendre position, dfendre leur point de vue,
essayer de convaincre leurs camarades,
dfendre des ides en argumentant et en les
illustrant avec des exemples,
travailler lenchanement logique des arguments.
En amont, les lves auront effectu lactivit des Language tools Pronouncing the letter <o>, manuel p. 22,
an de bien prononcer cette voyelle lors de leur prise de parole. Ce sera un des critres de lvaluation de
la prononciation.
The cost of university
Faux amis
Le contexte se prte bien ce type dexercice qui correspond des confusions souvent faites par les lves.
grant holder
alumni (former
language lab
faculty of ...
information center
training center
bachelors degree
masters degree
research masters
social studies
legal studies
b. Les lves sexpriment librement (courte prise de parole individuelle) partir de ce quils ont vu dans
le chapitre.
Stressing Prepositions
i s te
a. et b.
1. []
a. college
2. []
3. [u]
New York
Remarque : deux autres colonnes doivent tre ajoutes (les lves risquent de ne pas les trouver euxmmes ; essayer de bien leur faire entendre les
nuances phontiques, mme si elles sont nes) :
[] proposal Europe welcome society - profession
[] government
What is / It is that
4. [u]
5. []
tournures emphatiques (appeles des clives et
pseudo-clives ). Dans les phrases 1.a. et 2.a., les
faits sont prsents de manire neutre, selon lordre
canonique de construction dune phrase en anglais.
Dans la phrase 1.b., la tournure emphatique permet
dinsister sur a class divide; et dans la phrase 2.b.,
sur the future of university education.
g Prcis de grammaire 19 p. 207
1. What I would like to get is a degree in law.
Les parties soulignes permettent dexprimer la
concession : elles remettent en cause la conclusion
implicite que lon pourrait tirer des parties non
p. 6
Higher education
a freshman: a rst-year student
a senior: a fourth-year student
a sophomore: a second-year student
Stressing prepositions
stressed prepositions / unstressed prepositions
i s te
Although he has a very good degree, he is not
going to run the company yet.
Even if he graduated from Harvard, he will still
have to serve coffee in the morning.
What is / It is that
Exposer un point de vue
Le but de cette double page dactivits est dentraner
les lves prsenter et dfendre leur point de vue
de manire convaincre leur auditoire. Pour cela
ils devront :
organiser leurs ides,
prparer leur brouillon doral pour cette prise
de parole assez consistante (entre 2 et 5 min),
maintenir lattention de leur auditoire.
Suggestions dexploitation
Les lves devront mettre en uvre ces stratgies
lors de la tche nale. Il est donc souhaitable quils
se soient entrans au pralable.
On pourra envisager le travail sur cette double page
avant la tche dentranement 1 p. 17 du manuel
tapes possibles :
le brouillon doral est prpar la maison,
mise en commun par groupe en classe (environ
10 min) lors du cours suivant,
en homework, les lves se prparent individuellement la prise de parole,
lors d'un second cours, le professeur dsigne deux
ou trois lves pour prsenter leur point de vue sur
la question pose.
Il sera possible de demander aux autres lves de
faire une co-valuation formative de leurs camarades
en fonction des critres exposs dans le point
p. 25 du manuel ( Lors de votre expos ) ; la grille
Task 1. Speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20 pts
Task 2. Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 pts
Document support :
Prsentation de la tche
Prsentation de la tche
Forme de travail
Forme de travail
John, Joanne
Manuel p. 27
Comprhension de loral
Documents supports
1. Avant la passation
2. Passation
Grille dvaluation et de notation
(source : B.O. du 24 nov. 2011)
Prsentation du document
Il s'agit d'un extrait dune mission de NPR (National
Public Radio). On entend deux locuteurs : la journaliste qui prsente lmission et lance la discussion,
le professeur duniversit qui rpond longuement.
Le document sapparente donc un dialogue.
Forme de travail
1 pt
5 pts
Le candidat a su relever les points
principaux de la discussion (contexte,
objet, interlocuteurs et, ventuellement,
conclusion de lchange).
Comprhension satisfaisante.
8 pts
Expression orale
Corrig et barme
Topic : University / Higher Education
2 pts
Text 1
The text deals with the situation in: the United Kingdom
1 + 1 = 2 pts
Comprhension de lcrit
Documents supports et protocole
b. David Lodge :
5 pts
age: 76 (1 pt)
his past professional occupations : former professor of English at Birmingham University + writer
(0,5 x 4 = 2 pts)
his present professional occupation : full-time
novelist (1 pts)
There was a certain assuredness about their future: Older members of staff are on the whole
Once you had got a job at a university, it was yours disillusioned and most of them have taken
early retirement. (l. 32-33)
for life. You had to do something extremely silly to
lose it. (l. 14-15)
b. Identify: 12 pts
the main characters (position or job, how they are
related): the narrator who studied in a small college
For students
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3
3 pts
Final task 1
Going to university
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 26
A produit un discours
assez simple avec des
pauses et des faux
Sest adress son
auditoire en se dtachant
de ses notes.
3 pts
Prsentation structure.
A dvelopp les points
importants avec prcision.
4 ou 5 pts
4 pts
5 6 pts
6 ou 7 pts
5 pts
7 8 pts
3 pts
(8 pts)
1 ou 2 pts
Prise de parole
en continu
(5 pts)
1 2 pts
3 4 pts
Final task 2
Going to university
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 26
Mary - Students must not be encouraged to think of themselves as buyers whose view is
to make money, investing only in their own personal human capital. University education is
not something purchased at a high price for private benet. This way of thinking evacuates
the values which are morally necessary in a society.
Mary defends motion n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Holly - America is too far behind in terms of curriculum. The education is not consistent
and varies from state to state, county to county. The American government should adapt its
curriculum standards to the British education system. It's more universally accepted and
is more effective.
Holly defends motion n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
John - First, to stay competitive, Americans need more education : a decrease in college
degrees will result in an economy that develops slowly. Then getting a college degree has,
and always will be, the best way for lower-income families to improve their economic status.
Moreover, college education provides much more than higher incomes; it produces well-rounded citizens who know how to communicate, solve problems and better understand the world.
John defends motion n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Going to university
Name :
Class :
Joanne - Going to high school and not college doubles your chance of being unemployed. In
a rapidly changing global economy, many of the traditionally high-paid jobs in manufacturing
that high school graduates could get are gone forever. And employers are looking for the
kind of cognitive skills that we normally associate with college graduates. And turning from
material considerations, a liberal arts education is likely to produce a more vital civil society
and citizens who can better adapt to changing circumstances.
Joanne defends motion n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Going to university
Name :
Class :
Comprhension de lcrit
Text 1
For a picture of how university life has changed over recent decades from the 1960s
era of generous grants spread among an academic elite to the present-day reality of
tuition fees bearing down on a potentially huge proportion of young people time spent
with David Lodge makes it very clear.
Lodge is the former professor of English at Birmingham University who for many years
was able to combine that job with writing novels an indication in itself of how things
used to be. He retired from academic life in 1987 in order to write full-time [].
Now 76, Lodge published his rst novel, The Picturegoers, more than half a century ago
in 1960, the same year that he began teaching at Birmingham. I think there was that
sense of being rather lucky to be at a university then, he says. There was a tremendous
feeling of broadening peoples horizons in the 1960s. At that stage only about ve or six
per cent of people went to university. It was very competitive for students to get into
higher education but a sense that, once you had, there was a certain assuredness about
your future. That was also true for the staff. Lodge admits that "once you had got a job
at a university, it was yours for life. You had to do something extremely silly to lose it.
Contrast that with today, and the pressures facing both universities and students.
And as a result of that process, Lodge says, something valuable is being lost. Under
the Governments proposals, funding for teaching all university subjects bar maths,
science, technology, engineering and some language courses will be gradually phased
out over the next three years with the arts and humanities having to rely on income
from students through fees to support them.
Lodges measured tones belie a rm message. I think thats very regrettable. Its
foolish to take a purely business view of university education and only think of what
can directly benet the commercial sector. Thats not what university education is for.
University can be that, but it should be much more than that. The arts have won us
international acclaim. We get a great deal of income from the arts. We really should
be supporting them.
Its a fallacy the idea that you allow the market to decide what is done by the universities.
This assumes that students know exactly what they need to be doing. It is a very, very
fallacious argument that you only supply where there is demand. If you do that, many
important cultural areas will disappear from what universities have to offer.
How do his former colleagues at Birmingham feel about the changes? Older members
of staff are on the whole disillusioned and most of them have taken early retirement. It
is not what they signed up to do. The whole university is a bit like a business, with a huge
amount of form-lling and assessment and targets. Id have found all that extremely
oppressive and destructive. But with the expansion of university education to the point
where nearly half the population now go on to higher education, Lodge accepts that it
cannot be provided for free to all. If you want to give higher education to a signicant
proportion of the age group, you cant have the quality of life that students had in the
Fifties and Sixties. Youve got to accept that you cant provide it for free. []
After high school I went to a small college in my home town (my parents were opposed,
as it had been made very plain that I was expected to help my father run his business,
one of the many reasons I was in such an agony to escape) and, during my two years
there, I studied ancient Greek. This was due to no love for the language but because I
was majoring in pre-med (money, you see, was the only way to improve my fortunes,
doctors make a lot of money, quod erat demonstrandum) and my counselor had suggested
I take a language to fulll the humanities requirement; and, since the Greek classes
happened to meet in the afternoon, I took Greek so I could sleep late on Mondays. [...]
I did well at Greek, excelled in it, and I even won an award from the Classics department
my last year. It was my favorite class because it was the only one held in a regular
Going to university
Name :
Class :
Text 1
in the 1960s
For students
b. What David Lodge says about the purposes of university (Quote the text):
in the 1960s: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
today:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Decide if the following statements are right or wrong. Justify by quoting the text.
a. In the 60s it was easy to nd a job if you had a university degree.
Going to university
Name :
Class :
Text 2
the reasons why the narrator chose to study these subjects (quote from the text):
Both texts
Relate the following quotations from text 1 to the corresponding quotations from
text 2:
Quotations from text 1
c. This assumes that students know exactly what 3. My counselor had suggested I take a language
they need to be doing. (l. 29)
to fulfill the humanities requirement. (l. 6-7)
4. This was due to no love for the language but
because I was majoring in pre-med (money, you see,
was the only way to improve my fortunes). (l. 4-5)
a. ..........
b. ..............
c. ...............
Going to university
Name :
Class :
Expression crite
1. A testimony
A famous actor recalls how he started studying drama despite his parents disapproval. Write
his testimony.
En fin de parcours
valuation de lexpression orale en interaction :
tche : prendre part un dbat radiophonique sur les nouveaux Amricains.
valuation de la comprhension de loral :
tche : choisir un invit pour une mission tlvise.
Parcours culturel
Parcours culturel
Notion :
Espaces et changes
Thme :
Les nouveaux Amricains : le rve amricain est-il
toujours vivant ?
Problmatique :
Quelles sont les aspirations des nouveaux
Amricains ?
Destination, les tats Unis pp. 34-35
A Nation of Nations
Radio Interviews, Personal stories
Documentary, Ellis Island
Fareed Zacharia,
I still believe in the American Dream
Entranements et valuations
Activits langagires
Comprendre les
points principaux dune
exprience personnelle
Comprendre les points
cls dans un reportage
des questions sur une
exprience personnelle
Comprendre des
informations et des
opinions dans un article
de presse
Comprendre les faits
principaux, lidentit
des personnages, leurs
actes et leurs motivations
dans des tmoignages
personnels et des textes
Tches dentranement
valuations finales
Tche 1 :
Aprs quelques
Prendre part un dbat
un monologue
recherches, rdiger une
entre pour un livret de
pp. 44 - 45 radiophonique sur les
nouveaux Amricains
prsentation du muse de
limmigration Ellis Island
p. 35
Tche 2 :
Choisir un invit pour
une mission tlvise
Faire un bref expos
pour prsenter et
p. 46
commenter une photo
p. 37
Rechercher et
changer des informations
sur des personnalits
amricaines dorigine
p. 39
Discuter la dfinition
de lexpression le rve
amricain dans le but
de rdiger un tweet
de loral
4 situations dvaluation
p. 41
p. 50
p. 47
Outils de la langue
Immigration p. 35
Obstacles and Success p. 35
Work p. 36
Feelings p. 36
Integration p. 39
Achievements p. 39
Can-do spirit p. 41
Prosperity / Want p. 41
Mots composs p. 17
When / If... p. 43 et
p. 18
Terminaisons en -ion p. 42
p Prcis de prononciation 6 p. 218
ce picto signale les documents que les lves pourront tudier la maison, en autonomie, avant la
mise en commun en classe.
en blanc , les autres supports et activits proposs que le professeur pourra choisir dtudier en fonction
de sa classe et du temps dont il dispose.
Ces activits peuvent tre effectues la maison, par la classe entire ou un groupe dlves, et suivies
dune mise en commun classe entire. Elles peuvent aussi tre utilises pour les cours dapprofondissement en option.
Les activits sur la langue (Language Tools, manuel pp. 42-43) et sur les Stratgies (manuel pp. 44-45)
seront menes mesure de lavance dans le chapitre, en fonction des documents et des tches choisis
par le professeur et des besoins des lves.
p. 32
Destination America
A Nation of Nations
p. 34
Personal stories
p. 35
p. 35
p. 35
p. 36
p. 36
p. 37
p. 37
p. 37
Successful integration
I wasnt unwelcomed
p. 38
Renewed hope
p. 39
p. 39
p. 39
p. 40
p. 41
p. 41
p. 42
p. 44
Final Task 1: Take part in a radio programme about the New Americans
p. 46
p. 46
p. 47
Fiche Recap
Mise la disposition des lves dans le Workbook
p. 19 ou sur le site
Cette che rcapitulative permet deffectuer une trace crite (de prfrence sous forme de notes) lissue
des diffrents Recaps et de faire la synthse en n de chapitre, de manire se prparer activement
lpreuve orale du baccalaurat :
noter ce que lon a appris,
progresser dans la dcouverte de la problmatique,
Permettre aux lves de rentrer dans la problmatique du chapitre en illustrant ce que peut ventuellement recouvrir le titre : The new Americans.
Amener les lves sinterroger sur les consquences de limmigration pour les pays et pour les
immigrants eux-mmes.
Forme de travail
Expression orale,
Productions possibles :
This is the cover of an American magazine
called Time. Apparently, it is a special issue
whose headline is The New Face of America.
Judging from the headline, we can guess this
document deals with immigration to the US
In the subtitle, the words immigrants, shaping
and multicultural involve the diversity brought
by immigrants which has shaped/formed American history and politics.
In the background, we have a multitude/a
large number of faces which all look different,
men or womens faces with dark or fair hair
and dark or fair skin All of them give the US
its unique multicultural society.
The focus of the photo is the portrait of a
young woman who looks quite familiar and
attractive. She has a placid smile.
However if we take a closer look, we notice
her features are quite ambiguous. In fact, it is
a curious combination/mixing of Asian, African, Middle Eastern and Anglo-Saxon traits.
We learn that this woman is not real. She was
created by a computer by mixing/blending
all the people from various geographical and
cultural origins who live in the US.
As the portrait is not a real one, we can wonder
if such a blend of different races really exists.
N.B. : les mots ou expressions souligns peuvent
rsulter de ltoffement des productions au cours des
tape 2 :
Faire le lien entre la couverture de Time et le titre
The new Americans.
Productions possibles :
All the ethnic groups are mixed/melted in one
face with harmony: it is the perfect symbol/illustration of the melting pot where all the different
cultures are mixed.
Destination America
1. A Nation of Nations
Analyse des documents
Une page daccueil du site Destination America
incluant des photos, un quiz que les lves pourront remplir dans leur Workbook
p. 11 ou sur, une introduction prsentant quelques donnes historiques, telle que la date
1965, qui a amen un changement considrable dans
lhistoire de limmigration amricaine (cette date sera
reprise dans le quiz, question n10), et diffrentes
rubriques. Certaines de ces rubriques apparaissent
sous forme de questions sur les diffrentes poques
et raisons de la venue aux tats-Unis dimmigrants
de toutes origines.
Des donnes statistiques
Le graphique n1 en barres permet de rpertorier les diffrentes vagues dimmigration sur une
priode de cent ans. On peut faire les constatations
suivantes :
- les grandes vagues dimmigration du XXe sicle
sont, en chiffres, peu prs quivalentes celles
du dbut du XXIe sicle, ce qui tend montrer
qu'aujourd'hui comme hier, les tats-Unis sont
une terre dimmigration ;
- au dbut du XXe sicle, la quasi-totalit des
immigrants venait dEurope ;
- au dbut du XXIe sicle, la tendance sest inverse : une trs faible minorit dimmigrants est
dorigine europenne. La plupart des arrivants
aujourdhui viennent dAmrique Latine et dAsie ;
- la priode correspondant la Seconde Guerre
mondiale enregistre limmigration la plus faible,
le systme de quota de 1921-1924 ayant considrablement ralenti les arrives aux tats-Unis ;
- limmigration repart dans les annes 1960, certainement grce labolition du Quota System
par le prsident Lyndon Johnson ;
- de plus, labolition du Chinese Exclusion Act en
1943 et la guerre du Vietnam entre 1964 et 1975
ouvrent les portes au monde asiatique ;
- tout au long du XXe sicle, les lois sur limmigration ont tantt t favorables pour les immigrants
dorigine latino-amricaine en raison des besoins
en main-duvre bon march, et tantt plutt
drastiques pour limiter leur arrive.
Manuel p. 34
Le graphique n 2 en camembert insiste davantage sur lorigine des immigrants. On pourra constater quen 2010, environ la moiti des immigrants
taient dorigine mexicaine et asiatique la plus
forte proportion concernant les Mexicains :
- les immigrants mexicains et leurs descendants
constituent de fait lune des communauts les
plus importantes des tats-Unis, et certainement
lun des groupes les plus inuents. La proximit
des tats-Unis par rapport leur propre territoire
(3200 km de frontires communes), limage attractive du mode de vie US ainsi que la situation
conomique du Mexique ont contribu attirer de
nombreux migrants mexicains ;
- en ce qui concerne les Asiatiques, la loi de 1965,
en posant comme critre dadmission la possession de qualications, a eu pour effet larrive de
nombreux cadres et techniciens originaires dAsie,
notamment dans les domaines de la science et
de la mdecine. Par ailleurs, la n de la guerre
du Vietnam en 1975 a galement entran une
vague importante de rfugis admis aux tatsUnis pour raisons humanitaires et politiques. Les
immigrants dorigine Asiatique se rpartissent
de manire peu prs quivalente entre ressortissants originaires de lInde, des Philippines et
de la Chine, suivis de prs par le Vietnam et la
Core du Sud ;
- le reste (Other) regroupe entre autres le Canada,
Cuba, des pays dAmrique du Sud et quelques
pays dAfrique.
Formes de travail
1. individuelle ; 2. collective.
Accs au sens
Reasons for
1851 - 1860
Potato Famine
1861 - 1870
Land of Opportunity
1871 - 1880
Religious Freedom
1881 - 1890
1891 - 1900
Southern Italians
1901 - 1910
Russian pogroms
A. WEBQUEST - Workbook
p. 10 ou sur le
Corrig :
3. On amnera les lves dcouvrir ou se remmorer les donnes factuelles concernant limmigration amricaine (son histoire, les politiques
dimmigration menes dans le pass et la situation
actuelle). On insistera sur 1965, une date cl dans
lhistoire de limmigration, et on pourra peut-tre
2. Personal Stories
Analyse des documents
Deux enregistrements de tmoignages dimmigrantes venues aux tats-Unis pour des raisons
tout fait diffrentes : une jeune femme dorigine
tawanaise venue par ambition professionnelle mais
qui a du mal sadapter la vie New-Yorkaise dune
part, et une femme dorigine iranienne, rfugie
politique. Elle aussi a rencontr des difcults mais
se sent progressivement mieux intgre bien que
son pays natal lui manque.
Les photos sont les portraits de ces deux femmes.
Manuel p. 35
york / but I dont know how to enjoy life in new
york // I dont know what life means to me in
new york // in new york / the only thing I do is
dance / happy and sad / I ght with myself every
day // dance and life will never be in one place /
no matter where I choose to stay / I will never feel
complete / because both of them are my dreams //
you had to move to new york / to become a
professional modern dancer / do you think
modern dance will ourish in tawan / to the
point that future tawanese dancers will have
/ plenty of opportunities in their homeland // I
want to believe that yes / it will one day / it may
take time / but one day/ I believe//
I see/ do you think your nostalgia / as you put
it / for tawan / has any effect on your dancing/ perhaps as fuel for your emotions // yes
/ I am that kind of person // I dont know how
to express myself / except through my body /
through dance / but I still miss home very much
// if I can wish anything / Id wish for dance and
life / to be in one place //
would you encourage other artists to move to
new york to pursue their dreams // no / but I
will encourage them to follow their hearts and
their dreams / dont give up too easily //
Farah Nacy- 02:06 to 04:10
ferdows nacy and her two daughters / mahnaz
and farah / became independent women in
america // when ferdows decided to emigrate to
the us / she opened the door for her daughters
to later join her in california //
after so many years in the united states / does it
nally feel like home / or will that designation
always belong to iran the country of your birth
and childhood//
as a teenager growing up in the united states in the
early 1960s / I sort of felt an outsider and longed
for a sense of belonging // my brother on the other
hand / felt immediately at home when he came
here and / has always taken great pride in being an
iranian-american / when I returned to iran for a
visit in 1968 / I quickly felt at home / and the visit
had an enormous inuence on my later decision
to return to iran to live // when I returned to the
us in 1982, this time as a political exile / I gained
new respect for the democratic institutions of this
country / and in time / I felt more like home / but
the call of my birthplace is always there //
do you feel more like an immigrant / or an exile
/ in america//
I have lived my life in the us in two parts /
growing up / I lived the life of an immigrant
/ my mother having brought us here so many
years before // she took enormous pride in
being an iranian-american and / took her
citizenship very seriously / she instilled
this pride in us as well / but /I always felt /
somewhat apart from my peers // I longed for a
place that felt more like home / I followed that
call / and returned to iran on the eve of the revolution / after almost four years living there / I
returned / this time as a political exile / though /
well /I feel more at home now / than when I rst
came /there is a part of me that will always feel
in exile / whether in the us or in iran //
Lexique et phonologie
Pas de difcults majeures, les diffrentes personnes parlent clairement et le lexique utilis est
simple. lissue de ltude de ce document, on
pourra entraner les lves avec lactivit des Language Tools Stress on compound nouns, manuel
p. 42, an de les prparer la production orale.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle ; 3. exploitation en
Accs au sens
1. Phase danticipation mener rapidement. Laisser venir les diffrentes propositions et au besoin,
attirer lattention des lves sur le titre, les photos
et les noms des personnages, ce qui permettra de
remettre en mmoire et en oreille le contenu
lexical : achieve - exile - immigrants - hostility - discrimination - birthplace - homeland.
Productions possibles :
Where do you come from? Whats your native
country? Whats your homeland? Do you miss
your native country, are you homesick?
Why did you come to the US? Did you want
to start from scratch? Did you meet any difficulties?
Did you nd any obstacles to your integration?
Were the people hostile or welcoming?
What dream did you want to full/to achieve?
En cas de difcults
Selon la classe, si les lves ont encore des
difcults prendre des notes pendant lcoute
en dbut danne, faire dabord couter lenregistrement jusqu la n du premier tmoignage, puis faire couter la deuxime partie en
mnageant ventuellement un court instant de
prise de notes en n dcoute de chaque partie.
Si les lves sont laise, on pourra procder la prise de notes pendant lcoute,
modalit laquelle il est bon de les entraner
en vue de lpreuve du baccalaurat.
Fang-Yi Sheu feels happy and sad. She
misses her homeland very much. She feels
homesick. She thinks she cant be completely happy in New York although dancing is
her dream/her passion. She feels she doesnt
live in New York. Shes only here for her job.
She wishes dance and life to be in one place.
Farah Nacy has mixed feelings towards her
new country. When she was a teenager, she
didnt feel integrated but she felt proud to be an
Iranian-American. She felt like an immigrant/a
foreigner. No wonder she felt at home in Iran
where she had come for a visit in 1968.
Yet, when she returned to the US to ee the
new political regime, she felt more at home. She
felt more respectful for the democratic institutions / She showed more respect towards this
democratic country. Though she has realized
how democratic the USA was, she thinks she ll
never feel completely at home in this country.
N.B. : les mots ou expressions souligns peuvent
rsulter de ltoffement des productions au cours des
c. La trace crite pourra se faire laide des ID cards
proposes dans le Workbook
p. 12 ou sur le site Deux lves seront chargs
de rsumer les changes qui auront eu lieu au cours
de cette activit lorsque tout le monde aura rempli
son ID card.
Hopes for the future: wishes dance and life to be in one place / wishes Tawanese
people to have good job opportunities in Tawan / hopes dance will flourish there.
Other information: would encourage artists to follow their dreams
UNIT 2 The
h new Americans
- for her native country: its her birthplace. Feels like home.
- for the USA:mixed feelings: first, felt as an outsider / had difficulties to adjust to her new country.
On her second stay, felt more at home.
faire directement la suite de ltude des documents de la double-page. Partir des exemples abords ou ventuellement en trouver dautres. Sinon,
possibilit de poser le Recap comme consigne dune
tche prparer la maison en vue du contrle oral
de la sance suivante. Reporter les rponses dans
la che Recap du Workbook
p. 19.
Productions possibles :
The US is a country of hopes.
Immigrants hope to have a better career/
better job opportunities, a better life, a better
They know they will not be persecuted. They
can nd asylum/shelter.
They expect to full their dreams.
DVD Vido 3
Cette tche donnera aux lves loccasion de rinvestir ce quils viennent dapprendre tout en enrichissant
le parcours culturel grce au visionnage de la vido
3 Ellis Island Immigration Museum.
Part 1
From 0050
to 0140
this was the dream // this was the reality // ellis island was
gateway and gateway // millions of american lives began
here // war began again here // more than one hundred
million citizens of the united states can trace their ancestry
here / to an immigrant who landed at ellis island // what brave
pioneers / they were // what it must have been like for them //
Part 2
From 0207
to 0319
Portraits of immigrants +
Steve Briganti
Ellis Island
Birgitta Fichter, Swedish
Immigrant, 1924
Part 3
From 2115
to 2232
1. a. La classe sera spare en trois groupes diffrents correspondant aux trois sections du leaet,
avec des objectifs dcoute diffrencis. Les prises
de notes sont possibles au fur et mesure de lcoute
sur la page du Workbook
p. 13.
Historical and
Geographical Data
The Immigrants
They came to America to start a
new life, a better life. This life began
at Ellis Island.
The immigrants came from
everywhere: cities, towns,
villages> helped build America.
Formes de travail
Il sagit de deux posts de personnes dorigines diffrentes qui se sont installes aux tats-Unis. Elles
racontent leur arrive et les raisons pour lesquelles
elles ont dcid dmigrer. La structure mme des
tmoignages facilitera les reprages et laccs au
sens :
date darrive aux tas-Unis,
raisons de limmigration,
situation actuelle,
esprances pour lavenir.
Aucune difcult lexicale. Lexique simple et courant
sauf le titre du document, A shot at the American
dream, que lon pourra faire expliciter la n.
Manuel p. 36
Accs au sens
tape danticipation : dans un premier temps, crer
lattente en faisant ragir les lves la source des
deux textes et lorigine des deux personnes : faire
anticiper le type de support, le type de discours
(blog = exprience personnelle publie sur internet)
et le propos ventuel. tant donn le pays dorigine,
faire mettre des hypothses quant la venue aux
tats-Unis. Faire vrier les hypothses la lecture.
Productions possibles :
These documents are two comments posted
on the internet.
The writers come from different countries.
Perhaps they write to tell about their arrival in
the US and their experience there.
The title A shot at the American dream
suggests the writers will certainly talk about
their hopes in their new country. They certainly
have great hopes for the future.
Productions possibles :
Kayla is from Cuban origin whereas Miguel
is from Mexico. Both arrived in New York a
few years ago.
Kayla followed her parents (who probably ed
political persecution).
We easily imagine she was a child/a little girl
when she arrived.
It was difficult for Kayla at rst.
The whole family settled in Brooklyn which
is a tough/difficult borough of New York. Kayla
was shocked/bewildered.
As a child, she probably didnt speak the language very well.
Today, she has adjusted to/adapted to her
new country and she sounds completely happy.
She probably made friends and adapted to her
American school. Today, she feels American
and doesnt want to go back.
Miguel arrived in the US to graduate / to pass a
degree / to get a diploma. He was probably older
than Kayla since he came to go to University.
American universities are well-reputed:
Miguel knows if he graduates there, he will
have a better job / he will be better-paid.
Today, he is studying in a prestigious university and at the same time, working part-time
to pay for his fees, which means he certainly
comes fom a poor background.
2. Laisser quelques minutes aux lves pour prparer la mise en commun des informations. Sous
forme de notes, crire les rcapitulations des lves
au tableau. On pourra encourager les lves faire
des comparaisons.
Productions possibles :
Both Kayla and Miguel fullled their dreams
though in a different way:
- Kayla adjusted to her new country,
- she is proud to be American/an American
- she seems pleased to live in New York although
it is not what she had imagined at rst,
- Miguel is studying in a prestigious American
University (perhaps an Ivy League University):
he will nd a job that will meet his expectations
/ if he does, we can be sure he will succeed in
his future career / he will have good job offers
I hope I will have a shot at the mythical
American Dream means that through his work,
he hopes to succeed, have a good job opportunity and improve his life.
In both cases, they have fullled their dreams
in the way that they have succeeded in their
pursuit of happiness. Both of them seem
hopeful for the future / optimistic.
Manuel p. 36
i s te
my name is martin matoda / Im from bulgaria
// after graduating high school / I decided I was
looking for a better education and a better life
/ the education system in bulgaria / its very
different from what it is here // its more academically oriented / rather than practical / and
thats why people from all over the world / they
want to come here and study / and get a handson experience // and then maybe get a couple of
years of real work experience after they get their
degree // I nished my mba degree this last may
/ and I was very condent in the beginning that
Ill get a job fairly easily with / given that Ive a
masters degree / and in the beginning / I was talking to recruiters / but as the economy get worse
/ I started to hear less and less / back after I send
the resume / and at some point / I didnt hear
anything // my name is nick injow // I was born
Productions possibles :
and raised in nairobi kenya // and I came to the
united states / Ive been here 10 years / Im a
trained accountant / I joined an accountant
rm / went to college in the united kingdom
// and I studied / I majored in economics
and social sciences // when I returned to my
country / kenya / back in the late 1990s / there
were no opportunities because / the political
system had run down the economy // then the
opportunity to come to america just surfaced
/ everybody was very excited / you could not
describe / what it is / to be in this land / and
experience all the opportunities / we were
told about since we were babies // I had two
brothers and one sister / living in baltimore /
and they thought / that I could go back into
the corporate world / I entered the corporate
world and I worked / with a number of companies for about four years /doing accounting
work and / I experienced the fear of losing my
job / that fear became reality because / I lost
a good professional job three times / and no
/ Im not disappointed because / every pitfall
/ I as an immigrant see that there is / added
opportunity to be something different // so I
decided I am going to work for myself / Ive
been self-contracting for about six seven years
now / the american dream is still very much
alive / because I think the dream exists in our
minds / and in our hearts //
Lexique et phonologie
Pas de difcults lexicales ou phonologiques. Le
dbit est sufsamment clair pour que les lves
comprennent sans mal le sens global. Le terme
accountant pourra tre infr par le contexte, notamment avec economics et social science, sinon le
Formes de travail
1. individuelle ; 2. 3. et 4. collectives.
En amont de laccs au sens du document audio, on
pourra proposer aux lves lexercice de prononciation f Rythm and weak forms, manuel p. 42, et dans
le Workbook
p. 34. Lalternance entre formes
accentues et formes non accentues pose souvent
problme aux lves qui ont du mal dissocier les
diffrents groupes de sens.
Accs au sens :
2. Premire coute du document dans son intgralit. Donner un temps court (1 min) lissue de
lcoute pour que les lves notent individuellement
ce quils ont retenu, puis mise en commun en classe.
Accepter les mots isols, les noter au tableau et en
n de collecte, faire mettre des hypothses de sens.
Productions possibles :
I heard different people speaking, three I
Two of them have foreign accents, so they
must be immigants coming to America. I guess
both of them are talking about their lives in
the US.
One of them has the American accent so he
must be the journalist leading the interview.
3. Deuxime coute :
> Focus on the peoples origins and their reasons
for coming.
Productions possibles :
The rst immigrant is called Martin Matoda.
He is of Bulgarian origin / He comes from Bulgaria / from Eastern Europe.
He came to the US to study / to have a better
education / to go to University / to graduate
in order to have a better life / a well-paid job.
The second immigrant is called Nick Injows
and he comes from Nairobi in Kenya/ he is of
Kenyan origin. He came to the USA to nd a
job since there were no job opportunities in
his native country.
Thats why he joined his sisters and brothers
who were living in Baltimore.
Avant de procder une troisime coute, faire
mettre des hypothses
> What do they sound like? Puis troisime coute.
Vrier les hypothses > Listen once more, this time
concentrate on their feelings and check your answers.
Productions possibles :
At rst, Martin was hopeful for the future
since he got his MBA. He was condent he
would nd a good job with his degree.
Yet, with the economical crisis / he suffered
from the economical crisis, he didnt nd any
jobs / he didnt manage to nd a job. He had
no news from recruiters even if he had a good
rsum/CV. At that point, we can be sure Martin
feels rather disillusioned and disappointed.
He certainly thinks his job opportunity is fading / He fears he might not have a shot at the
American Dream.
Nick was at rst really excited to come to the
US. He had always been told what a wonderful
country the US is / that the US is the land of
opportunities. In fact, he did nd a job but he
lost his job three times / he was made redundant
/ he was laid off three times. Yet, he didnt feel
disappointed / discouraged / hopeless / helpless
/ downhearted.
After that, he decided to work for himself. He
thinks being in the US is a good opportunity
even if he had bad experiences.
En cas de difcults
Pour faciliter laccs au sens, il est possible
de faire couter tout ou partie du document
une dernire fois avec prise de notes. Mise
en commun des informations.
Productions possibles :
For Martin, the American Dream was the
opportunity to get a good education, to get a
degree, to have access to a good job and so to
earn a living and improve his living conditions.
As he was not able to get a good steady job /
achieve his goals, he feels frustrated.
For Nick, the American Dream is slightly different. Although he also came to have a good job,
he is conscious being in the US is a real asset.
What he experienced was on the whole rather
positive. He is hopeful for the future because
he strongly believes the dream is in his mind
and his heart.
Manuel p. 37
Accs au sens
Le document est facile daccs. Le mot mock peut
tre infr aprs lecture du texte grce au contexte.
Stage ceremony + date: April 20, 2004.
Forme de travail
They are demonstrating. They want people to
know about their situation and they expect the
bill the Dream Act to be voted. They would like
to become American citizens in order to study
in the USA and take their exams and graduate.
These citizens are ghting for their status. They
want to become legal students to have the right
to live in the country they have known since their
childhood / for so many years. They would like
to take part in the American society and life.
3. Webquest
Cette tche ncessite une phase de recherche et de
prparation qui peut tre faite soit la maison, soit
en salle multimdia. On pourra indiquer aux lves
le numro de Time du 25 juin 2012, dont la couverture titre We are Americans just not legally et qui
rapporte des tmoignages personnels de jeunes
sans papiers de toutes origines qui ont dcid de
se dnoncer (coming out) an de forcer ladministration fdrale agir. Les donnes ci-dessous
pourront nourrir les productions dlves :
Activit orale qui se base sur les documents tudis.
On pourra donner ce travail la maison et reporter les rponses dans la che Recap du Workbook
p. 19.
1. et 2.
3. La troisime question se fera en classe. Cette activit dexpression orale permettra un entranement
supplmentaire la prise de parole. Sassurer que
les lves travaillent partir de notes succinctes et
les encourager faire des comparaisons. Possibilit
pour les lves denregistrer la prparation de leur
prise de parole.
Les donnes ci-dessous pourront nourrir les productions dlves.
Notes culturelles
American Gothic is an iconic painting by
Grant Wood, in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. Woods inspiration came from
a cottage designed in the Gothic Revival style
with a distinctive upper window and a decision to paint the house along with the kind of
people I fancied should live in that house. The
painting shows a farmer standing beside his
spinster daughter. The gures were modeled
by the artists dentist and sister. The woman
is dressed in a colonial print apron mimicking
XIXth century American and the couple are in
the traditional roles of men and women, the
mans pitchfork symbolizing hard labor, and
Productions possibles :
the owers over the womans right shoulder suggesting domesticity. It is one of the most familiar
images in XXth century American art, and one of
the most parodied artworks within American
popular culture.
Santiago Forero is a Colombian artist that
has been working in Photography, Video and
New Media for the past ten years. He attended
Ponticia Universidad Javeriana in Bogot
where he got his B.F.A in Visual Arts in 2005.
After moving to Austin, Texas, he received his
M.F.A. in Studio Art with a concentration in
Photography from The University of Texas
at Austin in 2010 and the Artist of the Year in
Photography Award by the Austin Visual Arts
Association the same year.
Ces informations pourront tre retrouves sur
A parody of the original iconic painting American Gothic, by Grant Wood in 1930.
Instead of the two typical XIXth century immigrants, we see people of Mexican origin. It suggests the typical XIXst century immigrants are
from Mexican origin.
Instead of a pitchfork, the man on the photo
is holding a tool and has dirty hands: he is not a
farmer anymore, he has become a builder which
is also hard labour.
His wife has a feather duster in her pocket:
she must be a housekeeper, the kind of menial
jobs usually done by unskilled workers when
they settle in the US.
The house has changed. It is a bright blue
colour, typical of many houses in Mexico.
By caricaturing the famous painting, representing 19th century typical Americans, Santiago
Forero wants us to realize / wants to stress /
emphasize the importance of the MexicanAmericans today.
It reveals that immigrants of Mexican origin
must be inuential in the American social,
political and economical life.
Successful integration
1. I wasnt unwelcomed
Analyse des documents
La photo nous montre un quartier rsidentiel dune
banlieue amricaine et un groupe de personnes de
tous ges, qui visiblement entretiennent de bons
Extrait dun roman de Chang Rae Lee, Gesture
Life, publi en 1999. Fils dun psychiatre coren du
nord rfugi Soul, Chang Rae Lee a trois ans en
1968 quand sa famille immigre aux tats-Unis. Rien
ne semblait destiner Chang Rae Lee lcriture :
il commence sa vie professionnelle en tant quanalyste nancier Wall Street aprs avoir tudi
lUniversit de Yale. Sa vocation dcrivain ne se
rvle qu la mort de sa mre. Il sinstalle alors
en Oregon o il participe des ateliers dcriture.
Et surtout il rencontre son mentor, le pote Garrett
Hongo, auquel Gesture Life est ddi.
Le narrateur et hros du roman, le docteur
Franklin Hata, est un Japonais dorigine corenne ;
il sest tabli dans une bourgade du New Jersey,
Bedley Run, au dbut des annes soixante. Dsormais septuagnaire la retraite, il semble couler des
Manuel p. 38
jours paisibles dans sa banlieue cossue. Il vit dans
une vaste demeure de style no-Tudor avec jardin
et piscine dalle. Il semble avoir gagn lestime de
ses voisins.
Le titre et lintroduction du passage nous dpeignent
directement le personnage principal : le narrateur,
dorigine asiatique, qui semble tre apprci dans
son voisinage.
lments de sens de lextrait :
Installation du narrateur dans cette banlieue cossue : living thirty-odd years in the same place / Ive
lived here as long as any / here, fty minutes north of
the city / a picturesque town.
Lge du narrateur : living thirty-odd years in the
same place / as an elder / silver hair.
Le fait que tout le monde le connaisse et lapprcie : people know me here / everyone here knows
perfectly who I am / Whenever I step into a shop,
someone will say Hey, its good Doc Hata / How are
yous and Hellos / gradual and accruing recognition / the
small but unequalled pleasure that comes with being
Lensemble du texte ne comporte pas de difcults
majeures mme si certains mots seront difciles
comprendre pour les lves, mais tous ne sont
pas ncessaires. De plus, un travail dinfrence est
propos dans le Workbook
p. 15.
Formes de travail
1. individuelle puis collective ; 2. en groupes ; 3.
Accs au sens
1. a. Anticipation avec le titre du passage et lintroduction. Cette introduction peut amener aisment
les lves supposer que le texte parle de la vie
dun immigrant dorigine asiatique, install aux
tats-Unis. Le titre suggre que son intgration a
t russie.
Productions possibles :
The main character must be the narrator who
is of Asian origin / who comes from Asia.
Has settled, not far from New York City
suggests he has immigrated to the US.
The title suggests he managed to integrate
quite successfully in his new country.
Judging from the title and the introduction, I
imagine the text is about the narrators life and
feelings in his new country.
En cas de difcults
On pourra demander aux lves d'utiliser
le guidage plus serr qui se trouve dans le
p. 15.
Focus on what people say to the narrator
and what they do for him:
When I buy my paper each morning, the newsstand owner wil say (l. 28-29)
And the young, bushy-eyebrowed woman at the
deli, [] always reaches over the refrigerated
glass counter and waves her plump hands and
says... (l. 32-33)
She winks at me and makes sure to prepare
my turkey breast sandwich herself (l. 37-38)
Folding an extra wedge of pickle into the butcher paper... (l. 39)
> It is a friendly attitude.
Look out for words expressing the narrators feelings in this passage.
deeply appreciate (l. 21) / enjoy (l. 23) / veneration (l. 24) /
> The narrator is proud and attered to be
recognized and appreciated.
Focus on the passage (l. 59-64):
I suppose it was because Bedleyville was still
Bedleyville then, and not yet Bedley Run
> The adverbs indicate the town was about
to change its name.
though desperately wanting to be. (l. 61)
but/however desperately wanting to be.
> I suppose it was because Bedleyville was
still Bedleyville then, and not yet Bedley Run,
however/but it desperately wanted to be called
Bedley Run.
tax is very close to taxe in French > any
newcomer was seen as benecial for the city
in terms of population and tax paying.
census refers to the number of inhabitants
in the city.
Conclude > When he arrived, the narrator
thought people were indifferent and were not
interested in him. However, he realized people
saw newcomers as benecial for the city.
2. Renewed hope
Analyse du document
Il sagit dun documentaire sur la communaut vietnamienne de San Diego et plus particulirement sur
le boom des salons de manucure tenus par des Vietnamiens, car ce travail ne ncessite pas de connaitre
parfaitement la langue et nexige pas de qualications
spciques. Certains de ces immigrants se trouvaient
lorigine dans des camps de rfugis au Vietnam.
Lactrice Tippi Hedren, qui visita plusieurs fois lun de
ces camps, dcida daider les rfugis leur arrive
aux tats-Unis et envoya sa propre manucure enseigner les rudiments du mtier aux femmes.
La n de la guerre du Vietnam et le dpart des Amricains en 1975 prcipita lexode de la population et
des vagues successives de rfugis arrivrent sur
le sol amricain. Les Vietnamiens arrivs aux tats-
The Chinese because they lived in enclaves of
their own (Chinatowns) that had been created
in the 19th century and still resented the 1943
Chinese Exclusion Act.
Perhaps he noticed that the Chinese did not
want to mix because of the way they had been
So he thought he would not be treated differently. He reckoned American people would
see him as an intruder
Although the narrator expected to be discriminated against rejected / ostracized, people
were interested in him and made him feel he
was not unwelcomed.
Manuel p. 39
DVD Vido 4
On pourra visionner lensemble du documentaire sur : Full Focus : San Diegos
Vietnamese 6-9-05
Squenage de la video
Time code
From the
to 0106
From 0121
to 0211
Les images du salon de beaut permettent de comprendre nail et nail salon. Du point de vue strictement
phonologique, pas de problme majeur quant la
comprhension du document. Il faudra prvoir 2 ou
3 coutes. Les chiffres peuvent apporter une aide
Formes de travail
1. individuelle puis collective ; 2. collective.
Accs au sens
Phase danticipation avec limage et le titre.
Productions possibles :
The scene takes place in a beauty salon, certainly in San Diego, California, according to
the title.
We see Asian women, hard at work, and judging from the title, we understand they are
of Vietnamese origin. They are doing other
womens nails.
Productions possibles :
We learn that because of the end of the Vietnam war / the departure of American troops
from Sagon, in 1975 / X years ago, tens of thousands of Vietnamese people left / ed / escaped
from their native country to seek refuge in the
US. They had lost everything. They had no
choice but to rebuild their lives.
40,000 of them settled in San Diego.
Today, the community numbers more than
60,000 people.
A lot of Vietnamese-American women found
renewed hope in an unexpected business: nail
That job was perfect for them: they could
start with little money, they didnt need a
high education, they didnt need to be uent
in English and they didnt need a lot of qualications/skills.
Today, it is a six-billion dollars industry per
year, mainly run by Vietnamese people.
2. Laisser quelques minutes de rexion indivi1. Lors du visionnement, le professeur mettra laccent sur la nature du document propos et insistera
sur limportance de limage, tape pralable la
construction du sens.
duelle pour prparer la prise de parole. Il est possible de visionner une nouvelle fois le document de
faon partielle (n du document partir du salon
de beaut).
Productions possibles :
Apparently, most Vietnamese-American
women had the opportunity to nd a job quickly.
This job was the key to their integration.
This job helped them rebuild their lives and
gave them new hopes for the future.
Vietnamese-Americans did so well that nails
have become a very important business, producing six billion dollars a year, which can be seen
as a successful integration.
People can also feel integrated because they
have managed to mix/blend in the community.
Productions possibles :
mise en commun des informations. An de promouvoir une prise de parole collective et ordonne, le
professeur pourra distribuer la parole comme suit :
Family background:
First son of William Carnegie a linen weaver
and local leader of the Chartists (who sought
to improve the conditions of working-class life
in Great Britain), and of Margaret Carnegie
daughter of Thomas Morrison a shoemaker
and political and social reformer.
Andrews father wanted to escape starvation /
had to borrow money to migrate. There,father
found a job in a cotton mill / the mother earned
her living by binding shoes.
Family background:
mother: opera singer and talent scout of
Spanish ancestry / father: oil company executive
of Lebanese ancestry
Salma means safe in Arabic / was raised in
a wealthy, devoutly Roman Catholic family
Family background:
mother: an English teacher. Yet, Jerry only knew
one English word: shoe, on his arrival / became
fluent in 3 years / was placed in an Advanced
Placement English class.
Pas vraiment de difcults dans cet article si ce nest
Betamax cassettes (l. 13) quil faudra expliquer aux
lves, ceux-ci tant trop jeunes pour savoir de quoi
il sagit. La srie Dallas tant revenue sur le devant
de la scne rcemment, il se peut que les lves
la connaissent ; dans le cas contraire, leur donner
un bref aperu (cette activit pourrait trs bien tre
donne en travail la maison et un lve pourrait
faire un rapide compte-rendu en dbut dheure
suivante). Quelques notions historiques pourront
ventuellement tre donnes aux lves, telles que
Vietnam War and post Vietnam War si le document
vido p. 39 n'a pas t tudi en amont.
Formes de travail
1. deux puis collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective ; 3. en groupes ; 4. deux puis collective.
Accs au sens
3.a. Deuxime tape de comprhension : comprhension plus ne visant proposer un compterendu plus prcis des diffrentes tapes dans la vie
de Fareed Zakaria. Pour cela, diviser la classe en
trois groupes en suivant les trois axes fournis par
la consigne :
group 1 : vision du rve amricain quand lauteur
vivait en Inde ;
group 2 : vision du rve amricain quand lauteur
tudiait aux tats-Unis ;
group 3 : sa perception de la situation aujourdhui,
alors quil vit aux tats-Unis depuis de nombreuses
Productions possibles :
2. Tche dentranement lexpression crite : laisser les lves produire individuellement un tweet de
140 caractres.
Feelings and reactions
a. reasons for immigrating: war - political or religious persecution - lack of money - unemployment
-famine - family reunion - job opportunity - better
2. foreign
5. immigrants
3. integrate
6. grasp
When settling in a foreign country, speaking
the language uently is an asset when it
comes to nding employment.
Immigrants sometimes nd it difcult to
integrate because of their poor command of
the language. Thats why many of them take
language classes. They know it will also help
them grasp cultural habits that may be very
remote from theirs.
ste 1
ist e
ste 1
Derived nouns
Dans les phrases 1 et 2, les actions exprimes par
les verbes principaux (be able to settle / be easier)
sont soumises condition :
- condition explicite :
si Martin trouve du travail / si la loi est vote ;
- condition implicite :
quand il trouvera du travail = uniquement partir
de ce moment l / quand la loi sera vote = uniquement partir du vote de la loi.
Elles ne peuvent se raliser quau moment o ces
conditions sont remplies. On ne sait pas quand ces
conditions seront remplies mais on est certain de
ces conditions : si elles ne sont pas remplies, rien
ne se passera. On les pose donc comme des vrits
Dans les subordonnes introduites par if ou when,
on ne peut pas employer le modal will puisque will
exprime une forte probabilit mais pas une vrit.
Do labsence de futur dans les propositions
subordonnes temporelles introduites par when.
a. Martin Matoda wants/would like recruiters to
give him a job.
b. Farah wants/would like Iranian women to be
better recognized.
c. Fang-Yi Sheu wants/would like/expects Taiwanese
dancers to develop modern dance in their homeland.
pp. 17-18
Compound words
academic background
racial discrimination
history centre
steerage passenger
career prospects
host country
social background
immigration station
job centre
job opportunity
I feel like I am embodying the American dream. My
parents never had the opportunity to get an education,
to go to college, to pursue a professional career and
earn a lot of money. They have always had nancial
problems and they are still living in a small house
in a poor suburb. So I feel like it is my job to be there
for them and show them that I can succeed and be
someone important. I will continue to ght as much
as I can so they will be proud of me.
ste 1
Want/would like/expect sb to
CD 1 lve
Comprendre un monologue
Premier volet des stratgies de comprhension de
loral. Doit permettre aux lves de mieux saisir les
messages transmis lors dune prise de parole assez
longue de type tmoignage, expos, reportage etc.,
en sentranant :
se prparer lcoute ;
faire des reprages et stocker en mmoire ;
mettre en relation les lments reprs pour
construire du sens.
ste 1
Analyse du document
this part of manhattan has a large population
of spanish-speaking immigrants // canonge
lives in the neighbourhood // he got the idea
for the english classes / while doing his own
laundry //
i saw many people struggling with the
machines / you know / reading / like / the
instructions //when do I put the soap // whats
wash / and whats bleach / or whats rinse //
during the day / there is the korean owner /
who tends the place / so / even that is / you
know / they cant talk to him // they cant say /
i need change // you know / give me ve dollars
in change // and also / he cant speak spanish
/ so thats a pain //
underwear // no // underwear //
but when you live in a neighbourhood / where so
many people do speak spanish / its easy to put
off learning english // thats what myra kayro
/ who hails from the dominican republic / says
happened to her // shes been living in the us
for 26 years / and became a citizen about six
months ago //
everybody speaks spanish in this neighbourhood // its very difficult to speak english //
tapes possibles :
La prparation lcoute se fait individuellement
la maison : les lves prennent en notes leurs
hypothses sur le reportage radiophonique propos.
Mise en commun des hypothses classe entire lors
de la sance suivante.
coute du document pour vrication des hypothses : on demandera aux lves de se concentrer
sur lenvironnement sonore et sur qui parle (voir
premiers lments reprer du tableau page 45
du manuel). Nouvelle phase de travail la maison :
demander aux lves de reprer notamment les
mots qui se dtachent clairement, les indicateurs
de lieux, les donnes chiffres.
Lors du cours suivant : mise en commun des
lments reprs par groupes de 4 ou 5 lves et
mise en relation. Demander aux lves de prparer
par crit, la maison, une synthse individuelle en
francais de ce quils ont compris. Ils pourront se
reporter lentranement
Comprhension de
loral, manuel pp. 50-51.
Prsentation de la tche
Il sagit dune prise de parole en interaction dans
le cadre dun talk show radiophonique. Dans un
tel contexte, des notes seront permises mais
elles doivent tre trs succintes et regardes avec
Les lves devront tirer au sort une carte (role-play
cards) qui leur attribuera un rle :
le prsentateur de lmission de radio,
une immigrante dorigine Hondurienne,
un immigrant dorigine Indienne,
Prsentation de la tche
Les lves devront couter deux journalistes
chargs de slectionner un ou des participants
une mission radiophonique sur les nouveaux Amricains . Ces journalistes dcrivent
trois diffrents prols dimmigrants candidats
lmission et donnent leur avis sur leur ventuelle
lissue des trois coutes, les lves devront
identier les prols dimmigrants retenus par les
journalistes (pas de justications demandes).
Forme de travail ;
Forme de travail
Corrigs et barmes :
pour lmission
1 : Sun Goo
2 : Paul Mercado Reyes
3 : Monica
Manuel p. 47
Comprhension de loral
Document support
Prsentation du document
Le Dr Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa tmoigne de sa
russite spectaculaire, depuis son arrive aux tatsUnis comme saisonnier sans papier en Californie
jusqu sa russite en tant que chirurgien neurologue rput.
Forme de travail
La passation et lvaluation de la performance de
llve suivent les instructions ofcielles (B.O. du
24 novembre 2011). Prvoir 20 minutes.
8 pts
10 pts
Plus de dtails :
Le rve amricain est toujours vivant mme si
les moyens de latteindre ont volu.
La russite de cet immigrant : il travaille toujours
de ses mains mais dans un institut prestigieux,
un des plus prestigieux au monde. Il est mdecin
Plus difficile maintenant dentrer aux US pour les
Mexicains : les frontires sont mieux gardes.
Il est fier de ce quil a fait.
Si des lments ont t relevs plusieurs niveaux, il appartiendra au correcteur de dnir le niveau global atteint.
Note de llve : note sur 10 2 =
Expression orale
Comprhension de lcrit
1 pt par bonne rponse = 3 pts
Corrig et barme
Total des points = 50 pts (multiplier par 2 et diviser
par 5 pour obtenir une note sur 20 pts)
Text 1
Where (place and country)
2,5 pts
Characters present in the
scene (identification and if
mentioned: age, occupations,
origin, relationships)
7 pts
Other people involved:
how they are related to the
characters present where
they live
4 pts
Text two
Store, USA.
2 lments de rponse = 1 pt
Final task 1
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 46
A pu mettre en adquation
sa production avec le
sujet propos : est bien un
immigrant prenant part une
mission sur les nouveaux
1 3 pts
1 2 pts
1 2 pts
A pu avancer plusieurs
arguments simples en
adquation avec le sujet.
A su prendre de la distance
par rapport ses notes.
Sest exprim clairement
mais a rcit plus quil/elle
na jou.
4 pts
3 pts
3 4 pts
5 6 pts
A utilis presque tous les
A pu enrichir sa production
en situation.
A fait preuve doriginalit.
4 pts
Peut construire un entretien
avec efficacit et aisance,
en scartant spontanment
des questions prpares et
en exploitant et relanant les
rponses interessantes.
5 6 pts
A acquis une prononciation
et une intonation claires et
A un bon contrle
grammatical ; des bvues
occasionnelles, des erreurs
non systmatiques et de petites
fautes syntaxiques peuvent
encore se produire mais elles
sont rares et peuvent tre
corriges rtrospectivement.
Ne fait pas de fautes
conduisant des malentendus.
7 pts
5 pts
7 8 pts
Sangjay Lakshmi
Left India: 2009
Reason: work as a high tech
Became CEO of his company
Anna Lin Wu
Left China: 2007
Reason: study at Yale
Graduated and found the job she
wished for
Carmen Alvarado
Left Honduras: 2010
Reason: Join her husband
Became an active member of
Charity Action Against Hunger
The TV presenter
The TV presenter
Carmen Alvarado
Left Honduras: 2010
Reason: Join her husband
Became an active member of
Charity Action Against Hunger
Final task 1
Sangjay Lakshmi
Left India: 2009
Reason: work as a high tech
Became CEO of his company
Anna Lin Wu
Left China: 2007
Reason: study at Yale
Graduated and found the job she
wished for
The new Americans
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 46
Name :
Class :
Comprhension de lcrit
Manuel p. 47
Text 1
Everybody has The Outtthe outt they bought for America. The students who have
lived in the country for longer have learned how to blend in better, disappearing in
brand-name sneakers and low-riding jeans. But each September on the rst day of
school, the new kids are easy to spot. []
Sitting behind a cluttered desk in her ofce on the fourth day of school, Dariana Castro
examines the new girl from behind cats-eye glasses. Somehow, Student No. 219870508
got it almost right. Today is her rst day at the International High School at Prospect
Heights, a Brooklyn public school that teaches English to new immigrants, but at least
by appearances she could be any girl entering the ninth grade at any high school in any
city or small town across America. She has silky brown hair, which is half up, and small
eyes, which are cast down at the oor. Her lips are glossed and her nails polished, but
that doesnt stop her from nibbling on them. She wears brand-new blue jeans (factory
made), a black-and-red Mead backpack, and a T-shirt the uorescent-green color of
Nickelodeon slime. Her clothes t too well to be hand-me-downs*, and they leave no
trace of a foreign country. Its as if someone undressed a mannequin in the back-toschool display in the teen department of Target, and re-created the ensemble on her.
Whats your name? Dariana asks.
Chit Su, the girl says, twisting a ower-shaped ruby ring on her nger.
Cheet Sue, Dariana repeats carefully.
Cradling a phone receiver to her ear, she motions for the girl to take a seat.
Ofcially she is known as the Coordinator of Special Programs, but a better job title
would be The Fixer. Every immigrant community has one, and the International High
School at Prospect Heights has Dariana, a twenty-ve-year-old Dominican with pale
skin, curly red-tinted hair that will change colors and styles many times in the coming
months, and a solution for everything.
As soon as the new girl walked into her ofce to pick up her class schedule, it was
obvious to Dariana that Chit Su was suffering from a bad case of nerves. But thats just
about the only thing about Chit Su that is obvious. Other than the ID number assigned
to her by the New York City Department of Education, very little is known about Student No. 219870508. No one is exactly sure where she came from, or how she got here
this morning, up three ights of stairs and past security. To Dariana, she looks like
an ordinary American girl. But she is from Burma. Or Thailand. Her answer changes
depending on who asks. Either way, she is the only person in the entire school who
speaks her language, now that the ip-op-wearing Burmese sisters have relocated to
Texas. She is seventeen years old, and her English is very limited. That much is clear.
Are you happy to be here? Dariana asks, leaning forward. Are you nervous?
Silence. Shifting her weight in the chair, the girl smiles, her teeth crowded on top of
each other like subway riders at rush hour.
Youre not nervous? Dariana asks again, this time speaking more slowly. More silence.
Dariana stands up and walks over to the corner of the room, where a large plastic bag
is lled with snacks and small cartons of juice.
Here, she says, handing Chit Su a package of peanut-butter crackers, along with her
class schedule. Eat these every time you feel nervous. It will make you feel better.
Rubbing her stomach, Dariana pretends to chew. Mmmm. Thats what I do.
Brooke Hauser, The New Kids (2011)
* articles of clothing that have already been used and are given away when not wanted anymore
Name :
Class :
Text 2
No one tells you this at the beginning, but the days of a shopkeeper are empty. There
are hours of silence punctuated briey with bursts of customers who come and go
within the span of a few minutes. [] Left alone behind the counter, I was hit with the
sudden terrible and frightening realization that everything I had cared for and loved
was either lost or living on without me seven thousand miles away, and that what I had
here was not a life, but a poorly constructed substitution made up of one uncle, two
friends, a grim store and a cheap apartment. []
In my monthly letters and phone calls to my mother and brother in Ethiopia, I tell
them only that I own my business, and that business is okay. Never good. Never bad.
Simply okay. Could be better. Grateful its not worse. I send them money once every
few months when I can afford to, even though I know they dont need it. I do it because
I am in America, and because sending money home is supposed to be the consolation
prize for not being home.
Dinaw Mengestu, The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears (2007)
newspaper articles
both ctional
both non-ctional
Fill in the grid below picking out as many details from the texts as possible.
Text 1
Where (place and country)
Text 2
Name :
Class :
Read the following statements and decide if they are right or wrong. Justify by
quoting the text.
Text 1
a. All the students at the International High School at Prospect Heights have just arrived in the country.
b. All the students at the International High School at Prospect Heights wear a uniform.
c. Student No. 219870508 has managed to blend in perfectly well.
d. Lots of personal details about Student N 219870508 are available.
e. Student N 219870508 has a bad command of English.
f. Student N 219870508 is given a package of peanut-butter crackers because she has a stomach ache.
Text 2
g. The narrator earns a lot of money.
h. The narrator sends money to his family on a regular basis.
i. The narrator thinks his new life is fullling
Draw conclusions about how long Student N 219870508 and the narrator of text
2 have been in this country. (about 15 words)
Name :
Class :
Complete the following sentences by using some of the adjectives from the two
lists below. Quote the text to justify your choice.
a. integrated - successful - at ease - competitive - busy
The main character in text 1 wants to appear ............................................................................
The main character in text 2 wants to appear ............................................................................
b. homesick - uprooted - tense - lonely - happy - lost
The main character in text 1 actually feels ................................................................................
The main character in text 2 actually feels ................................................................................
Complete the following sentences with elements from the list below:
his/her family - his/her friends - the government - the American students - the teachers - the customers
a. The main character in text 1 wants ............................ to think she is one of them.
b. The main character in text 2 wants .............................. to think he has succeeded.
Among the following titles, which one would you choose for that set of document?
A challenging experience
A humiliating experience
Expression crite
A diary entry
Write Chit Sus diary entry recalling her rst day at the International High School (150 words).
A dialogue
Imagine a conversation the narrator in text 2 had with his mother when he rst told her he was
going to settle in the US (250 words).
En fin de parcours
valuation de l'expression crite :
- tche : imaginer et prsenter par crit un monde post-apocalyptique o la technologie a disparu
valuation de la comprhension de lcrit :
- tche : associer des textes de quatrime de couverture aux couvertures correspondantes
Parcours culturel
Parcours culturel
Notion :
Lide de progrs
Thme :
Limpact de la technologie sur la vie quotidienne ; la
vie sans technologie : choix personnels ; socits
imaginaires dans les textes de fiction.
Problmatique :
Comment vivre sans technologie ?
Quand les lumires steignent pp. 54-55
Entranements et valuations
Activits langagires
Dcrire et
expliquer par crit
les consquences de
la disparition de la
technologie sur la vie
Imaginer et rdiger un
texte narratif dcrivant
la vie, les sentiments
et les ractions des
personnages dans un
monde sans technologie
Comprendre les
faits principaux et
les sentiments des
personnages dans des
tmoignages personnels
et des textes narratifs
Prsenter par
oral une exprience
Tches dentranement
valuations finales
Tche 2 :
Associer des textes de
quatrime de couverture
aux couvertures
p. 66
p. 57
Rdiger la suite dun
texte narratif dcrivant
un monde postapocalyptique
p. 59
Rdiger une carte
p. 61
de lcrit
p. 70
4 situations dvaluation
p. 67
Expression crite
p. 72
Outils de la langue
Electricity cuts p. 54
Discontent / Satisfaction p. 54
Obstacle / Failure p. 57
Dependence / Independence
p. 57
Deprivation p. 57
Dislike p. 59
Benevolence / Malevolence p. 59
Success p. 61
Abundance p. 61
Feelings and attitudes p. 62
Cause and consequence p. 62
Talking about progress p. 62
a/the/ p. 63 et
p. 22
pp. 52-53
Blackouts: when the lights go off
Breaking News
p. 54
p. 55
p. 55
p. 55
Tech-free Days
Students Unplug
p. 56
p. 57
p. 57
Training Task 2: Unplug: how long will you resist without technology?
Dark Times
Surviving (S.M. Stirling, Dies the Fire)
p. 58
p. 59
p. 59
Better Off
Building a new life (Paul Theroux, The Mosquito Coast )
p. 60
p. 61
p. 61
Language tools
pp. 62-63
pp. 64-65
p. 66
p. 66
p. 67
Fiche Recap
Mise la disposition des lves dans le Workbook
p. 24 ou sur le site
Cette che rcapitulative permet deffectuer une trace crite (sous forme de notes) lissue des diffrents
Recaps puis de faire la synthse en n de chapitre, de manire se prparer activement lpreuve orale
du baccalaurat :
- noter ce que lon a appris,
- progresser dans la dcouverte de la problmatique,
- tablir les liens avec la notion au programme et dautres chapitres traitant la mme notion.
Voir aussi Entranement
Prparer llve entrer dans le chapitre grce
un document iconographique montrant une yourte
et un homme debout devant lentre.
Susciter les ractions des lves et les amener
sinterroger sur limportance de la technologie dans
notre quotidien, son impact sur notre vie et sur nos
comportements. Mise en place dun questionnement
pour aboutir la problmatique : comment vivre
sans technologie ?
Formes de travail
Travail collectif. Le temps consacr cette activit
dpendra videmment des ides mises par les
lves mais il ne devrait pas excder une vingtaine
de minutes et le professeur veillera imposer un
rythme assez soutenu aux changes.
Productions possibles :
What forms of technology are most important
to you?
Communicative devices / heating
tape 3
Lorsque les lves ont puis leurs remarques, leur
demander de formuler des hypothses quant au contenu
du chapitre et des questions que le thme soulve.
Manuel p. 54
DVD Vido 5
Squenage de la vido
Time code
From the
beginning to 015
From 130 to
the end
Lexique et phonologie
Peu de difcults lexicales ou phonologiques
proprement parler ; le dbit est sufsamment clair
pour que les lves comprennent sans mal le sens
global. Par contre, certains noms de localit sont
difciles saisir mais dans la mesure o ce sont
les consquences de lincident qui nous intressent
au premier chef ici, on pourra se dispenser dune
comprhension ne de ces noms propres. Le professeur devra en revanche donner la dnition de
lexpression take in stride = to accept advances or
setbacks as the normal course of events.
Formes de travail
Productions possibles :
A woman is talking to the camera. She might
be the news reporter
The scene takes place in San Diego, California.
A woman is being interviewed and she looks
quite happy / she is smiling.
We can see that everything is in the dark, that
there is much traffic.
The traffic signals are out/ineffective.
There is one couple having dinner joyfully at
a restaurant.
They remain calm/unruffled.
But people dont seem to panic. It seems to
be no big deal. They look quite enthusiastic.
Peoples feelings
(group 3)
people find it fun
they find this situation quite
they are smiling and look happy
not so distressed
no panic
Formes de travail
Une srie de posts exprimant les ractions authentiques de personnes de diffrentes origines ayant
vcu des coupures de courant de grande ampleur
au cours de ces dernires annes est ici propose.
Ces textes courts dcrivent de faon succincte la
situation et les diffrentes ractions face ces vnements. La structure propre aux posts facilitera la
comprhension et laccs au sens ; par ailleurs, ils
offrent un prolongement intressant la vido. Avec
une classe faible, le professeur prendra le temps
dtudier ces documents en classe an de consolider
la mise en place du lexique li au sujet. Avec une
classe plus laise, le professeur donnera ltude
de ces posts faire la maison. Si le document est
tudi la maison, chaque lve choisira un post et
se prparera la question 1.
1. en groupes ; 2. collective.
Pas de difcults particulires.
Manuel p. 55
Productions possibles :
Positive consequences:
Lead people to gather and communicate.
Oblige people to make the most of the situation
Negative consequences:
Create much havoc /hvk/, disrupt, transport
networks and business
People can become disorientated
DVD Vido 6
Activit orale qui permet de reprendre ce qui a t dit
lors de ltude des documents de la double page.
faire directement la suite en partant des exemples
abords an den trouver dautres. Sinon, possibilit
de poser le Recap comme consigne dune tche
prparer la maison en vue du contrle oral de la
sance suivante.
Tech-free days
Students unplug
Analyse du document
Le lexique est relativement simple et cet article
est maill de termes relatifs aux ordinateurs que
les lves connaissent dj. Seule lexpression in
a technology fast pourra poser problme mais le
contexte est assez clair pour que les lves puissent
en infrer le sens.
Formes de travail
1. 2. 3. et 4. collectives.
4. Productions possibles :
We dont ask people to live as cavemen used
to. The point is for people to become aware of
what they are doing, the way they are behaving.
Thanks to this kind of experiment, what we do
is not a reex any more but a free choice. From
now on, these students will use Facebook of
their own free will.
Tche dexpression crite qui prendra principalement
appui sur les ides dveloppes lors de lexploitation de larticle, mais on pourra galement puiser
dautres exemples dans les activits ralises prcdemment. Cette tape constitue non seulement un
palier de synthse mais galement un entranement
Dark times
Analyse du document
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. en groupe puis collective ; 3. en
groupes ; 4. 5. et 6. collectives.
The travellers
(group 2)
Havel reined in his horse of the rest behind him
l. 6-7
as a horse shifted in place.
Afternoon, he said. l. 8-9
Road people? Havel thought l.12
Havel nodded. l. 16
Were fixed for now, he said. Got plenty of meat.
l. 19
Already? Havel thought, or rice or beans. l. 20-23
swords the travelers all carried, and the bows. l. 25
You folks together youre loaded for bear! l. 26
Havel smiled thinly We ran into some l. 27-28
Were taking precautions to avoid another incident
like that. l. 30
Havel shrugged. l. 33
Coyotes have to eat too, so we didnt bury, he said,
l. 33
Wed like to camp for we can do farrier work or
such. l. 34-36
En cas de difcults
Sassurer dans un premier temps que les lves sont en mesure didentier les diffrents protagonistes en leur demandant de souligner dune couleur les passages correspondant au personnage
sur lequel ils vont se concentrer.
Une aide est propose dans le Workbook
p. 20-21.
The Survivalists
dans chaque groupe dauditeurs pour la rcapitulation en vue de la trace crite. Favoriser la mise
en place dune interaction via un questionnement
lorsque lexpos a besoin dtre clari ou dvelopp.
5. Productions possibles :
En cas de difcult demander aux lves de mener
un travail de reprage prcis sur The Survivalists.
Travellers are heavily armed the better to
defend their community.
They have killed those men and didnt bury
their bodies to let the wild animals feed on
The Survivalists were ready to kill people to
steal their food. They attacked Havels group
but lost their ght as their bodies are left to
Dans la mesure o la mise en commun des trois
exercices prcdents sest droule loral et de
faon collective, on privilgiera, pour cette phase
de rcapitulation, la forme crite et individuelle. Le
Better off
Le texte dcrit les installations du village et certains termes techniques pourront poser problme.
Pour remdier cela, le professeur aura pris soin
daborder ces lments au cours de lanalyse du
document douverture (manuel p. 52), lorsque les
lves font des hypothses sur le mode de vie de
lhomme devant la yourte : corn stalks (l. 13), oods
(l. 7), earth tremor (l. 8), cobs (l. 13), sewage (l. 18),
windmill (l. 29), ush toilets (l. 22).
2. Productions possibles :
They have fought against nature.
Impression of abundance: many elements.
They grow plants
Positive aspects
We had defeated
We had tamed
We had drained
We had irrigated
We had overcome
We had withstood
We were organized
the mosquitoes/
the river (wild)
the swamp
the gardens
Purified water
We had an ice-making
plant (the only one in the
June floods /
September heat /
Honduras weather
earth tremor
undrinkable water
Formes de travail
1. et 2. collective ; 3. Individuelle et en groupes ;
4. 5. collectives.
1. Productions possibles :
Place: Honduras, Tropics.
The characters: Allie Fox (a brilliant inventor);
his wife and children; natives. The narrator is
one of his sons, Charlie.
Situation: have just emigrated to start a fresh
new life/start afresh/start from scratch/ break
out of modern society.
This excerpt might deal with the building
up of this village. Description of its evolution.
Success story.
Negative aspects
Their consequences
on peoples daily lives
an incubator for
hatching eggs (l. 15) / a
Fat boy ice-making
plant (l. 15)
a sewage system (l. 18)
a shower apparatus
a windmill (l.19)
3 new buildings (l. 21)
bamboo tiles (l. 21)
2 boats (l. 22)
flush toilets (l. 22)
a distiller
Group 1
We can see that each obstacle has been overcome, they have reached a kind of balance,
Wild nature has become tamed. they have
managed to organize chaos
we shows the success of a community.
Its a successful experience.
However dangerous and hostile this world
might be, Allie Fox succeeded in making it his
We can see two semantic elds: control and
They have overcome many obstacles and they
have succeeded in taming nature / getting the
upper hand.
Group 2
They have access to more than the bare necessities. A land of plenty.
Quite cosy and comfortable.
Impression of abundance the land was
endowed with natural resources.
Recreated what was useful in their previous
Your conclusion
He is quite self-satisfied with his own making. Has a
sense of humour.
He is quite self-confident. Utters what sounds like
aphorisms as if he had understood it all from life. No
doubts as to whether he is right or wrong.
Many exclamation marks. A wild temperament / fiery.
Full of energy
Quite creative. Tends to control everything by naming
Determined, resolute. But at the same time dramatic
irony. Not going anywhere indeed.
Inspired from the Bible. Cynical?
The son is quite aware of the personality of the
father who overblows things. /overdoes it.
Believes in rewarding and merit. Strict values and
ethics. Based on work. Acts as the chief of Jeronimo.
Feels superior and we are under the impression he
teaches everyone a lesson. No charity. Dignity.
Productions possibles :
Implies that everything is done and the worst
is behind them.
Jeronimo has become home.
Have made themselves at home in a hostile
Have managed to domesticate/tame nature.
Implies that everything is done and the worst
is behind them.
Have recreated a world adapted to their needs
and wants.
Have turned this place into a new paradise/
an Eden-like home.
= a positive assessment of the fathers wishes
= Jeronimo = fathers prize/reward
Productions possibles :
Teaches you who you are, what you can do
alone without any outside help.
It can permit you to go beyond your limits, to
learn how to overcome obstacles...
Cette activit prendra appui sur le texte mais aussi
sur lexprience personnelle des lves. L encore,
en fonction du temps dont on dispose, possibilit de
faire un travail prparatoire la maison, mise en
commun en classe et prise de notes dans la che
Recap Workbook
p. 24.
Hi Peter,
my father has succeeded in creating an ideal
society here! Everything is under control / We
are quite comfortable / We are in harmony with
nature now. There are plenty of things to do. /
I sometimes miss my mobile
Your new phone must be outstanding but would
be useless here. / Saw an amazing thing in 3d
too: wild animals. / Rice growing in the jungle:
can you believe it?
Feelings and attitudes
On attendra une production de 100 mots environ.
Exemple de production possible :
A young woman is leaning against a man who
seems to be determined to protect her against
the soldiers around them. Those ones are
pointing ries at them and look merciless and
Or we could guess they are here to protect the
Ce sera loccasion dutiliser : angry - worried - prevent
from recoil - dislike charitable - well-intentioned compassionate merciless - cold -hearted invidious
c. Productions possibles :
In a world deprived of technology, there can be
some regressions in Mens behaviour.
The enrichment of Mans nature requires efforts
is te 1
Intonation of lists
Intonation in questions
Dans la phrase 4, lvnement (la panne dlectricit) nest pas ncessairement termin, et mme sil
lest, il a des consquences sur la situation prsente
(and now, theres no more food). Dans ce cas, on
pourrait traduire par il ny a pas eu dlectricit
pendant une bonne semaine et prsent ou il
ny a pas dlectricit depuis une bonne semaine et
prsent )
Article associ
Nom indfini
Nom dfini
Nom indfini
Nom dfini
p. 22
Intonation in questions
ste 2
Exemples possibles :
1. Ever since Man discovered re, he has continuously
discovered new techniques.
2. It must be years since you last saw your auntie!
3. For the past three months, they have been travelling all around the world.
Wheres the DVD I bought yesterday?
What DVD? I did not know you had bought a new
Well, yes I did. Its the lm we talked about last
week with Peter and Clara
We talked about .lms all evening! Remember,
you nearly had a ght because Clara thought
musicals were for stupid people.
You know, the lm about a family who builds a new
town in Central America out of nothing.
Oh, right. We would nd it easily if you were not so
messy. Look at the room. There are DVDs, books,
video games, clothes and old sandwiches
Thats not an old sandwich, its a/the baguette I
bought for tonights dinner.
Aaagh! Brothers are a pain!
Exemples possibles :
crire un texte narratif
Le but de cette double-page dactivits est dentraner les lves rdiger un rcit mettant en scne
Suggestions dexploitation
Les lves devant mettre en uvre ces stratgies
lors de la tche nale, il est donc souhaitable quils
se soient entrans au pralable. On pourra envisager le travail sur cette double-page avant la tche
dentranement 3 : An encounter, manuel p. 59, ce
qui permettra aux lves de sappuyer sur le texte et
lexploitation qui en a t faite en classe pour rdiger
leur rcit. La tche nale constituera une tape supplmentaire, puisquelle sera loccasion dun transfert
de ces stratgies partir dune situation inconnue.
tapes possibles :
La planication du rcit est prpare individuellement la maison.
Task 1. Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manuel p. 66
Prsentation de la tche
Expression crite partir dune situation donne
par le professeur. Il sagira dcrire un texte narratif (avec une partie dialogue) se situant dans un
monde post-apocalyptique. On pourra distribuer
aux lves les cartes de situations proposes p. 00
de ce guide ; les lves pourront inventer une
localit, le nom des personnages, etc.
Situation 1 Title: After the Fall
Context: a natural catastrophe has left the
world stripped of its modern comforts and
technology. A group of people try to rebuild
a New Eden.
Characters: at least, two characters / one of
them is the leader
Setting: any English-speaking place
qui se produisent, les sentiments et paroles des protagonistes Lobjectif en lien avec la problmatique
est de montrer les choix de vie des communauts :
Comment survivre sans technologie ?
Quelles valeurs garder ?
Comment sadapter ? Comment interagir ?
Prsentation de la tche
Forme de travail
Forme de travail
Task 2. Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corrig et barme
Book Cover
Manuel p. 67
Comprhension de loral
Documents supports
Forme de travail
Grille dvaluation et de notation
Prsentation du document
Ici, un seul document propos : un change contradictoire entre deux personnes au sujet des e-books.
La passation et lvaluation de la performance de
llve suivent les instructions ofcielles (B.O. du
24 novembre 2011).
Prvoir 20 minutes.
3 pts
5 pts
10 pts
Si des lments ont t relevs plusieurs niveaux, il appartiendra au correcteur de dnir le niveau global
atteint. Le professeur pourra multiplier les points par 2 pour attribuer llve une note sur 20.
Note de llve: note sur 10 2 =
Expression orale
Grille dvaluation et de notation (source : B.O. du 24 nov. 2011)
Comprhension de lcrit
Corrig et barme
2 pts par bonne rponse = 4 pts
pour la citation)
- Self-satised: Were not doing so bad, are we?
(l. 41)
- Selsh: What about me? (l. 50)
- Authoritative: Youre just staying and thats that
(l. 46)
The son:
- Guilty: He felt terrible, as if he was killing his father
(l. 40)
- Pessimistic: he knew terrible things were going to
happen to him (l. 52-53)
TOTAL /40 divis par 2
pour obtenir une note sur 20.
Final task 1
Tech-less world
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 66
Traitement du sujet
(8 pts)
Cohrence et cohsion
(4 pts)
Recevabilit linguistique
(8 pts)
Respecte partiellement la
consigne (trop bref ; oubli
des parties dialogues, etc.).
Dcrit brivement les
Possde un rpertoire
lmentaire de mots et
dexpressions courantes.
Contrle limit de quelques
structures simples.
Des erreurs faisant obstacle
la comprhension.
1 2 pts
1 pt
1 2 pts
3 4 pts
2 pts
3 4 pts
5 6 pts
3 ou 4 pts
5 6 pts
7 8 pts
5 ou 6 pts
7 8 pts
Final task 1
Tech-less world
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 66
Situation 1
Situation 2
Title: Afterworld
Suggested starts:
X and Y were talking about the rules that had to be respected when they heard footsteps outside
The community was trying to nd a solution to their main problem: water.
They had heard a group of thugs had arrived the previous day
Final task 2
Tech-less world
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 66
Aaron is 60 years old, living in the wastelands of a long dead London. As he rests
in the ruins of the National Gallery, surrounded by the detritus of a lost civilization,
he recounts his own history and that of a dying empire. Are there any limits
in the fight to save a dying planet? Is it possible for humanity to go back to Nature
and live in harmony with it or are we destined to destroy everything? These are
the questions that haunt Aaron as he recounts his past and that of the Earth.
The book explores our need to re-connect with the Earth and with Nature as a
In the near future, the Earth is devastated by a viral pathogen. Over seventy percent
of the human population is dead. Most of the survivors act like animals. Greed
and corruption are hovering over this brutalized domain and a cosmic horror
is now free to infiltrate the remote abandoned corners of the Earth. Within this mix
the lives of two survivors collide: a renegade intelligence agent and a coldblooded master of violence, shaping events with their virulent hunger for money
and a desire to carve their name into this new world ruled by mans inhumanity
to man.
Anax thinks she knows history. Her Examination has just begun, and if she passes,
shell be admitted into the Academythe elite governing institution of her utopian
society. Her chosen area of expertise, which she will be questioned over, is about
early attempts at genetic engineering that started in 2030. But Anax is about to
discover that the history shes been taught isnt the whole story. And the Academy
isnt what she believes it to be. This novel is an interesting take on artificial
intelligence and the philosophical issues it raises Can man play god and genetically
create a new world? What is consciousness? What makes us human? How was
humanity born? Can Artificial intelligence take the upper hand over nature and
Tech-less world
Name :
Class :
In this thrilling adventure novel about a man left alone on earth, the author combines post-apocalyptic elements with an adventurous road novel. Alan, the hero of
the story, is visiting Japan on business. After the outbreak of a pandemic, he finds
himself to be the single survivor. The viral disease has wiped away his past life:
Alan must fear injury, sickness and hunger - the food begins to decay in the stores.
Yet, Alan swears to travel back to his family in Berlin, straight across Asia and
some 10,000 miles. The hardships and landscapes (the Gobi desert, Siberia) are
described in all ferocity. A few other humans have survived as well, some eager to
use the disaster for their own purposes. Electrifying chapters describe the encounter with Somerset, a charming, yet psychotic warlord, who is assembling an army
to conquer Moscow, if not the entire world. However, Alan remains determined to
return to Berlin, by whatever means.
Part novel, part survivalist-handbook, it tells of a small group of friends facing
every Americans worst nightmare and collapse, including preparedness against
the risks of a post-disaster society which include looting, armed violence and food
shortages. Practically overnight, the fragile institutions of democracy fall apart and
every American is forced to survive on their own. Evading mobs of desperate, outof-control citizens, the protagonists make their way to a shared secure ranch in the
wilds of northern Idaho. The group turn into a resistance movement and engage
into war to restore true Constitutional law when it is learned that the Provisional
United States Government supported by a massive UN-led European Peacekeeping
Force are little more than bloodthirsty tyrants.
Book cover
Blurb ( a , b , c , d or e )
Tech-less world
Name :
Class :
Comprhension de lcrit
Roy didnt believe theyd still be here when it rst snowed, but he nodded as his father
climbed down in and then he took the pieces1 his father handed him and carried them
back to the cabin. Roy knew that somehow this disappointment was worse for his father
than the other disappointments had been. If Roy spoke now, he doubted hed be heard.
And he understood this about his father, that he was often gone into his own thoughts
and couldnt be reached, and that none of this time spent alone thinking was good for
him, that he always sank lower when he went in there.
They stacked the wood against a side wall, and when they were done, they looked again
at the pit2, at the mud deepening and the walls caving, and both looked into the sky,
into the grayness that had no depth or end, and then they went inside.
When the plane came a few days later, Roy was shing several miles up the coast. He
thought he heard it, then thought he must have made it up, but stopped and listened
and heard it again. He pulled in his line, grabbed the two salmon he had caught, and
started running. He was far enough off, though, and blocked by so many small points
along the way, that he couldnt see it y into the mouth of their cove3. He ran over the
rocky beach and, when he had to, up into the trees and down again, becoming more
and more afraid that he would miss it. He assumed his father was there cutting wood,
but what if he had hiked back over the ridge for some reason and no one was there?
The pilot might not come back again for a long time, might just leave a note saying,
Call me on the radio if you need anything. And there was another thing, too, that Roy
didnt like to admit. Even if his father was there, what would he say? Was there a chance
he would just say everything was ne and send the pilot away and not have him come
back? It didnt seem impossible, and Roy needed to leave here, he needed to get away.
Roy dropped the sh and his pole and ran faster.
He was only a few hundred yards from the nal point when he heard the drone of it again
and stopped to see it rush out of the mouth, tilt free of its own spray, and lift precariously
over the channel. He stood there then, looking at where it had nally disappeared and
breathing hard and feeling that something terrible had happened.
He left, he said out loud. I missed him.
He went back then for his pole and the salmon and walked on to the cabin.
His father was back at the woodpile. Tom came by, he said when Roy-walked up.
I heard.
Oh. Well he was just here a minute but I ordered the supplies we need and hell be back
with them next week on his way to Juneau4. Though not really on his way exactly, I suppose. And his father grinned then, pleased at how in the middle of nowhere they were.
Roy took his salmon down to the water and gutted them. He scaled them quickly and
cut off their heads and ns and tails. He wanted out of here. He didnt care what his
father thought about it; he was just going to go.
You want to leave? his father asked when he told him at dinner.
Roy didnt say it again but just ate. He felt terrible, as if he were killing his father.
Were not doing so bad, are we? his father asked.
Roy refused to cave in5. He didnt say anything.
I dont understand, his father said. Were nally getting somewhere. Were getting
ready for winter.
Why? Roy thought to himself. Just so we can survive winter? But he didnt say anything.
Look, his father said. Youre gonna have to talk to me about this, otherwise youre just
staying and thats that.
Okay, Roy said.
Why do you have to go?
I want my friends again, and my real life. I dont want to just try to survive winter.
Fair enough. But what about me? You told me youd stay out here a year, and I made my
plans. I quit my job and bought this place. What am I supposed to do if you just leave?
Tech-less world
Name :
Class :
[...] Roy wanted to say right then that hed stay, but he couldnt. He knew terrible things
were going to happen to him out here if he stayed. He did the dishes and then they
went to bed.
David Vann, Sukkwan Island in Legend Of a Suicide, 2009
1. pieces of wood
2. cavity where they keep the wood dry
3. cove = little bay
4. capital of Alaska
5. cave in = agree /cooperate
4 pts
Who are the characters actually present in the scene and the characters who
are simply mentioned? Give as many details as possible about each of them (name,
relationships, occupation) 4 pts
Answer very briefly the following questions, then justify with a quotation from
the text. 10 pts
a. What time of the year is it?
b. Where do the characters present live? (country, housing, environment)
c. What is their way of life?
d. What is the main event in this passage? What happened on that day?
Focus on Roy: say if the following statements are true or false. Justify by quoting
from the text. 12 pts
a. Roy doesnt bother about what happened that day.
Tech-less world
Name :
Class :
Focus on the passage from line 33 Roy took his salmon down to the water to
the end.
Choose the adjectives that best characterize the two protagonists. Then justify, quoting
from the text. 10 pts
self-satised / selsh / compassionate / thrilled / obedient / optimistic / pessimistic / rebellious
/ guilty / authoritative
Expression crite
Two e-mails
Youve just heard that one of your friends has decided to be away and out of touch for a year.
Send her/him an e-mail to convince her/him he must keep in touch wherever she/he is. Your
friend replies, explaining why she/he wants to be out of touch. Write both e-mails. (200 words)
A conversation
An extensive network failure has left hundreds of mobile phone users unable to use their mobiles
for a whole day. Imagine a conversation between two users. One thinks it was a great day; the
other thinks it was a disruption that should never happen again.
En fin de parcours
valuation de lexpression crite :
tche : rdaction dun pisode de la vie dElizabeth II en prenant appui sur un vnement relat dans la
valuation de la comprhension de lcrit :
tche de remise en ordre dun rcit
Parcours culturel
Parcours culturel
Notion :
Mythes et hros :
la nature mythique des monarques lie la construction
de leur pays / identit collective
Thme :
La reine dans lhistoire des les Britanniques :
Elizabeth I, Victoria, Elizabeth II / image publique et vie
Problmatique :
Qui sont ces souveraines au-del des reprsentations
que nous en avons ?
Un destin hors du commun pp. 76-77
Culture File
Entranements et valuations
Activits langagires
Comprendre les faits
principaux, les opinions
et les sentiments des
personnages dans un
texte narratif
Tches dentranement
Enregistrer un
audioguide sur un sujet
relatif au rgne de
lune des trois reines
valuations finales
Comprendre un texte
Tche 1
Rdiger un court pisode
p. 86 de la vie de la reine
Elizabeth II partir dun
fait divers rel
p. 77
crire une lettre
pour raconter des
vnements et exprimer
des sentiments
Imaginer et rdiger un
texte narratif comportant
des passages dialogus
Prsenter oralement
une personne, un lieu ou
un vnement tudis en
Rcrire un pisode
de la vie de la reine
Elizabeth I en changeant
de point de vue
p. 79
Tche 2
Comprendre et
reconstituer un texte dont
les paragraphes ont t
p. 88
Imaginer et rdiger un
dialogue entre la reine
Comprhension de
Elizabeth II et lun de ses
4 situations dvaluation
p. 92
p. 89
p. 83
Outils de la langue
Symbols of the monarchy
p. 77
Political systems and their heads
p. 77 et 84
Myths p. 77 et 84
Speech tags p. 79
Authority and ambition p. 79
Feelings p. 81
Duty and leisure p. 83
ce picto signale les documents que les lves pourront tudier la maison, en autonomie, avant la
mise en commun en classe.
en blanc , les autres supports et activits proposs que le professeur pourra choisir dtudier en fonction
de sa classe et du temps dont il dispose. Ces activits peuvent tre effectues la maison par la classe
entire ou un groupe dlves et suivies dune mise en commun classe entire. Elles peuvent aussi tre
utilises pour les cours dapprofondissement prvus en option. Par exemple, le professeur pourra faire le
choix de demander un groupe dlves dtudier The Queen and the Commoner et den faire un compte
rendu la classe.
Les activits sur la langue (Language tools, manuel pp. 84-85) et sur les Stratgies (manuel pp. 86-87)
seront menes mesure de lavance dans le chapitre, en fonction des documents et des tches choisis
par le professeur et des besoins des lves.
pp. 74-75
A destiny out of the ordinary
p. 76
p. 77
p. 77
A Queens childhood
Might I be Queen?
p. 78
p. 79
p. 79
p. 80
p. 81
p. 81
p. 81
pp. 82-83
p. 83
p. 84
Language tools
pp. 84-85
pp. 86-87
p. 88
p. 88
p. 89
Fiche Recap
Mise la disposition des lves dans le Workbook
p. 34 ou sur le site
Cette che rcapitulative permet deffectuer une trace crite (de prfrence sous forme de notes) lissue
des diffrents Recaps et de faire la synthse en n de chapitre, de manire se prparer activement
lpreuve orale du baccalaurat :
noter ce que lon a appris,
progresser dans la dcouverte de la problmatique,
tablir les liens avec la notion au programme et dautres chapitres traitant la mme notion.
Les lves peuvent la remplir hors classe, suite ltude de chaque double-page, et elle peut tre utilise
pour le rcapitulatif de dbut dheure suivante.
Dans loptique de la prparation au baccalaurat, ces ches serviront de support aux lves pour sentraner
la prsentation orale de la notion. En effet, les rponses aux questions des Recaps (voir les suggestions
dans les pages suivantes) permettent aux lves de btir peu peu leur prise de parole en inscrivant le
thme du chapitre dans la notion plus vaste de Mythes et hros . En n dtude, ils auront ainsi dvelopp
des ides sur lesquelles appuyer leur prsentation.
Voir aussi Entranement
Prparer les lves entrer dans lunit grce
un document iconographique reprsentant la reine
Elizabeth II, alors ge de 51 ans.
Entrer de plain-pied dans la problmatique du
chapitre en partant de ltude dun tableau : grce
la reproduction dune uvre dart, on donnera aux
lves la possibilit de dire quelle image est donne
de la reine.
Faire merger leurs reprsentations et leurs
connaissances des reines dAngleterre.
Formes de travail
Le temps consacr cette activit dpendra videmment des ides des lves mais il ne devrait pas
excder une demi-sance et le professeur veillera
imprimer un rythme assez soutenu aux changes.
s te 2
ste 2
tape 2
Productions possibles :
N.B : les productions soulignes peuvent tre le rsultat de lenrichissement des productions dlves par
le professeur.
documents du chapitre (en expliquant ce quils aimeraient savoir et quils apprendront peut-tre ensuite).
Laisser les lves changer leurs ides et exprimer
leurs divergences sans les interrompre. Ltude ultrieure des documents permettra de voir ce quil en est.
Trace crite retant les changes au tableau.
Warhol presents the Queen as an iconic and
glamorous gure.
His own lines, added to the photographic
image, suggest the stylised make-up of a Hollywood star.
The Queen is treated as a celebrity (Warhol
also depicted M. Monroe and M. Jagger among
spanish armada / in 1588 // it was painted
that same year / and attributed to george gower
// the defeat of the armada is happening in
the two scenes at the top / showing different
moments in the battle / on either side / of elizabeths head // to elizabeths right / the english
re ships are being sent out against the spanish
// to her left / the storm is shown raging / and
ships are wrecked off the coast of ireland //
elizabeth is then 55 / and has already reigned
for 30 years // her hand / on the globe / symbolizes her desire / for an empire // this is the
age of walter raleighs exploration / and initial
colonization / of the atlantic coast of north america // the name virginia / given to the colony /
may have been suggested by raleigh / perhaps
noting her status / as the virgin queen since /
she never married / and had no children // her
other hand holds a fan of exotic feathers / and
her crown is placed beside her / on a table // the
chair in the portrait is carved with a mermaid or
siren / creatures who attract sailors / and cause
their death // it may mean elizabeth herself / is
the mermaid responsible / for the shipwreck /
of philip of spains eet //
elizabeth is depicted wearing a beautiful dress /
with a lace collar // the gold suns on her sleeves
/ and the pearls on her clothes / give messages
about her power / by linking her with the sun
and the moon // so this painting conveys an
impression of authority / and control // the main
colours used / red / black, / green / golden/ green
/ golden/ emphasize the sensation of wealth /
and beauty //
elizabeth looks elusive / and untouchable //
she embodies the modern representation of
the monarchy //
ste 2
Queen Victoria
this is a portrait / of queen victoria / painted by
german artist franz xaver winterhalter / in 1859
// the queen highly appreciated him / and he was
commissioned to paint her portrait several times
// in this one / victoria is 40 / and has been on the
throne for 22 years // she is depicted in luxurious
state robes / worn for official ceremonies // she
is wearing a white embroidered dress / which
may be made of satin / a furred gown/ red on
the outside / velvet / and white / on the inside /
ermine // it symbolizes her position //
this painting gives a different image of the queen
/ often pictured as a widow in mourning //
when 42-year-old prince albert died in 1861 /
queen victoria did mourn him // she refused
to go out in public for many years / and when
she did / she wore a widows bonnet instead of
the crown // their nine children / were of great
comfort to her //
in this painting / we can notice two crowns /
a small one / on her head / and another one /
next to her // it looks like st edwards crown /
the official coronation crown / put on the windowsill to remind us of her status //
in the distance / we recognize london // the
queen has her hand on some papers // all this
may mean the queen is at work / performing
her office // the red warm colour symbolizes
her power //
winterhalter was good at creating almost theatrical compositions / but also was a virtuoso in
the art of conveying the texture of fabrics / furs
/ and jewellery // although he never received
high praise for his work from serious critics /
he became an international celebrity / enjoying
royal patronage //
s te 2
Queen Elizabeth II
this is a full length portrait / of queen elizabeth
II / painted by italian artist / pietro annigoni /
in 1955 // elizabeth was then 29 years old and
had been queen for only two years // she is
shown here / wearing the splendid robes / of
the order of the garter / the highest order of
chivalry / or knighthood / existing in england //
she is depicted as a beautiful / yet solitary gure
/ proled in what seems to be a dreamy italian
landscape / with tall trees / moving in a slight
wind // the white / light grey / and pink shades
of the landscape / soften the dark colour of the
robes // it might be early morning / the beginning
of the day can be seen as symbolizing the beginning of the queens reign // the painting / is an
unusual rendering / that serves to both isolate /
and objectify her monumental responsibilities
/ and her high hopes for her people //
the queen looks calm / and determined / aware
of the duty that is hers // the major impression
that is conveyed / is one of royal dignity // the
portrait is glamorous / and romantic // annigoni
said / i did not want to paint her as a lm star //
i saw her / as a monarch / alone in the problems
of her responsibility //
this incredible painting / made annigoni famous
/ and conrmed his place in art history / his
portraits are seen as unique 20th century contributions to renaissance tradition //
Lexique et phonologie
Les audioguides sont des crits oraliss. Le dbit
assez lent devrait en faciliter la comprhension par
les lves. Certains mots leur seront peut-tre inconnus mais les documents iconographiques permettront de les lucider. Cest le cas de storm, wrecked
off, shipwreck, feathers, carved ou lace qui auront pu
tre introduits lors de la phase danticipation.
Dautres mots sont expliqus en contexte : mermaid,
virgin, elusive, commissioned, mourn, widow, performing her ofce, garter, shades.
Attention aux faux amis : fabrics.
On ne vise pas une comprhension exhaustive, donc
ne garder que les mots essentiels.
Formes de travail
1. individuelle puis collective ; 2. collective ; 3. individuelle puis collective ; 4. individuelle puis collective ;
5. individuelle puis collective ; 6. individuelle puis
Accs au sens
2. Phase danticipation o les lves dressent collectivement la liste des informations habituellement
fournies dans un audioguide. Ils laborent ainsi
une sorte de grille dcoute qui guidera leur relev
dindices. On devrait aboutir un support qui pourrait
avoir pour entres :
Reason why the portrait was painted / Setting / Historical elements / The Queens outt / Her attitude /
Symbolic aspects / The Queens private life / Details
En cas de difcults
Si les lves rencontrent des difcults parce
quils ne sont pas familiers des audioguides,
les aider en faisant des suggestions.
Exemples :
- The painting is going to be described. What
elements will be mentioned?
- The audioguide may also provide information
about what the painting means. Which ones?
3. Premire tape de comprhension des audioguides (il sera prfrable de travailler sur les portraits un un pour les tapes 3 et 4) : les lves
coutent puis partagent oralement ce quils ont
compris en reformulant les informations. Les inviter
approuver ou rfuter ce qui est propos par les
autres pour dvelopper linteraction dans la classe.
The three Queens have sat on the throne for
very long periods of time.
Two of them ruled over large empires.
Raleigh started colonizing the north of America for Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland.
Victoria: Queen of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland + rst Empress of
Elizabeth II: still the Head of the Commonwealth, so of a lot of countries (even if it
is symbolic).
Both Elizabeth I and Victoria were famously
known for their years of glory.
Elizabeth's reign: English literature and
poetry developed.
Victoria's reign: Industrial Revolution (social,
economic, and technological progress in the
United Kingdom).
Elizabeth II: a solitary gure in a dreamy
Italian landscape / Elizabeth I and Victoria:
imposing gures in their palaces.
The Queens' roles declined. Elizabeth I was a
real ruler. Queen Victoria had little to do with
the affairs of the State. Elizabeth II has hardly
any inuence on her countrys politics / she is
a mere gurehead.
Queen Elizabeth I reigned over one of Britains greatest periods of growth and increasing
Reign of Queen Elizabeth II: disintegration
of the British Empire.
Elizabeth I never married and died childless.
Victoria and Elizabeth II married and had several children.
Synthse en n de cours ou prparation la maison
et mise en commun au cours suivant. Ce Recap
donnera lieu une prise de notes dans le Workbook
Productions possibles :
Elements which make the reigns of the
three Queens remarkable:
the length of their respective reigns / longlived reigns,
what has been achieved during their reigns
(Elizabethan era, Victorian era),
the turning points in English history (sea
power, British Empire, decolonization),
their sense of duty.
A Queens childhood
Les trois doubles-pages suivantes vont permettre de
revenir sur certains lments concernant chacune des
trois reines. Selon une progression chronologique, les
pages 78 et 79 sont donc consacres Elizabeth I. Le
professeur de langues nest pas professeur dhistoire,
Richmond Palace
Crystal Palace
h t t p : / / w w w. b b c . c o . u k / l o n d o n / c o n t e n t /
the Channel Tunnel;;
the Commonwealth
British Raj
2. Aprs avoir organis individuellement les informations sous forme de notes sur une che, chaque
lve sentrane les prsenter oralement.
3. Les lves enregistrent leur audioguide au laboratoire de langues ou chez eux (sur cl USB). Le
professeur peut ensuite les couter et en faire un
bilan dans le cadre dune valuation formative.
Labo de langue : pour les enseignants qui disposent
dune version numrique Premium de Password
Terminale, il est possible dutiliser les fonctionnalits
du Labo de langues. Pour ceux qui nen disposent
pas, voir le dossier TICE Grer les enregistrements
des lves, p. 23 de ce guide.
Follow up work possible : les lves qui ont choisi
le mme sujet changent leurs audioguides et les
comparent. Si une liste de critres a t tablie
collectivement pour valuer la performance, cette
inter-valuation peut tre trs fructueuse.
Les lves coutent laudioguide dun camarade qui
a trait un autre sujet an denrichir leurs connaissances. Ils en retirent deux ou trois points forts et
disent brivement ce qui les a intresss, tonns, etc.
1. Might I be Queen?
Analyse des documents
Le texte est extrait du roman historique (historical
ction novel) dAlison Weir, publi en 2008. Si la forme
est romance, lauteure, qui est aussi historienne,
sest appuye sur des faits rels. Elle dpeint Elizabeth Tudor enfant, alors quelle a quitt Londres
(elle vit Hateld, ville du Hertfordshire, dans le
sud-est de lAngleterre) et a t prive de ses droits
de succession au trne (en 1537, elle a 4 ans et est
orpheline, raison pour laquelle elle est appele
Lady et non plus Princess, ayant t dclare
illgitime aprs quHenry VIII a fait dcapiter Ann
Boleyn, sa seconde femme, mre dElizabeth). Il
est alors peu probable quelle devienne reine : le
texte explique pourquoi (lignes 61 64) et le miniarbre gnalogique p. 79 permet aux lves de
mieux apprhender lordre de succession : Elizabeth
narrive quen troisime position. On pourrait ajouter
que Lady Jane Grey rgna aprs Edward VI, selon le
vu de celui-ci, mais seulement neuf jours.
Cette scne (principalement un dialogue) illustre le
moment o Elizabeth apprend de sa gouvernante,
Lady Bryan, la naissance de son demi-frre Edward,
appel succder Henry VIII, puis leur dpart pour
Londres. Elizabeth y est dpeinte comme une enfant
curieuse et prcoce (elle sexprime trs bien pour
une petite lle de 4 ans), qui fait dj preuve dun
certain caractre. Derrire limage de lenfant se
dessine celle de la reine en devenir.
Tableau et mini arbre gnalogique : le tableau de
la page 79, Coronation portrait, o Elizabeth est reprsente lors de son couronnement, rpond la question de la page 78 : Might I be Queen? Contre toute
attente en effet, Elizabeth a rgn, et longtemps ! Ce
tableau pourra tre compar celui de la page 76.
Larbre gnalogique permet aux lves de mieux
reprer les liens entre les diffrents protagonistes.
Il sagit dun texte de ction historique dont le
vocabulaire est assez simple malgr quelques mots
plus littraires. Il nest pas ncessaire que tout soit
expliqu de manire dtaille ; par exemple, il suft de
comprendre, grce au contexte, que beam, auspicious
(transparent pour certains lves) ou elation renvoient
une ide positive, de joie ou de bonheur.
Tidings, un mot littraire, sera infr partir du
contexte et les lves lassocieront facilement
news. Summon devrait aussi tre compris sans
La ligne 25 permet de deviner que christening
renvoie une crmonie et aprs une naissance,
les lves penseront peut-tre un baptme. Le
professeur pourra cependant prvoir dexpliciter
ce terme rapidement en cas de besoin, en donnant
un synonyme plus transparent (baptism) ou une
dnition (a Christian religious ceremony at which a
child is ofcially given a name).
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective ; 3. en
groupes puis collective ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
Productions possibles :
Edwards birth: in 1537, on October 12th, a
promising/hopeful/ an auspicious day / when
Elizabeth was four.
Edward was born on the eve of St Edward the
Confessor (an Anglo-Saxon king of England
from the House of Wessex who ruled from
1042 to 1066): this is supposed to be a good
sign/presage/augury/omen. The Prince will
be successful.
Changes it will provoke: England has a Prince
/ it is a great day for the King's Majesty (cf l. 10)
/ people think they are free from all threat of
war / the King has at last a son to succeed him
/ no man can challenge his right.
Henry VIII now has a male heir / it establishes
his authority / the monarchy will continue to
His power cannot be challenged/called into
Elizabeth is even more unlikely to become
Lady Bryans: feels very happy and smiles /
she says they have received good news / she
beams happily.
She exclaims it is a great day for the King's
Majesty and the people.
She is pleased the baby is a boy / knows the
English people have been expecting an heir to
the throne for a long time / it is not proper for
a woman to rule / it would be unnatural for a
woman to be Queen.
Elizabeth will be a virtuous/pious/godly wife
and mother.
Elizabeths: she would have someone to play
with. Her brother could come and live at Hateld = probably has no friends/companions /
feels lonely.
She is excited and enthusiastic / elated / bursting with elation as she is going to play her
part at the christening / she inquires if it is an
important part / she realizes her new brother
will be more than just a playmate / she wonders
if she could possibly/might be Queen if he died /
should Edward die in the event of his death.
Elizabeth rst reacts as a child: she thinks
she will have someone to play with / then she
is happy and excited to go back to London
to play a part at her step-brother's baptism/
Then she reacts more like an adult: she
realizes her brother is going to be King / she
might realize she has been deprived of her
She thinks being Queen is more fun/amusing/
interesting/than being a wife and mother.
You and your sister are barred from the
throne / women do not rule kingdoms or men
in the 16th century, succession was governed
by precise rules (l. 61-64): sons inherited before
daughters even if they were younger / rule of
male succession = the Crown could not go to
Elizabeth or her sister since their father, the
King now had a son (this rule was abolished in
October 2011: if William and Kate rst child
is a girl, she will be the next Queen, even if she
has a baby brother).
In 1537, England had never had a Queen
/ England had no real precedent of a queen
regnant (Elizabeths older sister became Queen
after Edwards death = Mary I was the rst real
queen regnant).
A female heir was unacceptable / women were
not considered capable of ruling/governing a
country. The idea that they could rule over men
was seen as improper/outrageous/ridiculous.
Synthse prpare plutt individuellement la maison
an que les lves aient le temps de rchir, et mise
en commun au cours suivant. Ce Recap donnera lieu
une prise de notes dans le Workbook
p. 34 an de
renseigner progressivement la che rcapitulative qui
pourra servir de support lentranement lpreuve
dexpression orale du baccalaurat.
Cette double-page est consacre la reine Victoria travers deux documents : un rcit de Shrabani Basu
et une interview de cette mme auteure montrent comment la souveraine a essay darticuler vie publique
et vie prive.
Manuel p. 80
Demander aux lves de faire la maison,
la recherche dinformations correspondant
la question 2.b. et de se prparer reformuler
oralement ce quils ont compris.
Pas de difcults particulires : les lves pourront
infrer le vocabulaire inconnu (comme mourners).
Le professeur pourra cependant prciser les sens
de Household (= Victorias family and servants who
live together in the same place) et Establishment (=
the people holding most of the power and inuence at
Court) si ncessaire.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective ; 3. collective ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
En cas d'tude la maison
Productions possibles :
The text may deal with the relationship
between Queen Victoria and Abdul.
Abdul is the man we can see page 80: he looks
The extract will perhaps explain how an
Indian came to attend upon the Queen at the
English Court.
''Duty and friendship'' may imply that they
became friends. The text will clarify / sort this out.
Will the excerpt explain that Queen Victoria
was torn between her duty and her friendship
for Karim?
Productions possibles :
Information rephrased
The Queens
Abduls situation
and feelings
before her death
Abduls situation
and feelings
after her death
The Households
Productions possibles :
4. Discussion collective sur les raisons pour lesquelles le nom dAbdul est absent des livres dhistoire.
ste 2
Manuel p. 81
sure he was looked after / and nurse him when
he was ill / so i think the relationship worked
on various levels //
and he / portrayed / india to her / in a way
/ that no-one else did //
right / he was / i mean / india was her jewel in
the crown / but queen victoria had never been
to india / and she longed to know more about
the country // she wanted the story from the
street / and this is what karim brought to her /
he brought her the pulse of india as it were / so
the heat and the dust and the festivals / even the
politics / he told her about hindu muslim / riots
/ he told her about / you know the problems that
muslims faced as minorities / and we know all
this because she then wrote back to the viceroy
/ asking for answers //
and he inspired her to learn some urdu /
even //
thats right / the queen actually really wanted
to learn urdu // so / he became her teacher /
and he taught her for thirteen years // one of
the things / very few people know about queen
victoria is that she could read and write in urdu
/ and she was very proud of it // how incredible
that at such a late date in her life / she actually
learnt // she would not miss a single lesson /
whether she was on the boat / or whether she
was on holiday / every night / they would sit
down and have these lessons //
and abdul provoked some jealousy / within
the court //
oh yes / abdul provoked a lot of jealousy /
lot of anger / lot of resentment / because of
two things // of course / because he was close
to the queen / anyone whos close to the queen
will provoke that jealousy // but also the fact
that he was a commoner // you know if he was
a prince / an indian prince / they would have
let it go / but the fact that he was just a clerk
from agra / who was then promoted to this
high rank / and equated along with the household who were all members of the gentry / you
know / toffs in their hats and tophats / and /
there was abdul in his turban / and hes allowed
to use the billiard room with them / and he has
his own carriage / and this is something they
just couldnt take //
Lgende :
soulign : the roles Abdul played for the Queen
en italique : the Queens behaviour towards him
en gras : the Households reactions
Lexique et phonologie
Le lexique pose peu de problme, dautant quon
nattend pas une comprhension exhaustive de
linterview. De plus, le premier document aura dj
donn des cls.
Le contexte aide infrer certains mots (ex. : problems fait cho riots).
La phonologie pourra parfois poser problme (viceroy par exemple est transparent lcrit mais ne
sera peut-tre pas reconnu loral). Ltude de ce
document pourra donc permettre de ractiver les
stratgies de comprhension de loral normalement
connues par des lves de terminale. Les activits
Stress on key information, manuel p. 84 et Workbook
p. 30 pourront tre proposes en amont.
Si le professeur dcide de ne pas travailler cette
interview en classe (ides principales dj dcouvertes avec le document 1 + manque de temps +
activits langagires vises dans ce chapitre surtout
crites), il pourra demander un groupe dlves de
ltudier en autonomie et den faire une prsentation
orale au reste de la classe.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective ; 3. individuelle puis collective ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
Productions possibles :
Can a Queen have true and reliable friends? /
friends who do not care for their own material
interests / without an ulterior motive?
It may depend on the persons social origins:
perhaps it is not going to be a problem if this
person belongs to the aristocracy / has the same
background as the Queen / comes from a family
close to the Queens family. But it is more difficult /
a source of trouble if the person is a commoner.
A Queen must have friends of her own: try and
stay in tune with the realities of the country.
Often in the limelight: difficult for a Queen to
have friends of her own. Her duty comes rst.
A Queen has too many commitments: she does
not have enough time to spend with friends.
Hardly possible: power tends to separate the
rulers / drive them apart from common people.
Duty is not always compatible with friendship: friends may ask for favours you cannot
grant them, for fear of being accused of showing
favouritism / treating them better than others.
A Queen also knows many state secrets: cannot run the risk of letting people know too
A Queens privacy must be protected: cannot
run the risk of having people telling the public
about the Queens private life = if friends are
not totally reliable/trustworthy, the Queens
image can be damaged/ruined.
Cette double-page est consacre Elizabeth II. travers lextrait propos, on sinterrogera plus particulirement sur la question du lien quun(e) souverain(e) entretient avec son peuple.
Pas de vocabulaire indispensable la comprhension que les lves ne puissent deviner page 82. Par
exemple, enlightenment peut tre dcompos. Le
professeur fera reformuler la mtaphore (l. 19 24).
Le lexique posera davantage de difcult dans le
dernier paragraphe, cest pourquoi des activits
daide la comprhension sont proposes dans le
p. 28-29.
Bennett mlange les styles (styles direct et indirect
libre), ce qui pourra dcontenancer les lves, de
mme que lutilisation du pronom one, quil faudra
interprter. La classe ne comprendra peut-tre pas
demble le ct satirique et drle du texte. Ltude
de lextrait doit les amener lapprhender.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle et collective ; 3. collective ; 4. individuelle.
Accs au sens
2. Aprs une mise en commun des premiers lments compris, les lves travaillent individuellement sur les tapes proposes dans le Workbook
p. 28.
En cas de difcults
p. 29-30
ple / to show to those who do not read that
it is worth it / not because she is bored and
only wants to pass the time /
> because she has stayed focused for a long
time / has been doing her duty / has given
special attention to her people and should
be entitled to do something else,
> because it is a way for her to know more
about other people and their lives / about
other worlds, that is other circles/elds she
does not know anything about.
- Try to infer the meaning of words you dont
know ( faire dabord).
e.g.1 pleasure: second place / if pleasure there
was: pleasure hardly exits
incident = unusual event (transparent word) /
incidental pleasure: less important than duty
e.g.2 loft = a room or space under the roof of
a building, so it is high / lofty literature = indifferent to whether the readers were important
people or not, showing high moral qualities /
making no differences between people
defer = submit (cf dfrence in French)
repetition of All readers were equal: books
believe in equality, do not submit to power /
they respect everybody
e.g.3 mingled unrecognised with the crowds =
the Queen mixed with other people, moved
around and talked to different people
- Identify what the Queen thinks: The Queen
thinks now is the time to change / for a Queen
duty comes rst, so to enjoy reading, she must
consider it as a duty / pleasure will only be
the icing on the cake / when reading, she
nds out what people are like, she is one of
Mixed feelings: thinks it is tactless to mention
a republic in front of her; it could upset or
embarrass her / but then understands the
word republic can have different meanings;
literature is like a republic, a system in which
everyone is equal and has the right to do the
same things: all readers are equal / when she
reads she is no more the Queen. She does
not want to be apart anymore; she wants to
be like her subjects.
The thoughts the Queen has about duty and
pleasure (colour 3)
- Identify who one refers to in the following
passage: one should keep ones eye on the
ball (l. 20) = I, the Queen. Six occurrences of
one: lines 19, 27, 28 (three times), l. 38 to
refer to the Queen.
> The Queen uses one to speak of herself
using the third person. It shows she is the
sovereign and must be respected. It is also
a way to keep a distance between her public
and her private images.
- Identify who the underlined words refer to
in the following passage:
Well Ive had my eye on the ball [] so I think
these days one is allowed [] the boundary,
the underlined words also refer to the Queen.
(l. 20-22)
> The Queen has been a dutiful person all
along her life and now wishes for more entertainment and freedom / she has been doing
what she is expected to do and she has always
behaved in a loyal way / she longs for something different.
En cas de difcults
Pour aider les lves, on peut les amener
dnir le ton de lextrait en leur proposant
lactivit ci-dessous.
Read the following denitions:
romantic = beautiful in a way that affects your
emotions / in which feelings and imagination
are most important
ironical = when you say something but clearly
imply something else
funny = meant to make the reader laugh
educative = meant to teach something
To your mind, what is the best adjective to
dene the tone of this extract? Justify with
one or two elements.
3. Les lves expliquent clairement en quoi la littrature rapproche la reine de son peuple. Ils synthtisent ainsi ce qui a t dtaill prcdemment.
Productions possibles :
Literature relates the Queen to her people
she enjoys a private activity,
she is one among all the readers / in a way
she can mingle with other people, reading the
same books,
she sets a good example to people who do
not read,
she learns about other peoples lives,
all readers are equal in front of a book whatever their social status,
letters are a republic so the readers are citizens more than subjects,
reading is shared and common: she can read
the books ordinary people read too,
she is unrecognised, a reader like all the
she does not want to be apart / different anymore / wants to be closer to them.
4. Cette question appelle une rponse plus personnelle. Elle pourra donc faire lobjet dun travail
queen, king, empress,
emperor, reign, rule,
monarchic, imperial
president, govern,
preside, presidential,
tyrant, despot,
govern, oppress, rule,
dictatorial, despotic
democrat, govern
autocracy, monarch,
monarchist, prince
majority rule, elect,
dictator, despotism,
tyranny, potentate,
democratically, elect
influence, deserve
respect, gain admiration
exceptional, outstanding,
stupendous, wonderful,
ordinary, commonplace,
ste 2
ste 2
ste 2
Reported speech
Lorsquon passe du style direct au style indirect, des
changements soprent au niveau :
- des pronoms (we > they ; you > her)
- des formes verbales (prsent > prtrit ; prtrit
> past perfect)
- des adverbes (ago > before)
- des possessifs (your > her)
- de la ponctuation (plus de guillemets)
On peut ajouter la conjonction that (mais elle nest
pas toujours ncessaire) pour introduire le discours
Elizabeth asked what she would be doing. Lady
Bryan answered that she was to take part in the
procession. (Then,) Elizabeth asked/wondered if that
was an important part, (to which) Lady Bryan replied
(rmly, suppressing a smile,) that she believed it
was very important and that they now had to get
her ready quickly.
Exemples possibles :
She asked William...
- if she would have to go to ofcial meetings and be
photographed all the time,
- if she would be able to go shopping alone, without
- if they would manage to protect their private lives
from paparazzi,
- how often she would be able to travel with him,
- etc.
Les deux phrases concernent un fait pass (Queen
Victorias family did not like Abdul) et dcrivent une
ralit que lon commente.
a. Queen Elizabeth wishes her family appeared
less often in celebrity magazines / did not appear in
celebrity magazines.
b. They wished they had not gone that far / they had
respected Lady Diana's private life.
p. 30-32
Stress on key information
ste 2
moment de ce fait pass > la reine nest pas raisonnable mais sa famille aimerait bien quelle le soit.
Reported speech
Sir Kevin told the Queen that he felt that while
not exactly elitist, it sent the wrong message and
tended to exclude. The Queen wondered why it
would exclude for she believed that most people
could read. Sir Kevin answered that they could
but that he was not sure that they did, to which
the Queen replied that she was then setting a
good example.
Sir Kevin went on saying it was important that
Her Majesty should stay focused. The Queen
wondered if when he said stay focused, he
meant that one should keep ones eye on the
ball. According to her, she had had her eye on
the ball for more than fty years so she thought
that those days one was allowed the occasional glance to the boundary. He replied that he
could understand Her (Majestys) need to pass
the time. The Queen, surprised by his answer,
retorted that books were not about passing the
time but were about other lives, other worlds.
a. 1. Elizabeth wished she had had someone to play
with when she was a child.
2. Elizabeth wished she could have lived in London
with her father, King Henry VIII.
3. Abdul wished he had been allowed to keep Victorias letters.
4. William and Kate wish the journalists stopped
tracking them.
5. Elizabeth wished she had more time for reading.
6. Sir Kevin wished the Queen had stayed focused
on her duties.
b. Un exemple est donn dans le Workbook
p. 31.
Comprendre un texte narratif
Le but de cette double-page dactivits est de prparer les lves comprendre le rcit dun narrateur
qui met en scne des personnages dans une situation
particulire. Pour cela ils devront :
tapes possibles :
Suggestions dexploitation
Le texte donn en exemple pour ces activits est
un autre extrait du roman dAlison Weir, The Lady
Elizabeth, propos p. 78 du manuel. Nous suggrons
donc de conduire ces activits sur les stratgies
lissu du Recap de la page 79. Les lves feront
ainsi facilement le lien entre leurs connaissances
nouvellement acquises et les hypothses de sens
proposes en exemple.
Task 1. Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documents supports
Voir situations proposes dans le manuel p. 88
et situation 3 ci-dessous.
Prsentation de la tche
Il sagit dune production crite de type narratif
avec introduction dune partie dialogue. Pour
aider les lves, une situation de dpart (authentique) est propose. Deux dentre elles gurent
dans le manuel. Le professeur pourra en proposer
dautres (ractualisant les supports en fonction de
lactualit) ou ajouter par exemple :
Situation 3
Do your duty: invite a Royal to tea
Betty McCarron, a widow living in Glasgow,
Scotland, entertained the Queen of England for
fifteen minutes.
The Independent, 19 July 1999
Task 2. Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prsentation de la tche
Aprs lecture dun extrait de ction divis en plusieurs parties qui ne sont pas ordonnes, les lves
devront en rtablir lordre logique et chronologique.
Forme de travail
Suggested start
, , , ,
Forme de travail
Manuel p. 89
Comprhension de loral
Document support
Prsentation du document
Un seul document est propos. Il sagit dune interview
informelle de dcembre 2011 o Gretchen Maynard
explique son intrt pour la famille royale britannique.
On entend deux locuteurs : le document sapparente
un dialogue bien que Gretchen sexprime davantage
que la jeune lle qui lui pose des questions.
Forme de travail
La passation et l'valuation de la performance de
l'lve suivront les instructions ofcielles, confor-
8 pts
Le candidat a saisi et relev un nombre suffisant
de dtails significatifs.
Comprhension fine.
10 pts
Si des lments ont t relevs plusieurs niveaux, il appartiendra au correcteur de dnir le niveau global
atteint. Le professeur pourra multiplier les points par 2 pour attribuer llve une note sur 20.
Note de llve: note sur 10 x 2 =
Expression orale
Comprhension de lcrit
Corrigs et barme
Text 1
Queens name + age
Victoria / 18
0,5 + 0,5 pt
Text 2
Elizabeth II / 81 0,5 + 0,5 pt
Private or public
Private 0,5 pt
Main event /
0,5 pt
0,5 + 0,5 pt
Public 0,5 pt
0,5 x 4 = 2 pts
0,5 x 4 = 2 pts
1 pt
1 pt
All of the adjectives below can be applied either to one queen or another, except for one which can be
applied to both queens. Quote the text to justify them. 1 pt par adjectif bien justi = 12 pts
Victoria (text 1)
Elizabeth (text 2)
Text 2
Taking part in a public meeting, the queen does not
respect the strict protocol and speaks with someone
about one of her hobbies.
; The private image prevails.
Expression crite
Suggestion de grille dvaluation
Final task 1
The Queen
Name :
Class :
(8 pts)
Possde un rpertoire
lmentaire de mots et
dexpressions courantes.
Contrle limit de
quelques structures simples.
1 2 points
1 point
1 2 points
Possde un vocabulaire
suffisant pour assurer la
Matrise alatoire de structures simples et courantes.
3 4 pts
2 pts
3 4 pts
5 6 pts
3 pts
5 6 pts
7 8 pts
4 pts
7 8 pts
Cohrence et cohsion
(4 pts)
Final task 2
The Queen
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 88
Queen Camilla
A passage from Queen Camilla, by Sue Townsend, has been jumbled up.
Read the different parts below.
Then re-order them. Write their numbers in order on the line provided at the end.
Start with:
The Queen said, If you will allow me to continue. She fiddled with an earring and then
touched her brooch. Finally she said, After a great deal of thought, I have decided to
abdicate. []
Charles said, 'But, Mummy, the people would want you to be Queen.'
The Queen continued, 'Charles, I am eighty years of age and I simply cannot face...'
She hesitated.
Anne said, 'Another bloody Royal Variety Performance?'
There was laughter. Camilla looked over at Charles and saw that he was not laughing. He had lost his customary ruddy complexion and looked pale and frightened.
Camilla threw her cigarette into the sink then crossed the room, stepping over dogs
and feet.
'Oh, darling,' he murmured when she sat down next to him.
William said, his voice shaking with emotion, 'Grand-mama, if my father refuses
to carry out his duty then as his eldest son and heir I offer myself.'
William brushed the biscuit crumbs from his trousers and knelt before the Queen.
The Queen did not know what to do or say. She thought, he has a taste for melodrama, obviously inherited from his mother. She patted him on the shoulder and
said what mothers and grandmothers all over the world say at times of indecision,
'We'll see.'
The Queen
Name :
Class :
Correct order:
Comprhension de lcrit
The Queen
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 89
Text 1
I rst met Queen Elizabeth II in Washington, D.C., in May 2007. The occasion was a
garden party at the British ambassadors residence [].
Highly efcient military men organized us into lanes about thirty feet apart. As the
appointed hour approached, the sovereigns ag was raised to indicate that Her Majesty
was on the premises. The Queen, then eighty-one, and her husband, Prince Philip,
came out onto the terrace and passed between two Grenadier Guards in scarlet tunics
and bearskin hats. After the regimental band of the Coldstream Guards struck up God
save the Queen, the royal couple walked down a short ight of steps. []
The Queen disappeared into the distance of the gardens, but we stayed in place, and
eventually she doubled back along our lane toward the residence. The British ambassador, Sir David Manning, was making introductions to every twelfth person or so. [] He
presented me, and Elizabeth II extended her white-gloved hand, while I said, according
to protocol, How do you do, Your Majesty? Next came my husband, and the Queen
The Queen
Name :
Class :
said she understood that he edited a Washington newspaper. Like her husband, she
is not enamored of the press she has not granted an interview during her sixty-year
reign but she didnt let on.
Her politeness was badly rewarded when Stephen decided to commit two protocol
infractions simultaneously: asking the Queen a question and mentioning the possibility
that she gambled at the race-track. Did you put a wager on Street Sense at Churchill
Downs? he inquired, referring to the winner of the Kentucky Derby, which she had
attended for the rst time the previous Saturday. With masterful diplomatic deection,
she ignored the question, but lingered. Something about the phrasing must have piqued
her interest. Stephen and I had watched the race on television []. He made a quick
observation about the race, and Elizabeth II replied that it was startling to see the
winning horse covered with so much mud afterward the result of running on dirt
rather than the grass tracks she was accustomed to seeing in England.
Evidently relieved to be discussing horses, one of her favorite topics, she went back
and forth with my husband, replaying the race and its thrilling nish, in which Street
Sense went from nineteenth place to rst. You could see the yellow cap! she said
excitedly. []
I had not anticipated the animated gestures, the expressive blue eyes, the ashing
smile. For a minute or so, I had glimpsed the gaiety so often obscured by the dignity of
the Queens role. While I didnt realize it at the time, I had also witnessed her control
and skill. By ignoring my husbands inappropriate question about making a bet, she
didnt make him feel ill at ease. She simply let it slide away, and moved the conversation
back to comfortable terms.
Sally Bedell Smith, Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch (2012)
3 pts
Fill in the grid below giving as many details as possible. Quote the text.
Text 1
11 pts
Text 2
The Queen
Name :
Class :
Who does the pronoun I refer to in each text? Define the nature of each document.
4 pts
6 pts
Text 1
a. The new Queens mother sees her daughter as a queen.
b. The Queens change of clothes illustrates her frivolousness/triviality.
c. The narrator longs for loneliness.
Text 2
d. Sally Bedell Smiths husband engaged in private conversation with the queen, as is allowed
by protocol.
e. It is not easy for a queen to express her feelings.
f. Sally Bedell Smith admires the queen.
All of the adjectives below can be applied either to one queen or another, except
for one which can be applied to both. Quote the text to justify them. 12 pts
masterly, polite, dutiful, determined, interested/concerned, dignied, touched, cheerful, considerate, prepared, extremely impressed and worried
Underline the mistake in each sentence, correct it (rewrite the sentence with the
right words) and answer the question. 4 pts
Text 1 - The narrator learns that she has just become queen and immediately takes the
responsibility: she considers herself as her mothers sovereign and daughter.
So which aspect of the queen prevails? Tick the right answer:
the public image
The Queen
Name :
Class :
Text 2 - Taking part in a public meeting, the queen respects the strict protocol and speaks with
someone about one of her hobbies.
So which aspect of the queen prevails? Tick the right answer:
the public image
Expression crite
Manuel p. 89
A diary entry
Once back in England, Queen Elizabeth writes an entry in her diary about her meeting with
Stephen G. Smith and his wife. Imagine it.
En fin de parcours
valuation de lexpression crite :
- tche : rdiger une critique de lm de guerre
valuation de la comprhension de l'oral :
- tche dappariement : associer critiques et afches de lms
Parcours culturel
Parcours culturel
Notions :
Mythes et hros
Thme :
La reprsentation des soldats amricains dans les films
de guerre amricains :
- lengagement amricain dans les conflits majeurs du
XXe sicle ;
- lvolution de la reprsentation des soldats dans les
films de guerre amricains.
Problmatique :
Comment les soldats amricains sont-ils reprsents dans les lms de guerre amricains ?
Les lms de guerre pp. 98-99
pp. 108-109
Entranements et valuations
Activits langagires
Tches dentranement
valuations finales
Comprendre les
informations essentielles
et les explications dans
une interview ou une
critique de film
Comprendre des
vnements et des
sentiments dans des
bandes-annonces ou des
extraits de films
Aprs quelques
Tche 1 :
recherches, prsenter
un dialogue ou une
Associer critiques et
loral un film de guerre
affiches de films
p. 99
p. 108
Ragir un
commentaire sur un
site de critiques de
films ; rdiger sa propre
p. 103
Prsenter un film
Donner son opinion sur
un film
Tche 2 :
Rdiger la critique dun
film de guerre amricain
p. 110
En tant quassistant de
Steven Spielberg, expliquer
et commenter les choix du
ralisateur pour une scne
p. 101
4 situations dvaluation
p. 111
Outils de la langue
Talking about films p. 99
Soldiers p. 99, 100
On screen portrayal p. 99
Trauma p. 103
Cruelty p. 103
Disillusionment p. 105
Nouns as verbs p. 106
Talking about heroes p. 106
p. 41
g Prcis grammatical 19 pp. 207-208
p Prcis de prononciation 3
pp. 215-216
ce picto signale les documents que les lves pourront tudier la maison, en autonomie, avant la
mise en commun en classe.
en blanc , les autres supports et activits proposs que le professeur pourra choisir dtudier en fonction
de sa classe et du temps dont il dispose.
Ces activits peuvent tre effectues la maison par la classe entire ou un groupe dlves et suivies dune mise
en commun classe entire. Elles peuvent aussi tre utilises pour les cours dapprofondissement prvus en option.
Les activits sur la langue (Language tools, manuel p. 106-107) et sur les Stratgies (manuel p. 108-109)
seront menes mesure de lavance dans le chapitre, en fonction des documents et des tches choisis
par le professeur et des besoins des lves.
p. 96-97
War films
They were soldiers
p. 98
p. 98
p. 98
p. 99
p. 100
p. 100
Film reviews
p. 101
p. 101
p. 101
p. 102
It wasnt my war
p. 102
p. 103
p. 103
p. 103
p. 105
p. 105
Language tools
p. 106
p. 108
p. 110
p. 110
p. 111
Fiche Recap
Mise la disposition des lves dans le Workbook
p. 42 ou sur le site
Cette che rcapitulative permet deffectuer une trace crite (sous forme de notes) lissue des diffrents
Recaps puis de faire la synthse en n de chapitre de manire se prparer activement lpreuve orale
du baccalaurat :
noter ce que lon a appris,
progresser dans la dcouverte de la problmatique,
tablir les liens avec la notion au programme et dautres chapitres traitant la mme notion.
Voir aussi Entranement
Forme de travail
War films
1. They were soldiers...
Analyse du document
Manuel p. 98
DVD Vido 7
Il sagit de la bande-annonce du lm We Were Soldiers, de Randall Wallace et avec Mel Gibson, qui
traite de la bataille de La Drang, pendant la guerre
du Vietnam.
Squenage de la vido
Time code
From the
beginning to 025
Senior soldier :
Well be landing under fire.
Men will die.
Were going into battle against a tough and
determined enemy.
From 116 to
the end
Formes de travail
Accs au sens
On pourra commencer poser les jalons de lutilisation des noms comme adjectifs avec des groupes
nominaux complexes comme : war lm, war lm
trailer, moviegoers...
2. tape collective.
La bande-annonce de We Were Soldiers correspondelle ce que les lves avaient anticip ?
Productions possibles :
The trailer is a typical war lm trailer because
we can see a lot of ghting and action.
But what is more unusual is that we also see
the soldiers in their private / domestic lives.
They have to deal with both / combine their
duties and their private lives.
The lm seems a bit patriotic: we can even
see the ag of the USA at the end of the trailer.
3. Analyse de la bande-annonce.
En individuel dans un premier temps avec prise de
notes par les lves, puis en groupes avec des rles
attribus chacun des groupes :
- Group 1 : ce premier groupe pourra se focaliser sur les informations factuelles (personnages,
lieux, actions) ; ces informations tant plus faciles
reprer et exprimer, on pourra les proposer
des lves moins laise, de faon permettre une
bonne distribution de la parole ;
Productions possibles :
This portrayal of war is different from most
US war lms because it also focuses on the
humanity of soldiers. Soldiers are portrayed as
men who have feelings / who have private lives
and families / who miss their families. It seems
to be a touching/moving lm.
This lm looks stereotypical and patriotic,
even ag-waving, like so many American blockbusters in which the US army always wins. The
storyline seems to be very clich-ridden with
stock characters such as the perfect husband
and dedicated soldier, the loving and understanding wife, etc. The plot seems very predictable,
the US army is probably going to win and the
soldiers will be the good guys.
On pourra demander quels lves auraient maintenant envie de voir le lm. Ils se regrouperont
alors avec des camarades qui partagent le mme
avis et disposeront de 5 10 min (selon les besoins
du groupe) pour justier leurs avis. Un secrtaire/
rapporteur prendra en notes les changes, puis les
rapportera aux autres groupes.
Productions possibles :
Analyse du document
Il sagit dune conversation entre deux personnes
propos des lms de guerre. Lune delles les connat bien et les apprcie, la diffrence de lautre.
Lcoute de ce document permettra un groupe
ste 3
Manuel p. 98
On pourra amener les lves marquer particulirement les intensieurs quils utilisent (voir activit
Intonation and contrast, manuel p. 106).
CD 1 lve
horrible war is / they have to show the violence
/ to make their point//
well / i dont agree // i mean / you can make
pretty decent non violent war lms // take top
gun / for instance //
oh / come on // thats ridiculous // that movie
is simplistic // its not even realistic //
well / what do you know // besides / does it
always have to be realistic // i mean / cinema is
an art / you said so yourself // the point of the
lmmmaker / is to portray a war / and the men
/ who ght it / not report on it //
Formes de travail
1. et 2. collectives ; 3. individuelle avec prise de notes,
puis mise en commun avec toute la classe ; 4. en
groupes ou collective.
Accs au sens
On pourra, si cela na pas t fait en amont, travailler
avec les lves la mthodologie de la comprhension de loral et de la prise de notes grce aux pages
Stratgies, manuel pp. 108-109.
Productions possibles :
The speakers
The reasons
and examples
they give
The man
The woman
learning more about history
new perspective on war
predictable, stereotypical
stereotypical portrayal of the US soldiers and of
their enemies
On amnera les lves se servir du travail effectu sur les documents de cette double-page pour
rcapituler les caractristiques principales du lm
de guerre et dores et dj sinterroger sur la reprsentation des soldats amricains dans les lms de
guerre amricains.
Productions possibles :
Obviously, most war lms are violent, because
they deal with violence. Most of them show
combat scenes, but some are bloodier or more
gruesome than others.
Almost all war lms are action-packed, but
many war lms are also made to:
- tell more about a war, or denounce a conict
which is unknown to people,
- offer a new perspective on a major historical
- or convey a message about a particular war,
or about warfare in general.
The soldiers usually illustrate the impact of
the war on the individual. The soldiers can be
portrayed either as brave, strong, heroic, or as
discouraged, fearful or even traumatized.
Cette double-page et les suivantes comportent toutes un encart situant la ou les guerres dont il est question.
Les lves pourront sy rfrer pour se remmorer le contexte et les grands vnements de chaque conit.
Nous avons choisi dy faire gurer galement le nombre de soldats amricains mobiliss ainsi que les pertes.
1. A film poster
Manuel p. 100
Analyse du document
Formes de travail
La plupart des mots apparaissant sur lafche ne
poseront pas de problmes de comprhension. Seul
le mot guts devrait tre inconnu des lves. Une fois
quils auront rchi la reprsentation des soldats
sur cette afche, ils devraient tre en mesure de
dduire quau vu du contexte immdiat, son sens doit
tre positif. On pourra ventuellement les amener
comprendre le sens premier an quils saisissent le
sens gur, qui se trouve tre le mme en franais.
Accs au sens
On demandera aux lves dobserver lafche et
de dater le lm quelle illustre. Sils ne sont pas
forcment capables demble de donner des dates
correctes, ils sauront en tout cas reconnatre son
aspect dsuet et pass. Lobservation des dtails les
mettra ensuite sur la voie des annes 1940.
On pourra aussi les inviter identier le titre du
lm. Cette tape nous semble importante car la
mise en page est un peu diffrente des afches
plus rcentes.
Productions possibles :
This is a poster for a war lm which was probably made / must have been made a long time
ago / in the past / for an old war lm because
it is not a picture, it is a drawing. Most old lm
posters were drawn like this / this way.
Various elements of the lm appear on the
poster, as if the producers wanted to show all
the aspects of the movie to attract all kinds of
Note culturelle
On pourra au passage leur apprendre que les
bandes-annonces telles que nous les connaissons aujourdhui, et telles que celle de We Were
Soldiers, quils ont vue prcdemment, sont
apparues dans les annes 1960-70.Avant cela,
le format tait peu dynamique et la pratique
ntait pas gnralise. Mieux valait alors utiliser laffiche pour annoncer le contenu du
lm, do ce collage dimages.
Manuel p. 100
DVD Vido 7
Analyse du document
Il sagit de la scne douverture du lm de Steven
Spielberg, ralis en 1998. Dans cette scne, le
spectateur observe un vieux monsieur et sa famille
venir se recueillir dans le cimetire amricain de
Colleville-sur-Mer en Normandie. On comprend que
lhomme est un vtran. La squence se termine par
un gros plan sur son visage, puis sur ses yeux. La
transition avec la scne suivante (qui napparat pas
dans notre extrait) se fait avec un fondu-enchan
des yeux du vieil homme aux yeux dun jeune soldat
sur un bateau qui le vers les plages de Normandie.
Sensuit la clbre scne du dbarquement dont
parle dailleurs lauteur de la critique. On entend
toutefois le bruit des vagues la n de notre scne,
on pourra donc sen servir pour que les lves imaginent quoi lhomme pense.
Cette scne est visuelle, il ny a pas de paroles. La
difcult lexicale sera donc en production et non
en rception. Les lves auront besoin dun lexique
cinmatographique qui pourra leur tre fourni
laide de la che photocopiable fournie dans ce
guide, p. 000.
Formes de travail
Collective. On peut imaginer un travail en autonomie
dans un premier temps si lquipement de ltablissement le permet (laboratoire multimdia ou salle
Accs au sens
Lextrait ne comportant pas de paroles, on pourra
se passer dune anticipation an de privilgier la
plonge des lves dans latmosphre de la scne.
Cependant, si le professeur lestime ncessaire,
il pourra demander aux lves didentier le lieu
reprsent sur la photo (le cimetire de Collevillesur-Mer).
The scene is moving/touching/soul-stirring/
poignant: there is no dialogue, probably out of
respect for the dead. Plus, the audience is left
to reect upon the scene.
The scene opens with a shot of the American
ag waving.
The music is quite solemn and patriotic, it
becomes more and more dramatic / rises more
and more as the scene goes/progresses. At
the beginning of the scene, while the old man
is walking along the cemetary, we can hear/
make out trumpets, providing the scene with
a more military if respectful atmosphere that
culminates with the shots of the American and
French ags.
All the while, the old man is shot from behind
and from a distance. But when the cemetery
and its graves actually come into view, there
is a close-up on the old mans face and violins
start playing to add more emotion to the scene
and make it more personal.
The scene procedes with a wider shot of the
rows and rows of graves, with the old man looking very lonely among them. It lays the stress
on the number of soldiers who sacriced their
lives during WW2.
At the end of the scene, there is a tracking in
shot of the old mans face and eyes, as the music
fades and the sound of waves rises.
He is crying/weeping by the tombs of soldiers
who sacriced their lives.
Maybe some of these soldiers sacried their
lives to save him, since the camerawork also
emphasizes the presence of three generations
in this scene. They may owe their existence to
this mans ex-comrades.
He must be overwhelmed by sadness / grief
but also gratitude to these men.
He must be remembering what being on the
battleeld was like.
3. Film reviews
Analyse du document
Les deux critiques de lms proposes ont t
rdiges par des internautes sur le forum de discussion du site IMDB. Nous les avons choisies
pour la pertinence de lanalyse quelles proposent
et pour leur structure interne, typique des articles
critiques, ce qui offrira aux lves un modle pour
la tche nale d'expression crite.
Le lexique posera gnralement peu de problmes
pour la comprhension globale des textes. Certains mots seront certainement inconnus (letdown,
gawkish, etc.) mais leur sens sera infrable (une
aide est dailleurs propose dans le Workbook
p. 37-38).
Formes de travail
1. et 2. individuelles puis mise en commun ; 3.
Accs au sens
Phase danticipation partir de la nature des textes
et des lments priphriques.
On demandera aux lves dobserver les lments
priphriques aux textes, en particulier la source (un
site internet, dont ils auront dj entendu parler en
ralisant la tche intermdiaire p. 99), et les auteurs
(des pseudonymes tels que ceux que lon trouve sur
Internet). Les lves devraient donc tre en mesure
de deviner que ces textes ont t rdigs pour un
forum de discussion par des spectateurs, et non par
des journalistes.
On pourra leur demander danticiper le contenu
partir :
Manuel p. 101
- du titre de chaque review ;
- de ce quils sattendent trouver dans une review.
Productions possibles :
These texts are lm reviews.
They must have been written by viewers and
not by journalists since the authors have pseudos.
They have been published on a website.
They deal with different lms but both of them
probably include a summary of the plot, information about the director and/or the actors,
the authors opinions, the lms qualities and
aws, etc.
Productions possibles :
Filmfanfrank really loves Saving Private
Ryan because:
- he likes the fact that the plot is based on real
life / the real-life based plot,
- he thinks that the portrayal of the war and the
soldiers is quite realistic.
But he thinks Spielbergs lm is too sentimental, gawkish/awkward/clumsy, and a bit
The soldiers seem to be very brave and dedicated, ready to sacrice their own lives for
their mission. The author describes them as
courageous and heroic. We also learn the
lm is based on the same story as The Fighting Sullivans.
Saving Private
Tom Hanks
less famous:
Steven Spielberg
Francis Ford
Coppola (writer)
Tone of
the film
the opening
scene - realistic powerful
En cas de difcults
Une aide est propose dans le Workbook
Productions possibles :
Both texts are divided in three paragraphs. We
can notice that in each text, the rst paragraph
sums up the plot in the present tense.
In the rest of the texts, the authors give their
opinions about the lms. They move from one
idea to another sometimes using words like
also, although, even if, whereas, and,
topic: rebellious
Productions possibles :
A lm review usually contains a summary of the
plot / the gist of the plot, sometimes also information about the cast and crew. It almost always
offers the journalists point of view since the
idea is for the audience to make up their minds.
Manuel p. 102
problmes larme amricaine, force dadopter
des mthodes de combat adaptes au milieu) ;
- ou bien une forme de retour la nature, la terre,
au moment de mourir, conformment aux crits de
la Bible.
Les mots qui auraient pu poser des problmes dans
labsolu devraient, ce stade, tre connus des lves
puisque "platoon" apparat dans lencart Words de
la double-page prcdente et "casualty" dans les
encarts consacrs aux guerres.
Formes de travail
1. et 2. collectives ; 3. en groupes puis mise en commun avec toute la classe ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
Productions possibles :
2. Productions possibles :
We can see its a war lm poster / a poster
advertising a war lm because there are men
with military outts and equipment, the colour
green is dark, like military uniforms, and there
is blood on the soldiers arms.
Plus, the two Os of Platoon have been
replaced by the metal plates soldiers wear
around their necks / identication tags (commonly called dog tags). They indicate the soldiers details to be used if they are wounded or
killed (i.e. name, blood type, etc.). The presence
of the dogtags lays the emphasis on death, on
the soldiers sacrice.
3. Linterprtation de la posture du soldat peut donner lieu des productions trs riches, dans le fond
comme dans la forme. On pourra inviter les lves
en discuter en petits groupes avant quun rapporteur
par groupe fasse part la classe des conclusions
qui auront t atteintes.
Note culturelle
Les origines de la citation The rst casualty
of war is truth nont pas vraiment t claircies, et elle a t attribue successivement
plusieurs auteurs:
It has been attributed to both Arthur Ponsonby
in Falsehood in Wartime (1928): The rst casualty when war comes is truth. and US Senator
Hiram Johnson in a 1918 speech. However,
the true origin may be in the edition of The
Idler magazine from 11/11/1758 which says
...among the calamities of war may be jointly
numbered the diminution of the love of truth,
by the falsehoods which interest dictates and
credulity encourages.
Productions possibles :
This tagline may mean that when soldiers
go to war, they lose their innocence because:
- they are faced with the atrocities of war /
because they have to kill;
- they realize that some wars are fought for
reasons that may not be justied / not all wars
are good wars as was the second world war.
We must remember that most young American soldiers did not feel concerned by the
Vietnam war, lots of them were even opposed
to it. So they must have been even more traumatised by what they saw and did.
2. It wasnt my war
Manuel p. 102
DVD Vido 8
Script de la vido
From the beginning to 055
Senior officer goes to the window and shows that
the building is surrounded by the police.
Rambo is quiet.
From 056 to 138
Rambo turns mad.
look at them / out there // look at them // if you dont end this now /
they will kill you // is that what you want // its over / johnny // its
over //
nothing is over // nothing // you just dont turn it off //
it wasnt my war // you asked me / i didnt ask you // and i did what i
had to do to win / but somebody wouldnt let us win // and I come back
to the world / and i see all those maggots at the airport / protesting
me / spitting / calling me baby killer / and all kinds of vile crap //
who are they to protest me // who are they // unless theyve been
me / and been there / and know what the hell theyre yelling about //
it was a bad time for everyone / Rambo // its all in the past now //
for you // for me / civilian life is nothing // in the field / we had a
code of honor / you watch my back / i watch yours // back here /
theres nothing //
youre the last of an elite group / dont end it like this //
back there / i could fly a gunship / i could drive a tank // i was in
charge of million dollar equipment / back here / i cant even hold
a job parking cars //
oh god // where is everybody // i had a friend / twas dan forest //
there I had all these guys // back there i had all these great guys
// they were my friends // cause back here theres nothing //
Formes de travail
Accs au sens
Phase danticipation partir de la photo.
Le professeur pourra prvenir les lves que cette
photo est tire du lm, mais pas de la scne quils vont
voir. On demandera aux lves didentier lhomme qui
apparat sur la photo, en tant que personnage et en
tant quacteur, tche qui sera facilite par la lecture
de la lgende. Cependant, on peut dores et dj leur
demander ce quils pensent de limage de Rambo ici.
Productions possibles :
Rambo seems desperate/hopeless/helpess
for several reasons:
- all his friends died during the war,
- when he gets back to the USA, some people
are waiting for him at the airport, protesting/
demonstrating, spitting at him and insulting
him / calling him names.
- he cant nd a job in the USA / nobody will give
him a job in the USA whereas in Vietnam, he
was trusted / entrusted with expensive equipment and important responsibilities.
He feels misunderstood.
He cant adapt / has difficulty adapting to /
coping with society / civilian life.
In Vietnam, he was used to following orders
He felt important/useful/respectable and trustworthy in Vietnam since he could use/handle
/ was trusted with very expensive equipment.
However, back in the USA, he cant nd a job
because people dont trust him. Hes not considered as a hero but as a baby killer, as a murderer.
He is disillusioned.
2. Limage du soldat dans First Blood diffre singulirement de celle qui tait vhicule dans les pages prcdentes. Lanalyse de cette reprsentation va permettre
aux lves de comprendre le contexte de la guerre du
Vietnam, la raction du peuple amricain face au conit
et ceux qui y ont particip, et limportance cruciale
du mdia tlvisuel naissant dans cette perception.
Lorsque les lves comprennent laccueil rserv
Rambo laroport, il convient de leur demander sils
en connaissent les raisons. Forts des connaissances
acquises en cours dhistoire et de leur culture gnrale, ils savent gnralement de faon plus ou moins
prcise que la guerre du Vietnam a t un conit
fort controvers qui a divis lAmrique, mobilis
Note culturelle
On pourra lire ou faire lire aux lves une
dclaration prononce par Lyndon Johnson
devant la National Association of Broadcasters
le 1eravril 1968, juste aprs avoir annonc quil
ne se reprsenterait pas pour un deuxime
mandat prsidentiel :
As I sat in my office last evening, waiting to
speak, I thought of the many times each week
when television brings the war into the American home.
No one can say exactly what effect those vivid
scenes have on American opinion. Historians
must only guess at the effect that television
would have had during earlier conicts on the
future of this Nation.
Productions possibles :
The emphasis is more on the soldiers anxiety
than on his bravery. Rambo seems to be suffering with/aching with anxiety, even angst.
Le texte comprend un nombre consquent de difcults lexicales mais quelques notes et une aide
dans le Workbook
p. 38-39 devraient aider les
lves comprendre et infrer. Les difcults
de comprhension seront aussi lies la syntaxe
Maybe he wrote about him because he was a
soldier and John Wayne mostly played soldiers,
so he could identify with / relate to him.
Forme de travail
Productions possibles :
Accs au sens
En cas de difcults
- John Wayne is written between inverted commas on line 10 but not on line 8.
- The one who is mentioned line 8 refers to the person whereas the one mentioned line 10 refers to
the lm character.
John Wayne
Colour 1
John Wayne
Colour 2
used to define him
used to define him
Productions possibles :
When he learns that John Wayne has died,
his rst reaction is to laugh / he laughs so
much that tears come to his eyes / tears well up
Productions possibles :
His reaction is two-fold: he both feels some
sort of joy/happy surprise and sadness/relief.
Perhaps, he feels relieved/unburdened,
- John Wayne reminded him of the Vietnam
- John Waynes death symbolised the end of an
era of propaganda war lms,
- the hero who betrayed him is nally dead, so
he gets his revenge.
But he also cries because he feels John Wayne
is not supposed to die since he was a legend /
the little boy in him is sad because his childhood
hero is dead.
- Wayne was supposed to be an immortal
superhero but his death actually makes him
human. It questions/decs the myth. It demythologizes the actors.
- the burden he carried all his life is being lifted,
- this burden being the impossibility for the
narrator to be as good a soldier as / measure up
to / catch up to the lm hero he admired and
probably wanted to be like.
lissue de cette double-page, les lves devraient
pouvoir sinterroger sur la dimension hroque
des soldats ayant combattu pendant la guerre du
Vietnam. On les aidera rcapituler lvolution de
la gure du soldat, du hros pendant la bonne
guerre du second conit mondial au soldat dchu,
au pariah du Vietnam. Puis on pourra leur demander
de dduire le sens de lexpression fallen heroes
(dans le titre de la double-page). On pourra leur
expliquer le double-sens de lexpression : ceux qui
sont tombs , morts au combat, et ceux qui sont
dchus de leur statut de hros.
Proposition de grille dvaluation labore avec les lves lors de la phase dexprimentation de la squence :
Traitement du sujet
- nuancs
- pertinents
- cohrents
Structure du dveloppement
- organise
Recevabilit linguistique
Etendue linguistique
- tendue du vocabulaire
- tendue grammaticale (complexit des structures)
Contrle linguistique
- contrle grammatical
- orthographe
Accs au sens
On ne trouvera pas de difcult majeure dans ce
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. et 3. individuelle avec prise de
notes, puis mise en commun avec toute la classe ;
4. collective.
Productions possibles :
In the picture, we can see an explosion. And
someone is running away from it.
He's wearing a strange costume, something
big which can protect him from the explosion.
So maybe it is his job to deal with / prevent
Film #1
Il semble intressant de ne pas leur donner lexpression bomb disposal expert puisquelle est mentionne dans le texte et quils pourront ainsi facilement
le reprer la lecture.
Film #2
Film #3
Three Kings
3. a. Les lves sont invits surligner les informations donnes par le texte propos
des soldats dans les diffrents lms ;
des soldats dans les diffrentes g
if the plot of Three Kings may seem shocking
/ however shocking the plot of Three Kings
may seem, it has always been like this: armies
always hoped they could become richer by
defeating the enemies and conquering lands.
Hence the title of the text: Same place, same
story, different millennia.
4. Productions possibles :
The narrator and author of the text, Rupert
Morgan, is General Morgan's grandson.
So his review of the three Iraq War lms
contains a very personal dimension, which
probably makes it more subjective, but more
sensitive. We can feel a kind of nostalgia in the
writer's narrative.
Cette double-page tant la dernire du chapitre,
elle sera loccasion pour les lves de rcapituler
lvolution de la gure du soldat travers le temps.
Productions possibles :
The gure of the soldier in lms has changed/
evolved in time. The way soldiers are portrayed
reect how the wars they were ghting are
World war 2 was the good war: there was
no debate about who the enemy was / why
Nazi Germany had to be fought and defeated.
During World War 2, soldiers were seen as
heroes, who were willing to sacrifice their
lives because they felt it was their duty /
they believed in democracy/ Americas role
as Europes saviour was called for / saluted.
That is why most the war films about that
war emphasize the heroic dimension of the
WW2 soldiers.
On the other hand, the Vietnam war was
highly controversial.
Many Americans did not see why America
should get involved in a conict that was not
theirs to solve.
A lot of American soldiers lost their lives
because of their inexperience / because the
military themselves did not know how to manage the war / America had military supremacy
but could not win the war Vietnam soldiers,
were no longer regarded as heroes. Many events
made the soldiers appear as ruthless killers.
But most Vietnam war lms portray them as
victims of the war, almost as much as the casualties. Indeed, in Platoon or in First Blood, they
appear as suffering, traumatised and damaged.
The portrayal of Gulf War soldiers is not
much different since the wars are almost as
contro-versial as the Vietnam war. So the soldiers dont feel very condent either, and the
wars have changed so much that soldiers can
no longer do their job as those who fought
earlier wars. It creates a feeling of uneasiness,
or uncertainty about their status and their
duty. Their job has become more ambiguous:
they feel they have to be there, but they cannot
really do anything.
This creates some kind of an existential crisis
in some of them who feel frustrated not to be
able to fulll their duty.
eld of his own / that begins as he sets down in
a burning oil eld in Saudi Arabia.
director sam mendes adapted jarhead / from
the book by anthony swofford of the same name
/ a memoir of the rst gulf war / written from
the perspective of a twenty year old vet // sam
mendes joins us now // welcome //
thank you //
this soldier is a sniper // hes trained to be a
sniper / but he never shoots a gun // making a
lm about a sniper who never shoots a gun /
just from the get-go presents a certain kind
of challenge
// perverse / really / isnt it // i mean / i think
one of the attractions / strangely / of the book
/ for me / was that it in parts seems strange /
almost unadaptable / but somehow it threw up
/ through this very impressionistic / non-linear
approach / a series of incredibly memorable
images and details / that seemed to take me
unexpectedly closer to war / than any of the
more conventional
war memoirs that id read /and that was partly
because / the war itself was so utterly different
from any war before or since // i mean / its not
my kind of bloodyminded decision / to frustrate
an audience with a story about a sniper / who
doesnt re a shot // and this was a war / that
didnt allow the soldiers / in a way / to engage in
a conventional way / with the war that they were
presented // it was / in many ways / a story that
i read about / what happens if you train a man
to go to war / and then you take away the war //
you know / i would like to think / that what
were reaching for / in the movie / is a deeper
truth / which is about / why men seek that
experience / and / you know / how it will
always / however much you prepare yourself
for the reality / how it will always defy you //
and i think / of course / thats strangely at odds
/ with what an audience for a movie demands
/ which is some kind of catharsis // and so / a
lot of the lm is playing with the idea of the
catharsis that is / or isnt / available to the
audience / and the catharsis that is / or isnt /
available to the characters.
ste 3
1. power powerful - respect respectful - duty
2. pity pitiless - hope hopeless - power
3. origin original - emotion emotional
4. real realistic - hero heroic - poet poetic
a. 1. c. ; 2. d. ; 3. a. ; 4. b.
Passive forms
a. When the war against Iraq was declared, a lot
of soldiers were forced to ght even if they preferred
to stay home. Hundreds of civilians were injured
and most militaries were not considered as heroes.
b. A few years ago, the US government sent troops
to maintain peace in Afghanistan but many soldiers
were killed during the ghts. By 2013, the troops will
be brought back into the country.
a. Scream is a 1996 Wes Craven horror lm.
b. As you like it is a 1599 Shakespeare comedy play.
c. Parachutes is a 2000 Coldplay rock music album.
d. Friends is a Warner Bros teenager TV program.
1. Animal Farm is a 1945 George Orwell science
ction novel.
2. Black and Blue is a 1976 Rolling Stones rock
music album.
3. Sweet Sixteen is a 2002 Ken Loach drama movie.
p. 41
s te 3
2. Even if the government has criticized this association, it will always be supported by the civilians.
3. Some civilians could have been killed (by the
soldiers) during the assault.
4. That exceptional movie has been awarded 5
Oscars (by the jury).
5. The novel is interpreted (by most reviewers) as
its authors commitment to peace.
Passive forms
1. Young men were recruited by the US government
to defend the country against terrorist attacks.
CD 1 lve piste 35
Analyse du document
Extrait dune mission radiophonique sur NPR, Talk
of the Nation, datant du 10 juillet 2008, dune dure
de 3 minutes et intitul Hollywood and the Pentagon.
Il se compose de deux parties :
- un monologue du journaliste, qui prsente le sujet
de lmission les rapports entre le Pentagone et
lindustrie cinmatographique et lillustre par deux
extraits de lms : Top Gun et In the Valley of Elah.
Il invite galement les auditeurs apporter leurs
propres tmoignages sur la guerre en Irak et sur
les lms quils ont vus (de 0 150) ;
- une interview du correspondant du Pentagone pour
le LA Times, Julian Barnes (de 150 la n).
Aprs la premire coute de lensemble du document, qui permettra aux lves de vrier leurs
premires hypothses, on leur demandera de se
concentrer sur linterview dont la transcription gure
Suggestions dexploitation
On pourra envisager le travail sur cette double-page
diffrents moments de ltude du chapitre :
Leur demander de dire ce quils ont compris (ofcers / scripts / marked condential /), puis de mettre
en lien ces lments (ex. : ofcers read the scripts
before the lm is shot / ofcers give their opinions
about the scripts / ofcers examine the script) ; la
suite de lmission de ces hypothses de sens, on
pourra donner lexpression vet the scripts, dont le
sens aura t lucid.
Procder de la mme faon avec le second extrait :
le mot affect, transparent lcrit, est peu audible
mais pourra tre infr.
Task 1. Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
la maison :
1. choix du lm,
En classe :
Prsentation de la tche
Forme de travail
En classe
Prsentation de la tche
Task 2. Listening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Forme de travail
Corrigs et barme
Film poster
Pearl Harbor
Tropic Thunder
Comprhension de loral
Document support et protocole
Prsentation du document
Il sagit dun extrait dune mission de radio
(source : NPR) qui fait intervenir plusieurs personnes sexprimant sur les liens entre le Pentagone
et Hollywood, travers les lms de guerre.
Forme de travail
La passation et lvaluation de la performance de
llve suivront les instructions ofcielles, conformment au B.O. du 24 novembre 2011. Prvoir 20 minutes.
Manuel p. 111
1. Communication du titre accompagnant lenregistrement : The Army and the lm industry, crire
au tableau.
1 pt
3 pts
8 pts
Si des lments ont t relevs plusieurs niveaux, il appartiendra au correcteur de d nir le niveau global
Note de llve sur 10 x 2 =
Expression orale
Comprhension de lcrit
Documents support et protocole :
Voir documents photocopiables pp. 00-00 de ce
Text 2
Texts 1 and 2
General topic:
3 pts
2 pts
Text 2
The specific
Declaration of
The place
involved in
this event
Gallipoli / Turkey
(= civilians ) /
3 pts
Text 1
6 pts
Unfortunately halfway to greatness is mediocrity
and thats as far as Gallipoli gets. (l. 9-10)
it makes you wonder how it could have possibly
taken so long to get there. (l. 15-16)
Text 1 and 2
7 pts
3 pts
5 pts
Dans la troisime dition du manuel, le texte de la
chanson Civil War, du groupe Guns NRoses, prsent
dans les deux ditions prcdentes, na malheureusement pas pu tre reproduit pour des questions
pp. 112-113
de refus de droits. Ce texte et liconographie qui
laccompagnait ont t remplacs par Masters of
War, de Bob Dylan, et une photo du chanteur.
Fiche rcapitulative
Final task 1
War on screen
Manuel p. 110
Traitement du sujet
(8 pts)
Cohrence et cohsion
(4 pts)
Met en adquation sa
production avec le sujet
propos : prsente un film de
Mais la reprsentation des
soldats a t occulte.
1 2 pts
(8 pts)
Possde un rpertoire
lexical lmentaire.
A un contrle limit de
structures syntaxiques et de
formes grammaticales.
1 2 pts
La langue est
comprhensible malgr
des erreurs lmentaires
et un lexique encore limit.
3 4 pts
La langue est
comprhensible et
globalement correcte.
Le lexique est assez vari.
5 6 pts
4 pts
7 8 pts
Fiche rcapitulative
Final task 2
War on screen
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 110
Film poster
Pearl Harbor
Tropic Thunder
Comprhension de lcrit
War on screen
Manuel p. 111
Text 1
It was some months later, on the way back from cutting the hay in Great Meadow along
the sunken leafy road that led up into the farmyard that Albert rst talked to us about
the war. His whistling stopped in mid-tune. Mother says theres likely to be a war, he
said sadly. I dont know what its about something about some old duke thats been
shot at somewhere. Cant think why that should matter to anyone, but she says we will
be in it all the same. But it wont affect us, not down there. Well go on just the same.
At fteen Im too young to go anyway well, thats what she said. But I tell you Joey, if
there is a war, Id want to go. I think Id make a good soldier, dont you? Look ne in a
uniform, wouldnt I? And Ive always wanted to march to the beat of a band. Can you
imagine that, Joey? If it comes to that, youd make a good war horse yourself, wouldnt
you, if you ride as well as you pull, and I know you will. Wed make quite a pair. God
help the Germans if they ever have to ght the two of us.
One hot summer evening, after a long and dusty day in the elds, I was deep into my
mash and oats1, with Albert still rubbing me down with straw and talking on about the
abundance of good straw theyd have for the winter months, and about how good the
wheat straw2 would be for the thatching3 they would be doing, when I heard his fathers
heavy steps coming across the yard toward us. He was calling out as he came. Mother,
he shouted. Mother, come out, Mother. It was his sane voice, his sober voice, and a
voice that held no fear for me. its war, Mother. Ive just heard it in the village. Postman
came in this afternoon with the news. The Germans have marched into Belgium. Its
certain for sure now. We declared war yesterday at eleven oclock. We are at war with
the Germans. Well give them such a hiding that they wont ever raise their sts to
anyone. Be over in a few months. Its always been the same. Just because the British
lions sleeping, they think hes dead. Well teach them a thing or two, Mother well
teach them a lesson theyll never forget.
Albert had stopped brushing me and dropped the straw on the ground. We moved over
toward the stable door. His mother was standing on the steps by the door of the farmhouse.
She had her hand to her mouth. Oh, dear God, she said softly, Oh, dear God.
Michael Morpurgo, War Horse (1982)
1. horse food - 2. paille - 3. toiture en chaume
Text 2
Few Americans or anyone else, for that matter know the story of the ANZAC*
invasion of Gallipoli during World War I. Why should they? Despite massive casualties,
the battle for Turkeys Gallipoli peninsula had little effect on the outcome of the war.
But for the countries of Australia and New Zealand, whose young men composed the
ANZAC forces, the battle at Gallipoli is a xed point of national pride.
As such, Gallipoli forms the perfect backdrop for an Australian lm about the terrors of
war and the endurance of bravery and self-sacrice. Add to the mix two of Australias
greatest cinematic talents, Mel Gibson and director Peter Weir, and Gallipoli would seem
halfway to greatness before it even gets started. Unfortunately halfway to greatness is
mediocrity and thats as far as Gallipoli gets. []
The nal battle is [...] the lms most harrowing passage. Turkish soldiers are dug
into trenches that run the length of the coastline, while the ANZAC forces try to push
through enemy lines. The result is a grisly bloodbath that strikes at the ugliness and
arbitrariness of violence on such an enormous scale. It seems that this has been the
lms nal destination all along the horrors of war and it all happens so suddenly,
so clearly, that it makes you wonder how it could have possibly taken so long to get there.
* Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
War on screen
What general topic do both texts deal with? (answer with one word)
What specific historical event do they both refer to? Justify with one quote from
either text 1 or text 2.
a. Pick out details concerning the specific episode that is narrated in each text.
Text 1
Text 2
a. the nature of the text: .................................................................................................................
b. the characters present in the scene (name, relationships, age if given):
c. where they live exactly (do not give a geographical location): ....................................................
d. how they react to the event. Which adjectives would you use to describe each characters
feelings? Quote from the text to justify.
violent worried ambitious optimistic brave overcondent hopeless naive sceptical
Text 2
Read the following statements and decide if they are right or wrong. Justify your
answers with quotations from the text.
a. The writer is commenting on a war lm.
War on screen
b. The episode that is related is well known in the entire English speaking world.
c. Turkish soldiers fought along with Australian and New Zealand soldiers.
Is the authors opinion of the film rather positive or negative? Quote from the text
to justify your answer.
Texts 1 and 2
Give a title to each text (tick only one answer for each text):
Text 1
Text 2
d. War heroes
b. Perceptions of war
Expression crite
Imagine a continuation to text 1: The narrator is sold to the military as a war horse.
Describe the event and his thoughts and feelings.
Comment on an online forum.
A good war lm is a lm with heroes and heroines, not with men and women like you and me.
By field size
Long shot
Full shot
American shot
Medium shot
Extreme close-up
By camera placement
Aerial shot
Low-angle shot
War on screen
War on screen
1. ...................................................................... 2. ...................................................................
3. ..................................................................... 4. ...................................................................
5. ..................................................................... 6. ...................................................................
Extreme close-up
Medium shot
High angle shot
Low-angle shot
Full shot
Long shot
7. ....................................................................
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
Notion : L'ide de progrs
Activit langagire dominante : comprhension de lcrit
Activit langagire associe : expression orale en continu
En fin de parcours
valuation de la prise de parole en continu :
tche : faire la promotion du tltravail pour une campagne institutionnelle
valuation de la comprhension de lcrit :
tche : associer des textes promotionnels aux cibles auxquelles ils sadressent
Parcours culturel
Parcours culturel
Notions :
Lide de progrs
Thme :
Le monde du travail et son volution ; les enjeux du
Le tltravail amliore-t-il nos conditions de vie ?
De nouvelles tendances pp. 116-117
A virtual company
Telecommute Nation
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
pp. 126-127
Entranements et valuations
Activits langagires
Comprendre les
informations principales
et les arguments dans un
article de presse ou un
Comprendre lexplicite et
saisir limplicite dans un
extrait de fiction
Prsenter loral les
enjeux du tltravail en
justifiant son opinion
laide darguments
Identifier les faits
principaux et les opinions
exprimes dans un extrait
vido ou une mission
Tches dentranement
valuations finales
Discuter de
Comprendre un texte
lvolution des modalits
de travail en sappuyant
pp.126- 127
sur des titres de journaux
p. 117
Tche 1 :
Prendre part une
campagne radiophonique
ayant pour but de
promouvoir le tltravail
En tant quemploy,
convaincre son employeur
des avantages du travail
p. 119
Tche 2:
Associer des textes
promotionnels aux cibles
auxquelles ils sadressent
p. 128
Participer une
enqute en ligne en
rdigeant une rponse
la question : E-learning :
aimeriez vous tudier en
ligne ?
p. 121
Donner son opinion
tour de rle sur la motion :
Le tltravail devrait
tre un droit pour tous les
p. 123
4 situations dvaluation
p. 129
Outils de la langue
p. 47
Les modaux p. 125 et
p. 47
g Prcis grammatical 13
p. 201-203
Make/have/let someone do sth
p. 125 et
p. 47
g Prcis grammatical 22 p. 210
27/09/12 13:16
ce picto signale les documents que les lves pourront tudier la maison, en autonomie, avant la
mise en commun en classe.
en blanc , les autres supports et activits proposs que le professeur pourra choisir dtudier en fonction
de sa classe et du temps dont il dispose. Ces activits peuvent tre effectues la maison par la classe
entire ou un groupe dlves et suivies dune mise en commun classe entire. Elles peuvent aussi tre
utilises pour les cours dapprofondissement prvus en option.
Les activits sur la langue (Language tools, manuel pp. 124-125) et sur les Stratgies (manuel pp. 126-127)
seront menes mesure de lavance dans le chapitre, en fonction des documents et des tches choisis
par le professeur et des besoins des lves.
pp. 114-115
New trends
A virtual company
p. 116
Telecommute Nation
p. 116
p. 117
p. 117
Economic opportunities
A new business universe
p. 118
P 119
p. 119
Training task 2: Argue your case!
p. 119
Different relationships
Joshua Ferris, Office life
p. 120
p. 121
Training task 3: Have your say!
p. 121
p. 122
p. 123
p. 123
Training task 4: Circular debate
p. 123
Language tools
pp. 124-125
pp. 126-127
p. 128
p. 128
p. 129
Fiche Recap
Mise la disposition des lves dans le Workbook
p. 50 ou sur le site
Cette che rcapitulative permet deffectuer une trace crite (sous forme de notes) lissue des diffrents
Recaps, et de faire la synthse en n de chapitre, de manire se prparer activement lpreuve orale
du baccalaurat :
- noter ce que lon a appris,
- progresser dans la dcouverte de la problmatique,
- tablir les liens avec la notion au programme et dautres chapitres traitant la mme notion.
Voir aussi Entranement
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Amener les lves identier le thme et la problmatique du chapitre.
Faire merger les premires reprsentations des
lves sur le thme du tltravail et les faire ragir.
Forme de travail
Imprimer un rythme assez soutenu lors de ltude
de cette premire double-page an de ny consacrer
quune demi-sance.
Productions possibles :
Elements in
the picture
young man, suntanned, casually dressed
sitting by water (by
a lake, by the sea)
using a laptop /
using IT (information technology)
they evoke
holiday, leisure, free
time, feeling of freedom: doesnt seem
to be compelled to do
anything but what he
being outdoors, open
space, quiet environment, enjoying solitude
may be surng on
the net: interacting
through e-mails /
facebooking / using
social networks
conveys an impression/a feeling
of well-being / being
under stress/not
stress ridden
27/09/12 13:16
to work remotely/from a remote location, i.e.
not in the same space as his co-workers or the
people he does business with.
It is possible for him to benet from such
exibility thanks to the internet and mobile
telephone / advances in technology/information technology.
The internet has made it possible/easier to
have online jobs.
Advanced technology such as broadband
phones, videoconferencing and wireless internet, makes it possible for people/enables people
to communicate with each other fast and effectively from the distance and at low cost.
tape 3
Demander aux lves leur avis sur le tltravail :
leur laisser une minute de rexion pour crire, sous
forme dun mot, une justication de leur opinion ce
sera une premire occasion de rebrasser le lexique
introduit en amont.
New trends
Les documents proposs sur cette double-page permettront aux lves de se faire une premire ide des
enjeux du tltravail et de son volution.
1. A virtual company
Analyse des documents
Un extrait dune mission radiophonique de NPR
du 10 fvrier 2010 concernant limportance grandissante du tltravail aux USA.
La photographie reprsente Laura Schoppe, la
cratrice de la socit Fuentek, interviewe sur
son lieu de travail. On notera lordinateur et son
cran, lagenda, les combins tlphoniques, un
CD, une calculatrice et de rares lments imprims
sur le bureau, ainsi que la tenue vestimentaire,
plutt formelle, de Laura Schoppe. Rien dans la
photographie nindique que la scne se situe son
domicile, o un vritable lieu de travail a t cr.
Toutefois, le titre du document A virtual company,
ainsi que la source de lextrait, mis en relation avec
limage, permettront daiguiller les lves sur la
piste du tltravail.
Dans cet extrait on entendra trois intervenants : le
prsentateur en charge de lmission, le journaliste
Adam Hochberg et Laura Schoppe. Lmission se
Manuel p. 116
CD 1 lve piste 36
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
telecommuted at least part time // consultant
maryann perrin / who helps employers adopt exible work arrangements / says telecommuting has
become common in companies large and small //
Lexique et phonologie
Mme si laccent amricain est bien marqu, le dbit
des diffrents locuteurs nest pas rapide et le vocabulaire utile la comprhension aura t introduit lors
de ltude des pages douverture. De plus, les mmes
ides sont exprimes plusieurs fois de manire diffrente. An dviter que les lves ne butent sur les
noms propres on pourra leur demander de lire les
questions avant laudition du document.
Enn, si les lves ont des difcults comprendre
les donnes chiffres on pourra travailler en amont
dans les Language tools lactivit Stressing quantities, manuel p. 124.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. en binmes puis collective ; 3. en
groupes ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
27/09/12 13:16
En cas de difcults
Le professeur pourra prvoir une seconde
coute et sparer la classe en deux groupes :
- lun se concentrera sur les lments faisant
rfrence telecommuting,
- lautre sur les lments concernant Laura
Demander alors aux lves de noter les donnes chiffres pendant lcoute.
Productions possibles :
More and more people telecommute, about 17
million, I think. Its not unusual to work from
home its getting more mainstream.
Some companies allow their employees to
telecommute, but I dont know how many and
Im not quite sure if they always work from home
or if they have to go to the office some days.
Laura Schoppe is the manager of Fuentek, she
has created this company. All the employees in
this company/rm work from home.
Laura has got an office above her garage. I
think she lives in North Carolina and she has
got dogs.
2. Telecommute Nation
Analyse des documents
Trois documents sont mis la disposition des lves
pour mieux saisir lvolution du tltravail aux tatsUnis.
in 2010: employs 40 people different kinds
of jobs, such as technical writers, engineers
All the employees have to/are required to do
their jobs from home/telecommute because
there is no office building
- thats why Laura Schoope says its a virtual
Advantages of telecommuting
employees work better: they are more productive and more loyal
they can organize their schedules as they want
telecommuting makes it possible for / enables
employees to have more time for their personal
and family life = it enables them to balance their
professional and personal life
its good for the employers too: they dont have
to buy an office building, to pay for electricity
and heating, so running the company is cheaper
the service for the clients is as good as in a
more traditional rm
Telecommuting trends
rare to have a rm like Fuentek where everyone works from home / without any office
more and more popular for employers:
- large and small companies let some of their
workers telecommute
- in 2008: 1/3 of companies allow employees
to telework
Manuel p. 116
Une photographie du prsident Obama signant The
Telework Enhancement Act en dcembre 2010. Cette
loi vise dvelopper le tltravail chez les agents
de ltat an dviter la perte de productivit lors de
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Les ventuelles difcults lexicales ont volontairement t leves :
des synonymes et une illustration sont donns
sous forme de notes,
mise en jalons lors de ltude des pages introductives de mots tels que remotely,
infrence possible pour enhancement.
Formes de travail
1. en groupes ; 2. 3. et 4. collectives.
Accs au sens
It seems that all the employees are not really
willing to work from home / are reluctant to
telework even if they are allowed to do so.
The government had to promote telecommuting. Maybe they asked people to telecommute.
concernant lauteur
Donnes statistiques
En cas de difcults
Productions possibles :
Group 1
The photo dates back to December 2010 and
shows president Obama signing an Act or a law
about telecommuting. With this law it will be
easier for federal employees (= people who work
for federal agencies = government managed
offices) to do their jobs from home. In fact the
government want to develop telecommuting /
they want as many people as possible to telework.
Group 2
We can read that a lot of people 34 million
work from home, not all the time/not full
time, but at least some days/part time. What
is striking is that a lot more people have the
possibility to do so but dont and we dont know
if they will in the future.
27/09/12 13:16
Productions possibles :
What is striking is that telecommuting has
tremendously/dramatically increased between
2000 and 2008: from about 16 million telecommuters, it surged to 34 million. Then it dropped
by about 8 million.
Its worth mentioning that the Telework
Enhencement Act seems to have had an impact
/ to have triggered an upward trend.
It would be interesting to know why all the
people who can telework dont: maybe they
want to meet their co-workers, or it may be difficult for them to have a at or a house big enough
to set an office, or it may be an obstacle/a hindrance to career advancement
The employers may be reluctant to let them
work remotely: they may fear they might be
less productive.
Possible contents
Productions possibles :
Teleworking is becoming more and more
mainstream in the US, especially for jobs/positions in information technology.
Some large and small companies, as well as
the federal government, give their employees
the opportunity to work from home/remotely
at least part time.
Even if Information Technology has made it
possible for a large number of people to telecommute, telecommuting is not developing
as fast as it could: it had to be encouraged/
enhanced by a law.
Some people employers and employees
seem to be reluctant to telework.
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Productions possibles :
UK govt: want people to work from
home (Olympic Games)
Why people should work from home (Olympic
Games: traffic congestion, lots of visitors, security
measures, not easy to go to work, delays)
Possible reasons: for employers/employees
Description of employers past attitudes and
- fear employees might not meet deadlines/work less
- not easy to equip all employees with laptops
why things are changing examples of success:
- studies showing better productivity
- no need to have large offices
- no transportation delays
- better broadband connections
- employees demands
Reasons why the trend is different in large and small
- difficult for large companies to accommodate all
their employees
- employees in large companies may travel further to
get to work
Economic opportunities
Laccent est mis ici sur les bnces conomiques du tltravail, tant pour lemployeur que pour le salari.
Manuel p. 118
possible de faire autrement. En effet, la rvolution
des technologies de linformation, comparable au Big
Bang selon elles, a cr un nouvel environnement :
le march de lemploi sest globalis, les offres se
sont multiplies et diversies. Quali ou non, tout
un chacun peut maintenant trouver un travail lucratif
sans quitter son domicile, il suft de sauter le pas.
Pas de vritables difcults. Seules quelques expressions peuvent poser problme mais leur sens doit
pouvoir tre infr.
Lorsque les lves se seront exprims sur ce quils
ont compris, le professeur pourra par exemple
demander : Can you nd in paragraph 2 an expression
which means that you are in charge, you have the
responsibility? ( l. 22, call the shots)
27/09/12 13:16
This explosion enables people to nd a job
more easily but it also changes their working
conditions: they can work from home now, they
dont have to go to the workplace.
This explosion also impacts their way of life:
they can organize their day as they want.
Formes de travail
1. et 2. en binmes puis collective ; 3. a. collective,
b. individuelle puis collective, c. collective ; 4. individuelle puis collective.
1. En deux temps :
donner deux minutes pour prendre connaissance
de la publicit et mmoriser le plus dinformations
possible ; puis manuels ferms, faire restituer le plus
grand nombre dlments compris, noter au tableau ;
deuxime lecture possible pour complter les
informations et justier les explications, puis lecture
du titre et mise en relation avec la publicit.
Productions possibles :
Productions possibles :
An ad for ChefsLine chefs are good/professional/renowned cooks. We can see a photo
representing two cooks, one (the experienced
one) seems to be showing the other (who must
be learning/must be an apprentice) how to cook.
ChefsLine is an online rm that enables
people to get advice from professional cooks.
A new business universe probably refers to
new opportunities to get a job in any part of the
world/worldwide because you can advise people
from anyplace in the world, I mean, if someone
wants to know how to cook, say pastry, they can
ask a French Chef and he/she can answer. Just
one thing, they have to speak the same language!
The revolution might refer to the technological revolution, I mean IT revolution with
the internet, which enables people to work
from home. We can read line 59 that the
internet has revolutionized the way we work
and live.
I see what you mean but in the paragraph we
are studying theres no reference to IT but a
reference to the revolution of people staying
at home.
Id tend to think that the revolution refers
to people working from home: they are not
only doing the housework or looking after
their children, as they perhaps used to, they
now have a professional activity. They are also
skilled and they can have a job with responsibilities as they can be executives.
En cas de difcults
Productions possibles :
I (l. 48) > a person who is interested in telecommuting/ a person the authors have met
we (l. 50) > the authors T. Johnson and R.
our (l. 52) > the authors answer
- Focus on lines 52-57, paying attention to
adjectives. What do they have in common?
> They are all very positive
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
- In paragraphs 3, 4, 6, 7, nd words with a
positive meaning. What do you notice?
> Words referring to people working from
home are very positive
> Words referring to the new business universe are very positive too, as well as words
referring to the new jobs / the new job market.
All the words are positive.
- Conclude about the writersopinion on
> Obviously in favour of teleworking/advocating teleworking.
life and personal or family life. For example it
makes it possible for parents to attend their
kids baseball match.
There are more job offers available, as the
job market opportunities is globalized. As a
result/consequently its easier to get a job and
earn money.
It also creates new types of jobs, like culinary
l. 20: choice to set our own
schedules, to be our own
boss and call the shots
l. 26: an enormous moneymaking opportunity
l. 29: its changing the way
many women and men work
and live
l. 58: created an
alternative job market, new
job descriptions and new
l. 1 to 11
l. 1 to 11
l. 63 to 76: ChefsLine
Mise en commun.
Productions possibles :
The two writers think telecommuting is a very
good thing/the solution to many problems / a
panacea because it enables people to organize
their time as they want / to balance professional
4. Productions possibles :
Now, thanks to IT revolution you have access
to job opportunities everywhere in the world,
for example...
You can work from home with people from
all around the world.
You have the opportunity to achieve anything
you want, anywhere in the world.
Manuel p. 119
CD 1 lve piste 37
27/09/12 13:16
/ how many people here / have ever had
eighthours for themselves at the office // about
seven hours / six / ve / four / when was the last
time when you had three hours work for yourself at the office / two hours/ one maybe // very
very few people actually have long stretches of
time at an office / and this is why people choose
to do work at home //
Lexique et phonologie
Lextrait est facile daccs car le confrencier
sadresse son auditoire et an de bien se faire
comprendre, il nhsite pas se rpter et donner
de nombreux exemples. Certains dtails pourront
chapper la comprhension des lves, comme
cuisinart, mais lide est explicite dune autre faon
(shredded to bits) qui, elle, est aisment comprhensible partir de your day to bits. Si le mot
cuisinart na pas t isol, on pourra lintroduire
aprs explicitation de lide par les lves.
On pourra conduire lactivit des Language tools
Stressing personal arguments, manuel p. 124,
en amont de laccs au sens de ce document de
manire sensibiliser les lves au phnomne
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. en binmes puis collective ; 3. a.
individuelle, possible la maison, b. collective ; 4.
en binmes puis collective.
Accs au sens
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Productions possibles :
b. Productions possibles :
Jason Fried thinks its impossible to work at
the office efficiently.
He describes a day at the office as a succession
of short work moments, workers are always
interrupted: for instance, someone walks in
and asks for something, then the boss makes
him attend a meeting, then he has a conference
call. It seems impossible for him to focus on
his work, to have long uninterrupted stretch
of time. His work day is cut into small pieces /
shredded to bits, as if it was passed through a
Cuisinart mincing machine / a food processor.
Employers feel very frustrated because they
have been doing things/tasks such as sitting at
their desks, answering calls, attending meetings
but they have not been producing anything.
Employers are dissatised with/resent their
working conditions because they cant concentrate, think properly or be creative.
According to Jason Fried these office-working
conditions explain why people prefer to work
from home. As office workers, cant work properly/be focused at the office, they choose to
Productions possibles :
Company managers have been polled/have
been asked questions about the benets of
What is striking is that most of them think
teleworkers are more productive/efficient when
they work from home than when they work at the
workplace. They seem to agree with Jason Fried.
They also point out that teleworking enables them
to hire qualied employees and to prevent them
from leaving the company / make them stay with
the company / to improve employee retention.
Companies also benet from teleworking as
it seems employees are healthier when they
work from home. They are probably less tired
because they dont have to commute and they
are less stressed.
Besides they are aware telecommuting is good
for the environment / green.
27/09/12 13:16
Different relationships
Les documents proposs sur cette double-page vont permettre aux lves de confronter les implications
du travail domicile et dans lentreprise en termes de relations sociales et personnelles.
Office life
Analyse des documents
Trois types de documents sont proposs aux lves
pour aborder ce troisime aspect de la problmatique, savoir limpact du tltravail sur les relations
personnelles et sociales.
Un extrait du roman Then We came to the End
de Joshua Ferris, une satire sur la vie de bureau.
Le narrateur nous plonge dans cet univers o il
napparat jamais de manire individuelle mais sous
le pronom We, comme pour signier quil na plus
didentit propre et se faire le porte-parole du groupe
auquel il appartient. Des scnes typiques de la vie de
bureau, o les sentiments et ractions des employs
confronts la routine et une certaine promiscuit
se font jour, nous permettent de mieux apprhender
les relations qui se crent sur le lieu de travail.
Une photographie extraite de la srie tlvise
The Ofce : la scne montre des employs qui se
retrouvent pour bavarder, exprimer leurs proccupations et susciter les ractions amuses ou plus
ou moins compatissantes, voire agaces, de leurs
Deux dessins humoristiques mettent en regard
le tltravail et le travail au bureau : la solitude du
travailleur domicile, labsence de contacts y est
dnonce de mme que les relations parfois conictuelles qui peuvent exister entre collgues de bureau.
La charge lexicale peut paratre assez dense mais
certaines difcults ont t leves (notes de bas de
Manuel p. 120
page). Le professeur pourra faire appel aux stratgies dinfrence contextuelle des lves pour des
mots tels que glaze over (l. 11), callous (l. 14), swivel
chair (l. 26), ou be of two minds (l. 15). Si le mot sink
(l. 60) nest pas connu des lves, le donner.
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. en binmes puis collective ; 3. a.
collective puis en binmes, b. collective ; 4. et 5.
Accs au sens
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
2. Deux temps :
- lecture silencieuse et rapide mise en commun en
binmes limiter le temps de cette premire phase
dchange 2 minutes ;
- mise en commun classe entire : faire expliciter ce
quon a compris et les questions que lon se pose.
Productions possibles :
The text deals with the life of office workers.
Ive understood the narrator is or more
exactly, used to be , an office worker as he
remembers his working days in the office.
He depicts what happened in the office/several
office situations and describes the relationships
between co-workers. They could be friendly or
not / or nasty with each other.
He also describes the employees feelings,
for example, he mentions they are bored.
Ive noticed he refers to two minds but I
dont understand what that means.
The narrator also thinks the daily nine-to-ve
routine can account for their bad behaviour
with each other. Indeed they could be very
irritable and nasty with each other.
At time they were probably fed up with /
couldnt stand working with each other all the
time, having to share even their meals.
Another point is that the office seems to be
crowded, they dont have enough office space.
There are several references to space throughout the text, for instance, line 42, a bigger
office, or line 47 this new important space.
Of course its obvious they resent the lack of
space in the kitchen when Tom and Marta are
very rude to each other.
Another point Id like to make is that,
although they complain about their working
conditions, they say/acknowledge the fact
that they are well paid, even overpaid, which
means their wages are too high for the work
they produce.
b. Productions possibles :
The narrator never uses I because he considers himself as part of/as belonging to a group:
the office workers.
It looks as if he was not an individual anymore:
the office has changed him into an office-worker.
Lines 18-19, we can read that employment was
driving us far from our better self, which shows
the impact of the workplace on the workers.
The narrator might also use we because he
is speaking on behalf of his colleagues: he wants
to expose their conditions. He wants to show
his situation is not an individual one.
27/09/12 13:16
Productions possibles :
Productions possibles :
Activit dexpression orale mener sur un mode
alerte puisquil sagit de faire une liste des avantages
Les documents proposs sur cette double-page permettront aux lves de dcouvrir que malgr ses avantages, le tltravail ne convient pas tous.
Manuel p. 122
Pas de difcults majeures pour ce texte. Quelques
mots tels que wheedling, overhead costs ou encore
draining, pourront tre inconnus des lves mais
aisment infrables partir du contexte immdiat
ou des connaissances des lves sur la thmatique
ce stade du chapitre.
On pourra faire un point sur le pseudo adopt par
lexpditeur : harried = troubled/worried ; homebody = a person who never goes anywhere/stays at
home/a stay-at-home ( diffrencier de housewife).
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Formes de travail
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. et 6. individuelles puis collectives.
Accs au sens
Six months later she regrets her decision
/ she wished she hadnt become a telecommuter. She manages to be as productive as
before but it is very hard for her: she cant
really be focused on her work, her attention
is always diverted. She wishes she could go
back to the office. She is toying with the idea
of asking her boss if she can go back to the
She feels embarrassed/uneasy now, she
doesnt know if she should talk about it to her
boss: she fears he might think she is an idiot,
not knowing what she wants. On top of that/
to make matters worse, her boss is perfectly
happy with the situation as he got more space
in the office.
En cas de difcults
Un guidage spcique est propos dans le
p. 44 pour aider les lves
au reprage.
Productions possibles :
Harried is a working mother: she has two
young kids and is a graphic designer.
Six months ago she managed to convince her
boss to let her work from home. She couldnt
bear wasting time commuting. She was away
from home for such a long time that she
couldnt/was not able to see her family.
It was not easy for her to make her boss
accept to let her telecommute: she had to use
different tricks to persuade him she probably
tried to make him understand the advantages
he could have, she cajoled/wheedled/coaxed
him into letting her telework.
Although her boss was not very eager to let
her go/was reluctant to let her go he nally
27/09/12 13:16
Can focus: no barking dogs, relatives or kids who
need your help or presence
People working together energize each other: when
you work in an office you can share your ideas, your
skills with your co-workers. It is more stimulating and
When you are at the office, you are seen/you are
not invisible and so:
- you are more likely to be given opportunities such as
new projects and consequently career advancement
- your job may be more secure; telecommuters are likely
to be laid off first
A sense of camaraderie: relationships with co-workers
at the workplace are very important/valuable
More expensive: overhead costs (building,
equipment, electricity, heating)
Not easy to find work/family balance
Having to commute / to spend time going to work
and back is tiring / exhausting and boring
Productions possibles :
There are not only benets to telecommuting.
Telecommuters nd it easier to balance their
professional and private life. They also avoid
wasting time on transports.
On the other hand they may miss many opportunities such as friendly relationships, career
opportunities, and professional enrichment if
they telecommute full time.
Its obvious that telecommuting is not for
everyone / not everyone is suited to telecommuting: it depends on your personality and
priorities in life.
Manuel p. 123
DVD Vido 10
Analyse du document
Extrait dune vido visant faire connatre et
promouvoir le site Ce site propose
des offres demplois temps partiel et/ou domicile
moyennant une cotisation dune cinquantaine de
dollars lanne. Dans cet extrait, Mr Flexible Job
Squenage de la vido
Time code - images
From the beginning to
Mr Flexible Job
FlexJobs Home Page
From 020 to the end
Images :
Mr Flexible Job listing
pros and cons.
Sarcasm written on the
image to precise the tone
of the remark
sometimes working all those extra
hours / well / it can take a toll on
your personal life //
not a lot of human interaction for
hours on end: //
people tend to think you work less
than they do / because you work
from home //
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Pas de relle difcult lexicale dans ce document qui
est une forme de synthse de ce qui a t vu dans le
chapitre. Le dbit rapide peut cependant rellement
entraver la comprhension de certains passages :
on fera appel aux stratgies de compensation des
lves sans viser une comprhension exhaustive.
N.B. : The Biggest Loser fait rfrence une mission de tlralit qui met en scne des personnes
Judging from the photo we can assume that
Mr Flexible Job is going to develop the advantages of telecommuting more than its disadvantages. Hell probably promote/advocate
Pros: you can organize your schedule, you
dont have to commute, have more time with
your family, etc.
Cons: dont meet your co-workers, etc.
Formes de travail
1. collective et en quipes ; 2. collective ; 3. en
groupes ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
27/09/12 13:16
We can see a website: I think its FlexJobs.
com. You can nd different exible jobs on this
site (different types of jobs, about 50 categories
I think).
I wonder if this website is free or not. I heard
something about a subscription by month or
by year but I dont understand.
You can really
spend long hours
working and it can be
difficult to disconnect
/ you might nd it difcult to stop working
especially if you have
to meet deadlines. It
may blur work and
personal life.
You dont get paid
for the number of
hours you work and
on top of that people
think that you work
less than if you were
working in an office.
It can be too comfortable and you can
just relax and forget
the deadlines!
work. I am already addicted to my smartphone
and I think, I would be worried if I missed / I
might miss some important information. / Im
not well organized, it would be difficult for me
to meet deadlines
Well, for me, no doubt Id like to telecommute
because Id like to change work location, I enjoy
working from a caf, meeting friends/pals and
having a nice atmosphere. I cant stay in the same
place all the time and I like having noise around.
/ Id have more time to spend with my friends...
I like the exibility telecommuting offers:
Im a morning person ( a night owl), so it will
enable me to adjust my work schedule.
I think there are so many pros but for me the
two most appealing are being able to sleep in
and create my own hours, and to save money
on transport and junk food for lunch; my chief
concern is that its so hard for me to focus at
home when there are so many other things to
do around the house. I think it would require a
high level of discipline in order to stay on task.
I would always be worried about putting things
off which increases the chance of error.
Demander aux lves de prparer ce rcapitulatif
la maison. Mener la phase orale de mise en commun
sur un mode alerte.
Productions possibles :
Telecommuting is not suitable for everyone:
for example people who like socializing/thrive
on interactions with other people may feel
isolated and suffer from solitude.
Some telecommuters nd that working from a
coffee shop or library is great, but others prefer
the office environment to solitude.
Having a high degree of self-control and selfdiscipline is essential to being a productive
telecommute, so if its difficult for you to focus
on your work or to set to work, telecommuting
might not be a good idea. Its very easy to get
distracted by things in your home (television,
a comfy bed for napping).
You also have to be self-reliant as you have
no constant reminders of what you should
do. I mean your boss, your co-workers are not
with you.
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Fairness: everyone should benefit from this opportunity.
Employees have the right to decide what is best for
Some employers dont trust their workers, so if
telecommuting was a right they would at least have to try.
Impossible: not all the jobs are suited for
telecommuting / Working remotely doesnt make
sense for all occupations: physicians and store clerks
are two obvious examples.
Not all workers are fit for that type of jobs.
It should be discussed and agreed on both by the
employer and the employee.
If telecommuters are not productive enough, what
will happen? Will they be sacked or allowed to come
back to the work place?
constant shift/trend/transition/adaptation/evolution/
4. for instance
2. thats why
5. and yet
3. while
6. despite
regular trend/adaptation/effect
eventful transition/adaptation/evolution/revolution/
sharp shift/transition/adaptation/evolution/improvement/effect/increase/drop
Describing changes
slow transition/adaptation/evolution/improvement/
a. fresh trend/start
effective transition/adaptation/evolution/improvement/revolution/increase
quick transition/adaptation/evolution/revolution/
Positive aspects
deprive, hamper,
hinder, prevent,
hold back, deter
27/09/12 13:16
s te 3
Stressing quantities
Dans les phrases a d, les modaux expriment un lien
particulier entre le sujet et le verbe (valeur radicale)
alors que dans les phrases 1 4, ils indiquent la
probabilit quun vnement ait lieu ou non (valeur
Productions possibles :
He makes us come to the ofce at 7.30 am though
we ofcially start at 8 am.
He has us serve coffee to our clients while we are
supposed to organize meetings.
1. Your employees should work from home.
2. The trainees can/may leave earlier.
3. Now most employees can telecommute.
4. Chief executives must work more efciently.
Sens 1
Valeur radicale / lien
Cant allocate
Todays workers must
Now you may!
You shouldnt
Sens 2
Valeur pistmique /
chances de ralisation
dun vnement
Telecommuting may not
A bachelors degree in
nursing can help
Why it must be so hard
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
p. 46-47
Stressing quantities
ste 4
s te 4
a. 1. exible exibility
2. regular regularity
3. personal personality
4. creative creativity
5. productive productivity
6. reliable reliability
7. individual individuality
The sufx -ity is stress imposing: it imposes stress on
the ante-penultimate syllable.
Ou : Lorsquun mot se termine par le sufxe -ity, il
est toujours accentu sur lavant-dernire syllabe.
ste 4
Exemples possibles :
You may work from Monday to Thursday if you wish
but you must nish each task you start.
You should never arrive late at work or you may
be dismissed.
You can earn up to 2,000 a month if you keep
the prots up.
You must show how to be more efcient to the
trainees you will be in charge of.
Suggestions dexploitation
Le texte utilis en exemple pour ces activits est
de Rupert Morgan ; il y justie son choix dallier
tltravail et travail au bureau.
Compte tenu de la thmatique, nous suggrons de
conduire ces activits sur les stratgies lissue du
Recap de la page 121, ou aprs ltude du texte Not
commuting is driving me crazy, p. 122. Les lves
pourront ainsi mieux mettre en perspective les
arguments utiliss par Rupert Morgan.
La lecture du texte Do we rely too heavily on technology mis disposition dans le Workbook
p. 48-49
ou tlchargeable sur le site www.didierpassword.
fr, constituera un premier transfert de ces stratgies
que les lves seront amenes mobiliser rgulirement lors des valuations de comprhension de
lcrit au baccalaurat.
tapes possibles :
La phase de prparation la lecture est effectue
individuellement la maison.
En binmes, lors du cours suivant : change des
hypothses concernant le thme et la problmatique
du texte (5 min).
En homework pour la sance suivante : lecture
du texte et identication de lopinion de lauteur et
des justications.
Lors du cours suivant, changes en collectif (15
min) ; les diffrents lments qui gurent dans la
premire colonne du tableau p. 127 du manuel sont
identis et les lves expliquent comment ils sont
parvenus cette identication.
27/09/12 13:16
Task 1. Speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prsentation de la tche
Prise de parole en continu pour promouvoir le
tltravail lors dune campagne radiophonique.
Sassurer que les lves travaillent partir de
notes succinctes et rappeler limportance de la
Formes de travail
1. en binmes ; 2. individuelle.
Task 2. Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documents supports :
Voir document photocopiable pp. 230-231 de
ce guide.
Prsentation de la tche
Il sagit pour les lves dassocier un texte en
faveur du tltravail et son destinataire :
trois groupes cible sont proposs :
administrateurs employeurs cologistes,
quatre textes sont mis la disposition des lves.
On rappellera aux lves quun texte peut cibler
plusieurs destinataires.
Forme de travail
Corrigs et barme
Text(s) n 2
Labo de langues : pour les enseignants qui disposent du manuel numrique Premium de
Password Terminale, il est possible dutiliser les
fonctionnalits du Labo de langues.
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
Manuel p. 129
Comprhension de loral
Documents supports
Prsentation du document
Forme de travail
3. Aprs la dernire coute, llve dispose de 10 minutes pour rendre compte de ce quil a compris, en
franais, sur sa copie. On pourra lui suggrer de
remettre aussi son brouillon quon sera vigilant
de ne pas regarder avant davoir valu le compte
rendu an de pouvoir observer le passage entre les
notes et la restitution et ainsi pouvoir mieux aider les
lves qui auraient des difcults dans cette preuve.
5 pts
27/09/12 13:16
8 pts
Des dtails significatifs du document ont t
relevs et restitus conformment sa logique
Le contenu informatif a t compris, ainsi que
lattitude du locuteur (ton, humour, points de
vue, etc.). Comprhension fine.
10 pts
Si des lments ont t relevs plusieurs niveaux, il appartiendra au correcteur de dnir le niveau global atteint.
Note de llve : note sur 10 2 =
Expression orale
Comprhension de lcrit
Corrig et barme
Texts 1 and 2
Text 2
Phil Wiley
Journalist (writes articles)
Tim Dowling
Journalist (text published in the Guardian)
1 pt
1 pt
His wife
One of his kids: a boy, the oldest one
2 pts
1 pt
1 pt
17 pts
9 pts
8 pts
Cellular phone, fax, modem, notebook mobile phone (phone + sim card)
computer, latest wireless radio modem computer mouse
1 pt
1 pt
UNIT 6 Telecommuting
27/09/12 13:16
8 pts
10 pts
Text 1
Quote the text
5 pts
1 pt
Text 2
Quote the text
or use your
own words.
3 pts
Expression crite
27/09/12 13:16
Final task 1
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 128
Advocate telecommuting
Suggestion de grille dvaluation
Traitement du sujet
(8 pts)
Prise de parole en
continu (4 pts)
Recevabilit linguistique
(8 pts)
Tente de mettre en
adquation sa production
et le sujet propos : un ou
deux arguments en faveur du
Les arguments utiliss ne
permettent pas toujours
didentifier le destinataire du
2 3 pts
1 pt
1 2 pts
4 pts
2 pts
3 4 pts
Dveloppe quelques
arguments de manire claire
et mthodique.
Illustre ses arguments par
des exemples pertinents.
5 6 pts
3 pts
5 6 pts
7 8 pts
4 pts
7 8 pts
27/09/12 13:16
Name :
Class :
Final task 2
Manuel p. 128
Text(s) n
Text 1
Prepare Your Workforce for the U.S. 36 Express Lanes Project
U.S. 36 construction will start in 2012, transforming the existing roadway into a
new multi-modal corridor, which will include a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)/High
Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane in both directions, Bus Rapid Transit service, and the
U.S. 36 Bikeway. The $306 million project will last 2012-2015, creating significant
congestion impacting your workforce, customers and visitors.
Now is the time to prepare for traffic delays. Expand your workforce commute
options by implementing telework/Flexible Schedules/Compressed Work Week
Restructuring the work day and providing employees with schedule flexibility not
only reduces peak-hour congestion, but also improves employee morale and retention. Telework is providing the technical infrastructure and policies for employees
to work from home. 36 Commuting Solutions will help you restructure your work
day policies by:
1. Offering telework consultations to establish a telework policy at your workplace,
2. Arranging technical consultations to overcome IT compatibility needs,
3. Providing support for workplace compressed work week/flexible work schedules
Adapted from:
Text 2
Many university workplaces craft flexible work arrangements to retain employees
whose contributions are invaluable but whose caregiving obligations can be incompatible with the rigid work schedules of yesteryear. University administrators from
Harvard and Columbia emphasized that flexibility is crucial to the needs of the
contemporary workforce. Their remarks indicated that a formal flexibility policy
even one that guarantees staff only an avenue to request a flexible work arrangement could be beneficial to recruitment and retention, and, accordingly, the
efficiency of business operations
Adapted from:
27/09/12 13:16
Name :
Class :
Text 3
This May, WorkShift published a sprawling report on the state of telework in
Canada. According to the report, there are about 4.3-million Canadians with jobs
that are compatible with working from home.
Allowing those employees to telework would have a bottom-line economic impact
of about $53-billion, according to the report. That overall impact includes such
community benefits as reduced environmental footprints, thanks to the use of
less gasoline to drive to and from work.
The report even cites reduced health-care costs as a potential plus, thanks to
fewer cars on the road and, as a result, fewer accidents.
In more immediate terms, the report estimates that a business with 250 telecommuting employees would save about $3-million a year. The cost savings are varied,
and include factors such as a generally happier work force and less need for real
estate space.
Adapted from:
Text 4
The potential energy savings particularly in terms of vehicle miles traveled
could be enormous. Telecommuters naturally drive less, not only to work but for
the numerous stops to and from work. According to the 2005/2006 National Technology Readiness Survey (NTRS), the United States could save about 1.35 billion
gallons of fuel if everyone who was able to telecommute did so just 1.6 days per
week. That calculation is based on a driving average of 20 miles per day, getting 21
miles per gallon.
A more recent study by Sun Microsytems, which uses telecommuting extensively,
found that, by eliminating commuting half the week, an employee saves 5,400 kilowatt hours even accounting for home office use. They also can save some $1,700
a year in gasoline and wear and tear.
Adapted from:
27/09/12 13:16
Name :
Class :
Comprhension de lcrit
Manuel p. 129
Text 1
Text 2
Even as I cycle along I can feel my phone dinging in my pocket for no reason. It has
done this for four months: some days it dings 20 times; some days it doesnt ding at
all. When it isnt dinging, its presenting me with a message that says, No sim card
installed." I know this statement to be untrue, because I have repeatedly taken out the
sim card, looked at it, and put it back.
Youre lying, I say to my phone. Why would you lie? Whats in it for you?
Who are you shouting at? yells my wife from downstairs.
My phone, I say. But to be fair, I thought you were out.
For much of my life I have argued with technology safe in the knowledge that it wont
talk back, but this lazy assumption was shattered when my computer began speaking.
It was late one night a few weeks ago, when I nipped up to my ofce to check my e-mail
before bed. I hit some unknown combination of keys with a fat thumb and the computer
started to read its screen to me.
Subject mega deal on drill bits and power les, it said, in a loud robot voice.
Sorry? I said.
Reply to no reply at tool shop direct dot co dot UK.
Please shut up, I said, clicking the mouse repeatedly. I tried to turn down the volume,
but pressing the mute key only made the screen scroll upwards.
So now youve changed the buttons? I said.
Please read, it said. A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales.
Oh my God, I said, kneading the keyboard with my sts. Are you planning to say the
entire internet? It ignored me and carried on.
27/09/12 13:16
Name :
Class :
The next morning the computer was still talking. Turning it off and on again did nothing.
I tried to ignore the voice, but it was now saying every letter I typed. When I hit the space
bar, it said space. After an hour of this, I did what I had to do.
Help! I screamed.
What do you want? said the oldest one, who was drifting past the door in his pyjamas,
laptop open under his chin.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail, said the computer.
I cant live like this, I said. Make it stop.
Command F5, said the boy, managing to roll his eyes without peeling them from the
Voiceover off, said the computer.
Thank you, I said, That was really beginning to The boy was already gone.
I revisit that moment of terrible helplessness as I stand behind the car, trying to work
out how to jam the bike into it while the phone in my pocket dings for no reason.
How do I do this again? I say. The bike, thankfully, says nothing.
Tim Dowling, The Guardian, Dec 9, 2011
What topic do both texts deal with? Answer with one word: ....................................
Tick the right answer.
a. Both texts are
ction stories
an extraordinary trip
a scientic experiment
Text 2
Tehnical devices I
actually uses
27/09/12 13:16
Name :
Class :
Negative opinions
Text 1
Text 2
Among the following titles, which one would you choose for that set of documents?
27/09/12 13:16
Name :
Class :
Expression crite
A post to have your say
Are you addicted to information technology? Write your post, illustrating your point with examples
(200 words).
A newspaper article
Choose one subject among the following ones:
a. Write a newspaper article, starting from this headline: Who wants to become a drop out from
the metropolis?
b. Write a newspaper article starting from the following cartoon (200 words).
27/09/12 13:16
En fin de parcours
valuation de l'expression orale :
tche: participer un dbat tlvis (mise en scne avec jeu de rles)
valuation de la comprhension de loral :
tche : choisir des participants un dbat en reprant sils sont pour ou contre la restitution duvres dart.
Parcours culturel
Parcours culturel
Notions :
Espaces et changes :
liens entre peuples et pays : conflits entre particulier et
universel / oppositions entre tradition et modernit
Thme :
Le dbat sur la restitution des uvres patrimoniales ; le
sens des objets culturels :
- dans leur pays dorigine,
- dans les pays o ils sont exposs.
Problmatique :
qui appartiennent les uvres patrimoniales exposes dans les muses ?
27/09/12 13:19
Animated objects
A totem pole comes home
Entranements et valuations
Activits langagires
Discuter des enjeux
de la restitution des objets
patrimoniaux leur pays
dorigine en sappuyant
sur des arguments et des
Comprendre les
informations essentielles
et les opinions dans un
documentaire ou un
bulletin dinformations
Comprendre des
arguments et des opinions
dans des articles de
Tches dentranement
valuations finales
Dfendre un point de
Tche 1 :
Aprs quelques
vue, justifier, convaincre
recherches, prsenter
Prendre part un dbat
brivement loral une
pp. 144-145 tlvis
uvre patrimoniale
p. 135
Tche 2 :
Choisir les meilleurs
Comprendre et
partenaires pour
classifier les arguments
constituer son quipe
utiliss au cours dun
dans le but de participer
p. 137
un dbat
p. 146
Prendre part
une conversation en
donnant son opinion et
en sappuyant sur des
p. 139 Entranement
Rdiger un court
article pour prsenter
Expression orale
une exposition d arts
p. 141 pp. 30 et 150
4 situations dvaluation
p. 147
Outils de la langue
Restitution p. 135
Museums p. 135 et p. 142
Pillage p. 135
(Dis)agreement p. 137
Heritage p. 137
Virtual repatriation p. 139
Identity p. 141
Arguing p. 142
Talking about cultural exchanges
p. 142
p. 52
27/09/12 13:19
pp. 132-133
p. 134
p. 135
Training task 1: A two-minute talk
p. 135
p. 136
Radio debate
p. 137
pp. 138-139
p. 138
Training task 3: A discussion about restitution
p. 139
p. 140
p. 141
p. 141
p. 141
Language tools
pp. 142-143
pp. 144-145
p. 146
p. 146
p. 147
27/09/12 13:19
Fiche Recap
Mise la disposition des lves dans le Workbook
p. 54 ou sur le site
Cette che rcapitulative permet deffectuer une
trace crite (sous forme de notes) lissue des
diffrents Recaps, et de faire la synthse en n de
chapitre, de manire se prparer activement
lpreuve orale du baccalaurat :
Expression orale,
tape 1
Formes de travail
Le temps consacr cette activit dpendra videmment des ides des lves mais il ne devrait
pas excder une demi-sance et le professeur
veillera imprimer un rythme assez soutenu aux
tape 2
Laisser les lves proposer des rponses la question : Whose cultural treasure is it? Ils pourront utiliser la photo : la statue appartient-elle au British
Museum ou lle de Pques ? Les amener toffer
leurs rponses grce des exemples et leur permettre dchanger leurs ides sans les interrompre.
Ltude des documents du chapitre permettra de voir
ce quil en est. Trace crite retant les changes
au tableau.
Productions possibles :
Cultural treasure
A treasure is something valuable and important. It is valued by the people who owns it.
It is something which is highly prized for its
beauty, its perfection and/or its meaning.
When the treasure is cultural, it relates to a
particular society and its way of life.
It originates from a specic country.
The cultural treasure of a country is made up
of/comprises its artefacts and its traditions; it
is what a civilization inherits from the previous
Cultural treasures refer to the history of the
ancestors, to what people want to preserve for
the future generations.
Whose cultural treasure is it?
This massive statue standing upright is in London: I guess it belongs to the British Museum.
But it was not made/carved in Britain, it was
carved on Easter Island. Easter Island is a small
island off the coast of Chile. It is part of the many
islands that form Polynesia.
27/09/12 13:19
Even if it is exhibited/displayed in London,
I think it rightly belongs to the inhabitants of
Easter Island because it must have been made
by their ancestors and it certainly expresses
something specic for them.
It may have a special symbolic meaning for
the Polynesians.
A lot of different visitors can admire this
statue in the museum; it shows them an aspect
of the Polynesian culture, so now it belongs to
everybody, like many other artworks.
Les documents de cette premire double-page posent demble la question du retour des uvres dart
dans leurs pays dorigine en s'appuyant sur l'exemple rcent dune restitution effectue par la France la
Nouvelle-Zlande dont les lves auront peut-tre entendu parler.
Manuel p. 134
Formes de travail
Pas de difcult majeure. ventuellement, le professeur pourra prvoir dapporter des prcisions sur
sue museum (= make a legal claim against someone)
et dig (= make a hole in the ground).
Accs au sens
leurs connaissances, puis anticiper an deffectuer
ensuite une lecture plus active du blog.
27/09/12 13:19
Productions possibles :
Removed from their original context / pillaged // stolen / looted from their
Taken to be sold for profit to make money / saved as souvenirs / put in
museums appropriated by museums
Come from all over the world (Egypt, Greece, Ethiopia, etc.)
Are in large, national museums in western cities like London or Paris
First they politely asked for the return of some objects, then they became
less polite.
They insisted, putting pressure on western countries.
They resorted to blackmail / As a last resort, Egypt stated that
archaeologists would not be allowed to go on with their research if the
museums didnt return the artefacts.
They threatened that they would sue museums.
Manuel p. 135
DVD Vido 11
Squenage de la vido
Time code
From the
beginning to 018
From 019 to 026 Michelle Hippolite, Te Papa Kaihautu i visited him / when he was / sitting on a shelf in rouen
(= leader, curator of the Te Papa)
/ and well from this point on / well be treating him with
dignity //
From 027 to 050 Animated head
27/09/12 13:19
Time code
the french tried to return the maori head five years ago
/ but it took a law change in france led by this woman /
to finally allow it to be repatriated //
now this toi moko is coming home // the next job / for
te papa / is to find out just where in new zealand is his
home / what is his iwi // (= people, tribe).
From 139 to 142 Michelle Hippolite, Te Papa Kaihautu there might be some signatures / on the moko / that
can give us more information //
From 143 to
the end
Lexique et phonologie
Pas de difcult particulire : le rythme nest pas
rapide, les accents sont comprhensibles et le
lexique courant, dautant que certains mots auront
t utiliss lors de ltude du premier document. Toi
Moko est explicit ds le dbut. Le professeur sera
amen expliquer ce quest le Te Papa et traduire
en anglais le mot iwi (= tribe).
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective ; 3. en
groupes ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
t compris (sinon revenir sur ces dtails),
et o il va (cf son de la conque, qui renforce
la mise en situation) : Where is the head?
Where is it/he going back to?
Faire valider le fait quil sagit dune crmonie : Whats happening? Why are these
people gathered?
Demander aux lves de dnir qui peuvent
tre les diffrentes personnes qui prennent la
parole en sappuyant sur leur faon de parler
et des indices visuels :
Pay attention to the peoples accents and to
what they wear. Who do you think they are?
- The rst woman must be a New-Zealander
who is going to take the head back.
- The second woman sounds French; she is
wearing a blue, white and red piece of cloth over
her shoulder/a sash; she must be a government
ofcial/the mayor of Rouen.
- The third woman is French too; she must
be another ofcial / or the curator of Rouen
museum / she must have been working for the
- The man in front of the museum is a journalist/
One News correspondent.
3. Activit de reprage en groupes pour une comprhension plus ne du document. Demander aux
lves de prendre des notes puis de les confronter.
En cas de difcults
Demander aux lves de bien reprer do
part le Toi Moko : France, French, Rouen (prise
de vue devant le muse la n) doivent avoir
27/09/12 13:19
Productions possibles :
The event that took place in France in May,
2011 and why:
A Toi Moko that had been in Rouen for a very
long time was returned to New Zealand and to
his people.
An important event because this was the rst
time a Toi Moko had been returned from France.
It happened thanks to a change of law which
allowed its repatriation.
The past story of the Maori head
Certainly bought or stolen by a European
trader to New Zealand in the 19th century.
Became a prized piece.
Belonged to a French citizen who gave it to
the Rouen museum in 1875.
Stayed in the museum for more than a hundred and thirty-ve years: the law did not allow
its restitution then.
What will happen to the head from then on?
The Toi Moko will be treated with dignity: the
Maori consider him as one of their ancestors.
This Toi Moko is going back home.
Te Papa museum will nd out where exactly
it came from (thanks to signatures).
It/he will be handed back to his people/tribe.
The French realize that Toi Moko are not
objects but people. That is why the woman
from New Zealand says his iwi not its iwi.
La citation propose permet de commencer faire
prendre conscience aux lves de lvolution des
points de vue concernant la question de la restitution
du patrimoine culturel. Ce Recap donnera lieu une
prise de notes dans le Workbook
p. 54 an de
renseigner peu peu la che Recap qui servira de
support lentranement lpreuve dexpression
orale du baccalaurat.
Productions possibles :
The way peoples tackle the issue has evolved.
The Maoris cultural sensitivity has changed:
they ask for the return of the Toi Moko that are
their ancestors.
The French sensitivity has changed, and the
law as well.
The government has agreed to the restitution
/ they have given their consent and the Toi
Moko will go back home.
La consigne suggre llve des lments prcis de
recherche. Bien indiquer quil sagit de prendre des
notes qui serviront de support la prise de parole
et non de rdiger un texte qui serait lu.
27/09/12 13:19
Les documents proposs ici vont permettre aux lves de mieux comprendre les enjeux lis la restitution
des uvres dart et de dcouvrir les arguments mis en avant par ceux qui y sont soit opposs, soit favorables.
Manuel p. 136
Pas de difcult majeure. Regalia est expliqu dans
le reprage chronologique en bas de page ; summation (= summary) pourra tre compris en contexte,
et pour certains lves grce la racine du mot. Le
professeur sassurera cependant quil ny a pas de
faux sens sur le mot respect dans lexpression with
respect to (= concerning).
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective ; 3. individuelle ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
means that Great Britain has stolen works of
art from Ghana.
At the bottom of the page, we read that the
British appropriated/took illegally/looted artefacts when they colonized Ghana. So there is a
The artefacts have been in England for a
long time. Now Ghana is independent and
apparently the Ghanaian people want their
treasures back.
3. Deuxime tape de comprhension : comprhension plus ne des faits et des ides du journaliste.
Cela ncessite un reprage de la part des lves
en suivant les axes fournis par la consigne : les
lves pourront surligner les passages pertinents
de larticle, reproduit dans le Workbook
p. 51.
27/09/12 13:19
indemnity given to the British / agreed to by
the King of the Asante Empire.
K. Opoku says the British wanted to appropriate
what is useful and valuable gold or diamond
/ objects which are worth a lot of money. So
the artefacts represent a material treasure for
the British.
They may also have an exotic, artistic and
romantic value.
African cultural objects are part of the cultural
heritage of humankind/mankind.
2. African cultural objects are presented as part
of the cultural heritage of mankind / everybody
feels they have a right / are entitled to possess
them, without paying attention to / regardless
of what they represent for the native cultures.
But they are a testimony of all the inuences
that founded the Ghanaian civilization.
They summarize the teachings of the ancestors / epitomize/symbolize what the ancestors
wanted to pass on.
The artefacts hold the key to / enable people to
understand the wisdom and even the history of
the members of the different families.
These treasures are of great research and educational value / essential to teach African people
their history.
Dr Opokus arguments in favour of restitution
There is a reversal of situation : what is generally considered as perverse/unreasonable is
becoming normal. So Dr Opoku defends the
following ideas:
a distance should not be put between Africans and their culture,
it is not normal to travel to other countries
and continents to see the icons of ones culture,
the natives from a country should be showing
other people their cultural objects, not the
other way round.
The English attacked the Asantes: the Asantes
are the victims / they did not start a war against
a European power: they are not to suffer from
it. They must recover what belongs to them.
Other African peoples opinions
Some highly educated/learned Africans accept
and spread/propagate the idea that African
artefacts are better kept in the West / that
Western museums can better take care of the
works of art and objects.
Dr Opokus point of view
According to K.Opoku, learned Africans convey
Western propaganda / side with the West.
The Africans were colonized, gained their
independence but the alienation of the Africans
from their land, property and culture is still
making great / huge / tremendous progress.
The Africans are treated as if their culture
did not belong to them / as if they could not
take care of it: so they are still considered as
colonized / inferior peoples.
Trace crite retant les changes au tableau.
Manuel p. 137
ste 4
2. Radio debate
CD 1 lve
with the place / where they were produced and
/ are an essential part of the cultural history of
that area //
Mr Pilling: im sorry but i dont agree with
you // i just wonder if the original country can
preserve the artefact / as efficiently //
Mrs Wood: well / if certain artefacts are returned to their country of origin / other countries
will demand the same thing / and they are generally better taken care of in museums where they
are // and if one artefact is given back / shouldnt
they all be / thats highly unrealistic //
Mrs Proctor: you can only truly appreciate
a historical artefact / in its historical context
// I mean / lets take the example of the elgin
marbles / er / I mean / they were originally in
the parthenon / and now they seem out of place
in the british museum //
IT 7 Museum restitution
27/09/12 13:19
Mr Pilling: im not convinced // dont forget the
museums all over the world do loan out their
Presenter/host: but surely a lot of these objects
were stolen in the rst place / werent they //
Mrs Proctor: quite true // the problem gets /
how shall I put it / more complicated //
Mr Pilling: well / unesco regulations only
require the return of artefacts removed from
their country of origin after 1970 //
Mrs Proctor: you cannot deny / that many
countries / are being deprived of their potential
tourist revenue //
Mrs Wood: oh / I agree with that // however
what if the corrupt nature of the country leads
to / the loss of the artefact //
Mrs Proctor: nonsense //
Mr Pilling: the place of origin should not have
the monopoly over their own artefacts / they are
part of our collective history / and should be open
to anyone who is interested in what they have to
tell us // therefore / they ought to be exhibited
in places which receive the most visitors and are
most accessible //
Mrs Proctor: but / how can you say that // thats
/ absolutely preposterous //
Presenter / host: well / im afraid thats all
weve got time for this evening / thanks to all of
you for coming and / thanks for your input on /
something which is clearly / quite a passionate
/ issue //
Formes de travail
1. collective. 2. individuelle puis collective. 3. en
Accs au sens
1. Demander aux lves de lire le titre et de regarder le document iconographique, puis dmettre des
hypothses sur les arguments qui seront avancs
(ils pourront tre rapidement nots au tableau,
et rutiliss lors de ltape 2). Ainsi lcoute sera
plus active. Lexercice Making liaisons, manuel
p. 142, peut trouver sa place avant cette phase
b. Mise en commun : les lves confrontent collectivement leurs relevs et le professeur les incite
reformuler ce quils ont compris. Une premire mise
en commun en binmes peut aider les moins laise.
Lexique et phonologie
Productions possibles :
A lot of these objects were stolen in the first place, so they should be handed back
UNESCO regulations only require the return of artefacts which were removed from
their country of origin after 1970.
27/09/12 13:19
Ce Recap permet de mettre en commun :
corruption prevails / is a scourge in some
countries and it may lead to the loss of the
if certain artefacts are returned to their
country of origin, other countries will demand
the same thing
27/09/12 13:19
Productions possibles :
Arguments for the restitution
Artefacts belong to a particular country and
the citizens identify with them / these common
symbols which are part of their identity must
not be taken away.
People should be able to view their own art in
their own country.
Works of art should be returned to their
motherland / go back where they belong.
If the works of art were acquired illegally, they
must be returned.
Arguments against the restitution
Works of art must be publicly displayed in
museums, not sold to private collectors.
They may be destroyed in their countries.
If works of art are parts of donations, the
museums dont need to return them.
The works of art belong to humanity and
should be preserved in widely visited museums.
Les documents de cette double-page exposent une solution prconise par certains : une restitution virtuelle grce aux progrs technologiques. Il sagit de numriser des uvres et de les faire parvenir sous
cette forme aux pays dorigine. Evidemment, cette solution est loin de satisfaire ces derniers.
Article 2 : spurious argument (le contexte
permet de constater que cet adjectif a un sens
ngatif), purchase (infrable avec computers),
sword (associ ght donc infrable en tant
Formes de travail
1. individuelle puis collective ; 2. en groupes ; 3. collective.
Accs au sens
En cas de difcults
Article 1 : secure funding (le contexte, cest-dire la somme dargent cite, permet dassocier secure funding et get money), prompt a
revaluation (faire dcomposer et comprendre
re/ valu(e)/ ation pour que prompt - cause,
bring about soit plus clair), held in storage (explicit par not on view to the public),
feasible (quasi transparent / demander des
synonymes en contexte = possible)
27/09/12 13:19
it is not just to the source communities to justify
their claims / show they are entitled to recover
their artefacts / prove they are within their rights
everybody tries to find a solution when it is
not possible to return objects / a compromise
is sought out to avoid physical restitution
Productions possibles :
The title right under the introduction suggests
it may be a digital restitution.
If works of art are digitised / digitalized, everybody can see them on a computer / everybody
can access them.
It may be a compromise: the artefacts stay
where they are, but native communities can
nevertheless admire them.
Group 2: Dr Opokus opinion
- the location of artefacts is important : the
objects are not needed by Western museums
/ but the Africans use them in their living
culture / for Western people the objects do
not represent anything but they really mean
something for the Africans;
- digitalization is an argument which is /false/
not valid/spurious because many Ghanaians
cannot afford purchasing individual computers
in order to see their cultural artefacts / they
have no money to buy computers so what is
the point of virtual repatriation?
- the King of the Asantes could not do with a
digitalized sword instead of the swords in the
museum / a digitised object cannot replace
a real one;
- so the argument based on digitalization has
no validity / virtual repatriation is nonsense
/ the physical transfer of African artefacts
cannot be questioned / people need to see
genuine objects.
Les lves synthtisent clairement les arguments
avancs. Ce Recap donne lieu une nouvelle prise
de notes dans le workbook
p. 54.
Productions possibles :
For virtual repatriation
enables researchers to get a lot of information
highlights the importance of the information
which is presented,
makes the cultural heritage accessible to
more people,
keeps a rich cultural heritage alive for future
Against virtual repatriation
prevents Africans from using their artefacts
in their living culture,
is unacceptable because many people cannot
buy individual computers to see their cultural
is nonsense because a digitalized object cannot replace a real / an authentic one.
27/09/12 13:19
Les documents proposs ltude sur cette dernire double-page de la squence ont pour ambition de faire
rchir les lves plus en profondeur sur la signication et limportance de certaines uvres patrimoniales
pour les peuples dont elles sont issues. Ce thme a dj t pos en jalon ; il est nouveau voqu ici
travers les exemples de deux objets appartenant aux cultures maori et amrindienne.
1. Animated objects
Analyse des documents
Deux textes courts, rassembls sur une page de
magazine, voquent la question dans le contexte de
la Nouvelle Zlande.
Le premier texte est un extrait dun tmoignage
de Carol OBiso, reprsentante de lAmerican Federation of Arts. Elle y raconte son voyage en Nouvelle
Zlande pour prparer une exposition sur les trsors
maori qui devait se tenir New York en 1984 et elle y
explique limpact de ce sjour sur sa faon de voir les
choses, en particulier sa dcouverte que les objets
ont une me pour les Maori.
Le second texte est un article publi sur le site du
MET de New York ; il concerne le putorino, une sorte
de te maorie, et illustre les propos de Carol OBiso.
Pas de difcult majeure : la comprhension de la
description de la te sappuiera sur la photo qui
illustre larticle. Le professeur pourra prciser aux
lves, sils ne le savent pas, que le nom maori de
la Nouvelle Zlande, Aotearoa, signie The Land
of the Long White Cloud .
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. individuelle puis collective.
Accs au sens
Manuel p. 140
Productions possibles :
The faces on these objects look serious / in a
way, the objects are personied. It corresponds
to the title: they are animated.
The photo on the left represents a row of
carved wooden Maori treasures painted red.
They look like they are outside.
We see faces. Their eyes seem empty and they
are sticking their tongues out.
On the right, we can see a sort of ute held
by a hand. We recognize a face too (eyes, nose,
open mouth, forehead).
27/09/12 13:19
It cannot be only a beautiful thing.
The object does not exist without the people
and events around it.
b. The last sentence The sound was said to
represent Hineraukatauri, a female ancestor who personied ute music shows that
the putorino illustrates what is said by Carol
The putorino is not just a musical instrument. It looks like a person and its sound
represents a woman who embodies music.
It has existed / has been associated with the
Maori people / for a long time.
Trace crite retant les changes au tableau.
Les exercices et Stressing verbs and nouns dans
le Workbook
pp. 52-53 trouveront leur place ici.
Manuel p. 141
DVD Vido 12
Squenage de la vido
Time code
Elements from the soundtrack
From the The totem pole from the top to Sad music: flutes
beginning the bottom: the carvings feature this totem pole / known as the gpsgolox pole / has stood for 77
three figures from Haisla
years / at the museum of ethnography / in stockholm / sweden //
to 031
stories: Tsooda, Asoalget and a
mythical grizzly bear
Children singing
Voice-over: a commentator and a spokesperson for the Haisla
from the beginning of the process / to negotiate the poles return
/ the haisla have maintained / the importance of the pole as a
teaching tool / for their children //
today our young kids / from our community school / are going to
come / to hear some stories with respect to the totem pole and /
the family behind the totem pole / just to learn the history //
27/09/12 13:19
Time code
From 235 The homecoming celebration /
people dancing
to 303
Lexique et phonologie
Formes de travail
1. collective ; 2. collective ; 3. individuelle ; 4. collective.
Accs au sens
Lexercice Making liaisons dans le manuel p. 142
pourra prcder lcoute.
Productions possibles :
1. We may learn:
why the pole left Canada and where it was,
how long it stayed there,
what the Haisla Nation did to have it returned
/ how they managed to talk the Swedish authorities into returning it,
whether it was difficult or not,
what the totem pole really represents for
the Haisla,
their feelings now that the pole is back, etc.
2. I think its moving / touching to realize what
the pole embodies.
I am surprised: I did not expect a pole to be
so important for these people.
I did not think a piece of wood could be so vital
/ so meaningful, etc.
27/09/12 13:19
3. Nouveau visionnement. Cette fois, les lves recueillent des lments plus prcis, guids par les trois
types de reprage effectuer. Relev :
traditions / whom the White people wanted
to assimilate.
Thanks to the pole, the Haisla can nd again
the spirit of their people / the pole is like an
umbilical cord that ties them to their ancestors .
The pole now back home is a symbol of the
victory of all the indigenous people in North
America / they made the Europeans yield and
give back what they had taken, without even
understanding its importance.
La rexion propose permet de commencer faire
prendre conscience aux lves de lvolution des
points de vue concernant la question de la restitution
du patrimoine culturel. Ce Recap donnera lieu une
prise de notes dans le Workbook
p. 54 an de
nir de renseigner la grille qui servira de support
lentranement lpreuve dexpression orale du
27/09/12 13:19
Productions possibles :
Cultural artefacts can be differently
For the people who made them, they are really
valuable, but not in terms of money: they are
more than objects.
They link them to their history/their heritage/
their traditional beliefs, values and customs.
For those who keep them in other countries,
usually in museums, they do not have the same
They are beautiful objects / sometimes worth
a lot of money. They have an artistic value.
But people do not always understand their
real meaning.
ste 4
To disagree
Not at all! / Im sorry but I dont agree with you. / Thats highly unrealistic. / Im not
convinced. / Nonsense. / How can you say that? Thats absolutely preposterous!
To add
To gain time
to speak
To give your
27/09/12 13:19
Talking about cultural exchanges
20 words:
s te 4
1. : rhetorical question
2. : real question
3. : real question
4. : rhetorical question
Conclusion: rising intonation in real questions /
falling intonation in rhetorical questions.
ste 4
Making liaisons
Intonation in rhetorical questions
You say you dont like museums but how cant you
like this one? It is just fantastic!
Rhetorical questions
a. The British were coaxed into returning masks to
p. 52-53
Respect / disdain
humble, pay homage to, reverence, regard,
consideration, thoughtful, look up to, consider
inconsiderate, egotism, arrogance, contempt, scorn,
haughtiness, disregard, conceit
27/09/12 13:19
ste 4
ste 5
Rhetorical questions
1. How can a cultural heritage be considered as a
nancial retribution? Culture is priceless!
p. 53.
Suggestions dexploitation
Les lves sont invits observer et sentraner
la mise en uvre de ces stratgies partir dune
question en lien avec le thme du chapitre : Les
muses nationaux devraient tre gratuits. Quelques
arguments en faveur ou contre cette motion sont mis
la disposition des lves qui pourront les complter
avec leurs propres arguments.
Nous suggrons de conduire ces activits sur les
stratgies en amont de la Training Task 3: A discussion about restitution, manuel p. 139 ; cette tche
constituera un premier transfert pouvant donner
lieu une valuation formative avant la tche nale.
tapes possibles :
La classe est divise en deux groupes : un en faveur
de la gratuit des muses nationaux, lautre contre.
En homework : charge pour chaque lve de
trouver et de rendre ses arguments convaincants
laide du tableau . Les lves senregistrent et
Lors du cours suivant, en groupes de trois lves
(un lve pour, un lve contre, un observateur) :
- les lves tudient les techniques qui permettent
dimpliquer son interlocuteur et de simpliquer dans
lchange (10 min),
- ils mettent en pratique ces techniques par un minidbat suivi dune critique constructive formule par
lobservateur (10 min).
27/09/12 13:19
Task 1. Speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Task 2. Listening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluations Piste 10
Prsentation de la tche
Prsentation de la tche
Il sagit dune tche dappariement. Trois personnes donnent leur avis sur la question de la
restitution des uvres dart. Les lves coutent
les diffrents points de vue et choisissent la
personne qui viendra rejoindre leur quipe de
dbatteurs, savoir la personne favorable la
Forme de travail
En groupe.
Forme de travail
- etc.
1. Personne pour
2. Personne contre
private museums cant be held
responsible for what was taken
a long time ago
many museums have online
catalogues of their collections : anybody can go
online and see a collection that is thousands of
kms away / theyre not stopping people from seeing
whats in their collections
the country of origin may not exist anymore or
may not be the same anymore / hard to define or
decide where the artefact should go back to
27/09/12 13:19
Manuel p. 147
Comprhension de loral
Document support
Prsentation du document
Ce texte est un extrait dune mission de NPR (National Public Radio), o un prsentateur interviewe une
ditrice propos dun muse sur papier ; il sagit
donc dun dialogue.
La passation et lvaluation de la performance de llve
suivront les instructions ofcielles, conformment au
B.O. du 24 novembre 2011. Prvoir 20 minutes.
10 minutes pour rendre compte de ce quil a compris, en franais, sur sa copie. On pourra lui suggrer de remettre aussi son brouillon quon sera
vigilant de ne pas regarder avant davoir valu le
compte-rendu an de pouvoir observer le passage
entre les notes et la restitution et ainsi pouvoir
mieux aider les lves qui auraient des difcults
dans cette preuve.
BO du 24 novembre 2011
lments de rponse possibles
Situer la prestation du candidat lun des
cinq degrs de russite et attribuer cette
prestation le nombre de points indiqu (sans
le fractionner en dcimales) de 0 10.
Le candidat na pas compris le document. Quelques mots relevs.
Il nen a repr que des lments isols et Thme et interlocuteurs non mentionns.
nest parvenu en identifier ni le thme ni
les interlocuteurs (leur fonction, leur rle).
1 pt
27/09/12 13:19
8 pts
Le candidat a saisi et relev un nombre
suffisant de dtails significatifs.
Comprhension fine.
10 pts
Plus de dtails :
Relations entre les interlocuteurs : le prsentateur pose
des questions la femme afin quelle explique le but du
projet. Il donne aussi des dtails lui-mme.
Tenants et aboutissants (3 lments sur les 5 ci-dessous) :
- il y a 10 ans, lditeur avec lequel travaille la femme
a donn de gros moyens ses collaborateurs
(dplacements et budget illimits) pour quils imaginent un
muse et quils dcident quelles uvres ils y mettraient ;
- les uvres pouvaient tre connues ou non, grandes ou
petites, accessibles au public ou non
- panorama complet de lhistoire de lart, des peintures
rupestres aux uvres contemporaines
-le livre est le seul endroit o lon trouve toutes ces
uvres la fois
- le livre est divis en 25 galeries (et non chapitres), et
chaque galerie comporte plusieurs pices, ce qui permet
de reproduire plus de 2700 oeuvres
Points de vue : la femme est l pour promouvoir le livre,
donc elle en parle positivement (the most amazing
- le prsentateur donne aussi un avis positif (explained
with visual clarity) et insiste sur la difficult du projet
Si des lments ont t relevs plusieurs niveaux, il appartiendra au correcteur de dnir le niveau
global atteint.
Note de llve: note sur 10 x 2 =
27/09/12 13:19
Expression orale
Comprhension de lcrit
Document support et protocole
Text 2
Corrigs et barmes
Texts 1 and 2
(2 + 2 + 1 = 5 pts)
Exemples de rponses possibles :
a. 2 pts
Preconceived ideas in text 1: museums are dull/
boring, elitist and for the old.
This is what Charles thinks at rst in text 2: I
went along to the Tate, [] with a pocket edition of
the poets work and the well-thumbed Thames
and Hudson (l. 1-3). He thinks you must have
a lot of cultural background to understand the
b. 2 pts
- In fact text 1 argues that young people can be
interested in art and ask essential questions about it.
- And text 2 shows that Charles is not indifferent to
art even if he does not regularly visit art galleries.
c. So text 2 : conrms what text 1 says. 1 pt
Expression crite
Suggestion de grille dvaluation
27/09/12 13:19
Final task 1
Museum restitution
Name :
Class :
Manuel p. 146
TV debates
Traitement du sujet
La langue est
comprhensible malgr
des erreurs lmentaires,
un lexique limit et une
prononciation assez
imparfaite (accent franais).
1 3 pts
1 ou 2 pts
1 3 pts
4 pts
3 pts
4 pts
Les phnomnes
daccentuation sont pris en
A un bon contrle
grammatical (erreurs
Ne commet pas derreurs
conduisant des
5 ou 6 pts
4 pts
5 ou 6 pts
7 ou 8 pts
5 pts
7 pts
Intelligibilit et recevabilit
grammaire, vocabulaire,
27/09/12 13:19
Museum restitution
Name :
Class :
Comprhension de lcrit
Text 1
Museums are dull. They are stodgy. They are elitist places. They are for the old, not the
young. Too many lectures, academic answers, and canned responses.
Is this what teenagers really think of museums? Or are these just assumptions that
adults make about what teenagers think? []
Teens, if we allow them, have the potential to provide our museums with the fresh
perspective and energy required by each new generation as it reinvents and nds the
signicance of its own cultural patrimony. Museum directors, educators, and marketing experts now recognize increasingly that this audience represents the pulse
of contemporary culture. Their thinking will be at the forefront of society within the
decade. Teens represent the next generation of political leaders, artists, workers, and
inventors. Why not engage them now, learn from them, and as some of our colleagues
have boldly demonstrated, invite these youthful audiences to actively participate in the
transformation of our institutions?
On the rst day of the High School Museum Studies program at the Museum of Modern
Art, 16 high school students spent two hours in the galleries looking at art and discussing what they saw. Afterwards they were asked to write down any questions they
might have about modern art, artists, and the museum in general. Their questions
were astonishing: Why do artists get to bend the rules? Why do people collect art? How
does art spread new ideas? What makes art museum quality? What is the denition
of modern art? Why is some art worth millions while other art is not?
What an extraordinary set of difcult questions loaded with ambiguity and nuance, not
easily answered, and heavily debated by the most sophisticated adults. These are not
the questions of difdent or indifferent adolescents.
Deborah F. Schwartz, Museum News (September/October 2005)
Text 2
Charles has met Rachel at a party. They are both 19. She likes Thomas Gray1 and art. They
decide to go to the Tate2 together.
I went along to the Tate, I need hardly say, on the Saturday before, decked out like a
walking stationery department, also with a pocket edition of the poets work and the
well-thumbed Thames and Hudson3.
Half an hour of wandering round: I sneered at the militarist paintings on the ground
oor and laughed at one or two of the Hogarths4. Then it was down to work. I mapped
out an approximate route and noted points of general interest. In the hope that he
would acknowledged me on the day, I approached (practically on all oors) a winded
attendant and talked to him about how much he hated Americans and children of all
nationalities. I had a thorough look at the Blakes1, marking them up in the Thames and
Hudson, and generally got the feel of the place. I was a bit ashamed, actually, having
not been along before then. Because I really quite liked Blake []
Two hours later, over barley wines in a pub off the Kings Road, I swotted up some
quotes and drafted a few speeches. One on God Creating Adam5, to be delivered as we
were leaving, by the large windows at the southern end of the gallery. []
Then, in note form, I sketched out a short polemical piece on why I hadnt been to see
(and apparently hadnt heard of) the Gray Illustrations. []
On the following Saturday...
The day was going well, particularly in view of the fact that Rachels rst words were:
Hi. Youve got an enormous spot on your chin.
I laughed with her, in a way relieved that we werent going to spend every second of
the afternoon not mentioning it.
I know all about it, thank you, I said. And I did, too. That morning, man and spot had
become one, indivisible. Now, it felt like a surgically implanted walnut. But Rachel didnt
seem to mind, or was good at seeming not to. I would have minded.
27/09/12 13:19
Museum restitution
Name :
Class :
I had read my notes so often that they had long lost any meaning they might once have
had. So I tried some extempore stuff. Rachel did a good deal of the talking by no
means all of it nonsense. To save face, therefore, I ran through an edited version of the
God Creating Adam speech, adapting it to the ghostly lighting effects of the lower gallery,
rather than to the pallid ickers of the afternoon sun: with widened eyes and more
oracular remoteness of voice. When I nished, Rachel looked up at me and spoke these
See that little boy over by the stairs? Hes got his pyjamas on underneath his trousers.
We stayed for two hours. On the way out I heart-rendingly bought Rachel a 3p postcard
of Blakes Ghost of a Flea5, offering it to her with boyish difdence. She (quite rightly)
kissed me on the cheek, just missing my spot.
Martin Amis, The Rachel Papers (1973)
1. Thomas Gray: English poet (1716-1771) whose poems were illustrated by William Blake, an English poet,
painter, and printmaker (1757-1827) .
2. the Tate: London art gallery.
3. Thames and Hudson: publisher of illustrated books on art, architecture, archaeology, history, etc.
4. Hogarth: English painter, printmaker, social critic and editorial cartoonist (1697-1764).
5. God Creating Adam The Ghost of a Flea : paintings by Blake.
What general idea is illustrated in both texts? Circle the right answer.
a. Young people think art is for cultivated people only and they are right.
b. Young people can have or can develop an interest in art.
c. Museums are not the best place for young people to learn about art.
d. Most young people are indifferent to art.
Text 2 is an
extract from
a real-life testimony
a biography
a diary
a novel
a daily newspaper
a magazine
Text 1
Right or wrong? Quote the text to justify and give the line.
a. Many adults are right in thinking teenagers nd museums boring and not for everybody.
b. Teenagers cannot understand much about art.
c. Teenagers can ask very relevant questions about art.
d. What teenagers think of art is of no importance.
e. Adolescents should be able to contribute to how museums can evolve.
27/09/12 13:19
Museum restitution
Name :
Class :
Text 2
Match each excerpt from the text in column 1 with one sentence (and one only) in
column 2. One sentence in column 2 does not correspond to any excerpt in column 1.
Write the correct number after each letter:
d: .
g: .
j: ..
b: .
e: .
h: .
k: .
c: .
f: .
i: .
l: .
Column 1
a. I went along to the Tate decked out like a walking
stationery department, also with a pocket edition of the
poets work and the well-thumbed Thames and Hudson.
b. Half an hour of wandering round: I sneered at the
militarist paintings on the ground floor and laughed at one
or two of the Hogarths.
c. Then it was down to work. I mapped out an
approximate route and noted points of general interest.
d. In the hope that he would acknowledge me on the day,
I approached (practically on all floors) a winded attendant
and talked to him.
e. I had a thorough look at the Blakes, marking them up
in the Thames and Hudson, and generally got the feel of
the place. I was a bit ashamed, actually, having not been
along before then. Because I really quite liked Blake.
f. Two hours later, over barley wines in a pub off the
Kings Road, I swotted up some quotes and drafted a few
g. Then, in note form, I sketched out a short polemical
piece on why I hadnt been to see (and apparently hadnt
heard of) the Gray Illustrations.
h. I had read my notes so often that they had long lost
any meaning they might once have had. So I tried some
extempore stuff.
i. Rachel did a good deal of the talking - by no means all
of it nonsense.
j. I ran through an edited version of the God Creating
Adam speech, adapting it to the ghostly lighting effects
of the lower gallery, rather than to the pallid flickers of
the afternoon sun: with widened eyes and more oracular
remoteness of voice.
k. When I finished, Rachel looked up at me and spoke
these words:
See that little boy over by the stairs? Hes got his pyjamas
on underneath his trousers.
l. We stayed for two hours. On the way out I heartrendingly bought Rachel a 3p postcard of Blakes Ghost of
a Flea, offering it to her with boyish diffidence.
Column 2
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Museum restitution
Name :
Class :
Expression crite
A letter
In the evening, Rachel writes a letter to a friend about her visit to the museum with Charles.
A dialogue
Imagine a conversation between a journalist, who thinks that museums are not for teenagers, and
a curator who does not agree and give examples of what is done in his museum to attract teens.
27/09/12 13:19