Zrinka Premužić, dipl. antropolog
Znanstvena novakinja
Institut za antropologiju
Gajeva 32, 10000 Zagreb
[email protected]
Zrinka Premužić, BA
Research Assistant
Institute for Anthropological Research
Gajeva 32, 10000 Zagreb
[email protected]
Dr. sc. Petra Rajić Šikanjić
Znanstvena suradnica
Institut za antropologiju
Gajeva 32, 10000 Zagreb
[email protected]
Petra Rajić Šikanjić, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Institute for Anthropological Research
Gajeva 32, 10000 Zagreb
[email protected]
UDK 726.8:[572.08:616-091.5](497.5 Tribalj)“653”
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Primljeno: 9. 6. 2011.
Odobreno: 7. 9. 2011.
UDC 726.8:[572.08:616-091.5](497.5 Tribalj)“653”
An original scientific article
Received: June 9, 2011
Approved: September 7, 2011
U radu su prikazani rezultati analize ljudskih skeletnih
ostataka sa starohrvatskog groblja u Triblju. U uzorku, koji
čini 25 osoba iz 18 grobova, uočeni su lomovi kostiju, skorbut,
tuberkuloza, osteopenija i osteoporoza, degenerativni osteoartritis
te Schmorlovi defekti. Također je uočena neočekivana spolna i
dobna raspodjela uzorka. Podaci upućuju na nešto lošije životne
uvjete starohrvatskih stanovnika Triblja te otvaraju pitanja o
pogrebnim običajima Vinodola u ranom srednjem vijeku.
This paper presents the results of an analysis of human skeletal
remains from the Early Croatian cemetery at Tribalj. The
analysed sample consisted of 25 individuals from 18 graves.
Skeletal remains showed evidence of fractures, scurvy, tuberculosis,
osteopenia and osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and Schmorl’s nodes.
We also observed an unexpected sex and age distribution.The
analysis indicates poor living standards of the Early Croatian
inhabitants of Tribalj and raises questions about burial customs
at Vinodol in the Early Middle Ages.
KLjUčNE RIjEčI: Tribalj, starohrvatsko groblje, ljudski
skeletni ostaci, antropološka analiza
KEy wORDS: Tribalj, Early Croatian cemetery, human
skeletal remains, anthropological analysis
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Starohrvatska populacija...
Groblje kod crkve sv. marije u Triblju
očetkom 20. stoljeća na terenu oko crkve Pohođenja
Marijina (crkva sv. Marije) u Triblju slučajno su
pronađeni grobovi s nalazima starohrvatskoga nakita,
točnije dviju brončanih naušnica s jednom jagodom
(Cetinić, 1998). Prilikom gradnje ceste sjeverno od
crkve 1946. godine nađeno je još nekoliko grobova.
Unatoč ranijim saznanjima o postojanju groblja na tom
lokalitetu, sustavna istraživanja su provedena tek 1999. i
2002. godine. Ovim novijim istraživanjima otkriveno
je 18 grobova. Svi grobovi se, po svojim značajkama i
grobnim nalazima, okvirno datiraju od 9. do 11. stoljeća
te pripadaju većem uništenom starohrvatskom groblju.
Navedeno groblje nalazilo se na području crkve sv.
Marije te je uništeno dugotrajnim vađenjem šljunka,
novijim graditeljskim zahvatima, sadnjom drvoreda i
uređenjem parka.
Nalazište kod crkve sv. Marije u Triblju pripada
zemljopisnoj cjelini Vinodola. Vinodol je smješten
u istočnom dijelu priobalnog kvarnerskog pojasa, a
obuhvaća prostor od Križišća na sjeverozapadu do Novog
Vinodolskog na jugoistoku te područje Vinodolskog
primorja uz obalu Vinodolskog kanala (Matejčić, 1988).
Važnost Vinodola potječe iz prirodnih osobina, obilja
plodnih polja i voda u kombinaciji sa smještajem na
sjecištu prometnih pravaca prostora Mediterana te
planinskog i panonskog zaleđa.
Arheološka istraživanja potvrđuju da su u 9. stoljeću
Hrvati na tom području već starosjedioci. Nalazi iz
starohrvatskih grobalja u Velom Dolu kod Križišća,
na Gorici kod sela Stranče, kod crkve sv. Marije u
Triblju i s uništenog groblja u Bribiru svjedoče o ranom
naseljavanju Hrvata na prostor Vinodola (Cetinić, 1998).
Prilikom arheološkog iskopavanja kod crkve sv.
Marije 1999. godine nađeno je 8 grobova (sonda 1: grob
1; sonda 5: grobovi 1-7), dok je u nastavku istraživanja
2002. godine nađeno njih još 10 (sonda 5a: grobovi
8-14, 15/16, 17-18). Istraženi grobovi postavljeni su
u redove orijentacije istok-zapad, s manjim ili većim
otklonom od navedenog pravca (Cetinić, 1999, 2002).
Nekoliko grobova (grobovi 10, 11, 12) nije u potpunosti
istraženo budući da se većim dijelom nalaze ispod
arhitekture crkve.
Većinu grobova čine pojedinačni ukopi, no prisutno
je i nekoliko primjera sahranjivanja više osoba (grobovi
1, 7, 11, 13 i 15/16). Grobovi su većinom jednostavne
rake, a manji dio ih je djelomično ograđen neobrađenim
kamenjem. Svi su ukopi kosturni, s pokojnicima
položenim na leđa. Najčešći grobni nalaz je nakit
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, str. 205-220
The cemetery near the
Church of St. mary at Tribalj
n the beginning of the 20th century graves were
accidentally unearthed near the church of theVisitation
of Mary (Church of St. Mary) at Tribalj. Graves contained
Early Croatian jewelry, namely two bronze single-beaded
earrings (Cetinić, 1998). Several other graves were
discovered in 1946 during road construction works to
the north of the church. Even though the existence of the
cemetery on this site was previously known, systematic
excavations were conducted in 1999 and 2002. These
excavations discovered 18 graves that are part of a larger
demolished Early Croatian cemetery, destroyed by gravel
extraction, as well as recent architectural projects, planting
of trees and park landscaping. Based on grave findings,
these 18 graves are dated from the 9th to the 11th century.
The site at the church of St. Mary belongs to the
geographical region of Vinodol.Vinodol is located in the
eastern part of the Kvarner coastal belt, and covers the
area from Križišće in the northwest to NoviVinodolski in
the southeast, as well as the Vinodol seaboard that extends
along the coast of the Vinodol Channel (Matejčić, 1988).
The importance of Vinodol lies in its natural features, an
abundance of fertile fields plentiful in water, combined
with its location at the crossroads of trade routes
connecting the Mediterranean with its mountainous
and Pannonian hinterland.
Archaeological research confirms that by the 9 th
century the Croats are native to this region. Finds from
Early Croatian cemeteries in Veli Dol near Križišće,
Gorica near Stranče, Tribalj, and from the devastated
cemetery at Bribir, prove that the Vinodol region was
settled by Croats at a very early stage (Cetinić, 1998).
During the archaeological excavations near the Church
of St. Mary in 1999, eight graves were discovered (probe
1: grave 1; probe 5: graves 1-7), whereas in 2002 another
ten graves were discovered (probe 5a: graves 8-14, 15/16,
17-18). All the graves were oriented in the east-west
direction, with major or minor deviations (Cetinić, 1999,
2002). Several graves (graves 10, 11, 12) had not been fully
excavated because they are mostly situated underneath
the church.
Most burials are single inhumations, but there are also
some multiple burials (graves 1, 7, 11, 13 and 15/16).
These are mostly earthen grave pits, whereas only a
minority of them are lined with irregular stone. All
burials are skeletal, with the deceased on their backs.The
most common finds are jewelry (earrings and circlets),
however, a buckle, an appliqué element, a fragment of
metal, and a knife were also discovered.
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Early Croatian ...
(naušnice i karičice), a nađeni su još i kopča, aplika,
ulomak lima nepoznate namjene te nož.
Proučavanjem skeletnih ostataka arheoloških
populacija saznajemo o uvjetima i načinu njihova
života, kao i zdravlju i bolestima. Većina tih podataka
može se dobiti jedino pregledom i analizom skeletnog
materijala. Objedinjavanjem sakupljenih podataka s
onima arheološkim i povijesnim stječe se potpunija
slika o životu istraživanih populacija.
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, p. 205-220
Studying the skeletal remains of archaeological
populations we can understand their living conditions and
lifestyle, but we can also gain an insight into their health
and disease. Most of this knowledge can be obtained
solely by examining and analysing the recovered skeletal
material. By combining this data with archaeological
and historical information, we obtain a more complete
picture of life of the analysed populations.
methods of analysis
metode analize
Sakupljeni ljudski skeletni ostaci detaljno su
pregledani i analizirani ne bi li se prikupili podaci o
zdravlju i bolestima starohrvatske populacije Triblja.
Analiza je obuhvatila popisivanje svih kostiju i zglobnih
površina, određivanje spola i starosti osobe u trenutku
smrti te bilježenje patoloških promjena na kostima i
zglobnim ploštinama.
Točno određeni spol i dob u trenutku smrti temelj
su demografske slike određene populacije, ali i osnova
za sve daljnje analize i usporedbe.
Pri određivanju spola uzorka iz Triblja korištene su
morfološke karakteristike lubanje i zdjeličnog obruča.
Iako postoji nekoliko metoda određivanja spola djece,
na uzorku iz Triblja on nije određen kod osoba mlađih
od 20 godina. Zdjelični obruč smatra se najvažnijom
i najsigurnijom kosti za određivanje spola, zbog svog
oblika koji je kod žena prilagođen trudnoći i rađanju.
Najpouzdanije spolno ovisne karakteristike su ventralni
greben, subpubični konkavitet i širina medijalnog
ruba donje grane na preponskoj kosti (Phenice, 1969).
Osim navedenih karakteristika korištene su i dvije
karakteristike na zdjeličnoj kosti: širina gornjeg velikog
sjednog ureza i prisutnost predaurikularnog sulkusa
(Bass, 1971; WEA, 1980). Kao dodatna metoda korištene
su sljedeće morfološke karakteristike lubanje: razvijenost
nuhalnog područja zatiljne kosti, veličina mastoidnih
procesa sljepoočne kosti, zaobljenost supraorbitalnih
rubova, izraženost supraorbitalnih lukova i izraženost
brade (Bass, 1971; Schwartz, 1995; WEA, 1980).
Ukoliko zbog nedostataka koštanih elemenata spol nije
mogao biti precizno određen, osoba je smještena u širu
kategoriju odrasle osobe.
Pri određivanju dobi odraslih osoba korištene su
morfološke promjene na spojnoj ploštini preponske
kosti, morfološke promjene na zglobnoj ploštini bočne
kosti i stupanj sraštavanja lubanjskih šavova. Morfološke
promjene na spojnoj ploštini preponske kosti smatraju
se najpouzdanijim kriterijem za određivanje dobi u
trenutku smrti, budući da ploština s godinama mijenja
svoj izgled. Na uzorku se koristila metoda po Toddu
The recovered human skeletal remains have been
examined and analyzed in order to obtain information
regarding health and disease of the Early Croatian
population at Tribalj.The analysis of the remains consisted
of recording of present bones and joint surfaces, age and
sex determination, and recording of pathological changes.
A precise determination of sex and age is the basis for
a demographic picture of a population, and for all further
analyses and comparisons.
Morphological characteristics of the skull and pelvic
girdle were used to determine the sex. Although there
are several methods of determining the sex of infants, in
the Tribalj sample sex was not determined for individuals
under 20 years of age.The pelvic girdle is considered the
most important and most reliable for sex determination
due to its shape adapted to pregnancy and childbirth.
The most reliable characteristics are the ventral arc, the
subpubic concavity and the form of the ischiopubic ramus
ridge (Phenice, 1969). We also used two characteristics
on the pelvic bone: shape of the greater sciatic notch
and presence of the preauricular sulcus (Bass, 1971;
WEA, 1980). As an additional method, the following
morphological features of skull were used: robusticity
of the nuchal crest, size of mastoid processes, sharpness
of the supraorbital margin, prominence of glabella and
projection of the mental eminence (Bass, 1971; Schwartz,
1995; WEA, 1980). If it was not possible to accurately
determine sex due to a lack of skeletal elements, the
individual was included in the broader adult category.
In determining the age of adults we used morphological
changes on the pubic symphysis and auricular surface
of the pelvic bone and the degree of cranial suture
closure. Morphological changes on the pubic symphysis
are considered the most reliable for determining age
at death, since the symphysis changes its appearance
with ageing. We used the Todd method (Todd, 1921a,
1921b) which divides the changes in ten phases, from
eighteen to over fifty years. Morphological changes on
the auricular surface likewise show regular chronological
changes related to a certain age.We used the Lovejoy and
associates method (Lovejoy et al, 1985) which divides
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Starohrvatska populacija...
(Todd, 1921a, 1921b), koja promjene na ploštini dijeli
na deset faza, od osamnaeste do više od pedesete godine
života. Morfološke promjene na zglobnoj ploštini bočne
kosti također pokazuju pravilne kronološke promjene
vezane uz određenu dob. Korištena je metoda Lovejoya i
suradnika (Lovejoy i sur., 1985), koja navedene promjene
dijeli u osam faza, u razdoblju od dvadesete do više
od šezdesete godine života. Budući da lubanjski šavovi
pravilno sraštavaju s povećanjem dobi, korišteni su kao
dodatna metoda njena određivanja. Metoda Meindla i
Lovejoya (Meindl i Lovejoy, 1985) korištena u analizi
popisuje stupanj sraštavanja šavova za deset točaka na
svodu lubanje i pet lateralno-anteriornih točaka.
Nakon uspoređivanja rezultata korištenih metoda
odrasla osoba je svrstana u jednu od dobnih kategorija:
mlađa odrasla osoba (20-34 godina), srednja odrasla
osoba (35-49 godina) i starija odrasla osoba (50+ godina).
Ukoliko zbog nedostataka koštanih elemenata dob nije
mogla biti precizno određena, osoba je smještena u širu
kategoriju odrasle osobe.
Pri određivanju dobi djece korišteni su kronologija
spajanja epifiza s dijafizama i stupanj razvoja mliječnih
i trajnih zubi. U razdoblju puberteta epifize i dijafize
dugih kostiju, koje su do tada bile odvojene, počinju
se postupno spajati po poznatom redoslijedu. Pri
određivanju dobi korišteni su postojeći standardi
(Scheuer i Black, 2004). Najpouzdanija metoda za
određivanje dobi djece temelji se na razvoju zubi,
budući da je utjecaj okoline na njih vrlo mali (Buikstra
i Ubelaker, 1994). Pri analizi su korištene metode koje se
temelje na određivanju stupnja razvoja krune i korijena
mliječnih i trajnih zubi (Ubelaker, 1989).
Nakon uspoređivanja rezultata, djeca su svrstana u
jednu od dobnih kategorija: rođenje - 5 godina, 5 - 10
godina, 10 - 15 godina, 15 - 20 godina.
Skeletni ostaci svih osoba pregledani su ne bi li se
uočile patološke promjene. Nažalost, malobrojne bolesti
ostavljaju prepoznatljive tragove na kostima. Prisutnim
promjenama je katkad vrlo teško utvrditi uzrok, budući
da mnogi čimbenici stresa uzrokuju istovjetne reakcije
na kostima (Ortner, 2003; Roberts i Manchester, 2005).
Za identif ikaciju i dijagnozu patoloških promjena
korišteni su kriteriji Ortnera (Ortner, 2003) te Manna
i Murphyja (Mann i Murphy, 1990).
Analiza skeletnih ostataka
U tablici I (T. I) prikazana je raspodjela analiziranog
uzorka po spolu i dobi. U uzorku je prisutno 25 osoba,
od toga 20 odraslih (80%) i 5 djece (20%). Od odraslih
osoba 13 (65%) je muškaraca, 6 (30%) su žene, a jednoj
osobi (5%) spol nije mogao biti određen.
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, str. 205-220
changes into eight phases, from twenty to more than
sixty years. Because cranial sutures close regularly with
increasing age, they were used as an additional method
of age determination. The Meindl and Lovejoy method
(Meindl and Lovejoy, 1985) used in the analysis, records
the degree of cranial suture closure for ten ectocranial
and five lateral-anterior sites.
After comparing the results of used methods, an
adult was included into one of the age categories:
young adults (20-34 years), middle-aged adults (3549 years) and older adults (50+ years). If it was not
possible to accurately determine age due to a lack of
skeletal elements, the individual was included into a
wider category of adults.
In determining the age of infants, we used the
chronology of the union of epiphyses and diaphyses and
the stage of deciduous and permanent teeth formation.
During puberty, epiphyses and diaphyses of long bones,
previously separated, start fusing together at a known
age. Existing standards (Scheuer and Black, 2004) were
employed for age determination. The most reliable
method for determining the age of infants is based
on the development of teeth, since the environmental
impact on them is negligible (Buikstra and Ubelaker,
1994). For our analysis we used methods based on
determining the degree of development of the crown
and root of deciduous and permanent teeth (Ubelaker,
After comparing the results, the infants were classified
into one of these age categories: birth - 5 years, 5-10
years, 10-15 years, and 15-20 years.
The skeletal remains of all individuals were examined in
order to detect any pathological changes. Unfortunately,
few diseases leave distinct traces on bones. At times it is
extremely difficult to determine the cause of these changes
because many stress factors cause identical changes on
bones (Ortner, 2003; Roberts and Manchester, 2005). For
the identification and diagnosis of pathological changes
we used Ortner criteria (Ortner, 2003), as well as Mann
and Murphy criteria (Mann and Murphy, 1990).
The analysis of skeletal remains
Table I (T. I) shows the sex and age distribution of the
analyzed sample. The sample consists of 25 individuals,
20 adults (80%), and 5 infants (20%). There are 13 males
(65%), 6 females (30%), and an adult whose sex could
not be determined (5%).
Most of the adults from this sample, 11 (55%), were
aged between 35 and 49 years.There are four individuals
(20%) aged between 20 and 34 years, and four individuals
(20%) older than 50. For one individual (5%) it was not
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Early Croatian ...
Najveći broj odraslih osoba u uzorku, njih 11 (55%),
starosti je 35-49 godina. Po četiri osobe (20%) starosti
su 20-34 godine i više od 50 godina. Jednoj osobi (5%)
dob nije mogla biti precizno određena pa je opisana
samo kao odrasla. Od petero djece njih troje je u skupini
5-10 godina, dok je po jedno dijete starosti 0-5 godina
i 10-15 godina.
Na analiziranom uzorku iz Triblja uočena su sljedeća
patološka stanja: lomovi kostiju, skorbut, tuberkuloza,
osteopenija i osteoporoza, degenerativni osteoartritis i
Schmorlovi defekti.
Lom kostiju
Prijelomi ili frakture kostiju najčešće su uočene
traume na skeletnom materijalu. Relativno se lako
dijagnosticiraju, i to uz pomoć prisutnosti bilateralne
asimetrije kostiju, pomaka kosti, koštanih kalusa i linija
frakture. Prijelom kosti uzrokuje vanjska sila, koja
svojim izravnim ili neizravnim djelovanjem dovodi
do potpunog ili djelomičnog loma (Aufderheide i
Rodríguez-Martín, 2003; Ortner, 2003). Proučavanje
lomova pruža neposredni dokaz o slučajnim i namjernim
aktivnostima u svakodnevnom životu (Roberts i
Manchester, 2005).
U analiziranom uzorku lomovi kostiju prisutni su
kod trojice muškaraca: fraktura lubanje u grobovima 1
i 17, fraktura palčane kosti u grobu 14 te fraktura lakta
u grobu 17. Svi uočeni lomovi zarasli su za vrijeme
života osobe. Obje frakture lubanje depresijskog su
tipa, što znači da je na kosti vidljivo udubljenje. Od
11 očuvanih lubanja depresijske frakture prisutne su na
njih dvije (18%). Uzrok njihovog nastanka ne može se
sa sigurnošću utvrditi, budući da je do loma moglo doći
slučajnom nezgodom ili namjernim nasiljem. Frakture
dugih kostiju uočene su samo na kostima ruku, i to njih
tri na 51 očuvanoj kosti (6%). Najčešći uzrok takvih
fraktura dugih kostiju je slučajni događaj, kao što je
pad ili neka druga nezgoda.
Depresijska fraktura koja je probila svod desne
tjemene kosti kod muškarca starosti 20-34 godine iz
groba 1 ovalnog je oblika i dimenzija 14x26 mm.
Kod muškarca starijeg od 50 godina iz groba 17
uočene su tri frakture. Plitka, ovalna depresijska fraktura
na desnoj tjemenoj kosti dimenzija je 26x19 mm te nije
probila svod lubanje. Osim toga, linije frakture vidljive
su na proksimalnim zglobnim ploštinama lijeve palčane
i lakatne kosti. Sve opisane frakture kod ove osobe
najvjerojatnije su nastale kao posljedica istog slučajnog
događaja, odnosno pada ili nezgode.
Fraktura desne palčane kosti prisutna je kod
muškarca starosti 35-49 godina iz groba 14. Na sredini
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, p. 205-220
possible to accurately determine age, so we listed this
person only as an adult. Of the five infants, three of them
were 5 to10 years old, while one is in the 0 to 5 years
group, and another in the 10-15 years group.
In the analyzed sample from Tribalj, the following
pathological conditions were observed: fractures, scurvy,
tuberculosis, osteopenia and osteoporosis, osteoarthritis
and Schmorl’s nodes.
Fractures are the most widely observed skeletal traumas.
They are relatively easy to diagnose by the presence of
bilateral bone asymmetry, bone displacement, bone callus
and fracture lines. Fractures are caused by an external
force that by direct or indirect action results in a complete
or partial fracture (Aufderheide and Rodríguez-Martín,
2003; Ortner, 2003).The study of fractures provides direct
evidence of activities, either intentional or accidental
ones, which were performed in everyday life (Roberts
and Manchester, 2005).
In the analyzed sample, fractures are present on
three males: a skull fracture in graves 1 and 17, a radius
fracture in grave 14, and an elbow fracture in grave 17.All
observed fractures healed during life. Both skull fractures
are depressions, meaning that a concavity is visible on the
cranial vault. Of the 11 preserved skulls, two (18%) have
depression fractures. We are not able to determine with
certainty cause of the fractures, because they could be
either the result of a random accident or of intentional
violence. Fractures of long bones were observed only
on the arm bones, three of a total of 51 preserved bones
(6%). The most common cause of long bone fractures
is a random event, such as a fall or some other accident.
The depression fracture that penetrated the vault of
the right parietal bone of a male aged 20 to 34 years
from grave 1, is oval in shape and measures 14x26 mm.
Three fractures were observed on male over fifty years
old from grave 17. The shallow, oval depression fracture
on the right parietal bone measures 26x19 mm, and did
not penetrate the cranial vault. Furthermore, fracture lines
are visible on the proximal articular surface of the left
radius and ulna. All described fractures found on this
individual are most probably the result of a single random
occurrence, i.e. a fall or some other accident.
A fracture of the right radius was observed on a male
aged 35 to 49 years from grave 14. A large bone callus
is present in the middle of the bone, while the lower
half has moved medially because it healed up incorrectly
(Fig. 1). Present callus was created as part of the healing
process, which resulted in the renewed joining of the
fractured parts.
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Starohrvatska populacija...
kosti prisutan je koštani kalus većih dimenzija, dok je
donja polovica kosti uslijed nepravilnog zaraštavanja
pomaknuta prema medijalnoj strani (slika 1). Vidljivi
kalus nastao je kao dio procesa zacjeljivanja kosti, pri
čemu je došlo do ponovnog spajanja slomljenih dijelova.
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, str. 205-220
Scurvy is a disease caused by a chronic lack of vitamin
C (Brown and Ortner, 2009). Since humans cannot
synthesize or store vitamin C, it must be regularly
supplied into the organism by food (Waldron, 2009). A
lack of vitamin C leads to a weakening of blood vessel
walls and causes bleeding. The first symptoms usually
appear after a period of one to three months, whereas
bleeding occurs only after a period of six months (Mays,
2008). If bleeding occurs near the bone, the results are
an increased porosity and a new layer of bone (Roberts
and Manchester, 2005). Changes on the skull are usually
visible on the outer surface of the skull, orbital roofs, upper
jaw, the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, the palatine
bone and mandible (Aufderheide and Rodríguez-Martín,
2003; Ortner, 2003).
Of the 5 infants present in the analyzed sample, 4 of
them (80%) exhibit changes typical for scurvy. A new
layer of bone and increased porosity were observed in
parts of the skull of two infants aged 5 to 10 years from
grave 11 (Fig. 2). Increased porosity is present on parts of
the skull of an infant from grave 13, under 5 years of age,
and an infant from grave 2, aged 10 to 15 years.
Sl.1 Fraktura desne palčane kosti muškarca iz groba 14
Fig. 1 Fracture of the right radius of a male from grave 14
Skorbut je bolest koju uzrokuje kronični nedostatak
vitamina C (Brown i Ortner, 2009). Budući da ljudi
ne mogu sintetizirati ni pohranjivati vitamin C, moraju
ga redovito unositi prehranom (Waldron, 2009).
Nedostatak vitamina C u organizmu dovodi do slabljenja
stijenki krvnih žila te krvarenja. Prvi simptomi obično
se javljaju nakon jednog do tri mjeseca, a krvarenje tek
nakon šest mjeseci (Mays, 2008). Ukoliko do krvarenja
dođe u blizini kosti, javljuju se pojačana poroznost i
novi sloj kosti (Roberts i Manchester, 2005). Promjene
na lubanji najčešće su vidljive na vanjskoj površini
lubanje, svodovima očnica, gornjoj čeljusti, velikom
krilu klinaste kosti, nepčanoj kosti i donjoj čeljusti
(Aufderheide i Rodríguez-Martín, 2003; Ortner, 2003).
Od 5 djece prisutnih u analiziranom uzorku, kod njih
4 (80%) uočene su promjene tipične za skorbut. Novi
sloj kosti i pojačana poroznost uočeni su na dijelovima
lubanje dva djeteta starosti 5-10 godina iz groba 11 (slika
2). Promjene u obliku pojačane poroznosti prisutne su
Sl.2 Poroznost na lijevoj očnici djeteta iz groba 11
Fig. 2 Porosity on the left orbit of an infant from grave 11
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium, and its occurrence
is associated with poverty, poor living conditions and
an inappropriate diet (Waldron, 2009). At particular risk
are the elderly, malnourished and already ill individuals.
The disease almost always starts in the lungs but can
spread to other parts of the body, including bones. In
this case the most affected parts of the skeleton are the
ribs and vertebrae (Aufderheide and Rodríguez-Martín,
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Early Croatian ...
na dijelovima lubanje djeteta starosti do 5 godina iz
groba 13 te djeteta starosti 10-15 godina iz groba 2.
Tuberkuloza je zarazna bolest koju uzrokuje bakterija
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a njena pojava povezuje se sa
siromaštvom, lošim životnim uvjetima i neprimjerenom
ishranom (Waldron, 2009). Osobe koje čine rizičnu
skupinu su one starije dobi, pothranjene ili već oboljele.
Žarište bolesti je gotovo uvijek u plućima, no može se
proširiti i na ostale dijelove tijela, uključujući i kosti.
U tom slučaju najčešće zahvaćeni dijelovi kostura su
rebra i kralješci (Aufderheide i Rodríguez-Martín,
2003; Roberts i Manchester, 2005). Na rebrima se
karakteristične promjene javljaju kao novi sloj kosti
na unutrašnjoj strani. Najčešće su zahvaćeni prsni i
slabinski kralješci te dolazi do urušavanja njihovih tijela.
Kod muškarca starijeg od 50 godina iz groba 5 prisutan
je novi sloj kosti na unutrašnjoj strani 16 ulomaka rebara
(slika 3). Uz to, tijelo jednog slabinskog kralješka je
urušeno, što se očituje udubljenjem na gornjoj strani
tijela. Navedene promjene tipične su za tuberkulozu.
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, p. 205-220
2003; Roberts and Manchester, 2005).The characteristic
changes that appear on the ribs are in the form of a new
bone layer on the interior side.The thoracic and lumbar
vertebrae are mainly affected, leading to the collapse of
their bodies.
The 50+ year old male from grave 5 has a new bone
layer on the interior side of the 16 rib fragments (Fig. 3).
Additionally the body of a lumbar vertebra had collapsed,
leading to indentation on the upper side of the body.
These changes are typical for tuberculosis.
Osteopenia and osteoporosis
Osteopenia and osteoporosis are terms indicating a
reduced bone mineral density (Ortner, 2003), osteopenia
being the less severe form of the disease. At present it is
considered that the main causes for this disease are age, a
diet low in calcium or high in proteins, a lack of physical
activity, hormones, a genetic predisposition, numerous
pregnancies and prolonged periods of breastfeeding
(Roberts and Manchester, 2005).
Osteopenia and osteoporosis are characterized by
a decreased bone density that manifests itself through
Sl.3 Novi sloj kosti na tri ulomka rebara muškarca iz groba 5
Fig. 3 A new bone layer on three rib fragments of a male from grave 5
Osteopenija i osteoporoza
Osteopenija i osteoporoza su termini koji označavaju
smanjenu gustoću kostiju (Ortner, 2003), pri čemu je
osteopenija blaži oblik bolesti. Za sada se smatra da su
glavni čimbenici njihova nastanka starija dob, prehrana
siromašna kalcijem ili bogata proteinima, nedostatak
fizičke aktivnosti, hormoni, genetske predispozicije te
changes in the mass and quantity of trabecular and
cortical bone (Gonzales-Reimers et al, 2007). However,
to confirm osteoporosis a fracture caused by the loss of
bone mass is necessary. The radius, femoral neck, and
bodies of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are parts of
the skeleton most likely affected by fractures caused by
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Starohrvatska populacija...
brojne trudnoće i duga razdoblja dojenja (Roberts i
Manchester, 2005).
Osteopeniju i osteoporozu obilježava smanjena
gustoća kostiju, koja se očituje promjenama u masi
i količini trabekularne i kortikalne kosti (GonzalesReimers i sur., 2007), no za postavljanje dijagnoze
osteoporoze potrebna je i prisutnost frakture uzrokovane
gubitkom koštane mase. Palčana kost, vrat bedrene kosti
te tijela prsnih i slabinskih kralježaka dijelovi su skeleta
kod kojih najčešće dolazi do fraktura uzrokovanih
Kod dvije žene starosti 35-49 godina iz grobova 11 i
13 uočeno je smanjenje koštane mase svih dugih kostiju.
Budući da je masa manja od one očekivane za tu dob,
postavljena je dijagnoza osteopenije.
Kod muškarca starosti 35-49 godina iz groba 3 uočena
je manja masa svih kostiju, uz stanjenu kortikalnu kost
i izrazito smanjenu gustoću trabekularne kosti. Uz to,
na tijelima tri prsna i tri slabinska kralješka prisutne
su kompresijske frakture, koje su dovele do urušavanja
i smanjene visine tijela kralježaka (slika 4). Navedene
promjene sukladne su promjenama koje izaziva
Promjene na zglobovima dugih kostiju i kralješcima
U analiziranom uzorku uočena je prisutnost
degenerativnog osteoartritisa i Schmorlovih defekata.
Ove patološke promjene djelomično dijele zajedničke
uzroke i čimbenike pojave, mehanički stres i povećanu
fizičku aktivnost.
Degenerativne promjene na zglobovima dugih
kostiju i kralješcima najčešće su prisutna bolest zglobova
u modernim i arheološkim populacijama. Glavno
obilježje degenerativne bolesti ili osteoartritisa su upala
i destrukcija kosti i pripadajuće hrskavice. Smatra se da
su glavni čimbenici nastanka povećana dob i genetska
predispozicija te mehanički stres i pojačana fizička
aktivnost (Roberts i Manchester, 2005). Osteoartritične
promjene po intenzitetu se dijele u nekoliko stupnjeva.
Blaži oblici su osteof itske izrasline uz rub zglobne
površine i poroznost na površini kosti dok je najteži oblik
eburnirana, odnosno polirana površina (Aufderheide i
Rodríguez-Martín, 2003; Ortner, 2003).
Schmorlov defekt je vrsta hernije intervertebralnog
diska. Nastaje kada pulpozni dio diska probije hrskavicu
i proširi se gore ili dolje u tijelo kralješka. Rezultat
prolapsa je plitki okrugli ili bubrežasti defekt, obično ne
veći od centimetra u promjeru. Etiologija Schmorlovih
defekata još nije do kraja razjašnjena, no više autora
(McWhirr i sur., 1982; Schmorl i Junghans, 1971)
napominje da traume i teške fizičke aktivnosti, posebno
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, str. 205-220
On the two women from graves 11 and 13, aged
between 35 and 49 years, we observed a decrease in
the bone mass of long bones. Since the mass is lower
than expected for this age group, osteopenia could be
A 35 to 49 year old male from grave 3 showed a
reduced mass of all bones, along with thinned cortical
bone and significantly reduced trabecular bone density. In
addition, on the bodies of three thoracic and three lumbar
vertebrae we observed compression fractures leading to
the collapse and reduced height of the vertebral bodies
(Fig. 4). These changes are consistent with osteoporosis.
Sl.4 Kompresijske frakture dva prsna kralješka muškarca iz groba 3
Fig. 4 Compression fractures of two thoracic vertebrae of a male from grave 3
Changes on long bone joints and vertebrae
A presence of degenerative osteoarthr itis and
Schmorl’s nodes was noted in the analyzed sample.These
pathological changes share common causes and factors
of occurrence, mechanical stress and increased physical
Degenerative changes of long bone joints and
vertebrae are the most common joint diseases present
in modern and archaeological populations. The main
characteristics of a degenerative disease or osteoarthritis
are an inflammation and destruction of the bone and
its cartilage. It is believed that the main causes of this
disease are old age and a genetic predisposition, as well
as mechanical stress and increased physical activity
(Roberts and Manchester, 2005). Osteoarthritic changes
are divided into several degrees based on their intensity.
Less severe forms are marginal osteophytes on the edge
of the joint surface and porosity on the surface of the
bone, while the most severe form is an eburnated or
polished surface (Aufderheide and Rodríguez-Martín,
2003; Ortner, 2003).
Schmorl’s node is a type of intervertebral disc hernia.
It forms when the nucleus pulposus of the disc breaks
through the cartilage and penetrates up or down into
the vertebral body.The result of the prolapse is a shallow,
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Early Croatian ...
u doba adolescencije, mogu potaknuti njihov nastanak.
U analiziranom uzorku degenerativne promjene na
zglobovima dugih kostiju uočene su kod 5 osoba od
njih 14 (36%) s uščuvanim dugim kostima ruku i nogu,
dok promjene na kralježnici ima 11 osoba od njih 16
(69%) s najmanje očuvana četiri kralješka. U najvećem
broju slučajeva riječ je o promjenama slabog intenziteta,
odnosno osteofitskim izraslinama ili blagoj poroznosti.
Kod tri muškarca (grobovi 5, 14 i 17) prisutne su
promjene najjačeg oblika gdje je uz osteofite i poroznost
prisutna i eburnirana površina (slika 5).
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, p. 205-220
round or kidney-shaped defect, usually no larger than
a centimeter in diameter. The etiology of Schmorl’s
nodes has not yet been completely clarified, but several
authors (McWhirr et al, 1982; Schmorl and Junghans,
1971) noted that traumas and severe physical activities,
particularly during adolescence, are a predisposition for
their development.
In the analyzed sample, degenerative changes on joints
of long bones were observed in 5 of 14 individuals (36%)
with preserved long bones of arms and legs, whereas
changes on the spine were present on 11 of 16 individuals
(69%) with at least four preserved vertebrae. In most
cases we observed low-intensity changes, i.e. marginal
osteophytes or mild porosity. Three males (graves 5, 14
and 17) had the most severe changes, where alongside
osteophytes and porosity we also observed an eburnated
surface (Fig. 5).
Schmorl’s nodes are present on vertebrae of 7 of 16
(44%) individuals with at least four preserved vertebrae.
In addition to Schmorl’s nodes, the majority of these
individuals had osteoarthritic changes on the spine, all
of which confirms the common factors associated with
their occurence.
Concluding remarks
Sl.5 Eburnirana površina na lijevoj petnoj kosti muškarca iz groba 17
Fig. 5 Eburnated surface on the left calcaneus of a male from grave 17
Schmorlovi defekti prisutni su na kralješcima
7 osoba od njih 16 (44%) s najmanje očuvana četiri
kralješka. Većina osoba, uz Schmorlove defekte, ima i
osteoartritične promjene na kralježnici, što potvrđuje
zajedničke čimbenike njihova nastanka.
zaključna razmatranja
Groblje kod crkve sv. Marije u Triblju, koje se
koristilo od 9. do 11. stoljeća, jedno je od malobrojnih
starohrvatskih grobalja Vinodola sa sačuvanim skeletnim
ostacima. Od ostalih starohrvatskih grobalja Vinodola
istraženi su jedino skeletni ostaci sa groblja u Stranču,
koje se datira od 8. do 11. stoljeća (Cetinić, 1998). Iako
oba groblja ne sadrže veliki broj ukopa, vremenski se
djelomično preklapaju te čine cjelinu u prostornom
i vremenskom smislu. Analiza skeletnih ostataka iz
Triblja tako predstavlja bitan doprinos poznavanju ovog
važnog područja i razdoblja. Pri interpretaciji dobivenih
podataka kad god je bilo moguće korišteni su podaci
analiza starohrvatskog groblja u Stranču (Šlaus i sur.,
2011) te kompozitnog starohrvatskog uzorka s četiri
groblja iz Dalmacije: Donje polje pokraj Šibenika,
Glavice kod Sinja, Radašinovci i Velim (Šlaus, 2006).
The cemetery near the church of St. Mary at Tribalj,
which was in use from the 9 th to the 11th century, is
one of the few Early Croatian cemeteries at Vinodol
with preserved skeletal remains. Of all Early Croatian
cemeteries from Vinodol, skeletal remains were recovered
also at Stranče which is dated from the 8th to the 11th
century (Cetinić, 1998). Although both cemeteries
yielded a small number of burials, their period of use
partially coincides, forming thus one spatial and temporal
unit. The analysis of skeletal remains from Tribalj thus
represents an important contribution to the understanding
of this important region and period. When interpreting
the obtained data we compared, whenever possible, results
of the analysis of the Early Croatian cemetery at Stranče
(Šlaus et al, 2011), as well as the composite Early Croatian
sample from four cemeteries in Dalmatia: Donje Polje
near Šibenik, Glavica near Sinj, Radašinovci and Velim
(Šlaus , 2006). The cemeteries selected for comparison
belong to the period from the 8th to the 11th century.
The analysis of skeletal material from the cemetery
at Tribalj included 25 individuals from 18 graves. This
sample consists of individuals of both sexes and all age
groups, 20 of them adults (80%) and 5 infants (20%) (T.
II). This age distribution is rather unexpected because
the infants, being the most vulnerable group, should
be more significantly represented in the sample. An
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Starohrvatska populacija...
Groblja odabrana za usporedbu pripadaju periodu od
8. do 11. stoljeća.
Analiza skeletnog materijala s groblja u Triblju
obuhvatila je 25 osoba iz 18 grobova. U uzorku su
prisutne osobe oba spola i svih dobnih skupina, od
toga 20 odraslih (80%) i 5 djece (20%) (T. II). Ovakva
dobna raspodjela neočekivana je budući da bi djeca,
kao najugroženija skupina, trebala činiti puno veći
dio uzorka. Gotovo identična raspodjela vidljiva je i
na starohrvatskom groblju u Stranču, gdje djeca čine
24% uzorka (Šlaus i sur., 2011), dok je u kompozitnom
uzorku njihov udio nešto viši i iznosi 30,8% (Šlaus,
2006). Niži udio djece na groblju u Stranču autori
objašnjavaju djelovanjem okolišnih čimbenika koji
su utjecali na lošiju očuvanost dječjih kostiju, kao
i činjenicom da je analiziran samo dio iskopanog
skeletnog materijala (Šlaus i sur., 2011). Na manji broj
djece iz Triblja utjecali su, kao i u Stranču, okolišni
čimbenici, no treba naglasiti i raniju devastaciju dijela
groblja, kao i činjenicu da dio grobova nije moguće
istražiti budući da se nalaze ispod novije arhitekture
(Cetinić, 1998). Osim navedenih čimbenika, također
je moguće da su djeca u većem broju bila pokapana na
dijelu groblja koje nije obuhvaćeno ovim istraživanjem,
što je dodatno umanjilo njihov broj u analiziranom
Spolna podjela odraslih osoba iz Triblja odgovara
onoj uočenoj u Stranču (T. II). Broj muškaraca u oba
uzorka je gotovo dvaput veći od broja žena (Tribalj 13:6,
Stranče 22:12), što odudara od normalne raspodjele, u
kojoj bi oba spola trebala biti podjednako zastupljena.
Dobivenu podjelu u Stranču autori objašnjavaju
činjenicom da skeletni materijal potječe iz svega tri
sezone iskopavanja i sa samo jednog dijela groblja (Šlaus
i sur., 2011). No, usporedba uzoraka iz Triblja i Stranča
s kompozitnim materijalom iz Dalmacije, u kojem je
podjednak broj muškaraca i žena (117:112) (Šlaus, 2006),
izdvaja ova dva vinodolska lokaliteta te se za sada čini
da to nije slučajno. Iako je utjecaj okolišnih čimbenika
i neistraženosti lokaliteta neosporan, ovako značajne
razlike u broju muškaraca i žena trebalo bi provjeriti na
vremenski i prostorno bliskim lokalitetima. Jedno od
mogućih objašnjenja, koje tek treba povrditi, jest da su
se muškarci većinom pokapali odvojeno od žena i djece.
Na tlocrtu istraživanog dijela groblja pokušala se
uočiti pravilnost u razmještaju ukopa ovisno o spolu
i dobi osoba. Budući da analizirani uzorak potječe sa
samo jednog dijela groblja, te je brojčano mali, nisu
uočene nikakve pravilnosti u razmještaju grobova.
U analiziranom uzorku kod više osoba zabilježeno
je prisustvo sljedećih patoloških promjena: prijelomi
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, str. 205-220
almost identical distribution can be observed on the
Early Croatian cemetery at Stranče, where infants
represent 24% of the sample (Šlaus et al, 2011), whereas
in the composite sample their share is slightly higher
and amounts to 30.8% (Šlaus, 2006). The lower number
of infants at Stranče authors explain by environmental
factors that resulted in the poorer preservation of infant
bones, but also by the fact that only a portion of the
excavated skeletal material was analyzed (Šlaus et al,
2011). A smaller number of infants from Tribalj was
inf luenced by environmental factors, as in Stranče, but
also it must be emphasized that part of the cemetery was
devastated earlier and that some graves are still situated
underneath the church (Cetinić, 1998). Additionally,
it is also possible that a larger number of infants was
buried in a section of the cemetery not included in this
excavation, all of which reduced their presence in the
analyzed sample.
The sex distribution of adults from Tribalj corresponds
to that observed at Stranče (T. II). The number of males
in both samples is almost twice the number of females
(Tribalj 13:6, Stranče 22:12), which differs from a normal
distribution in which both sexes are more or less equally
represented. The authors explain the distribution at
Stranče with the fact that the skeletal material comes
from merely three excavation campaigns which were
carried out in only one section of the cemetery (Šlaus
et al, 2011). However, the comparison of Tribalj and
Stranče samples with the composite Dalmatian material,
which shows an equal number of males and females
(117:112) (Šlaus, 2006), singles out these two Vinodol
sites, and at present it seems this is not a coincidence.
Although the influence of environmental factors and the
poor level of exploration of the site cannot be denied,
such significant differences in the number of males
and females should be checked against other sites from
similar period and region. One possible explanation that
has yet to be confirmed is that males were in a majority
of cases buried separately from females and infants.
On the ground plan of the excavated section of the
cemetery we attempted to identify a pattern in the
arrangement of burials, depending on sex and age of the
deceased. We were not able to observe any regularity
in the arrangement of the graves, since the analyzed
sample comes from only one part of the cemetery, and
is also numerically small.
On several individuals in the analyzed sample we
observed the presence of the following pathological
changes: fractures, degenerative changes in joints with
Schmorl’s nodes, scurvy, as well as osteopenia and
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Early Croatian ...
kost iju, degener at iv ne promjene zg lobova sa
Schmorlovim defektima, skorbut te osteopenija i
Na analiziranom uzorku uočena su samo četiri slučaja
prijeloma kostiju. Od 11 očuvanih lubanja depresijske
frakture uočene su na njih dvije (18%), što je znatno više
nego u Stranču, gdje je učestalost tek 6,9%. Frakture
dugih kostiju u uzorku iz Triblja prisutne su na samo 6%
očuvanih kostiju ruku. Iako se uzrok loma kosti rijetko
može utvrditi s potpunom sigurnošću, mala učestalost
uočenih fraktura, koje su vrlo vjerojatno nastale slučajno,
upućuje na nisku razinu nasilja u zajednici iz Triblja.
Veći broj osoba s degenerativnim promjenama
zglobova dugih kostiju (36%) i kralježnice (69%), u
kombinaciji sa Schmorlovim defektima (44%), navode
na zaključak da su se starohrvatski stanovnici Vinodola
bavili nekom vrstom f izičke aktivnosti, moguće
poljoprivrednim radovima. Za sada su povijesni podaci
koji bi potvrdili ovu pretpostavku nedostupni. Dobivene
podatke nije moguće usporediti s materijalom sa Stranča
i kompozitnim materijalom iz Dalmacije zbog korištenja
različitih metoda u prikupljanju i obradi podataka.
Skorbut je uočen kod čak 80% djece. Tako velika
učestalost donekle iznenađuje, budući da se skorbut javlja
nakon dugotrajnog nedostatka vitamina C. S obzirom
na zemljopisni smještaj i vremenski period, stanovnici
Triblja egzistenciju su barem djelomično osiguravali
poljoprivrednim radom, što bi sugeriralo donekle
redovitu dostupnost svježeg voća i povrća bogatog
vitaminom C. Jedino duža razdoblja poljoprivredne
katastrofe mogla su dovesti do propadanja uroda, a
time i smanjene konzumacije voća i povrća te povećane
upotrebe žitarica i mesa. Potvrda mogućih razdoblja
ovakve prehrane je velika učestalost skorbuta kod djece te
dodatno slučajevi osteopenije i osteoporoze kod odraslih
osoba. Naime, osteopeniju i osteoporozu karakterizira
smanjena gustoća kostiju, na čiji nastanak utječu razni
čimbenici, među kojima i prehrana siromašna kalcijem
ili bogata proteinima (Roberts i Manchester, 2005).
Uz navedene patološke promjene, u analiziranom
uzorku prisutan je i izolirani slučaj tuberkuloze, bolesti
koja se povezuje sa siromaštvom i lošim životnim
uvjetima (Waldron, 2009).
Dosadašnje spoznaje o starohrvatskim stanovnicima
Vinodola dopunila je ova analiza skeletnog materijala
s groblja iz Triblja. Prema dobivenim podacima
možemo zaključiti da su životni uvjeti u Triblju bili
relativno loši. Neprimjerena prehrana očituje se velikom
učestalošću skorbuta kod djece, dok je dugotrajni fizički
rad potvrđen visokom učestalošću degenerativnih
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, p. 205-220
Only four cases of fracture were detected in the
analyzed sample. Of the 11 preserved skulls, two
of them had depression fractures (18%), which is
significantly higher in comparison with Stranče where
their incidence was only 6.9%. Fractures of long bones
in the Tribalj sample are present on only 6% of the
preserved arm bones. Although the cause of fracture can
rarely be determined with absolute certainty, the low
incidence of observed fractures that were most probably
caused by accident indicates a low level of violence in
the community from Tribalj.
A relatively large number of individuals with
degenerative changes in the joints of long bones (36%)
and spine (69%), combined with Schmorl’s nodes (44%),
suggests that the Early Croatian inhabitants of Vinodol
performed some kind of habitual physical activity,
perhaps connected to agriculture. The historical data
that would conf irm this assumption are currently
unavailable. The obtained data cannot be compared
with the material from Stranče and the composite
Dalmatian material, because different methods were
used for the collection and processing of data.
Scurvy was observed in as much as 80% of the
infants. Such a high incidence of scurvy is surprising,
since illness occurs after a prolonged lack of vitamin
C. If we take into account the geographical location
as well as the period of time, we can assume that the
inhabitants of Tribalj practised farming in order to
survive, which would suggest a more or less regular
access to fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.
Only longer periods characterized by a disaster could
endanger the crops, which in turn would result in a
reduced consumption of fruits and vegetables and an
increased use of grain and meat. The possible existence
of such periods is corroborated by the high incidence
of scurvy in children, coupled with additional cases of
osteopenia and osteoporosis in adults. Both osteopenia
and osteoporosis are characterized by a decreased bone
density that is a consequence of various factors, among
which a diet low in calcium or rich with proteins
(Roberts and Manchester, 2005).
In addition to these pathological changes, in the
analyzed sample we also recorded an isolated case of
tuberculosis, a disease that is associated with poverty and
poor living conditions (Waldron, 2009).
Our understanding of the Early Croatian inhabitants
of Vinodol was improved by this analysis of skeletal
material from the cemetery at Tribalj. According to the
obtained data, we are able to conclude that the living
conditions at Tribalj were relatively poor. Inadequate
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Starohrvatska populacija...
promjena na zglobovima i Schmorlovih defekata kod
odraslih osoba. Podaci dobiveni analizom uspoređeni
su s onima prostorno i vremenski bliskima iz Stranča
te je uočena sličnost u spolnoj i dobnoj raspodjeli.
Time se ova dva groblja razlikuju od kompozitnog
starohrvatskog dalmatinskog uzorka, što otvara pitanja
o pogrebnim običajima i načinu pokapanja na području
starohrvatskog Vinodola.
Napomena: Prikazani rezultati proizašli su iz
znanstvenog projekta “Kulturalne promjene i dinamika
arheoloških populacija na istočnom Jadranu”, broj 1961962766-2740, provođenog uz potporu Ministarstva
znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske.
z a hva l a: Zahva ljujemo Željk i Cet in ić, d ipl.
arheologinji, i Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju
Hrvatskog primorja u Rijeci na ustupljenom materijalu
i podacima s terenskog istraživanja. Na izradi fotografija
zahvaljujemo Marinu Martinagi.
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, str. 205-220
nutrition is reflected in a high incidence of infant scurvy,
while extended physical activity is confirmed by the
high incidence of degenerative changes on joints and
by Schmorl’s nodes found in adults. Comparison with
data from Stranče, a site close in space and time, showed
similarities in sex and age distribution. Thus these two
cemeteries differ from the Early Croatian composite
sample from Dalmatia, which raises numerous questions
related to burial customs in Early Croatian Vinodol.
Note: The presented results emerged from a scientific
project titled “Cultural Changes and the Dynamics of
Archaeological Populations on the Eastern Adriatic,”
number 196-1962766-2740, which was carried out with
the support of the Ministry of Science, Education and
Sports of the Republic of Croatia.
Acknowledgements: We thank Željka Cetinić, M.A.,
and the Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian
Littoral in Rijeka for the skeletal material and site
reports. We also thank Marin Martinaga who made the
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Early Croatian ...
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, p. 205-220
Tablica 1. Prikaz analiziranog uzorka po spolu i dobi
1 (donji ukop)
1 (gornji ukop)
Table 1. Sex and age distribution of the analyzed sample
1 (lower)
1 (upper)
7 (osoba A)
7 (individual A)
7 (osoba B)
7 (individual B)
11 (osoba A)
11 (individual A)
11 (osoba B)
11 (individual B)
11 (osoba C)
11 (individual C)
13 (osoba A)
13 (individual A)
13 (osoba B)
13 (individual B)
15/16 (osoba A)
15/16 (individual A)
15/16 (osoba B)
15/16 (individual B)
15/16 (osoba C)
15/16 (individual C)
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Starohrvatska populacija...
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, str. 205-220
Tablica 2. Usporedba spolne podjele između Triblja, Stranča i kompozitnog starohrvatskog uzorka
13 (52%)
22 (49%)
117 (35%)
6 (24%)
12 (27%)
112 (34%)
1 (4%)
20 (80%)
34 (76%)
229 (69%)
5 (20%)
11 (24%)
102 (31%)
Table 2. A comparison of the sex distribution between Tribalj, Stranče and the composite Early Croatian sample
13 (52%)
22 (49%)
117 (35%)
6 (24%)
12 (27%)
112 (34%)
1 (4%)
20 (80%)
34 (76%)
229 (69%)
5 (20%)
11 (24%)
102 (31%)
Z. Premužić, P. Rajić Šikanjić, Early Croatian ...
Histria archaeol., 41/2010, p. 205-220
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