Papers by Sanda Lucija Udier
Poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga (HIJ-a) bitno se razlikuje od poučavanja hrvatskoga kao prvoga je... more Poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga (HIJ-a) bitno se razlikuje od poučavanja hrvatskoga kao prvoga jezika, a razlike proizlaze iz činjenice što je namijenjeno različitim recipijentima i što se najčešće odvija u bitno različitim kontekstima. Ta se različitost uvelike ogleda u izboru nastavnih sadržaja, u pristupu poučavanju te progresiji poučavanja, a najviše u razlikovanju onoga što se u poučavanju smatra središnjim od onoga što se smatra rubnim. U radu je izložena distribucija nastavnih sadržaja na one koji se u poučavanju HIJ-a smatraju središnjima i na one koji se smatraju rubnima. Središnjim se sadržajima smatra sve što potiče razvoj komunikacijske kompetencije, dakle proizvodna gramatika, semantika gramatičkih oblika, leksik različitih stilova i registara koji sudjeluju u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji te pragmalingvistički sadržaji, a rubnima standardološko-preskriptivistička pitanja i prijepori, akcentuacija (osim naglasnoga mjesta), kao i sve što zahtijeva uvođenje metarazine u pouča...
Jezici i svjetovi. Zbornik radova s Drugog znanstveno-stručnog skupa Hrvatskog društva sveučilišnih lektora, 2023
Poučavatelji hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika (HIJ-a), kao i njihovi učenici, vjerojatno bi se u velik... more Poučavatelji hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika (HIJ-a), kao i njihovi učenici, vjerojatno bi se u velikom broju složili s tvrdnjom kako je u nastavu HIJ-a važno integrirati sadržaje hrvatske kulture, međutim može se pretpostaviti da bi se njihova mišljenja razilazila kad bi trebalo definirati koje kulturne sadržaje treba poučavati u jezičnoj nastavi i na kakav način. Te je razlike potrebno istražiti kako bi poučavatelji imali podatke o afinitetima, interesima i potrebama svojih učenika kako bi tim potrebama mogli prilagoditi nastavne sadržaje i način poučavanja. U izlaganju će biti izneseni rezultati anketnoga istraživanja o poželjnosti različitih sadržaja hrvatske kulture koji se mogu poučavati u nastavi HIJ-a. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 153 polaznika semestralne nastave hrvatskoga jezika na Croaticumu – Centru za hrvatski kao drugi i strani jezik u akademskoj godini 2019./2020. (riječ je o ispitanicima na razinama poznavanja HIJ-a od A2 do C1 različitih prvih jezika i iz različitih zemalja), kao i na uzorku od 30 lektora HIJ-a koji rade na lektoratima u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Rezultati su obrađeni kvantitativnom metodom, a njihova usporedba pokazat će stavove učenika i poučavatelja o različitim sadržajima hrvatske kulture u jezičnoj nastavi. Pokazat će se koje sadržaje hrvatske kulture smatraju važnima te žele učiti učenici HIJ-a, kao i koje sadržaje hrvatske kulture smatraju važnima i žele poučavati lektori HIJ-a. Rezultati istraživanjima omogućit će lektorima HIJ-a: 1) steći uvid u stavove svojih učenika i kolega te će ih usporediti sa svojim stavovima i 2) prilagoditi nastavne sadržaje hrvatske kulture potrebama i interesima svojih učenika.
Professors of Croatian as a second language (CL2), as well as their students, most likely would in large part agree with the statement that in the teaching of CL2 it is important to integrate Croatian cultural content, however it can be presumed that their opinions would differ when determining which cultural content should be taught in language instruction, and in what way. It is necessary to explore these differences so that instructors have data about the affinities, interests and needs of their students so that they can adapt their lesson content and teaching method to these needs. In this report the results of a survey about the desirability of different Croatian cultural content which can be taught in the instruction of CL2 will be presented. The research was conducted on a sample of 161 participants in the semester course of the CL2 at Croaticum – Centre for Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language in the academic year of 2019/2020 (on subjects with CL2 levels of proficiency ranging from A2 to C1 with differing first languages and from different countries), as well as a sample of 30 lecturers of CL2 working at courses in Croatia and abroad. The results were processed with the quantitative method, and their comparison will illustrate the attitudes of students and teachers about different Croatian cultural content in language instruction. It will be demonstrated which Croatian cultural content students of CL2 language consider important and wish to learn, as well as which Croatian cultural content professors of CL2 consider important and wish to teach. The results will allow professors of CL2 to (1) gain insight into the attitudes of their students and colleagues and compare them with their own attitudes and (2) adapt the Croatian cultural lesson content to the needs and interests of their students.
Vestnik za tuje jezike/Journal for Foreign Languages, 2020
This paper deals with some of the pragmatic characteristics of indefinite pronouns, specifically ... more This paper deals with some of the pragmatic characteristics of indefinite pronouns, specifically about the potential for expressing a negative attitude or stance by using them. The results of a quantitative survey will be presented exploring to what extent the potential to express a negative attitude using indefinite pronouns has been mastered. The research questionnaire consisted of two parts and examined their command in terms of both comprehension and production of the pragmatic properties of indefinite pronouns in Croatian as a second language (CL2), and the examples used in the questionnaire were taken from the hrWaC 2.0 corpus. The research was conducted on students of CL2 at the levels B2 and C1 (N=60) who attended the programs of Croaticum in the 2019/2020 academic year. The results obtained can be applied in the development of learning materials intended for teaching the semantic and pragmatic features of indefinite pronouns in the instruction of CL2.
Periferno u hrvatskom jeziku, kulturi i društvu, 2021
Poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga (HIJ-a) bitno se razlikuje od poučavanja hrvatskoga kao prvoga je... more Poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga (HIJ-a) bitno se razlikuje od poučavanja hrvatskoga kao prvoga jezika, a razlike proizlaze iz činjenice što je namijenjeno različitim recipijentima i što se najčešće odvija u bitno različitim kontekstima. Ta se različitost uvelike ogleda u izboru nastavnih sadržaja pristupu poučavanju te progresiji poučavanja, a najviše u razlikovanju onoga što se u poučavanju smatra središnjim od onoga što se smatra rubnim. U radu je izložena distribucija nastavnih sadržaja na one koji se u poučavanju HIJ-a smatraju središnjima i na one koji se smatraju rubnima. Središnjim se sadržajima smatra sve što potiče razvoj komunikacijske kompetencije, dakle proizvodna gramatika, semantika gramatičkih oblika, leksik različitih stilova i registara koji sudjeluju u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji te pragmalingvistički sadržaji, a rubnima standardološko-preskriptivistička pitanja i prijepori, akcentuacija (osim naglasnoga mjesta), kao i sve što zahtijeva uvođenje metarazine u poučavanju jezika. Pri tome je važno imati na umu kako nije riječ o isključnoj disjunkciji, već stupnjevitoj i skalarnoj distribuciji koja uvelike ovisi o razini jezične kompetencije na kojoj se odvija poučavanje, kontekstu poučavanja i svrsi radi koje se ovladava HIJ-em. To znači da se procjena pripada li nekom nastavnom sadržaju središnje ili rubno mjesto u poučavanju donosi na temelju različitih okolnosti u kojima se odvija poučavanje – naprimjer je li riječ o akademskome programu ili tečaju, poučava li se opći jezik ili neki specijalizirani vid jezika, odvija li se poučavanje u programu s velikim brojem nastavnih sati ili pak s malim, o kojoj je razini jezične kompetencije riječ, rade li poučavatelji s jezično homogenim ili heterogenim skupinama učenika, koji su i kakvi ishodi učenja i slično. U usporedbi s poučavanjem hrvatskoga kao prvoga jezika poučavanje HIJ-a vrlo je različito te je pristup njegovu poučavanju specifičan, zbog čega zahtijeva posebnu izobrazbu i specijalizaciju.
Teaching Croatian as a foreign language (CFL) significantly differs from the teaching of Croatian as a first language, and the differences arise from the fact that it is intened for different recipients, and that it most often takes place in substantially different contexts. This dissimilarity is largely reflected in the choice of learning materials in the approach to teaching and the progression of teaching, most notably in distinguishing what is considered crucial in teaching from what is considered minor. This paper presents the distribution of teaching materials in terms of those which are considered crucial in the teaching of CFL, and those which are considered minor. Crucial content is considered to be anything that encourages the development of communication competence, i.e. productive grammar, the semantics of grammatical forms, the lexicon of different styles and registers which are involved in everyday communication, as well as paralinguistic content, while minor content is considered to be standardized-prescriptivist questions and disputes, accentuation (except regarding the place of stress), as well as everything that requires the introduction of the metalevel in the teaching of language. In addition to that it is important to bear in mind that this is not a matter of "either ... or", but rather a gradient distribution along a scale, which largely depends on the degree of linguistic competence at which the teaching takes place, the context of instruction, and the purpose for which CFL is studied. This means that the assessment of whether instructional content is crucial or minor in teaching is made on the basis of the different circumstances in which the teaching takes place – for example whether it is an academic program or course, whether general language or a specialized type of language is being taught, whether the teaching takes place in a program with a large number of lessons or a few, what level of linguistic competence is involved, whether the teachers are with linguistically homogenous or heterogenous groups of learners, what are the learning outcomes, and so on. In comparison with teaching Croatian as a first language, the teaching of CFL is very different and the approach to its instruction is specific, and therefore requires special training and specialization.
Govor, 2021
Enclitics are the unstressed case forms of personal pronouns, the reflexive pronoun se, the inter... more Enclitics are the unstressed case forms of personal pronouns, the reflexive pronoun se, the interrogative particle li and the unstressed present tense forms of the auxiliary verbs to be and to have. They do not have an accent of their own; instead, they are a part of an accentual whole in which they “lean” on the accentuated word. That is why enclitics cannot stand alone in the first position of a sentence. When there are several enclitics in a sentence, they appear in a strict, grammatically defined order, without any deviations. The order and position of enclitics are among those features of Croatian as a second language which are very difficult to adopt, and therefore great attention is required during the process of teaching, with the same importance being given to the mutual order of enclitics as well as to the position of enclitics and enclitical clusters within a simple and complex sentence. In order for Croatian as L2 students to master enclitics as well as possible, enclitics need to be processed and practiced in Croatian L2 classes on the morphological, syntactic, prosodic and functional levels.
Enklitike ili zanaglasnice nenaglašeni su padežni oblici osobnih zamjenica, povratne zamjenice se, upitne čestice li te nenaglašeni prezentski oblici pomoćnih glagola biti i htjeti. One nemaju vlastiti naglasak već svoj naglasak ostvaruju unutar naglasne cjeline naslanjajući se na naglašenu riječ. Zbog toga ne mogu stajati samostalno ili na prvome mjestu u rečenici. Kad ih je više, pojavljuju se u gramatički strogo zadanome poretku od kojega nema odstupanja. Redoslijed i položaj enklitika pripada najteže ovladivim segmentima hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika te zbog toga zahtijeva veliku pažnju u procesu poučavanja, pri čemu jednaku važnost treba posvećivati redoslijedu enklitika kao i položaju enklitika i enklitičkih skupova unutar jednostavne i složene rečenice. Kako bi učenici HIJ-a njima što bolje ovladali, enklitike trebaju biti obrađene i uvježbane u nastavi na morfološkoj, sintaktičkoj, prozodijskoj i funkcionalnostilskoj razini.
Hrvatski, 2019
U radu se ukratko prikazuje suvremeno stanje u poučavanju hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika na Croaticu... more U radu se ukratko prikazuje suvremeno stanje u poučavanju hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika na Croaticumu – Centru za hrvatski kao drugi i strani jezik na Filozofskome fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Pružaju se osnovne informacije o sveučilišnoj i tečajnoj jezičnoj nastavi, o samostalnome modulu Hrvatski kao drugi i strani jezik te ostalim djelatnostima Croaticuma, a podrobnije se prikazuje suvremeni i na znanstvenim istraživanjima utemeljeni Croaticumov pristup poučavanju hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika.
Ključne riječi: hrvatski kao ini (drugi i strani jezik), poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, komunikacijsko-gramatičko-semantički pristup
Hrvatsko jezikoslovno nazivlje, 2020
Ovladavanje hrvatskim kao inim jezikom (OHIJ) interdisciplinarno je područje na razmeđu između ps... more Ovladavanje hrvatskim kao inim jezikom (OHIJ) interdisciplinarno je područje na razmeđu između psiholingvistike i glotodidaktike, koje su i same po sebi interdisciplinarne jezikoslovne discipline. Psiholingvistička sastavnica ovladavanja hrvatskim kao inim jezikom odnosi se na perspektivu učenika jer uključuje i procesiranje jezika, dok se glotodidaktička odnosi na perspektivu poučavatelja, odnosno na samo poučavanje. Zbog tih je razloga naziv ovladavanje hrvatskim kao inim jezikom prikladan za nazivlje koje je tema ovoga rada i koje je obrađeno u Struni, terminološkoj bazi hrvatskoga strukovnog nazivlja dostupnoj na adresi U okviru projekta Hrvatsko jezikoslovno nazivlje – JENA obrađeno je 110 naziva iz područja ovladavanja hrvatskim kao inim jezikom. Broj je naziva u tome području, dakako, mnogo veći, no u obradi su u obzir uzeti u prvome redu najčešće upotrebljavani nazivi.
InterKult 2019. Tematski zbornik. Izabrani radovi sa Pete međunarodne konferencije Interkulturalnost u obrazovanju 2019 održane 12. 10. 2019. godine u Novom Sadu, 2020
Understanding cross – cultural relations, the similarities and differences between different cult... more Understanding cross – cultural relations, the similarities and differences between different cultures, as well as the knowledge and understanding of different cultures results in the acquisition of intercultural competence that is a vital component of foreign language acquisition. A model of teaching cultural content is being developed in the area of the Croatian language glottodactytic and it leads to the acquisition of intercultural competence of adult learners of Croatian as a second and foreign language who have been studying Croatian language and culture in an academic environment. That model is presented in this paper. It is a universal model for teaching Croatian as a foreign language to a heterogeneous groups of students with different backgrounds, different first language, previous general and language education, sex and age. The paper introduces the explicit and implicit instruction of everyday and academic cultural content and analyzes its specific challenges in heterogeneous groups. The model is designated for a more direct teaching of Croatian culture and for efficient mastering of the cultural content in groups in which students do not belong to one culture of origin and one “world of origin” (CEFR 2005) but are members of different cultures and often there are as many “worlds of origin” as the students in a group. The paper addresses the topic of activities the lectur has to organize to enable their students the acquisition of a more rounded intercultural competence and tries to determine the details that need special attention in the teaching process. On one hand, the paper addresses the need of acquiring intercultural competence necessary for getting along not only with general aspects of Croatian culture, but also aspects of different Croatian regions in which the students of Croatian as a second and foreign language are temporary or permanently situated. On the other hand, it discusses the need of acquiring intercultural competence necessary for managing not only with Croatian culture, but with cultures of a wider regional area as well.
Strani jezici , 2019
Gramatičke su kategorije razredi u koje se uvrštavaju riječi prema svojoj tvorbi ili funkciji. Št... more Gramatičke su kategorije razredi u koje se uvrštavaju riječi prema svojoj tvorbi ili funkciji. Što su jezici srodniji, manji je broj kategorija koje postoje samo u jednome od njih pa su gramatičke kategorije u slavenskim jezicima gotovo podudarne, a umnogome su podudarni i njihovi kategorijski oblici. Situacija se usložnjava kad se nastoji ovladati jezikom koji je po srodnosti udaljeniji jer je više kategorija koje postoje samo u jednome u njih. Važno je da poučavatelji hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika budu svjesni poteškoća koje mogu nastati u procesu ovladavanja zahvaljujući razlikama u gramatičkim kategorijama između prvoga jezika učenika i hrvatskoga jezika. U radu se iznose moguće poteškoće na koje govornici pojedinih jezika nailaze u ovladavanju hrvatskim kao inim jezikom (HIJ-em), a koje su uvjetovane razlikama u gramatičkim kategorijama između njihova prvoga jezika i hrvatskoga jezika, te o načinima kako se te poteškoće mogu smanjiti i prevladati te učiniti njegovo ovladavanje učinkovitijim i uspješnijim.
Grammatical categories are classes into which words are divided according to their derivation or function. The more related certain languages are, the fewer are the categories that exist in only one of them. Thus grammatical categories in Slavic languages coincide almost completely, while their categorical forms are realized coincide to a high degree. The situation becomes more complex when one tries to learn a language that is more distant in terms of relatedness. It is important for teachers to be aware of the difficulties that may occur in the process of language acquisition owing to the differences in grammatical categories. The paper presents possible difficulties that speakers of certain languages encounter when learning Croatian as a second language, determined by the differences in grammatical categories between their first language and the Croatian language, while also presenting ways to reduce and overcome those difficulties, rendering learning more efficient.
Language in research and teaching: Proceedings from the CALS conference 2016., 2019
Verbal prefixation in Slavic languages is an important linguistic and language teaching topic. Te... more Verbal prefixation in Slavic languages is an important linguistic and language teaching topic. Teachers of Croatian as a second language (CL2) so far have applied two approaches when teaching verbal prefixation – verbs in context (VC) approach and lexical prefix-centric (LPC) approach. A third approach, which is based on descriptions of the meanings of verbal prefixes developed within the cognitive linguistic theoretical framework, has been worked out at the theoretical level, but its efficiency has not yet been verified in real-life classroom situations. Cognitive linguistic (CL) approach emphasizes the semantic contribution of a prefix in a prefixed verb, and presents usages of a verbal prefix with different verbs as semantically motivated. By means of this approach, verbal prefixation appears as a systematic process, which consequently makes it easier to learn. This paper presents a research that tests the presumption that the teaching of verbal prefixation by means of a CL approach is more effective than by means of an LPC approach. This is the first empirical research on the effectiveness of the cognitive linguistics based approach in teaching CL2.
Verbale Präfigierung in slawischen Sprachen ist ein wichtiges linguistisches Thema, das auch den Sprachunterricht betrifft. Im Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht (CL2) haben die Lehrer bisher zwei Ansätze angewendet, wenn es um verbale Präfigierung geht- Verben im Kontext und den lexikalischen Präfix-zentrierten Ansatz. Der dritte Ansatz, der auf Beschreibungen der Bedeutungen von Verbalpräfixen beruht, und ist innerhalb der kognitiven linguistisch- theoretischen Rahmen entwickelt worden, wurde niemals im tatsächlichen Unterricht überprüft. Der kognitive Ansatz betont den semantischen Beitrag eines Präfixes in einem vorher festgelegten Verb und präsentiert die Gebräuche eines verbalen Präfixes mit unterschiedlichen Verben als semantisch motiviert. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes erscheint die verbale Präfigierung als ein systematischer Prozess und ermöglicht eine leichtere Einprägung. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Studie, die eigentlich eine Hypothese testet, dass das Unterrichten der verbalen Präfigierung mittels des kognitiv- linguistischen Ansatzes effektiver ist als der lexikalische Präfix-zentrierte Ansatz. Dies ist die erste empirische Forschung über die Wirksamkeit des kognitiven Ansatzes in Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht.
Croaticum, Savjetovanje za lektore hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, 4. zbornik radova, 2019
Poučavanje kulture zemlje u kojoj se određeni jezik govori integralan je dio programā za poučavan... more Poučavanje kulture zemlje u kojoj se određeni jezik govori integralan je dio programā za poučavanje toga jezika kao inoga budući da je jedan od ciljeva nastave inoga jezika razvijanje međukulturne kompetencije, o čemu postoji opsežna glotodidaktička literatura (usp. Deardorf 2006, Novak Milić 2006) i o čemu su provedena i istraživanja koja se odnose na hrvatski kao ini jezik (Novak Milić i Gulešić Machata 2006). Poučavanje kulture predstavlja za većinu poučavatelja još veći izazov nego poučavanje jezika, a uzrok tomu leži u vrsti njihove naobrazbe, koja je najčešće filološka ili lingvistička i pedagoška, i u činjenici da su modeli poučavanja kulture načelno slabije razrađeni od modela poučavanja jezika te poučavatelji nalaze znatno manje oslonca u stručnoj literaturi kad je riječ o poučavanju kulture nego kad je riječ o poučavanju jezika. Poteškoću, dakako, predstavlja i složenost pojma kultura te obilje činjenica koje čine kulturu iz kojih je teško napraviti izbor prikladan za poučavanje u jezičnoj nastavi. U članku je riječ o poučavanju kulture u nastavi hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika (HIJ-a) s obzirom na distinkciju između svakodnevne i akademske kulture. Budući da je poučavanje svakodnevne kulture do sada u literaturi bolje opisano i obrađeno (Novak Milić 2014, 2016 i 2017), u ovome je radu naglasak na poučavanju akademske kulture koja se tek treba etablirati u kurikulima za poučavanje HIJ-a, u znanstvenim radovima, priručnicima i udžbenicima.
Teaching the culture of the country in which a certain language is spoken is an integral part of the programs for teaching that language as a second and foreign language, as one of the objectives of teaching a foreign language is to develop intercultural competence, on which there is extensive language education literature (cf. Deardorf 2006, Novak Milić 2006) and on which research has also been conducted with regard to Croatian as a second and foreign language (Novak Milić and Gulešić Machata 2006). For the majority of teachers, teaching the culture represents even more of a challenge than teaching the language, and the cause thereof lies in the type of their education, which is most frequently of philological or linguistic and pedagogical nature, as well as in the fact that culture teaching models are in principle more poorly developed than language teaching models, with teachers being able to rely on professional literature considerably less when it comes to teaching the culture than when it comes to teaching the language. Another difficulty is posed by the complexity of the term culture and the abundance of facts making up a given culture, among which it is difficult to make a selection appropriate to be taught in language classes. The paper discusses teaching culture in the classes of Croatian as a second and foreign language (CL2) in view of the distinction between everyday and academic culture. As the teaching of every day culture has been described and covered better in literature to date (Novak Milić 2014, 2016 and 2017), this paper lays emphasis on the teaching of academic culture, which is yet to be established in the curricula for teaching CL2, in scientific papers, handbooks and textbooks.
Komparativnoslavističke lingvokulturalne teme, 2019
U suvremenome glotodidaktičkome kontekstu ne treba posebno dokazivati da je u sklopu poučavanja i... more U suvremenome glotodidaktičkome kontekstu ne treba posebno dokazivati da je u sklopu poučavanja inoga jezika potrebno poučavati i kulturu zemlje u kojoj se govori tim jezikom. Standardi na temelju kojih se izrađuju udžbenici za poučavanje inih jezika nalažu da kultura bude integralna sastavnica nastavnih sadržaja. Udžbenici za poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika (HIJ-a) ne izuzimaju se iz toga, a poučavanje kulture u nastavi HIJ-a dobilo je i svoju znanstvenu refleksiju. Međutim malo poučavatelja inih jezika moglo bi odgovoriti na pitanje što je zapravo kultura koja se poučava kao dio jezične nastave. Razlog tomu nalazi se u činjenici što definiranje kulture izlazi iz granica glotodidaktike, a definicije kulture nastale u sklopu društvenih teorija brojne su i složene te za poučavanje inoga jezika samo dijelom relevantne. U radu će se navesti glavne odrednice kulture kao nastavnoga sadržaja u poučavanju inih jezika te prikazati moguć model poučavanja kulture u nastavi HIJ-a.
In the contemporary SLA context, it is not necessary to try to prove that teaching the language also requires teaching of the culture of the country in which that language is spoken. Standards on which language textbooks are based, require that culture is an integral component of teaching content. Textbooks for the teaching of Croatian as a second language (CL2) are not excluded from that, and the teaching of culture in CL2 has also gained its scientific reflection. However, few language teachers could answer the question, what part of the language teaching actually comes from culture. The reason for this is in the fact that defining culture emerges from the limits of SLA, and the definitions of culture created within social theories are numerous and complex and just partly relevant for the teaching of L2. The paper outlines the main determinants of culture as a teaching content in teaching L2 and presents a possible model of teaching culture in CL2.
Modern Nyelvoktatás / Modern Language Education, 2019
Teaching Croatian as a second language to philology majors from foreign universities has a promin... more Teaching Croatian as a second language to philology majors from foreign universities has a prominent place within Croatian studies as a national philology since it takes Croatian studies beyond the national boundaries and their topics become accessible to scientists and experts from abroad. Croatian studies as a national philology in Croatia, either from the perspective of linguistic or language teaching subjects group, focuses on studying and teaching Croatian language from the perspective of native speakers (i.e. Croatian viewed as a first language). Furthermore, most scientific research projects related to Croatian studies rely mostly on a theoretical rather than applied research perspective. In spite of that, scientific research projects realized as a part of the mentioned discipline serve as the most common and most important resource for teaching Croatian as a second language.
This paper aims to portray the implicit influence of Croatian studies as a national philology on teaching Croatian as a second language, at the same time influencing the formation of the so-called philological approach to Croatian language teaching that underpins teaching methods at Croaticum – Center for Croatian as a second and foreign language. The majority of contemporary approaches to second language teaching relies on applied linguistics (Ellis and Shintani 2014, Loewen 2015) and it starts from actual, communicative needs of students who are the target group for the mentioned second language learning program. In another words, contemporary approaches to second language teaching are mostly oriented towards creating conditions for facilitating everyday communication using the language at issue. In line with the mentioned tenet, they normally do not entail philological contents. In contrast, philological approach to teaching Croatian as a second language that is implemented at Croaticum and some other Croatian or Slavic studies abroad, entails and integrates philological and general cultural contents. In that way it contributes to the status of Croatian national philology within the contemporary international and interdisciplinary Croatian studies, Slavic studies, as well as generally speaking, the humanities.
Razvijanje pragmatičke kompetencije od velike je važnosti u nastavi inoga jezika budući da ona, u... more Razvijanje pragmatičke kompetencije od velike je važnosti u nastavi inoga jezika budući da ona, uz jezičnu i sociolingvističku, tvori komunikacijsku kompetenciju (ZEROJ 2005: 111; Jelaska 2005: 21), a njezina nedovoljna razvijenost izaziva nesporazume koji izravno negativno utječu na komunikaciju. Pragmatička kompetencija u hrvatskome kao inome jeziku (HIJ-u) opisana je na razinama jezične kompetencije B1 i B2 po ZEROJ-u (Nazalević Čučević 2013; Nazalević Čučević 2015), a još ne postoje istraživanja koja bi dala smjernice poučavanju pragmatičkih sadržaja u nastavi HIJ-a. Zbog toga je provedeno istraživanje među poučavateljima HIJ-a kojim su se istražila njihova iskustva u poučavanju različitih vrsta učenika HIJ-a pragmatičkim sadržajima te njihove vlastite prakse u oslovljavanju koje je bilo odabrano kao prototipan pragmatički sadržaj koji se u nastavi inoga jezika poučava od samoga početka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako su pragmatički sadržaji vrlo heterogeni te kako njihov izbor ovisi ne samo o jeziku i situaciji nego i o osobinama sudionika u komunikaciji te njihovim odnosima, što usložnjuje njihovo poučavanje. Istraživanje je također pokazalo kako različite skupine učenika HIJ-a zahtijevaju različit pristup poučavanju pragmatičkih sadržaja s obzirom na kontekst u kojem se poučavanje odvija. Specifičnom skupinom učenika HIJ-a pokazali su se govornici blisko srodnih slavenskih jezika čija pragmati-čka kompetencija uglavnom nije jednako razvijena kao i jezična, a tu je razliku potrebno prevladati pomno strukturiranim poučavanjem.
U ovome je poglavlju predstavljen okvir gramatičke kompetencije govornika hrvatskoga jezika na ra... more U ovome je poglavlju predstavljen okvir gramatičke kompetencije govornika hrvatskoga jezika na razini A2 potreban za ostvarivanje komunikacijskih ciljeva predviđenih za tu razinu, a u skladu s odrednicama definiranima ZEROJ-em koje su prilagođene za hrvatski jezik.
ravopisna ili ortografska kompetencija obuhvaća znanja i vještine primanja i proizvodnje simbola... more ravopisna ili ortografska kompetencija obuhvaća znanja i vještine primanja i proizvodnje simbola koji tvore pisane tekstove na nekome jeziku. Ta je kompetencija jedna od sastavnica jezične kompetencije. Jezična je pak kompetencija nužna za stjecanje komunikacijske kompetencije koja je glavni cilj nastave inoga jezika. U poglavlju se donosi opis pravopisne kompetencije u hrvatskome kao inome jeziku na razini A2 po ZEROJ-u.
Teaching verbal prefxation in the context of Croatian as a second language (CL2) has been receivi... more Teaching verbal prefxation in the context of Croatian as a second language (CL2) has been receiving an increasing amount of attention recently, and one of the questions which has come up has to do with the order in which verbal prefxation should be taught for the teaching to be more effective. To answer this question, this research, conducted among CL2 learners at the B2 and C1 levels of language profciency, tests the hypothesis that an understanding of the meaning of a verbal prefx is strongly supported by understanding the meaning of its cognate preposition and directly related to whether a verbal prefx co-occurs with its cognate preposition when a prefxed verb is used in a sentence. Based on the research results conclusions were drawn on the order in which the teaching of verbal prefxation in the CL2 classroom should progress.
Verbal prefixes play an important role in teaching Croatian as a second language (CL2) because th... more Verbal prefixes play an important role in teaching Croatian as a second language (CL2) because they facilitate acquisition of meaning for entire verb groups. Verbal prefixes in the Croatian language (CL) have already been researched (Belaj 2008; Šarić 2014), but not all of them have been described yet. Also, their role in CL2 teaching has still not received much scientific attention. The aim of this paper is to create the basis for the Croatian language teaching model of teaching prefixed verbs as a part of CL2 curriculum. Our primary claim is that the interpretation of the meaning (or meanings) of a verbal prefix, that (co)shapes the meaning of a prefixed verb, along with the frequency of the meaning or meanings of the prefix, is crucial for teaching prefixed verbs in C2L curriculum. Thus, the meaning that is more frequently represented in language would be given chronological and quantitative advantage in the CL2 curriculum. Prefixed verbs are often followed by a prepositional phrase headed by a preposition that is cognate to a verbal prefix (e.g. Upao je u jezero. ‘He fell into a lake.’). We aimed to investigate how this fact affects the acquisition of verbal prefixes. We presume that the acquisition of a prefix is more systematic if the verb is followed by a preposition cognate to the prefix, and, consequently, that the acquisition is less systematic if the verb is not followed by a cognate prefix. Students’ ability to infer meanings of the prefix u- ‘in’ and the prefix pro- ‘through’ was analyzed. The results of the research confirmed that the knowledge of the meaning of cognate prepositions represents the best support to learners in identifying and interpreting the meaning of the verbal prefix and of the prefixed verb itself. This proof represents a starting point for the development of a linguistic model for teaching the meanings of verbal prefixes in CL2. The development of such a model should also include results of corpus linguistics studies that show the representation and frequency of each meaning of each prefix in the language. Based on corpus data, CL2 teaching should give priority to the more frequent meanings of prefixes in chronological and quantitative terms.
Učenik je aktivan sudionik u vlastitome procesu učenja i kao takav treba snositi dio odgovornosti... more Učenik je aktivan sudionik u vlastitome procesu učenja i kao takav treba snositi dio odgovornosti za postizanje ishoda učenja. U članku je riječ o tome kako se teorija učeničke autonomije može primijeniti u nastavi hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika. Razvijanje autonomije učenja važno je iz dva glavna razloga: jedan je što su učenici s višim stupnjem autonomije uspješniji u učenju i ostvaruju bolje rezultate, a drugi je što se većina programa po kojima se poučava hrvatski kao ini jezik odlikuje malom, često nedovoljnom količinom nastavnih sati i zbog toga je razvijanje učeničke autonomije, poticanje učenika da preuzmu što više odgovornosti za vlastito učenje te njihovo osamostaljivanje vrlo važno za svakoga lektora koji poučava hrvatski kao ini jezik. U članku su izneseni u praksi provjereni modeli razvijanja učeničke autonomije u poučavanju hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika s posebnim osvrtom na pojedine jezične vještine. Budući da se mogućnosti za razvijanje autonomije i samoregulacije povećavaju kako se povećava stupanj ovladanosti hrvatskim kao inim jezikom, pokazana je i progresija razvijanja stupnja autonomije s obzirom na stupanj ovladanosti hrvatskim jezikom.
Learners are active participants in their own learning process and as such must bear part of the responsibility for the achievement of the outcomes of learning. For that reason, different aspects (cognitive, affective and behavioural) of self-regulated learning are under intensive research. Despite the fact that there is no single definition of self-regulated learning, most authors understand it as a “systematic process which includes setting up personal goals and directing one's behaviour towards the achievement of those goals” (Lončarić 2014). The article will discuss how the theory of self-regulated learning (Sorić 2014, Lončarić 2014) and the learners' autonomy can be applied in teaching Croatian as a foreign language. The development of self-regulated learning is important for two reasons: one is that learners with a higher degree of self-regulation are more successful in learning and achieve better results, and the other that the majority of programmes followed in teaching Croatian as a foreign language is characterized by a small, frequently insufficient number of classes, hence helping the learners become more independent, developing their autonomy, and encouraging them to assume more responsibility for their own learning is very important for any language instructor teaching Croatian as a foreign language. The article presents models, validated in practice, of developing the learners' autonomy and self-regulated learning in teaching Croatian as a foreign language, with special emphasis on certain language skills. Progression in the development of the degree of self-regulation is shown with regard to the degree of command of the Croatian language, inasmuch as the possibilities for the development of autonomy and self-regulation increase with the increased degree of command of Croatian as a foreign language.
Poučavanje studenata filoloških studijskih grupa sa stranih sveučilišta hrvatskomu kao inomu jezi... more Poučavanje studenata filoloških studijskih grupa sa stranih sveučilišta hrvatskomu kao inomu jeziku ima svoje mjesto u kroatistici kao nacionalnoj filologiji jer hrvatsku kroatistiku otvara prema inozemstvu i približava njezine sadržaje inozemnim stručnjacima i znanstvenicima. Premda je kroatistika kao nacionalna filologija, bilo da je riječ o jezi-koslovnoj bilo da je riječ o metodičkoj grupi predmeta, pretežito orijentirana na proučavanje i poučavanje hrvatskoga jezika iz perspektive izvornih govornika (dakle hrvatskoga kao prvoga jezika) i premda većina kroatističkih znanstvenih istraživanja ima više teorijski nego primijenjeni karakter, znanstvena istraživanja provedena u njezinu okrilju služe kao najvažniji i najzastupljeniji resurs u poučavanju hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika. U radu će biti prikazano na koji način kroatistika kao nacionalna filologija implicitno utječe na poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika posredno sudjelujući u oblikovanju takozvanoga filološkoga pristupa njegovu poučavanju koji se provodi na Croaticumu - Centru za hrvatski kao drugi i strani jezik. Većina suvremenih pristupa poučavanju inoga jezika ima uporište u primijenjenoj lingvistici (Ellis i Shintani 2014, Loewen 2015) i polazi od konkretnih komunikacijskih potreba studenata kojima je namijenjen program za učenje inoga jezika. To znači da su suvremeni pristupi poučavanju inoga jezika orijentirani uglavnom na stvaranje preduvjeta za ostvarivanje praktične komunikacije na tome jeziku te u skladu s time uglavnom ne obuhvaćaju filološke sadržaje. Za razliku od toga filološki pristup poučavanju hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, koji se provodi na Croaticumu i na pojedinim inozemnim kroatističkim i slavističkim studijima, obuhvaća i integrira filološke i šire kulturne sadržaje i na taj način pridonosi pozicioniranju hrvatske nacionalne filologije u suvremenoj internacionalnoj i interdisciplinarnoj kroatistici, slavistici i, najšire shvaćeno, humanistici.
Ključne riječi: hrvatski kao ini jezik, poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, filološki pristup
Papers by Sanda Lucija Udier
Professors of Croatian as a second language (CL2), as well as their students, most likely would in large part agree with the statement that in the teaching of CL2 it is important to integrate Croatian cultural content, however it can be presumed that their opinions would differ when determining which cultural content should be taught in language instruction, and in what way. It is necessary to explore these differences so that instructors have data about the affinities, interests and needs of their students so that they can adapt their lesson content and teaching method to these needs. In this report the results of a survey about the desirability of different Croatian cultural content which can be taught in the instruction of CL2 will be presented. The research was conducted on a sample of 161 participants in the semester course of the CL2 at Croaticum – Centre for Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language in the academic year of 2019/2020 (on subjects with CL2 levels of proficiency ranging from A2 to C1 with differing first languages and from different countries), as well as a sample of 30 lecturers of CL2 working at courses in Croatia and abroad. The results were processed with the quantitative method, and their comparison will illustrate the attitudes of students and teachers about different Croatian cultural content in language instruction. It will be demonstrated which Croatian cultural content students of CL2 language consider important and wish to learn, as well as which Croatian cultural content professors of CL2 consider important and wish to teach. The results will allow professors of CL2 to (1) gain insight into the attitudes of their students and colleagues and compare them with their own attitudes and (2) adapt the Croatian cultural lesson content to the needs and interests of their students.
Teaching Croatian as a foreign language (CFL) significantly differs from the teaching of Croatian as a first language, and the differences arise from the fact that it is intened for different recipients, and that it most often takes place in substantially different contexts. This dissimilarity is largely reflected in the choice of learning materials in the approach to teaching and the progression of teaching, most notably in distinguishing what is considered crucial in teaching from what is considered minor. This paper presents the distribution of teaching materials in terms of those which are considered crucial in the teaching of CFL, and those which are considered minor. Crucial content is considered to be anything that encourages the development of communication competence, i.e. productive grammar, the semantics of grammatical forms, the lexicon of different styles and registers which are involved in everyday communication, as well as paralinguistic content, while minor content is considered to be standardized-prescriptivist questions and disputes, accentuation (except regarding the place of stress), as well as everything that requires the introduction of the metalevel in the teaching of language. In addition to that it is important to bear in mind that this is not a matter of "either ... or", but rather a gradient distribution along a scale, which largely depends on the degree of linguistic competence at which the teaching takes place, the context of instruction, and the purpose for which CFL is studied. This means that the assessment of whether instructional content is crucial or minor in teaching is made on the basis of the different circumstances in which the teaching takes place – for example whether it is an academic program or course, whether general language or a specialized type of language is being taught, whether the teaching takes place in a program with a large number of lessons or a few, what level of linguistic competence is involved, whether the teachers are with linguistically homogenous or heterogenous groups of learners, what are the learning outcomes, and so on. In comparison with teaching Croatian as a first language, the teaching of CFL is very different and the approach to its instruction is specific, and therefore requires special training and specialization.
Enklitike ili zanaglasnice nenaglašeni su padežni oblici osobnih zamjenica, povratne zamjenice se, upitne čestice li te nenaglašeni prezentski oblici pomoćnih glagola biti i htjeti. One nemaju vlastiti naglasak već svoj naglasak ostvaruju unutar naglasne cjeline naslanjajući se na naglašenu riječ. Zbog toga ne mogu stajati samostalno ili na prvome mjestu u rečenici. Kad ih je više, pojavljuju se u gramatički strogo zadanome poretku od kojega nema odstupanja. Redoslijed i položaj enklitika pripada najteže ovladivim segmentima hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika te zbog toga zahtijeva veliku pažnju u procesu poučavanja, pri čemu jednaku važnost treba posvećivati redoslijedu enklitika kao i položaju enklitika i enklitičkih skupova unutar jednostavne i složene rečenice. Kako bi učenici HIJ-a njima što bolje ovladali, enklitike trebaju biti obrađene i uvježbane u nastavi na morfološkoj, sintaktičkoj, prozodijskoj i funkcionalnostilskoj razini.
Ključne riječi: hrvatski kao ini (drugi i strani jezik), poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, komunikacijsko-gramatičko-semantički pristup
Grammatical categories are classes into which words are divided according to their derivation or function. The more related certain languages are, the fewer are the categories that exist in only one of them. Thus grammatical categories in Slavic languages coincide almost completely, while their categorical forms are realized coincide to a high degree. The situation becomes more complex when one tries to learn a language that is more distant in terms of relatedness. It is important for teachers to be aware of the difficulties that may occur in the process of language acquisition owing to the differences in grammatical categories. The paper presents possible difficulties that speakers of certain languages encounter when learning Croatian as a second language, determined by the differences in grammatical categories between their first language and the Croatian language, while also presenting ways to reduce and overcome those difficulties, rendering learning more efficient.
Verbale Präfigierung in slawischen Sprachen ist ein wichtiges linguistisches Thema, das auch den Sprachunterricht betrifft. Im Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht (CL2) haben die Lehrer bisher zwei Ansätze angewendet, wenn es um verbale Präfigierung geht- Verben im Kontext und den lexikalischen Präfix-zentrierten Ansatz. Der dritte Ansatz, der auf Beschreibungen der Bedeutungen von Verbalpräfixen beruht, und ist innerhalb der kognitiven linguistisch- theoretischen Rahmen entwickelt worden, wurde niemals im tatsächlichen Unterricht überprüft. Der kognitive Ansatz betont den semantischen Beitrag eines Präfixes in einem vorher festgelegten Verb und präsentiert die Gebräuche eines verbalen Präfixes mit unterschiedlichen Verben als semantisch motiviert. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes erscheint die verbale Präfigierung als ein systematischer Prozess und ermöglicht eine leichtere Einprägung. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Studie, die eigentlich eine Hypothese testet, dass das Unterrichten der verbalen Präfigierung mittels des kognitiv- linguistischen Ansatzes effektiver ist als der lexikalische Präfix-zentrierte Ansatz. Dies ist die erste empirische Forschung über die Wirksamkeit des kognitiven Ansatzes in Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht.
Teaching the culture of the country in which a certain language is spoken is an integral part of the programs for teaching that language as a second and foreign language, as one of the objectives of teaching a foreign language is to develop intercultural competence, on which there is extensive language education literature (cf. Deardorf 2006, Novak Milić 2006) and on which research has also been conducted with regard to Croatian as a second and foreign language (Novak Milić and Gulešić Machata 2006). For the majority of teachers, teaching the culture represents even more of a challenge than teaching the language, and the cause thereof lies in the type of their education, which is most frequently of philological or linguistic and pedagogical nature, as well as in the fact that culture teaching models are in principle more poorly developed than language teaching models, with teachers being able to rely on professional literature considerably less when it comes to teaching the culture than when it comes to teaching the language. Another difficulty is posed by the complexity of the term culture and the abundance of facts making up a given culture, among which it is difficult to make a selection appropriate to be taught in language classes. The paper discusses teaching culture in the classes of Croatian as a second and foreign language (CL2) in view of the distinction between everyday and academic culture. As the teaching of every day culture has been described and covered better in literature to date (Novak Milić 2014, 2016 and 2017), this paper lays emphasis on the teaching of academic culture, which is yet to be established in the curricula for teaching CL2, in scientific papers, handbooks and textbooks.
In the contemporary SLA context, it is not necessary to try to prove that teaching the language also requires teaching of the culture of the country in which that language is spoken. Standards on which language textbooks are based, require that culture is an integral component of teaching content. Textbooks for the teaching of Croatian as a second language (CL2) are not excluded from that, and the teaching of culture in CL2 has also gained its scientific reflection. However, few language teachers could answer the question, what part of the language teaching actually comes from culture. The reason for this is in the fact that defining culture emerges from the limits of SLA, and the definitions of culture created within social theories are numerous and complex and just partly relevant for the teaching of L2. The paper outlines the main determinants of culture as a teaching content in teaching L2 and presents a possible model of teaching culture in CL2.
This paper aims to portray the implicit influence of Croatian studies as a national philology on teaching Croatian as a second language, at the same time influencing the formation of the so-called philological approach to Croatian language teaching that underpins teaching methods at Croaticum – Center for Croatian as a second and foreign language. The majority of contemporary approaches to second language teaching relies on applied linguistics (Ellis and Shintani 2014, Loewen 2015) and it starts from actual, communicative needs of students who are the target group for the mentioned second language learning program. In another words, contemporary approaches to second language teaching are mostly oriented towards creating conditions for facilitating everyday communication using the language at issue. In line with the mentioned tenet, they normally do not entail philological contents. In contrast, philological approach to teaching Croatian as a second language that is implemented at Croaticum and some other Croatian or Slavic studies abroad, entails and integrates philological and general cultural contents. In that way it contributes to the status of Croatian national philology within the contemporary international and interdisciplinary Croatian studies, Slavic studies, as well as generally speaking, the humanities.
Learners are active participants in their own learning process and as such must bear part of the responsibility for the achievement of the outcomes of learning. For that reason, different aspects (cognitive, affective and behavioural) of self-regulated learning are under intensive research. Despite the fact that there is no single definition of self-regulated learning, most authors understand it as a “systematic process which includes setting up personal goals and directing one's behaviour towards the achievement of those goals” (Lončarić 2014). The article will discuss how the theory of self-regulated learning (Sorić 2014, Lončarić 2014) and the learners' autonomy can be applied in teaching Croatian as a foreign language. The development of self-regulated learning is important for two reasons: one is that learners with a higher degree of self-regulation are more successful in learning and achieve better results, and the other that the majority of programmes followed in teaching Croatian as a foreign language is characterized by a small, frequently insufficient number of classes, hence helping the learners become more independent, developing their autonomy, and encouraging them to assume more responsibility for their own learning is very important for any language instructor teaching Croatian as a foreign language. The article presents models, validated in practice, of developing the learners' autonomy and self-regulated learning in teaching Croatian as a foreign language, with special emphasis on certain language skills. Progression in the development of the degree of self-regulation is shown with regard to the degree of command of the Croatian language, inasmuch as the possibilities for the development of autonomy and self-regulation increase with the increased degree of command of Croatian as a foreign language.
Ključne riječi: hrvatski kao ini jezik, poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, filološki pristup
Professors of Croatian as a second language (CL2), as well as their students, most likely would in large part agree with the statement that in the teaching of CL2 it is important to integrate Croatian cultural content, however it can be presumed that their opinions would differ when determining which cultural content should be taught in language instruction, and in what way. It is necessary to explore these differences so that instructors have data about the affinities, interests and needs of their students so that they can adapt their lesson content and teaching method to these needs. In this report the results of a survey about the desirability of different Croatian cultural content which can be taught in the instruction of CL2 will be presented. The research was conducted on a sample of 161 participants in the semester course of the CL2 at Croaticum – Centre for Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language in the academic year of 2019/2020 (on subjects with CL2 levels of proficiency ranging from A2 to C1 with differing first languages and from different countries), as well as a sample of 30 lecturers of CL2 working at courses in Croatia and abroad. The results were processed with the quantitative method, and their comparison will illustrate the attitudes of students and teachers about different Croatian cultural content in language instruction. It will be demonstrated which Croatian cultural content students of CL2 language consider important and wish to learn, as well as which Croatian cultural content professors of CL2 consider important and wish to teach. The results will allow professors of CL2 to (1) gain insight into the attitudes of their students and colleagues and compare them with their own attitudes and (2) adapt the Croatian cultural lesson content to the needs and interests of their students.
Teaching Croatian as a foreign language (CFL) significantly differs from the teaching of Croatian as a first language, and the differences arise from the fact that it is intened for different recipients, and that it most often takes place in substantially different contexts. This dissimilarity is largely reflected in the choice of learning materials in the approach to teaching and the progression of teaching, most notably in distinguishing what is considered crucial in teaching from what is considered minor. This paper presents the distribution of teaching materials in terms of those which are considered crucial in the teaching of CFL, and those which are considered minor. Crucial content is considered to be anything that encourages the development of communication competence, i.e. productive grammar, the semantics of grammatical forms, the lexicon of different styles and registers which are involved in everyday communication, as well as paralinguistic content, while minor content is considered to be standardized-prescriptivist questions and disputes, accentuation (except regarding the place of stress), as well as everything that requires the introduction of the metalevel in the teaching of language. In addition to that it is important to bear in mind that this is not a matter of "either ... or", but rather a gradient distribution along a scale, which largely depends on the degree of linguistic competence at which the teaching takes place, the context of instruction, and the purpose for which CFL is studied. This means that the assessment of whether instructional content is crucial or minor in teaching is made on the basis of the different circumstances in which the teaching takes place – for example whether it is an academic program or course, whether general language or a specialized type of language is being taught, whether the teaching takes place in a program with a large number of lessons or a few, what level of linguistic competence is involved, whether the teachers are with linguistically homogenous or heterogenous groups of learners, what are the learning outcomes, and so on. In comparison with teaching Croatian as a first language, the teaching of CFL is very different and the approach to its instruction is specific, and therefore requires special training and specialization.
Enklitike ili zanaglasnice nenaglašeni su padežni oblici osobnih zamjenica, povratne zamjenice se, upitne čestice li te nenaglašeni prezentski oblici pomoćnih glagola biti i htjeti. One nemaju vlastiti naglasak već svoj naglasak ostvaruju unutar naglasne cjeline naslanjajući se na naglašenu riječ. Zbog toga ne mogu stajati samostalno ili na prvome mjestu u rečenici. Kad ih je više, pojavljuju se u gramatički strogo zadanome poretku od kojega nema odstupanja. Redoslijed i položaj enklitika pripada najteže ovladivim segmentima hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika te zbog toga zahtijeva veliku pažnju u procesu poučavanja, pri čemu jednaku važnost treba posvećivati redoslijedu enklitika kao i položaju enklitika i enklitičkih skupova unutar jednostavne i složene rečenice. Kako bi učenici HIJ-a njima što bolje ovladali, enklitike trebaju biti obrađene i uvježbane u nastavi na morfološkoj, sintaktičkoj, prozodijskoj i funkcionalnostilskoj razini.
Ključne riječi: hrvatski kao ini (drugi i strani jezik), poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, komunikacijsko-gramatičko-semantički pristup
Grammatical categories are classes into which words are divided according to their derivation or function. The more related certain languages are, the fewer are the categories that exist in only one of them. Thus grammatical categories in Slavic languages coincide almost completely, while their categorical forms are realized coincide to a high degree. The situation becomes more complex when one tries to learn a language that is more distant in terms of relatedness. It is important for teachers to be aware of the difficulties that may occur in the process of language acquisition owing to the differences in grammatical categories. The paper presents possible difficulties that speakers of certain languages encounter when learning Croatian as a second language, determined by the differences in grammatical categories between their first language and the Croatian language, while also presenting ways to reduce and overcome those difficulties, rendering learning more efficient.
Verbale Präfigierung in slawischen Sprachen ist ein wichtiges linguistisches Thema, das auch den Sprachunterricht betrifft. Im Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht (CL2) haben die Lehrer bisher zwei Ansätze angewendet, wenn es um verbale Präfigierung geht- Verben im Kontext und den lexikalischen Präfix-zentrierten Ansatz. Der dritte Ansatz, der auf Beschreibungen der Bedeutungen von Verbalpräfixen beruht, und ist innerhalb der kognitiven linguistisch- theoretischen Rahmen entwickelt worden, wurde niemals im tatsächlichen Unterricht überprüft. Der kognitive Ansatz betont den semantischen Beitrag eines Präfixes in einem vorher festgelegten Verb und präsentiert die Gebräuche eines verbalen Präfixes mit unterschiedlichen Verben als semantisch motiviert. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes erscheint die verbale Präfigierung als ein systematischer Prozess und ermöglicht eine leichtere Einprägung. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Studie, die eigentlich eine Hypothese testet, dass das Unterrichten der verbalen Präfigierung mittels des kognitiv- linguistischen Ansatzes effektiver ist als der lexikalische Präfix-zentrierte Ansatz. Dies ist die erste empirische Forschung über die Wirksamkeit des kognitiven Ansatzes in Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht.
Teaching the culture of the country in which a certain language is spoken is an integral part of the programs for teaching that language as a second and foreign language, as one of the objectives of teaching a foreign language is to develop intercultural competence, on which there is extensive language education literature (cf. Deardorf 2006, Novak Milić 2006) and on which research has also been conducted with regard to Croatian as a second and foreign language (Novak Milić and Gulešić Machata 2006). For the majority of teachers, teaching the culture represents even more of a challenge than teaching the language, and the cause thereof lies in the type of their education, which is most frequently of philological or linguistic and pedagogical nature, as well as in the fact that culture teaching models are in principle more poorly developed than language teaching models, with teachers being able to rely on professional literature considerably less when it comes to teaching the culture than when it comes to teaching the language. Another difficulty is posed by the complexity of the term culture and the abundance of facts making up a given culture, among which it is difficult to make a selection appropriate to be taught in language classes. The paper discusses teaching culture in the classes of Croatian as a second and foreign language (CL2) in view of the distinction between everyday and academic culture. As the teaching of every day culture has been described and covered better in literature to date (Novak Milić 2014, 2016 and 2017), this paper lays emphasis on the teaching of academic culture, which is yet to be established in the curricula for teaching CL2, in scientific papers, handbooks and textbooks.
In the contemporary SLA context, it is not necessary to try to prove that teaching the language also requires teaching of the culture of the country in which that language is spoken. Standards on which language textbooks are based, require that culture is an integral component of teaching content. Textbooks for the teaching of Croatian as a second language (CL2) are not excluded from that, and the teaching of culture in CL2 has also gained its scientific reflection. However, few language teachers could answer the question, what part of the language teaching actually comes from culture. The reason for this is in the fact that defining culture emerges from the limits of SLA, and the definitions of culture created within social theories are numerous and complex and just partly relevant for the teaching of L2. The paper outlines the main determinants of culture as a teaching content in teaching L2 and presents a possible model of teaching culture in CL2.
This paper aims to portray the implicit influence of Croatian studies as a national philology on teaching Croatian as a second language, at the same time influencing the formation of the so-called philological approach to Croatian language teaching that underpins teaching methods at Croaticum – Center for Croatian as a second and foreign language. The majority of contemporary approaches to second language teaching relies on applied linguistics (Ellis and Shintani 2014, Loewen 2015) and it starts from actual, communicative needs of students who are the target group for the mentioned second language learning program. In another words, contemporary approaches to second language teaching are mostly oriented towards creating conditions for facilitating everyday communication using the language at issue. In line with the mentioned tenet, they normally do not entail philological contents. In contrast, philological approach to teaching Croatian as a second language that is implemented at Croaticum and some other Croatian or Slavic studies abroad, entails and integrates philological and general cultural contents. In that way it contributes to the status of Croatian national philology within the contemporary international and interdisciplinary Croatian studies, Slavic studies, as well as generally speaking, the humanities.
Learners are active participants in their own learning process and as such must bear part of the responsibility for the achievement of the outcomes of learning. For that reason, different aspects (cognitive, affective and behavioural) of self-regulated learning are under intensive research. Despite the fact that there is no single definition of self-regulated learning, most authors understand it as a “systematic process which includes setting up personal goals and directing one's behaviour towards the achievement of those goals” (Lončarić 2014). The article will discuss how the theory of self-regulated learning (Sorić 2014, Lončarić 2014) and the learners' autonomy can be applied in teaching Croatian as a foreign language. The development of self-regulated learning is important for two reasons: one is that learners with a higher degree of self-regulation are more successful in learning and achieve better results, and the other that the majority of programmes followed in teaching Croatian as a foreign language is characterized by a small, frequently insufficient number of classes, hence helping the learners become more independent, developing their autonomy, and encouraging them to assume more responsibility for their own learning is very important for any language instructor teaching Croatian as a foreign language. The article presents models, validated in practice, of developing the learners' autonomy and self-regulated learning in teaching Croatian as a foreign language, with special emphasis on certain language skills. Progression in the development of the degree of self-regulation is shown with regard to the degree of command of the Croatian language, inasmuch as the possibilities for the development of autonomy and self-regulation increase with the increased degree of command of Croatian as a foreign language.
Ključne riječi: hrvatski kao ini jezik, poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, filološki pristup