Books by Darko Matovac
U prvome dijelu knjige donose se osnovne teorijske postavke o kategoriji prijedloga. Taj dio utem... more U prvome dijelu knjige donose se osnovne teorijske postavke o kategoriji prijedloga. Taj dio utemeljen je na više ili manje tradicionalnim lingvističkim pristupima te se tu prijedlozi određuju u odnosu na druge vrste adpozicija, ali i u odnosu na druge vrste riječi i u odnosu na druge tzv. funkcionalne jezične jedinice (ponajprije u odnosu na padeže). Govori se i o funkciji te sintaktičkim osobinama prijedloga, o podijeli prijedloga s obzirom na njihovu morfološku složenost, a posebna se pozornost usmjerava i na proces gramatikalizacije prijedloga. Drugi dio knjige posvećen je pružanju uvida u osnovne teorijske postavke o značenju prijedloga. Upućuje se na tradicionalne pristupe opisu značenja prijedloga, a veći dio posvećen je obrazlaganju teorijskog i metodološkog okvira na temelju kojega se prijedlozima pristupa u središnjem dijelu knjige, a to je kognitivna lingvistika ili, točnije rečeno, kognitivna semantika. Daje se pregled osnovnih postavki kognitivne lingvistike o značenju i njegovoj ulozi u jeziku, daje se pregled teorije značenjskih mreža, upućuje se na problematiku određivanja prototipnog značenja pojedinog prijedloga i problematiku određivanja ukupnog broja značenja koja čine značenjsku mrežu pojedinog prijedloga te se raspravlja detaljnije o ulozi prostora u značenjski utemeljenom opisu prijedloga. Središnji dio knjige bavi se opisom prijedloga u hrvatskom jeziku te je posvećen značenjskoj analizi prijedloga po, s, iz, bez, do i o te orijentacijskih prijedloga pod, nad, pred i za, a s naglaskom na uspostavi visokoshematičnih prostorno uvjetovanih značenja inherentnih svim specifičnijim upotrebnim ostvarajima.
Book Chapters by Darko Matovac
Langauge in Research and Teaching: Proceedings from the CALS Conference 2016, 2018
Verbal prefixation in Slavic languages is an important linguistic and language teaching topic. Te... more Verbal prefixation in Slavic languages is an important linguistic and language teaching topic. Teachers of Croatian as a second language (CL2) so far have applied two approaches when teaching verbal prefixation – verbs in context (VC) approach and lexical prefix- centric (LPC) approach. A third approach, which is based on descriptions of the meanings of verbal prefixes developed within the cognitive linguistic theoretical framework, has been worked out at the theoretical level, but its efficiency has not yet been verified in real-life classroom situations. Cognitive linguistic (CL) approach emphasizes the semantic contribution of a prefix in a prefixed verb, and presents usages of a verbal prefix with different verbs as semantically motivated. By means of this approach, verbal prefixation appears as a systematic process, which consequently makes it easier to learn. This paper presents a research that tests the assumption that the teaching of verbal prefixation by means of a CL approach is more effective than by means of an LPC approach. This is the first empirical research on the effectiveness of the cognitive linguistics based approach in teaching CL2.
U ovome radu raspravlja se o značenjima glagolskog prefiksa s- u hrvatskom jeziku unutar kognitiv... more U ovome radu raspravlja se o značenjima glagolskog prefiksa s- u hrvatskom jeziku unutar kognitivnolingvističkih teorijskih okvira. Analiza glagola pronađenih u rječniku i upotreba tih glagola potvrđenih u korpusu pokazuju da se glagoli tvoreni tim prefiksom mogu podijeliti u nekoliko značenjskih skupina, a koje se sve mogu objediniti ishodišnom prostornom predodžbenom shemom vertikalnog kretanja usmjerenog prema dolje. Osnovni je cilj rada pokazati na koji se način naizgled različita značenja glagolskog prefiksa s-, posebice ona koja nisu prostorne naravi, međusobno preklapaju te na koji su način povezana s ishodišnim prostornim značenjem tog prefiksa.
Papers by Darko Matovac
Language in research and teaching: Proceedings from the CALS conference 2016., 2019
Verbal prefixation in Slavic languages is an important linguistic and language teaching topic. Te... more Verbal prefixation in Slavic languages is an important linguistic and language teaching topic. Teachers of Croatian as a second language (CL2) so far have applied two approaches when teaching verbal prefixation – verbs in context (VC) approach and lexical prefix-centric (LPC) approach. A third approach, which is based on descriptions of the meanings of verbal prefixes developed within the cognitive linguistic theoretical framework, has been worked out at the theoretical level, but its efficiency has not yet been verified in real-life classroom situations. Cognitive linguistic (CL) approach emphasizes the semantic contribution of a prefix in a prefixed verb, and presents usages of a verbal prefix with different verbs as semantically motivated. By means of this approach, verbal prefixation appears as a systematic process, which consequently makes it easier to learn. This paper presents a research that tests the presumption that the teaching of verbal prefixation by means of a CL approach is more effective than by means of an LPC approach. This is the first empirical research on the effectiveness of the cognitive linguistics based approach in teaching CL2.
Verbale Präfigierung in slawischen Sprachen ist ein wichtiges linguistisches Thema, das auch den Sprachunterricht betrifft. Im Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht (CL2) haben die Lehrer bisher zwei Ansätze angewendet, wenn es um verbale Präfigierung geht- Verben im Kontext und den lexikalischen Präfix-zentrierten Ansatz. Der dritte Ansatz, der auf Beschreibungen der Bedeutungen von Verbalpräfixen beruht, und ist innerhalb der kognitiven linguistisch- theoretischen Rahmen entwickelt worden, wurde niemals im tatsächlichen Unterricht überprüft. Der kognitive Ansatz betont den semantischen Beitrag eines Präfixes in einem vorher festgelegten Verb und präsentiert die Gebräuche eines verbalen Präfixes mit unterschiedlichen Verben als semantisch motiviert. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes erscheint die verbale Präfigierung als ein systematischer Prozess und ermöglicht eine leichtere Einprägung. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Studie, die eigentlich eine Hypothese testet, dass das Unterrichten der verbalen Präfigierung mittels des kognitiv- linguistischen Ansatzes effektiver ist als der lexikalische Präfix-zentrierte Ansatz. Dies ist die erste empirische Forschung über die Wirksamkeit des kognitiven Ansatzes in Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht.
Visnyk of Lviv University, Series Philology, 2018
U gramatičkim priručnicima navodi se da u hrvatskome jeziku postoji manji broj adpozicija koje se... more U gramatičkim priručnicima navodi se da u hrvatskome jeziku postoji manji broj adpozicija koje se mogu naći i iza imenske riječi s kojom čine adpozicijski izraz te da se takve adpozicije nazivaju poslijelozi (postpozicije). Opis tih adpozicija, međutim, nije dovoljno iscrpan, čak ni sam naziv poslijelozi nije dovoljno precizan. U ovome se radu te adpozicije određuje preciznije, proučava se je li njihov broj veći nego što se navodi u gramatičkim priručnicima te se utvrđuje postoji li razlika u njihovoj preponiranoj i postoniranoj upotrebi u odnosu na padežno slaganje. Razmatra se kako se dobiveni podatci uklapaju u opću sliku gramatikalizacije adpozicija u hrvatskome jeziku.
U radu se raspravlja o glagolima kretanja prefigiranim prefiksom po-. Slijedeći kognitivnolingvis... more U radu se raspravlja o glagolima kretanja prefigiranim prefiksom po-. Slijedeći kognitivnolingvističke teorijske postavke te uzimajući u obzir rezultate pretraživanja korpusa, pokušava se dokazati da su svi glagoli kretanja prefigirani prefiksom po- međusobno povezani te da svi na neki način elaboriraju predodžbenu shemu puta i površine. Ta predodžbena shema zajednička je prefiksu po- i prijedlogu po. Pozornost se posvećuje različitim tipovima glagola kretanja, posebice glagolima usmjerena kretnja koji prefigirani prefiksom po- zadobivaju ingresivno značenje.
Teaching verbal prefxation in the context of Croatian as a second language (CL2) has been receivi... more Teaching verbal prefxation in the context of Croatian as a second language (CL2) has been receiving an increasing amount of attention recently, and one of the questions which has come up has to do with the order in which verbal prefxation should be taught for the teaching to be more effective. To answer this question, this research, conducted among CL2 learners at the B2 and C1 levels of language profciency, tests the hypothesis that an understanding of the meaning of a verbal prefx is strongly supported by understanding the meaning of its cognate preposition and directly related to whether a verbal prefx co-occurs with its cognate preposition when a prefxed verb is used in a sentence. Based on the research results conclusions were drawn on the order in which the teaching of verbal prefxation in the CL2 classroom should progress.
U radu se opisuju i analiziraju upotrebe prijedloga mimo u hrvatskom jeziku – jedinog prijedloga ... more U radu se opisuju i analiziraju upotrebe prijedloga mimo u hrvatskom jeziku – jedinog prijedloga prostornog značenja koji se etimološki veže uz glagol. Cilj je rada izložiti na značenje usmjeren opis upotrebe tog prijedloga, a što podra- zumijeva opisivanje primarnog prostornog značenja te uočavanje načina na koji je to primarno prostorno značenje motiviralo ostale upotrebe – prostorne i neprostorne. Teorijski pristup rada je kognitivnolingvistički, a izložena anali- za te zaključci temelje se na interpretaciji primjera prikupljenih pretraživa- njem korpusa. Uz informacije o prijedložnoj upotrebi, rad donosi informacije i o drugim upotrebama prostorne jezične jedinice mimo.
Modeli poučavanja značenja glagolskih prefikasa i prefigiranih glagola u nastavi hrvatskoga kao i... more Modeli poučavanja značenja glagolskih prefikasa i prefigiranih glagola u nastavi hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika U prvome dijelu rada raspravlja se o dvama postojećim modelima poučavanja značenja glagolskih prefiksa i prefigiranih glagola u nastavi hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika (HIJ) – o glagolocentričnom poučavanju po modelu glagoli u kontekstu te o prefiksocentričnom poučavanju po modelu prefiks po prefiks. Uz dobre strane postojećih modela uočavaju se, međutim, i njihovi nedostatci te se utvrđuje potreba za razvojem novoga modela poučavanja. U radu se predlaže model poučavanja teorijski utemeljen na opisima prefiksalnih značenja i procesa glagolske prefiksacije nastalima u okviru kognitivne lingvistike. Pretpostavlja se da će taj novoosmišljeni kognitivnolingvistički model zbog svoje konkretnosti, jednostavnosti, logičnosti, zornosti i primjenjivosti biti superioran prethodnim dvama modelima.
Ključne riječi: glagolski prefiksi; prefigirani glagoli; hrvatski kao ini jezik; glotodidaktika; kognitivnolingvističko poučavanje.
The present paper discusses the results of a vast survey conducted in Croatia, in which Croatian ... more The present paper discusses the results of a vast survey conducted in Croatia, in which Croatian proverbs were tested. The list of 105 proverbs included in the questionnaire was compiled in several steps and filtered according to previous research done in the field. The questionnaire was filled out by 867 informants from every major Croatian region, aged from 14 to 87. Although there are also different possibilities and methods to gather information about the familiarity and usage of proverbs, we opted to test the familiarity of proverbs by asking the informants to fill out the first logical half of it. The present paper therefore discusses the results of the survey analysed according to gender, age, and educational degree of the informants.
In Slavic languages indefinite determiners can have determining function of an indefinite article... more In Slavic languages indefinite determiners can have determining function of an indefinite article and therefore function as a grounding element within a nominal, a fact that is either neglected or misinterpreted within grammar books. This paper thus addresses an issue of article-like use of indefinite determiners in Slavic languages, with special emphasis on Croatian jedan and neki. Further attention is devoted to Bulgarian, Macedonian and Upper Sorbian, as those are the languages in which indefinite determiner developed from numeral ‘one' has been grammaticalized to the extent that it can be used as an indefinite article not only in indefinite specific, but in indefinite non-specific and, when it comes to Upper Sorbian, generic contexts as well. The paper focuses on different properties of the article-like use of indefinite determiners, e.g. their distribution or ability to combine with hierarchically lower means of grounding. These properties are consistent with the properties of indefinite articles in languages that have fully grammaticalized this grammatical category. The theoretical framework employed in this paper is that of functional-typological approaches to language and, to some extent, Cognitive Grammar.
The present paper discusses the results of a research on humour production and appreciation as ex... more The present paper discusses the results of a research on humour production and appreciation as exemplified in a collection of Croatian anti-proverbs. The goal of the research is to account for the preference of humour Croatian- speaking individuals deploy mostly while making up the anti-proverbs and how this humour is rated by the wider public. The research is a part of a broader research HumAn (Humour and Anti-proverbs) initiated by Aleksa Varga, Hrisztova-Gotthardt and T. Litovkina in 2008.
U ovome radu raspravlja se o mogućnostima primjene kognitivnolingvističkoga pristupa opisu prijed... more U ovome radu raspravlja se o mogućnostima primjene kognitivnolingvističkoga pristupa opisu prijedloga u okvirima poučavanja hrvatskoga kao stranoga jezika. U prvome dijelu rada opisuju se tradicionalni i kolokacijski pristup poučavanju prijedloga, uočavaju se njihovi nedostatci te se daje osvrt na malobrojnu postojeću literaturu koja se bavi tom problematikom. U središnjem dijelu rada sažimaju se temeljne pretpostavke na kojima kognitivna lingvistika temelji svoj pristup opisu prijedložnih značenja te se upućuje na moguće prednosti takvoga pristupa pri poučavanju upotrebe prijedloga u stranom jeziku. Teorijske pretpostavke oprimjeruju se opisom odabranih značenja prijedloga do. Radom se želi potaknuti razvoj novih promišljanja i suvremenih pristupa poučavanju hrvatskoga kao stranoga jezika.
This paper examines the semantics of preposition po in Croatian language within theoretical frame... more This paper examines the semantics of preposition po in Croatian language within theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics. Introductory part of the paper brings a short overview of theoretical assumptions and summarises previous findings on semantics of this preposition. Shortcomings of descriptions in contemporary grammars and dictionaries are identified and discussed. In the central part of the paper semantic network of preposition po is described – prototypical spatial meaning based on concepts of MOTION and SURFACE is identified and the ways in which the prototypical spatial meaning is related to other spatial meanings and meanings in non-spatial domains is elaborated. All interpretations are derived from extensive investigation of examples collected from on-line corpuses of Croatian language and research conducted among native speakers.
This paper presents list of old Croatian grammar books that are publicly, freely and fully access... more This paper presents list of old Croatian grammar books that are publicly, freely and fully accessible to browse, search and download on Google Books service. Goal of this paper is to encourage and ease further linguistic researches.
Prepositions are among the most frequent words in the languages that possess them, as Croatian do... more Prepositions are among the most frequent words in the languages that possess them, as Croatian does. In contrast to this fact, little attention is given to their descriptions in Croatian grammar books, only several pages, especially when it comes to pedagogical grammar books intended for usage in schools. In addition to that, the approaches to presenting the morphosyntactic and semantic properties of prepositions in the grammar books and dictionaries could be labelled as inconsistent and unsystematic. This is a major problem, especially when it comes to learning/teaching of Croatian as a second language. The present paper tries to address these issues and present a systematic and general overview of the prepositional system of the Croatian language
U radu se govori o individualnome poučavanju hrvatskoga kao stranoga jezika, tzv. poučavanju jeda... more U radu se govori o individualnome poučavanju hrvatskoga kao stranoga jezika, tzv. poučavanju jedan na jedan, koje je u literaturi najzanemarenije područje poučavanja stranoga jezika. Raspravlja se o prednostima i nedostatcima takvoga poučavanja, osobito u okvirima usustavljenoga školovanja, te o iskustvima koja proizlaze iz takvoga oblika poučavanja. Teorijskim su promišljanjima pridodana i osobna iskustva, a za potrebe rada provedeno je kratko istraživanje s polaznikom individualne nastave hrvatskoga kao stranoga jezika na visokoškolskoj razini. Time se uvidjelo koliko su teorijske pretpostavke o individualnom poučavanju uistinu primjenjive u praksi. Usustavljivanje postojećih i novih spoznaja može pomoći svima zainteresiranima.
Bosanskohercegovački slavistički kongres I: Zbornik radova, 2012
Insight into contemporary grammars of Croatian language makes evident that they do not have the s... more Insight into contemporary grammars of Croatian language makes evident that they do not have the same approach to the class of words called prepositions. In all grammars, prepositions are primarily defined on basis of their function, and only some grammars talk about the meaning of prepositions. In addition, only several grammars classify prepositions into groups/subsets according to their morphological complexity. Aforementioned grammars speak about pravi ‘real’ and nepravi ‘not real’ prepositions, tvorbeni ‘formed’ and netvorbeni ‘not formed’ prepositions or proizvedeni ‘produced’ and neproizvedeni ‘not produced’ prepositions. Basically, classifications are based on the same criteria, but those criteria are not clearly explained nor valued. Therefore, particular preposition can belong to different groups, differing from grammar to grammar. Also, number of prepositions belonging to Croatian language differs from one grammar to the other (archaism, prepositional phrases as prepositions). The aim of this paper is to present systematical list of prepositions in Croatian language which takes into account morphological complexity of prepositions and the nature of grammaticalization process which produces them.
This paper deals with one of the most numerous groups of loanwords in Croatian language the ones ... more This paper deals with one of the most numerous groups of loanwords in Croatian language the ones that are coming from or through Turkish language. Basic information on Croatian language that is given in the introductory part of the paper is followed by some historical facts and explanations of the somewhat problematic label turcizmi. Furthermore, three types of Turkish loanwords in Croatian language are discussed and exemplified. The first group consists of words that are part of standard language and that have no (valid) Croatian replacement. The second group consists of words that have to do with some aspect of Turkish and oriental reality. The third group consists of words that are not part of standard language but are actively used in regional idioms. The paper also deals with attitudes towards Turkish loanwords.
Sintaksa padeža: Zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Drugi hrvatski sintaktički dani, 2010
Beginning from the hypothesis that morphologically marked cases in flective languages do not repr... more Beginning from the hypothesis that morphologically marked cases in flective languages do not represent “semantically empty” categories but have inherent schematic meanings, this paper describes the schematic meaning of the dative case in Croatian using cognitive methodology. It also looks into the syntactic implications of such a semantic model. The specific meaning of dative in subjectless simple clauses such as Hladno mi je or Dosadno mi je, and parallel examples of the type Muka mi je or Spava mi se is dealt with. The paper will show that, in sentences of the first type, it is possible not to use a dative complement in paraphrases (Što se mene tiče, hladno je/dosadno je), while in sentences of the second type paraphrasing results in semantic shifts or unverified constructions (*Što se mene tiče, muka je/spava se). In accord with this, the authors will demonstrate that the conceptual division of the semantic role of the effector, in relation to internal/external opposition, is a crucial prerequisite for the presence or absence of a dative complement in such constructions.
Books by Darko Matovac
Book Chapters by Darko Matovac
Papers by Darko Matovac
Verbale Präfigierung in slawischen Sprachen ist ein wichtiges linguistisches Thema, das auch den Sprachunterricht betrifft. Im Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht (CL2) haben die Lehrer bisher zwei Ansätze angewendet, wenn es um verbale Präfigierung geht- Verben im Kontext und den lexikalischen Präfix-zentrierten Ansatz. Der dritte Ansatz, der auf Beschreibungen der Bedeutungen von Verbalpräfixen beruht, und ist innerhalb der kognitiven linguistisch- theoretischen Rahmen entwickelt worden, wurde niemals im tatsächlichen Unterricht überprüft. Der kognitive Ansatz betont den semantischen Beitrag eines Präfixes in einem vorher festgelegten Verb und präsentiert die Gebräuche eines verbalen Präfixes mit unterschiedlichen Verben als semantisch motiviert. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes erscheint die verbale Präfigierung als ein systematischer Prozess und ermöglicht eine leichtere Einprägung. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Studie, die eigentlich eine Hypothese testet, dass das Unterrichten der verbalen Präfigierung mittels des kognitiv- linguistischen Ansatzes effektiver ist als der lexikalische Präfix-zentrierte Ansatz. Dies ist die erste empirische Forschung über die Wirksamkeit des kognitiven Ansatzes in Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht.
Ključne riječi: glagolski prefiksi; prefigirani glagoli; hrvatski kao ini jezik; glotodidaktika; kognitivnolingvističko poučavanje.
Verbale Präfigierung in slawischen Sprachen ist ein wichtiges linguistisches Thema, das auch den Sprachunterricht betrifft. Im Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht (CL2) haben die Lehrer bisher zwei Ansätze angewendet, wenn es um verbale Präfigierung geht- Verben im Kontext und den lexikalischen Präfix-zentrierten Ansatz. Der dritte Ansatz, der auf Beschreibungen der Bedeutungen von Verbalpräfixen beruht, und ist innerhalb der kognitiven linguistisch- theoretischen Rahmen entwickelt worden, wurde niemals im tatsächlichen Unterricht überprüft. Der kognitive Ansatz betont den semantischen Beitrag eines Präfixes in einem vorher festgelegten Verb und präsentiert die Gebräuche eines verbalen Präfixes mit unterschiedlichen Verben als semantisch motiviert. Mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes erscheint die verbale Präfigierung als ein systematischer Prozess und ermöglicht eine leichtere Einprägung. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Studie, die eigentlich eine Hypothese testet, dass das Unterrichten der verbalen Präfigierung mittels des kognitiv- linguistischen Ansatzes effektiver ist als der lexikalische Präfix-zentrierte Ansatz. Dies ist die erste empirische Forschung über die Wirksamkeit des kognitiven Ansatzes in Kroatisch als Zweitsprache Unterricht.
Ključne riječi: glagolski prefiksi; prefigirani glagoli; hrvatski kao ini jezik; glotodidaktika; kognitivnolingvističko poučavanje.