UEB - The University of Economics in Bratislava
Department of Economic Policy
This paper examines changing regional patterns of energy and emission efficiency in the Slovak regions in the period of 2008-18. Firstly; we review literature on key approaches to evaluating energy and emission efficiency; followed by... more
There has been a lively discussion about measures of social welfare beyond GDP induced by Stiglitz Report (Stiglitz et al, 2009) which can be viewed as a summation of the earlier efforts to deal with those challenges. Environmental... more
The role of human capital for economic growth has been given a massive body of evidence up to the present, mostly employing parametric regression analysis. In this study, a non-parametric data envelopment analysis method is used to... more
Resumo: Este estudo trata da distribuição diatópica da ditongação diante de <S> em 22 cidades da Bahia, a partir do corpus do Atlas Linguístico do Brasil (ALiB). Foram observadas respostas a seis perguntas do Questionário... more
Recent discussions on the definition of growth in terms of welfare beyond GDP suggest that it is of urgent need to develop new approaches for measuring the economic performance of the firms and national economies. The new concepts should... more
This paper examines changing regional patterns of energy and emission efficiency in the Slovak regions in the period of 2008–18. Firstly; we review literature on key approaches to evaluating energy and emission efficiency; followed by... more
Growing interest in the analysis of interrelationships between income distribution and economic growth has recently stimulated new theoretical and empirical research. Measures such as the head-count ratio for the poverty index or the... more
The objective of the paper is to give a picture of the sources of economic growth in the V4 countries during the decade following their EU entry and to crosscheck the results obtained by parametric and non-parametric approaches. Growth... more
Non-parametric DEA models are widely used in empirical investigations in educational domain. We demonstrate the merits of this approach analysing OECD PIAAC 2012 test results. Employing the basic radial CCR model, we compute a DEA-based... more
In the current decade, the challenges in the sustainability of public finances associated with an aging population and the environment will be reflected in significant changes in the labor market. Knowing the determinants of labor supply... more
It has been increasingly often the case that the practice of economic policy will be facing a demand for meeting multiple, at times "incompatible" goals.
Recent developments in the political, scientific and economic debate on the topic of the project proposal in Area 2: "The impact of ecological sustainability on growth and employment is investigated, as it will have important... more
Recent developments in the political, scientific and economic debate on the topic of the project proposal in Area 2: "The impact of ecological sustainability on growth and employment is investigated, as it will have important... more
The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of measurement of economic well-being by the index of economic well-being for selected OECD countries. The report also outlines trends in the four domains of economic well-being that create... more