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How do i fix the issue of Invalid Bytecode, code: invalid argument when deploying?

I am building a dapp on Ethereum using hardhat and next.js() which utilises scaffold-eth-2. When I try to deploy my contracts I get the error processing, invalid bytecode bytecode: value, code=...
Aadil Ahmad's user avatar
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How do I remove Gas limit on Solidity Code

I am new at Solidity and Blockchain. I Have written this solidity code to send all NFTs in wallet. contract MultiERC721Transfer { // Mapping to keep track of approved contracts mapping(address ...
Daniel's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

Hello Everyone Here is my next js code actually I try to fetch the event data from smart contract but when I mapping the data this error is occur TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
Yasir Saeed's user avatar