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The most popular ways to scam on crypto EVM

I want to describe the methodologies in my bachelor's thesis, but I don't know what kind of crypto scams there are and which ones are used most effectively Thanks
Eligijus Girdenis's user avatar
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Have I lost my my wallet funds [duplicate]

So I transferred my eth from trust into but when I go back to it it shows my balance as 0.. my friend who is helping me on this journey has said as I didn’t put £500 in to start with it ...
Lee's user avatar
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How do I parse through transaction data to determine buys/mints/sells (wallet tracker)

Please take it easy on me, i'm new to coding and just trying to learn. I am trying to make a simple wallet tracker (when a specific address mints/buys/sells) it will notify me. Sounds easy, but i'm ...
oyxf's user avatar
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How to know that if my account wallet is on mainnet or testnet

Is there any way to detect account wallet is on mainnet or goerli testnet ?
GurbaniX's user avatar
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Hi guys i hope to get some help 🙏🏻 i am a begineer and i need some testnet ETH please some help

Eth need abehri ayoub please some help
Ayoub Abehri's user avatar
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Ordering transaction in Ethereum - Proof of Stake

I am trying to understand the "Block position" of these 2 transactions in the same block (16334594): Tx1 has a position in block of 3, while Tx2 has a position of 7 Tx2 (my transaction) has ...
Skid11's user avatar
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How can I make a transfer from wallet to wallet in Decentraland

I'm developing a small scene in Decentraland where I want to reward MANA for completing a mission. How can I make such a contract to transfer MANA to the player from my wallet right on the ...
Mr Eclipse's user avatar
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How to bridge eth from Arbitrum Rinkeby Layer2 to Ethereum Mainnet?

Does anyone know how to move eth from an Arbitrum Rinkeby Layer2 Network back to Ethereum Mainnet? I looked into Arbitrum Bridge but it doesn't support Arbitrum Rinkeby Network. Anyone know how I can ...
George Quentin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

transferFrom result in execution reverted: Insufficient allowance

I am trying to make working the transferFrom process. I follow the steps who are : approve(address spender, uint256 amount) -> returning 1 so it is working transferFrom(address sender, address ...
Tom L's user avatar
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1 answer

Transaction on etherscan vanished

Anyway i saw my transaction of eth on etherscan, thought looking good. so put laptop away for 10 minutes and waited for it to clear into my Metamask. After just 10 a 20 minutes went back and saw that ...
Carl's user avatar
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How to interact with private eth network with web3js

I am developing voting daap for institute and I want to interact with my private eth network. I can't use any testnet because accounts are limited there. I want around 5-6k accounts that's why I ...
Beluga's user avatar
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How a blockchain node provider works

When using a wallet such as Metamask that uses a blockchain node provider to connect you to the blockchain: Does the smart contract get mined to specifically that node and then the other update their ...
Adrian Achour's user avatar
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How to create a metamask address(custodial) for a user who can login with Gmail

I am trying to implement a dApp in which instead of asking users to create metamask account. I am thinking to create a Metamask address(Custodial) for each user when they login with Gmail and Private ...
aravind mandiga's user avatar
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How to call smart contract from different networks?

I have two ethereum private networks, each with a smart contract deployed. for example network.A and network.B Now how can smart contract of network.A calls smart contract functions of network.B?
upload upload's user avatar
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Setup passwort for Ethereum address transfers?

Is it possible to setup password for Ethereum address for security reason, so that any time i would like to transfer found i need to include transfer password? On web3 or any other script,...? So that ...
lepy's user avatar
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How much bandwidth is needed to synchronize Ethereum in fast sync mode?

I want to deploy an Ethereum client to become a full node. According to the hardware recommendation on the official website , I need CPU with 4 cores, 16GB of RAM, 500GB of SSD and 25MB/s of bandwidth....
DaJin Wei's user avatar
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How to create/load/get address of/send transaction from/create accounts under my ETH wallet? (Clarification on wallets and accounts in the ETH node)

I'm totally new to the concept, but "how can I create/load/get address of/send transaction from/create accounts under my ETH wallet" in Ethereum node? I'm implementing Ethereum node on my ...
Rouhollah Joveini's user avatar
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ParserError: Expected '{' but got 'constant'

This is my error message ParserError: Expected '{' but got 'constant' --> amkcoin.sol:50:35: | 50 | function totalSupply() public constant returns (uint); | ^^^^^^^^ and this is code line.. } /** ...
Relaksman's user avatar
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easier way to debug a NPM truffle project?

I'm using open zepplin to try to code these forks and contracts and i cant seem to get NPM to configure correctly. I have tried all of these types of things. 1. Uninstall and global reinstall NPM ...
MOORETOKEN's user avatar
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Custom Chain only allow one account to submit smart contracts

Can you lock down a distributed custom chain where only one user account can submit smart contracts? I don't want anyone filling my chain with data unrelated to my dApp
user3316323's user avatar
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When an Ethereum transaction event occurs, is there a case when it was not included in the main chain later due to a fork?

I know Ethereum is a POW blockchain where forks take place. The transaction event is issued after executing the transaction on the node. If a fork occurs, is there a possibility that the transaction ...
Hoonki's user avatar
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Ethereum geth mainnet blocked on “Looking for peers”

I installed Geth for setup a ethereum node on my linux server and use it on my RPC API. The problem is, Geth is posting "Looking for peers" forever, I don't really understand why. This is ...
MachiavelSST's user avatar
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Sign Function of web3.js for Authenticating users via MetaMask

I am trying to follow the example found at this site in order to authenticate users using the MetaMask functionality. Furthermore, the web3.js documentation at the following site, specifies this sign ...
JF0001's user avatar
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Security of Exclusively using MetaMask's Account as a Login Process

I am currently developing a Dapp in vue.js/node.js which will use MetaMask to interact with the Ethereum Network. I have the following code implemented in a JavaScript module. import web3 from 'web3';...
JF0001's user avatar
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3 votes
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Ethereum Signing using HSM

I tried signing a Message using the SHA256withECDSA algorithm . It gives a different signed(r,s) output everytime. When i try to recover the address using the ecrevover method .it gives me a different ...
karthi GC's user avatar
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Add a new user using smart contract

I am trying to make a smart contract which can add /delete and modify users in the smart contract. I have just written the code for adding the user but I am getting an error saying "revert The ...
Shristi Vishwakarma's user avatar
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Does creating account with geth command "geth account new" make a new key store holder?

There are multiple ways of creating a ethereum account through geth. geth account new newAcc, _ := am.NewAccount("Creation password"); by importing import "" ...
Mr.SsS's user avatar
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Store and Display the Json file in Blockchain

I have stored my data on firebase, and taken as a JSON file, the JSON should be separated and display into the webpage through the Ethereum blockchain, for example: { product: "Shoes", prize: "85"...
Navin M's user avatar
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How to integrate ERC20 token to microjob website?

I need an api to handle erc20 ethereum token deposits and withdrawals on my microjobs website. Users should be able to withdraw their earned token automatically when they pay the network fees.
funcrypto's user avatar
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I got this error during truffle testing. AssertionError: it returns true: expected { Object (tx, receipt, ...) } to equal true

DappToken.sol function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success){ require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value); balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value; balanceOf[...
bignums's user avatar
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Is there any free crypto wallet api available [closed]

Can anyone tell that is there any free crypto wallet api available which one can use in a project
1111's user avatar
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Connect dApp hosted on cloud with Geth running locally

I've my dApp running on AWS and Geth running locally. How am I supposed to connect my hosted dApp with the Geth? I'm connecting my web3(using using my computer's(Windows OS) IP address. ...
Prachi Sharma's user avatar
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Calling contract from contract not working

below are very simple setup of one contract calling another contract and I somehow can't get it to work. Contract C1 pragma solidity ^0.5.0; contract C1 { int public x = 1; function setX(...
Aditya Goel's user avatar
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Unlock Ethereum account via infura

I am trying to connect my wallet (Metamask) via Infura, but I receiving an error. My code: [HttpPost] public async Task<IActionResult> LoginAsync([ModelBinder(typeof(AccountBinder))] ...
חיים חדד's user avatar
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Not able to generate java wrapper class from solidity smart contract using truffle

I'm trying to generate java wrapper class of solidity smart contract using truffle but not getting file Here is an command which i've used to generate abi/Json of that contract ...
Aniket's user avatar
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How to build an ethereum based wallet with custom UI?

I have been interested in ethereum for quite some time now and have always wanted to learn ethereum development. I decided to create my custom erc20 tokens i was able to create 2,00,000 tokens. Now i ...
wolfraptorDev's user avatar
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How to setup clef signer with clef --stdio-ui

I have geth running on rinkeby network and successfully used clef as a signer using command. clef --keystore ~/.ethereum/rinkeby/keystore --chainid 4 --stdio-ui Also started geth with clef as ...
Swapnali Dive's user avatar
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Private Ethereum Platform development with Authentication System

I have to develop a system for Univeristy which provides digital certificates. I know some approaches but stuck about which approach I should choose. The system will have (suppose 5 nodes + 1 super ...
Prachi Sharma's user avatar
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5 answers

How to trim a string in solidity?

I have a function where one of its arguments is a string. How would I check the string for leading and trailing whitespaces and remove those characters? If i get something like this: " " => ""...
Станислав Тепляков's user avatar
1 vote
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Ethereum Game design idea

Is it possible to write emacs dunnet game in solidity? Not that there is any reason for the game to be on a blockchain, it is for a class assignment. I tried 2048 game. But it seems to have some ...
skr's user avatar
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what is the role of merkle tree in ethereum? [duplicate]

I know the functionality of merkle tree, it makes a root hash from a group of data.My question is how merkle tree is act in ethereum blockchain,precisesly in the place of transaction hash,block hash,...
sachin murali's user avatar
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what is difference in ethereum transaction after constatanople upgrade?

I have heard that Constantinople update transverse the consensus protocol of ethereum from proof of work to proof of stake. So they claimed that this update could speed up the TPS(transaction per ...
sachin murali's user avatar
3 votes
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how to setup a ethereum private blockchain?

Does anyone know how to set up a private blockchain in ethereum network? is that possible to run a private ethereum node? I have seen forking of public blockchain like EOS into a private blockchain.i ...
sachin murali's user avatar
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Mapping problem

**I am Using Solidity compiler 0.4.11 When I compile my code i get the error that is " Error: Type "mapping(string => string)" not supported for state variable.\n\tmapping (string => string) dataLink *...
ashish kumar's user avatar
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How do I make my private Ethereum network public? [closed]

So after a lot of reading I was able to make my own private Ethereum network, most of the readings I did showed me how to test it privately, but none of them actually explained how to make it public, ...
Sandy's user avatar
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Truffle migrate not working

Every time I enter truffle migrate command in the terminal it doesn't do anything but takes some time and nothing happens after that. I am using Truffle version 5.0.4
akanshu raj's user avatar
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I want to change 17k addresses password on ubuntu server

I have 17k ethereum addresses. I want to change passphrase all of them. Are there any way to change all addresses passphrase? geth account update 0x... It is really hard to change 17k addresses ...
cxvfght's user avatar
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how to create genesis block on ethereum?

geth --datadir ./ init customgenesis.json Fatal: Failed to read genesis file: open customgenesis.json: no such file or directory
bhemeswararao ankireddy's user avatar
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How can we access private blockchain from another network?

I have private Ethereum network running on my local network with two sealer node and one bootnode. I have deployed the private blockchain and configured it using geth. Now I want to create another ...
ludo's user avatar
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can an ethereum contract control alternative assets like btc?

can ethereum contracts control other assets, where the actual contract owns the btc and will only release it back to the address it was sent from (to avoid a DAO type hack) once a certain signal is ...
Joe's user avatar
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