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I got this error during truffle testing. AssertionError: it returns true: expected { Object (tx, receipt, ...) } to equal true

DappToken.sol function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success){ require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value); balanceOf[msg.sender] -= _value; balanceOf[...
bignums's user avatar
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Truffle migrate not working

Every time I enter truffle migrate command in the terminal it doesn't do anything but takes some time and nothing happens after that. I am using Truffle version 5.0.4
akanshu raj's user avatar
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Wallet files in a Dapp

I am developing an application from the truffle webpack and I have created my own wallet, adding my account to a json file: $.getJSON('../wallet.json', function(data) { var password = "xxx"; ...
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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DeclarationError: Identifier not found or not unique when deploying a facotry contract

I am using truffle with angular to write DAPP. I have a factory contract which will deploy an other contract named rental through a function called newContract. here is my factory contract pragma ...
Shoaib Iqbal's user avatar
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Setup Ethereum-Wallet as geth RPC

I develop a dapp with truffle.js and wish to deploy to the live network. I have the Ethereum Wallet already installed (mac osx), and I'm pretty sure it runs on top of geth - am I correct? Anyway, does ...
shaharsol's user avatar
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Which one of methods should I choose for deployment of smart contract geth or a wallet if I have to build API for smart contracts in nodejs?

I'm having trouble to understand which method would be better for deployment geth or a wallet if I'm building API in nodejs using web3. Where exactly is the contract stored?? Is the contract ...
Shubhabrata Mukherjee's user avatar
9 votes
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Could somebody please explain in detail what this Ethereum contract is doing?

I am new to ethereum & blockchain technology and trying to understand somethings(Etheruem, Truffle, DApps etc.) here and there from the internet. From Ethereum official website, Create a ...
Devendra Chouhan's user avatar
3 votes
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Truffle Migrations missing ConvertLib.sol, etc

Using testrpc v3.0.3 and solidity Getting the above error while deploying this contract in testrpc private net pragma solidity ^0.4.4; import "./ConvertLib.sol"; import "./Agreement.sol"; contract ...
Krishna Nayak's user avatar
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How to access variables defined in struct using 'Truffle'?

This is the sample contract given :- contract User { string public userName; mapping(address => Service) public services; struct Service { ...
Crissi Mariam Robert's user avatar