2012- 2018
Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A.
Estado separado de situación financiera
CUENTA (En Miles de S/) 2011 2012 2013
Activos Corrientes
Efectivo y Equivalentes al Efectivo 63,473 74,189 196,750
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobra 141,606 160,012 234,857
Inventarios 353,114 419,775 497,835
Otros Activos no financieros 35,578 9,277 11,204
Total Activos Corrientes 593,941 663,286 940,646
Inversiones en subsidiarias, negocios conjuntos y asociad 1,503,326 1,558,675 1,645,786
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobra 11,700 7,474 29,170
Propiedades, Planta y Equipo (neto) 3,346,367 3,605,739 3,706,550
Activos intangibles distintos de la plusvalia 63,164 67,247 68,072
Activos diferidos por desbroce, neto 0 0 0
Plusvalía 9,745 9,745 9,745
Total Activos No Corrientes 5,038,778 5,381,266 5,602,138
TOTAL DE ACTIVOS 5,632,719 6,044,552 6,542,784
Obligaciones financieras 537,070 873,485 693,406
Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras cuentas por pagar 211,230 234,606 209,148
Ingresos diferidos 72,173 7,262 9,932
Otras provisiones 37,321 25,604 15,814
Pasivos por Impuestos a las Ganancias 14,499 0 0
Total Pasivos Corrientes 872,293 1,140,957 928,300
Otros Pasivos Financieros 1,228,313 1,069,495 1,627,954
Otras provisiones 10,590 11,062 13,663
Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 488,646 513,232 537,303
Otros pasivos no financieros / Instrum, financ. Derivados 9,328 7,159 5,557
Total Pasivos No Corrientes 1,736,877 1,613,703 2,196,360
TOTAL PASIVOS 2,609,170 2,754,660 3,124,660
Capital Emitido 1,499,023 1,646,503 1,646,503
Otras Reservas de Capital 213,749 249,728 270,203
Resultados Acumulados 1,317,306 1,398,672 1,503,096
Otras Reservas de Patrimonio -6,529 -5,011 -1,678
TOTAL PATRIMONIO 3,023,549 3,289,892 3,418,124
TOTAL PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO 5,632,719 6,044,552 6,542,784
0 0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
12% 0% 0% 1% 3%
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y diversas, neto 2011 2012 2013
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales 67,661 73,388 48,879
Cuentas por cobrar a relacionadas 26,464 42,982 66,506
Reclamos a terceros 4,178 1,614 45,026
Préstamos al personal 3,882 1,633 6,355
Anticipos a proveedores 13,847 14,480 13,765
Instrumentos financieros derivados 550 3,399 772
Otras cuentas por cobrar 10,982 4,443 3,839
Reclamos a la Administración Tributaria 14,092 17,597 0
Pago a cuenta del impuesto a la renta 579 51,399
Cobranza dudosa -50 -103 -1,684
Total 141,606 160,012 234,857
Inversiones en subsidiarias y otras 2011 2012 2013
Inversiones Imbabura S.A. 0 0 0
Skanon Investments Inc. 834,492 863,393 952,514
Compañía Eléctrica El Platanal S.A. 567,829 567,829 567,829
Cementos Portland S.A.C. 0 0 0
Inversiones en Concreto y Afines S.A. 59,714 67,036 67,036
Transportes Lurín S.A. 43,895 63,688 63,937
Staten Island Co. LLC
Prefabricados Andinos S.A. 0
Prefabricados Andinos Perú S.A.C. 17,527 17,527 17,527
Minera Adelaida S.A. 1,652 1,902 2,053
Depósito Aduanero Conchán S.A. 63 63 63
Generación Eléctrica de Atocongo S.A. 125 125 125
Ferrocarril Central Andino S.A. 5,617 5,617 5,617
Otras 220 220 225
Provisión por desvalorización de inversiones -27,808 -28,725 -31,140
Total 1,503,326 1,558,675 1,645,786
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobra 2011 2012 2013
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales 454 344
Cuentas por cobrar relacionadas
Reclamos a terceros
Anticipos a proveedores 11,700 7,020 4,680
Préstamos al personal
Reclamos a la Administración Tributaria 24,146
Total 11,700 7,474 29,170
Cuentas por pagar comerciales y diversas 2011 2012 2013
Cuentas por pagar comerciales (b) 106,195 164,776 121,109
Cuentas por pagar a relacionadas, nota 28© 59,539 33,053 44,987
Intereses por pagar notas 15(c) y 15(m) 13,486 13,327 16,391
Impuesto general a las ventas por pagar 7,228 7,846 -
Remuneraciones y vacaciones por pagar 14,963 5,071 13,914
Remuneración del Directorio por pagar 4,945 2,934 1,919
Dividendos por pagar 10 - 28
Otras cuentas por pagar 4,864 7,599 10,800
Total 211,230 234,606 209,148
Otras provisiones 2011 2012 2013
Participaciones de los trabajadores 32,540 23,549 14,384
Compensación por tiempo de servicios 831 1,141 1,093
Provisión por cierre de carteras 3,950 914 337
Total 37,321 25,604 15,814
Obligaciones financieras 2011 2012 2013
Cesión de pagos 0
Pagarés bancarios 396,016 532,476 266,766
Bonos y deuda con entidades bancarias a largo plazo 141,054 341,009 426,640
Total 537,070 873,485 693,406
Arrendamiento financiero
Banco de Crédito del Perú 415,169 476,120 326,420
Banco Internacional del Perú S.A.A 67,024 80,355 93,390
(-)Fondo de Garantía BCP Panamá - 139,499 - 132,549 -
Total 342,694 423,926 419,810
Pasivo diferido neto 2011 2012 2013
Pasivo diferido
Diferencia en base tributaria por activo fijo 457,006 444,654 462,398
Activo diferido por desbroce - 39,716 42,844
Costos de preparación de canteras 36,621 - -
Intereses capitalizados 7,077 27,085 33,691
Comisiones diferidas de bonos y deuda con entidades bancaria 9,563 7,839 1,493
Diferencia de camibo de arrendamiento financiero 1,131 1,347 6,271
Amortización de estudios de "El Platanal" 644 - -
Actualización del pasivo por cierre de minas 911 - -
Amortización de software - - 2,784
Amortización de intangibles - 1,312 1,980
Participación cargada a inventario - - -
Total 512,953 521,953 551,461
Activo Diferido
Ingresos diferidos (neto) - - 1,148 - 1,010
Provisión por desvalorización de inventarios - - -
Diferencia en base tributaria por activo fijo - 5,764
Provisión para vacaciones - 1,654 - 2,187 - 3,243
Provisión por cierre de cantera - 2,528 - 2,856 - 3,459
Instrumentos financieros derivados - 2,798 - 1,033 - 1,436
Depreciación cargada a inventarios - 178
otras provisiones - 2,060 - 1,319 - 4,739
Ingresos diferidos - 9,503
Valor razonable con cambios en otros resultados integrales
Participación cargada a inventarios - 271
Total - 24,307 - 8,721 - 14,158
Pasivo diferido neto Total 488,646 513,232 537,303
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2011
19,069 - 14,688 23,768 16,453 -
1,244 1,318 1,467 1,541 1,694 -
358 244 201 410 2,953 10,590
20,671 1,562 16,356 25,719 21,100 10,590
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2011
0 0 0 30,828 0 342,694
93,996 134,030 368,309 221,480 89,709 0
479,297 352,124 381,789 233,756 134,454 885,619
573,293 486,154 750,098 486,064 224,163 1,228,313
- 16,584 - 11,723 - -
- - - 1,954 - 4,519 - 6,597
- - -
- 2,971 - 2,291 - 3,098 - 3,407 - 3,912
- 2,865 - 1,303 - 2,076 - 2,353 - 2,627
- 1,666 - 1,533 - 2,976 - 2,819 - 6,702
- 1,211 - -
- 2,374 - 5,230 2,179 - 4,463 - 4,817
- - 1,507 - 1,944 - 1,421
- 1,561
71 - 442 - -
- 26,389 - 23,733 - 9,432 - 19,505 - 27,637
472,536 479,660 531,844 524,734 495,928
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
- - - - - -
12,755 11,883 9,714 - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
12,755 11,883 9,714 - - -
2018 2011 2012 2013 2014
- 342,694 423,926 0 0
118,265 396,016 532,476 716,920 525,076
2,906,633 1,026,673 986,578 1,604,440 3,361,590
3,024,898 1,765,383 1,942,980 2,321,360 3,886,666
ESF 1,765,383 1,942,980 2,321,360 3,886,666
DIF - - - -
2015 2016 2017 2018
0 0 30,828 0
786,816 704,203 421,950 207,974
3,332,722 3,158,528 2,940,140 3,041,087
4,119,538 3,862,731 3,392,918 3,249,061
4,119,538 3,862,731 3,392,918 3,249,061
- - - -
Deuda al
Tipo de obligación Acreedor 31/12/2018 Tasa de
(miles de interés
Deuda al
Tipo de obligación Nombre del Bono 31/12/2018 Tasa de Clasificació Fecha de Fecha de Plazo
(miles de interés n Emisión Vencimiento años
S&P: BB+
UNACEM 2021 5 7/8 760,275 5.88% Moody’s: 12/28/2014 10/30/2021 7
Bonos corporativos -
LARGO PLAZO UNAC2DBC1A 60,000 4.94% Apoyo: AA 3/8/2013 3/8/2020 7
Class: AAA
Total 880,275
Deuda al Deuda
Tipo de obligación Acreedor 31/12/2018 Tasa de inicial Fecha del Fecha de Plazo
(miles de interés (miles de préstamo Vencimiento años
soles) soles)
1.68% 1.00% 0.68%
Resumen Miles de soles / %
3,270,583 3,270,583
Ventas netas
2011 2012
Cemento (*) 1,492,713 1,705,294
Clinker 4,585 7
Bloques, adoquines y pavimentos de concreto 16,223 20,595
Total 1,513,521 1,725,896
Costo de ventas
2011 2012
Inventario inicial de productos terminados y en proceso 108,604 120,086
Costo de producción:
Combustible 194,731 231,131
Consumo de materias primas 143,038 132,906
Gastos de personal 86,154 93,074
Energía eléctrica 87,964 90,907
Depreciación 75,372 85,972
Envases 54,334 59,027
Preparación de canteras 12,754 22,416
Otros gastos de fabricación 208,984 248,544
Depreciación por activo diferido por desbroce 4,466
Inventario final de productos terminados y en proceso -120,086 -94,322
Estimación para desvalorización de existencias
Total 851,849 994,207
2,850 3,499 134,114 213,330 247,161
5,058,142 1.05%
213,929 12.8% 16.7% 15.8% 17.4%
TOTAL 176,518
400,000 373,226
en Activos Fijos
300,000 266,970
200,000 176,234
150,000 122,060
400,000 373,226 377,552
300,000 266,970
200,000 176,234
150,000 122,060
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
017 2018
150,000 143,911
22,060 100,000
227,877 221,239
200,000 178,844 182,354
150,000 143,911
22,060 100,000
2017 2018 -
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Activos Corrientes
Efectivo y Equivalentes al Efectivo 1.1% 1.2% 3.0% 0.7%
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobrar 2.5% 2.6% 3.6% 3.2%
Inventarios 6.3% 6.9% 7.6% 7.2%
Otros Activos no financieros 0.6% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1%
Total Activos Corrientes 10.5% 11.0% 14.4% 11.2%
Activos No Corrientes
Inversiones en subsidiarias, negocios conjuntos y asociada 26.7% 25.8% 25.2% 38.9%
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobrar 0.2% 0.1% 0.4% 0.6%
Propiedades, Planta y Equipo (neto) 59.4% 59.7% 56.7% 46.7%
Otros Activos no financieros 1.9% 2.2% 2.2% 1.6%
Total Activos No Corrientes 89.5% 89.0% 85.6% 88.8%
Pasivos Corrientes
Obligaciones financieras 9.5% 14.5% 10.6% 6.9%
Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras cuentas por pagar 3.8% 3.9% 3.2% 2.8%
Ingresos diferidos 1.3% 0.1% 0.2% 1.2%
Total Pasivos Corrientes 15.5% 18.9% 14.2% 11.1%
Pasivos No Corrientes
Otros Pasivos Financieros 21.8% 17.7% 24.9% 39.6%
Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 8.7% 8.5% 8.2% 5.6%
Otros pasivos no financieros / Instrum, financ. Derivados 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
Total Pasivos No Corrientes 30.8% 26.7% 33.6% 45.6%
TOTAL PASIVOS 46.3% 45.6% 47.8% 56.7%
Capital Emitido 26.6% 27.2% 25.2% 19.7%
Otras Reservas de Capital 3.8% 4.1% 4.1% 3.6%
Resultados Acumulados 23.4% 23.1% 23.0% 20.1%
TOTAL PATRIMONIO 53.7% 54.4% 52.2% 43.3%
Activos Corrientes
Efectivo y Equivalentes al Efectivo 16.9% 165.2% -69.0%
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobrar 13.0% 46.8% 14.5%
Inventarios 18.9% 18.6% 21.0%
Otros Activos no financieros -73.9% 20.8% -28.1%
Total Activos Corrientes 11.7% 41.8% 0.0%
Activos No Corrientes
Inversiones en subsidiarias, negocios conjuntos y asociadas 3.7% 5.6% 98.0%
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobrar -36.1% 290.3% 66.1%
Propiedades, Planta y Equipo (neto) 7.8% 2.8% 5.4%
Otros Activos no financieros 26.7% 7.9% -4.8%
Total Activos No Corrientes 6.8% 4.1% 32.6%
TOTAL DE ACTIVOS 7.3% 8.2% 27.9%
Pasivos Corrientes
Obligaciones financieras 62.6% -20.6% -17.3%
Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras cuentas por pagar 11.1% -10.9% 11.8%
Ingresos diferidos -89.9% 36.8% 894.0%
Total Pasivos Corrientes 30.8% -18.6% -0.2%
Pasivos No Corrientes
Otros Pasivos Financieros -12.9% 52.2% 103.5%
Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 5.0% 4.7% -12.1%
Otros pasivos no financieros / Instrum, financ. Derivados -23.3% -22.4% 24.9%
Total Pasivos No Corrientes -7.1% 36.1% 73.7%
TOTAL PASIVOS 5.6% 13.4% 51.8%
Capital Emitido 9.8% 0.0% 0.0%
Otras Reservas de Capital 16.8% 8.2% 10.7%
Resultados Acumulados 6.2% 7.5% 11.7%
TOTAL PATRIMONIO 8.8% 3.9% 6.0%
4% -4% 0% 5.71%
8% -2% 5% 7%
-1% -7% -8% 3%
-12% 3% -41% 16%
-12% 28% 5% -8%
432% 42% 18% -46%
64% 38% 75% -29%
27% -5% -1% -13%
159% -73% 55% 261%
50% -1% -1% 9%
210% -95% -599% -169%
-53% 212% 22% -44%
-31% 681% -31% -26%
-55% 139% 49% -48%
Liquidez Corriente
2.00 0.80
1.80 1.74 0.70
1.32 0.60
1.20 0.50
1.00 1.00 0.40
0.80 0.68 1.02 0.28
0.40 0.58 0.21
0.20 0.10
- -
Apalancamiento Financiero
0.70 1.60
0.57 0.58 1.40
0.60 0.55
0.46 0.48 0.50 1.20
0.50 0.48
1.00 0.86
0.40 0.46
0.30 0.84
0.20 0.40
0.10 0.20
- -
30.0% 12.0% 10.9%
0.0% 0.0%
Prueba Ácida C
0.80 600,000
0.68 0.73
0.60 0.52
0.50 200,000 12,346
0.28 -
0.30 0.36 0.38
0.20 -200,000
0.10 -278,352
Endeudamiento Total
1.40 1.31
1.00 1.00
0.86 0.94
- 0.0
12.0% 10.9% 7.0%
10.0% 6.0%
5.0% 5.5%
8.0% 8.0%
5.5% 3.0%
3.6% 2.0%
2.0% 1.0%
0.0% 0.0%
Capital de Trabajo
265,183 268,430
.8 88.6
3.1% 2.8%
CUENTA (En Miles de S/) 2011 2012 2013 2014
NOF 195,075 321,592 509,002 526,352
FM -278,352 -477,671 12,346 14,010
NOF - FM 473,427 799,263 496,656 512,342
Deuda CP - Efectivo 473,597 799,296 496,656 512,342
Diferencia -170 -33 0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 202
NOF Ventas
800,000 692,671
600,000 509,002 526,352
400,000 321,592
12,346 14,010 -2,946
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
-400,000 -477,671
-600,000 FM NOF
400,000 321,592
12,346 14,010 -2,946
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
-400,000 -477,671
-600,000 FM NOF
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
620,294 692,671 656,790 615,061 665,964 715,941
265,183 -2,946 268,430 420,854 493,655 576,309
355,111 695,617 388,360 194,207 172,309 139,632
355,111 695,617 388,360 194,207 172,309 139,632
0 0 0 0 0 0
-200,000 2011 2012 2013 20
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 0.05
tas 2011 2012 2013 2014
692,671 656,790
20,294 615,061
65,183 268,430
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
2027 2028
1,089,651 1,159,382
994,887 959,952
94,764 199,431
94,764 199,431
0 0
3,005,187 3,180,202
6.3% 6.4%
5.7% 5.8%
0.36 0.36
64,905.50 69,731.02
9,000 7,800
7,000 5,718 5,565
6,000 5
2014 2015 2
2015 2016 2017 2018
000 7,800
8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300
000 5,718 5,733
5,565 5,382 5,554
000 5,138 5,009 5,073 5,217
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Capacidad instalada (en miles de toneladas) Capacidad utilizada (en miles de toneladas)
16 2017 2018
16 2017 2018
Mes 21-2 Cemento Portland Tipo I (Índice Base 21-3 Cemento Portland Tipo I (Índice Base
Jul.1992=100,0) * Jul.1992=100,0) *
* INEI - Índices Unificados de Precios (Base: julio 1992 = 100,0) para las seis (6) Áreas Geográficas
** http://ww3.vivienda.gob.pe/destacados/estadistica/98.pdf
Año Indice de Precios del Cemento Var Relativa del Indice de Precios
Portland Tipo I - Lima - Callao * (%)
2000 313.52 5.47%
2001 318.13 1.47%
2002 320.89 0.87%
2003 322.03 0.36%
2004 323.63 0.50%
2005 326.08 0.76%
2006 329.52 1.05%
2007 324.43 -1.55%
2008 323.41 -0.31%
2009 323.41 0.00%
2010 331.63 2.54%
2011 333.14 0.46%
2012 339.42 1.89%
2013 339.42 0.00%
2014 344.17 1.40%
2015 367.31 6.72%
2016 384.91 4.79%
2017 401.24 4.24%
2018 421.87 5.14%
Variacion absoluta promedio del precio de bolsa de cemento de 42.5 kg (2000 - 2018)
Tasa CAGR del precio de la bolsa de cemento de 42.5 kg (2000 - 2018) - A nivel agregado
* INEI - Índices Unificados de Precios (Base: julio 1992 = 100,0) para el Área Geográfica 2: Ancash, Lima, Provincia Constitucional del Callao e Ica.
** Precios del 2000 al 2013 construidos a partir del Indice de Precios del Cemento para la regiones de Lima, Callao, entreo otras departamentos de la zona central del Per
Año Ventas por cemento (En Miles de S/) Despacho de cemento UNACEM - DC
(Miles de T.M.) *
20.00 5.47%
10.00 1.47%
0.36% 0.5
17.77 0.19
21.21 1.17
22.08 0.87
22.77 0.69
emento de 42.5 kg (2000 - 2018) 0.35 céntimos de S/
g (2000 - 2018) - A nivel agregado 1.67% CAGR
Lima, Provincia Constitucional del Callao e Ica.
e Lima, Callao, entreo otras departamentos de la zona central del Perú.
00 8.0
00 5.47% 5.14% 6.0
4.24% 5.0
00 4.0
2.54% 3.0
00 1.47% 1.40% 2.0
0.87% 0.76% 1.05%
0.36% 0.50% 0.46% 1.0
0.00% 0.00%
00 8.0
00 5.47% 5.14% 6.0
4.24% 5.0
00 4.0
2.54% 3.0
00 1.47% 1.40% 2.0
0.87% 0.76% 1.05%
0.36% 0.50% 0.46% 1.0
-0.31% 0.00% 0.00%
00 0.0
-1.55% -1.0
- -2.0
o Portland Tipo I
Precio de bolsa de 42.5 kg (S/)
7 7 8 8 8 8
v-1 n-1 r -1 y-1 l-1
a a u
No Ja M M J
5.14% 6.00%
e crecimineto (%)
4.24% 5.00%
1.40% 2.00%
5.14% 6.00%
Despacho de cemento
Año UNACEM - DC (Miles
de T.M.) *
1994 1,972.80
301.74 1995 2,274.54
81.49 1996 2,356.03
259.41 1997 2,615.44
98.94 1998 2,714.38
- 370.01 1999 2,344.37
- 50.95 2000 2,293.42
23.28 2001 2,316.70
261.42 2002 2,578.12
133.39 2003 2,711.51
340.72 2004 3,052.23
306.80 2005 3,359.03
327.82 2006 3,686.84
97.96 2007 3,784.80
403.25 2008 4,188.05
22.41 2009 4,210.47
500.72 2010 4,711.19
- 2.66 2011 4,708.53
606.35 2012 5,314.88
295.69 2013 5,610.57
90.89 2014 5,701.46
- 155.31 2015 5,546.16
- 436.95 2016 5,109.20
- 115.86 2017 4,993.35
64.80 2018 5,058.14
159.89 2019(e) 5,218.04 PRECIO CEMENTO
164.95 2020(e) 5,382.98 3.16%
170.16 2021(e) 5,553.15
175.54 2022(e) 5,728.69
181.09 2023(e) 5,909.78
186.81 2024(e) 6,096.59
192.72 2025(e) 6,289.31
198.81 2026(e) 6,488.12
205.10 2027(e) 6,693.22
211.58 2028(e) 6,904.80
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Costo de Ventas (Miles Soles) -1,217,895 -1,281,895 -1,349,932
Total Depreciación proyectada 238,392 240,454 243,753
% Deprecición correspondiente a C.Ventas 88.74% 211,556 213,385 216,312
Costo de Ventas (Miles Soles) sin depreciación -1,006,340 -1,068,510 -1,133,619
% del C.Ventas por depreciación (Costos Semi Variables) 17% 17% 16%
% del C.Ventas sin depreciación (Costos Variables) 83% 83% 84%
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Gasto Administrativos (Miles Soles) -188,828 -198,751 -209,300
Total Depreciación proyectada 238,392 240,454 243,753
% Deprecición correspondiente a G.Administración 5.79% 13,798 13,917 14,108
Gastos Adminsitrativos (Miles Soles) sin depreciación -175,031 -184,834 -195,192
% del G.Administrativo por depreciación (Gastos Semi Vari 7% 7% 7%
% del G.Administrativo sin depreciación (Gastos Variables) 93% 93% 93%
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Inventarios 642,403 682,090 723,653
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Inversiones en subsidiarias, negocios conjuntos y asociada 3,390,222 3,390,222 3,390,222
Arrendamiento financiero
Banco de Crédito del Perú 0 0 0
Banco Internacional del Perú S.A.A 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0
Ingresos Financieros
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Intereses sobre depósitos 3,435 3,435 3,435
Cambio de valor razonable instrumentos derivados de nego 1,387 1,387 1,387
Ganancia por actualización de valor de pasivos 0 0 0
Ingresos por dividendos 0 0 0
Otros 5,303 5,303 5,303
10,125 10,125 10,125
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
Intereses por cesión de pagos 0 0 0
Intereses por pagarés bancarios 11,491 11,491 11,491
Arrendamiento financiero
Banco de Crédito del Perú 0 0 0
Banco Internacional del Perú S.A.A 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0
b= 19% Retención de utilidades
r= ROIC 8%
Inflación estimad 2% En soles
g= 3.215%
en del precio y la cantidad de cemento despachado (94% de los ingresos totales)
1,990,840 2,043,598 2,097,753 2,153,343 2,210,407 2,268,983 2,329,111
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028
2,125,328 2,229,097 2,337,932 2,452,081 2,571,803 2,697,371 2,829,069
16.1 16.4 16.6 16.9 17.2 17.5 17.8
132,032 136,206 140,511 144,953 149,535 154,262 159,139
37,958 37,958 37,958 37,958 37,958 37,958 37,958
128,197 148,775 172,656 200,370 232,533 269,858 313,175
2,291,483 2,415,830 2,548,546 2,690,409 2,842,294 3,005,187 3,180,202
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ención de utilidades
r= ROIC = EBIT(1-T) / (Total Activos - NOF)
1983257.5335 2.65%
1.67% Asume tasa CAGR del precio del cemento para el periodo 2000 - 2018 (Región centro del país).
3.16% Asume tasa CAGR de la cantidad de despacho de cemento en TN en los últimos 20 años
37,958 Promedio de los 8 últimos años (2011-2018). Presenta comportamiento inestable de subidas y bajadas.
16.1% Asume la tasa de la TACC de los valores del año 2016 y 2018. Presenta tendencia creciente.
226,390 Promedio de los 4 últimos años (2015-2018), el principal concepto de este importe lo compone los ingresos por divide
75% % de dividendos / otros ingresos operativos de los últimos 4 años (2015-2018)
0 se considera cero por no tener saldo en dicha cuenta en los últimos cinco años
760,275 El bono del exterior actual vence en octubre del 2021, no se asumirá renovación puesto que cuenta con lineas de cré
120,000 Los bonos vencen en marzo del 2021 y 2023. Se asume renovación
0 El bono venció en Enero 2018. No se renovó.
-6,442 Debido a la disminución de la deuda por este concepto se asumirá solo el ultimo periodo, así mismo desde el 2022 de
0 El saldo al 31.12.2018 es de S/ 268,727 el cual se va a amortizar en partes iguales con vencimiento 03.2019 y 03.202
0 Prestamos de Octubre 2018, tasa 4.6 y vencimiento a 4 años
0 Préstamo de 10.2018, con vencimiento 09.2025
0 Préstamo del 2015, vencimiento en 04.2019 y 02.2020
0 Préstamo de 10.2018, vencimiento de 11.2025
0 Saldo cancelado
0 Contrato de 11.2016, vencimiento el 12.2021
0 Contrato de 11.2016, vencimiento el 11.2021
0 Vencimiento 11.2024
0 Vencimiento 10.2025
0 Vencimiento 10.2025
0 Vencimiento 11.2023
0 Proyectado, préstamo a 6 años, para asumir inversiones en Capex y gastos operativos
0 Proyectado, préstamo a 5 años, para asumir inversiones en Capex y gastos operativos
0 Proyectado, préstamo a 8 años, para cubrir el vencimiento del bono del exterior por S/ 760,275
0 Proyectado, préstamo a 7 años, para asumir inversiones en Capex y gastos operativos
0 Proyectado, préstamo a 7 años, para asumir inversiones en Capex y gastos operativos
8.8% % de la deuda total, se toma el promedio de los ultimos cuatro años (sin considerar pagarés)
0 El contrato de cesión de pagos realizado con el Banco Santander de Panamá el año 2017, se cancelo en enero 2018
89,709 Debido a que los pagares son renovamos dependiendo de la necesidad de la compañía (EEFF auditado 2018), se as
0 Detalle en la parte superior
118,265 Debido a que los pagares son renovamos dependiendo de la necesidad de la compañía (EEFF auditado 2018), se as
5.53% Las tasas de interés fijas fluctúan entre 5.20 y 5.85 por ciento anual (notas a los EEFF. 2018). Se asume el prmedio
4.80% Promedio entre 4.35% y 5.25% (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
4.60% Según EEFF auditado 2018 (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
4.91% Se tomará Libor promedio del 2018 a tres meses más la tasa fijahttps://es.global-rates.com/tipos-de-interes/lib
6.25% Promedio entre 5.90% y 6.60% (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
5.80% Según EEFF auditado 2018 (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
Ya cancelado al cierre del 2018
5.20% Según EEFF auditado 2018 (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
5.80% Según EEFF auditado 2018 (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
5.68% Según EEFF auditado 2018 (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
5.30% Según EEFF auditado 2018 (nota 14 del dictamen a los EE.FF. 2018)
4.06% Se tomará Libor promedio del 2018 a tres meses más la tasa fijahttps://es.global-rates.com/tipos-de-interes/lib
4.16% Se tomará Libor promedio del 2018 a tres meses más la tasa fija
5.53% Se tomará la tasa promedio para corporativos a largo plazo al 31/12/2018
5.53% Se tomará la tasa promedio para corporativos a largo plazo al 31/12/2018
5.53% Se tomará la tasa promedio para corporativos a largo plazo al 31/12/2018
5.53% Se tomará la tasa promedio para corporativos a largo plazo al 31/12/2018
5.53% Se tomará la tasa promedio para corporativos a largo plazo al 31/12/2018
5.0% Se asume S/ 85,603 (històrico) hasta el periodo 2021, debido a las restricciones que se tenìan por la emisiòn de bono
Dividend pay out
Retention rate
subidas y bajadas.
esto que cuenta con lineas de crédito nacionales y flujo de efectivo relacionado a resultados acumulados.
con vencimiento 03.2019 y 03.2020. Los años 2020, 2023 y 2026 se renueva el prestamo por S/ 260,000.
2017, se cancelo en enero 2018. Se asumen que no habran otros contratos de ese tipo.
añía (EEFF auditado 2018), se asume que se mantiene el mismo nivel de deuda del último año 2018.
añía (EEFF auditado 2018), se asume que se mantiene el mismo nivel de deuda del último año 2018.
FF. 2018). Se asume el prmedio
se tenìan por la emisiòn de bono con vencimiento Octubre 2021. A partir del 2021 se asume un crecimiento de pago de dividendos del 31% anual po
pago de dividendos del 31% anual por tener alta disposición de efectivo.
INTANGIBLE NETO -en libros (En miles de soles) 2011 2012 2013
Concesiones para generación de energía eléctrica 58,677 57,193 55,709
1% 45,225 46,105
12% 611,611 611,611
1% 45,575 57,463
21% 1,167,436 1,218,527
2% 109,499 115,210
58% 3,145,742 3,245,121
0% 27,309 28,832
0% 17,682 17,768
1% 72,138 76,521
0% - -
4% 259,182.75 284,871
100% 5,501,399 5,702,029
FY 2019 FY 2020
20,934 22,909
- -
10,595 200,629 9,151 12,849
8,653.78 229,738.6 308,058 352,992
1,941 - 29,109 66,134 70,721
1,190,651 1,359,537
24,401 27,087
16,806 17,340
55,849 59,715
- -
- -
1,691,984.58 1,691,985 1,923,150
FY 2019 FY 2020
24,291 23,196
611,611 611,611
36,423 44,614
859,378 865,535
43,365 44,489
1,955,091 1,885,584
2,908 1,745
876 428
16,289 16,806
- -
259,183 284,871
FY 2019 FY 2020
61,330 61,330
9,745 9,745
25,754 30,815
17,071 17,071
- -
18,557 24,091
132,457 143,052
FY 2019 FY 2020
38,753 40,237
- -
18,634.95 22,892
17,071 17,071
- -
14,797 18,344
89,256 98,544
FY 2019 FY 2020
58% 22,577.0 21,093.0
FY 2019 FY 2020
- -
- -
5,061 5,061
- -
- -
5,534 5,534
10,595 10,595
FY 2019 FY 2020
1,484 1,484
- -
9,327 3,245 3,245
5,809 - -
3,518 - -
1,645 -
6,374 4,729
1773.8 1773.8
1773.8 1773.8 1773.8
1773.8 1773.8
5,321.5 5,321.5 5,321.5
os de depreciación implícitos
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Promedio
41.3 41.3 41.3 3.3 7.0 41.3
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5.5 7.5 6.6 6.3 6.3 6.4
138.8 461.4 72.0 0.0 0.0 215.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 466.9 14.6 1.6 3.6 3.1
La amortización del año 2017 y 2018, tal como se señala en la nota, corresponde a una estimación de UNACEM por proyección de flujos
n de UNACEM por proyección de flujos, sin embargo tomaremos para la proyección los años previos a esta estimación puesto que las inversiones en
mación puesto que las inversiones en futuras no sustentarían una fuerte depreciación.
Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A.
Estado separado de situación financiera
CUENTA 2019 2020
Activos Corrientes
Efectivo y Equivalentes al Efectivo 167,654 173,471
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobrar 370,917 390,408
Inventarios 642,403 682,090
Activos por Impuestos a las Ganancias 0 0
Otros Activos no financieros 8,534 8,534
Total Activos Corrientes 1,189,507 1,254,503
Activos No Corrientes
Inversiones en subsidiarias, negocios conjuntos y asociadas 3,390,222 3,390,222
Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras cuentas por cobrar 112,480 112,480
Propiedades, Planta y Equipo (neto) 3,809,415 3,778,879
Activos intangibles distintos de la plusvalia 33,456 34,763
Activos diferidos por desbroce, neto 113,584 109,068
Plusvalía 9,745 9,745
Total Activos No Corrientes 7,468,902 7,435,156
TOTAL DE ACTIVOS 8,658,409 8,689,659
Pasivos y Patrimonio
Pasivos Corrientes
Obligaciones financieras 339,962 313,103
Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras cuentas por pagar 306,559 315,760
Ingresos diferidos 33,147 33,147
Otras provisiones 16,184 16,184
Pasivos por Impuestos a las Ganancias 0 0
Total Pasivos Corrientes 695,852 678,194
Pasivos No Corrientes
Otros Pasivos Financieros 2,726,009 2,446,122
Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras cuentas por pagar 0 0
Otras provisiones 19,242 19,242
Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 474,980 474,980
Otros pasivos no financieros 12,427 12,427
Total Pasivos No Corrientes 3,232,657 2,952,771
TOTAL PASIVOS 3,928,509 3,630,965
Capital Emitido 1,646,503 1,646,503
Otras Reservas de Capital 329,301 329,301
Resultados Acumulados 2,770,803 3,099,597
Otras Reservas de Patrimonio -16707 -16707
TOTAL PATRIMONIO 4,729,900 5,058,694
TOTAL PASIVO Y PATRIMONIO 8,658,409 8,689,659
0 0
45,793 -58,311 2% 2% 2% 2%
568,104 601,189 B 4% 4% 5% 5%
1,048,572 1,117,234 C 7% 8% 8% 9%
0 0 D 0% 0% 0% 0%
8,534 8,534 D 0% 0% 0% 0%
1,671,003 1,668,646 14% 14% 15% 16%
0% 0% 0% 0%
3,390,222 3,390,222 E 39% 39% 39% 39%
112,480 112,480 F 1% 1% 1% 1%
3,966,044 4,144,816 AF1 44% 43% 43% 42%
38,714 38,961 AI1-AI2 0% 0% 0% 0%
77,456 72,940 G 1% 1% 1% 1%
9,745 9,745 AI2 0% 0% 0% 0%
7,594,662 7,769,164 86% 86% 85% 84%
9,265,665 9,437,811 100% 100% 100% 100%
0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0%
140,557 141,120 H 4% 4% 3% 3%
486,228 518,244 I 4% 4% 4% 4%
33,147 33,147 J 0% 0% 0% 0%
16,184 16,184 K 0% 0% 0% 0%
0 0 L 0% 0% 0% 0%
676,116 708,695 8% 8% 8% 7%
0% 0% 0% 0%
648,126 653,992 M 31% 28% 24% 20%
0 0 N 0% 0% 0% 0%
19,242 19,242 O 0% 0% 0% 0%
474,980 474,980 P 5% 5% 5% 5%
12,427 12,427 Q 0% 0% 0% 0%
1,154,775 1,160,641 37% 34% 30% 26%
1,830,891 1,869,336 45% 42% 38% 34%
0% 0% 0% 0%
1,646,503 1,646,503 19% 19% 19% 19%
329,301 329,301 4% 4% 4% 4%
5,475,677 5,609,378 32% 36% 40% 44%
-16707 -16707 0% 0% 0% 0%
7,434,774 7,568,475 55% 58% 62% 66%
9,265,665 9,437,811 100% 100% 100% 100%
0 0
2027 2028
1,929,212 2,042,650
Análisis Vertical
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2020
2% 3% 2% 2% 0% -1% 3%
5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6% 5%
9% 10% 10% 11% 11% 12% 6%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
16% 18% 18% 19% 18% 18% 5%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
39% 38% 38% 37% 37% 36% 0%
1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0%
42% 41% 41% 41% 43% 44% -1%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4%
1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% -4%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
84% 82% 82% 81% 82% 82% 0%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% -8%
4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 3%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 8% -3%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
16% 13% 9% 8% 7% 7% -10%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 0%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
22% 19% 15% 14% 12% 12% -9%
29% 26% 22% 21% 20% 20% -8%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
19% 18% 19% 18% 18% 17% 0%
4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 0%
48% 52% 56% 57% 59% 59% 12%
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
71% 74% 78% 79% 80% 80% 7%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0%
Análisis Horizontal
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Unión Andina de Cementos S.A.A.
Estado separado de resultados
Ingresos de Actividades Ordinarias 1,962,096
Costo de Ventas -1,217,895
Ganancia (Pérdida) Bruta 744,201
Gastos de Ventas y Distribución -66,618
Gastos de Administración -188,828
Otros Ingresos Operativos 226,390
Otros Gastos Operativos -35,495
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
2,065,203 2,174,814 2,291,483 2,415,830 2,548,546 2,690,409
-1,281,895 -1,349,932 -1,422,350 -1,499,533 -1,581,911 -1,669,967
783,308 824,882 869,134 916,297 966,634 1,020,441
-70,119 -73,840 -77,801 -82,023 -86,529 -91,346
-198,751 -209,300 -220,528 -232,495 -245,267 -258,920
226,390 226,390 226,390 226,390 226,390 226,390
-35,495 -35,495 -35,495 -35,495 -35,495 -35,495
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
-5,801 -1,276 0 0 0 0
2026 2027 2028 2019 2020
2,842,294 3,005,187 3,180,202 I 100.0% 100.0%
-1,764,244 -1,865,354 -1,973,988 II -62.1% -62.1%
1,078,050 1,139,833 1,206,214 37.9% 37.9%
-96,503 -102,033 -107,975 III -3.4% -3.4%
-273,537 -289,213 -306,056 IV -9.6% -9.6%
226,390 226,390 226,390 V 11.5% 11.0%
-35,495 -35,495 -35,495 VI -1.8% -1.7%
0 0 0 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 0 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 0 0.0% 0.0%
0 0 0 X 0.8% -0.3%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019E
Despacho (TM) 5,701 5,546 5,109 4,993 5,058 5,111
Ingresos (S/ millones) 1,883 1,949 1,865 1,863 1,969 1,962
EBITDA (S/ millones) 774 937 916 966 854 918
NOF (S/ millones) 526 620 693 657 615 666
CAPEX (S/ millones) 382 309 165 125 179 211
Depreciación (S/ millones) 183 186 202 256 237 238
Apalancamiento Financiero 0.57 0.58 0.55 0.50 0.48 0.45
Endeudamiento Total 1.31 1.35 1.20 1.00 0.94 0.83
Margen Bruto 45.3% 43.1% 41.9% 38.8% 37.9% 37.9%
Margen Operativo 31.4% 38.5% 38.3% 38.1% 31.3% 34.6%
ROE 8.0% 3.6% 8.0% 10.9% 5.5% 8.4%
ROA 3.5% 1.5% 3.6% 5.4% 2.8% 4.6%
2020E 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E
5,273 5,439 5,611 5,789 5,972 6,161 6,355 6,556
2,065 2,175 2,291 2,416 2,549 2,690 2,842 3,005
946 976 1,005 1,037 1,072 1,110 1,149 1,190
716 759 806 855 908 964 1,025 1,090
211 211 211 211 211 211 431 431
240 244 243 245 247 249 250 251
Security USGG10YR Index
Start Date 1/10/1998 0:00
End Date 12/31/2018 0:00
Period D
Datos de Bloomberg
12/31/2018 2.6842 2.6842
12/28/2018 2.7182 2.7182
12/27/2018 2.7666 2.7666
12/26/2018 2.8079 2.8079
12/25/2018 2.7383 2.7383
12/24/2018 2.7383 2.7383
12/21/2018 2.7902 2.7902
12/20/2018 2.8065 2.8065
12/19/2018 2.7548 2.7548
12/18/2018 2.8175 2.8175
12/17/2018 2.857 2.857
12/14/2018 2.8895 2.8895
12/13/2018 2.9131 2.9131
12/12/2018 2.9096 2.9096
12/11/2018 2.879 2.879
12/10/2018 2.8575 2.8575
12/7/2018 2.845 2.845
12/6/2018 2.8955 2.8955
12/5/2018 2.9136 2.9136
12/4/2018 2.9136 2.9136
12/3/2018 2.9697 2.9697
11/30/2018 2.9879 2.9879
11/29/2018 3.0298 3.0298
11/28/2018 3.059 3.059
11/27/2018 3.0572 3.0572
11/26/2018 3.0535 3.0535
11/23/2018 3.039 3.039
11/22/2018 3.0627 3.0627
11/21/2018 3.0627 3.0627
11/20/2018 3.0628 3.0628
11/19/2018 3.0628 3.0628
11/16/2018 3.0628 3.0628
11/15/2018 3.1103 3.1103
11/14/2018 3.125 3.125
11/13/2018 3.1397 3.1397
11/12/2018 3.1819 3.1819
11/9/2018 3.1819 3.1819
11/8/2018 3.2373 3.2373
11/7/2018 3.2355 3.2355
11/6/2018 3.2276 3.2276
11/5/2018 3.2008 3.2008
11/2/2018 3.2121 3.2121
11/1/2018 3.1303 3.1303
10/31/2018 3.1435 3.1435
10/30/2018 3.1227 3.1227
10/29/2018 3.0849 3.0849
10/26/2018 3.0755 3.0755
10/25/2018 3.1167 3.1167
10/24/2018 3.1035 3.1035
10/23/2018 3.1676 3.1676
10/22/2018 3.1978 3.1978
10/19/2018 3.1921 3.1921
10/18/2018 3.1786 3.1786
10/17/2018 3.205 3.205
10/16/2018 3.1633 3.1633
10/15/2018 3.1557 3.1557
10/12/2018 3.1613 3.1613
10/11/2018 3.1498 3.1498
10/10/2018 3.1629 3.1629
10/9/2018 3.2063 3.2063
10/8/2018 3.2328 3.2328
10/5/2018 3.2328 3.2328
10/4/2018 3.187 3.187
10/3/2018 3.1813 3.1813
10/2/2018 3.0631 3.0631
10/1/2018 3.0836 3.0836
9/28/2018 3.0612 3.0612
9/27/2018 3.0518 3.0518
9/26/2018 3.048 3.048
9/25/2018 3.0964 3.0964
9/24/2018 3.0889 3.0889
9/21/2018 3.0628 3.0628
9/20/2018 3.0626 3.0626
9/19/2018 3.0626 3.0626
9/18/2018 3.0551 3.0551
9/17/2018 2.9867 2.9867
9/14/2018 2.9959 2.9959
9/13/2018 2.97 2.97
9/12/2018 2.9626 2.9626
9/11/2018 2.9755 2.9755
9/10/2018 2.9314 2.9314
9/7/2018 2.9388 2.9388
9/6/2018 2.8731 2.8731
9/5/2018 2.9022 2.9022
9/4/2018 2.8985 2.8985
9/3/2018 2.8604 2.8604
8/31/2018 2.8604 2.8604
8/30/2018 2.855 2.855
8/29/2018 2.884 2.884
8/28/2018 2.8804 2.8804
8/27/2018 2.8459 2.8459
8/24/2018 2.8098 2.8098
8/23/2018 2.8261 2.8261
8/22/2018 2.8189 2.8189
8/21/2018 2.8298 2.8298
8/20/2018 2.819 2.819
8/17/2018 2.8605 2.8605
8/16/2018 2.8659 2.8659
8/15/2018 2.8623 2.8623
8/14/2018 2.8985 2.8985
8/13/2018 2.8786 2.8786
8/10/2018 2.8732 2.8732
8/9/2018 2.9258 2.9258
8/8/2018 2.96 2.96
8/7/2018 2.973 2.973
8/6/2018 2.9395 2.9395
8/3/2018 2.9488 2.9488
8/2/2018 2.9859 2.9859
8/1/2018 3.0064 3.0064
7/31/2018 2.9598 2.9598
7/30/2018 2.9728 2.9728
7/27/2018 2.9542 2.9542
7/26/2018 2.9764 2.9764
7/25/2018 2.9746 2.9746
7/24/2018 2.9486 2.9486
7/23/2018 2.9541 2.9541
7/20/2018 2.8931 2.8931
7/19/2018 2.838 2.838
7/18/2018 2.8692 2.8692
7/17/2018 2.86 2.86
7/16/2018 2.8582 2.8582
7/13/2018 2.8271 2.8271
7/12/2018 2.8454 2.8454
7/11/2018 2.8491 2.8491
7/10/2018 2.8491 2.8491
7/9/2018 2.8564 2.8564
7/6/2018 2.8217 2.8217
7/5/2018 2.8291 2.8291
7/4/2018 2.8309 2.8309
7/3/2018 2.8309 2.8309
7/2/2018 2.8711 2.8711
6/29/2018 2.8601 2.8601
6/28/2018 2.8365 2.8365
6/27/2018 2.8256 2.8256
6/26/2018 2.8766 2.8766
6/25/2018 2.8803 2.8803
6/22/2018 2.8949 2.8949
6/21/2018 2.8967 2.8967
6/20/2018 2.9389 2.9389
6/19/2018 2.8967 2.8967
6/18/2018 2.9169 2.9169
6/15/2018 2.9205 2.9205
6/14/2018 2.9351 2.9351
6/13/2018 2.9663 2.9663
6/12/2018 2.9608 2.9608
6/11/2018 2.9516 2.9516
6/8/2018 2.9461 2.9461
6/7/2018 2.9204 2.9204
6/6/2018 2.9717 2.9717
6/5/2018 2.9277 2.9277
6/4/2018 2.9424 2.9424
6/1/2018 2.9022 2.9022
5/31/2018 2.8586 2.8586
5/30/2018 2.855 2.855
5/29/2018 2.781 2.781
5/28/2018 2.9313 2.9313
5/25/2018 2.9313 2.9313
5/24/2018 2.977 2.977
5/23/2018 2.9935 2.9935
5/22/2018 3.0597 3.0597
5/21/2018 3.0596 3.0596
5/18/2018 3.0559 3.0559
5/17/2018 3.1112 3.1112
5/16/2018 3.0964 3.0964
5/15/2018 3.0723 3.0723
5/14/2018 3.0024 3.0024
5/11/2018 2.9695 2.9695
5/10/2018 2.9622 2.9622
5/9/2018 3.0042 3.0042
5/8/2018 2.976 2.976
5/7/2018 2.9497 2.9497
5/4/2018 2.9497 2.9497
5/3/2018 2.9458 2.9458
5/2/2018 2.9663 2.9663
5/1/2018 2.9644 2.9644
4/30/2018 2.9531 2.9531
4/27/2018 2.9568 2.9568
4/26/2018 2.9809 2.9809
4/25/2018 3.0259 3.0259
4/24/2018 2.9995 2.9995
4/23/2018 2.9752 2.9752
4/20/2018 2.9602 2.9602
4/19/2018 2.9098 2.9098
4/18/2018 2.8728 2.8728
4/17/2018 2.8285 2.8285
4/16/2018 2.8267 2.8267
4/13/2018 2.8267 2.8267
4/12/2018 2.8358 2.8358
4/11/2018 2.7808 2.7808
4/10/2018 2.8009 2.8009
4/9/2018 2.779 2.779
4/6/2018 2.7735 2.7735
4/5/2018 2.832 2.832
4/4/2018 2.8027 2.8027
4/3/2018 2.7753 2.7753
4/2/2018 2.7298 2.7298
3/30/2018 2.7389 2.7389
3/29/2018 2.7389 2.7389
3/28/2018 2.7807 2.7807
3/27/2018 2.7753 2.7753
3/26/2018 2.852 2.852
3/23/2018 2.8135 2.8135
3/22/2018 2.8244 2.8244
3/21/2018 2.883 2.883
3/20/2018 2.8959 2.8959
3/19/2018 2.8555 2.8555
3/16/2018 2.8445 2.8445
3/15/2018 2.828 2.828
3/14/2018 2.817 2.817
3/13/2018 2.8426 2.8426
3/12/2018 2.8681 2.8681
3/9/2018 2.8938 2.8938
3/8/2018 2.8571 2.8571
3/7/2018 2.8827 2.8827
3/6/2018 2.8863 2.8863
3/5/2018 2.8808 2.8808
3/2/2018 2.8643 2.8643
3/1/2018 2.8078 2.8078
2/28/2018 2.8606 2.8606
2/27/2018 2.8934 2.8934
2/26/2018 2.8623 2.8623
2/23/2018 2.866 2.866
2/22/2018 2.9207 2.9207
2/21/2018 2.95 2.95
2/20/2018 2.8896 2.8896
2/19/2018 2.8749 2.8749
2/16/2018 2.8749 2.8749
2/15/2018 2.9095 2.9095
2/14/2018 2.9022 2.9022
2/13/2018 2.8294 2.8294
2/12/2018 2.8585 2.8585
2/9/2018 2.8512 2.8512
2/8/2018 2.824 2.824
2/7/2018 2.8359 2.8359
2/6/2018 2.8016 2.8016
2/5/2018 2.7056 2.7056
2/2/2018 2.8411 2.8411
2/1/2018 2.7896 2.7896
1/31/2018 2.705 2.705
1/30/2018 2.7199 2.7199
1/29/2018 2.6936 2.6936
1/26/2018 2.6599 2.6599
1/25/2018 2.617 2.617
1/24/2018 2.6465 2.6465
1/23/2018 2.6131 2.6131
1/22/2018 2.65 2.65
1/19/2018 2.6592 2.6592
1/18/2018 2.6256 2.6256
1/17/2018 2.5904 2.5904
1/16/2018 2.5371 2.5371
1/15/2018 2.5462 2.5462
1/12/2018 2.5462 2.5462
1/11/2018 2.5367 2.5367
1/10/2018 2.5568 2.5568
1/9/2018 2.553 2.553
1/8/2018 2.48 2.48
1/5/2018 2.4763 2.4763
1/4/2018 2.4525 2.4525
1/3/2018 2.4471 2.4471
1/2/2018 2.4633 2.4633
1/1/2018 2.4054 2.4054
12/29/2017 2.4054 2.4054
12/28/2017 2.4305 2.4305
12/27/2017 2.4107 2.4107
12/26/2017 2.4756 2.4756
12/25/2017 2.481 2.481
12/22/2017 2.481 2.481
12/21/2017 2.4826 2.4826
12/20/2017 2.497 2.497
12/19/2017 2.4644 2.4644
12/18/2017 2.3942 2.3942
12/15/2017 2.353 2.353
12/14/2017 2.3493 2.3493
12/13/2017 2.3422 2.3422
12/12/2017 2.4011 2.4011
12/11/2017 2.3886 2.3886
12/8/2017 2.376 2.376
12/7/2017 2.3634 2.3634
12/6/2017 2.3385 2.3385
12/5/2017 2.3509 2.3509
12/4/2017 2.3723 2.3723
12/1/2017 2.3615 2.3615
11/30/2017 2.4097 2.4097
11/29/2017 2.3882 2.3882
11/28/2017 2.3277 2.3277
11/27/2017 2.3277 2.3277
11/24/2017 2.3418 2.3418
11/23/2017 2.3187 2.3187
11/22/2017 2.3187 2.3187
11/21/2017 2.3559 2.3559
11/20/2017 2.3666 2.3666
11/17/2017 2.3435 2.3435
11/16/2017 2.3753 2.3753
11/15/2017 2.3222 2.3222
11/14/2017 2.3717 2.3717
11/13/2017 2.4055 2.4055
11/10/2017 2.3984 2.3984
11/9/2017 2.3416 2.3416
11/8/2017 2.3343 2.3343
11/7/2017 2.3145 2.3145
11/6/2017 2.3163 2.3163
11/3/2017 2.3325 2.3325
11/2/2017 2.345 2.345
11/1/2017 2.3721 2.3721
10/31/2017 2.3793 2.3793
10/30/2017 2.3684 2.3684
10/27/2017 2.4064 2.4064
10/26/2017 2.4609 2.4609
10/25/2017 2.4317 2.4317
10/24/2017 2.4189 2.4189
10/23/2017 2.3664 2.3664
10/20/2017 2.3845 2.3845
10/19/2017 2.3178 2.3178
10/18/2017 2.3465 2.3465
10/17/2017 2.2998 2.2998
10/16/2017 2.3034 2.3034
10/13/2017 2.273 2.273
10/12/2017 2.3177 2.3177
10/11/2017 2.3481 2.3481
10/10/2017 2.3607 2.3607
10/9/2017 2.3589 2.3589
10/6/2017 2.3589 2.3589
10/5/2017 2.348 2.348
10/4/2017 2.3229 2.3229
10/3/2017 2.3229 2.3229
10/2/2017 2.3408 2.3408
9/29/2017 2.3336 2.3336
9/28/2017 2.3085 2.3085
9/27/2017 2.3103 2.3103
9/26/2017 2.2357 2.2357
9/25/2017 2.2198 2.2198
9/22/2017 2.2499 2.2499
9/21/2017 2.2765 2.2765
9/20/2017 2.2676 2.2676
9/19/2017 2.2446 2.2446
9/18/2017 2.2287 2.2287
9/15/2017 2.2023 2.2023
9/14/2017 2.1847 2.1847
9/13/2017 2.1883 2.1883
9/12/2017 2.1672 2.1672
9/11/2017 2.1306 2.1306
9/8/2017 2.0507 2.0507
9/7/2017 2.0387 2.0387
9/6/2017 2.1046 2.1046
9/5/2017 2.0596 2.0596
9/4/2017 2.1657 2.1657
9/1/2017 2.1657 2.1657
8/31/2017 2.117 2.117
8/30/2017 2.1309 2.1309
8/29/2017 2.1292 2.1292
8/28/2017 2.1571 2.1571
8/25/2017 2.1659 2.1659
8/24/2017 2.1939 2.1939
8/23/2017 2.166 2.166
8/22/2017 2.2131 2.2131
8/21/2017 2.1817 2.1817
8/18/2017 2.1939 2.1939
8/17/2017 2.1853 2.1853
8/16/2017 2.222 2.222
8/15/2017 2.2728 2.2728
8/14/2017 2.2185 2.2185
8/11/2017 2.1888 2.1888
8/10/2017 2.1975 2.1975
8/9/2017 2.2476 2.2476
8/8/2017 2.2619 2.2619
8/7/2017 2.253 2.253
8/4/2017 2.262 2.262
8/3/2017 2.2212 2.2212
8/2/2017 2.271 2.271
8/1/2017 2.2532 2.2532
7/31/2017 2.2942 2.2942
7/28/2017 2.2889 2.2889
7/27/2017 2.3103 2.3103
7/26/2017 2.2872 2.2872
7/25/2017 2.3354 2.3354
7/24/2017 2.2552 2.2552
7/21/2017 2.2375 2.2375
7/20/2017 2.2589 2.2589
7/19/2017 2.2696 2.2696
7/18/2017 2.259 2.259
7/17/2017 2.3141 2.3141
7/14/2017 2.3319 2.3319
7/13/2017 2.3444 2.3444
7/12/2017 2.3177 2.3177
7/11/2017 2.3605 2.3605
7/10/2017 2.373 2.373
7/7/2017 2.3856 2.3856
7/6/2017 2.3659 2.3659
7/5/2017 2.3232 2.3232
7/4/2017 2.3499 2.3499
7/3/2017 2.3499 2.3499
6/30/2017 2.3037 2.3037
6/29/2017 2.2666 2.2666
6/28/2017 2.2279 2.2279
6/27/2017 2.2051 2.2051
6/26/2017 2.137 2.137
6/23/2017 2.1423 2.1423
6/22/2017 2.1477 2.1477
6/21/2017 2.1634 2.1634
6/20/2017 2.1565 2.1565
6/19/2017 2.1879 2.1879
6/16/2017 2.1514 2.1514
6/15/2017 2.1637 2.1637
6/14/2017 2.1256 2.1256
6/13/2017 2.2109 2.2109
6/12/2017 2.2145 2.2145
6/9/2017 2.2005 2.2005
6/8/2017 2.1885 2.1885
6/7/2017 2.1729 2.1729
6/6/2017 2.1451 2.1451
6/5/2017 2.1817 2.1817
6/2/2017 2.1591 2.1591
6/1/2017 2.2114 2.2114
5/31/2017 2.2028 2.2028
5/30/2017 2.2098 2.2098
5/29/2017 2.2465 2.2465
5/26/2017 2.2465 2.2465
5/25/2017 2.2554 2.2554
5/24/2017 2.2502 2.2502
5/23/2017 2.2799 2.2799
5/22/2017 2.2537 2.2537
5/19/2017 2.2346 2.2346
5/18/2017 2.2294 2.2294
5/17/2017 2.2243 2.2243
5/16/2017 2.3257 2.3257
5/15/2017 2.3433 2.3433
5/12/2017 2.3257 2.3257
5/11/2017 2.3874 2.3874
5/10/2017 2.4141 2.4141
5/9/2017 2.3977 2.3977
5/8/2017 2.3868 2.3868
5/5/2017 2.3487 2.3487
5/4/2017 2.3541 2.3541
5/3/2017 2.318 2.318
5/2/2017 2.2803 2.2803
5/1/2017 2.318 2.318
4/28/2017 2.2802 2.2802
4/27/2017 2.2946 2.2946
4/26/2017 2.3035 2.3035
4/25/2017 2.3322 2.3322
4/24/2017 2.273 2.273
4/21/2017 2.248 2.248
4/20/2017 2.232 2.232
4/19/2017 2.2143 2.2143
4/18/2017 2.1682 2.1682
4/17/2017 2.2498 2.2498
4/14/2017 2.2374 2.2374
4/13/2017 2.2374 2.2374
4/12/2017 2.2392 2.2392
4/11/2017 2.2962 2.2962
4/10/2017 2.3661 2.3661
4/7/2017 2.3822 2.3822
4/6/2017 2.3408 2.3408
4/5/2017 2.3354 2.3354
4/4/2017 2.3605 2.3605
4/3/2017 2.3193 2.3193
3/31/2017 2.3874 2.3874
3/30/2017 2.4197 2.4197
3/29/2017 2.3765 2.3765
3/28/2017 2.4178 2.4178
3/27/2017 2.3782 2.3782
3/24/2017 2.4123 2.4123
3/23/2017 2.4194 2.4194
3/22/2017 2.405 2.405
3/21/2017 2.4175 2.4175
3/20/2017 2.4607 2.4607
3/17/2017 2.5005 2.5005
3/16/2017 2.5402 2.5402
3/15/2017 2.493 2.493
3/14/2017 2.6002 2.6002
3/13/2017 2.6258 2.6258
3/10/2017 2.5745 2.5745
3/9/2017 2.6053 2.6053
3/8/2017 2.5597 2.5597
3/7/2017 2.5179 2.5179
3/6/2017 2.4997 2.4997
3/3/2017 2.478 2.478
3/2/2017 2.4779 2.4779
3/1/2017 2.4526 2.4526
2/28/2017 2.3899 2.3899
2/27/2017 2.365 2.365
2/24/2017 2.3117 2.3117
2/23/2017 2.372 2.372
2/22/2017 2.4129 2.4129
2/21/2017 2.429 2.429
2/20/2017 2.4147 2.4147
2/17/2017 2.4147 2.4147
2/16/2017 2.4467 2.4467
2/15/2017 2.4932 2.4932
2/14/2017 2.4698 2.4698
2/13/2017 2.4358 2.4358
2/10/2017 2.4073 2.4073
2/9/2017 2.3948 2.3948
2/8/2017 2.3363 2.3363
2/7/2017 2.3931 2.3931
2/6/2017 2.4077 2.4077
2/3/2017 2.4648 2.4648
2/2/2017 2.4737 2.4737
2/1/2017 2.4699 2.4699
1/31/2017 2.4531 2.4531
1/30/2017 2.4881 2.4881
1/27/2017 2.4843 2.4843
1/26/2017 2.5043 2.5043
1/25/2017 2.5116 2.5116
1/24/2017 2.4652 2.4652
1/23/2017 2.3971 2.3971
1/20/2017 2.4668 2.4668
1/19/2017 2.4739 2.4739
1/18/2017 2.4296 2.4296
1/17/2017 2.3253 2.3253
1/16/2017 2.3964 2.3964
1/13/2017 2.3964 2.3964
1/12/2017 2.3631 2.3631
1/11/2017 2.3721 2.3721
1/10/2017 2.3757 2.3757
1/9/2017 2.3647 2.3647
1/6/2017 2.4193 2.4193
1/5/2017 2.3443 2.3443
1/4/2017 2.439 2.439
1/3/2017 2.4444 2.4444
1/2/2017 2.4443 2.4443
12/30/2016 2.4443 2.4443
12/29/2016 2.475 2.475
12/28/2016 2.508 2.508
12/27/2016 2.5596 2.5596
12/26/2016 2.5373 2.5373
12/23/2016 2.5373 2.5373
12/22/2016 2.5515 2.5515
12/21/2016 2.5348 2.5348
12/20/2016 2.5586 2.5586
12/19/2016 2.5382 2.5382
12/16/2016 2.5916 2.5916
12/15/2016 2.5967 2.5967
12/14/2016 2.5707 2.5707
12/13/2016 2.4713 2.4713
12/12/2016 2.4712 2.4712
12/9/2016 2.4675 2.4675
12/8/2016 2.4071 2.4071
12/7/2016 2.3401 2.3401
12/6/2016 2.3887 2.3887
12/5/2016 2.3941 2.3941
12/2/2016 2.3831 2.3831
12/1/2016 2.4481 2.4481
11/30/2016 2.3809 2.3809
11/29/2016 2.291 2.291
11/28/2016 2.3124 2.3124
11/25/2016 2.3572 2.3572
11/24/2016 2.3498 2.3498
11/23/2016 2.3498 2.3498
11/22/2016 2.3119 2.3119
11/21/2016 2.3154 2.3154
11/18/2016 2.3548 2.3548
11/17/2016 2.3026 2.3026
11/16/2016 2.2225 2.2225
11/15/2016 2.2189 2.2189
11/14/2016 2.2614 2.2614
11/11/2016 2.1501 2.1501
11/10/2016 2.1501 2.1501
11/9/2016 2.0571 2.0571
11/8/2016 1.8547 1.8547
11/7/2016 1.8261 1.8261
11/4/2016 1.7762 1.7762
11/3/2016 1.8115 1.8115
11/2/2016 1.8025 1.8025
11/1/2016 1.8274 1.8274
10/31/2016 1.8255 1.8255
10/28/2016 1.8468 1.8468
10/27/2016 1.8536 1.8536
10/26/2016 1.7931 1.7931
10/25/2016 1.756 1.756
10/24/2016 1.7647 1.7647
10/21/2016 1.7347 1.7347
10/20/2016 1.7556 1.7556
10/19/2016 1.7432 1.7432
10/18/2016 1.7379 1.7379
10/17/2016 1.766 1.766
10/14/2016 1.7977 1.7977
10/13/2016 1.7411 1.7411
10/12/2016 1.7692 1.7692
10/11/2016 1.7638 1.7638
10/10/2016 1.7181 1.7181
10/7/2016 1.7181 1.7181
10/6/2016 1.7372 1.7372
10/5/2016 1.7021 1.7021
10/4/2016 1.6864 1.6864
10/3/2016 1.6221 1.6221
9/30/2016 1.5944 1.5944
9/29/2016 1.5599 1.5599
9/28/2016 1.5719 1.5719
9/27/2016 1.5564 1.5564
9/26/2016 1.5839 1.5839
9/23/2016 1.6184 1.6184
9/22/2016 1.6183 1.6183
9/21/2016 1.6511 1.6511
9/20/2016 1.6892 1.6892
9/19/2016 1.7118 1.7118
9/16/2016 1.6926 1.6926
9/15/2016 1.6907 1.6907
9/14/2016 1.6976 1.6976
9/13/2016 1.7271 1.7271
9/12/2016 1.6629 1.6629
9/9/2016 1.6749 1.6749
9/8/2016 1.599 1.599
9/7/2016 1.5391 1.5391
9/6/2016 1.534 1.534
9/5/2016 1.6024 1.6024
9/2/2016 1.6024 1.6024
9/1/2016 1.5681 1.5681
8/31/2016 1.58 1.58
8/30/2016 1.5663 1.5663
8/29/2016 1.5595 1.5595
8/26/2016 1.6296 1.6296
8/25/2016 1.5731 1.5731
8/24/2016 1.5611 1.5611
8/23/2016 1.5458 1.5458
8/22/2016 1.5424 1.5424
8/19/2016 1.5781 1.5781
8/18/2016 1.5356 1.5356
8/17/2016 1.5491 1.5491
8/16/2016 1.5746 1.5746
8/15/2016 1.5576 1.5576
8/12/2016 1.5135 1.5135
8/11/2016 1.5593 1.5593
8/10/2016 1.5074 1.5074
8/9/2016 1.547 1.547
8/8/2016 1.592 1.592
8/5/2016 1.5885 1.5885
8/4/2016 1.5008 1.5008
8/3/2016 1.542 1.542
8/2/2016 1.5558 1.5558
8/1/2016 1.5214 1.5214
7/29/2016 1.4531 1.4531
7/28/2016 1.5044 1.5044
7/27/2016 1.4976 1.4976
7/26/2016 1.5611 1.5611
7/25/2016 1.5731 1.5731
7/22/2016 1.5663 1.5663
7/21/2016 1.556 1.556
7/20/2016 1.5801 1.5801
7/19/2016 1.5526 1.5526
7/18/2016 1.5818 1.5818
7/15/2016 1.5509 1.5509
7/14/2016 1.5356 1.5356
7/13/2016 1.4743 1.4743
7/12/2016 1.51 1.51
7/11/2016 1.4303 1.4303
7/8/2016 1.3579 1.3579
7/7/2016 1.385 1.385
7/6/2016 1.3682 1.3682
7/5/2016 1.375 1.375
7/4/2016 1.4441 1.4441
7/1/2016 1.4441 1.4441
6/30/2016 1.4697 1.4697
6/29/2016 1.5155 1.5155
6/28/2016 1.4664 1.4664
6/27/2016 1.4377 1.4377
6/24/2016 1.5599 1.5599
6/23/2016 1.7458 1.7458
6/22/2016 1.6852 1.6852
6/21/2016 1.7059 1.7059
6/20/2016 1.6886 1.6886
6/17/2016 1.6078 1.6078
6/16/2016 1.5788 1.5788
6/15/2016 1.572 1.572
6/14/2016 1.613 1.613
6/13/2016 1.6096 1.6096
6/10/2016 1.6404 1.6404
6/9/2016 1.6867 1.6867
6/8/2016 1.7022 1.7022
6/7/2016 1.7177 1.7177
6/6/2016 1.7367 1.7367
6/3/2016 1.7004 1.7004
6/2/2016 1.7989 1.7989
6/1/2016 1.8354 1.8354
5/31/2016 1.8458 1.8458
5/30/2016 1.851 1.851
5/27/2016 1.851 1.851
5/26/2016 1.8282 1.8282
5/25/2016 1.8664 1.8664
5/24/2016 1.8629 1.8629
5/23/2016 1.835 1.835
5/20/2016 1.8384 1.8384
5/19/2016 1.8487 1.8487
5/18/2016 1.8538 1.8538
5/17/2016 1.7723 1.7723
5/16/2016 1.7533 1.7533
5/13/2016 1.7001 1.7001
5/12/2016 1.7516 1.7516
5/11/2016 1.7367 1.7367
5/10/2016 1.7613 1.7613
5/9/2016 1.7507 1.7507
5/6/2016 1.7789 1.7789
5/5/2016 1.7453 1.7453
5/4/2016 1.7752 1.7752
5/3/2016 1.7963 1.7963
5/2/2016 1.8723 1.8723
4/29/2016 1.8333 1.8333
4/28/2016 1.8243 1.8243
4/27/2016 1.8508 1.8508
4/26/2016 1.9271 1.9271
4/25/2016 1.9128 1.9128
4/22/2016 1.8878 1.8878
4/21/2016 1.861 1.861
4/20/2016 1.845 1.845
4/19/2016 1.7851 1.7851
4/18/2016 1.7711 1.7711
4/15/2016 1.7518 1.7518
4/14/2016 1.7919 1.7919
4/13/2016 1.7639 1.7639
4/12/2016 1.7761 1.7761
4/11/2016 1.7254 1.7254
4/8/2016 1.7167 1.7167
4/7/2016 1.6889 1.6889
4/6/2016 1.7549 1.7549
4/5/2016 1.7201 1.7201
4/4/2016 1.7618 1.7618
4/1/2016 1.7705 1.7705
3/31/2016 1.7687 1.7687
3/30/2016 1.8228 1.8228
3/29/2016 1.8035 1.8035
3/28/2016 1.886 1.886
3/25/2016 1.9 1.9
3/24/2016 1.9 1.9
3/23/2016 1.8786 1.8786
3/22/2016 1.9403 1.9403
3/21/2016 1.9155 1.9155
3/18/2016 1.8732 1.8732
3/17/2016 1.8958 1.8958
3/16/2016 1.9081 1.9081
3/15/2016 1.9699 1.9699
3/14/2016 1.9592 1.9592
3/11/2016 1.9839 1.9839
3/10/2016 1.9323 1.9323
3/9/2016 1.876 1.876
3/8/2016 1.8287 1.8287
3/7/2016 1.9057 1.9057
3/4/2016 1.8741 1.8741
3/3/2016 1.8337 1.8337
3/2/2016 1.8406 1.8406
3/1/2016 1.8249 1.8249
2/29/2016 1.7347 1.7347
2/26/2016 1.7623 1.7623
2/25/2016 1.7157 1.7157
2/24/2016 1.7484 1.7484
2/23/2016 1.7225 1.7225
2/22/2016 1.7518 1.7518
2/19/2016 1.7449 1.7449
2/18/2016 1.7396 1.7396
2/17/2016 1.819 1.819
2/16/2016 1.7723 1.7723
2/15/2016 1.7481 1.7481
2/12/2016 1.7481 1.7481
2/11/2016 1.6591 1.6591
2/10/2016 1.6681 1.6681
2/9/2016 1.726 1.726
2/8/2016 1.7483 1.7483
2/5/2016 1.8357 1.8357
2/4/2016 1.8395 1.8395
2/3/2016 1.8861 1.8861
2/2/2016 1.8448 1.8448
2/1/2016 1.9486 1.9486
1/29/2016 1.9209 1.9209
1/28/2016 1.9784 1.9784
1/27/2016 1.9993 1.9993
1/26/2016 1.9942 1.9942
1/25/2016 2.0012 2.0012
1/22/2016 2.0519 2.0519
1/21/2016 2.0311 2.0311
1/20/2016 1.9824 1.9824
1/19/2016 2.0556 2.0556
1/18/2016 2.0347 2.0347
1/15/2016 2.0347 2.0347
1/14/2016 2.0874 2.0874
1/13/2016 2.0927 2.0927
1/12/2016 2.1032 2.1032
1/11/2016 2.1754 2.1754
1/8/2016 2.1156 2.1156
1/7/2016 2.1455 2.1455
1/6/2016 2.1702 2.1702
1/5/2016 2.2357 2.2357
1/4/2016 2.2428 2.2428
1/1/2016 2.2694 2.2694
12/31/2015 2.2694 2.2694
12/30/2015 2.2943 2.2943
12/29/2015 2.305 2.305
12/28/2015 2.2304 2.2304
12/25/2015 2.241 2.241
12/24/2015 2.241 2.241
12/23/2015 2.2534 2.2534
12/22/2015 2.2357 2.2357
12/21/2015 2.1917 2.1917
12/18/2015 2.204 2.204
12/17/2015 2.2234 2.2234
12/16/2015 2.296 2.296
12/15/2015 2.2658 2.2658
12/14/2015 2.2217 2.2217
12/11/2015 2.127 2.127
12/10/2015 2.2305 2.2305
12/9/2015 2.2164 2.2164
12/8/2015 2.2182 2.2182
12/7/2015 2.2288 2.2288
12/4/2015 2.2693 2.2693
12/3/2015 2.3136 2.3136
12/2/2015 2.1797 2.1797
12/1/2015 2.1431 2.1431
11/30/2015 2.206 2.206
11/27/2015 2.2201 2.2201
11/26/2015 2.2341 2.2341
11/25/2015 2.2341 2.2341
11/24/2015 2.2377 2.2377
11/23/2015 2.2377 2.2377
11/20/2015 2.2623 2.2623
11/19/2015 2.2482 2.2482
11/18/2015 2.2728 2.2728
11/17/2015 2.2658 2.2658
11/16/2015 2.2676 2.2676
11/13/2015 2.2658 2.2658
11/12/2015 2.3116 2.3116
11/11/2015 2.3301 2.3301
11/10/2015 2.3419 2.3419
11/9/2015 2.3436 2.3436
11/6/2015 2.3252 2.3252
11/5/2015 2.2323 2.2323
11/4/2015 2.225 2.225
11/3/2015 2.2105 2.2105
11/2/2015 2.1709 2.1709
10/30/2015 2.1421 2.1421
10/29/2015 2.1725 2.1725
10/28/2015 2.1009 2.1009
10/27/2015 2.037 2.037
10/26/2015 2.0564 2.0564
10/23/2015 2.0866 2.0866
10/22/2015 2.0263 2.0263
10/21/2015 2.0228 2.0228
10/20/2015 2.067 2.067
10/19/2015 2.0228 2.0228
10/16/2015 2.0334 2.0334
10/15/2015 2.0175 2.0175
10/14/2015 1.9718 1.9718
10/13/2015 2.0439 2.0439
10/12/2015 2.0881 2.0881
10/9/2015 2.0881 2.0881
10/8/2015 2.104 2.104
10/7/2015 2.0668 2.0668
10/6/2015 2.0315 2.0315
10/5/2015 2.0562 2.0562
10/2/2015 1.9929 1.9929
10/1/2015 2.0368 2.0368
9/30/2015 2.0368 2.0368
9/29/2015 2.0508 2.0508
9/28/2015 2.0949 2.0949
9/25/2015 2.1623 2.1623
9/24/2015 2.1266 2.1266
9/23/2015 2.1497 2.1497
9/22/2015 2.1337 2.1337
9/21/2015 2.2012 2.2012
9/18/2015 2.1336 2.1336
9/17/2015 2.1903 2.1903
9/16/2015 2.294 2.294
9/15/2015 2.2867 2.2867
9/14/2015 2.1831 2.1831
9/11/2015 2.1883 2.1883
9/10/2015 2.222 2.222
9/9/2015 2.2006 2.2006
9/8/2015 2.1828 2.1828
9/7/2015 2.1244 2.1244
9/4/2015 2.1244 2.1244
9/3/2015 2.1596 2.1596
9/2/2015 2.1843 2.1843
9/1/2015 2.1524 2.1524
8/31/2015 2.2179 2.2179
8/28/2015 2.1807 2.1807
8/27/2015 2.1841 2.1841
8/26/2015 2.1752 2.1752
8/25/2015 2.0714 2.0714
8/24/2015 2.0034 2.0034
8/21/2015 2.0365 2.0365
8/20/2015 2.0679 2.0679
8/19/2015 2.1256 2.1256
8/18/2015 2.1925 2.1925
8/17/2015 2.1678 2.1678
8/14/2015 2.1977 2.1977
8/13/2015 2.1854 2.1854
8/12/2015 2.148 2.148
8/11/2015 2.1409 2.1409
8/10/2015 2.2269 2.2269
8/7/2015 2.1623 2.1623
8/6/2015 2.2214 2.2214
8/5/2015 2.2699 2.2699
8/4/2015 2.2213 2.2213
8/3/2015 2.148 2.148
7/31/2015 2.1801 2.1801
7/30/2015 2.2589 2.2589
7/29/2015 2.2859 2.2859
7/28/2015 2.2499 2.2499
7/27/2015 2.2175 2.2175
7/24/2015 2.2624 2.2624
7/23/2015 2.2677 2.2677
7/22/2015 2.3235 2.3235
7/21/2015 2.3253 2.3253
7/20/2015 2.3723 2.3723
7/17/2015 2.3469 2.3469
7/16/2015 2.3503 2.3503
7/15/2015 2.3521 2.3521
7/14/2015 2.401 2.401
7/13/2015 2.4538 2.4538
7/10/2015 2.3972 2.3972
7/9/2015 2.3211 2.3211
7/8/2015 2.1922 2.1922
7/7/2015 2.2582 2.2582
7/6/2015 2.285 2.285
7/3/2015 2.3823 2.3823
7/2/2015 2.3823 2.3823
7/1/2015 2.4219 2.4219
6/30/2015 2.3531 2.3531
6/29/2015 2.3242 2.3242
6/26/2015 2.4726 2.4726
6/25/2015 2.4088 2.4088
6/24/2015 2.3672 2.3672
6/23/2015 2.4087 2.4087
6/22/2015 2.3725 2.3725
6/19/2015 2.2577 2.2577
6/18/2015 2.3345 2.3345
6/17/2015 2.3165 2.3165
6/16/2015 2.3093 2.3093
6/15/2015 2.3559 2.3559
6/12/2015 2.3918 2.3918
6/11/2015 2.3772 2.3772
6/10/2015 2.4838 2.4838
6/9/2015 2.4384 2.4384
6/8/2015 2.3824 2.3824
6/5/2015 2.4076 2.4076
6/4/2015 2.307 2.307
6/3/2015 2.3642 2.3642
6/2/2015 2.2624 2.2624
6/1/2015 2.1794 2.1794
5/29/2015 2.1214 2.1214
5/28/2015 2.1355 2.1355
5/27/2015 2.1285 2.1285
5/26/2015 2.139 2.139
5/25/2015 2.2092 2.2092
5/22/2015 2.2092 2.2092
5/21/2015 2.1898 2.1898
5/20/2015 2.2479 2.2479
5/19/2015 2.2886 2.2886
5/18/2015 2.2337 2.2337
5/15/2015 2.1424 2.1424
5/14/2015 2.2301 2.2301
5/13/2015 2.2926 2.2926
5/12/2015 2.2489 2.2489
5/11/2015 2.2797 2.2797
5/8/2015 2.1478 2.1478
5/7/2015 2.18 2.18
5/6/2015 2.2431 2.2431
5/5/2015 2.1853 2.1853
5/4/2015 2.144 2.144
5/1/2015 2.1135 2.1135
4/30/2015 2.0317 2.0317
4/29/2015 2.0388 2.0388
4/28/2015 2.0034 2.0034
4/27/2015 1.9208 1.9208
4/24/2015 1.9086 1.9086
4/23/2015 1.9577 1.9577
4/22/2015 1.9788 1.9788
4/21/2015 1.9087 1.9087
4/20/2015 1.8896 1.8896
4/17/2015 1.8653 1.8653
4/16/2015 1.8897 1.8897
4/15/2015 1.888 1.888
4/14/2015 1.8985 1.8985
4/13/2015 1.9272 1.9272
4/10/2015 1.9473 1.9473
4/9/2015 1.9596 1.9596
4/8/2015 1.9047 1.9047
4/7/2015 1.8848 1.8848
4/6/2015 1.8952 1.8952
4/3/2015 1.8389 1.8389
4/2/2015 1.9117 1.9117
4/1/2015 1.8573 1.8573
3/31/2015 1.9231 1.9231
3/30/2015 1.9475 1.9475
3/27/2015 1.9615 1.9615
3/26/2015 1.9894 1.9894
3/25/2015 1.925 1.925
3/24/2015 1.8731 1.8731
3/23/2015 1.912 1.912
3/20/2015 1.9303 1.9303
3/19/2015 1.9685 1.9685
3/18/2015 1.9199 1.9199
3/17/2015 2.0507 2.0507
3/16/2015 2.0717 2.0717
3/13/2015 2.114 2.114
3/12/2015 2.1156 2.1156
3/11/2015 2.1086 2.1086
3/10/2015 2.1297 2.1297
3/9/2015 2.1907 2.1907
3/6/2015 2.2414 2.2414
3/5/2015 2.1154 2.1154
3/4/2015 2.1172 2.1172
3/3/2015 2.1189 2.1189
3/2/2015 2.082 2.082
2/27/2015 1.993 1.993
2/26/2015 2.0295 2.0295
2/25/2015 1.9688 1.9688
2/24/2015 1.98 1.98
2/23/2015 2.0574 2.0574
2/20/2015 2.1117 2.1117
2/19/2015 2.1142 2.1142
2/18/2015 2.08 2.08
2/17/2015 2.1379 2.1379
2/16/2015 2.0504 2.0504
2/13/2015 2.0504 2.0504
2/12/2015 1.9844 1.9844
2/11/2015 2.0176 2.0176
2/10/2015 1.9967 1.9967
2/9/2015 1.9775 1.9775
2/6/2015 1.9567 1.9567
2/5/2015 1.8204 1.8204
2/4/2015 1.7513 1.7513
2/3/2015 1.7915 1.7915
2/2/2015 1.6642 1.6642
1/30/2015 1.6407 1.6407
1/29/2015 1.7512 1.7512
1/28/2015 1.7207 1.7207
1/27/2015 1.8231 1.8231
1/26/2015 1.8241 1.8241
1/23/2015 1.7968 1.7968
1/22/2015 1.8631 1.8631
1/21/2015 1.8717 1.8717
1/20/2015 1.788 1.788
1/19/2015 1.8368 1.8368
1/16/2015 1.8368 1.8368
1/15/2015 1.7149 1.7149
1/14/2015 1.8553 1.8553
1/13/2015 1.9 1.9
1/12/2015 1.907 1.907
1/9/2015 1.9449 1.9449
1/8/2015 2.0179 2.0179
1/7/2015 1.9677 1.9677
1/6/2015 1.9402 1.9402
1/5/2015 2.032 2.032
1/2/2015 2.1105 2.1105
1/1/2015 2.1712 2.1712
12/31/2014 2.1712 2.1712
12/30/2014 2.1871 2.1871
12/29/2014 2.2021 2.2021
12/26/2014 2.2499 2.2499
12/25/2014 2.2632 2.2632
12/24/2014 2.2632 2.2632
12/23/2014 2.2614 2.2614
12/22/2014 2.1583 2.1583
12/19/2014 2.1618 2.1618
12/18/2014 2.2075 2.2075
12/17/2014 2.1356 2.1356
12/16/2014 2.0591 2.0591
12/15/2014 2.1182 2.1182
12/12/2014 2.0817 2.0817
12/11/2014 2.162 2.162
12/10/2014 2.1638 2.1638
12/9/2014 2.2129 2.2129
12/8/2014 2.257 2.257
12/5/2014 2.3065 2.3065
12/4/2014 2.2341 2.2341
12/3/2014 2.2799 2.2799
12/2/2014 2.2923 2.2923
12/1/2014 2.235 2.235
11/28/2014 2.164 2.164
11/27/2014 2.2447 2.2447
11/26/2014 2.2447 2.2447
11/25/2014 2.257 2.257
11/24/2014 2.3064 2.3064
11/21/2014 2.3099 2.3099
11/20/2014 2.3373 2.3373
11/19/2014 2.3594 2.3594
11/18/2014 2.3151 2.3151
11/17/2014 2.3399 2.3399
11/14/2014 2.3204 2.3204
11/13/2014 2.3399 2.3399
11/12/2014 2.3712 2.3712
11/11/2014 2.3604 2.3604
11/10/2014 2.3604 2.3604
11/7/2014 2.2976 2.2976
11/6/2014 2.3856 2.3856
11/5/2014 2.3424 2.3424
11/4/2014 2.3335 2.3335
11/3/2014 2.3425 2.3425
10/31/2014 2.3353 2.3353
10/30/2014 2.3058 2.3058
10/29/2014 2.3174 2.3174
10/28/2014 2.296 2.296
10/27/2014 2.2605 2.2605
10/24/2014 2.2685 2.2685
10/23/2014 2.2712 2.2712
10/22/2014 2.2164 2.2164
10/21/2014 2.2217 2.2217
10/20/2014 2.1909 2.1909
10/17/2014 2.1936 2.1936
10/16/2014 2.1559 2.1559
10/15/2014 2.1358 2.1358
10/14/2014 2.1973 2.1973
10/13/2014 2.2804 2.2804
10/10/2014 2.2804 2.2804
10/9/2014 2.3133 2.3133
10/8/2014 2.3213 2.3213
10/7/2014 2.3391 2.3391
10/6/2014 2.4196 2.4196
10/3/2014 2.434 2.434
10/2/2014 2.425 2.425
10/1/2014 2.3856 2.3856
9/30/2014 2.4888 2.4888
9/29/2014 2.4771 2.4771
9/26/2014 2.5276 2.5276
9/25/2014 2.5022 2.5022
9/24/2014 2.5637 2.5637
9/23/2014 2.5275 2.5275
9/22/2014 2.5636 2.5636
9/19/2014 2.5745 2.5745
9/18/2014 2.6144 2.6144
9/17/2014 2.6198 2.6198
9/16/2014 2.5924 2.5924
9/15/2014 2.5887 2.5887
9/12/2014 2.6105 2.6105
9/11/2014 2.5496 2.5496
9/10/2014 2.5414 2.5414
9/9/2014 2.5036 2.5036
9/8/2014 2.4712 2.4712
9/5/2014 2.4587 2.4587
9/4/2014 2.4497 2.4497
9/3/2014 2.3962 2.3962
9/2/2014 2.4211 2.4211
9/1/2014 2.3431 2.3431
8/29/2014 2.3431 2.3431
8/28/2014 2.3361 2.3361
8/27/2014 2.3573 2.3573
8/26/2014 2.3962 2.3962
8/25/2014 2.382 2.382
8/22/2014 2.4024 2.4024
8/21/2014 2.4068 2.4068
8/20/2014 2.4264 2.4264
8/19/2014 2.3997 2.3997
8/18/2014 2.3927 2.3927
8/15/2014 2.3397 2.3397
8/14/2014 2.4015 2.4015
8/13/2014 2.4166 2.4166
8/12/2014 2.4491 2.4491
8/11/2014 2.4275 2.4275
8/8/2014 2.4203 2.4203
8/7/2014 2.4114 2.4114
8/6/2014 2.4708 2.4708
8/5/2014 2.4844 2.4844
8/4/2014 2.4817 2.4817
8/1/2014 2.4925 2.4925
7/31/2014 2.5578 2.5578
7/30/2014 2.5569 2.5569
7/29/2014 2.4601 2.4601
7/28/2014 2.4853 2.4853
7/25/2014 2.4655 2.4655
7/24/2014 2.5025 2.5025
7/23/2014 2.4655 2.4655
7/22/2014 2.4601 2.4601
7/21/2014 2.4674 2.4674
7/18/2014 2.4809 2.4809
7/17/2014 2.4458 2.4458
7/16/2014 2.526 2.526
7/15/2014 2.5468 2.5468
7/14/2014 2.5468 2.5468
7/11/2014 2.516 2.516
7/10/2014 2.5359 2.5359
7/9/2014 2.5503 2.5503
7/8/2014 2.5557 2.5557
7/7/2014 2.611 2.611
7/4/2014 2.6383 2.6383
7/3/2014 2.6383 2.6383
7/2/2014 2.6264 2.6264
7/1/2014 2.5647 2.5647
6/30/2014 2.5304 2.5304
6/27/2014 2.534 2.534
6/26/2014 2.5286 2.5286
6/25/2014 2.5592 2.5592
6/24/2014 2.5781 2.5781
6/23/2014 2.6261 2.6261
6/20/2014 2.6052 2.6052
6/19/2014 2.6206 2.6206
6/18/2014 2.5844 2.5844
6/17/2014 2.6523 2.6523
6/16/2014 2.597 2.597
6/13/2014 2.6033 2.6033
6/12/2014 2.5951 2.5951
6/11/2014 2.6394 2.6394
6/10/2014 2.6439 2.6439
6/9/2014 2.6032 2.6032
6/6/2014 2.5869 2.5869
6/5/2014 2.5824 2.5824
6/4/2014 2.6021 2.6021
6/3/2014 2.5985 2.5985
6/2/2014 2.5267 2.5267
5/30/2014 2.4759 2.4759
5/29/2014 2.4644 2.4644
5/28/2014 2.4431 2.4431
5/27/2014 2.5142 2.5142
5/26/2014 2.5321 2.5321
5/23/2014 2.5321 2.5321
5/22/2014 2.5499 2.5499
5/21/2014 2.532 2.532
5/20/2014 2.5106 2.5106
5/19/2014 2.5445 2.5445
5/16/2014 2.5231 2.5231
5/15/2014 2.4893 2.4893
5/14/2014 2.5427 2.5427
5/13/2014 2.6089 2.6089
5/12/2014 2.6611 2.6611
5/9/2014 2.6233 2.6233
5/8/2014 2.6161 2.6161
5/7/2014 2.5878 2.5878
5/6/2014 2.5914 2.5914
5/5/2014 2.6068 2.6068
5/2/2014 2.5843 2.5843
5/1/2014 2.6133 2.6133
4/30/2014 2.6459 2.6459
4/29/2014 2.6913 2.6913
4/28/2014 2.7005 2.7005
4/25/2014 2.6623 2.6623
4/24/2014 2.6805 2.6805
4/23/2014 2.6987 2.6987
4/22/2014 2.7105 2.7105
4/21/2014 2.7151 2.7151
4/18/2014 2.7215 2.7215
4/17/2014 2.7215 2.7215
4/16/2014 2.6282 2.6282
4/15/2014 2.6283 2.6283
4/14/2014 2.6472 2.6472
4/11/2014 2.6247 2.6247
4/10/2014 2.6474 2.6474
4/9/2014 2.6898 2.6898
4/8/2014 2.6808 2.6808
4/7/2014 2.6998 2.6998
4/4/2014 2.7207 2.7207
4/3/2014 2.7972 2.7972
4/2/2014 2.8045 2.8045
4/1/2014 2.7525 2.7525
3/31/2014 2.718 2.718
3/28/2014 2.7208 2.7208
3/27/2014 2.681 2.681
3/26/2014 2.6919 2.6919
3/25/2014 2.748 2.748
3/24/2014 2.7281 2.7281
3/21/2014 2.7426 2.7426
3/20/2014 2.7716 2.7716
3/19/2014 2.7725 2.7725
3/18/2014 2.6722 2.6722
3/17/2014 2.6921 2.6921
3/14/2014 2.6543 2.6543
3/13/2014 2.6446 2.6446
3/12/2014 2.73 2.73
3/11/2014 2.768 2.768
3/10/2014 2.777 2.777
3/7/2014 2.7879 2.7879
3/6/2014 2.7373 2.7373
3/5/2014 2.7048 2.7048
3/4/2014 2.6977 2.6977
3/3/2014 2.6012 2.6012
2/28/2014 2.6476 2.6476
2/27/2014 2.6387 2.6387
2/26/2014 2.6655 2.6655
2/25/2014 2.7023 2.7023
2/24/2014 2.7382 2.7382
2/21/2014 2.731 2.731
2/20/2014 2.7509 2.7509
2/19/2014 2.7392 2.7392
2/18/2014 2.7069 2.7069
2/17/2014 2.7428 2.7428
2/14/2014 2.7428 2.7428
2/13/2014 2.732 2.732
2/12/2014 2.7608 2.7608
2/11/2014 2.725 2.725
2/10/2014 2.6674 2.6674
2/7/2014 2.6829 2.6829
2/6/2014 2.7003 2.7003
2/5/2014 2.6675 2.6675
2/4/2014 2.6294 2.6294
2/3/2014 2.5761 2.5761
1/31/2014 2.644 2.644
1/30/2014 2.6949 2.6949
1/29/2014 2.6767 2.6767
1/28/2014 2.7488 2.7488
1/27/2014 2.7479 2.7479
1/24/2014 2.715 2.715
1/23/2014 2.7772 2.7772
1/22/2014 2.8656 2.8656
1/21/2014 2.8286 2.8286
1/20/2014 2.8194 2.8194
1/17/2014 2.8194 2.8194
1/16/2014 2.8414 2.8414
1/15/2014 2.8912 2.8912
1/14/2014 2.8709 2.8709
1/13/2014 2.8257 2.8257
1/10/2014 2.8579 2.8579
1/9/2014 2.9652 2.9652
1/8/2014 2.9894 2.9894
1/7/2014 2.9391 2.9391
1/6/2014 2.9576 2.9576
1/3/2014 2.9948 2.9948
1/2/2014 2.989 2.989
1/1/2014 3.0282 3.0282
12/31/2013 3.0282 3.0282
12/30/2013 2.9703 2.9703
12/27/2013 3 3
12/26/2013 2.9905 2.9905
12/25/2013 2.9775 2.9775
12/24/2013 2.9775 2.9775
12/23/2013 2.9274 2.9274
12/20/2013 2.8886 2.8886
12/19/2013 2.9291 2.9291
12/18/2013 2.8931 2.8931
12/17/2013 2.8354 2.8354
12/16/2013 2.8784 2.8784
12/13/2013 2.8646 2.8646
12/12/2013 2.8773 2.8773
12/11/2013 2.8535 2.8535
12/10/2013 2.8006 2.8006
12/9/2013 2.8389 2.8389
12/6/2013 2.8553 2.8553
12/5/2013 2.8717 2.8717
12/4/2013 2.8342 2.8342
12/3/2013 2.7825 2.7825
12/2/2013 2.7951 2.7951
11/29/2013 2.7445 2.7445
11/28/2013 2.7373 2.7373
11/27/2013 2.7373 2.7373
11/26/2013 2.7077 2.7077
11/25/2013 2.7283 2.7283
11/22/2013 2.7427 2.7427
11/21/2013 2.7842 2.7842
11/20/2013 2.7987 2.7987
11/19/2013 2.7069 2.7069
11/18/2013 2.6658 2.6658
11/15/2013 2.7033 2.7033
11/14/2013 2.69 2.69
11/13/2013 2.6996 2.6996
11/12/2013 2.7728 2.7728
11/11/2013 2.7477 2.7477
11/8/2013 2.7477 2.7477
11/7/2013 2.5999 2.5999
11/6/2013 2.6421 2.6421
11/5/2013 2.6696 2.6696
11/4/2013 2.6035 2.6035
11/1/2013 2.6218 2.6218
10/31/2013 2.5542 2.5542
10/30/2013 2.5378 2.5378
10/29/2013 2.5034 2.5034
10/28/2013 2.5233 2.5233
10/25/2013 2.5088 2.5088
10/24/2013 2.5197 2.5197
10/23/2013 2.5016 2.5016
10/22/2013 2.5124 2.5124
10/21/2013 2.6014 2.6014
10/18/2013 2.5777 2.5777
10/17/2013 2.5894 2.5894
10/16/2013 2.6633 2.6633
10/15/2013 2.7276 2.7276
10/14/2013 2.6871 2.6871
10/11/2013 2.6871 2.6871
10/10/2013 2.6814 2.6814
10/9/2013 2.6631 2.6631
10/8/2013 2.632 2.632
10/7/2013 2.6265 2.6265
10/4/2013 2.6447 2.6447
10/3/2013 2.6046 2.6046
10/2/2013 2.6173 2.6173
10/1/2013 2.65 2.65
9/30/2013 2.61 2.61
9/27/2013 2.6245 2.6245
9/26/2013 2.6498 2.6498
9/25/2013 2.628 2.628
9/24/2013 2.6552 2.6552
9/23/2013 2.6999 2.6999
9/20/2013 2.7337 2.7337
9/19/2013 2.7519 2.7519
9/18/2013 2.6878 2.6878
9/17/2013 2.8468 2.8468
9/16/2013 2.8643 2.8643
9/13/2013 2.8846 2.8846
9/12/2013 2.9095 2.9095
9/11/2013 2.9122 2.9122
9/10/2013 2.9643 2.9643
9/9/2013 2.912 2.912
9/6/2013 2.9342 2.9342
9/5/2013 2.9937 2.9937
9/4/2013 2.8966 2.8966
9/3/2013 2.8576 2.8576
9/2/2013 2.7839 2.7839
8/30/2013 2.7839 2.7839
8/29/2013 2.7617 2.7617
8/28/2013 2.7653 2.7653
8/27/2013 2.7087 2.7087
8/26/2013 2.7853 2.7853
8/23/2013 2.8146 2.8146
8/22/2013 2.8844 2.8844
8/21/2013 2.8935 2.8935
8/20/2013 2.8142 2.8142
8/19/2013 2.8804 2.8804
8/16/2013 2.8251 2.8251
8/15/2013 2.7664 2.7664
8/14/2013 2.7136 2.7136
8/13/2013 2.719 2.719
8/12/2013 2.6206 2.6206
8/9/2013 2.5784 2.5784
8/8/2013 2.5892 2.5892
8/7/2013 2.5986 2.5986
8/6/2013 2.6421 2.6421
8/5/2013 2.6333 2.6333
8/2/2013 2.596 2.596
8/1/2013 2.706 2.706
7/31/2013 2.5762 2.5762
7/30/2013 2.6101 2.6101
7/29/2013 2.6023 2.6023
7/26/2013 2.5624 2.5624
7/25/2013 2.5712 2.5712
7/24/2013 2.588 2.588
7/23/2013 2.5049 2.5049
7/22/2013 2.4804 2.4804
7/19/2013 2.4839 2.4839
7/18/2013 2.5284 2.5284
7/17/2013 2.4888 2.4888
7/16/2013 2.5317 2.5317
7/15/2013 2.5372 2.5372
7/12/2013 2.5821 2.5821
7/11/2013 2.5721 2.5721
7/10/2013 2.6238 2.6238
7/9/2013 2.634 2.634
7/8/2013 2.6356 2.6356
7/5/2013 2.7391 2.7391
7/4/2013 2.5032 2.5032
7/3/2013 2.5032 2.5032
7/2/2013 2.4693 2.4693
7/1/2013 2.4765 2.4765
6/28/2013 2.4857 2.4857
6/27/2013 2.4721 2.4721
6/26/2013 2.5353 2.5353
6/25/2013 2.6082 2.6082
6/24/2013 2.5368 2.5368
6/21/2013 2.531 2.531
6/20/2013 2.4144 2.4144
6/19/2013 2.3527 2.3527
6/18/2013 2.1854 2.1854
6/17/2013 2.1817 2.1817
6/14/2013 2.1295 2.1295
6/13/2013 2.1489 2.1489
6/12/2013 2.228 2.228
6/11/2013 2.1846 2.1846
6/10/2013 2.2097 2.2097
6/7/2013 2.1718 2.1718
6/6/2013 2.0769 2.0769
6/5/2013 2.0892 2.0892
6/4/2013 2.1462 2.1462
6/3/2013 2.1193 2.1193
5/31/2013 2.1282 2.1282
5/30/2013 2.111 2.111
5/29/2013 2.1153 2.1153
5/28/2013 2.1652 2.1652
5/27/2013 2.0081 2.0081
5/24/2013 2.0081 2.0081
5/23/2013 2.0157 2.0157
5/22/2013 2.0395 2.0395
5/21/2013 1.9263 1.9263
5/20/2013 1.9647 1.9647
5/17/2013 1.9506 1.9506
5/16/2013 1.8809 1.8809
5/15/2013 1.9347 1.9347
5/14/2013 1.974 1.974
5/13/2013 1.9199 1.9199
5/10/2013 1.8973 1.8973
5/9/2013 1.8109 1.8109
5/8/2013 1.7665 1.7665
5/7/2013 1.7778 1.7778
5/6/2013 1.7588 1.7588
5/3/2013 1.7382 1.7382
5/2/2013 1.6255 1.6255
5/1/2013 1.629 1.629
4/30/2013 1.6717 1.6717
4/29/2013 1.6701 1.6701
4/26/2013 1.6633 1.6633
4/25/2013 1.708 1.708
4/24/2013 1.7047 1.7047
4/23/2013 1.7065 1.7065
4/22/2013 1.6929 1.6929
4/19/2013 1.7049 1.7049
4/18/2013 1.6847 1.6847
4/17/2013 1.695 1.695
4/16/2013 1.7224 1.7224
4/15/2013 1.6798 1.6798
4/12/2013 1.7208 1.7208
4/11/2013 1.7887 1.7887
4/10/2013 1.8034 1.8034
4/9/2013 1.7502 1.7502
4/8/2013 1.746 1.746
4/5/2013 1.7128 1.7128
4/4/2013 1.7625 1.7625
4/3/2013 1.8106 1.8106
4/2/2013 1.859 1.859
4/1/2013 1.8314 1.8314
3/29/2013 1.8486 1.8486
3/28/2013 1.8487 1.8487
3/27/2013 1.8454 1.8454
3/26/2013 1.9094 1.9094
3/25/2013 1.9198 1.9198
3/22/2013 1.925 1.925
3/21/2013 1.9112 1.9112
3/20/2013 1.9581 1.9581
3/19/2013 1.9017 1.9017
3/18/2013 1.9546 1.9546
3/15/2013 1.9895 1.9895
3/14/2013 2.0296 2.0296
3/13/2013 2.0209 2.0209
3/12/2013 2.0156 2.0156
3/11/2013 2.0576 2.0576
3/8/2013 2.0427 2.0427
3/7/2013 1.9965 1.9965
3/6/2013 1.9375 1.9375
3/5/2013 1.8978 1.8978
3/4/2013 1.8755 1.8755
3/1/2013 1.8412 1.8412
2/28/2013 1.8756 1.8756
2/27/2013 1.9014 1.9014
2/26/2013 1.8808 1.8808
2/25/2013 1.8637 1.8637
2/22/2013 1.9619 1.9619
2/21/2013 1.9766 1.9766
2/20/2013 2.0087 2.0087
2/19/2013 2.0278 2.0278
2/18/2013 2.0017 2.0017
2/15/2013 2.0017 2.0017
2/14/2013 1.9974 1.9974
2/13/2013 2.0277 2.0277
2/12/2013 1.977 1.977
2/11/2013 1.9635 1.9635
2/8/2013 1.9499 1.9499
2/7/2013 1.9568 1.9568
2/6/2013 1.9603 1.9603
2/5/2013 1.998 1.998
2/4/2013 1.9548 1.9548
2/1/2013 2.0149 2.0149
1/31/2013 1.9849 1.9849
1/30/2013 1.992 1.992
1/29/2013 1.9991 1.9991
1/28/2013 1.9613 1.9613
1/25/2013 1.9487 1.9487
1/24/2013 1.8498 1.8498
1/23/2013 1.8241 1.8241
1/22/2013 1.8417 1.8417
1/21/2013 1.8416 1.8416
1/18/2013 1.8416 1.8416
1/17/2013 1.8794 1.8794
1/16/2013 1.8185 1.8185
1/15/2013 1.836 1.836
1/14/2013 1.8448 1.8448
1/11/2013 1.8677 1.8677
1/10/2013 1.8958 1.8958
1/9/2013 1.8568 1.8568
1/8/2013 1.8683 1.8683
1/7/2013 1.8974 1.8974
1/4/2013 1.8991 1.8991
1/3/2013 1.9121 1.9121
1/2/2013 1.8371 1.8371
1/1/2013 1.7574 1.7574
12/31/2012 1.7574 1.7574
12/28/2012 1.7009 1.7009
12/27/2012 1.7364 1.7364
12/26/2012 1.7511 1.7511
12/25/2012 1.7737 1.7737
12/24/2012 1.7737 1.7737
12/21/2012 1.7623 1.7623
12/20/2012 1.7962 1.7962
12/19/2012 1.8014 1.8014
12/18/2012 1.817 1.817
12/17/2012 1.7717 1.7717
12/14/2012 1.7015 1.7015
12/13/2012 1.7299 1.7299
12/12/2012 1.698 1.698
12/11/2012 1.6541 1.6541
12/10/2012 1.6164 1.6164
12/7/2012 1.6215 1.6215
12/6/2012 1.5857 1.5857
12/5/2012 1.5875 1.5875
12/4/2012 1.6028 1.6028
12/3/2012 1.6207 1.6207
11/30/2012 1.6156 1.6156
11/29/2012 1.6147 1.6147
11/28/2012 1.6284 1.6284
11/27/2012 1.6369 1.6369
11/26/2012 1.6625 1.6625
11/23/2012 1.6899 1.6899
11/22/2012 1.6796 1.6796
11/21/2012 1.6796 1.6796
11/20/2012 1.6659 1.6659
11/19/2012 1.6131 1.6131
11/16/2012 1.58 1.58
11/15/2012 1.5928 1.5928
11/14/2012 1.5911 1.5911
11/13/2012 1.5945 1.5945
11/12/2012 1.6063 1.6063
11/9/2012 1.6063 1.6063
11/8/2012 1.6148 1.6148
11/7/2012 1.6466 1.6466
11/6/2012 1.7507 1.7507
11/5/2012 1.6841 1.6841
11/2/2012 1.7147 1.7147
11/1/2012 1.7242 1.7242
10/31/2012 1.6901 1.6901
10/30/2012 1.7189 1.7189
10/29/2012 1.7189 1.7189
10/26/2012 1.7451 1.7451
10/25/2012 1.8233 1.8233
10/24/2012 1.7889 1.7889
10/23/2012 1.7572 1.7572
10/22/2012 1.8134 1.8134
10/19/2012 1.7633 1.7633
10/18/2012 1.8344 1.8344
10/17/2012 1.8185 1.8185
10/16/2012 1.7186 1.7186
10/15/2012 1.663 1.663
10/12/2012 1.656 1.656
10/11/2012 1.6699 1.6699
10/10/2012 1.6742 1.6742
10/9/2012 1.7132 1.7132
10/8/2012 1.7428 1.7428
10/5/2012 1.7428 1.7428
10/4/2012 1.6732 1.6732
10/3/2012 1.6146 1.6146
10/2/2012 1.6198 1.6198
10/1/2012 1.6249 1.6249
9/28/2012 1.6335 1.6335
9/27/2012 1.6542 1.6542
9/26/2012 1.6095 1.6095
9/25/2012 1.6662 1.6662
9/24/2012 1.7094 1.7094
9/21/2012 1.7528 1.7528
9/20/2012 1.764 1.764
9/19/2012 1.7718 1.7718
9/18/2012 1.8083 1.8083
9/17/2012 1.8415 1.8415
9/14/2012 1.866 1.866
9/13/2012 1.723 1.723
9/12/2012 1.7576 1.7576
9/11/2012 1.7005 1.7005
9/10/2012 1.6541 1.6541
9/7/2012 1.6678 1.6678
9/6/2012 1.6781 1.6781
9/5/2012 1.596 1.596
9/4/2012 1.5722 1.5722
9/3/2012 1.5484 1.5484
8/31/2012 1.5484 1.5484
8/30/2012 1.6233 1.6233
8/29/2012 1.6506 1.6506
8/28/2012 1.6335 1.6335
8/27/2012 1.6506 1.6506
8/24/2012 1.6865 1.6865
8/23/2012 1.6779 1.6779
8/22/2012 1.6916 1.6916
8/21/2012 1.7984 1.7984
8/20/2012 1.8053 1.8053
8/17/2012 1.8105 1.8105
8/16/2012 1.8346 1.8346
8/15/2012 1.8155 1.8155
8/14/2012 1.7378 1.7378
8/13/2012 1.6642 1.6642
8/10/2012 1.6573 1.6573
8/9/2012 1.6881 1.6881
8/8/2012 1.6491 1.6491
8/7/2012 1.6283 1.6283
8/6/2012 1.5664 1.5664
8/3/2012 1.5631 1.5631
8/2/2012 1.4779 1.4779
8/1/2012 1.524 1.524
7/31/2012 1.4679 1.4679
7/30/2012 1.5019 1.5019
7/27/2012 1.5463 1.5463
7/26/2012 1.4378 1.4378
7/25/2012 1.3975 1.3975
7/24/2012 1.3875 1.3875
7/23/2012 1.4263 1.4263
7/20/2012 1.4567 1.4567
7/19/2012 1.5077 1.5077
7/18/2012 1.4942 1.4942
7/17/2012 1.5078 1.5078
7/16/2012 1.4724 1.4724
7/13/2012 1.4876 1.4876
7/12/2012 1.4743 1.4743
7/11/2012 1.5167 1.5167
7/10/2012 1.5015 1.5015
7/9/2012 1.5117 1.5117
7/6/2012 1.5491 1.5491
7/5/2012 1.5969 1.5969
7/4/2012 1.6294 1.6294
7/3/2012 1.6294 1.6294
7/2/2012 1.5885 1.5885
6/29/2012 1.6449 1.6449
6/28/2012 1.5768 1.5768
6/27/2012 1.6177 1.6177
6/26/2012 1.6262 1.6262
6/25/2012 1.6024 1.6024
6/22/2012 1.6742 1.6742
6/21/2012 1.6162 1.6162
6/20/2012 1.6572 1.6572
6/19/2012 1.6197 1.6197
6/18/2012 1.5738 1.5738
6/15/2012 1.5773 1.5773
6/14/2012 1.642 1.642
6/13/2012 1.5927 1.5927
6/12/2012 1.6642 1.6642
6/11/2012 1.586 1.586
6/8/2012 1.6353 1.6353
6/7/2012 1.6388 1.6388
6/6/2012 1.6592 1.6592
6/5/2012 1.5744 1.5744
6/4/2012 1.5239 1.5239
6/1/2012 1.452 1.452
5/31/2012 1.5578 1.5578
5/30/2012 1.622 1.622
5/29/2012 1.7448 1.7448
5/28/2012 1.738 1.738
5/25/2012 1.738 1.738
5/24/2012 1.7774 1.7774
5/23/2012 1.7346 1.7346
5/22/2012 1.7688 1.7688
5/21/2012 1.7414 1.7414
5/18/2012 1.7226 1.7226
5/17/2012 1.6971 1.6971
5/16/2012 1.7603 1.7603
5/15/2012 1.7671 1.7671
5/14/2012 1.7637 1.7637
5/11/2012 1.8376 1.8376
5/10/2012 1.867 1.867
5/9/2012 1.8227 1.8227
5/8/2012 1.8402 1.8402
5/7/2012 1.8716 1.8716
5/4/2012 1.8786 1.8786
5/3/2012 1.9312 1.9312
5/2/2012 1.9277 1.9277
5/1/2012 1.9435 1.9435
4/30/2012 1.9137 1.9137
4/27/2012 1.9348 1.9348
4/26/2012 1.9383 1.9383
4/25/2012 1.984 1.984
4/24/2012 1.9735 1.9735
4/23/2012 1.9349 1.9349
4/20/2012 1.9629 1.9629
4/19/2012 1.9665 1.9665
4/18/2012 1.9753 1.9753
4/17/2012 1.9981 1.9981
4/16/2012 1.9805 1.9805
4/13/2012 1.9823 1.9823
4/12/2012 2.051 2.051
4/11/2012 2.0351 2.0351
4/10/2012 1.9823 1.9823
4/9/2012 2.0474 2.0474
4/6/2012 2.0545 2.0545
4/5/2012 2.1805 2.1805
4/4/2012 2.2233 2.2233
4/3/2012 2.2988 2.2988
4/2/2012 2.182 2.182
3/30/2012 2.2088 2.2088
3/29/2012 2.1587 2.1587
3/28/2012 2.1997 2.1997
3/27/2012 2.1836 2.1836
3/26/2012 2.2479 2.2479
3/23/2012 2.2317 2.2317
3/22/2012 2.2781 2.2781
3/21/2012 2.296 2.296
3/20/2012 2.3591 2.3591
3/19/2012 2.3772 2.3772
3/16/2012 2.294 2.294
3/15/2012 2.2794 2.2794
3/14/2012 2.2686 2.2686
3/13/2012 2.1263 2.1263
3/12/2012 2.0331 2.0331
3/9/2012 2.0279 2.0279
3/8/2012 2.0121 2.0121
3/7/2012 1.9756 1.9756
3/6/2012 1.9427 1.9427
3/5/2012 2.0104 2.0104
3/2/2012 1.9739 1.9739
3/1/2012 2.0261 2.0261
2/29/2012 1.9705 1.9705
2/28/2012 1.9428 1.9428
2/27/2012 1.9255 1.9255
2/24/2012 1.9757 1.9757
2/23/2012 1.9965 1.9965
2/22/2012 2.0034 2.0034
2/21/2012 2.0591 2.0591
2/20/2012 2.0017 2.0017
2/17/2012 2.0017 2.0017
2/16/2012 1.9827 1.9827
2/15/2012 1.9275 1.9275
2/14/2012 1.9361 1.9361
2/13/2012 1.9741 1.9741
2/10/2012 1.9862 1.9862
2/9/2012 2.0364 2.0364
2/8/2012 1.9822 1.9822
2/7/2012 1.9734 1.9734
2/6/2012 1.9066 1.9066
2/3/2012 1.9224 1.9224
2/2/2012 1.8212 1.8212
2/1/2012 1.8265 1.8265
1/31/2012 1.7971 1.7971
1/30/2012 1.8439 1.8439
1/27/2012 1.891 1.891
1/26/2012 1.9313 1.9313
1/25/2012 1.9946 1.9946
1/24/2012 2.06 2.06
1/23/2012 2.0511 2.0511
1/20/2012 2.0246 2.0246
1/19/2012 1.977 1.977
1/18/2012 1.8983 1.8983
1/17/2012 1.8566 1.8566
1/16/2012 1.8636 1.8636
1/13/2012 1.8636 1.8636
1/12/2012 1.9228 1.9228
1/11/2012 1.9037 1.9037
1/10/2012 1.9683 1.9683
1/9/2012 1.9578 1.9578
1/6/2012 1.9578 1.9578
1/5/2012 1.9946 1.9946
1/4/2012 1.9771 1.9771
1/3/2012 1.9474 1.9474
1/2/2012 1.8762 1.8762
12/30/2011 1.8762 1.8762
12/29/2011 1.8988 1.8988
12/28/2011 1.9162 1.9162
12/27/2011 2.0052 2.0052
12/26/2011 2.0244 2.0244
12/23/2011 2.0244 2.0244
12/22/2011 1.9476 1.9476
12/21/2011 1.9668 1.9668
12/20/2011 1.9233 1.9233
12/19/2011 1.8096 1.8096
12/16/2011 1.8474 1.8474
12/15/2011 1.9079 1.9079
12/14/2011 1.9027 1.9027
12/13/2011 1.9651 1.9651
12/12/2011 2.0121 2.0121
12/9/2011 2.0611 2.0611
12/8/2011 1.9704 1.9704
12/7/2011 2.0296 2.0296
12/6/2011 2.0891 2.0891
12/5/2011 2.0436 2.0436
12/2/2011 2.0331 2.0331
12/1/2011 2.0873 2.0873
11/30/2011 2.068 2.068
11/29/2011 1.9913 1.9913
11/28/2011 1.9739 1.9739
11/25/2011 1.9635 1.9635
11/24/2011 1.8835 1.8835
11/23/2011 1.8835 1.8835
11/22/2011 1.917 1.917
11/21/2011 1.955 1.955
11/18/2011 2.0104 2.0104
11/17/2011 1.9602 1.9602
11/16/2011 2 2
11/15/2011 2.0451 2.0451
11/14/2011 2.0556 2.0556
11/11/2011 2.0564 2.0564
11/10/2011 2.0564 2.0564
11/9/2011 1.9615 1.9615
11/8/2011 2.0769 2.0769
11/7/2011 2.0371 2.0371
11/4/2011 2.0327 2.0327
11/3/2011 2.0734 2.0734
11/2/2011 1.9854 1.9854
11/1/2011 1.9889 1.9889
10/31/2011 2.1133 2.1133
10/28/2011 2.3167 2.3167
10/27/2011 2.3964 2.3964
10/26/2011 2.2041 2.2041
10/25/2011 2.1089 2.1089
10/24/2011 2.2336 2.2336
10/21/2011 2.2192 2.2192
10/20/2011 2.1888 2.1888
10/19/2011 2.1603 2.1603
10/18/2011 2.1763 2.1763
10/17/2011 2.155 2.155
10/14/2011 2.2477 2.2477
10/13/2011 2.1834 2.1834
10/12/2011 2.2101 2.2101
10/11/2011 2.1496 2.1496
10/10/2011 2.0764 2.0764
10/7/2011 2.0764 2.0764
10/6/2011 1.9872 1.9872
10/5/2011 1.8877 1.8877
10/4/2011 1.8207 1.8207
10/3/2011 1.756 1.756
9/30/2011 1.9154 1.9154
9/29/2011 1.9962 1.9962
9/28/2011 1.9797 1.9797
9/27/2011 1.9711 1.9711
9/26/2011 1.9002 1.9002
9/23/2011 1.8334 1.8334
9/22/2011 1.718 1.718
9/21/2011 1.8576 1.8576
9/20/2011 1.9385 1.9385
9/19/2011 1.9506 1.9506
9/16/2011 2.0479 2.0479
9/15/2011 2.082 2.082
9/14/2011 1.9837 1.9837
9/13/2011 1.9906 1.9906
9/12/2011 1.9475 1.9475
9/9/2011 1.9183 1.9183
9/8/2011 1.9787 1.9787
9/7/2011 2.0429 2.0429
9/6/2011 1.984 1.984
9/5/2011 1.9857 1.9857
9/2/2011 1.9857 1.9857
9/1/2011 2.1302 2.1302
8/31/2011 2.2234 2.2234
8/30/2011 2.1767 2.1767
8/29/2011 2.2561 2.2561
8/26/2011 2.1899 2.1899
8/25/2011 2.2286 2.2286
8/24/2011 2.2994 2.2994
8/23/2011 2.153 2.153
8/22/2011 2.1058 2.1058
8/19/2011 2.0623 2.0623
8/18/2011 2.0624 2.0624
8/17/2011 2.1652 2.1652
8/16/2011 2.2196 2.2196
8/15/2011 2.3053 2.3053
8/12/2011 2.2548 2.2548
8/11/2011 2.3399 2.3399
8/10/2011 2.1061 2.1061
8/9/2011 2.2488 2.2488
8/8/2011 2.3179 2.3179
8/5/2011 2.5585 2.5585
8/4/2011 2.4028 2.4028
8/3/2011 2.6202 2.6202
8/2/2011 2.6114 2.6114
8/1/2011 2.7437 2.7437
7/29/2011 2.7961 2.7961
7/28/2011 2.9454 2.9454
7/27/2011 2.9803 2.9803
7/26/2011 2.9529 2.9529
7/25/2011 3.0006 3.0006
7/22/2011 2.9621 2.9621
7/21/2011 3.0136 3.0136
7/20/2011 2.9275 2.9275
7/19/2011 2.8802 2.8802
7/18/2011 2.9276 2.9276
7/15/2011 2.9058 2.9058
7/14/2011 2.9534 2.9534
7/13/2011 2.8824 2.8824
7/12/2011 2.877 2.877
7/11/2011 2.9189 2.9189
7/8/2011 3.0268 3.0268
7/7/2011 3.1377 3.1377
7/6/2011 3.108 3.108
7/5/2011 3.121 3.121
7/4/2011 3.1823 3.1823
7/1/2011 3.1823 3.1823
6/30/2011 3.16 3.16
6/29/2011 3.1118 3.1118
6/28/2011 3.0308 3.0308
6/27/2011 2.9305 2.9305
6/24/2011 2.8636 2.8636
6/23/2011 2.9116 2.9116
6/22/2011 2.9825 2.9825
6/21/2011 2.9835 2.9835
6/20/2011 2.958 2.958
6/17/2011 2.9445 2.9445
6/16/2011 2.9274 2.9274
6/15/2011 2.9692 2.9692
6/14/2011 3.0972 3.0972
6/13/2011 2.9838 2.9838
6/10/2011 2.9693 2.9693
6/9/2011 2.9967 2.9967
6/8/2011 2.9387 2.9387
6/7/2011 2.9949 2.9949
6/6/2011 2.995 2.995
6/3/2011 2.9859 2.9859
6/2/2011 3.0297 3.0297
6/1/2011 2.9408 2.9408
5/31/2011 3.0607 3.0607
5/30/2011 3.0735 3.0735
5/27/2011 3.0735 3.0735
5/26/2011 3.0572 3.0572
5/25/2011 3.1304 3.1304
5/24/2011 3.1139 3.1139
5/23/2011 3.1286 3.1286
5/20/2011 3.1451 3.1451
5/19/2011 3.1709 3.1709
5/18/2011 3.1801 3.1801
5/17/2011 3.1158 3.1158
5/16/2011 3.147 3.147
5/13/2011 3.1709 3.1709
5/12/2011 3.2225 3.2225
5/11/2011 3.1593 3.1593
5/10/2011 3.2135 3.2135
5/9/2011 3.1604 3.1604
5/6/2011 3.1459 3.1459
5/5/2011 3.1499 3.1499
5/4/2011 3.2159 3.2159
5/3/2011 3.2473 3.2473
5/2/2011 3.2788 3.2788
4/29/2011 3.2863 3.2863
4/28/2011 3.3106 3.3106
4/27/2011 3.3552 3.3552
4/26/2011 3.307 3.307
4/25/2011 3.3627 3.3627
4/22/2011 3.3907 3.3907
4/21/2011 3.3963 3.3963
4/20/2011 3.4077 3.4077
4/19/2011 3.3631 3.3631
4/18/2011 3.3743 3.3743
4/15/2011 3.4079 3.4079
4/14/2011 3.4979 3.4979
4/13/2011 3.4585 3.4585
4/12/2011 3.4904 3.4904
4/11/2011 3.5847 3.5847
4/8/2011 3.5772 3.5772
4/7/2011 3.5451 3.5451
4/6/2011 3.5452 3.5452
4/5/2011 3.4795 3.4795
4/4/2011 3.4179 3.4179
4/1/2011 3.4422 3.4422
3/31/2011 3.4703 3.4703
3/30/2011 3.4349 3.4349
3/29/2011 3.4872 3.4872
3/28/2011 3.4313 3.4313
3/25/2011 3.4388 3.4388
3/24/2011 3.4037 3.4037
3/23/2011 3.3501 3.3501
3/22/2011 3.3263 3.3263
3/21/2011 3.3282 3.3282
3/18/2011 3.2678 3.2678
3/17/2011 3.255 3.255
3/16/2011 3.17 3.17
3/15/2011 3.303 3.303
3/14/2011 3.3563 3.3563
3/11/2011 3.4025 3.4025
3/10/2011 3.3584 3.3584
3/9/2011 3.4675 3.4675
3/8/2011 3.5477 3.5477
3/7/2011 3.5123 3.5123
3/4/2011 3.49 3.49
3/3/2011 3.5554 3.5554
3/2/2011 3.4697 3.4697
3/1/2011 3.3921 3.3921
2/28/2011 3.4272 3.4272
2/25/2011 3.4125 3.4125
2/24/2011 3.4477 3.4477
2/23/2011 3.4848 3.4848
2/22/2011 3.4533 3.4533
2/21/2011 3.5874 3.5874
2/18/2011 3.5799 3.5799
2/17/2011 3.5725 3.5725
2/16/2011 3.6193 3.6193
2/15/2011 3.6044 3.6044
2/14/2011 3.6194 3.6194
2/11/2011 3.6288 3.6288
2/10/2011 3.6928 3.6928
2/9/2011 3.6465 3.6465
2/8/2011 3.7373 3.7373
2/7/2011 3.6299 3.6299
2/4/2011 3.6356 3.6356
2/3/2011 3.5488 3.5488
2/2/2011 3.4771 3.4771
2/1/2011 3.4394 3.4394
1/31/2011 3.3704 3.3704
1/28/2011 3.3214 3.3214
1/27/2011 3.3873 3.3873
1/26/2011 3.4146 3.4146
1/25/2011 3.3284 3.3284
1/24/2011 3.4044 3.4044
1/21/2011 3.4042 3.4042
1/20/2011 3.4488 3.4488
1/19/2011 3.339 3.339
1/18/2011 3.3663 3.3663
1/17/2011 3.3291 3.3291
1/14/2011 3.3231 3.3231
1/13/2011 3.2972 3.2972
1/12/2011 3.365 3.365
1/11/2011 3.3396 3.3396
1/10/2011 3.2832 3.2832
1/7/2011 3.3237 3.3237
1/6/2011 3.3932 3.3932
1/5/2011 3.4654 3.4654
1/4/2011 3.3287 3.3287
1/3/2011 3.3324 3.3324
12/31/2010 3.2935 3.2935
12/30/2010 3.3646 3.3646
12/29/2010 3.3489 3.3489
12/28/2010 3.4795 3.4795
12/27/2010 3.3294 3.3294
12/24/2010 3.3933 3.3933
12/23/2010 3.3892 3.3892
12/22/2010 3.3458 3.3458
12/21/2010 3.3031 3.3031
12/20/2010 3.3358 3.3358
12/17/2010 3.3279 3.3279
12/16/2010 3.4224 3.4224
12/15/2010 3.5318 3.5318
12/14/2010 3.4727 3.4727
12/13/2010 3.275 3.275
12/10/2010 3.319 3.319
12/9/2010 3.2037 3.2037
12/8/2010 3.2723 3.2723
12/7/2010 3.1257 3.1257
12/6/2010 2.9201 2.9201
12/3/2010 3.0055 3.0055
12/2/2010 2.9885 2.9885
12/1/2010 2.9642 2.9642
11/30/2010 2.7968 2.7968
11/29/2010 2.8205 2.8205
11/26/2010 2.8663 2.8663
11/25/2010 2.9085 2.9085
11/24/2010 2.912 2.912
11/23/2010 2.7729 2.7729
11/22/2010 2.8019 2.8019
11/19/2010 2.8713 2.8713
11/18/2010 2.895 2.895
11/17/2010 2.8766 2.8766
11/16/2010 2.84 2.84
11/15/2010 2.9593 2.9593
11/12/2010 2.7871 2.7871
11/11/2010 2.6447 2.6447
11/10/2010 2.6286 2.6286
11/9/2010 2.6558 2.6558
11/8/2010 2.5502 2.5502
11/5/2010 2.5304 2.5304
11/4/2010 2.489 2.489
11/3/2010 2.5702 2.5702
11/2/2010 2.5866 2.5866
11/1/2010 2.6229 2.6229
10/29/2010 2.5993 2.5993
10/28/2010 2.6576 2.6576
10/27/2010 2.7198 2.7198
10/26/2010 2.6393 2.6393
10/25/2010 2.5613 2.5613
10/22/2010 2.5541 2.5541
10/21/2010 2.5452 2.5452
10/20/2010 2.4788 2.4788
10/19/2010 2.4752 2.4752
10/18/2010 2.5075 2.5075
10/15/2010 2.5597 2.5597
10/14/2010 2.5076 2.5076
10/13/2010 2.422 2.422
10/12/2010 2.4309 2.4309
10/11/2010 2.3919 2.3919
10/8/2010 2.392 2.392
10/7/2010 2.3834 2.3834
10/6/2010 2.3976 2.3976
10/5/2010 2.4722 2.4722
10/4/2010 2.4758 2.4758
10/1/2010 2.5097 2.5097
9/30/2010 2.5098 2.5098
9/29/2010 2.5027 2.5027
9/28/2010 2.4653 2.4653
9/27/2010 2.5242 2.5242
9/24/2010 2.605 2.605
9/23/2010 2.5511 2.5511
9/22/2010 2.5583 2.5583
9/21/2010 2.5727 2.5727
9/20/2010 2.7026 2.7026
9/17/2010 2.7372 2.7372
9/16/2010 2.7608 2.7608
9/15/2010 2.7207 2.7207
9/14/2010 2.679 2.679
9/13/2010 2.748 2.748
9/10/2010 2.7917 2.7917
9/9/2010 2.7588 2.7588
9/8/2010 2.6555 2.6555
9/7/2010 2.5944 2.5944
9/6/2010 2.7025 2.7025
9/3/2010 2.697 2.697
9/2/2010 2.6231 2.6231
9/1/2010 2.573 2.573
8/31/2010 2.4683 2.4683
8/30/2010 2.5285 2.5285
8/27/2010 2.6447 2.6447
8/26/2010 2.4755 2.4755
8/25/2010 2.534 2.534
8/24/2010 2.488 2.488
8/23/2010 2.5981 2.5981
8/20/2010 2.6106 2.6106
8/19/2010 2.575 2.575
8/18/2010 2.6321 2.6321
8/17/2010 2.6321 2.6321
8/16/2010 2.5626 2.5626
8/13/2010 2.6716 2.6716
8/12/2010 2.7455 2.7455
8/11/2010 2.6814 2.6814
8/10/2010 2.7593 2.7593
8/9/2010 2.8289 2.8289
8/6/2010 2.8166 2.8166
8/5/2010 2.9011 2.9011
8/4/2010 2.9498 2.9498
8/3/2010 2.9085 2.9085
8/2/2010 2.9609 2.9609
7/30/2010 2.9052 2.9052
7/29/2010 2.9794 2.9794
7/28/2010 2.985 2.985
7/27/2010 3.0485 3.0485
7/26/2010 2.9924 2.9924
7/23/2010 2.9943 2.9943
7/22/2010 2.9353 2.9353
7/21/2010 2.8782 2.8782
7/20/2010 2.9481 2.9481
7/19/2010 2.9537 2.9537
7/16/2010 2.9215 2.9215
7/15/2010 2.9937 2.9937
7/14/2010 3.0426 3.0426
7/13/2010 3.1208 3.1208
7/12/2010 3.0628 3.0628
7/9/2010 3.052 3.052
7/8/2010 3.0306 3.0306
7/7/2010 2.9803 2.9803
7/6/2010 2.9302 2.9302
7/5/2010 2.9733 2.9733
7/2/2010 2.977 2.977
7/1/2010 2.947 2.947
6/30/2010 2.9311 2.9311
6/29/2010 2.9491 2.9491
6/28/2010 3.021 3.021
6/25/2010 3.1078 3.1078
6/24/2010 3.1371 3.1371
6/23/2010 3.119 3.119
6/22/2010 3.1664 3.1664
6/21/2010 3.2414 3.2414
6/18/2010 3.2195 3.2195
6/17/2010 3.1887 3.1887
6/16/2010 3.2601 3.2601
6/15/2010 3.3025 3.3025
6/14/2010 3.2529 3.2529
6/11/2010 3.2346 3.2346
6/10/2010 3.3193 3.3193
6/9/2010 3.1729 3.1729
6/8/2010 3.1857 3.1857
6/7/2010 3.1422 3.1422
6/4/2010 3.2023 3.2023
6/3/2010 3.3639 3.3639
6/2/2010 3.34 3.34
6/1/2010 3.2591 3.2591
5/31/2010 3.2848 3.2848
5/28/2010 3.2922 3.2922
5/27/2010 3.3605 3.3605
5/26/2010 3.1886 3.1886
5/25/2010 3.1578 3.1578
5/24/2010 3.1942 3.1942
5/21/2010 3.2379 3.2379
5/20/2010 3.2126 3.2126
5/19/2010 3.3682 3.3682
5/18/2010 3.3462 3.3462
5/17/2010 3.4869 3.4869
5/14/2010 3.4534 3.4534
5/13/2010 3.5261 3.5261
5/12/2010 3.571 3.571
5/11/2010 3.5235 3.5235
5/10/2010 3.5406 3.5406
5/7/2010 3.4255 3.4255
5/6/2010 3.3938 3.3938
5/5/2010 3.5388 3.5388
5/4/2010 3.5902 3.5902
5/3/2010 3.682 3.682
4/30/2010 3.6532 3.6532
4/29/2010 3.7243 3.7243
4/28/2010 3.7628 3.7628
4/27/2010 3.6877 3.6877
4/26/2010 3.8054 3.8054
4/23/2010 3.8092 3.8092
4/22/2010 3.7723 3.7723
4/21/2010 3.7356 3.7356
4/20/2010 3.7993 3.7993
4/19/2010 3.7974 3.7974
4/16/2010 3.7626 3.7626
4/15/2010 3.8321 3.8321
4/14/2010 3.8593 3.8593
4/13/2010 3.8204 3.8204
4/12/2010 3.8417 3.8417
4/9/2010 3.8825 3.8825
4/8/2010 3.8901 3.8901
4/7/2010 3.8531 3.8531
4/6/2010 3.9505 3.9505
4/5/2010 3.9859 3.9859
4/2/2010 3.9446 3.9446
4/1/2010 3.8685 3.8685
3/31/2010 3.8257 3.8257
3/30/2010 3.8566 3.8566
3/29/2010 3.8643 3.8643
3/26/2010 3.8468 3.8468
3/25/2010 3.8777 3.8777
3/24/2010 3.8524 3.8524
3/23/2010 3.6854 3.6854
3/22/2010 3.6588 3.6588
3/19/2010 3.6892 3.6892
3/18/2010 3.6759 3.6759
3/17/2010 3.6361 3.6361
3/16/2010 3.6493 3.6493
3/15/2010 3.6949 3.6949
3/12/2010 3.7006 3.7006
3/11/2010 3.7272 3.7272
3/10/2010 3.7215 3.7215
3/9/2010 3.7005 3.7005
3/8/2010 3.7157 3.7157
3/5/2010 3.6796 3.6796
3/4/2010 3.6022 3.6022
3/3/2010 3.6173 3.6173
3/2/2010 3.6041 3.6041
3/1/2010 3.6079 3.6079
2/26/2010 3.6117 3.6117
2/25/2010 3.6324 3.6324
2/24/2010 3.6909 3.6909
2/23/2010 3.6834 3.6834
2/22/2010 3.7955 3.7955
2/19/2010 3.7726 3.7726
2/18/2010 3.8012 3.8012
2/17/2010 3.7307 3.7307
2/16/2010 3.6569 3.6569
2/15/2010 3.6909 3.6909
2/12/2010 3.6928 3.6928
2/11/2010 3.7155 3.7155
2/10/2010 3.6897 3.6897
2/9/2010 3.6448 3.6448
2/8/2010 3.5597 3.5597
2/5/2010 3.5654 3.5654
2/4/2010 3.6058 3.6058
2/3/2010 3.7047 3.7047
2/2/2010 3.6405 3.6405
2/1/2010 3.6501 3.6501
1/29/2010 3.5844 3.5844
1/28/2010 3.6344 3.6344
1/27/2010 3.6479 3.6479
1/26/2010 3.6188 3.6188
1/25/2010 3.6265 3.6265
1/22/2010 3.6071 3.6071
1/21/2010 3.5858 3.5858
1/20/2010 3.6474 3.6474
1/19/2010 3.6919 3.6919
1/18/2010 3.6745 3.6745
1/15/2010 3.6744 3.6744
1/14/2010 3.7382 3.7382
1/13/2010 3.7908 3.7908
1/12/2010 3.7108 3.7108
1/11/2010 3.818 3.818
1/8/2010 3.8297 3.8297
1/7/2010 3.8235 3.8235
1/6/2010 3.8215 3.8215
1/5/2010 3.7608 3.7608
1/4/2010 3.8155 3.8155
1/1/2010 3.835 3.835
12/31/2009 3.8368 3.8368
12/30/2009 3.7856 3.7856
12/29/2009 3.7972 3.7972
12/28/2009 3.8402 3.8402
12/25/2009 3.803 3.803
12/24/2009 3.8029 3.8029
12/23/2009 3.7481 3.7481
12/22/2009 3.7538 3.7538
12/21/2009 3.6745 3.6745
12/18/2009 3.5368 3.5368
12/17/2009 3.478 3.478
12/16/2009 3.5975 3.5975
12/15/2009 3.5861 3.5861
12/14/2009 3.548 3.548
12/11/2009 3.5498 3.5498
12/10/2009 3.4967 3.4967
12/9/2009 3.4328 3.4328
12/8/2009 3.3804 3.3804
12/7/2009 3.429 3.429
12/4/2009 3.4722 3.4722
12/3/2009 3.3842 3.3842
12/2/2009 3.3099 3.3099
12/1/2009 3.2822 3.2822
11/30/2009 3.1978 3.1978
11/27/2009 3.2051 3.2051
11/26/2009 3.2694 3.2694
11/25/2009 3.2695 3.2695
11/24/2009 3.3027 3.3027
11/23/2009 3.3489 3.3489
11/20/2009 3.3656 3.3656
11/19/2009 3.3361 3.3361
11/18/2009 3.3638 3.3638
11/17/2009 3.3232 3.3232
11/16/2009 3.3343 3.3343
11/13/2009 3.4177 3.4177
11/12/2009 3.4438 3.4438
11/11/2009 3.4831 3.4831
11/10/2009 3.4724 3.4724
11/9/2009 3.4857 3.4857
11/6/2009 3.4971 3.4971
11/5/2009 3.5236 3.5236
11/4/2009 3.5237 3.5237
11/3/2009 3.4652 3.4652
11/2/2009 3.4145 3.4145
10/30/2009 3.3828 3.3828
10/29/2009 3.4974 3.4974
10/28/2009 3.4148 3.4148
10/27/2009 3.4448 3.4448
10/26/2009 3.5542 3.5542
10/23/2009 3.49 3.49
10/22/2009 3.4132 3.4132
10/21/2009 3.3853 3.3853
10/20/2009 3.3407 3.3407
10/19/2009 3.3891 3.3891
10/16/2009 3.4115 3.4115
10/15/2009 3.4565 3.4565
10/14/2009 3.4136 3.4136
10/13/2009 3.3468 3.3468
10/12/2009 3.3783 3.3783
10/9/2009 3.3802 3.3802
10/8/2009 3.2477 3.2477
10/7/2009 3.182 3.182
10/6/2009 3.2552 3.2552
10/5/2009 3.2205 3.2205
10/2/2009 3.2188 3.2188
10/1/2009 3.179 3.179
9/30/2009 3.3053 3.3053
9/29/2009 3.2906 3.2906
9/28/2009 3.2797 3.2797
9/25/2009 3.3184 3.3184
9/24/2009 3.3813 3.3813
9/23/2009 3.4184 3.4184
9/22/2009 3.4445 3.4445
9/21/2009 3.4799 3.4799
9/18/2009 3.4632 3.4632
9/17/2009 3.3836 3.3836
9/16/2009 3.469 3.469
9/15/2009 3.4541 3.4541
9/14/2009 3.4208 3.4208
9/11/2009 3.347 3.347
9/10/2009 3.3472 3.3472
9/9/2009 3.4711 3.4711
9/8/2009 3.4823 3.4823
9/7/2009 3.4415 3.4415
9/4/2009 3.4378 3.4378
9/3/2009 3.344 3.344
9/2/2009 3.3056 3.3056
9/1/2009 3.3625 3.3625
8/31/2009 3.3975 3.3975
8/28/2009 3.4456 3.4456
8/27/2009 3.4531 3.4531
8/26/2009 3.4329 3.4329
8/25/2009 3.4348 3.4348
8/24/2009 3.4755 3.4755
8/21/2009 3.5649 3.5649
8/20/2009 3.4313 3.4313
8/19/2009 3.4517 3.4517
8/18/2009 3.5092 3.5092
8/17/2009 3.4684 3.4684
8/14/2009 3.5688 3.5688
8/13/2009 3.595 3.595
8/12/2009 3.7172 3.7172
8/11/2009 3.6677 3.6677
8/10/2009 3.7765 3.7765
8/7/2009 3.8502 3.8502
8/6/2009 3.7501 3.7501
8/5/2009 3.7459 3.7459
8/4/2009 3.6845 3.6845
8/3/2009 3.6333 3.6333
7/31/2009 3.4796 3.4796
7/30/2009 3.6074 3.6074
7/29/2009 3.6582 3.6582
7/28/2009 3.6856 3.6856
7/27/2009 3.7189 3.7189
7/24/2009 3.6578 3.6578
7/23/2009 3.6555 3.6555
7/22/2009 3.5443 3.5443
7/21/2009 3.4824 3.4824
7/20/2009 3.6063 3.6063
7/17/2009 3.6433 3.6433
7/16/2009 3.5689 3.5689
7/15/2009 3.6038 3.6038
7/14/2009 3.4703 3.4703
7/13/2009 3.35 3.35
7/10/2009 3.3026 3.3026
7/9/2009 3.403 3.403
7/8/2009 3.3081 3.3081
7/7/2009 3.4544 3.4544
7/6/2009 3.5063 3.5063
7/3/2009 3.4985 3.4985
7/2/2009 3.4946 3.4946
7/1/2009 3.5365 3.5365
6/30/2009 3.5326 3.5326
6/29/2009 3.4768 3.4768
6/26/2009 3.5363 3.5363
6/25/2009 3.5398 3.5398
6/24/2009 3.6851 3.6851
6/23/2009 3.6208 3.6208
6/22/2009 3.681 3.681
6/19/2009 3.7808 3.7808
6/18/2009 3.8277 3.8277
6/17/2009 3.6882 3.6882
6/16/2009 3.6588 3.6588
6/15/2009 3.7113 3.7113
6/12/2009 3.7916 3.7916
6/11/2009 3.8543 3.8543
6/10/2009 3.9455 3.9455
6/9/2009 3.8559 3.8559
6/8/2009 3.8736 3.8736
6/5/2009 3.8279 3.8279
6/4/2009 3.7099 3.7099
6/3/2009 3.5398 3.5398
6/2/2009 3.6127 3.6127
6/1/2009 3.6726 3.6726
5/29/2009 3.4594 3.4594
5/28/2009 3.6122 3.6122
5/27/2009 3.7381 3.7381
5/26/2009 3.5467 3.5467
5/25/2009 3.4496 3.4496
5/22/2009 3.4495 3.4495
5/21/2009 3.3644 3.3644
5/20/2009 3.1912 3.1912
5/19/2009 3.243 3.243
5/18/2009 3.23 3.23
5/15/2009 3.1341 3.1341
5/14/2009 3.0884 3.0884
5/13/2009 3.1195 3.1195
5/12/2009 3.1727 3.1727
5/11/2009 3.1654 3.1654
5/8/2009 3.2856 3.2856
5/7/2009 3.3341 3.3341
5/6/2009 3.1612 3.1612
5/5/2009 3.1592 3.1592
5/4/2009 3.1514 3.1514
5/1/2009 3.1533 3.1533
4/30/2009 3.1187 3.1187
4/29/2009 3.1073 3.1073
4/28/2009 3.0073 3.0073
4/27/2009 2.9083 2.9083
4/24/2009 2.9903 2.9903
4/23/2009 2.9193 2.9193
4/22/2009 2.9397 2.9397
4/21/2009 2.8969 2.8969
4/20/2009 2.8359 2.8359
4/17/2009 2.9451 2.9451
4/16/2009 2.8303 2.8303
4/15/2009 2.7644 2.7644
4/14/2009 2.7845 2.7845
4/13/2009 2.8579 2.8579
4/10/2009 2.9226 2.9226
4/9/2009 2.9207 2.9207
4/8/2009 2.8559 2.8559
4/7/2009 2.8965 2.8965
4/6/2009 2.9223 2.9223
4/3/2009 2.8853 2.8853
4/2/2009 2.7662 2.7662
4/1/2009 2.6539 2.6539
3/31/2009 2.6629 2.6629
3/30/2009 2.7117 2.7117
3/27/2009 2.7571 2.7571
3/26/2009 2.7389 2.7389
3/25/2009 2.7844 2.7844
3/24/2009 2.701 2.701
3/23/2009 2.6523 2.6523
3/20/2009 2.6344 2.6344
3/19/2009 2.6023 2.6023
3/18/2009 2.533 2.533
3/17/2009 3.0066 3.0066
3/16/2009 2.9529 2.9529
3/13/2009 2.8902 2.8902
3/12/2009 2.8535 2.8535
3/11/2009 2.9048 2.9048
3/10/2009 3.0044 3.0044
3/9/2009 2.8589 2.8589
3/6/2009 2.8717 2.8717
3/5/2009 2.8115 2.8115
3/4/2009 2.9745 2.9745
3/3/2009 2.8771 2.8771
3/2/2009 2.8624 2.8624
2/27/2009 3.0131 3.0131
2/26/2009 2.9908 2.9908
2/25/2009 2.9263 2.9263
2/24/2009 2.7951 2.7951
2/23/2009 2.7536 2.7536
2/20/2009 2.7879 2.7879
2/19/2009 2.8531 2.8531
2/18/2009 2.7554 2.7554
2/17/2009 2.648 2.648
2/16/2009 2.8895 2.8895
2/13/2009 2.8894 2.8894
2/12/2009 2.7824 2.7824
2/11/2009 2.7537 2.7537
2/10/2009 2.8136 2.8136
2/9/2009 2.9844 2.9844
2/6/2009 2.9917 2.9917
2/5/2009 2.912 2.912
2/4/2009 2.9353 2.9353
2/3/2009 2.884 2.884
2/2/2009 2.7226 2.7226
1/30/2009 2.8403 2.8403
1/29/2009 2.8586 2.8586
1/28/2009 2.6665 2.6665
1/27/2009 2.5274 2.5274
1/26/2009 2.6411 2.6411
1/23/2009 2.6172 2.6172
1/22/2009 2.5922 2.5922
1/21/2009 2.536 2.536
1/20/2009 2.3771 2.3771
1/19/2009 2.3184 2.3184
1/16/2009 2.3188 2.3188
1/15/2009 2.2055 2.2055
1/14/2009 2.1993 2.1993
1/13/2009 2.2924 2.2924
1/12/2009 2.3044 2.3044
1/9/2009 2.39 2.39
1/8/2009 2.4398 2.4398
1/7/2009 2.4942 2.4942
1/6/2009 2.4454 2.4454
1/5/2009 2.4812 2.4812
1/2/2009 2.3688 2.3688
1/1/2009 2.2123 2.2123
12/31/2008 2.2123 2.2123
12/30/2008 2.053 2.053
12/29/2008 2.0989 2.0989
12/26/2008 2.1318 2.1318
12/25/2008 2.1809 2.1809
12/24/2008 2.182 2.182
12/23/2008 2.1729 2.1729
12/22/2008 2.17 2.17
12/19/2008 2.1231 2.1231
12/18/2008 2.0788 2.0788
12/17/2008 2.1915 2.1915
12/16/2008 2.2558 2.2558
12/15/2008 2.5127 2.5127
12/12/2008 2.5705 2.5705
12/11/2008 2.6019 2.6019
12/10/2008 2.6824 2.6824
12/9/2008 2.6399 2.6399
12/8/2008 2.7378 2.7378
12/5/2008 2.7037 2.7037
12/4/2008 2.5513 2.5513
12/3/2008 2.6585 2.6585
12/2/2008 2.6724 2.6724
12/1/2008 2.7309 2.7309
11/28/2008 2.92 2.92
11/27/2008 2.9778 2.9778
11/26/2008 2.9784 2.9784
11/25/2008 3.1078 3.1078
11/24/2008 3.3236 3.3236
11/21/2008 3.1974 3.1974
11/20/2008 3.0131 3.0131
11/19/2008 3.3205 3.3205
11/18/2008 3.5293 3.5293
11/17/2008 3.6484 3.6484
11/14/2008 3.7349 3.7349
11/13/2008 3.8525 3.8525
11/12/2008 3.6466 3.6466
11/11/2008 3.7432 3.7432
11/10/2008 3.7432 3.7432
11/7/2008 3.7929 3.7929
11/6/2008 3.6886 3.6886
11/5/2008 3.7019 3.7019
11/4/2008 3.7247 3.7247
11/3/2008 3.9141 3.9141
10/31/2008 3.953 3.953
10/30/2008 3.9645 3.9645
10/29/2008 3.8546 3.8546
10/28/2008 3.8336 3.8336
10/27/2008 3.6874 3.6874
10/24/2008 3.6856 3.6856
10/23/2008 3.6745 3.6745
10/22/2008 3.594 3.594
10/21/2008 3.7388 3.7388
10/20/2008 3.8416 3.8416
10/17/2008 3.9299 3.9299
10/16/2008 3.9569 3.9569
10/15/2008 3.9453 3.9453
10/14/2008 4.0772 4.0772
10/13/2008 3.978 3.978
10/10/2008 3.8705 3.8705
10/9/2008 3.785 3.785
10/8/2008 3.6401 3.6401
10/7/2008 3.5028 3.5028
10/6/2008 3.4532 3.4532
10/3/2008 3.6031 3.6031
10/2/2008 3.6276 3.6276
10/1/2008 3.7382 3.7382
9/30/2008 3.8234 3.8234
9/29/2008 3.5776 3.5776
9/26/2008 3.852 3.852
9/25/2008 3.854 3.854
9/24/2008 3.8104 3.8104
9/23/2008 3.7991 3.7991
9/22/2008 3.8351 3.8351
9/19/2008 3.8105 3.8105
9/18/2008 3.5437 3.5437
9/17/2008 3.4137 3.4137
9/16/2008 3.4357 3.4357
9/15/2008 3.3868 3.3868
9/12/2008 3.7187 3.7187
9/11/2008 3.6425 3.6425
9/10/2008 3.6295 3.6295
9/9/2008 3.5668 3.5668
9/8/2008 3.6743 3.6743
9/5/2008 3.6986 3.6986
9/4/2008 3.6227 3.6227
9/3/2008 3.699 3.699
9/2/2008 3.7326 3.7326
9/1/2008 3.8115 3.8115
8/29/2008 3.8116 3.8116
8/28/2008 3.7779 3.7779
8/27/2008 3.763 3.763
8/26/2008 3.7743 3.7743
8/25/2008 3.7837 3.7837
8/22/2008 3.8704 3.8704
8/21/2008 3.8291 3.8291
8/20/2008 3.8009 3.8009
8/19/2008 3.8292 3.8292
8/18/2008 3.8104 3.8104
8/15/2008 3.8349 3.8349
8/14/2008 3.886 3.886
8/13/2008 3.9314 3.9314
8/12/2008 3.8954 3.8954
8/11/2008 3.9904 3.9904
8/8/2008 3.9276 3.9276
8/7/2008 3.92 3.92
8/6/2008 4.0501 4.0501
8/5/2008 4.0167 4.0167
8/4/2008 3.9619 3.9619
8/1/2008 3.9307 3.9307
7/31/2008 3.9462 3.9462
7/30/2008 4.0439 4.0439
7/29/2008 4.038 4.038
7/28/2008 4.0008 4.0008
7/25/2008 4.0969 4.0969
7/24/2008 3.9968 3.9968
7/23/2008 4.1165 4.1165
7/22/2008 4.0987 4.0987
7/21/2008 4.0417 4.0417
7/18/2008 4.0828 4.0828
7/17/2008 3.9907 3.9907
7/16/2008 3.9344 3.9344
7/15/2008 3.8188 3.8188
7/14/2008 3.8553 3.8553
7/11/2008 3.9576 3.9576
7/10/2008 3.7959 3.7959
7/9/2008 3.8112 3.8112
7/8/2008 3.8822 3.8822
7/7/2008 3.8995 3.8995
7/4/2008 3.975 3.975
7/3/2008 3.975 3.975
7/2/2008 3.9575 3.9575
7/1/2008 4.0021 4.0021
6/30/2008 3.969 3.969
6/27/2008 3.9652 3.9652
6/26/2008 4.033 4.033
6/25/2008 4.0994 4.0994
6/24/2008 4.0818 4.0818
6/23/2008 4.1641 4.1641
6/20/2008 4.1641 4.1641
6/19/2008 4.2073 4.2073
6/18/2008 4.1363 4.1363
6/17/2008 4.1973 4.1973
6/16/2008 4.2666 4.2666
6/13/2008 4.2565 4.2565
6/12/2008 4.2108 4.2108
6/11/2008 4.0735 4.0735
6/10/2008 4.1027 4.1027
6/9/2008 3.9977 3.9977
6/6/2008 3.9092 3.9092
6/5/2008 4.0383 4.0383
6/4/2008 3.9764 3.9764
6/3/2008 3.8939 3.8939
6/2/2008 3.9571 3.9571
5/30/2008 4.0595 4.0595
5/29/2008 4.075 4.075
5/28/2008 4.0033 4.0033
5/27/2008 3.9188 3.9188
5/26/2008 3.8425 3.8425
5/23/2008 3.8425 3.8425
5/22/2008 3.9111 3.9111
5/21/2008 3.8067 3.8067
5/20/2008 3.7746 3.7746
5/19/2008 3.8294 3.8294
5/16/2008 3.8446 3.8446
5/15/2008 3.8144 3.8144
5/14/2008 3.9112 3.9112
5/13/2008 3.9131 3.9131
5/12/2008 3.7974 3.7974
5/9/2008 3.7692 3.7692
5/8/2008 3.7748 3.7748
5/7/2008 3.8475 3.8475
5/6/2008 3.9164 3.9164
5/5/2008 3.867 3.867
5/2/2008 3.8551 3.8551
5/1/2008 3.763 3.763
4/30/2008 3.7279 3.7279
4/29/2008 3.8194 3.8194
4/28/2008 3.8252 3.8252
4/25/2008 3.8703 3.8703
4/24/2008 3.8249 3.8249
4/23/2008 3.7314 3.7314
4/22/2008 3.6908 3.6908
4/21/2008 3.7255 3.7255
4/18/2008 3.7061 3.7061
4/17/2008 3.7273 3.7273
4/16/2008 3.6886 3.6886
4/15/2008 3.6003 3.6003
4/14/2008 3.5109 3.5109
4/11/2008 3.4694 3.4694
4/10/2008 3.5394 3.5394
4/9/2008 3.4807 3.4807
4/8/2008 3.5564 3.5564
4/7/2008 3.5356 3.5356
4/4/2008 3.4657 3.4657
4/3/2008 3.5773 3.5773
4/2/2008 3.5963 3.5963
4/1/2008 3.5583 3.5583
3/31/2008 3.4096 3.4096
3/28/2008 3.4414 3.4414
3/27/2008 3.528 3.528
3/26/2008 3.4602 3.4602
3/25/2008 3.5053 3.5053
3/24/2008 3.5563 3.5563
3/21/2008 3.3335 3.3335
3/20/2008 3.3336 3.3336
3/19/2008 3.3282 3.3282
3/18/2008 3.4828 3.4828
3/17/2008 3.3061 3.3061
3/14/2008 3.4679 3.4679
3/13/2008 3.5261 3.5261
3/12/2008 3.4604 3.4604
3/11/2008 3.5921 3.5921
3/10/2008 3.4549 3.4549
3/7/2008 3.5317 3.5317
3/6/2008 3.5826 3.5826
3/5/2008 3.668 3.668
3/4/2008 3.6242 3.6242
3/3/2008 3.5468 3.5468
2/29/2008 3.5092 3.5092
2/28/2008 3.6697 3.6697
2/27/2008 3.8481 3.8481
2/26/2008 3.8596 3.8596
2/25/2008 3.8964 3.8964
2/22/2008 3.8016 3.8016
2/21/2008 3.7706 3.7706
2/20/2008 3.8902 3.8902
2/19/2008 3.8959 3.8959
2/18/2008 3.7686 3.7686
2/15/2008 3.7686 3.7686
2/14/2008 3.8163 3.8163
2/13/2008 3.7282 3.7282
2/12/2008 3.6579 3.6579
2/11/2008 3.6144 3.6144
2/8/2008 3.6428 3.6428
2/7/2008 3.7569 3.7569
2/6/2008 3.5885 3.5885
2/5/2008 3.5701 3.5701
2/4/2008 3.6444 3.6444
2/1/2008 3.5926 3.5926
1/31/2008 3.5931 3.5931
1/30/2008 3.6656 3.6656
1/29/2008 3.6769 3.6769
1/28/2008 3.5806 3.5806
1/25/2008 3.5494 3.5494
1/24/2008 3.7018 3.7018
1/23/2008 3.598 3.598
1/22/2008 3.4332 3.4332
1/21/2008 3.6296 3.6296
1/18/2008 3.6297 3.6297
1/17/2008 3.6211 3.6211
1/16/2008 3.7345 3.7345
1/15/2008 3.6751 3.6751
1/14/2008 3.7647 3.7647
1/11/2008 3.7835 3.7835
1/10/2008 3.8837 3.8837
1/9/2008 3.8215 3.8215
1/8/2008 3.7822 3.7822
1/7/2008 3.8311 3.8311
1/4/2008 3.8651 3.8651
1/3/2008 3.8918 3.8918
1/2/2008 3.9033 3.9033
1/1/2008 4.0231 4.0231
12/31/2007 4.0232 4.0232
12/28/2007 4.0732 4.0732
12/27/2007 4.1969 4.1969
12/26/2007 4.2749 4.2749
12/25/2007 4.2125 4.2125
12/24/2007 4.2125 4.2125
12/21/2007 4.1679 4.1679
12/20/2007 4.0507 4.0507
12/19/2007 4.0278 4.0278
12/18/2007 4.1179 4.1179
12/17/2007 4.1449 4.1449
12/14/2007 4.234 4.234
12/13/2007 4.2011 4.2011
12/12/2007 4.0893 4.0893
12/11/2007 3.9694 3.9694
12/10/2007 4.1567 4.1567
12/7/2007 4.1048 4.1048
12/6/2007 4.0076 4.0076
12/5/2007 3.9547 3.9547
12/4/2007 3.8926 3.8926
12/3/2007 3.8459 3.8459
11/30/2007 3.9379 3.9379
11/29/2007 3.9344 3.9344
11/28/2007 4.0347 4.0347
11/27/2007 3.9477 3.9477
11/26/2007 3.8391 3.8391
11/23/2007 3.9989 3.9989
11/22/2007 4.0065 4.0065
11/21/2007 4.0067 4.0067
11/20/2007 4.0961 4.0961
11/19/2007 4.0714 4.0714
11/16/2007 4.167 4.167
11/15/2007 4.1403 4.1403
11/14/2007 4.25 4.25
11/13/2007 4.2635 4.2635
11/12/2007 4.2133 4.2133
11/9/2007 4.2133 4.2133
11/8/2007 4.2829 4.2829
11/7/2007 4.3084 4.3084
11/6/2007 4.3726 4.3726
11/5/2007 4.3338 4.3338
11/2/2007 4.3165 4.3165
11/1/2007 4.3458 4.3458
10/31/2007 4.4708 4.4708
10/30/2007 4.379 4.379
10/29/2007 4.3811 4.3811
10/26/2007 4.4006 4.4006
10/25/2007 4.3775 4.3775
10/24/2007 4.3388 4.3388
10/23/2007 4.403 4.403
10/22/2007 4.4108 4.4108
10/19/2007 4.3915 4.3915
10/18/2007 4.4893 4.4893
10/17/2007 4.5522 4.5522
10/16/2007 4.6473 4.6473
10/15/2007 4.6772 4.6772
10/12/2007 4.6812 4.6812
10/11/2007 4.6355 4.6355
10/10/2007 4.6495 4.6495
10/9/2007 4.6475 4.6475
10/8/2007 4.6356 4.6356
10/5/2007 4.6356 4.6356
10/4/2007 4.5097 4.5097
10/3/2007 4.5588 4.5588
10/2/2007 4.5216 4.5216
10/1/2007 4.5452 4.5452
9/28/2007 4.5865 4.5865
9/27/2007 4.5631 4.5631
9/26/2007 4.6202 4.6202
9/25/2007 4.6242 4.6242
9/24/2007 4.6282 4.6282
9/21/2007 4.6203 4.6203
9/20/2007 4.6957 4.6957
9/19/2007 4.5458 4.5458
9/18/2007 4.4717 4.4717
9/17/2007 4.466 4.466
9/14/2007 4.4544 4.4544
9/13/2007 4.4643 4.4643
9/12/2007 4.4102 4.4102
9/11/2007 4.3679 4.3679
9/10/2007 4.322 4.322
9/7/2007 4.3816 4.3816
9/6/2007 4.5076 4.5076
9/5/2007 4.4669 4.4669
9/4/2007 4.5466 4.5466
9/3/2007 4.5291 4.5291
8/31/2007 4.5292 4.5292
8/30/2007 4.5061 4.5061
8/29/2007 4.5587 4.5587
8/28/2007 4.5062 4.5062
8/27/2007 4.5627 4.5627
8/24/2007 4.6156 4.6156
8/23/2007 4.6452 4.6452
8/22/2007 4.6452 4.6452
8/21/2007 4.5904 4.5904
8/20/2007 4.6257 4.6257
8/17/2007 4.6847 4.6847
8/16/2007 4.6572 4.6572
8/15/2007 4.7243 4.7243
8/14/2007 4.7243 4.7243
8/13/2007 4.7599 4.7599
8/10/2007 4.8076 4.8076
8/9/2007 4.7678 4.7678
8/8/2007 4.8767 4.8767
8/7/2007 4.7677 4.7677
8/6/2007 4.7371 4.7371
8/3/2007 4.6842 4.6842
8/2/2007 4.7654 4.7654
8/1/2007 4.7919 4.7919
7/31/2007 4.7388 4.7388
7/30/2007 4.802 4.802
7/27/2007 4.757 4.757
7/26/2007 4.7854 4.7854
7/25/2007 4.8983 4.8983
7/24/2007 4.9085 4.9085
7/23/2007 4.9477 4.9477
7/20/2007 4.9497 4.9497
7/19/2007 5.0159 5.0159
7/18/2007 5.0283 5.0283
7/17/2007 5.0491 5.0491
7/16/2007 5.0385 5.0385
7/13/2007 5.0928 5.0928
7/12/2007 5.1239 5.1239
7/11/2007 5.086 5.086
7/10/2007 5.0212 5.0212
7/9/2007 5.1382 5.1382
7/6/2007 5.1824 5.1824
7/5/2007 5.1402 5.1402
7/4/2007 5.0373 5.0373
7/3/2007 5.0372 5.0372
7/2/2007 4.9892 4.9892
6/29/2007 5.0244 5.0244
6/28/2007 5.1033 5.1033
6/27/2007 5.0802 5.0802
6/26/2007 5.078 5.078
6/25/2007 5.08 5.08
6/22/2007 5.13 5.13
6/21/2007 5.1863 5.1863
6/20/2007 5.1316 5.1316
6/19/2007 5.0814 5.0814
6/18/2007 5.1335 5.1335
6/15/2007 5.1627 5.1627
6/14/2007 5.2212 5.2212
6/13/2007 5.1979 5.1979
6/12/2007 5.2928 5.2928
6/11/2007 5.1514 5.1514
6/8/2007 5.0991 5.0991
6/7/2007 5.13 5.13
6/6/2007 4.9641 4.9641
6/5/2007 4.9908 4.9908
6/4/2007 4.9271 4.9271
6/1/2007 4.9516 4.9516
5/31/2007 4.8879 4.8879
5/30/2007 4.8675 4.8675
5/29/2007 4.8818 4.8818
5/28/2007 4.8573 4.8573
5/25/2007 4.8572 4.8572
5/24/2007 4.8387 4.8387
5/23/2007 4.8468 4.8468
5/22/2007 4.8245 4.8245
5/21/2007 4.782 4.782
5/18/2007 4.8001 4.8001
5/17/2007 4.7517 4.7517
5/16/2007 4.7096 4.7096
5/15/2007 4.7016 4.7016
5/14/2007 4.6936 4.6936
5/11/2007 4.6717 4.6717
5/10/2007 4.6379 4.6379
5/9/2007 4.6618 4.6618
5/8/2007 4.6342 4.6342
5/7/2007 4.6262 4.6262
5/4/2007 4.6382 4.6382
5/3/2007 4.6723 4.6723
5/2/2007 4.6422 4.6422
5/1/2007 4.6362 4.6362
4/30/2007 4.6222 4.6222
4/27/2007 4.6924 4.6924
4/26/2007 4.6964 4.6964
4/25/2007 4.6502 4.6502
4/24/2007 4.6202 4.6202
4/23/2007 4.6402 4.6402
4/20/2007 4.6703 4.6703
4/19/2007 4.6642 4.6642
4/18/2007 4.6502 4.6502
4/17/2007 4.6803 4.6803
4/16/2007 4.7346 4.7346
4/13/2007 4.7608 4.7608
4/12/2007 4.7345 4.7345
4/11/2007 4.7304 4.7304
4/10/2007 4.7184 4.7184
4/9/2007 4.7425 4.7425
4/6/2007 4.7485 4.7485
4/5/2007 4.6782 4.6782
4/4/2007 4.6482 4.6482
4/3/2007 4.6642 4.6642
4/2/2007 4.6403 4.6403
3/30/2007 4.6443 4.6443
3/29/2007 4.6423 4.6423
3/28/2007 4.6204 4.6204
3/27/2007 4.5966 4.5966
3/26/2007 4.6006 4.6006
3/23/2007 4.6105 4.6105
3/22/2007 4.5829 4.5829
3/21/2007 4.5356 4.5356
3/20/2007 4.5494 4.5494
3/19/2007 4.5632 4.5632
3/16/2007 4.5435 4.5435
3/15/2007 4.5358 4.5358
3/14/2007 4.5338 4.5338
3/13/2007 4.4907 4.4907
3/12/2007 4.5516 4.5516
3/9/2007 4.5871 4.5871
3/8/2007 4.5125 4.5125
3/7/2007 4.4871 4.4871
3/6/2007 4.5282 4.5282
3/5/2007 4.495 4.495
3/2/2007 4.497 4.497
3/1/2007 4.5499 4.5499
2/28/2007 4.5657 4.5657
2/27/2007 4.5109 4.5109
2/26/2007 4.6248 4.6248
2/23/2007 4.6703 4.6703
2/22/2007 4.7279 4.7279
2/21/2007 4.6902 4.6902
2/20/2007 4.6743 4.6743
2/19/2007 4.6882 4.6882
2/16/2007 4.6882 4.6882
2/15/2007 4.7061 4.7061
2/14/2007 4.7359 4.7359
2/13/2007 4.8078 4.8078
2/12/2007 4.8037 4.8037
2/9/2007 4.7797 4.7797
2/8/2007 4.7319 4.7319
2/7/2007 4.7432 4.7432
2/6/2007 4.7655 4.7655
2/5/2007 4.8021 4.8021
2/2/2007 4.8204 4.8204
2/1/2007 4.8346 4.8346
1/31/2007 4.808 4.808
1/30/2007 4.8693 4.8693
1/29/2007 4.8897 4.8897
1/26/2007 4.8733 4.8733
1/25/2007 4.8731 4.8731
1/24/2007 4.8077 4.8077
1/23/2007 4.8077 4.8077
1/22/2007 4.759 4.759
1/19/2007 4.7752 4.7752
1/18/2007 4.7427 4.7427
1/17/2007 4.7791 4.7791
1/16/2007 4.7467 4.7467
1/15/2007 4.775 4.775
1/12/2007 4.775 4.775
1/11/2007 4.7305 4.7305
1/10/2007 4.6843 4.6843
1/9/2007 4.6542 4.6542
1/8/2007 4.6522 4.6522
1/5/2007 4.6442 4.6442
1/4/2007 4.6024 4.6024
1/3/2007 4.6582 4.6582
1/2/2007 4.6802 4.6802
1/1/2007 4.7022 4.7022
12/29/2006 4.7022 4.7022
12/28/2006 4.6802 4.6802
12/27/2006 4.6503 4.6503
12/26/2006 4.5986 4.5986
12/25/2006 4.6184 4.6184
12/22/2006 4.6185 4.6185
12/21/2006 4.5454 4.5454
12/20/2006 4.5947 4.5947
12/19/2006 4.5888 4.5888
12/18/2006 4.5809 4.5809
12/15/2006 4.5928 4.5928
12/14/2006 4.5968 4.5968
12/13/2006 4.5791 4.5791
12/12/2006 4.4848 4.4848
12/11/2006 4.5182 4.5182
12/8/2006 4.5437 4.5437
12/7/2006 4.4811 4.4811
12/6/2006 4.4851 4.4851
12/5/2006 4.4403 4.4403
12/4/2006 4.4229 4.4229
12/1/2006 4.4327 4.4327
11/30/2006 4.4581 4.4581
11/29/2006 4.5206 4.5206
11/28/2006 4.5011 4.5011
11/27/2006 4.5285 4.5285
11/24/2006 4.548 4.548
11/23/2006 4.5579 4.5579
11/22/2006 4.558 4.558
11/21/2006 4.5698 4.5698
11/20/2006 4.5973 4.5973
11/17/2006 4.5993 4.5993
11/16/2006 4.6644 4.6644
11/15/2006 4.6171 4.6171
11/14/2006 4.5622 4.5622
11/13/2006 4.6093 4.6093
11/10/2006 4.5877 4.5877
11/9/2006 4.6253 4.6253
11/8/2006 4.6352 4.6352
11/7/2006 4.6571 4.6571
11/6/2006 4.693 4.693
11/3/2006 4.715 4.715
11/2/2006 4.594 4.594
11/1/2006 4.5645 4.5645
10/31/2006 4.5981 4.5981
10/30/2006 4.6694 4.6694
10/27/2006 4.6715 4.6715
10/26/2006 4.7174 4.7174
10/25/2006 4.7614 4.7614
10/24/2006 4.8196 4.8196
10/23/2006 4.8277 4.8277
10/20/2006 4.7855 4.7855
10/19/2006 4.7816 4.7816
10/18/2006 4.7536 4.7536
10/17/2006 4.7656 4.7656
10/16/2006 4.7757 4.7757
10/13/2006 4.7977 4.7977
10/12/2006 4.7698 4.7698
10/11/2006 4.7778 4.7778
10/10/2006 4.7518 4.7518
10/9/2006 4.6942 4.6942
10/6/2006 4.6943 4.6943
10/5/2006 4.6037 4.6037
10/4/2006 4.5587 4.5587
10/3/2006 4.6137 4.6137
10/2/2006 4.6 4.6
9/29/2006 4.6276 4.6276
9/28/2006 4.612 4.612
9/27/2006 4.5984 4.5984
9/26/2006 4.5828 4.5828
9/25/2006 4.5418 4.5418
9/22/2006 4.5888 4.5888
9/21/2006 4.636 4.636
9/20/2006 4.7288 4.7288
9/19/2006 4.7328 4.7328
9/18/2006 4.8044 4.8044
9/15/2006 4.7885 4.7885
9/14/2006 4.7886 4.7886
9/13/2006 4.7588 4.7588
9/12/2006 4.7688 4.7688
9/11/2006 4.8006 4.8006
9/8/2006 4.7708 4.7708
9/7/2006 4.7848 4.7848
9/6/2006 4.7948 4.7948
9/5/2006 4.7789 4.7789
9/4/2006 4.7235 4.7235
9/1/2006 4.7236 4.7236
8/31/2006 4.7258 4.7258
8/30/2006 4.7515 4.7515
8/29/2006 4.7772 4.7772
8/28/2006 4.7911 4.7911
8/25/2006 4.7793 4.7793
8/24/2006 4.7992 4.7992
8/23/2006 4.8072 4.8072
8/22/2006 4.8092 4.8092
8/21/2006 4.8112 4.8112
8/18/2006 4.841 4.841
8/17/2006 4.863 4.863
8/16/2006 4.859 4.859
8/15/2006 4.9289 4.9289
8/14/2006 4.9952 4.9952
8/11/2006 4.9691 4.9691
8/10/2006 4.9309 4.9309
8/9/2006 4.9367 4.9367
8/8/2006 4.9165 4.9165
8/7/2006 4.9186 4.9186
8/4/2006 4.8925 4.8925
8/3/2006 4.9591 4.9591
8/2/2006 4.9632 4.9632
8/1/2006 4.9753 4.9753
7/31/2006 4.9794 4.9794
7/28/2006 4.9896 4.9896
7/27/2006 5.0343 5.0343
7/26/2006 5.0302 5.0302
7/25/2006 5.0628 5.0628
7/24/2006 5.0424 5.0424
7/21/2006 5.0404 5.0404
7/20/2006 5.0263 5.0263
7/19/2006 5.0487 5.0487
7/18/2006 5.1302 5.1302
7/17/2006 5.0629 5.0629
7/14/2006 5.0629 5.0629
7/13/2006 5.063 5.063
7/12/2006 5.0976 5.0976
7/11/2006 5.0996 5.0996
7/10/2006 5.1241 5.1241
7/7/2006 5.1261 5.1261
7/6/2006 5.1793 5.1793
7/5/2006 5.2204 5.2204
7/4/2006 5.1486 5.1486
7/3/2006 5.1486 5.1486
6/30/2006 5.1364 5.1364
6/29/2006 5.1936 5.1936
6/28/2006 5.2429 5.2429
6/27/2006 5.1998 5.1998
6/26/2006 5.2326 5.2326
6/23/2006 5.2223 5.2223
6/22/2006 5.208 5.208
6/21/2006 5.1528 5.1528
6/20/2006 5.1487 5.1487
6/19/2006 5.1345 5.1345
6/16/2006 5.1264 5.1264
6/15/2006 5.094 5.094
6/14/2006 5.0617 5.0617
6/13/2006 4.9613 4.9613
6/12/2006 4.9774 4.9774
6/9/2006 4.9714 4.9714
6/8/2006 4.9936 4.9936
6/7/2006 5.0177 5.0177
6/6/2006 4.9997 4.9997
6/5/2006 5.0177 5.0177
6/2/2006 4.9898 4.9898
6/1/2006 5.0984 5.0984
5/31/2006 5.1186 5.1186
5/30/2006 5.0762 5.0762
5/29/2006 5.0481 5.0481
5/26/2006 5.0481 5.0481
5/25/2006 5.0683 5.0683
5/24/2006 5.0363 5.0363
5/23/2006 5.0123 5.0123
5/22/2006 5.0383 5.0383
5/19/2006 5.0584 5.0584
5/18/2006 5.0605 5.0605
5/17/2006 5.1431 5.1431
5/16/2006 5.0947 5.0947
5/15/2006 5.1533 5.1533
5/12/2006 5.1938 5.1938
5/11/2006 5.151 5.151
5/10/2006 5.1234 5.1234
5/9/2006 5.1211 5.1211
5/8/2006 5.1104 5.1104
5/5/2006 5.0997 5.0997
5/4/2006 5.1521 5.1521
5/3/2006 5.1414 5.1414
5/2/2006 5.1075 5.1075
5/1/2006 5.1369 5.1369
4/28/2006 5.0505 5.0505
4/27/2006 5.0669 5.0669
4/26/2006 5.1046 5.1046
4/25/2006 5.0667 5.0667
4/24/2006 4.9768 4.9768
4/21/2006 5.0079 5.0079
4/20/2006 5.0389 5.0389
4/19/2006 5.0221 5.0221
4/18/2006 4.9824 4.9824
4/17/2006 5.0032 5.0032
4/14/2006 5.0448 5.0448
4/13/2006 5.0447 5.0447
4/12/2006 4.9777 4.9777
4/11/2006 4.9197 4.9197
4/10/2006 4.9526 4.9526
4/7/2006 4.9774 4.9774
4/6/2006 4.8987 4.8987
4/5/2006 4.8433 4.8433
4/4/2006 4.8637 4.8637
4/3/2006 4.8615 4.8615
3/31/2006 4.8472 4.8472
3/30/2006 4.8551 4.8551
3/29/2006 4.8041 4.8041
3/28/2006 4.7797 4.7797
3/27/2006 4.7028 4.7028
3/24/2006 4.6686 4.6686
3/23/2006 4.7329 4.7329
3/22/2006 4.6986 4.6986
3/21/2006 4.7167 4.7167
3/20/2006 4.6565 4.6565
3/17/2006 4.6705 4.6705
3/16/2006 4.6404 4.6404
3/15/2006 4.7266 4.7266
3/14/2006 4.6924 4.6924
3/13/2006 4.7668 4.7668
3/10/2006 4.7567 4.7567
3/9/2006 4.7243 4.7243
3/8/2006 4.7263 4.7263
3/7/2006 4.7223 4.7223
3/6/2006 4.7504 4.7504
3/3/2006 4.6801 4.6801
3/2/2006 4.6282 4.6282
3/1/2006 4.5845 4.5845
2/28/2006 4.551 4.551
2/27/2006 4.5905 4.5905
2/24/2006 4.5727 4.5727
2/23/2006 4.5549 4.5549
2/22/2006 4.5215 4.5215
2/21/2006 4.5648 4.5648
2/20/2006 4.5372 4.5372
2/17/2006 4.5372 4.5372
2/16/2006 4.5825 4.5825
2/15/2006 4.5964 4.5964
2/14/2006 4.6102 4.6102
2/13/2006 4.5766 4.5766
2/10/2006 4.5845 4.5845
2/9/2006 4.5432 4.5432
2/8/2006 4.5873 4.5873
2/7/2006 4.5652 4.5652
2/6/2006 4.5432 4.5432
2/3/2006 4.5232 4.5232
2/2/2006 4.5571 4.5571
2/1/2006 4.5551 4.5551
1/31/2006 4.5152 4.5152
1/30/2006 4.5251 4.5251
1/27/2006 4.5092 4.5092
1/26/2006 4.5172 4.5172
1/25/2006 4.4754 4.4754
1/24/2006 4.3904 4.3904
1/23/2006 4.3551 4.3551
1/20/2006 4.3493 4.3493
1/19/2006 4.3729 4.3729
1/18/2006 4.3318 4.3318
1/17/2006 4.324 4.324
1/16/2006 4.3534 4.3534
1/13/2006 4.3534 4.3534
1/12/2006 4.4026 4.4026
1/11/2006 4.4518 4.4518
1/10/2006 4.4243 4.4243
1/9/2006 4.3654 4.3654
1/6/2006 4.3733 4.3733
1/5/2006 4.3519 4.3519
1/4/2006 4.3422 4.3422
1/3/2006 4.3637 4.3637
1/2/2006 4.3911 4.3911
12/30/2005 4.3911 4.3911
12/29/2005 4.3541 4.3541
12/28/2005 4.3737 4.3737
12/27/2005 4.3366 4.3366
12/23/2005 4.372 4.372
12/22/2005 4.4267 4.4267
12/21/2005 4.4877 4.4877
12/20/2005 4.4601 4.4601
12/19/2005 4.4385 4.4385
12/16/2005 4.4327 4.4327
12/15/2005 4.4602 4.4602
12/14/2005 4.4563 4.4563
12/13/2005 4.5193 4.5193
12/12/2005 4.547 4.547
12/9/2005 4.5233 4.5233
12/8/2005 4.4623 4.4623
12/7/2005 4.5095 4.5095
12/6/2005 4.482 4.482
12/5/2005 4.5687 4.5687
12/2/2005 4.5115 4.5115
12/1/2005 4.5135 4.5135
11/30/2005 4.484 4.484
11/29/2005 4.4743 4.4743
11/28/2005 4.404 4.404
11/25/2005 4.4274 4.4274
11/24/2005 4.47 4.47
11/23/2005 4.47 4.47
11/22/2005 4.4256 4.4256
11/21/2005 4.4588 4.4588
11/18/2005 4.4881 4.4881
11/17/2005 4.4569 4.4569
11/16/2005 4.4706 4.4706
11/15/2005 4.5569 4.5569
11/14/2005 4.6043 4.6043
11/11/2005 4.5333 4.5333
11/10/2005 4.5535 4.5535
11/9/2005 4.6388 4.6388
11/8/2005 4.5512 4.5512
11/7/2005 4.6223 4.6223
11/4/2005 4.659 4.659
11/3/2005 4.6465 4.6465
11/2/2005 4.6036 4.6036
11/1/2005 4.5629 4.5629
10/31/2005 4.5506 4.5506
10/28/2005 4.5648 4.5648
10/27/2005 4.5463 4.5463
10/26/2005 4.5827 4.5827
10/25/2005 4.5341 4.5341
10/24/2005 4.4436 4.4436
10/21/2005 4.3837 4.3837
10/20/2005 4.4295 4.4295
10/19/2005 4.4594 4.4594
10/18/2005 4.4694 4.4694
10/17/2005 4.4934 4.4934
10/14/2005 4.4793 4.4793
10/13/2005 4.4612 4.4612
10/12/2005 4.4392 4.4392
10/11/2005 4.3914 4.3914
10/10/2005 4.3557 4.3557
10/7/2005 4.354 4.354
10/6/2005 4.3873 4.3873
10/5/2005 4.3398 4.3398
10/4/2005 4.3674 4.3674
10/3/2005 4.3833 4.3833
9/30/2005 4.324 4.324
9/29/2005 4.2945 4.2945
9/28/2005 4.2534 4.2534
9/27/2005 4.2808 4.2808
9/26/2005 4.2906 4.2906
9/23/2005 4.2456 4.2456
9/22/2005 4.1795 4.1795
9/21/2005 4.166 4.166
9/20/2005 4.2418 4.2418
9/19/2005 4.2457 4.2457
9/16/2005 4.271 4.271
9/15/2005 4.2107 4.2107
9/14/2005 4.1643 4.1643
9/13/2005 4.1258 4.1258
9/12/2005 4.1701 4.1701
9/9/2005 4.1181 4.1181
9/8/2005 4.1452 4.1452
9/7/2005 4.1375 4.1375
9/6/2005 4.0953 4.0953
9/5/2005 4.0285 4.0285
9/2/2005 4.0362 4.0362
9/1/2005 4.0307 4.0307
8/31/2005 4.0137 4.0137
8/30/2005 4.0899 4.0899
8/29/2005 4.1667 4.1667
8/26/2005 4.186 4.186
8/25/2005 4.1553 4.1553
8/24/2005 4.1649 4.1649
8/23/2005 4.1784 4.1784
8/22/2005 4.2073 4.2073
8/19/2005 4.2054 4.2054
8/18/2005 4.1978 4.1978
8/17/2005 4.2674 4.2674
8/16/2005 4.2056 4.2056
8/15/2005 4.281 4.281
8/12/2005 4.2423 4.2423
8/11/2005 4.3203 4.3203
8/10/2005 4.3903 4.3903
8/9/2005 4.3883 4.3883
8/8/2005 4.4184 4.4184
8/5/2005 4.3861 4.3861
8/4/2005 4.312 4.312
8/3/2005 4.292 4.292
8/2/2005 4.3338 4.3338
8/1/2005 4.3099 4.3099
7/29/2005 4.276 4.276
7/28/2005 4.1891 4.1891
7/27/2005 4.2541 4.2541
7/26/2005 4.2245 4.2245
7/25/2005 4.2442 4.2442
7/22/2005 4.2185 4.2185
7/21/2005 4.2757 4.2757
7/20/2005 4.1576 4.1576
7/19/2005 4.1792 4.1792
7/18/2005 4.2204 4.2204
7/15/2005 4.1635 4.1635
7/14/2005 4.1732 4.1732
7/13/2005 4.1556 4.1556
7/12/2005 4.142 4.142
7/11/2005 4.0933 4.0933
7/8/2005 4.0914 4.0914
7/7/2005 4.0605 4.0605
7/6/2005 4.0682 4.0682
7/5/2005 4.105 4.105
7/4/2005 4.0373 4.0373
7/1/2005 4.0489 4.0489
6/30/2005 3.913 3.913
6/29/2005 3.9779 3.9779
6/28/2005 3.9703 3.9703
6/27/2005 3.9017 3.9017
6/24/2005 3.917 3.917
6/23/2005 3.9514 3.9514
6/22/2005 3.94 3.94
6/21/2005 4.0396 4.0396
6/20/2005 4.1091 4.1091
6/17/2005 4.0705 4.0705
6/16/2005 4.0667 4.0667
6/15/2005 4.0995 4.0995
6/14/2005 4.1072 4.1072
6/13/2005 4.0918 4.0918
6/10/2005 4.0514 4.0514
6/9/2005 3.9483 3.9483
6/8/2005 3.9331 3.9331
6/7/2005 3.901 3.901
6/6/2005 3.9522 3.9522
6/3/2005 3.9732 3.9732
6/2/2005 3.9032 3.9032
6/1/2005 3.8844 3.8844
5/31/2005 3.981 3.981
5/30/2005 4.069 4.069
5/27/2005 4.0709 4.0709
5/26/2005 4.0787 4.0787
5/25/2005 4.0864 4.0864
5/24/2005 4.0271 4.0271
5/23/2005 4.0538 4.0538
5/20/2005 4.121 4.121
5/19/2005 4.1115 4.1115
5/18/2005 4.0884 4.0884
5/17/2005 4.1134 4.1134
5/16/2005 4.1269 4.1269
5/13/2005 4.1173 4.1173
5/12/2005 4.1703 4.1703
5/11/2005 4.202 4.202
5/10/2005 4.2 4.2
5/9/2005 4.2816 4.2816
5/6/2005 4.2576 4.2576
5/5/2005 4.1543 4.1543
5/4/2005 4.1859 4.1859
5/3/2005 4.1641 4.1641
5/2/2005 4.1858 4.1858
4/29/2005 4.1976 4.1976
4/28/2005 4.1442 4.1442
4/27/2005 4.2232 4.2232
4/26/2005 4.2649 4.2649
4/25/2005 4.2469 4.2469
4/22/2005 4.2449 4.2449
4/21/2005 4.2945 4.2945
4/20/2005 4.1853 4.1853
4/19/2005 4.2109 4.2109
4/18/2005 4.2704 4.2704
4/15/2005 4.2406 4.2406
4/14/2005 4.308 4.308
4/13/2005 4.3599 4.3599
4/12/2005 4.3518 4.3518
4/11/2005 4.428 4.428
4/8/2005 4.4683 4.4683
4/7/2005 4.4802 4.4802
4/6/2005 4.4215 4.4215
4/5/2005 4.4678 4.4678
4/4/2005 4.4556 4.4556
4/1/2005 4.4475 4.4475
3/31/2005 4.4815 4.4815
3/30/2005 4.5462 4.5462
3/29/2005 4.5726 4.5726
3/28/2005 4.64 4.64
3/25/2005 4.5929 4.5929
3/24/2005 4.5968 4.5968
3/23/2005 4.5841 4.5841
3/22/2005 4.6411 4.6411
3/21/2005 4.5229 4.5229
3/18/2005 4.5066 4.5066
3/17/2005 4.464 4.464
3/16/2005 4.5062 4.5062
3/15/2005 4.5445 4.5445
3/14/2005 4.508 4.508
3/11/2005 4.5423 4.5423
3/10/2005 4.4633 4.4633
3/9/2005 4.5196 4.5196
3/8/2005 4.3911 4.3911
3/7/2005 4.3076 4.3076
3/4/2005 4.3076 4.3076
3/3/2005 4.3768 4.3768
3/2/2005 4.3767 4.3767
3/1/2005 4.3647 4.3647
2/28/2005 4.3766 4.3766
2/25/2005 4.2638 4.2638
2/24/2005 4.2833 4.2833
2/23/2005 4.2617 4.2617
2/22/2005 4.2853 4.2853
2/21/2005 4.2616 4.2616
2/18/2005 4.2655 4.2655
2/17/2005 4.1794 4.1794
2/16/2005 4.1521 4.1521
2/15/2005 4.096 4.096
2/14/2005 4.069 4.069
2/11/2005 4.0844 4.0844
2/10/2005 4.0888 4.0888
2/9/2005 3.979 3.979
2/8/2005 4.0153 4.0153
2/7/2005 4.0501 4.0501
2/4/2005 4.0753 4.0753
2/3/2005 4.163 4.163
2/2/2005 4.1396 4.1396
2/1/2005 4.1377 4.1377
1/31/2005 4.128 4.128
1/28/2005 4.1397 4.1397
1/27/2005 4.2179 4.2179
1/26/2005 4.1964 4.1964
1/25/2005 4.1925 4.1925
1/24/2005 4.1204 4.1204
1/21/2005 4.1399 4.1399
1/20/2005 4.1614 4.1614
1/19/2005 4.1711 4.1711
1/18/2005 4.1848 4.1848
1/17/2005 4.2082 4.2082
1/14/2005 4.208 4.208
1/13/2005 4.1635 4.1635
1/12/2005 4.2337 4.2337
1/11/2005 4.2357 4.2357
1/10/2005 4.269 4.269
1/7/2005 4.269 4.269
1/6/2005 4.2612 4.2612
1/5/2005 4.2808 4.2808
1/4/2005 4.2886 4.2886
1/3/2005 4.2104 4.2104
12/31/2004 4.2182 4.2182
12/30/2004 4.2534 4.2534
12/29/2004 4.322 4.322
12/28/2004 4.2906 4.2906
12/27/2004 4.2965 4.2965
12/24/2004 4.2144 4.2144
12/23/2004 4.2242 4.2242
12/22/2004 4.1931 4.1931
12/21/2004 4.1622 4.1622
12/20/2004 4.1835 4.1835
12/17/2004 4.199 4.199
12/16/2004 4.1836 4.1836
12/15/2004 4.0739 4.0739
12/14/2004 4.1219 4.1219
12/13/2004 4.147 4.147
12/10/2004 4.1489 4.1489
12/9/2004 4.1664 4.1664
12/8/2004 4.1183 4.1183
12/7/2004 4.2206 4.2206
12/6/2004 4.2206 4.2206
12/3/2004 4.2497 4.2497
12/2/2004 4.4063 4.4063
12/1/2004 4.3649 4.3649
11/30/2004 4.3492 4.3492
11/29/2004 4.3179 4.3179
11/26/2004 4.2459 4.2459
11/25/2004 4.1937 4.1937
11/24/2004 4.1976 4.1976
11/23/2004 4.1823 4.1823
11/22/2004 4.1784 4.1784
11/19/2004 4.2035 4.2035
11/18/2004 4.1134 4.1134
11/17/2004 4.1287 4.1287
11/16/2004 4.2056 4.2056
11/15/2004 4.1863 4.1863
11/12/2004 4.1786 4.1786
11/11/2004 4.2519 4.2519
11/10/2004 4.2394 4.2394
11/9/2004 4.2257 4.2257
11/8/2004 4.2158 4.2158
11/5/2004 4.1727 4.1727
11/4/2004 4.0716 4.0716
11/3/2004 4.0736 4.0736
11/2/2004 4.0465 4.0465
11/1/2004 4.0698 4.0698
10/29/2004 4.0235 4.0235
10/28/2004 4.0487 4.0487
10/27/2004 4.0816 4.0816
10/26/2004 3.9988 3.9988
10/25/2004 3.9701 3.9701
10/22/2004 3.974 3.974
10/21/2004 3.9952 3.9952
10/20/2004 3.98 3.98
10/19/2004 4.0318 4.0318
10/18/2004 4.0415 4.0415
10/15/2004 4.0531 4.0531
10/14/2004 4.0244 4.0244
10/13/2004 4.0552 4.0552
10/12/2004 4.0976 4.0976
10/11/2004 4.1305 4.1305
10/8/2004 4.1286 4.1286
10/7/2004 4.2416 4.2416
10/6/2004 4.2201 4.2201
10/5/2004 4.1734 4.1734
10/4/2004 4.1637 4.1637
10/1/2004 4.1871 4.1871
9/30/2004 4.1194 4.1194
9/29/2004 4.0866 4.0866
9/28/2004 4.0024 4.0024
9/27/2004 3.9891 3.9891
9/24/2004 4.0273 4.0273
9/23/2004 4.0161 4.0161
9/22/2004 3.978 3.978
9/21/2004 4.0353 4.0353
9/20/2004 4.0564 4.0564
9/17/2004 4.1064 4.1064
9/16/2004 4.0719 4.0719
9/15/2004 4.1643 4.1643
9/14/2004 4.1238 4.1238
9/13/2004 4.1354 4.1354
9/10/2004 4.1856 4.1856
9/9/2004 4.1953 4.1953
9/8/2004 4.1587 4.1587
9/7/2004 4.238 4.238
9/6/2004 4.2906 4.2906
9/3/2004 4.2945 4.2945
9/2/2004 4.2129 4.2129
9/1/2004 4.1128 4.1128
8/31/2004 4.1167 4.1167
8/30/2004 4.1763 4.1763
8/27/2004 4.2265 4.2265
8/26/2004 4.2092 4.2092
8/25/2004 4.2615 4.2615
8/24/2004 4.2712 4.2712
8/23/2004 4.2829 4.2829
8/20/2004 4.2325 4.2325
8/19/2004 4.2132 4.2132
8/18/2004 4.2364 4.2364
8/17/2004 4.1901 4.1901
8/16/2004 4.2616 4.2616
8/13/2004 4.2268 4.2268
8/12/2004 4.2538 4.2538
8/11/2004 4.2713 4.2713
8/10/2004 4.2888 4.2888
8/9/2004 4.2561 4.2561
8/6/2004 4.2196 4.2196
8/5/2004 4.4 4.4
8/4/2004 4.4176 4.4176
8/3/2004 4.4236 4.4236
8/2/2004 4.4491 4.4491
7/30/2004 4.4747 4.4747
7/29/2004 4.5754 4.5754
7/28/2004 4.5834 4.5834
7/27/2004 4.6132 4.6132
7/26/2004 4.4848 4.4848
7/23/2004 4.4301 4.4301
7/22/2004 4.444 4.444
7/21/2004 4.4656 4.4656
7/20/2004 4.4441 4.4441
7/19/2004 4.3509 4.3509
7/16/2004 4.3491 4.3491
7/15/2004 4.4797 4.4797
7/14/2004 4.4797 4.4797
7/13/2004 4.47 4.47
7/12/2004 4.4447 4.4447
7/9/2004 4.4565 4.4565
7/8/2004 4.4704 4.4704
7/7/2004 4.4743 4.4743
7/6/2004 4.4743 4.4743
7/5/2004 4.4549 4.4549
7/2/2004 4.4589 4.4589
7/1/2004 4.5629 4.5629
6/30/2004 4.5806 4.5806
6/29/2004 4.6855 4.6855
6/28/2004 4.7354 4.7354
6/25/2004 4.6459 4.6459
6/24/2004 4.644 4.644
6/23/2004 4.6956 4.6956
6/22/2004 4.7175 4.7175
6/21/2004 4.6837 4.6837
6/18/2004 4.7096 4.7096
6/17/2004 4.6779 4.6779
6/16/2004 4.7216 4.7216
6/15/2004 4.676 4.676
6/14/2004 4.8698 4.8698
6/11/2004 4.7995 4.7995
6/10/2004 4.7935 4.7935
6/9/2004 4.8055 4.8055
6/8/2004 4.7615 4.7615
6/7/2004 4.7596 4.7596
6/4/2004 4.7715 4.7715
6/3/2004 4.7099 4.7099
6/2/2004 4.7377 4.7377
6/1/2004 4.7001 4.7001
5/31/2004 4.6468 4.6468
5/28/2004 4.6468 4.6468
5/27/2004 4.5999 4.5999
5/26/2004 4.6549 4.6549
5/25/2004 4.7201 4.7201
5/24/2004 4.732 4.732
5/21/2004 4.7558 4.7558
5/20/2004 4.7004 4.7004
5/19/2004 4.7717 4.7717
5/18/2004 4.7341 4.7341
5/17/2004 4.6887 4.6887
5/14/2004 4.7678 4.7678
5/13/2004 4.8516 4.8516
5/12/2004 4.805 4.805
5/11/2004 4.7462 4.7462
5/10/2004 4.7921 4.7921
5/7/2004 4.7709 4.7709
5/6/2004 4.598 4.598
5/5/2004 4.5794 4.5794
5/4/2004 4.5649 4.5649
5/3/2004 4.4993 4.4993
4/30/2004 4.5053 4.5053
4/29/2004 4.5356 4.5356
4/28/2004 4.4967 4.4967
4/27/2004 4.3832 4.3832
4/26/2004 4.4336 4.4336
4/23/2004 4.4578 4.4578
4/22/2004 4.3807 4.3807
4/21/2004 4.423 4.423
4/20/2004 4.4573 4.4573
4/19/2004 4.3845 4.3845
4/16/2004 4.3383 4.3383
4/15/2004 4.4003 4.4003
4/14/2004 4.364 4.364
4/13/2004 4.3519 4.3519
4/12/2004 4.2285 4.2285
4/9/2004 4.1909 4.1909
4/8/2004 4.1909 4.1909
4/7/2004 4.1573 4.1573
4/6/2004 4.1475 4.1475
4/5/2004 4.2064 4.2064
4/2/2004 4.1435 4.1435
4/1/2004 3.8786 3.8786
3/31/2004 3.8348 3.8348
3/30/2004 3.8939 3.8939
3/29/2004 3.8882 3.8882
3/26/2004 3.8292 3.8292
3/25/2004 3.7368 3.7368
3/24/2004 3.7069 3.7069
3/23/2004 3.6901 3.6901
3/22/2004 3.7126 3.7126
3/19/2004 3.771 3.771
3/18/2004 3.7542 3.7542
3/17/2004 3.7111 3.7111
3/16/2004 3.6794 3.6794
3/15/2004 3.7619 3.7619
3/12/2004 3.777 3.777
3/11/2004 3.6985 3.6985
3/10/2004 3.7285 3.7285
3/9/2004 3.7211 3.7211
3/8/2004 3.768 3.768
3/5/2004 3.8491 3.8491
3/4/2004 4.0151 4.0151
3/3/2004 4.0498 4.0498
3/2/2004 4.0421 4.0421
3/1/2004 3.973 3.973
2/27/2004 3.9711 3.9711
2/26/2004 4.0344 4.0344
2/25/2004 4.0075 4.0075
2/24/2004 4.0229 4.0229
2/23/2004 4.0363 4.0363
2/20/2004 4.0961 4.0961
2/19/2004 4.0306 4.0306
2/18/2004 4.0479 4.0479
2/17/2004 4.0383 4.0383
2/16/2004 4.0402 4.0402
2/13/2004 4.0402 4.0402
2/12/2004 4.0441 4.0441
2/11/2004 4.0306 4.0306
2/10/2004 4.1121 4.1121
2/9/2004 4.052 4.052
2/6/2004 4.0772 4.0772
2/5/2004 4.1669 4.1669
2/4/2004 4.1123 4.1123
2/3/2004 4.0968 4.0968
2/2/2004 4.1455 4.1455
1/30/2004 4.1319 4.1319
1/29/2004 4.1729 4.1729
1/28/2004 4.1885 4.1885
1/27/2004 4.0738 4.0738
1/26/2004 4.1301 4.1301
1/23/2004 4.072 4.072
1/22/2004 3.953 3.953
1/21/2004 4.0182 4.0182
1/20/2004 4.0548 4.0548
1/19/2004 4.0298 4.0298
1/16/2004 4.0299 4.0299
1/15/2004 3.9688 3.9688
1/14/2004 3.9937 3.9937
1/13/2004 4.011 4.011
1/12/2004 4.0861 4.0861
1/9/2004 4.0803 4.0803
1/8/2004 4.2553 4.2553
1/7/2004 4.2416 4.2416
1/6/2004 4.271 4.271
1/5/2004 4.3774 4.3774
1/2/2004 4.3794 4.3794
1/1/2004 4.2455 4.2455
12/31/2003 4.2455 4.2455
12/30/2003 4.2573 4.2573
12/29/2003 4.2417 4.2417
12/26/2003 4.1503 4.1503
12/25/2003 4.1833 4.1833
12/24/2003 4.1834 4.1834
12/23/2003 4.2593 4.2593
12/22/2003 4.1679 4.1679
12/19/2003 4.1332 4.1332
12/18/2003 4.1256 4.1256
12/17/2003 4.1816 4.1816
12/16/2003 4.2127 4.2127
12/15/2003 4.2574 4.2574
12/12/2003 4.2379 4.2379
12/11/2003 4.2302 4.2302
12/10/2003 4.316 4.316
12/9/2003 4.3513 4.3513
12/8/2003 4.2672 4.2672
12/5/2003 4.2303 4.2303
12/4/2003 4.365 4.365
12/3/2003 4.4023 4.4023
12/2/2003 4.3787 4.3787
12/1/2003 4.3846 4.3846
11/28/2003 4.3316 4.3316
11/27/2003 4.2459 4.2459
11/26/2003 4.2459 4.2459
11/25/2003 4.1841 4.1841
11/24/2003 4.2286 4.2286
11/21/2003 4.1592 4.1592
11/20/2003 4.1516 4.1516
11/19/2003 4.2364 4.2364
11/18/2003 4.1421 4.1421
11/17/2003 4.194 4.194
11/14/2003 4.2171 4.2171
11/13/2003 4.269 4.269
11/12/2003 4.3983 4.3983
11/11/2003 4.4464 4.4464
11/10/2003 4.4464 4.4464
11/7/2003 4.4383 4.4383
11/6/2003 4.4081 4.4081
11/5/2003 4.3522 4.3522
11/4/2003 4.2947 4.2947
11/3/2003 4.3403 4.3403
10/31/2003 4.2927 4.2927
10/30/2003 4.3422 4.3422
10/29/2003 4.2946 4.2946
10/28/2003 4.1768 4.1768
10/27/2003 4.2592 4.2592
10/24/2003 4.2297 4.2297
10/23/2003 4.3163 4.3163
10/22/2003 4.2513 4.2513
10/21/2003 4.342 4.342
10/20/2003 4.3817 4.3817
10/17/2003 4.3876 4.3876
10/16/2003 4.4593 4.4593
10/15/2003 4.3974 4.3974
10/14/2003 4.3439 4.3439
10/13/2003 4.2513 4.2513
10/10/2003 4.269 4.269
10/9/2003 4.2906 4.2906
10/8/2003 4.2357 4.2357
10/7/2003 4.2573 4.2573
10/6/2003 4.1695 4.1695
10/3/2003 4.1987 4.1987
10/2/2003 3.9926 3.9926
10/1/2003 3.9318 3.9318
9/30/2003 3.9376 3.9376
9/29/2003 4.0751 4.0751
9/26/2003 4.0005 4.0005
9/25/2003 4.081 4.081
9/24/2003 4.1331 4.1331
9/23/2003 4.2047 4.2047
9/22/2003 4.2164 4.2164
9/19/2003 4.1602 4.1602
9/18/2003 4.1622 4.1622
9/17/2003 4.1777 4.1777
9/16/2003 4.2749 4.2749
9/15/2003 4.2671 4.2671
9/12/2003 4.2516 4.2516
9/11/2003 4.3141 4.3141
9/10/2003 4.2711 4.2711
9/9/2003 4.3552 4.3552
9/8/2003 4.4262 4.4262
9/5/2003 4.3474 4.3474
9/4/2003 4.5034 4.5034
9/3/2003 4.5933 4.5933
9/2/2003 4.5993 4.5993
9/1/2003 4.4577 4.4577
8/29/2003 4.4636 4.4636
8/28/2003 4.4141 4.4141
8/27/2003 4.5349 4.5349
8/26/2003 4.4733 4.4733
8/25/2003 4.5249 4.5249
8/22/2003 4.4732 4.4732
8/21/2003 4.4751 4.4751
8/20/2003 4.4355 4.4355
8/19/2003 4.3609 4.3609
8/18/2003 4.4572 4.4572
8/15/2003 4.5285 4.5285
8/14/2003 4.4887 4.4887
8/13/2003 4.5602 4.5602
8/12/2003 4.4256 4.4256
8/11/2003 4.353 4.353
8/8/2003 4.2694 4.2694
8/7/2003 4.2168 4.2168
8/6/2003 4.2674 4.2674
8/5/2003 4.3899 4.3899
8/4/2003 4.2833 4.2833
8/1/2003 4.3834 4.3834
7/31/2003 4.4055 4.4055
7/30/2003 4.307 4.307
7/29/2003 4.4381 4.4381
7/28/2003 4.2802 4.2802
7/25/2003 4.175 4.175
7/24/2003 4.1646 4.1646
7/23/2003 4.1084 4.1084
7/22/2003 4.1223 4.1223
7/21/2003 4.2105 4.2105
7/18/2003 3.9989 3.9989
7/17/2003 3.92 3.92
7/16/2003 3.918 3.918
7/15/2003 3.9807 3.9807
7/14/2003 3.724 3.724
7/11/2003 3.6265 3.6265
7/10/2003 3.655 3.655
7/9/2003 3.6798 3.6798
7/8/2003 3.7143 3.7143
7/7/2003 3.7315 3.7315
7/4/2003 3.6474 3.6474
7/3/2003 3.6607 3.6607
7/2/2003 3.5358 3.5358
7/1/2003 3.5471 3.5471
6/30/2003 3.5133 3.5133
6/27/2003 3.5415 3.5415
6/26/2003 3.5416 3.5416
6/25/2003 3.4035 3.4035
6/24/2003 3.2489 3.2489
6/23/2003 3.3113 3.3113
6/20/2003 3.3648 3.3648
6/19/2003 3.3374 3.3374
6/18/2003 3.3614 3.3614
6/17/2003 3.2605 3.2605
6/16/2003 3.1716 3.1716
6/13/2003 3.1121 3.1121
6/12/2003 3.163 3.163
6/11/2003 3.2101 3.2101
6/10/2003 3.1903 3.1903
6/9/2003 3.2758 3.2758
6/6/2003 3.351 3.351
6/5/2003 3.342 3.342
6/4/2003 3.2927 3.2927
6/3/2003 3.3293 3.3293
6/2/2003 3.4085 3.4085
5/30/2003 3.3699 3.3699
5/29/2003 3.3352 3.3352
5/28/2003 3.4235 3.4235
5/27/2003 3.4106 3.4106
5/26/2003 3.3317 3.3317
5/23/2003 3.3354 3.3354
5/22/2003 3.3138 3.3138
5/21/2003 3.3963 3.3963
5/20/2003 3.3542 3.3542
5/19/2003 3.485 3.485
5/16/2003 3.4185 3.4185
5/15/2003 3.5297 3.5297
5/14/2003 3.5204 3.5204
5/13/2003 3.6025 3.6025
5/12/2003 3.6419 3.6419
5/9/2003 3.6796 3.6796
5/8/2003 3.6807 3.6807
5/7/2003 3.675 3.675
5/6/2003 3.7839 3.7839
5/5/2003 3.8841 3.8841
5/2/2003 3.919 3.919
5/1/2003 3.8397 3.8397
4/30/2003 3.8359 3.8359
4/29/2003 3.9267 3.9267
4/28/2003 3.9015 3.9015
4/25/2003 3.888 3.888
4/24/2003 3.9189 3.9189
4/23/2003 3.9753 3.9753
4/22/2003 3.9636 3.9636
4/21/2003 3.9811 3.9811
4/18/2003 3.9558 3.9558
4/17/2003 3.9558 3.9558
4/16/2003 3.9382 3.9382
4/15/2003 3.9848 3.9848
4/14/2003 4.014 4.014
4/11/2003 3.9712 3.9712
4/10/2003 3.9421 3.9421
4/9/2003 3.8957 3.8957
4/8/2003 3.9324 3.9324
4/7/2003 3.9769 3.9769
4/4/2003 3.9517 3.9517
4/3/2003 3.9092 3.9092
4/2/2003 3.9285 3.9285
4/1/2003 3.8095 3.8095
3/31/2003 3.796 3.796
3/28/2003 3.8976 3.8976
3/27/2003 3.9226 3.9226
3/26/2003 3.9284 3.9284
3/25/2003 3.9419 3.9419
3/24/2003 3.9651 3.9651
3/21/2003 4.1031 4.1031
3/20/2003 3.9534 3.9534
3/19/2003 3.9843 3.9843
3/18/2003 3.9053 3.9053
3/17/2003 3.8384 3.8384
3/14/2003 3.7002 3.7002
3/13/2003 3.7456 3.7456
3/12/2003 3.5808 3.5808
3/11/2003 3.5809 3.5809
3/10/2003 3.5606 3.5606
3/7/2003 3.6406 3.6406
3/6/2003 3.6558 3.6558
3/5/2003 3.6278 3.6278
3/4/2003 3.6465 3.6465
3/3/2003 3.6728 3.6728
2/28/2003 3.6897 3.6897
2/27/2003 3.7367 3.7367
2/26/2003 3.765 3.765
2/25/2003 3.8198 3.8198
2/24/2003 3.8445 3.8445
2/21/2003 3.8882 3.8882
2/20/2003 3.8673 3.8673
2/19/2003 3.8825 3.8825
2/18/2003 3.9494 3.9494
2/17/2003 3.9628 3.9628
2/14/2003 3.961 3.961
2/13/2003 3.8769 3.8769
2/12/2003 3.9081 3.9081
2/11/2003 3.9566 3.9566
2/10/2003 3.9643 3.9643
2/7/2003 3.9294 3.9294
2/6/2003 3.945 3.945
2/5/2003 3.9955 3.9955
2/4/2003 3.9199 3.9199
2/3/2003 3.9916 3.9916
1/31/2003 3.9625 3.9625
1/30/2003 3.9606 3.9606
1/29/2003 4.0208 4.0208
1/28/2003 3.9683 3.9683
1/27/2003 3.9625 3.9625
1/24/2003 3.9278 3.9278
1/23/2003 3.9355 3.9355
1/22/2003 3.9144 3.9144
1/21/2003 3.9703 3.9703
1/20/2003 4.015 4.015
1/17/2003 4.0091 4.0091
1/16/2003 4.0773 4.0773
1/15/2003 4.0597 4.0597
1/14/2003 4.0772 4.0772
1/13/2003 4.1202 4.1202
1/10/2003 4.132 4.132
1/9/2003 4.179 4.179
1/8/2003 4.0169 4.0169
1/7/2003 4.0053 4.0053
1/6/2003 4.0518 4.0518
1/3/2003 4.0169 4.0169
1/2/2003 4.0305 4.0305
1/1/2003 3.8175 3.8175
12/31/2002 3.816 3.816
12/30/2002 3.7949 3.7949
12/27/2002 3.8083 3.8083
12/26/2002 3.9016 3.9016
12/25/2002 3.9323 3.9323
12/24/2002 3.9342 3.9342
12/23/2002 3.9707 3.9707
12/20/2002 3.9573 3.9573
12/19/2002 3.9382 3.9382
12/18/2002 4.0343 4.0343
12/17/2002 4.1236 4.1236
12/16/2002 4.1587 4.1587
12/13/2002 4.0672 4.0672
12/12/2002 4.0228 4.0228
12/11/2002 4.0228 4.0228
12/10/2002 4.0459 4.0459
12/9/2002 4.0344 4.0344
12/6/2002 4.0827 4.0827
12/5/2002 4.137 4.137
12/4/2002 4.1506 4.1506
12/3/2002 4.2013 4.2013
12/2/2002 4.2287 4.2287
11/29/2002 4.2052 4.2052
11/28/2002 4.2503 4.2503
11/27/2002 4.258 4.258
11/26/2002 4.0652 4.0652
11/25/2002 4.1737 4.1737
11/22/2002 4.1776 4.1776
11/21/2002 4.1522 4.1522
11/20/2002 4.0575 4.0575
11/19/2002 3.977 3.977
11/18/2002 3.9961 3.9961
11/15/2002 4.0287 4.0287
11/14/2002 4.0556 4.0556
11/13/2002 3.8388 3.8388
11/12/2002 3.8482 3.8482
11/11/2002 3.8388 3.8388
11/8/2002 3.8558 3.8558
11/7/2002 3.8916 3.8916
11/6/2002 4.033 4.033
11/5/2002 4.0696 4.0696
11/4/2002 4.0427 4.0427
11/1/2002 4.0045 4.0045
10/31/2002 3.8925 3.8925
10/30/2002 3.961 3.961
10/29/2002 3.9382 3.9382
10/28/2002 4.0855 4.0855
10/25/2002 4.0914 4.0914
10/24/2002 4.1147 4.1147
10/23/2002 4.231 4.231
10/22/2002 4.2584 4.2584
10/21/2002 4.251 4.251
10/18/2002 4.1053 4.1053
10/17/2002 4.2002 4.2002
10/16/2002 4.048 4.048
10/15/2002 3.9927 3.9927
10/14/2002 3.7856 3.7856
10/11/2002 3.7782 3.7782
10/10/2002 3.6566 3.6566
10/9/2002 3.567 3.567
10/8/2002 3.6331 3.6331
10/7/2002 3.6131 3.6131
10/4/2002 3.6646 3.6646
10/3/2002 3.6835 3.6835
10/2/2002 3.6671 3.6671
10/1/2002 3.7152 3.7152
9/30/2002 3.5942 3.5942
9/27/2002 3.6584 3.6584
9/26/2002 3.764 3.764
9/25/2002 3.7475 3.7475
9/24/2002 3.6446 3.6446
9/23/2002 3.6943 3.6943
9/20/2002 3.785 3.785
9/19/2002 3.7761 3.7761
9/18/2002 3.8413 3.8413
9/17/2002 3.8172 3.8172
9/16/2002 3.9126 3.9126
9/13/2002 3.9052 3.9052
9/12/2002 3.96 3.96
9/11/2002 4.0584 4.0584
9/10/2002 3.9941 3.9941
9/9/2002 4.0585 4.0585
9/6/2002 4.0113 4.0113
9/5/2002 3.925 3.925
9/4/2002 3.9608 3.9608
9/3/2002 3.9627 3.9627
9/2/2002 4.1332 4.1332
8/30/2002 4.1409 4.1409
8/29/2002 4.1374 4.1374
8/28/2002 4.2121 4.2121
8/27/2002 4.2816 4.2816
8/26/2002 4.2237 4.2237
8/23/2002 4.2334 4.2334
8/22/2002 4.3166 4.3166
8/21/2002 4.1971 4.1971
8/20/2002 4.1475 4.1475
8/19/2002 4.2838 4.2838
8/16/2002 4.3244 4.3244
8/15/2002 4.1802 4.1802
8/14/2002 4.1194 4.1194
8/13/2002 4.0852 4.0852
8/12/2002 4.215 4.215
8/9/2002 4.255 4.255
8/8/2002 4.3945 4.3945
8/7/2002 4.3038 4.3038
8/6/2002 4.3315 4.3315
8/5/2002 4.2082 4.2082
8/2/2002 4.2904 4.2904
8/1/2002 4.3893 4.3893
7/31/2002 4.4588 4.4588
7/30/2002 4.585 4.585
7/29/2002 4.5609 4.5609
7/26/2002 4.3817 4.3817
7/25/2002 4.3801 4.3801
7/24/2002 4.4852 4.4852
7/23/2002 4.4059 4.4059
7/22/2002 4.4437 4.4437
7/19/2002 4.5194 4.5194
7/18/2002 4.6057 4.6057
7/17/2002 4.6825 4.6825
7/16/2002 4.6805 4.6805
7/15/2002 4.626 4.626
7/12/2002 4.5718 4.5718
7/11/2002 4.6362 4.6362
7/10/2002 4.6121 4.6121
7/9/2002 4.7252 4.7252
7/8/2002 4.7945 4.7945
7/5/2002 4.856 4.856
7/4/2002 4.7618 4.7618
7/3/2002 4.7639 4.7639
7/2/2002 4.7254 4.7254
7/1/2002 4.7802 4.7802
6/28/2002 4.7965 4.7965
6/27/2002 4.821 4.821
6/26/2002 4.7417 4.7417
6/25/2002 4.817 4.817
6/24/2002 4.8272 4.8272
6/21/2002 4.7661 4.7661
6/20/2002 4.7885 4.7885
6/19/2002 4.7257 4.7257
6/18/2002 4.8333 4.8333
6/17/2002 4.8435 4.8435
6/14/2002 4.7967 4.7967
6/13/2002 4.8987 4.8987
6/12/2002 4.9624 4.9624
6/11/2002 4.9727 4.9727
6/10/2002 5.0264 5.0264
6/7/2002 5.0658 5.0658
6/6/2002 4.9746 4.9746
6/5/2002 5.0469 5.0469
6/4/2002 5.0262 5.0262
6/3/2002 4.9972 4.9972
5/31/2002 5.0427 5.0427
5/30/2002 5.0198 5.0198
5/29/2002 5.0611 5.0611
5/28/2002 5.1277 5.1277
5/27/2002 5.136 5.136
5/24/2002 5.1443 5.1443
5/23/2002 5.1482 5.1482
5/22/2002 5.1127 5.1127
5/21/2002 5.1481 5.1481
5/20/2002 5.1982 5.1982
5/17/2002 5.2506 5.2506
5/16/2002 5.1665 5.1665
5/15/2002 5.244 5.244
5/14/2002 5.2755 5.2755
5/13/2002 5.2207 5.2207
5/10/2002 5.1163 5.1163
5/9/2002 5.1619 5.1619
5/8/2002 5.2162 5.2162
5/7/2002 5.054 5.054
5/6/2002 5.0643 5.0643
5/3/2002 5.054 5.054
5/2/2002 5.0931 5.0931
5/1/2002 5.0579 5.0579
4/30/2002 5.0847 5.0847
4/29/2002 5.1198 5.1198
4/26/2002 5.0537 5.0537
4/25/2002 5.0928 5.0928
4/24/2002 5.1113 5.1113
4/23/2002 5.161 5.161
4/22/2002 5.1755 5.1755
4/19/2002 5.1962 5.1962
4/18/2002 5.198 5.198
4/17/2002 5.233 5.233
4/16/2002 5.192 5.192
4/15/2002 5.138 5.138
4/12/2002 5.156 5.156
4/11/2002 5.206 5.206
4/10/2002 5.233 5.233
4/9/2002 5.202 5.202
4/8/2002 5.262 5.262
4/5/2002 5.206 5.206
4/4/2002 5.258 5.258
4/3/2002 5.278 5.278
4/2/2002 5.341 5.341
4/1/2002 5.426 5.426
3/29/2002 5.396 5.396
3/28/2002 5.4 5.4
3/27/2002 5.341 5.341
3/26/2002 5.345 5.345
3/25/2002 5.408 5.408
3/22/2002 5.404 5.404
3/21/2002 5.365 5.365
3/20/2002 5.406 5.406
3/19/2002 5.286 5.286
3/18/2002 5.3 5.3
3/15/2002 5.327 5.327
3/14/2002 5.409 5.409
3/13/2002 5.279 5.279
3/12/2002 5.31 5.31
3/11/2002 5.32 5.32
3/8/2002 5.325 5.325
3/7/2002 5.227 5.227
3/6/2002 5.052 5.052
3/5/2002 5.001 5.001
3/4/2002 4.999 4.999
3/1/2002 4.981 4.981
2/28/2002 4.877 4.877
2/27/2002 4.833 4.833
2/26/2002 4.927 4.927
2/25/2002 4.849 4.849
2/22/2002 4.831 4.831
2/21/2002 4.853 4.853
2/20/2002 4.889 4.889
2/19/2002 4.873 4.873
2/18/2002 4.863 4.863
2/15/2002 4.875 4.875
2/14/2002 4.945 4.945
2/13/2002 4.987 4.987
2/12/2002 4.975 4.975
2/11/2002 4.907 4.907
2/8/2002 4.879 4.879
2/7/2002 4.939 4.939
2/6/2002 4.923 4.923
2/5/2002 4.894 4.894
2/4/2002 4.902 4.902
2/1/2002 4.985 4.985
1/31/2002 5.033 5.033
1/30/2002 5.014 5.014
1/29/2002 4.942 4.942
1/28/2002 5.073 5.073
1/25/2002 5.071 5.071
1/24/2002 5.008 5.008
1/23/2002 5.029 5.029
1/22/2002 4.919 4.919
1/21/2002 4.892 4.892
1/18/2002 4.894 4.894
1/17/2002 4.925 4.925
1/16/2002 4.839 4.839
1/15/2002 4.835 4.835
1/14/2002 4.876 4.876
1/11/2002 4.866 4.866
1/10/2002 4.979 4.979
1/9/2002 5.051 5.051
1/8/2002 5.08 5.08
1/7/2002 5.049 5.049
1/4/2002 5.128 5.128
1/3/2002 5.111 5.111
1/2/2002 5.16 5.16
1/1/2002 5.032 5.032
12/31/2001 5.051 5.051
12/28/2001 5.113 5.113
12/27/2001 5.065 5.065
12/26/2001 5.199 5.199
12/25/2001 5.136 5.136
12/24/2001 5.136 5.136
12/21/2001 5.084 5.084
12/20/2001 5.03 5.03
12/19/2001 5.047 5.047
12/18/2001 5.121 5.121
12/17/2001 5.186 5.186
12/14/2001 5.188 5.188
12/13/2001 5.073 5.073
12/12/2001 5.005 5.005
12/11/2001 5.051 5.051
12/10/2001 5.098 5.098
12/7/2001 5.167 5.167
12/6/2001 5.013 5.013
12/5/2001 4.893 4.893
12/4/2001 4.66 4.66
12/3/2001 4.687 4.687
11/30/2001 4.752 4.752
11/29/2001 4.756 4.756
11/28/2001 4.925 4.925
11/27/2001 4.919 4.919
11/26/2001 5.015 5.015
11/23/2001 4.987 4.987
11/22/2001 4.966 4.966
11/21/2001 5.013 5.013
11/20/2001 4.863 4.863
11/19/2001 4.798 4.798
11/16/2001 4.843 4.843
11/15/2001 4.762 4.762
11/14/2001 4.539 4.539
11/13/2001 4.378 4.378
11/12/2001 4.303 4.303
11/9/2001 4.303 4.303
11/8/2001 4.286 4.286
11/7/2001 4.178 4.178
11/6/2001 4.256 4.256
11/5/2001 4.296 4.296
11/2/2001 4.358 4.358
11/1/2001 4.24 4.24
10/31/2001 4.232 4.232
10/30/2001 4.41 4.41
10/29/2001 4.48 4.48
10/26/2001 4.529 4.529
10/25/2001 4.551 4.551
10/24/2001 4.596 4.596
10/23/2001 4.643 4.643
10/22/2001 4.633 4.633
10/19/2001 4.621 4.621
10/18/2001 4.577 4.577
10/17/2001 4.567 4.567
10/16/2001 4.559 4.559
10/15/2001 4.599 4.599
10/12/2001 4.669 4.669
10/11/2001 4.666 4.666
10/10/2001 4.597 4.597
10/9/2001 4.593 4.593
10/8/2001 4.506 4.506
10/5/2001 4.504 4.504
10/4/2001 4.506 4.506
10/3/2001 4.468 4.468
10/2/2001 4.501 4.501
10/1/2001 4.54 4.54
9/28/2001 4.588 4.588
9/27/2001 4.548 4.548
9/26/2001 4.628 4.628
9/25/2001 4.7 4.7
9/24/2001 4.716 4.716
9/21/2001 4.691 4.691
9/20/2001 4.742 4.742
9/19/2001 4.691 4.691
9/18/2001 4.707 4.707
9/17/2001 4.623 4.623
9/14/2001 4.553 4.553
9/13/2001 4.623 4.623
9/11/2001 4.809 4.809
9/10/2001 4.835 4.835
9/7/2001 4.79 4.79
9/6/2001 4.873 4.873
9/5/2001 4.967 4.967
9/4/2001 4.959 4.959
9/3/2001 4.826 4.826
8/31/2001 4.832 4.832
8/30/2001 4.812 4.812
8/29/2001 4.771 4.771
8/28/2001 4.836 4.836
8/27/2001 4.924 4.924
8/24/2001 4.922 4.922
8/23/2001 4.88 4.88
8/22/2001 4.894 4.894
8/21/2001 4.864 4.864
8/20/2001 4.902 4.902
8/17/2001 4.839 4.839
8/16/2001 4.94 4.94
8/15/2001 5 5
8/14/2001 4.966 4.966
8/13/2001 4.976 4.976
8/10/2001 4.98 4.98
8/9/2001 5.034 5.034
8/8/2001 5.05 5.05
8/7/2001 5.168 5.168
8/6/2001 5.153 5.153
8/3/2001 5.157 5.157
8/2/2001 5.151 5.151
8/1/2001 5.071 5.071
7/31/2001 5.054 5.054
7/30/2001 5.066 5.066
7/27/2001 5.098 5.098
7/26/2001 5.129 5.129
7/25/2001 5.182 5.182
7/24/2001 5.11 5.11
7/23/2001 5.104 5.104
7/20/2001 5.129 5.129
7/19/2001 5.106 5.106
7/18/2001 5.091 5.091
7/17/2001 5.204 5.204
7/16/2001 5.173 5.173
7/13/2001 5.217 5.217
7/12/2001 5.234 5.234
7/11/2001 5.289 5.289
7/10/2001 5.274 5.274
7/9/2001 5.327 5.327
7/6/2001 5.359 5.359
7/5/2001 5.391 5.391
7/4/2001 5.378 5.378
7/3/2001 5.38 5.38
7/2/2001 5.322 5.322
6/29/2001 5.412 5.412
6/28/2001 5.334 5.334
6/27/2001 5.235 5.235
6/26/2001 5.224 5.224
6/25/2001 5.13 5.13
6/22/2001 5.115 5.115
6/21/2001 5.172 5.172
6/20/2001 5.205 5.205
6/19/2001 5.236 5.236
6/18/2001 5.251 5.251
6/15/2001 5.232 5.232
6/14/2001 5.221 5.221
6/13/2001 5.263 5.263
6/12/2001 5.253 5.253
6/11/2001 5.284 5.284
6/8/2001 5.356 5.356
6/7/2001 5.324 5.324
6/6/2001 5.255 5.255
6/5/2001 5.269 5.269
6/4/2001 5.341 5.341
6/1/2001 5.364 5.364
5/31/2001 5.381 5.381
5/30/2001 5.509 5.509
5/29/2001 5.515 5.515
5/28/2001 5.494 5.494
5/25/2001 5.511 5.511
5/24/2001 5.491 5.491
5/23/2001 5.401 5.401
5/22/2001 5.41 5.41
5/21/2001 5.374 5.374
5/18/2001 5.405 5.405
5/17/2001 5.407 5.407
5/16/2001 5.445 5.445
5/15/2001 5.512 5.512
5/14/2001 5.42 5.42
5/11/2001 5.447 5.447
5/10/2001 5.295 5.295
5/9/2001 5.174 5.174
5/8/2001 5.245 5.245
5/7/2001 5.197 5.197
5/4/2001 5.205 5.205
5/3/2001 5.205 5.205
5/2/2001 5.288 5.288
5/1/2001 5.292 5.292
4/30/2001 5.338 5.338
4/27/2001 5.328 5.328
4/26/2001 5.192 5.192
4/25/2001 5.256 5.256
4/24/2001 5.209 5.209
4/23/2001 5.177 5.177
4/20/2001 5.288 5.288
4/19/2001 5.294 5.294
4/18/2001 5.146 5.146
4/17/2001 5.225 5.225
4/16/2001 5.254 5.254
4/13/2001 5.163 5.163
4/12/2001 5.169 5.169
4/11/2001 5.119 5.119
4/10/2001 5.083 5.083
4/9/2001 4.932 4.932
4/6/2001 4.89 4.89
4/5/2001 4.973 4.973
4/4/2001 4.914 4.914
4/3/2001 4.929 4.929
4/2/2001 4.977 4.977
3/30/2001 4.917 4.917
3/29/2001 4.997 4.997
3/28/2001 4.975 4.975
3/27/2001 5.011 5.011
3/26/2001 4.869 4.869
3/23/2001 4.815 4.815
3/22/2001 4.756 4.756
3/21/2001 4.778 4.778
3/20/2001 4.758 4.758
3/19/2001 4.813 4.813
3/16/2001 4.77 4.77
3/15/2001 4.786 4.786
3/14/2001 4.818 4.818
3/13/2001 4.929 4.929
3/12/2001 4.891 4.891
3/9/2001 4.929 4.929
3/8/2001 4.889 4.889
3/7/2001 4.899 4.899
3/6/2001 4.971 4.971
3/5/2001 4.976 4.976
3/2/2001 4.947 4.947
3/1/2001 4.874 4.874
2/28/2001 4.896 4.896
2/27/2001 4.952 4.952
2/26/2001 5.034 5.034
2/23/2001 5.097 5.097
2/22/2001 5.156 5.156
2/21/2001 5.139 5.139
2/20/2001 5.105 5.105
2/19/2001 5.097 5.097
2/16/2001 5.109 5.109
2/15/2001 5.166 5.166
2/14/2001 5.164 5.164
2/13/2001 5.07 5.07
2/12/2001 5.046 5.046
2/9/2001 5.03 5.03
2/8/2001 5.089 5.089
2/7/2001 5.187 5.187
2/6/2001 5.183 5.183
2/5/2001 5.167 5.167
2/2/2001 5.148 5.148
2/1/2001 5.086 5.086
1/31/2001 5.114 5.114
1/30/2001 5.229 5.229
1/29/2001 5.303 5.303
1/26/2001 5.268 5.268
1/25/2001 5.245 5.245
1/24/2001 5.305 5.305
1/23/2001 5.281 5.281
1/22/2001 5.225 5.225
1/19/2001 5.168 5.168
1/18/2001 5.114 5.114
1/17/2001 5.175 5.175
1/16/2001 5.23 5.23
1/15/2001 5.242 5.242
1/12/2001 5.25 5.25
1/11/2001 5.11 5.11
1/10/2001 5.104 5.104
1/9/2001 5 5
1/8/2001 4.956 4.956
1/5/2001 4.931 4.931
1/4/2001 5.039 5.039
1/3/2001 5.158 5.158
1/2/2001 4.915 4.915
1/1/2001 5.114 5.114
12/29/2000 5.112 5.112
12/28/2000 5.118 5.118
12/27/2000 5.104 5.104
12/26/2000 5.056 5.056
12/25/2000 5.008 5.008
12/22/2000 5.006 5.006
12/21/2000 5.025 5.025
12/20/2000 5.037 5.037
12/19/2000 5.188 5.188
12/18/2000 5.17 5.17
12/15/2000 5.18 5.18
12/14/2000 5.213 5.213
12/13/2000 5.258 5.258
12/12/2000 5.346 5.346
12/11/2000 5.362 5.362
12/8/2000 5.299 5.299
12/7/2000 5.309 5.309
12/6/2000 5.326 5.326
12/5/2000 5.418 5.418
12/4/2000 5.551 5.551
12/1/2000 5.503 5.503
11/30/2000 5.468 5.468
11/29/2000 5.524 5.524
11/28/2000 5.582 5.582
11/27/2000 5.624 5.624
11/24/2000 5.624 5.624
11/23/2000 5.612 5.612
11/22/2000 5.624 5.624
11/21/2000 5.652 5.652
11/20/2000 5.677 5.677
11/17/2000 5.704 5.704
11/16/2000 5.669 5.669
11/15/2000 5.711 5.711
11/14/2000 5.755 5.755
11/13/2000 5.766 5.766
11/10/2000 5.783 5.783
11/9/2000 5.825 5.825
11/8/2000 5.855 5.855
11/7/2000 5.866 5.866
11/6/2000 5.855 5.855
11/3/2000 5.827 5.827
11/2/2000 5.738 5.738
11/1/2000 5.742 5.742
10/31/2000 5.751 5.751
10/30/2000 5.732 5.732
10/27/2000 5.713 5.713
10/26/2000 5.69 5.69
10/25/2000 5.684 5.684
10/24/2000 5.615 5.615
10/23/2000 5.584 5.584
10/20/2000 5.632 5.632
10/19/2000 5.655 5.655
10/18/2000 5.667 5.667
10/17/2000 5.673 5.673
10/16/2000 5.732 5.732
10/13/2000 5.724 5.724
10/12/2000 5.709 5.709
10/11/2000 5.774 5.774
10/10/2000 5.772 5.772
10/9/2000 5.823 5.823
10/6/2000 5.812 5.812
10/5/2000 5.852 5.852
10/4/2000 5.886 5.886
10/3/2000 5.867 5.867
10/2/2000 5.823 5.823
9/29/2000 5.802 5.802
9/28/2000 5.812 5.812
9/27/2000 5.821 5.821
9/26/2000 5.802 5.802
9/25/2000 5.837 5.837
9/22/2000 5.848 5.848
9/21/2000 5.823 5.823
9/20/2000 5.897 5.897
9/19/2000 5.852 5.852
9/18/2000 5.871 5.871
9/15/2000 5.84 5.84
9/14/2000 5.785 5.785
9/13/2000 5.724 5.724
9/12/2000 5.772 5.772
9/11/2000 5.766 5.766
9/8/2000 5.739 5.739
9/7/2000 5.752 5.752
9/6/2000 5.724 5.724
9/5/2000 5.689 5.689
9/4/2000 5.683 5.683
9/1/2000 5.679 5.679
8/31/2000 5.725 5.725
8/30/2000 5.8 5.8
8/29/2000 5.808 5.808
8/28/2000 5.777 5.777
8/25/2000 5.729 5.729
8/24/2000 5.719 5.719
8/23/2000 5.727 5.727
8/22/2000 5.775 5.775
8/21/2000 5.781 5.781
8/18/2000 5.773 5.773
8/17/2000 5.81 5.81
8/16/2000 5.838 5.838
8/15/2000 5.802 5.802
8/14/2000 5.771 5.771
8/11/2000 5.79 5.79
8/10/2000 5.763 5.763
8/9/2000 5.916 5.916
8/8/2000 5.92 5.92
8/7/2000 5.956 5.956
8/4/2000 5.901 5.901
8/3/2000 5.952 5.952
8/2/2000 5.976 5.976
8/1/2000 5.984 5.984
7/31/2000 6.031 6.031
7/28/2000 6.034 6.034
7/27/2000 6 6
7/26/2000 6.027 6.027
7/25/2000 6.028 6.028
7/24/2000 6.034 6.034
7/21/2000 5.998 5.998
7/20/2000 6.002 6.002
7/19/2000 6.154 6.154
7/18/2000 6.141 6.141
7/17/2000 6.148 6.148
7/14/2000 6.096 6.096
7/13/2000 6.005 6.005
7/12/2000 6.08 6.08
7/11/2000 6.048 6.048
7/10/2000 6.035 6.035
7/7/2000 6.001 6.001
7/6/2000 6.048 6.048
7/5/2000 5.984 5.984
7/3/2000 5.989 5.989
6/30/2000 6.031 6.031
6/29/2000 6.027 6.027
6/28/2000 6.1 6.1
6/27/2000 6.085 6.085
6/26/2000 6.102 6.102
6/23/2000 6.185 6.185
6/22/2000 6.104 6.104
6/21/2000 6.113 6.113
6/20/2000 6.02 6.02
6/19/2000 5.999 5.999
6/16/2000 5.971 5.971
6/15/2000 6.05 6.05
6/14/2000 6.041 6.041
6/13/2000 6.116 6.116
6/12/2000 6.071 6.071
6/9/2000 6.126 6.126
6/8/2000 6.124 6.124
6/7/2000 6.141 6.141
6/6/2000 6.122 6.122
6/5/2000 6.122 6.122
6/2/2000 6.152 6.152
6/1/2000 6.191 6.191
5/31/2000 6.272 6.272
5/30/2000 6.376 6.376
5/29/2000 6.326 6.326
5/26/2000 6.331 6.331
5/25/2000 6.394 6.394
5/24/2000 6.47 6.47
5/23/2000 6.435 6.435
5/22/2000 6.439 6.439
5/19/2000 6.494 6.494
5/18/2000 6.54 6.54
5/17/2000 6.496 6.496
5/16/2000 6.424 6.424
5/15/2000 6.446 6.446
5/12/2000 6.512 6.512
5/11/2000 6.409 6.409
5/10/2000 6.42 6.42
5/9/2000 6.529 6.529
5/8/2000 6.56 6.56
5/5/2000 6.505 6.505
5/4/2000 6.427 6.427
5/3/2000 6.401 6.401
5/2/2000 6.299 6.299
5/1/2000 6.278 6.278
4/28/2000 6.212 6.212
4/27/2000 6.223 6.223
4/26/2000 6.13 6.13
4/25/2000 6.128 6.128
4/24/2000 6.017 6.017
4/21/2000 5.987 5.987
4/20/2000 5.994 5.994
4/19/2000 5.992 5.992
4/18/2000 6.059 6.059
4/17/2000 6.038 6.038
4/14/2000 5.85 5.85
4/13/2000 5.906 5.906
4/12/2000 5.935 5.935
4/11/2000 5.882 5.882
4/10/2000 5.771 5.771
4/7/2000 5.853 5.853
4/6/2000 5.934 5.934
4/5/2000 5.872 5.872
4/4/2000 5.895 5.895
4/3/2000 5.965 5.965
3/31/2000 6.004 6.004
3/30/2000 6.055 6.055
3/29/2000 6.147 6.147
3/28/2000 6.151 6.151
3/27/2000 6.185 6.185
3/24/2000 6.191 6.191
3/23/2000 6.078 6.078
3/22/2000 6.112 6.112
3/21/2000 6.135 6.135
3/20/2000 6.183 6.183
3/17/2000 6.194 6.194
3/16/2000 6.245 6.245
3/15/2000 6.291 6.291
3/14/2000 6.292 6.292
3/13/2000 6.37 6.37
3/10/2000 6.383 6.383
3/9/2000 6.343 6.343
3/8/2000 6.379 6.379
3/7/2000 6.373 6.373
3/6/2000 6.411 6.411
3/3/2000 6.388 6.388
3/2/2000 6.384 6.384
3/1/2000 6.386 6.386
2/29/2000 6.409 6.409
2/28/2000 6.422 6.422
2/25/2000 6.326 6.326
2/24/2000 6.365 6.365
2/23/2000 6.422 6.422
2/22/2000 6.361 6.361
2/21/2000 6.493 6.493
2/18/2000 6.489 6.489
2/17/2000 6.567 6.567
2/16/2000 6.545 6.545
2/15/2000 6.552 6.552
2/14/2000 6.554 6.554
2/11/2000 6.604 6.604
2/10/2000 6.671 6.671
2/9/2000 6.66 6.66
2/8/2000 6.613 6.613
2/7/2000 6.639 6.639
2/4/2000 6.549 6.549
2/3/2000 6.489 6.489
2/2/2000 6.573 6.573
2/1/2000 6.619 6.619
1/31/2000 6.665 6.665
1/28/2000 6.658 6.658
1/27/2000 6.692 6.692
1/26/2000 6.664 6.664
1/25/2000 6.692 6.692
1/24/2000 6.685 6.685
1/21/2000 6.765 6.765
1/20/2000 6.788 6.788
1/19/2000 6.732 6.732
1/18/2000 6.748 6.748
1/17/2000 6.681 6.681
1/14/2000 6.679 6.679
1/13/2000 6.63 6.63
1/12/2000 6.703 6.703
1/11/2000 6.657 6.657
1/10/2000 6.552 6.552
1/7/2000 6.515 6.515
1/6/2000 6.524 6.524
1/5/2000 6.594 6.594
1/4/2000 6.497 6.497
1/3/2000 6.592 6.592
12/31/1999 6.442 6.442
12/30/1999 6.366 6.366
12/29/1999 6.384 6.384
12/28/1999 6.413 6.413
12/27/1999 6.401 6.401
12/24/1999 6.408 6.408
12/23/1999 6.415 6.415
12/22/1999 6.372 6.372
12/21/1999 6.376 6.376
12/20/1999 6.354 6.354
12/17/1999 6.283 6.283
12/16/1999 6.305 6.305
12/15/1999 6.236 6.236
12/14/1999 6.216 6.216
12/13/1999 6.1 6.1
12/10/1999 6.072 6.072
12/9/1999 6.126 6.126
12/8/1999 6.135 6.135
12/7/1999 6.1 6.1
12/6/1999 6.139 6.139
12/3/1999 6.161 6.161
12/2/1999 6.233 6.233
12/1/1999 6.2 6.2
11/30/1999 6.191 6.191
11/29/1999 6.207 6.207
11/26/1999 6.117 6.117
11/25/1999 6.078 6.078
11/24/1999 6.078 6.078
11/23/1999 6.078 6.078
11/22/1999 6.085 6.085
11/19/1999 6.057 6.057
11/18/1999 6.052 6.052
11/17/1999 6.033 6.033
11/16/1999 5.958 5.958
11/15/1999 5.92 5.92
11/12/1999 5.928 5.928
11/11/1999 5.984 5.984
11/10/1999 5.977 5.977
11/9/1999 5.956 5.956
11/8/1999 5.937 5.937
11/5/1999 5.926 5.926
11/4/1999 5.958 5.958
11/3/1999 5.994 5.994
11/2/1999 6.018 6.018
11/1/1999 6.048 6.048
10/29/1999 6.024 6.024
10/28/1999 6.121 6.121
10/27/1999 6.201 6.201
10/26/1999 6.238 6.238
10/25/1999 6.205 6.205
10/22/1999 6.194 6.194
10/21/1999 6.19 6.19
10/20/1999 6.173 6.173
10/19/1999 6.179 6.179
10/18/1999 6.144 6.144
10/15/1999 6.067 6.067
10/14/1999 6.17 6.17
10/13/1999 6.108 6.108
10/12/1999 6.048 6.048
10/11/1999 6.037 6.037
10/8/1999 6.033 6.033
10/7/1999 6.039 6.039
10/6/1999 6.039 6.039
10/5/1999 6.033 6.033
10/4/1999 5.931 5.931
10/1/1999 5.974 5.974
9/30/1999 5.877 5.877
9/29/1999 5.957 5.957
9/28/1999 5.906 5.906
9/27/1999 5.82 5.82
9/24/1999 5.773 5.773
9/23/1999 5.791 5.791
9/22/1999 5.908 5.908
9/21/1999 5.925 5.925
9/20/1999 5.906 5.906
9/17/1999 5.871 5.871
9/16/1999 5.898 5.898
9/15/1999 5.919 5.919
9/14/1999 5.959 5.959
9/13/1999 5.898 5.898
9/10/1999 5.898 5.898
9/9/1999 5.964 5.964
9/8/1999 5.926 5.926
9/7/1999 5.938 5.938
9/6/1999 5.892 5.892
9/3/1999 5.888 5.888
9/2/1999 6.008 6.008
9/1/1999 5.976 5.976
8/31/1999 5.97 5.97
8/30/1999 5.955 5.955
8/27/1999 5.864 5.864
8/26/1999 5.768 5.768
8/25/1999 5.719 5.719
8/24/1999 5.816 5.816
8/23/1999 5.889 5.889
8/20/1999 5.876 5.876
8/19/1999 5.895 5.895
8/18/1999 5.875 5.875
8/17/1999 5.881 5.881
8/16/1999 5.964 5.964
8/13/1999 5.979 5.979
8/12/1999 6.082 6.082
8/11/1999 6.092 6.092
8/10/1999 6.149 6.149
8/9/1999 6.129 6.129
8/6/1999 6.038 6.038
8/5/1999 5.86 5.86
8/4/1999 5.938 5.938
8/3/1999 5.957 5.957
8/2/1999 5.916 5.916
7/30/1999 5.903 5.903
7/29/1999 5.872 5.872
7/28/1999 5.795 5.795
7/27/1999 5.807 5.807
7/26/1999 5.842 5.842
7/23/1999 5.835 5.835
7/22/1999 5.779 5.779
7/21/1999 5.656 5.656
7/20/1999 5.633 5.633
7/19/1999 5.662 5.662
7/16/1999 5.667 5.667
7/15/1999 5.724 5.724
7/14/1999 5.732 5.732
7/13/1999 5.705 5.705
7/12/1999 5.726 5.726
7/9/1999 5.826 5.826
7/8/1999 5.826 5.826
7/7/1999 5.892 5.892
7/6/1999 5.868 5.868
7/5/1999 5.819 5.819
7/2/1999 5.828 5.828
7/1/1999 5.84 5.84
6/30/1999 5.78 5.78
6/29/1999 5.926 5.926
6/28/1999 5.943 5.943
6/25/1999 6.014 6.014
6/24/1999 6.029 6.029
6/23/1999 6.029 6.029
6/22/1999 5.923 5.923
6/21/1999 5.885 5.885
6/18/1999 5.827 5.827
6/17/1999 5.788 5.788
6/16/1999 5.925 5.925
6/15/1999 5.977 5.977
6/14/1999 5.966 5.966
6/11/1999 6.033 6.033
6/10/1999 5.931 5.931
6/9/1999 5.888 5.888
6/8/1999 5.824 5.824
6/7/1999 5.792 5.792
6/4/1999 5.807 5.807
6/3/1999 5.803 5.803
6/2/1999 5.781 5.781
6/1/1999 5.758 5.758
5/31/1999 5.622 5.622
5/28/1999 5.62 5.62
5/27/1999 5.626 5.626
5/26/1999 5.551 5.551
5/25/1999 5.473 5.473
5/24/1999 5.479 5.479
5/21/1999 5.504 5.504
5/20/1999 5.591 5.591
5/19/1999 5.595 5.595
5/18/1999 5.661 5.661
5/17/1999 5.636 5.636
5/14/1999 5.628 5.628
5/13/1999 5.412 5.412
5/12/1999 5.57 5.57
5/11/1999 5.578 5.578
5/10/1999 5.534 5.534
5/7/1999 5.542 5.542
5/6/1999 5.511 5.511
5/5/1999 5.394 5.394
5/4/1999 5.405 5.405
5/3/1999 5.359 5.359
4/30/1999 5.348 5.348
4/29/1999 5.216 5.216
4/28/1999 5.263 5.263
4/27/1999 5.205 5.205
4/26/1999 5.222 5.222
4/23/1999 5.252 5.252
4/22/1999 5.247 5.247
4/21/1999 5.181 5.181
4/20/1999 5.136 5.136
4/19/1999 5.149 5.149
4/16/1999 5.221 5.221
4/15/1999 5.169 5.169
4/14/1999 5.127 5.127
4/13/1999 5.103 5.103
4/12/1999 5.051 5.051
4/9/1999 5.053 5.053
4/8/1999 5.036 5.036
4/7/1999 5.122 5.122
4/6/1999 5.124 5.124
4/5/1999 5.19 5.19
4/2/1999 5.187 5.187
4/1/1999 5.279 5.279
3/31/1999 5.242 5.242
3/30/1999 5.191 5.191
3/29/1999 5.259 5.259
3/26/1999 5.199 5.199
3/25/1999 5.214 5.214
3/24/1999 5.156 5.156
3/23/1999 5.156 5.156
3/22/1999 5.199 5.199
3/19/1999 5.184 5.184
3/18/1999 5.103 5.103
3/17/1999 5.122 5.122
3/16/1999 5.107 5.107
3/15/1999 5.147 5.147
3/12/1999 5.147 5.147
3/11/1999 5.2 5.2
3/10/1999 5.191 5.191
3/9/1999 5.172 5.172
3/8/1999 5.263 5.263
3/5/1999 5.314 5.314
3/4/1999 5.419 5.419
3/3/1999 5.384 5.384
3/2/1999 5.32 5.32
3/1/1999 5.39 5.39
2/26/1999 5.287 5.287
2/25/1999 5.349 5.349
2/24/1999 5.175 5.175
2/23/1999 5.11 5.11
2/22/1999 5.014 5.014
2/19/1999 5.074 5.074
2/18/1999 5.053 5.053
2/17/1999 4.97 4.97
2/16/1999 5.013 5.013
2/15/1999 5.059 5.059
2/12/1999 5.053 5.053
2/11/1999 4.92 4.92
2/10/1999 4.93 4.93
2/9/1999 4.881 4.881
2/8/1999 4.92 4.92
2/5/1999 4.941 4.941
2/4/1999 4.877 4.877
2/3/1999 4.826 4.826
2/2/1999 4.798 4.798
2/1/1999 4.753 4.753
1/29/1999 4.651 4.651
1/28/1999 4.659 4.659
1/27/1999 4.673 4.673
1/26/1999 4.693 4.693
1/25/1999 4.661 4.661
1/22/1999 4.623 4.623
1/21/1999 4.679 4.679
1/20/1999 4.747 4.747
1/19/1999 4.713 4.713
1/18/1999 4.673 4.673
1/15/1999 4.685 4.685
1/14/1999 4.61 4.61
1/13/1999 4.705 4.705
1/12/1999 4.816 4.816
1/11/1999 4.925 4.925
1/8/1999 4.87 4.87
1/7/1999 4.771 4.771
1/6/1999 4.707 4.707
1/5/1999 4.743 4.743
1/4/1999 4.675 4.675
1/1/1999 4.654 4.654
12/31/1998 4.648 4.648
12/30/1998 4.642 4.642
12/29/1998 4.678 4.678
12/28/1998 4.753 4.753
12/25/1998 4.848 4.848
12/24/1998 4.85 4.85
12/23/1998 4.797 4.797
12/22/1998 4.7 4.7
12/21/1998 4.638 4.638
12/18/1998 4.562 4.562
12/17/1998 4.577 4.577
12/16/1998 4.54 4.54
12/15/1998 4.621 4.621
12/14/1998 4.572 4.572
12/11/1998 4.615 4.615
12/10/1998 4.523 4.523
12/9/1998 4.568 4.568
12/8/1998 4.593 4.593
12/7/1998 4.664 4.664
12/4/1998 4.627 4.627
12/3/1998 4.539 4.539
12/2/1998 4.59 4.59
12/1/1998 4.649 4.649
11/30/1998 4.714 4.714
11/27/1998 4.808 4.808
11/26/1998 4.83 4.83
11/25/1998 4.832 4.832
11/24/1998 4.832 4.832
11/23/1998 4.854 4.854
11/20/1998 4.814 4.814
11/19/1998 4.848 4.848
11/18/1998 4.844 4.844
11/17/1998 4.872 4.872
11/16/1998 4.864 4.864
11/13/1998 4.81 4.81
11/12/1998 4.78 4.78
11/11/1998 4.824 4.824
11/10/1998 4.826 4.826
11/9/1998 4.86 4.86
11/6/1998 4.94 4.94
11/5/1998 4.848 4.848
11/4/1998 4.885 4.885
11/3/1998 4.736 4.736
11/2/1998 4.764 4.764
10/30/1998 4.605 4.605
10/29/1998 4.499 4.499
10/28/1998 4.557 4.557
10/27/1998 4.604 4.604
10/26/1998 4.671 4.671
10/23/1998 4.703 4.703
10/22/1998 4.615 4.615
10/21/1998 4.571 4.571
10/20/1998 4.575 4.575
10/19/1998 4.471 4.471
10/16/1998 4.444 4.444
10/15/1998 4.399 4.399
10/14/1998 4.609 4.609
10/13/1998 4.722 4.722
10/12/1998 4.78 4.78
10/9/1998 4.784 4.784
10/8/1998 4.56 4.56
10/7/1998 4.401 4.401
10/6/1998 4.197 4.197
10/5/1998 4.162 4.162
10/2/1998 4.28 4.28
10/1/1998 4.298 4.298
9/30/1998 4.42 4.42
9/29/1998 4.566 4.566
9/28/1998 4.589 4.589
9/25/1998 4.56 4.56
9/24/1998 4.63 4.63
9/23/1998 4.668 4.668
9/22/1998 4.709 4.709
9/21/1998 4.674 4.674
9/18/1998 4.695 4.695
9/17/1998 4.776 4.776
9/16/1998 4.871 4.871
9/15/1998 4.887 4.887
9/14/1998 4.857 4.857
9/11/1998 4.83 4.83
9/10/1998 4.781 4.781
9/9/1998 4.921 4.921
9/8/1998 5.061 5.061
9/7/1998 5.011 5.011
9/4/1998 5.013 5.013
9/3/1998 5.028 5.028
9/2/1998 5.068 5.068
9/1/1998 5.062 5.062
8/31/1998 4.976 4.976
8/28/1998 5.062 5.062
8/27/1998 5.073 5.073
8/26/1998 5.198 5.198
8/25/1998 5.232 5.232
8/24/1998 5.288 5.288
8/21/1998 5.288 5.288
8/20/1998 5.376 5.376
8/19/1998 5.407 5.407
8/18/1998 5.407 5.407
8/17/1998 5.388 5.388
8/14/1998 5.389 5.389
8/13/1998 5.438 5.438
8/12/1998 5.381 5.381
8/11/1998 5.378 5.378
8/10/1998 5.405 5.405
8/7/1998 5.399 5.399
8/6/1998 5.441 5.441
8/5/1998 5.441 5.441
8/4/1998 5.41 5.41
8/3/1998 5.449 5.449
7/31/1998 5.494 5.494
7/30/1998 5.499 5.499
7/29/1998 5.522 5.522
7/28/1998 5.491 5.491
7/27/1998 5.47 5.47
7/24/1998 5.458 5.458
7/23/1998 5.433 5.433
7/22/1998 5.456 5.456
7/21/1998 5.433 5.433
7/20/1998 5.47 5.47
7/17/1998 5.507 5.507
7/16/1998 5.497 5.497
7/15/1998 5.479 5.479
7/14/1998 5.485 5.485
7/13/1998 5.47 5.47
7/10/1998 5.411 5.411
7/9/1998 5.403 5.403
7/8/1998 5.43 5.43
7/7/1998 5.417 5.417
7/6/1998 5.389 5.389
7/3/1998 5.409 5.409
7/2/1998 5.409 5.409
7/1/1998 5.432 5.432
6/30/1998 5.446 5.446
6/29/1998 5.459 5.459
6/26/1998 5.448 5.448
6/25/1998 5.465 5.465
6/24/1998 5.465 5.465
6/23/1998 5.451 5.451
6/22/1998 5.467 5.467
6/19/1998 5.461 5.461
6/18/1998 5.5 5.5
6/17/1998 5.544 5.544
6/16/1998 5.443 5.443
6/15/1998 5.349 5.349
6/12/1998 5.427 5.427
6/11/1998 5.443 5.443
6/10/1998 5.509 5.509
6/9/1998 5.585 5.585
6/8/1998 5.569 5.569
6/5/1998 5.575 5.575
6/4/1998 5.587 5.587
6/3/1998 5.548 5.548
6/2/1998 5.55 5.55
6/1/1998 5.528 5.528
5/29/1998 5.552 5.552
5/28/1998 5.569 5.569
5/27/1998 5.577 5.577
5/26/1998 5.569 5.569
5/25/1998 5.637 5.637
5/22/1998 5.635 5.635
5/21/1998 5.65 5.65
5/20/1998 5.61 5.61
5/19/1998 5.652 5.652
5/18/1998 5.644 5.644
5/15/1998 5.683 5.683
5/14/1998 5.683 5.683
5/13/1998 5.667 5.667
5/12/1998 5.71 5.71
5/11/1998 5.767 5.767
5/8/1998 5.706 5.706
5/7/1998 5.678 5.678
5/6/1998 5.648 5.648
5/5/1998 5.712 5.712
5/4/1998 5.659 5.659
5/1/1998 5.656 5.656
4/30/1998 5.671 5.671
4/29/1998 5.812 5.812
4/28/1998 5.803 5.803
4/27/1998 5.784 5.784
4/24/1998 5.66 5.66
4/23/1998 5.696 5.696
4/22/1998 5.671 5.671
4/21/1998 5.671 5.671
4/20/1998 5.641 5.641
4/17/1998 5.587 5.587
4/16/1998 5.58 5.58
4/15/1998 5.593 5.593
4/14/1998 5.61 5.61
4/13/1998 5.648 5.648
4/10/1998 5.582 5.582
4/9/1998 5.58 5.58
4/8/1998 5.574 5.574
4/7/1998 5.53 5.53
4/6/1998 5.507 5.507
4/3/1998 5.48 5.48
4/2/1998 5.543 5.543
4/1/1998 5.587 5.587
3/31/1998 5.654 5.654
3/30/1998 5.706 5.706
3/27/1998 5.683 5.683
3/26/1998 5.689 5.689
3/25/1998 5.641 5.641
3/24/1998 5.57 5.57
3/23/1998 5.57 5.57
3/20/1998 5.564 5.564
3/19/1998 5.576 5.576
3/18/1998 5.572 5.572
3/17/1998 5.557 5.557
3/16/1998 5.539 5.539
3/13/1998 5.58 5.58
3/12/1998 5.559 5.559
3/11/1998 5.63 5.63
3/10/1998 5.653 5.653
3/9/1998 5.655 5.655
3/6/1998 5.714 5.714
3/5/1998 5.775 5.775
3/4/1998 5.72 5.72
3/3/1998 5.775 5.775
3/2/1998 5.697 5.697
2/27/1998 5.622 5.622
2/26/1998 5.655 5.655
2/25/1998 5.614 5.614
2/24/1998 5.664 5.664
2/23/1998 5.578 5.578
2/20/1998 5.543 5.543
2/19/1998 5.51 5.51
2/18/1998 5.486 5.486
2/17/1998 5.438 5.438
2/16/1998 5.482 5.482
2/13/1998 5.484 5.484
2/12/1998 5.514 5.514
2/11/1998 5.571 5.571
2/10/1998 5.628 5.628
2/9/1998 5.644 5.644
2/6/1998 5.617 5.617
2/5/1998 5.634 5.634
2/4/1998 5.551 5.551
2/3/1998 5.555 5.555
2/2/1998 5.574 5.574
1/30/1998 5.505 5.505
1/29/1998 5.566 5.566
1/28/1998 5.691 5.691
1/27/1998 5.687 5.687
1/26/1998 5.625 5.625
1/23/1998 5.687 5.687
1/22/1998 5.567 5.567
1/21/1998 5.538 5.538
1/20/1998 5.577 5.577
1/19/1998 5.527 5.527
1/16/1998 5.532 5.532
1/15/1998 5.458 5.458
1/14/1998 5.452 5.452
1/13/1998 5.435 5.435
1/12/1998 5.364 5.364
Fuente Bloomberg
USGG10YR Index
Fuente diferente a Bloomberg
Date updated: 5-Jan-19
Created by: Aswath Damodaran, [email protected]
What is this data? Beta, Unlevered beta and other risk measures
Home Page: http://www.damodaran.com
Data website: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/data.html
Companies in each industry: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/pc/datasets/indname.xls
Variable definitions: http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/variable.htm
1 UNACEMC1 PE Equity
5 CMOCTEZ* MM Equity
7 CPACASI1 PE Equity
8 CCC JA Equity
9 HARG AR Equity
10 GISSAA MM Equity
14 POLPA CI Equity
3 CEMENT CI Equity
6 GCC* MM Equity
2 CLH CB Equity
4 MELON CI Equity
15 HLE ED Equity
16 CONCESI1 PE Equity
17 TCL TP Equity
18 ETER3 BZ Equity
19 CLF ED Equity
20 SBC1U VB Equity
21 CNC UY Equity
22 IGP ED Equity
23 INCCA CR Equity
24 MANCEM CB Equity
25 FNC VC Equity
Total Debt to Total Capital Levered Unlevered
Beta Beta
50.16 1.18 0.89
[email protected]
other risk measures Emerging Markets
D/E 71.76%
tax rate 25.17%
Beta para 1.24
Cap mercado Ingresos 2018
Name País
(dólares) (miles dólares)
Effective Tax rate Unlevered
28.84 0.63
35.30 0.68
25.15 1.41
34.31 0.86
Promedio 0.8953
D/E 71.76%
tax rate 25.17%
10.68 0.42
13.71 0.65
33.54 0.99
16.04 0.28
prima por riesgo
Page 300
prima por riesgo
Page 301
prima por riesgo
Arithmetic Average
1928-2018 11.36% 3.43% 5.10%
1969-2018 11.10% 4.76% 7.10%
2009-2018 13.49% 0.49% 2.28%
Geometric Average
1928-2018 9.49% 3.38% 4.83%
1969-2018 9.73% 4.71% 6.69%
2009-2018 12.98% 0.49% 1.97%
Page 302
prima por riesgo
US companies Fuente
Historical risk
T.Bills T.Bonds Stocks - Bills Stocks - Bonds premium
$ 103.08 $ 100.84 40.73% 42.98%
$ 106.34 $ 105.07 -11.46% -12.50%
$ 111.18 $ 109.85 -29.67% -29.66%
$ 113.74 $ 107.03 -46.15% -41.28%
$ 114.96 $ 116.44 -9.71% -17.43%
$ 116.06 $ 118.60 49.02% 48.13%
$ 116.44 $ 128.05 -1.51% -9.15%
$ 116.64 $ 133.78 46.57% 42.27%
$ 116.84 $ 140.49 31.77% 26.93%
$ 117.19 $ 142.43 -35.64% -36.72%
$ 117.29 $ 148.43 29.21% 25.07%
$ 117.33 $ 154.98 -1.14% -5.51%
$ 117.36 $ 163.35 -10.70% -16.08%
$ 117.46 $ 160.04 -12.85% -10.75%
$ 117.85 $ 163.72 18.84% 16.88%
$ 118.30 $ 167.79 24.68% 22.57%
$ 118.75 $ 172.12 18.65% 16.45%
$ 119.20 $ 178.67 35.44% 32.02%
$ 119.65 $ 184.26 -8.81% -11.56%
$ 120.33 $ 185.95 4.63% 4.28%
$ 121.56 $ 189.58 4.68% 3.75%
$ 122.90 $ 198.42 17.20% 13.64%
$ 124.34 $ 199.27 29.63% 30.38%
$ 126.18 $ 198.68 22.20% 23.97%
$ 128.29 $ 203.19 16.48% 15.88%
$ 130.72 $ 211.61 -3.10% -5.35%
$ 131.98 $ 218.57 51.60% 49.27%
$ 134.17 $ 215.65 30.94% 33.93%
$ 137.60 $ 210.79 4.88% 9.70%
$ 142.04 $ 225.11 -13.69% -17.25%
Page 303
prima por riesgo
Page 304
prima por riesgo
Page 305
prima por riesgo
S&P 500
Inflation (includes 3-month T. !0-year
Rate dividends)2 Bill (Real) T.Bonds
43.81% 3.08% 0.84%
-8.30% 3.16% 4.20%
-25.12% 4.55% 4.54%
-43.84% 2.31% -2.56%
-8.64% 1.07% 8.79%
49.98% 0.96% 1.86%
-1.19% 0.32% 7.96%
46.74% 0.17% 4.47%
31.94% 0.17% 5.02%
-35.34% 0.30% 1.38%
29.28% 0.08% 4.21%
-1.10% 0.04% 4.41%
-10.67% 0.03% 5.40%
-12.77% 0.08% -2.02%
19.17% 0.34% 2.29%
25.06% 0.38% 2.49%
19.03% 0.38% 2.58%
35.82% 0.38% 3.80%
-8.43% 0.38% 3.13%
5.20% 0.57% 0.92%
5.70% 1.02% 1.95%
18.30% 1.10% 4.66%
30.81% 1.17% 0.43%
23.68% 1.48% -0.30%
18.15% 1.67% 2.27%
-1.21% 1.89% 4.14%
52.56% 0.96% 3.29%
32.60% 1.66% -1.34%
7.44% 2.55% -2.26%
-10.46% 3.23% 6.80%
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prima por riesgo
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prima por riesgo
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Tasas de interés: EMBIG (variación en pbs) - Spread - EMBIG
Perú (pbs) https://estadisticas.bcrp.gob.pe/estadisticas/series/diarias/resultados/PD04709XD/html
3-Dec-18 162 1.62%
4-Dec-18 170 1.70%
El riesgo país se mide con el EMBIG, calculado por JP Morgan, y es el diferencial entre la tasa de
5-Dec-18 n.d. rendimiento de los bonos de los países emergentes y la tasa del Bono del Tesoro Estadounidense.
6-Dec-18 172 1.72% Diferencial de Rendimientos del Índice de Bonos de Mercados Emergentes (EMBIG)
7-Dec-18 169 1.69%
10-Dec-18 168 1.68%
11-Dec-18 163 1.63%
12-Dec-18 157 1.57%
13-Dec-18 155 1.55%
14-Dec-18 155 1.55%
17-Dec-18 156 1.56%
18-Dec-18 159 1.59%
19-Dec-18 165 1.65%
20-Dec-18 162 1.62%
21-Dec-18 161 1.61%
24-Dec-18 166 1.66%
25-Dec-18 n.d.
26-Dec-18 161 1.61%
27-Dec-18 163 1.63%
28-Dec-18 164 1.64%
31-Dec-18 168 1.68%
Tasa de descuento
Reapalancar betas
Deuda (miles de soles) 3,071,938 Nro acciones 31.12.2018Cotización al 31.12.2022
MKT cap (miles de soles) 4,280,909 acciones comunes 1,646,503,408.0 2.60
D/E 71.76%
Tasa imponible 25.17% Tasa de impuesto efectiva 2018 Fórmula de Hamada
Beta desapalancada 0.808
Costo de capital
Tasa libre de riesgo 2.68% El valor del T-bond de 10 años al 31/12/2018
Beta apalancada 1.24
Prima por riesgo 6.26% Diferencia de los promedios aritméticos de los rendimientos del mercado (S&P 500) y del retorno del activo libre de riesgo (T-B
Costo de capital US$ nominales 10.46%
Considerando una tasa de inflación esperada en dólares de largo plazo, publicada por la FED, de 2%.
Inflación esperada US$ 2.00%
Deuda/Deuda+Capital 41.78% Razón a valor de mercado
Capital/Deuda+Capital 58.22% Razón a valor de mercado
Tasa imponible 25.17% Tasa efectiva del último año (2022)
Costo de la deuda 5.10% Costo de la deuda
Costo de capital 16.90%
WACC 11.43%
(S&P 500) y del retorno del activo libre de riesgo (T-Bond 10 años) de los últimos 90 años
EBIT x (1-t) 340,226 355,159 536,917 649,919 473,625 574,335 461,508 383,373 408,175 425,894
+ Depreciación y amortización 107,758 149,668 182,606 186,170 201,619 256,311 236,901 238,392 240,454 243,753
- Capex -385,829 -273,787 -382,091 -308,503 -165,087 -125,424 -179,058 -211,224 -211,224 -211,224
- ΔNOF -126,517 -187,410 -17,350 -93,942 -72,377 35,881 41,729 -50,903 -49,977 -43,198
FCFF -64,362 43,630 320,082 433,644 437,780 741,103 561,080 359,638 387,428 415,225
Tasa de impuesto efectiva 29.80% 32.08% 9.21% 13.47% 33.70% 19.03% 25.17% 24.81% 23.78% 24.33%
Tasa de impuesto legal
EBIT - Ingresos operativos por dividendos de subsidiarias 484,677 522,896 591,389 751,110 714,399 709,313 616,764 509,857 535,541 562,845
g 3.22%
Valor terminal (año 10)
FCL normalizado – 2028 (en miles de soles) 497,463
Valor terminal 2028 (en miles de soles) 6,250,204
WACC 11.43%
Valor patrimonial Miles de soles Peso
VP FCFF 2019 -2028 2,319,826 51.4% 52%
Valor terminal actualizado 2,117,700 47.0% 48%
Caja 29,956 0.7% Supuesto: efectivo 2018
Deuda a valor de mercado -3,279,912 -72.7% Supuesto: deuda a valor de mercado de largo plazo màs deuda a corto plazo
Valor de las subsidiarias 3,322,609 73.7%
Valor patrimonial 4,510,179 100.0%
Nro. Acciones 1,646,503,408
Valor por acción (Valor fundamental) 2.74
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2028-Norm.
591,907 622,882 655,941 691,279 729,113 769,689 813,285 813,285 EBIT sin ingresos por dividendos de subsidiarias
Ticker Name
Ticker Name
None (2 securities)
Páis de ubicación Participación Valor en libros 2018 Participación
Accionaria al 2018 (%) (En Miles de S/) Relativa
Perú (subsidiaria en Ecuador) 99.99% 1,516,724 44%
Perú 90.00% 567,829 17%
Estados Unidos 85.06% 1,026,345 30%
Perú 100.00% 99,496 3%
Perú 93.38% 67,036 2%
Perú 99.99% 64,250 2%
Estados Unidos 100.00% 25,992 1%
Chile 51.00% 20,021 1%
Perú (subsidiaria en Colombia) 50.02% 17,537 1%
Perú 99.99% 3,010 0%
Perú 99.99% 2,783 0%
Perú (subsidiaria 99.85% 125 0%
en Ecuador) 16.49% 7,567 0%
232 0%
3,418,947 100%
P/E https://economipedia.com/definiciones/valor-de-empresa-ebitda-ev-ebitda.html
13.87 El valor de empresa entre el EBITDA es un ratio financiero utilizado en la valoración de emp
inglés (entreprise value).
Este ratio muestra el multiplicador del valor de la compañía sobre los recursos que genera
intereses y los impuestos), su tasa impositiva y su política de amortizaciones. Esto es, dete
con los recursos generados y, por tanto, si la gestión de la empresa es superior o inferior a
Capitalización Bursátil +Deuda
EBITDA EV de la Subsidiaria Deuda Caja
(USD en MM) (En MM de USD) (En MM de USD) (En MM de USD)
63.00 477.32 14.00 2.60
33.00 231.83 78.00 -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
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ifras negativas y cercanas a cero de EBITDA y EPS en los últimos 4 años, no se valorizó por comparables.
alor en libros del 2018.
tio financiero utilizado en la valoración de empresas por múltiplos. También conocido como EV/EBITDA, por su nomenclatura en
de la compañía sobre los recursos que genera una empresa con independencia de su estructura financiera (por eso se excluyen los
a y su política de amortizaciones. Esto es, determina si la empresa incorpora mayor o menor valor que el directamente relacionado
a gestión de la empresa es superior o inferior a los resultados obtenidos.
Equity Value TC de conversión al 2018
(En Miles de S/) * *
1,532,738.80 3.29 http://www.smv.gob.pe/ConsultasP
455,475.83 * Según UNACEM.
1,026,345 https://www.yc.edu/v5content/budg
99,496 https://unacem.com.ec/wp-content
67,036 http://www.unacem.com/ir/w
A) de comparables