IFU Antigenos Bacterianos Monlabtest
IFU Antigenos Bacterianos Monlabtest
IFU Antigenos Bacterianos Monlabtest
Código: MO-165001 - MO-165015 Monlab SL Cobalto, 74 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Spain) Tel. +34 93 433 58 60 Fax +34 93 436 38 94 [email protected] www.monlab.com
Rev. Abril 2023
C. Tube agglutination method
Bacterial Antigens MonlabTest® 1. Prepare a row of tube test for each sample as follows:
Dilutions 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 1/320 1/640 …
Slide and tube agglutination test Sample (µL) 100 -- -- -- -- -- …
NaCl 9 g/L (mL) 1.9 1 1 1 1 1 …
Qualitative determination of febrile antibodies
Only for professional in vitro diagnostic use. Store at 2 - 8ºC. 1 mL 1 mL
1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL 1 mL
The Bacterial Antigens is a slide and tube agglutination test for the qualitative and
2. Prepare 2 tubes for Positive and Negative control: 0.1 mL Control + 0.9 mL
semi-quantitative detection of antibodies anti-Salmonella, Brucella and certain
Rickettsias in human serum. The reagents, standardized suspensions of killed and NaCl 9 g/L.
stained bacteria, agglutinate when mixed with samples containing the homologous 3. Add a drop (50µL) of antigen suspension to each tube.
antibody. 4. Mix thoroughly and incubate tube test at 37ºC for 24 h (Note 3).
Febrile diseases diagnostic may be assessed either by microorganism isolation in Slide agglutination method
blood, stools or urine, or by titration of specific antibodies, somatic (O) and flagellar Examine macroscopically the presence or absence of clumps within 1 minute
(H). The detection of these antibodies forms the basis for the long-established
Widal test. This test dictates that a serum with high levels of agglutinating after removing the slide from the rotator comparing test results with control
antibodies to O and H >1/100 is indicative of the infection with these serums.
microorganisms. The reactions obtained in the slide titration method, are roughly equivalent
REAGENTS to those which would occur in tube test with serum dilutions of 1/20, 1/40, 1/80,
1/160 and 1/320 respectively. If a reaction is found it is advisable to confirm the
REAGENT ANTIGEN REF SIZE reaction and establish the titer by a tube test.
Salmonella paratyphi AH a flagellar MO-165001 Tube agglutination test
Salmonella paratyphi AO 1,2,12, somatic MO-165002 Examine macroscopically the pattern of agglutination (Note 5) and compare the
Salmonella paratyphi BH b flagellar MO-165003 results with those given by all control tubes. Positive control should give partial
Salmonella paratyphi BO 1,4,5,12 somatic MO-165004 or complete agglutination. Negative Control should not give visible clumping.
Salmonella paratyphi CH c flagellar MO-165005 Partial or complete agglutination with variable degree of clearing of the
Salmonella paratyphi CO 6,7 somatic MO-165006
supernatant fluid is recorded as a positive.
Salmonella typhi H d flagellar MO-165007 5 mL (100 Tests)
The serum titer is defined as the highest dilution showing a positive result.
Salmonella typhi O 1,9,12 somatic MO-165008
Brucella abortus (*) somatic MO-165009 QUALITY CONTROL
Brucella melitensis somatic MO-165010 Positive and Negative controls are recommended to monitor the performance of
Proteus OX2 somatic MO-165011 the procedure, as well as a comparative pattern for a better result interpretation.
Proteus OX19 somatic MO-165012 All result different from the negative control result, will be considered as a
Proteus OXK somatic MO-165013 positive.
Control + MO-165014
Control - MO-165015
(*): Useful also for Brucella suis antibodies. Salmonellas: Titers 1/80 (O antibodies) and 1/160 (H antibodies) indicates
PRECAUTIONS recent infection.
R: EUH208-Contains formaldehyde. May produce an allergic reaction. EUH210- Brucellas: Titers 1/80 indicate infection.
Safety data sheet available on request Proteus: A great number of false positive reactions have been reported in
Control +/- : H317-May cause an allergic skin reaction. Contain 2-Methylisothiazol- healthy individuals with Proteus antigens, especially in slide agglutination test. A
3(2H)-one (Proclin 950). titer of less than 1/160 should not be considered significant.
Follow the precautionary advice given in the SDS and the product label. The level of “normal” agglutinins to these organisms varies in different countries
and different communities. It is recommended that each laboratory establish its
own reference range.
- Bacterial Antigens: Suspensions of Salmonellas, Brucellas and Proteus in glycine
buffer, pH 8.2. Preservative PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS
- Controls: Animal serum. Preservative All the performance characteristics of the Bacterial Antigens may be found in the
CALIBRATION corresponding Technical Report and they are available on request.
There is not any International Reference for the sensitivity standardization of these INTERFERENCES
reagents. For this reason, we use an internal control that contains animal serum
with antibodies anti-Salmonellas, Brucellas and Proteus, and tittered with Bilirubin (20 mg/dL), hemoglobin (10 g/L), lipids (10 g/L) and rheumatoid
commercial reagents of certified quality. factors (300 IU/mL), do not interfere.
Antigen suspensions: Ready to use. - False negative results can be obtained in early disease, immune-
Controls: Ready to use. unresponsiveness, prozone (Brucelosis), and antibiotic treatment (somatic).
Mix reagents gently before use. - Serological cross-reactions with Brucella have been reported in cases of
Reagents deterioration: Presence of particles and clumps. infection or vaccination with some strains of Vibrio cholerae, Pasteurella,
All the components of the kit are stable until the expiration date on the label when Proteus OX19 and Y. enterocolitica (serotype 9).
stored at 2-8ºC, protected from light and contaminations. Do not freeze. NOTES
ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT 1. When testing for Brucella antibodies it is recommended to reduce sample
- Mechanical rotator adjustable to 80-100 r.p.m. volume to 20 µL in order to avoid prozone.
- Heater at 37ºC. / - Vortex mixer. / - Pippetes 50 µL. 2. In some geographical areas with a high prevalence of febrile antibodies, it is
SAMPLES recommended to dilute the sample 1/4 in NaCl 9 g/L before to perform the
Fresh serum. Stable 8 days at 2-8ºC or 3 months at –20ºC.
3. The incubation procedure may be accelerated incubating as follows:
The samples with presence of fibrin should be centrifuged before testing.
- Somatic (O) and Proteus antigens: 48-50ºC for 4 h.
Do not use highly hemolized or lipemic samples.
- Flagellar (H) antigens: 48-50ºC for 2 h.
PROCEDURE 4. A single positive result has less significance than the demonstration of a
A. Slide agglutination method (qualitative test) rising or falling antibodies titer as evidence of infection. A clinical diagnosis
1. Bring the reagents and samples to room temperature. The sensitivity of the test should not be made on findings of a single test result but should integrate
may be reduced at low temperatures. both clinical and laboratory data.
2. Place 50 µL of the sample to be tested (Note 1, 2) and 1 drop of each control into 5. A somatic reaction (O) is characterized by coarse, compact agglutination,
separate circles on the slide test. which tends to be difficult to disperse, while flagellar (H) has a characteristic
3. Mix the antigen vial vigorously or on a vortex mixer before using. Add 1 drop loose, flocculant agglutination.
(50 µL) of antigen to each circle next to the sample to be tested. BIBLIOGRAPHY
4. Mix with a disposable stirrer and spread over the entire area enclosed by the
1. Edward J Young. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1995; 21: 283-290.
circle. 2. Coulter JBS. Current Pediatrics 1996; 6: 25-29.
5. Place the slide on a mechanical rotator at 80-100 r.p.m., for 1 minute. 3. David A et al. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 1994; 7: 616-623.
B. Slide agglutination method (titration) 4. David R et al Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 1993; 6: 54-62.
1. Using a micropipette, deliver 80, 40, 20, 10 and 5 µL of undiluted serum into 5. Bradley D Jones. Annu Rev Immunol 1996; 14: 533 – 61.
separate circles of the slide test. SYMBOLS FOR IVD COMPONENTS AND REAGENTS
2. Place 1 drop (50µL) of the antigen to each circle next to the sample to be tested.
3. Mix with a disposable stirrer and spread over the entire area enclosed by the For in vitro diagnostic
circle. use only
4. Place the slide on a mechanical rotator at 80-100 r.p.m., for 1 minute. Consult instructions for
Don’t re-use
Contains sufficient for
n Keep dry
<n> tests
Catalogue Code Temperature limitation
Code: MO-165001 - MO-165015 Monlab SL Cobalto, 74 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Spain) Tel. +34 93 433 58 60 Fax +34 93 436 38 94 [email protected] www.monlab.com
Rev. April 2023