Art 10
Art 10
Art 10
caso clínico
DOI: 10.4067/S0370-41062017000500010
Médico, Magíster en Inmunología, Grupo Genética y Biología Molecular, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena,
Residente de Pediatría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá D.C.
Residente de Pediatría, Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia
Médico, Servicio de Urgencias Pediátricas, Complejo Médico Calle 100. Bogotá D.C.
Profesor Titular del Departamento de Pediatría, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia
Gastroenterólogo Pediatra, Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja. Cartagena, Colombia
Oscar Correa Jiménez
[email protected]
caso clínico
Síndrome de Chilaiditi - O. Correa J. et al
Abstract Keywords:
Chilaiditi Syndrome,
Although infrequent, bowel interposition between diaphragm and liver, Chilaiditi’s sign or syndrome subdiaphragmatic air,
(without or with gastrointestinal symptoms), are a major clinical condition given the possibilities of subdiaphragmatic
differential diagnosis, such as pneumoperitoneum, diaphragmatic hernia and subphrenic abscess. bowel,
Objective: To report the cases of two preschool patients with Chilaiditi´s sign and syndrome, as well Pneumonia
as to highlight the importance of this clinical condition. Clinical cases: Case 1: A male preschooler
evaluated by respiratory disease without abdominal symptoms. Thorax X-ray shows left retrocardiac
infiltrates and air in right subdiaphragmatic region. Previous radiographies shows the same image.
He was diagnosed with Chilaiditi sign associated with pneumonia, antibiotics were used before dis-
charge. Case 2: A female preschooler, evaluated by abdominal distention and constipation. A previous
thorax X-ray shows bowel interposition between diaphragm and liver. Barium enema confirmed
the findings. Blood test were normal. A Chilaiditi's syndrome was diagnosed. She received medical
treatment with favorable evolution. Conclusion: These cases highlight the importance of this clinical
condition that, despite being infrequent, constitutes a diagnostic challenge in the emergency services.
caso clínico
Síndrome de Chilaiditi - O. Correa J. et al
caso clínico
Síndrome de Chilaiditi - O. Correa J. et al
caso clínico
Síndrome de Chilaiditi - O. Correa J. et al