EIBE - Educacion y Biotecnologia - UND19
EIBE - Educacion y Biotecnologia - UND19
EIBE - Educacion y Biotecnologia - UND19
through drama 19
European Initiative for Biotechnology Education
Prof. Gérard COUTOULY, LEGPT Jean Rostand, 18, Boulevard de la
Victoire, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, email [email protected]
Prof. Laurence SIMONNEAUX, ENFA, Toulouse, Boîte Postale 87,
31326 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, email [email protected]
EIBE co-ordinator
Prof. Dr. Horst BAYRHUBER, Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften (IPN) an der Universität Kiel, Olshausenstr. 62, 24098 Kiel, Deutschland.
Tel.: ++49-431-880-3129, Fax: +49-431-880-3132 email: [email protected].
EIBE secretariat
Renate GLAWE, Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften (IPN) an der Universität Kiel, Olshausenstr. 62, 24098 Kiel, Deutschland.
Tel.: +49-431-880 3132, Fax +49-431-880 3132, email: [email protected].
2 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
Biotechnology education
through drama
European Initiative for Biotechnology Education
❙ The Direction 10 All of the EIBE Units on the World Wide Web
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❙ Production planning 14 colour, typefaces and layout of these docu-
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❙ An example of a student
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production about genetic
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EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 3
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4 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
About this Unit Safety
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In all of the EIBE Units, we have tried to
These materials have been devised by check that all recognised hazards have been
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The EIBE materials have been extensively
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EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 5
Why drama? For the word theatre we also have to go
back to the Greeks. A – theatra- was a
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6 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
Educational drama
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These are mainly to do with personal
development of the player, and only a little
to do with the development of dramatic
skills. The central aims are for the player to
● self-confidence;
What is dramatisation ● emotional maturity;
To represent, give expression to, design or ● self awareness;
create something that can use players (and ● awareness of others;
other props) to depict aspects of society (in ● ability to work as part of a group;
the form of people and situations) to an ● communication skills.
The player is the central point, the work
With stage acting, as with spoken language, progresses from the player.
there is considerable intuitive knowledge of
what to do to be understood. Dramatisation Extrinsic
involves the portrayal of expression in These concentrate on the situation, the
words and gestures that is in everybody’s surroundings and real life of the player. The
nature. It can be compared with the pre- central aims are for the player to develop:
tend play of young children. Inside each of ● insight into his/her situation and an
us lives an “actor”. When you played moth- understanding of how to change it;
ers and fathers at playschool you did not ● increased knowledge/understanding of
think about acting, you just took up a role. the topic (language, history, literature,
politics, social studies)
However, dramatisation involves more then
just actions. It requires thought about the Artistic
subject portrayed and an understanding of The central aims are for the player to:
the dramatic process. ● gain an insight into and knowledge of
the creative process in the theatre;
The process of making a drama will in- ● develop creative and critical skills as
volve: both player and audience.
● a thorough knowledge of the subject
matter; Objectives
● physical, emotional and intellectual Communication
involvement; Producing a play challenges all the partici-
● increasing understanding of both the pants to clarify their own attitudes and
above through the creative process; wishes. Participants will gain a better under-
● insight into the dramatic process; standing of how to:
● realisation that knowledge of ● understand his/her own and others
something can lead to knowledge about feelings, individually and as part of a
it which then leads to a new group;
understanding. ● express these feelings in aspects of the
● explore and enlarge upon intuition;
● understand the balance between reality
EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 7
and fiction; Evaluation
Participation will also develop skills in There are many different reasons for using
creativity, imagination, concentration, self- drama in education, evaluation will depend
confidence, responsibility and social inter- these but questions that could be discussed
action. are:
● What is the goal of this exercise, this
Social scene?
Drama can challenge the player’s values. It ● Is that goal realised/ achieved? If so,
can help individuals to recognise and why? If not, why not?
understand how they make choices. ● Was the exercise, the assignment, the
Particularly, participants will develop: scene of the play, fit to achieve the
● a wider outlook and awareness of goals? How could it be improved?
different viewpoints; ● What did you learn? Why?
● a sense of place within society; ● What problems did you discover? As a
● critical abilities in respect of individual player? As spectator?
and group values;
● an understanding of how drama can Analysis can be carried out in four stages;
manipulate emotions; observation, interpretion, speculation and
● an understanding of how drama can experience.
highlight aspects of society.
Traditional This is concerned with what happened and
Drama gives players an opportunity to what was its significance.
practice their inventive and creative skills. In ● What characters did we see? What were
addition participants will gain: they doing? (Gestures, mimics, attitude,
● knowledge of the basic process of play movement, where were they
production; looking…).
● an insight into the use of drama to ● What are they saying? (Words;
express ideas; sentences; noises...).
● a working knowledge of props such as ● What was the setting of the play? What
puppets, masks, costumes, make-up, did the stage look like?
decor. ● How were characters portrayed? How
did they relate to each other?
● When did the play take place? Years
ago? The present? Over what period?
● Was the length of the play too short or
too long?
Bart was continuously moving on his stool at the bar.
This would be an observation, interpreta-
tion would ask the questions:
● Why was he doing that?
● Why did he buy everybody drinks?
● Why is he a bodybuilder type?
● Why is he constantly looking at the
waitress at the pool table?
8 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
demonstrate that theme?
● What else could be used? The same
situation and people, but with another
Personal experiences of both the players
and the spectators are valuable in terms of
how they view the whole assignment, the
effect that assignment has had on them
individually and what they have learnt from
The parts:
● What would have happened if Bart and
John were not related?
● If the waitress was not Bart cousin?
● What if they were less outspoken
The problem:
● What other situations could we find to
EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 9
The direction
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If possible the themes should be suggested ● Choose a title from the most
by the students themselves. Ask open importance items. This can always be
questions: changed, but it is important to have a
● What issues are important at the title, it gives a direction.
● What could be important to show to Idea development
other people in a play? A small group are given the task of organis-
● What kind of characters do you want ing the results of the brainstorm phase and
to play? writing them down. This is about giving the
subject more depth, grouping thoughts,
If there are no suggestions or responses,
10 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
feelings, ideas and coming up with situa- The definite script must be determined.
tions that can be explored in a next phase. The characters must be set. Everybody
Every idea is good and accepted. must be motivated to make the choices
The storyline
Ideas are selected that can be placed in one The search for clothing, props, decor can
story. The following questions will need to start. Lighting and sound must be chosen.
be answered:
● Who are the characters? (Father, son, Refinement
friend…) The play must be polished in every detail
● What is the theme? until it cannot be improved anymore.
● What is the location of the story? Besides the rehearsals the play must be
(Living-room, bedroom, hotel..) walked through at least three times, not
● Why are they undertaking this? loosing the context of the play.
(historical, coincidence, theme)
● When is the play? (year 1800, at this The full dress rehearsal
moment, in the future) This is the last phase before the final play. It
● How does it progress? ( in what form) is called a full dressed rehearsal because
everything is played like it’s for “real”.
If there is a lack of ideas at this stage the The players are not allowed to stop and
coach will need to suggest some. Choices must go on even if mistakes are made.
will need to be made about:
Decisions must be made in this phase.
What is, and what is not going to be used.
EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 11
For work with the production team:
Practical notes for The Stage
Make a plan of the stage to show where
the director everything must stand (see Figure 1, page 13).
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Scene changes
First of all you have to divide up the tasks, The director devises the walking, standing
allocate responsibilities for the script, lights, and sitting positions for the set. A sketch
sounds, sets, costumes and make-up. should be made for every change (some-
times this does not work in the reality, be
For work with the cast: flexible). You can also work with the actors
Interpretation on stage and then make sketch notes. The
The word is self-explanatory, each actor will sketches should be annotated with sections
make his/her own interpretation of their from the script (see Figure 2, page 13).
role. This may differ from what the writer
originally intended. The following questions Set and costume design
will need to be addressed by the actors: Scenery
Sketches from the front of the stage should
Motivation be made for all the scenes.
● Why are you going to work with this
part? Why do you personally like this Costumes
part? Drawing/ pictures/ photographs or pieces
● What must the audience know/ learn/ of fabric and a description are needed for
understand? each cotume.
Subject Lighting
● What is the subject of the part in one Plans should be made for the positions of
word? (Desire, distance…etc.) the lights, what are the lighting needs for
each scene? What filters are needed for the
Theme spots? In what part of the play will fade-in,
● Describe the theme of the part in one fade-out, spots, darkness etc. be needed;
sentence. this is also a part of the script.
If with the realisation of desire, reality is being Stage property (props)
ignored, fate is going to hit home. List everything that is used during the play,
scene by scene e.g. gun, umbrella etc.
● Whom versus whom? What versus Make up
what? Whom versus what? Create sketches of the make up for the
● What interests do the players have actors. Give a description of the character-
separately from each other? istics of the make up for the actors. What is
● What interests doe they have together? the base/foundation of the make up, list
sources of help.
● Develop your personal interpretation. Sound
Draw up a list of the special effects and
Style music. Make notes of when and where in
● What style do you choose? Is it the script to use fade in, fade out and other
different from the writer’s intention? effects.
Why do you use this style? (tragedy,
comedy, to be absurd).
12 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
Figure 1. Example of a stage plan
Start of scene 4 lighting notes: 1 - socket 12 spot
2 - socket 10 lights
3 - socket 11 spot
Jane: I have a passport, here it is. Martha (to the servant): i did not call you.
The servant walks back
EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 13
A suggested sequence
Production planning This describes one method of going about
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ a production which may serve as a guide,
Record book
Indispensible, for contact details and
records of the whole production: the title
and the writers, the names of all the players,
the assistants, lights, sounds, costumes,
make up, stage and a short summary of the
14 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
An example of a student production
about genetic modification
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EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 15
Evaluation good things.
Evaluation of the process of writing and Student More information means less fear.
performing the drama took place with the Student There is also a social context. We have
students, the director of the play, the tutor of talked about the ethical issues a lot but there
the students (FB) and an EIBE representative is no feedback of other people. That is the
(JL) who functioned as evaluator during the strange thing. And without feedback it is
session. The language during the evaluation was hard to create opinions.
So who you expect to get ethical feedback
The evaluation was tape-recorded. The partly
Student That’s the reason why it is so important, to
summarised transcript of this evaluation is
create a big discussion to get more feedback.
given below. Quotations of the evaluator are in
bold blue italic, other quotations in plain italic. You mean there is no discussion?
Summaries of quotations are in standard text. Student Not really, no.
Director You get some messages from the media but
nobody talks about it.
The aim of the writers was to make a creative
Tutor I interviewed a number of people in the
play to make biotechnology accessible to
audience before the cabaret and only one
people. The type of play was very open, up to
person could say something about
the writers. Was the main aim to help people
biotechnology. This is similar to the findings
to know more?
of a European report.
Student No, to make them think and want to find
out more. So that is what you mean by feedback? There
Director To find out what was their point of view. is no one you can discuss with?
Tutor To enhance critical thinking in the students Student Yes, it makes hard to create an opinion.
engaged in the project as well as in the
audience. So that makes it hard to find an opinion?
Student Yes and I wasn’t aware of that.
What was the nature of the background
knowledge at the start? But you were able to make the discussion in
Student No knowledge, not really. your own group? [Asked the tutor]
They did not know very much about the Student Well I tried but there are lot of different
subject and they had probably some subjects. Biotechnology is not a small thing.
prejudices at the start.
So were there subjects you left out?
Director I advertised for participants.
Student Yes, food.
Tutor I told them what it would be about and that
Director Food is nearly not mentioned. If we do it
was the basis of their initial interest.
again we should have to do more about food.
Have your views changed during the play? Student I was thinking about it when I was doing
Student We know more but I do not know if it the rap. I thought it had to be mentioned.
changed my view. Well we did include some, we planned to
have something about animals, plants and
What difference does knowing more make? humans but it is easier to make fun about
Student Well, there are more situations to think more extreme examples.
about, not just one or two things as at first. Director There is no drama in it.
Its all biotechnology, you can’t be for or
against it. So yes, people are interested in plants so
Christa [the director] is probably right, there
You can’t but why can’t you? won’t be much drama in it.
Director In the beginning I was against Student But people were already scared when we
biotechnology. When I realised the potential talked about something in the food but we
benefit in treating human illness then I eat the food and it becomes part of our body.
thought: I would want to be treated maybe. So we should be worried if it is the same as
Student In the beginning I was afraid of it. Now I putting the heart of a pig in your body.
know more and know some of the Director Well, you eat pigs, why shouldn’t you put a
possibilities are good so I concentrate on the heart of a pig in your body? And the food
16 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000
and meat is totally manipulated now So how did you decide what stayed in and what
anyway. For me it was an eye opener. I went out?
realise: you milk cows already and that is There was some disagreement here between the
manipulation. I hadn’t realised how much students and the director
we already manipulate our food. Director It was what would be right for the audience.
Before it was discussed what we should skip,
So you are right. It is really a big subject. So what we should change and what would give
how did you choose what you presented? Was it a better performance. I didn’t choose
just: oh this is a good idea or did you have a anything, I advised and you chose. You did
clear plan? it yourself.
Student Well at the end it came together but mostly
there was no plan. We just started to write, To go back to the organisers, you started not
we talked about ideas, then we had a knowing anything about biotechnology. Is
complete scene and then we put the whole that right?
thing together and we had a total view. Then Student Yes. In the beginning I wasn’t even
we had to make some changes. interested. I just wanted have a good and
nice play. When I saw what they wrote I
At that point you realised you had no thought: ah, that is interesting.
genetically modified food?
Student Yes ,I think so. And we did not think So was it that you did not know anything
about it. about biotechnology or was it you just weren’t
Student Well it wasn’t my approach to take food or interested?
anything . I just took what I thought to be Student Well, I hadn’t really thought about it.
funny, what affected me, what I had some
connection with. I can’t write out everything. In the last two or three years there has been
We used a documentary of Wim Kayzer as lots of information in the media about
a starting point. He talked about a lot of biotechnology, some of it quite unbelievable,
different things .Some of them seem to be but when I talk to young people they not really
quite racist or eugenic. But when I tried to know much about it.
find out more about that through searching Student Most things in the media are just the fun
with Altavista on internet I could not find things like orange tomatoes.
anything. Also it is strange: he raised a Student Most things you read are in the science piece
whole lot of things: he talked about maize of the paper and a lot of people do not read
and super maize and food supplements and that.
things but I was fixed on something else, I Student There is so much information about lots of
did not really think about it. If we are different subjects. It’s very hard to have a
thinking of food now think we could do view of it.
some funny jokes with it, For example Student The terms are very difficult. They scare
tomatoes written ALF on them. people, you think: forget it.
EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA 17
So where should the information be put if you You found out when you were on the net there
ought to see it? were lots of organisations giving information.
Students Posters, preferably with a joke; TV There is lot of information about but you are
programs. The information has to be not getting it.
accessible. Student The reasons for that were that people don’t
talk about it, they are not involved in it.
So what would make it more accessible? Anything is possible now but we have no
Student Well, at the moment there’s too many influence so we are scared and maybe that
difficult terms and it’s too boring when prevents people from talking about it
presented on TV. because theey can’t do anything about it.
Would scenes like yours from the play make it Student It’s not real for people.
more accessible and appealing, for example on TV? So, how do you know what’s real? Or what’s
Student Well it’s closer to normal people as possible?
discussions between professors. Especially it Student We were talking about cloning, you just
would be better for young people. It should take a head off and put it on another body
be given by young people. and I can’t understand that, I can’t … see
Student There is some good information on the net in it. It is like a fantasy to me.
NIABA (the Duth Biotechnological [She seemed to think it was real.]
Workers Society), their site for children is Students We don’t know how it works and that
funny, with games and all sorts of things. makes us scared. We don’t have enough
But you don’t see that anywhere else. We information. We do something with nature
need something like that in brochures. that is not natural and it is not always done
Student Journalists don’t know a lot about it. There for good purposes. Companies are concerned
lots on the internet but it is never in the about profit and they don’t worry about the
newspaper and when it is it’s just a little bit risks. That’s scaring. They kept something
and they never give an opinion. quiet for a long time. When we started to
Student The topics need to be related to you and look for information we noticed that a lot of
yourself and your own life. For example the things were happening for ten years or more.
simple man in the play. I don’t care about And we didn’t know about it! Then it was
manipulation of food. What can I do with important for companies to keep quiet, now
it? they want to tell us about it.
If you would do it again, is there anything
that you would do differently?
Student Well, I am very proud of what we got!
Student Well, I would like a complete story
Student The problem with that is you can only cover
a few subjects.
They all agreed they made it difficult for
themselves because they wanted to create a
coherence between the scenes.
Student It’s important it should be funny but it also
make people think: they laughed but when
they thought about it they were sad.
Which might become reality and which was
just used to make the point?
Student Well, insurance was real! Liposome-gnomes
were not.
Director They can bring small things into your body
like little cameras.
Student But things now were not imaginable a
hundred years ago so we needed to have
fantasy. We don’t know what is possible.
18 UNIT 19: BIOTECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THROUGH DRAMA EIBE European Initiative for Biotechnology Education 2000