AD330H User Manual - Spanish.english Web
AD330H User Manual - Spanish.english Web
AD330H User Manual - Spanish.english Web
AD330 Y AD330H
1. General............................................................................................................................ 7
2. Características ............................................................................................................... 7
3. Especificaciones ............................................................................................................ 8
5.5.1 Seleccionar ............................................................................................. 17
9.2 Descripciones de los parámetros de corte y empalme ............................... 43
Advertencias (hacer caso omiso de las advertencias o mal funcionamiento
El voltaje de entrada de la máquina debe estar dentro del rango especificado, por
Cuando cualquiera de las siguientes faltas ocurre, por favor desconecte el cable
máquina puede llegar a ser irreparable incluso causar lesiones, muerte y fuego.
Su máquina se utiliza para empalmar fibra óptica de vidrio, no utilizar para ningún
No almacenar la máquina en alta temperatura o ambiente de alta humedad.
Toda la máquina ha sido calibrada en forma precisa, por favor tratar de evitar una
fuerte sacudida o colisión, por favor, transportar y almacenar que el uso de cartón
1. Información general
libre. Además, es fácil de operar, fusiona rápido, con baja pérdida de fusión,
institutos científicos. Para terminar las operaciones de fusión con precision, por
2. Características
Práctico y fácil de llevar, sólido y duradero
3. Especificaciones
SM (monomodo), MM (Multi-modo), DS (Desplazamiento Dispersión),
NZDS (Desplazamiento dispersión no cero)
Pérdida de empalme 0.02dB (SM), 0,01 dB (MM), 0,04 dB (DS), 0,04 dB (NZDS)
Pérdida de retorno Mayor que 60dB
Modo de funcionamiento Completamente automático, semi-automático, manual
Tiempo de empalme 10s media
Tiempo de calentamiento 36s de media
Método de alineación de
Calineación de nucleo, alineación de revestimiento
Diámetro del revestimiento:80 ~ 150µm, diámetro de revestimiento:100 ~
Diámetro de fibra
Longitud de fibra 10~16mm (diámetro de revestimiento:<250 micras); 16mm (diámetro de
troceados revestimiento: 250~1000µm)
Lente ampliación Vertical doble pantalla: 310x;doble pantalla horizontal, 155x
Display Alta definición 5.1 " 640 * 480 LCD proporciona imágenes bellas y claras
Tprueba ensión Estándar 2 N (opcional)
Tubo retráctil 60mm, 40mm y un tubo termocontraíble serie
Tipico: 250 veces de empalme,se tarda 3,0 horas en cargarse por completo
Capacidad de la batería
(la máquina es operable durante el proceso de carga)
Bvida attery 300~500 ciclos de carga
Pantalla de nivel carga Indicador de nivel de energía en tiempo real en la pantalla
Electrodos vida Tipico 5000 veces, operador puede cambiar electrode facilmente
Nuevo diseño permite que la colocación de fibra óptica que sea más fácil y
Abrazadera de fibra
más precisa.
Incorpora luz de alto brillo aumentando considerablemente la facilidad de
Iluminacion onstrucción
construcción en la noche.
Puertos Standard USB
Incorpora 11.8V batería de litio;adaptador externo,entrada: AC100-240V, de
salida: DC12.6V / 5.0A
temperatura: -10 ºC~+ 50 ºC; Humedad: 95%HR (40 %, sin condensación);
Condiciones de manejo
altura: 0~5000m sobre el nivel del mar
Dimensiones Largo×Ancho×Altura=169 × 152 × 155 (mm)
Peso 2.4kg ( sinla batería), 2,9 kg (incluida la batería)
4. Instrucciones de panel y las interfaces
Figura (4-1-2)
Figura (4-2-1)
Figura (4-2-2)
4.2.2 Definiciones de los botones
Arriba Restablecer
de la pantalla
Derecha Aprobación de la
Okay Cancelar
4.3.1Menú Principal
Figura (4-3-1)
4.3.2 Opciones de menú
Figura (4-3-2)
(4) Historial
bajo esta opción en forma de archivo de datos. Además, el usuario puede ver los
Apagado Forzado:
5.3 Ajuste de la hora
Figura (5-3-1)
5.4.1 Seleccione
Figura (5-4-1)
(2) Haga clic en para mover el cursor, eligir y ponen de relieve los
archivos de parámetros para ser operados.
(3) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú como se muestra en la figura (5-4-2):
Figura (5-4-2)
Figura (5-4-3)
5.4.2 Ver, modificar
(2) Haga clic en para mover el cursor, eligen y ponen de relieve los
archivos de parámetros que quiere ver o modificar.
Figura (5-4-4)
(2) Haga clic en para mover el cursor, elegir y ponen de relieve los
archivos de parámetros a modificar.
(3) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú, seleccione la opción "Copia del
sistema". En ese momento el sistema entrará en la interfaz del sistema de
Figura (5-4-5)
los archivos.
(2) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú, seleccione la opción "Todo reajuste".
En ese momento se muestra el cuadro de diálogo como se ve en la figura, a
Figura (5-4-6)
(3) Haga clic en para confirmar "Todo reajuste", haga clic en para
cancelar la operación.
5.5.1 Seleccionar
en la figura continuación:
Figura (5-5-1)
Figura (5-5-2)
(4) Elija la opción "Seleccionar" ". El archivo actualmente resaltado será elegido
Figura (5-5-3)
5.5.2 Ver,modificar
calefacción dit.
la figura anterior (5-5-1).
(2) Haga clic en para mover el cursor, eligen y ponen de relieve los
archivos de parámetros a modificar.
(3) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú, seleccione la opción "Copiar del
sistema". El momento en que el sistema entrará en la interfaz del sistema de
Figura (5-5-5)
(1) Entre la lista de los archivos de parámetros de calefacción como se muestra en
(2) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú, seleccione la opción "Todo reajuste".
el momento en que un cuadro de diálogo como se muestra en la figura, un cuadrio
Figura (5-5-6)
(3) Haga clic en para confirmar "Todo reajuste", haga clic en para
cancelar la operación.
Figura (5-6-1)
Figura (5-6-2)
(1) En primer lugar entre en la lista de archivos de grabación de empalme, Para los
archivo de grabación de empalme.
Figura (5-6-3)
la siguiente figura:
Figura (5-7-1)
(3) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú, seleccione la opción "Zero" para
poner a cero el numero de descarga con los electrodos actuales.
6. Operaciones de empalme
luego limpiar la fibra óptica utilizando papel de algodón suave humedecido con
alcohol. Entonces limpie una vez con un paño de algodón limpio, no la límpie por
Atención: por favor, utilice el alcohol de más de 99%, a ser possible alcohol
(1) En primer lugar asegúrese de que la pieza deslizante con la cuchilla instalada
este en el extremo frontal (atras), luego abra placas de presion grande y pequeña.
(4) Abra las placas de prensado , mientras que sujeta la fibra óptica con la otra
manos, eliminar la fibra óptica sobrante con los dedos, maneje la fibra óptica con
cuidado para evitar que la fibra óptica se ponga en contacto con cualquier otra
(2) Colocar la fibra óptica en las ranuras en V, con la punta entre la punta del
parte de flexión hacia arriba cuando coloque la fibra óptica. Prevenir que la fibra
óptica no choque con nada a fin de garantizar la calidad de los extremos ópticos.
(4) Mantenga la fibra óptica con los dedos, a continuación, cierre la placa de
(4) Coloque la otra fibra óptica siguiendo los procedimientos anteriores.
-Limpiar fibra
- Retire de la cortadora la prensa pequeña con un destornillador. Colocar el
soporte con la fibra en la cortadora y mueva la cuchilla para realizar el corte.
-Corte acabado
-Limpiar fibra
-Corte terminado
B. Conector
3. Pigtail
-Cortar pelo sobrante
-Limpiar fibra
-Corte terminado
4. Fibra desnuda
-Limpiar la fibra
-Coloque la fibra
-Coloque la fibra en la cortadora y realice el corte
-Corte terminado
6.5 Empalme
(2) Haga clic en para mover el cursor, elija y ponga de relieve los
archivos de parámetros que va a utilizar (tipo de fibra).
(3) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú como se muestra en la figura (5-4-2).
Elija la opción "Seleccionar" ". El archivo actualmente resaltados será elegido
como archivo de parámetros de empalme actual y sera marcado con una marca "
en la Figura (5-5-1).
(3) Haga clic en al popup del sub-menú como se muestra en Figura (5-5-2) a
continuación, Seleccione la opción "Seleccionar" El archivo actualmente
sera marcado con una marca "√" a la izquierda como se muestra en Figura
Pausa 2
significativo en la pérdida de las fusiones, por lo tanto, intenta hacer que el
fibra óptica deberia ser inferior a 1°.. por ejemplo, el extremo de fibra óptica como
extremos mostrados en las Figuras (b) ~ (f) son defectuoso, el usuario debe
rehacer los extremos para estos fibra óptica. Después de la inspección de la fibra
(D) Tooth:
(E) Cóncavo:
Empalme terminado
muestra la fibra óptica empalmada tiene nada anormal, por ejemplo: demasiado
el empalme.
a. A veces el punto de empalme puede parecer un poco más gruesa que en otras
la pérdida de empalme.
c. Los mensajes de error, por ejemplo .: "calcular la pérdida de empalme","ángulo
7. Operaciones de calentador
(3) Abrir las placa de prensado, mantenga fibra óptica firme hasta que la fibra
(5) Sostenga la parte derecha de fibra óptica con la mano derecha, coloque el
(9) Abra la tapa del calentador y saque la fibra óptica con la protección del tubo
saca la fibra óptica desde el calentador. Puede que en alguna occasion el tubo
hay burbujas o polvo en su interior.
8. Descarga y calibracion
descarga necesaria para un mismo tipo de fibra siempre está variando. Sensores
Otros cambios producidos como por ejemplo por la erosion de los electrodos, no
óptica puede ser compensada por la descarga central, para resolver este
problema, una calibración del arco de descarga debe ser realizada. Usando esta
Procedimientos operativos
descarga y calibración.
(2) Prepare la fibra óptica y coloquela en la fusionadora.
(3) Se realiza una descarga en la fibra óptica antes de empujar hacia dentro, con
(5) La energia del arco y la posición de empalme se han calibrado, pero aún así se
9. Instrucciones de parámetros
Parámetros Descripciones
la tracción
Parámetros Descripciones
de la posición central del revestimiento.
error en la pantalla.
Tiempo de Establezca el período de pre-descarga desde el inicio de la
caso anterior.
Tiempo de
Establecer la duracion de la descarga 1.
descarga 1
Tiempo de
Ajuste el tiempo de descarga 2.
descarga 2
tracción de
descarga de
espera a la tracción
de la fuerza
valor de
11.Solución de problemas
una vez.
Limpie la ranura en V , las abrazaderas de la fibra óptica, reflector, lente de las
de desplazamiento
entrega para tener una referencia.
Cancelar calefacción
Haga clic en , Si el sistema no responde , el momento en el que usted lo
necesite pulse .
12. Mantenimiento
limpieza de ranura en V:
favor utilice punta de una fibra óptica que se haya cortado bien para eliminar el
Si hay polvo en las prensas de sujecion de las fibras, la fibra óptica no puede
funcionar bien, esto puede resultar en la mala calidad del empalme. Por lo tanto,
por favor inspeccionar con regularidad y limpie las prensas a intervalos fijos.
humedecido con alcohol, luego seque la superficie con un palillo de algodón seco.
Si las lentes herméticas se ensucian, el núcleo de fibra óptica puede ser difícil de
seguramente resulta en alta pérdida. Se puede limpiar con los siguientes pasos:
alta o baja calidad de empalme. Tor lo tanto, por favor limpiar regularmente las dos
lentes a intervalos fijos, de lo contrario cada vez más polvo se quedará en la lente
(1) Por favor, apague la alimentación antes de limpiar la lente del objetivo.
(2) Limpie la lente del objetivo en círculos desde el centro hacia afuera utilizando
Tenga en cuenta que necesita primero quitar la barra del electrodo antes de
limpiar la lente del objetivo, y tenga en cuenta para evitar chocar con los
Si la cuchilla no puede cortar la fibra óptica, girela 1/16 con el fin de mantener la
Mientras que está girando la cuchilla, tenga cuidado para evitar tocar el borde de
la cuchilla. Usar un palillo de algodón fino para girar la cuchilla puede ser más
Si una cuchilla se ha girado por una ronda (que significa que se han utilizado los
Afloje los tornillos de bloqueo cuchilla , aflojar los tornillos de fijación con una llave
Gire el tornillo de ajuste hacia la derecha con una llave hexagonal de 1,5 mm al
más de dos marcas a la vez. Fije el tornillo de ajuste. Fije el tornillo de sujeción de
la cuchilla.
Apéndice A: Garantía
28053 MADRID
TLF: 916613037
Modelo maquina y SN
-------User’s Manual------
1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 7
2. Features .......................................................................................................................... 7
3. Specifications ................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.1Key panel.................................................................................................... 9
4.3.1Main menu................................................................................................ 10
5.5.1 Select ....................................................................................................... 17
6.5 Splicing................................................................................................................ 35
7. Operations of heating.................................................................................................. 40
9. Instructions of parameters.......................................................................................... 43
10. Part list ........................................................................................................................ 46
11.Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 47
Warnings (ignoring the warnings or improperly operating the fusion splicer
The input voltage of the machine must be within the specified range, please
prevent the input voltage exceeding the range. Please use proper AC, DC power
When any of the following faults occurs, please immediately pull AC power cord
out of the receptacle and turn off the fusion splicer, otherwise the machine may
Smoke emits out, order smells, noise sounds or heating appears abnormal, or
The machine must use the power modules that the manufacturer specified.
In order to avoid fire, explosion or any other material consequence, don’t use the
This machine is used to splice glass optical fiber, please don’t use it for any other
purpose. Please read this Manual thoroughly before using the machine.
Please don’t store the machine in high-temperature or high-humidity environment.
If the machine is used in dusty environment, please take all possible measures to
The machine has been precisely calibrated, please try to prevent strong shake or
1. Overview
with low fusion loss, especially suitable for the construction and maintenance of the
broadcast & TV, railway, petrochem, electricity, army, police, as well as teaching
and research of scientific institutes. In order to finish the fusion operations more
2. Features
Handy, easy-to-carry, solid and durable
Color LCD
Visual interface
Built-in heater
It provides a wide range of fusion and heating parameters for your choice.
3. Specifications
SM(single-mode), MM(Multi-mode), DS(Dispersion displacement),
NZDS(Non-zero dispersion displacement)
Splice loss 0.02dB(SM), 0.01dB(MM), 0.04dB(DS), 0.04dB(NZDS)
Return loss Greater than 60dB
Operation mode Full auto, semi-auto, manual
Average splicing time 10s
Average heating time 36s
Fiber aligning method Core aligning, clad aligning
Fiber diameter Cladding diameter:80 ~150µm , Coating diameter:100 ~1000µm
10~16mm(coating diameter:<250µm) ; 16mm(coating diameter: 250~
Fiber cleaved length
Lens magnification Vertical double display: 310x; horizontal double display, 155x
Display High-definition 5.1” 640*480 LCD provides fine and clear images
Tension test Standard 2N(optional)
Heat shrinkable tube 60mm, 40mm and a series heat shrinkable tube
Typical: 250 times of splice, it takes 3.0 hours to fully charge it (the machine is
Battery capacity
operable during charging process)
Battery life 300~500 charging cycles
Power volume display Real-time power volume display in the screen
Electrode life Typical 5000times, customer can change electrode by himself
Optical-fiber clamp New design allows optical-fiber positioning to be easier and more accurately.
Built-in high-brightness, wide-range light substantially increases easiness of
Construction lighting
construction at night.
External ports Standard USB port
Built-in 11.8V lithium battery; external adapter, input: AC100-240V, output:
Power supply
temperature: -10 ~+50 ; humidity: 95%RH(40 , no condensation); height:
Operating conditions
0~5000m above sea level
Dimensions Length×Width×Height=169×152×155(mm)
Weight 2.4kg(exclusive of battery), 2.9kg(inclusive of battery)
4. Instructions of panel and interfaces
Figure (4-1-2)
4.2.1Key panel
Figure (4-2-1)
Figure (4-2-2)
4.2.2 Definitions of buttons
Up Reset
Down Heat
X/Y display
Right Discharge
OK Cancel
4.3.1Main menu
Figure (4-3-1)
4.3.2 Menu options
Figure (4-3-2)
It lists all the Splicing parameter files already configured well. User can select, view,
It lists all the heating parameter files already configured well. User can select, view,
Under this menu option, user can realize the functions such as time setup,
(4) History
All splicing results are saved in the interface of splicing data under this option in
form of data file. Besides, user can view electrode discharge times under this
5. Guide to software operations
Power ON:
Press and hold for 1 second or so, the LED indicator on control panel will
illuminate, company LOGO will appear in the screen.
Normal soft power-off ensure no data loss will occur after power-off, user just need
Press and hold for 5 seconds or so, the machine will be immediately turned
off, in such case, the data will be lost. Forced power-off mode is usually chosen
when the instrument appears abnormal and normal soft power-off fails.
There is an option “Time Setup” as shown in the figure below under the sub-menu
Figure (5-3-1)
5.4.1 Select
(1) Enter the interface of list of splicing parameter files as shown in Figure (5-4-1):
Figure (5-4-1)
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be operated.
Figure (5-4-2)
(4) Choose the option “Select””. The moment the currently highlighted files will be
chosen as current splicing parameter file. The moment current splicing parameter
file will be marked with a tick “√” in the left as shown in Figure (5-4-3) below.
Figure (5-4-3)
(1) Enter the list of splicing parameter files as shown in above Figure (5-4-1).
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be viewed or modified.
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu, choose the option “Modify”. The moment
the system will enter the interface of Edit splicing parameter files as shown in
Figure below.
Figure (5-4-4)
Using this option, the selected system splicing parameter files can be copied to
(1) Enter the list of splicing parameter files as shown in above Figure (5-4-1).
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be modified.
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu, select the option “Copy from system”. The
moment the system will enter the interface of system splicing parameter files as
Figure (5-4-5)
(4) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the system
splicing parameter files from which the files are copied.
Using this option, all the user splicing parameter files will be reset to factory default
(1) Enter list of splicing parameter files as shown in above Figure (5-4-1).
(2) Click to popup the sub-menu, select the option “All reset”. The moment a
dialog box as shown in Figure below will pop asking you whether to reset default
Figure (5-4-6)
5.5.1 Select
(1) Enter the list of heating parameter files as shown in Figure below:
Figure (5-5-1)
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be operated.
Figure (5-5-2)
(4) Choose the option “Select””. The moment the currently highlighted files will be
chosen as current heating parameter files. Current heating parameter files will be
Figure (5-5-3)
(1) Enter the list of heating parameter files as shown in above Figure (5-5-1).
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be viewed or modified.
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu, choose the option “Modify”. The moment
the system will enter the interface of Edit heating parameter files.
Using this option, the selected system heating parameter files can be copied to
(1) Enter the list of heating parameter files as shown in above Figure (5-5-1).
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be modified.
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu, select the option “Copy from system”. The
moment the system will enter the interface of system heating parameter files as
Figure (5-5-5)
(4) Click to move the cursor,, choose and highlight the system
heating parameter files from which the files are copied.
5.5.4 Reset system default settings
Using this option, all the user heating parameter files will be reset to factory default
(1) Enter the list of heating parameter files as shown in above Figure (5-5-1).
(2) Click to popup the sub-menu, select the option “All reset”. the moment a
dialog box as shown in Figure below will popup asking you whether to reset the
default settings:
Figure (5-5-6)
recording file. This operation can be made in the interface “Splicing data”.
Figure (5-6-1)
(2) Select splicing data, click to enter the list of splicing recording files as
shown in Figure below:
Figure (5-6-2)
(1) First enter the list of splicing recording files, for operating steps please refer to
Section 5.6.1.
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the splicing
recording file to be operated.
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu, select the option “view ”, the system will
enter the interface of splicing recording files, and display the contents of splicing
records as shown in Figure (5-6-3) below; select “delete ” to delete current splicing
Figure (5-6-3)
(1) Enter the menu option “History” as shown in above Figure (5-6-1).
(2) Then enter the interface of electrode data to view current Electrode discharge
Figure (5-7-1)
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu, select the option “Zero” to zero current
Electrode discharge times.
6. Operations of splicing
Cleave the clad of optical fibers by 30-40mm using cleaver, then clean the optical
fiber using yarn or soft cotton paper dipped with alcohol. Then wipe it once using
clean cotton cloth, don’t wipe it for a second time using the same cotton cloth.
(1) First make sure the sliding board installed with knives in the frontal end, then
(2) Align the cladding edge of optical-fiber to appropriate scale of the gauge, then
place the optical-fiber into guide groove, make sure the stripped optical fiber is
(3) Close the small pressing board and integrated pressing board, push the slide
(4) Open the integrated pressing board, while holding the optical-fiber with hands
and opening small pressing board concurrently, remove the shredded optical fiber
with fingers, move away the optical-fiber carefully, note prevent the section of
(2) Place the ready optical fiber on V-groove, with the tip lying between the tip of
electrode and the edge of V-groove. If the optical-fiber is bend, keep the bending
part upward when you place the optical fiber. Please prevent the ready optical-fiber
(4) Hold the optical-fiber with fingers, then close the pressing board and press the
optical fiber. Make sure the optical fiber is placed at the bottom of V-groove. If the
(5) Close storm shutter.
6.5 Splicing
(1) Enter main menu, select the option “splicing parameters”, then enter the list of
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be operated.
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu as shown in Figure (5-4-2). Choose the
option “Select””. The moment the currently highlighted files will be chosen as
current splicing parameter file. Current splicing parameter file will be marked with a
(1) Enter the list of heating parameter files as shown in Figure (5-5-1).
(2) Click to move the cursor, choose and highlight the parameter
files to be operated.
(3) Click to popup the sub-menu as shown in Figure (5-5-2) below, Choose
the option “Select””. The moment the currently highlighted files will be chosen as
current heating parameter files. current heating parameter files will be marked
6.5.2 Start splicing
Pause 2
(1) After optical-fiber is placed in the splicer, Click to start splicing. After
cleaning and discharging, the optical-fiber will stop at the preset position. Next,
check the cleaving angle of optical-fiber and quality of optical-fiber end. If the
measured cleaving angle is bigger than the preset limit value, or spurs are found in
the end of optical-fiber, the buzzer will alarm, concurrently an error message will
appear in the display alerting the operator. In the meantime, the splicing will pause.
Even though there are no error message alerting the operator, the operator should
found, take the optical-fiber out of the splicer, then get the optical-fiber again. Any
defect on the surface of optical-fiber may lead to splicing failure, and the quality of
optical-fiber end exerts material impact on the loss of joint, therefore, please try to
make the optical-fiber end appear in a plane, and the angle between such a plane
and section of optical-fiber shall be less than 1°.. for example, the optical-fiber
end as shown in Figure (a) below is good for splicing, but the ends shown in
Figures (b)~ (f) are defective, user should remake ends for these optical fiber. After
(d) Tooth:
(e) Concave:
(2) After aligning is over, the machine will discharge and splice the optical-fiber.
Splicing finished
(3) After splicing is finished, the estimated splice loss will appear. The calculation
of splice loss is based on some spatial parameters. When either of splice loss or
cleaving angle exceed its preset limit value, the machine will display an error
message. If inspection shows that any spliced optical-fiber has anything abnormal,
e.g.: too thick, too thin, or bubble, the splicer will display an error message. Even
though there are no error messages displayed, but the splicing results are found
a. Sometimes the splicing point may look a little thicker than other parts, but the
splicing result will still be considered normal, and it doesn’t impact the splice loss.
b. To change the cleaving angle of optical-fiber and calculate limit values of splice
c. Error messages, e.g.: “calculate splice loss”, “splicing angle”, “too thick”, “too
thin”, “bubble” can be ignored. User can set these functions as “disabled”.
d. In some cases, extra discharge may improve splice loss. Click to make
extra discharge, the moment, the splice loss will be recalculated, and the
7. Operations of heating
(2) Open storm shutter, with left hand holding left side of optical-fiber at the edge of
storm shutter.
(3) Open left pressing board, hold optical-fiber firmly till total optical fiber is moved
into heater.
(5) Hold the right part of optical-fiber with right hand, take down the spliced optical
fiber from the machine and place it into the right pressing board.
(6) Set the splicing point at the central position of heating protective tube using
(7) Close the left and right pressing boards and the cover of heater.
(8) Click to start heating. When heating is finished, buzzer will alarm
(9) Open the cover of heater and take away the optical fiber under the protection
of heat shrinkable tube. Some pull is to be exerted when the optical fiber is taken
out from the heater. The moment heat shrinkable tube may have bonded with the
bottom board of the heater, if so, take out the heat shrinkable tube using cotton
(10) After heating is over, check heat shrinkable tube whether there are bubbles or
8. Discharge and calibration
Temperature and air pressure inductors have been built in the machine, they can
discharging strength.
discharging central position may move leftward or rightward. For this reason, the
splicing position of optical-fiber may offset against discharging centre, to solve this
before and after discharging. Discharge calibration will change the parameter
value of discharging strength, this value will be applied in all splicing processes.
Operating procedures
(1) Enter main menu, select the option “ArcCalib”, open the picture of discharging
and calibration.
(3) Discharge the optical-fiber before pushing it in, so as to test the discharging
central position, and set the interval centre of optical-fiber at the discharging
central position.
(4) An axial offset is intentionally for the optical-fiber while the discharging and
The calibration results will appear in the screen when discharging and calibration
are finished.
(5) Discharging strength and splicing position have been calibrated, but we still
9. Instructions of parameters
Parameters Descriptions
Parameters Descriptions
Aligning optical-fiber
Set limit values of cleaving angle. When either of the left
Cleaving angle
and right optical fiber exceeds the limit value of cleaving
angle, an error message will appear in the screen.
Core angle limit the preset limit value of bending angle, an error message
Set the interval of optical-fiber alignment.
interval setting
strength optical-fiber will fuse excessively, this will lead to too much
splice loss.
time [pre-discharge time] will bring the same results as that of too
great [pre-discharge strength].
The pushed-in length of optical fiber after pre-fusion.
Time of
Set the time of discharge 1.
discharge 1
Time of
Set the time of discharge 2.
discharge 2
discharge time
compensation close compensation
Fully charged battery can’t support splicing for more than one time.
While in high-altitude regions, the discharge current will rise. Under such
The information appearing in the power volume indicator is for reference only.
11.2Operations of splicing
If the optical-fiber with secondary protective layer has bending or curling memory,
please keep the bending part upward when placing the optical-fiber.
If the splice loss still appears too high or unsteady after taking the above actions,
please contact the dealer. Users are recommended to make maintenance regularly
for the machine (at least once a year) so as to ensure good splicing quality.
Please refer to [Splicing control] under the option History, error message is
permitted to be ignored.
Estimated value of splice loss is just a calculation result, it is provided for reference
Extend the heating time. For details please refer to Section [View , edit heating
parameter files]
Heat indicator on control panel blinks
Click while in heating process, the Heat indicator may blink, click
again, heating operation will be cancelled.
If the temperature doesn’t reach the presser value, the indicator will blink and
alarm sounds at the same time, if so, please contact the dealer.
Cancel heating
Click , the system doesn’t respond, the moment you need to click .
12. Maintenance
will increase splice loss. Therefore, please regularly inspect and clean V-groove at
(2) Clean the bottom of V-groove with cotton swab dipped with alcohol, and
Please note to avoid using too strong force when cleaning V-groove, so as to
prevent any damage to walls of V-groove. If the cotton swab dipped with alcohol
can’t clean the contaminant from V-groove, please use the tail of an optical-fiber
If there is dust on presser foot of optical-fiber, the optical-fiber may not work well,
this may result in poor splicing quality. Therefore, please regularly inspect and
clean the presser foot of optical-fiber at fixed intervals. Presser foot cleaning steps:
Clean the surface of presser foot with thin cotton swab dipped with alcohol, then
12.3 Clean air-tight lens
If air-tight lens get dirty, the optical-fiber core may be difficult to keep in correct
position because the transparency degrades, this will surely results in high loss. It
can be cleaned in the following steps: clean the surface of air-tight lens with thin
cotton swab dipped with alcohol, then remove the residual alcohol on air-tight lens
with dry cotton swab. If the lens are clean, they will be free of stripe pattern or dirt.
If objective lens get dirty, it may affect good observation over the position of
optical-fiber core, this will result in high splice loss or poor splicing quality.
Therefore, please regularly clean the two objective lens at fixed intervals,
otherwise more and more dust will stay on the lens and it will be harder to remove
(1) Please shut off the power before cleaning objective lens.
(2) Clean the objective lens in circling action from centre to edge using thin cotton
swab dipped with alcohol, then remove the residual alcohol with dry cotton swab.
Please note to first remove electrode bar before cleaning objective lens, and note
to avoid colliding with or touching electrode bar in cleaning process. The surface of
inspection and cleaning at fixed intervals.
If cleaver can’t cut off optical-fiber, rotate the blade by 1/16 of a round, so as to
Remove the pressing pad distance limit device. Unfasten screws using screwdriver,
While you are rotating the blade, please note to avoid touching the edge of knife.
If a round blade has been rotated by a round (it means that the 16 sides of the knife
have all been used), user need to adjust the blade height to compensate the
Unfasten blade locking screws, adjust the locking screws using a 0.89mm hexagon
Adjust the adjustment screw clockwise using a 1.5mm hexagon wrench to marked
point and align it with next position mark. Please don’t rotate screw over two marks
at one time. Fasten the adjustment screw. Fasten blade locking screw.
If a blade has been raised for 3 times, you should change the blade .
Appendix A: Warranty
We provide free repair for any fault occurring within 1 year since the date of
delivery, except:
Please contact the dealer before sending the machine to us for repair.
Your full name, occupation, company name, address, phone number, fax, e-mail.
Fault description