Historia Preterismo
Historia Preterismo
Historia Preterismo
El caso del Preterismo es muy similar al de los Anabaptistas. La Iglesia dominante por
tantos siglos, la Catlica Romana, emita declaraciones, confesiones que condenaban la
posicin Preterista, y las personas y escritos Preteristas fueron catalogados como herejes.
Durante la Reforma Protestante en Europa, algunos sacerdotes empezaron a revisar ciertas
doctrinas del Romanismo y cambiaron muchos conceptos para los feligreses de sus pases.
Pero no fueron cambiadas todas las doctrinas. Muchos conceptos de las confesiones de fe
protestantes fueron traspasados directamente del catolicismo. Juan Calvino reconoci la
necesidad de continuar reformando la doctrina catlica y dijo reformados y siempre
reformndonos! Sin embargo, las iglesias protestantes han seguido casi sin cambios en sus
confesiones de fe del siglo 16 hasta ahora. Existe un respeto apasionado por las confesiones
hechas durante la Reforma. Casi se dan a estos documentos la equivalente autoridad que a
la misma Biblia. Muchos protestantes consideran que la Confesin de Fe de su Iglesia es un
documento sin errores.
A pesar de esta situacin, se puede encontrar en los escritos antiguos algunas declaraciones
que revelan que sus autores guardaban convicciones Preteristas. En este artculo
presentamos al lector una traduccin de varias citas de personajes de la historia cristiana.
Otro punto que debe ser mencionado es el siguiente: a veces los que se oponen a cierta
doctrina tratan de comprobar que tuvo un comienzo nada honorable. Buscan vincular su
origen con algn movimiento o persona indigna. Este mtodo ha sido usado por los
Futuristas en contra del Preterismo, pero ha fallado. El lector se dar cuenta que el
Preterismo apela a las declaraciones de Jess y de los escritores del Nuevo Testamento. El
mayor argumento en pro del Preterismo se remonta desde la misma Biblia y el primer siglo.
Por eso decimos que el Preterismo es la escatologa de los cristianos del primer siglo.
La Escatologa en la Historia
Hubo quienes consideraban que las profecas hechas por Jess en el captulo 24 de Mateo
fueron cumplidas en el primer siglo:
1. Adam Clarke
2. John Lightfoot
3. Thomas Newton
4. N. Nsibett
5. John Owen
El Siglo XX
Nombres de cristianos notables Preteristas en la edad moderna
1. George Meter Holford
2. Ernest Renan
3. Milton S. Terry
4. James Stuart Russell
5. Philip Schaff
6. Philip Mauro
2. Abiel Livermore - From His 1843 Work, The Four Gospels: With a Commentary
3. Adam Clarke - From His 1837 Work, Commentary on the New Testament
4. Albert Barnes - From His 1832 Work, Notes on the Old and the New Testament
5. Alfred Edersheim - From The Temple: Its Ministry and Services as They Were at the Time
of Christ
6. Andreas of Cappadocia Caesarea - (A.D. 431- 506) From His Work, Commentary on
11. B.H. Carroll - From His 1947 Work, An Introduction of the English Bible
12. B.W. Johnson - From His 1891 Work, The People's New Testament
13. Barnabus - From His First Century Work Known as The Epistle of Barnabus
14. Benjamin Keach - From His 1670 Work, Tropologia: A Key to Open Scripture Metaphors,
15. Bishp. William Newcome From His 1778 Work, Harmony of the Gospels
16. Cecil Sanders - From His 1990 Work, The Future: An Amillennial Perspective
17. Chrysostom (John of Antioch) - From His Work, Homily on St. Matthew
19. Clement of Rome - From His First Century Works, Epistles to the Corinthians
20. Conybeare and Howson - From The Life and Epistles of St. Paul
23. David Brown - From His 1858 Work, Christ's Second Coming, Will it be Pre-millennial?
25. Dr. Carl August Auberlen - From His 1856 Work, The Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation
26. Dr. E Robinson - From His Work, The Training of the Twelve
27. Dr. John Owen - From His 1721 Work, Sermon on 2 Peter iii. 11.
28. Dr. John Smith - From His 1804 Work, A Summary View of the Writings of the Prophets
30. Dr. T.P. Stafford - From His Work, A Study of the Kingdom
31. Dr. Thomas Manton (1620-1677) From His 1651 Work, Commentary on James
32. Dr. Thomas Newton - From His 1754 Work, Dissertations on the Prophecies
33. Dr. W.B. Godbey - From His 1891 Work, Harmony of the Gospels
34. Dr. William Warburton - His 1787 Work, Our Lord's Prophecies of the Destruction of
35. E.B. Elliott - From His 1851 Work, A Commentary on the Apocalypse
37. Ernest Hampden-Cook - From His 1891 Work, The Christ Has Come
38. Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg - From His 1829 Work, The Christology of the Old Testament
41. F.F. Bruce - From His Work, Israel and the Nations
42. F.W. Farrar - From his 1886 Work, The Early Days of Christianity
43. G.A. Henty - From His 1880 Work, For the Temple
44. G.C. Berkower - From The 1961 Translation of His Work, The Return of Christ
46. Gary DeMar - From His Article, The Passing Away of Heaven and Earth
48. George B. Caird - From His 1965 Work, Jesus and the Jewish Nation
49. George Peter Holford - From His 1805 Work, The Destruction of Jerusalem
50. Heinrich Meyer - From His 1852 Work, Commentary on the New Testament
51. Henry Cowles - From His 1881 Work, Matthew and Mark
52. Henry Hammond - From His 1659 Work, A Paraphrase and Annotations...
53. Henry Hudson - From Echoes of the Ministry, Vol. 11, No. 2
57. Isaak August Dorner - From His 1879 Work, A System of Christian Doctrine
60. James Stuart Russell - From His 1878 Work, The Parousia,.. our Lord's Second Coming
62. Johann August Wilhelm Neander - From His 1837 Work, Life of Christ
63. Johann Peter Lange - From His 1857 Work, Theologisch-homiletisches Bibelwerk
64. John A. Broadus - From His 1886 Work, An American Commentary on the New Testament
65. John A.T. Robinson - From His 1976 Work, Redating the New Testament
66. John Albert Bengel - From His 1742 Work, Bengel's New Testament Commentary
67. John Brown - From His 1852 Work, Discourses and Saying of our Lord
68. John Calvin - From His Work, Institutes of the Christian Religion
69. John Gill - From His 1809 Work, An Exposition of the New Testament
70. John Lightfoot - From His 1859 Work, A Commentary of the New Testament...
71. John Locke - From His 1705 Work, Paraphrase and Notes on Galatians
72. John N.D. Kelly - From His 1978 Revised Work, Early Christian Doctrines
73. John Wesley - From His 1754 Work, Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament
74. Jonathan Edwards - From His Sermons in the Year 1739, History of Redemption
78. Ken Gentry - From His 1989 Work, Before Jerusalem Fell
80. Lactantius - From His 3rd Century Works, Including Divine Institues
83. Melito, Bishop of Sardis - From His Second Century Work, Homily of the Pascha
84. Milton Terry - From His Works Biblical Apocalyptics and Biblical Hermeneutics
85. Moses Stuart - From His 1845 Work, Commentary on the Apocalypse
87. Noah Webster - From His 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language
88. Origen - "greatest scholar of his age, the most gifted, industrious, cultivated of all ante-
Nicene fathers."
89. P.S. Desprez - From His 1854 Work, The Apocalypse Fulfilled
91. Philip Mauro - From His Works, The Hope of Israel, The Seventy Weeks...
92. Philip Schaff - From His 1877 Work, History of the Christian Church
93. Professor Benjamin Jowett - From His 1860 Work, Essays on the Interpretation of Scripture
94. Rudolph Ewald Stier - From His 1851 Work, Reden Jesu
95. Samuel Hinds - From His 1829 Work, The Catechist's Manual and Family Lecturer
96. Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) From His Work, Observations on the Prophecies
97. Sulpicius Severus - From His A.D. 403 Work, Sacred History
99. The Jewish Sibylline Oracles and Talmud - Beginning Shortly After A.D.70
101.Thomas F. Torrance - From His Work, The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic
102.Thomas Scott - From His 1817 Work, Commentary
105.William Whiston - From His 1737 Translation of Josephus' Wars of the Jews