Paramahamsa Prajnanananda Estaba

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Paramahamsa Hariharananda

Prajnanananda Paramahamsa

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda estaba apellidado directo de Paramahamsa Hariharananda como su sucesor. Nacido 1960 en Orissa, India, estaba primero un profesor de economa antes de ordenarse del monje y recibir a la edad de 39 el ttulo el mas elevado: Paramahamsa. De verdad un profesor energtico y con muchissimo cario, autor y orador de las religines del mundo, bien versado en las letras del oeste y este, combina una simpata divina por la humanidad con su amor por Dios y su maestra de complejos pensamientos filsofos. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda has been directly appointed by Paramahamsa Hariharananda as his successor. Born in 1960 in Orissa, India, he became a profesor of Economics before being ordained as a monk and getting at the age of 39 the highest title: Paramahamsa. A truly powerful and extremely loving teacher, author and speaker on world religion, well versed in the scriptures of the East and West, he combines a divine compassion for humanity with his love for God and his mastery of complex philosophical thoughts. En Mallorca ora existe la posibilidad de participar en una programa con Swami Mangalananda Giri:, creci cerca de Stuttgart, Alemania, en 1993 conoci a su maestro Paramahamsa Harihrananda. A partir de esa fecha lo acompa en sus viajes en Europa, traduciendo sus conferencias y seminarios. Despues de terminar su doctorado en medicina fue iniciado a la Swami por Paramahamsa Hariharananda y autorizada ensear Kriya Yoga. Vive en el Centro de Kriya Yoga cerca de Viena. At Mallorca now exists the possibility to participate at a program with Swami Mangalananda Giri, born close to Stuttgart, Gernany. She met her Master Paramahamsa Hariharananda 1993. From this date on she accompanied him on his travels through

Europe, translating his talks and seminars. After getting her doctorate of medicine she has been ordained as Swami by Paramahamsa Hariharananda and is authorized to teach Kriya Yoga. She lives in the Kriya Yoga Center close to Vienna. Otras Yogacharyas (profesores) de este linea, quien ensear Kriya Yoga en Europa/ Other Yogacharyas (teachers) of this lineage who teach Kriya Yoga in Europe: Rajarshi Peter van Breukelen, Christine Jacobsen, Claudia Cremers, Petra Helwig, Ursula Schmidtke. Y otras de los Estados Unidos y India/ and others from USA and India. Por favor visitar nosotras paginas en el internet: Please visit us in the web:

Paramahamsa Hariharananda es uno de los discpulos ms importantes de Swami Sri Yukteswar y de Paramahamsa Yogananda, todo Dios-realizado y muy respetado. A edad avanzada fund an numerosos centros en el oeste.Ya a los 40 aos obtuvo el estado yguico ms elevado, sin pulso y sin aliento, el nirvikalpa samadhi. Estaba naci el 27 de mayo de 1907 en Bengalia Occidental, India. El 3 de diciembre de 2002, a la edad de 95 aos entr en el estado Masahamadhi, es decir abandon su cuerpo en el estado mximo de conciencia. Con su sabidura inagotable, su bondad y caridad lleg al corazn de todos los que tuvieron la suerte de encontrarle. Paramahamsa Hariharananda is one of the most important disciples of Swami Sri Yukteswar and Paramahamsa Yogananda, fully God-realized and highly respected. Even in advanced age he founded numerous centres in the west. Yet at the age of 40 he reached the highest yogic state, without pulse and breath, Nirvikalpa Samadhi. He was born at the 27th of May 1907 in Bengali, India. At the 3rd of December 2003, at the age of 95, he entered the state of Mahasamadhi, which means to leave the body in full consciousness.With his inexhaustible wisdom, kindliness and charity he touched the heart of each one who got the fortune to meet him.

En Europe existen dos centros de Kriya Yoga: In Europe there are two Kriya Yoga Centres: Vien(n)a, Austria, T.: 0043 2253-81491 Sterksel, Holanda/Netherlands, T.: 0031 402265576

Contacto por Mallorca: Ingid, [email protected], 0049 40 432 77 197, en Mallorca: Lilian:(+34) 638 72 60 72 y David (+34) 609 189 136)

Babaji Maharaj, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahamsa Yogananda,

Paramahamsa Hariharananda,Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Swami Mangalananda Giri

En At



Kriya Yoga El camino verdadero hacia la autorealizacin
KriyaYoga es una tcnica cientfica y prctica de meditacin, ya mencionada por Pantnjali en las Yoga Sutras. Desde la antigedad innumerables yoguis han

vivido la autorealizacin a trves de Kriya Yoga. El linaje directo de los Maestros es del Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, Paramahamsa Yogananda (el autor de la obra clsica espiritual Autobiografa de un Yogui) hasta Paramahamsa Hariharananda (1907-2002, el ltimo discpulo directo de Sri Yukteswar) y Paramahamsa Prajnanananda (el sucesor de Paramahamsa Hariharananda). Kriya Yoga se basa en verdades fisiolgicas, psicolgicas, astrolgicas y filosficas y en la experiencia directa que slo un profesor autorizado puede transmitir. Kriya Yoga une la esencia de las formas ms importantes de Yoga a una tcnica concentrada y efectiva para llegar a una meditacin profunda ms all del cuerpo, de las sensaciones y de los pensamientos. La persona que lo practica experimenta as serenidad y satisfaccin y est cada vez ms capacitada para hacer las tareas diaras con tranquilidad y sosiego. Kri es la actividad o el trabajo realizado por el alma interior, ya. Yoga es la unin de la personalidad individual y la personalidad superior. Segn la tradicin vetusta slo un maestro autorizado de Kriya puede transmitir las tcnicas exactas a un discpulo a trves de una ceremonia de iniciacin.

The direct lineage of the Kriya Yoga Masters goes from Babaji Maharaj, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, Paramahamsa Yogananda (the author of Autobiography of a Yogi, this classic book in the sector of spirituality) to Paramahamsa Hariharananda (1907 -2002, the last direct disciple of Sri Yukteswar) to Paramahamsa Prajnanananda (the successor of Paramahamsa Hariharananda). Kriya Yoga is based on physical, psychological, astrological and philosophical knowledge and on the direct experiences, which only a realized teacher can convey to the disciples. Kriya Yoga connects the essence of the most important Yoga ways to one intensive and effective technique to reach the goal of deep meditation beyond body, mind and senses. Practising it, you will experience inner peace and joy and step by step the daily work can be done with calmness and equanimity. Kri means action or work, which is done by the indwelling soul. Yoga means oneness of the individual Self with the higher Self. According to the ancient tradition the technique will only be referred by the ceremony of initiation by an authorized teacher.

Como practicar Kriya Yoga?

Si Usted son interesado practicar este tcnica muy profundo de meditacin, Usted son bienvenido a un programa con Swamiji. La fecha de la proxima programa hallarse adjunto. La conferencia es pblico y gratuito. Para practicar la meditcin es obligado la iniciacin en el Kriya Yoga autntica por un profesor

Kriya Yoga, the royal path to SelfRealization

Kriya Yoga is a scientific and practical meditation technique that technique which has already been mentioned in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and which helped countless Yogis since time immemorial to reach the state of Self-realization.

autorzado. Es posible practicar este tcnica independiente de la edad y la condicin del cuerpo. Para la iniciacin por favor es necesario llevar: 5 flores (simbolo de sus sentidos) 5 frutas (simbolo de sus actividados) 150 (simbolo de sus 3 cuerpos)

How to practise Kriya Yoga?

If you are interested in practising this profound technique of meditation, you are heartly welcome to come to a program with Swamiji. The next date you can find on the enclosed paper. The talk is public and cost-free. To participate the meditation classes you need the initiation into the authentic Kriya Yoga by an authorized teacher. You can practise this technique at every age and body condition. For initiation you need to bring the following please: 5 flowers (as a symbol of your senses) 5 fruits (as a symbol of your activities) 150 (as a symbol of your three bodies)

La tradicin de Kriya Yoga

En el tiempo antigua Kriya Yoga era revelado de God a Vivaswan, despues a Manu y a Ikshwaku. Ensear iba adelanate de uno al otro durante las eras. Muchas centurias mas tarde Babaji enseaba Yogiraj Lahiri Baba, quien pasaba este a sus alumnos. In ancient times, Kriya Yoga was revealed by God to Vivaswan, then to Manu and to Ikshwaku.The teaching continued to be passed down through the ages. Many centuries later Babaji taught Yogiraj Lahiri Baba who passed it on to his disciples

Mahavatar Babaji,el Avatar grande,quien vive depues muchos siglos en las Himalayas, en general invisible. Mahavatar Babaji, the great avatar, who lives since hundreds of year in the Himalays, usually invisible. Lahiri Mahasaya, un padre de familia,quien ha recibo la iniciacin de Babaji en una cava en las Himalayas. Lahiri Mahasaya,the householder Yogi,who received the initiation 1861 from Babaji in a Himalayan cave. Swami Sri Yukteswar, el fundador del Karar Ashram. Todo el tiempo junto con Dios, aun no parpadeo. Swami Sri Yukteswar, founder of the Karar Ashram. Always merged in God, even not blinking the eyes. Bhupendranath Sanyal, el alumno el mas jvenes de Lahiri Baba.Tena tambien familia. Ashramfundador. Bhupendranath Sanyal,the youngest disciple of Lahiri Baba, also householder. Founder of many Ashrams. Paramahamsa Yogananda,autor deLa Autobiografa de un Yogi, muy conocido en todo el mundo. Paramahamsa Yogananda, the author of the worldwide wellknown Autobiography of a Yogi. Swami Satyananda, un amigo muy cerca de Yoganandji desde las dias de la escuela. Satyanandji, a dear friend of Yoganandji since childhood.

Paramahamsa Hariharananda,alumno de SriYuktswar Yoganandji, Bhupendranath Sanyal y Satyanandji. Paramahamsa Hariharananda,disciple of SriYuktswar Yoganandji, Bhupendranath Sanyal and Satyanandji. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, designado como su sucesor de Harihararandaji,para continuar su misin. Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, set by Hariharanandaji as his successor, to continue worldwide his mission.

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