Durham University
Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Oggetto di questo elaborato è il volume L’uomo come fine e altri saggi (1964) di Alberto Moravia. La scelta è ricaduta su quest’opera poiché essa condensa le concezioni letterarie, storiche, umanistiche dello scrittore, nel ventennio che... more
Indagine su una filastrocca del comune di Misterbianco estesa ai comuni limitrofi, svolta nell'ambito del corso universitario di Dialettologia romanza.
A partire da un breve profilo delle metodologie glottodidattiche umanistico-affettive congiunto ad alcune riflessioni di linguistica acquisizionale, utili a creare una cornice teorica, si sono analizzati due casi concreti di insegnamento... more
Cos'è la linguistica clinica? Come si applica l'Analisi della conversazione alla Schizofrenia? Come e perché si entra in questo mondo? Com'è una dimensione "altra" fuori dall'Italia?
Ciò che ci si propone di indagare, attraverso l’Analisi della Conversazione, è il rapporto non facilmente descrivibile tra la psicosi (schizofrenia) e il linguaggio, inteso come conversazione e interazione tra parlanti. Si traccerà un... more
This presentation focuses on a recurrent phenomenon in language-in-interaction, whereby an interactant (pre-emptively) completes a speaker’s turn-in-progress. The phenomenon has been described in terms of collaborative turn sequences... more
The workshop focuses on a recurrent phenomenon in language-in-interaction, whereby an interactant (pre-emptively) completes a speaker’s turn-in-progress. The phenomenon has been described in terms of collaborative turn sequences (Lerner... more
This contribution is an exploratory investigation of the interplay between embodied (gazing and nodding) and grammatical resources deployed by speakers in collaborative turns (cf. collaborative turn sequences in Lerner 1987, 2004;... more
Exploring how practices of clause combining relate to the sequential and temporal organisation of turns and actions in talk-in-interaction, by focusing on speakers' online analysis of turns-in-progress. Showing that clause combining is an... more
This article examines turn-extensions occurring after a possibly complete utterance in conversational Italian. Drawing on a corpus of dyadic and multi-party talk-in-interaction, we use conversation analysis and interactional linguistics... more
In this paper, I investigate hybrid other-extensions, a type of other-extension that occasion a collaborative turn in constructed dialogues or sequences of reported speech. In multiperson settings, these other-extensions are deployed to... more
In this article, we frame men’s club football as an “extremely gendered” organization to explain the underrepresentation of women leaders within the industry. By analyzing women’s leadership work over a 30-year period, we find that... more
BackgroundCervical cancer is a preventable disease. Cases in women age >50 years are predicted to rise by 60% in the next two decades, yet this group are less likely to attend for screening than younger women.AimTo seek novel solutions... more
Skeletal muscle is critical for human health. Protein feeding, alongside resistance exercise, is a potent stimulus for muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and is a key factor that regulates skeletal muscle mass (SMM). The main purpose of this... more
changes in muscle mass? and between acute measure of muscle protein synthesis Commentaries on Viewpoint: What is the relationship You might find this additional info useful...