Discord ID: 431905902992556052
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Hello fellow right wingers
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM I don’t know mate, why does your pfp looks like some shitty edit you bought from a kid on fiverr <:thinkgon:560211224923734026>
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM Wonderful
Seems like I’ve wandered into the edgy conservatives own nest <:thunk:462282216467333140>
Maybe not conservative
Pardon me, but is this Sargon of Akkads server?
I see
I’m not the biggest fan of Sargon
If Stalin can make socialism work then that pretty much explains a lot doesn’t it
Idk what’s a bigger ideology meme, ancaps or nazbols
@NinjaQuick Explain further why?
Nazbols, National Bolsheviks obviously
Communism and Nazism put together
@ᛋᛉKLOᚢ Yeah I know, just a normal simple explanation
According to the CIA and UNICEF agriculture centre. The calorie consumption per capita was roughly the same to the US?
So I’d say that all of this ‘starvation’ claims isn’t much of a counter argument,
Funny thing is that since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The calorie consumption and life expentancy decreased
In Russia
Wdym draining your neighbours?
Coal and Cotton have little affect from quality of life, especially today.
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM Russia is one of the largest oil and natural gas exporter in the world. They provide 50% of all gas resources within the EU itself. I don’t think some coal imports from the soviet era would’ve affected their quality of life
So the MAIN reason that Russia’s quality of life and calorie consumption have decreased since the fall of the wall, is because of some coal imports from Central Asia? I think you’re the one daft here @Tonight at 11 - DOOM
The Beaner on the left
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM
So you’re saying that the reason that their quality of life has decreased is because of minimal access to the global market?
I’m sorry to break it out but wasn’t it like 100x worse during the Cold War era? Russia have free trades with many more countries such as the US and China etc. The USSR was quite isolated in the global market unlike today.
If the former states of the Soviet Union is SO much better. Then why do a majority of people think that the soviet Era was much better? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7828901.stm
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM I’m literally born in south Eastern Europe
But go on
On what way
Living in Sweden currently
@Lucienne d'Anwyl lololololololol LMAO xD sJW sweden immigrant rape LOLOLOLOLOLOL XDDDDD LMFAOOO JAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJ
Fuck me daddy sjw sweden
Rape capital of the world ah yes lemme cum over my InfoWars sources 😩 @Lucienne d'Anwyl
@Lucienne d'Anwyl Please say you’re Danish
Imagine living in the most irrelevant Nordic country
You from Iceland, you’re literally known for fucking sheeps
One terrorist attack in 10 years <:powerful:595334910764515338>
LMAO I bet half of this server claims they’re centrists
Ew Iceland dude
TPUSA is a whole meme
Anti sementic
Check m8 atheists
Ew Iceland nigga
Is the new Star Wars sjw baised?
Is the new Star Wars trilogy SJW baised?
Do y’all know who hbomber is
Nah hbomber is hella fun
He trolled tf outta Sargon
@Umi-chan Don’t think I’m the one who needs to elaborate
Basically he trolled Sargon and made fun of him because Sargon overreacted on his twitter ban, but also that he misread his sources. Can’t explain it all. Long time ago I saw that video
@Coolitic Hmmmm idk, I’m a bored fella, in middle of a right wing server with a bunch of Sargon stans, maybe that’s the reason?
Ok then cEnTrIST
Yes and im a commie too @Louis
@Coolitic I’m curious
And once again, I’m bored
@Louis Yes daddy, I’m a soyboy leftist cuck 54 genders white knight too 🥺
Lmao I think this is fun
I ain’t taking this serious, if you think that’s the reason I’m here for
@Coolitic Then you have a weird way of taking/seeing discord messages seriously.
“Yes daddy, I’m a soyboy leftist cuck 54 genders white knight too 🥺”
Hmmm maybe I am a soyboy leftist cuck 54 genders white knight LGBTQ ANTIFA leftist cuck? <:thinkgon:560211224923734026>
@Louis Hmmm maybe you’re the one taking in serious 🥴
@Weez I am actually leftist tho
@Weez Social Democrat
Oh no I’m a moron because I’m not a democratic socialist
Sargon should add political roles here
My man went from AL to AR
@Weez How many times do I gotta defend y’all radical leftists
Tbh commies > edgy trump supporters
Ew iceland dude
All these bitches think that I’m republican
Why can’t I invite people
Why can’t I invite people to this server
Ew Iceland nigga
I have a question pardon me
Why can’t I invite people?
I know some people who wanna join
How do I invite people to this server then?
Why can’t you invite people to this server?
@Eccles Hehe the people I’m trying to invite are Conservatives
Social Conservatives
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