Message from @AydeMori☠
Discord ID: 608496606760927252
so why are you moping and yelling at me again?
But, instead, she's stayed for seven years, with a man who isn't stable, and she compares to a woman
She's his emotional support
random memories about leaving your gf for literally no reason
making you sad
There were reasons
just like SMG whining about his foreskin
so you lash out at the only girl you can think of on the interwebs
just bitch to your mother
Plot twist: it was Luci.
nah bruj
ive never gone west of the mississipi
I came here to bitch about shit, and found a man masquerading as a lesbian
I don't lash out at women cause I'm a Nice Guy
thats where the commies live
Oh, the best part
Last time I met with her, we toked on a hill, in the snow
She asked if I was a trump supporter
Because she was genuinely concerned. There are many reason I'm glad I don't see her
uh huh
I'm far beyond "trump supporter"
I'd still likely be communist if I didn't kick her out
Eight times
and an ex commie to boot
are you sure you dont just have brain damage
Not really. I was raised unknowing what communism was
As far as I knew, it was a form of acceptable extremism. Because, in those circles, it's expected
you defo sound like a crazy
I used to be commie, then I turned 13.
Well, I was 16 when I still called myself that
i used to be a republican and then i became a monarchist
get dabbeed on libcucks