Message from @AydeMori☠
Discord ID: 610540761188007936
You're a nonce
@NinjaQuick IRONIC
Aoc is somewhat hot. But a damned ten on the crazy scale
AOC is peak tbh.
You'd have to stick a brown paper bag over her head, Aquila
Would elect her as my supreme leader.
AOC is a political non-entity. Well, not a non-*entity* but a non-actor.
Eh. I'd have to stuff her mouth to prevent any of her noises @Eccles
>Peak anything
pick one
Talking about her is silly
She's pretty much Anita
Delete that.
don't talk about her and she'll fade into obscurity
also, the weird shit with money
I wouldn't even rape AOC
Why can’t you invite people to this server?
there's already an invite link
@ebinmemes22 good, you shouldn't. There are much more beautiful women to rape <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>
We don't want any more Huffington Post journalists invited, Ayde
it's in the desc of this video
I think that link is broken
Idk if there's an active link tbh
pretty sure links are dead to isolate us from the otherkins
There is
I used it recently 😃
nah, it's to protect them from us
@HunDread there's already bronies, it can't get much worse
Half the server is insane, the other half journos, piling up evidence
@AydeMori☠ which type?
Sure, get them here
like British?
Social Conservatives
European conservatives?