Message from @AydeMori☠
Discord ID: 608410378984226821
Yeah but, bring him back
wait google shits on loli but not shota?
I can't force someone to rejoin
Hold them at gunpoint
Uh huh
Dunno if it's a warzone more like just nigger crime cesspool
Occasional bombing
Some rapr
Nothing nationwidr
he left about a month or so ago though
>Eastern European: "I believe something that contradicts your beliefs regarding this region"
>Centrist: "You must have never been to that region"
>Eastern European: "I am from this region"
>Centrist: "You are a strange person"
Boy not allowed his own beliefs now or what? Holy fuck
He's going to be on the front lines for sure, that crayon eating fuck
he wants to go NAVSOC
navy seals
Does he have the IQ for the seals?
That doesn't make any sense
Why would they let a marine
Join the navy seals
The Marines have their own special forces
i think marine training will get him ready for seals
Probably does
He's definitely got the physical ability
And seals are very acauatic based
If he can't do a lot of water stuff
He'd never make it
@AydeMori☠ im a centre-right libertarian...if it isn't sensible light weight regulation to allow small businesses to florish it's not a free market society
I've worked with a decent amount of Eastern Europeans, they leave their country for a reason, some have said they preferred the Soviet Union, others are thankful it's gone
campbell is a strong swimmer
It's like Scotland, some wanna leave the UK, others want to stay
Can he swim
In clothes
With hands cuffed
Dana, my darling