
Discord ID: 361158841880281090

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2019-11-05 23:47:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-05 23:50:24 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@RadRhys he can, it's true!

2019-11-05 23:51:50 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-05 23:52:04 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

they're all on thee same team

2019-11-05 23:52:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

all governments are on the same team

2019-11-05 23:52:23 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

it is Us vs Them

2019-11-05 23:52:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Russias sputnik was controlled by the russian branch of the freemasons

2019-11-05 23:54:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@Batcon allegedly

2019-11-06 00:04:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  


2019-11-06 00:07:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

those germans were into some interesting stuff

2019-11-06 00:08:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

and then Operation Paperclip

2019-11-06 00:08:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

the founding of NASA by all those German Scientists

2019-11-06 00:11:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

and how about Operation fishbowl or Project Dominic or Operation High Jump

2019-11-06 00:15:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

yeh I think they did too

2019-11-06 00:16:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

but the one's that founded NASA were an interesting buncch

2019-11-06 00:17:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

was the head

2019-11-06 00:17:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

I don't know tbh, it's one of those red herrings

2019-11-06 00:18:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

good for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-11-06 00:19:12 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-06 00:19:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-06 00:19:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-06 00:44:54 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

troll overload

2019-11-06 01:10:38 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-06 01:10:41 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-06 01:12:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

it issn't

2019-11-06 01:12:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

read the inserts for the vaccinations

2019-11-06 01:12:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

it's poison

2019-11-06 01:13:30 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

back in the day, parents would take their kids to measles or chiicken pox parties, the kids would get exposure to it, build up an immunity and go on to live a healthy liffe

and the fractals that occur in nature

Absolutely! ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-11-06 12:51:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Metallica what method did they use to prove that quantum entanglement is real and that they used blackholes ?

2019-11-06 12:54:31 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

you keep saying they proved, what method did they use to demonstrate their proof? @Metallica

2019-11-06 13:07:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

it's all related

2019-11-06 13:08:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

proove one, disprove the other

2019-11-06 13:11:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

he's already explained it to you

2019-11-06 13:41:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

in 2 minutess

2019-11-06 13:41:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-11-06 13:56:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

doesn't matter about the low differential, between the upper atmosphere and the supposed vacuum of space. the fact that there is a differential is enough for the effect you should expect to happen. the second law of thermodynamics dictates this, entropy takes effect here and works towards finding equilibrium, nullifying any differential that may exist.

2019-11-06 14:01:38 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Exactly!!! "Why isn't gas spreading out to increase entropy" come on baller, you have all the answers for your precious theoretical globe model!!! Answer the question! ๐Ÿ˜‰

2019-11-06 14:02:23 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

your turn to answer

2019-11-06 14:02:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I've done my bit

2019-11-06 14:02:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

if you refuse, it's because you know you can't

2019-11-06 14:03:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

he hasn't answered the question! I'll wait til I see an answer to it, no need for me to waste any more of my time on you! you think you know a lot, when in reality, you know nothing

2019-11-08 10:28:54 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@neon.yandere#8624 Good Job! yeh the fakery is blatant in that one

2019-11-11 09:46:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

@INeedMySpace Everyone on this flat plane is a flat earther! (they just don't know it yet) so tell me, where's any technology brought to this flat plane by any globe earthers?

2019-11-11 11:14:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

just observing this ridiculous conversation is enough to kill braincells

2019-11-11 11:15:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

someone cllearly doesn't even understand what the "civil" means in "civil debate" just another brandead globe worshipper eh?

2019-11-11 11:17:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

not you kiwi

2019-11-11 11:17:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

the other one cussing out

2019-11-11 11:20:31 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

ok, so you disbelieve the globe but you're not a flat earther, so is it fair to say you're a globe skeptic?

2019-11-11 11:21:00 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

fair enough, I was a globe skeptic for a while

2019-11-11 11:21:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

the globe model is ridiculous and as for whether it's flat, the truth is, we don't really know the reality of this place but it sure seems very flat

2019-11-11 11:22:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

seeing as there is no provably, measurable curvature

2019-11-11 11:25:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

seeing as the place is aboutt 75% water and the water is level, it's far more likely flat but there's a possibility that there's more to it than that even. What we do know for certain is that we are being lied to by governments and media

2019-11-11 11:32:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

perhaps they are misinformed, the whole system from bottom to top is compartmentalised, each compartment knows only what it needs to know to perform it's specific function. Those at the top will know the most but in any case, we know things aren't what we're told and the evidence that this isn't a globe is overwhelming. Scientists, should, in light of available information should start to question it and test it and release peer reviewed studies. We know that's not happening and that's because the truth is being suppressed. The most important question, is: Why?

2019-11-11 11:33:51 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

not at all

2019-11-11 11:33:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

enlighten me

2019-11-11 11:39:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

I wouldn't say they didn't lie but they certainly are very misleading with the information that they do put out! they don't make corrections to the info they make available. even if it was a case of them withholding the truth, that would be a lie by omission

2019-11-11 11:45:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

they definitely lie, no doubt about that tbh, they continually tell us they went to the moon in the 60s which we know to not be the case. and they continue to reinforce their lies with things like the ISS where they provably fake zero-g with harnesses, green/blue screen and various other aspects to convey the illusion of space and what man is supposedly doing

2019-11-11 11:48:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

yeh for sure, but in any case, it's clear that we are being deceived and the true nature of this place on which we live isn't what we're lead to believe

2019-11-11 11:50:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

well, there's certainly common ground which we all share and it is Us vs Them, we're all victims to the lies and those that aren't aware of this yet need to snap out of it and wake tf up

2019-11-12 06:57:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ™‰ ๐Ÿ™Š

2019-11-12 08:39:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  


2019-11-12 11:39:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@liks still no proof of curvature or rotation ?

2019-11-12 11:54:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@liks LOL that's hilarious!

2019-11-12 11:55:08 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

if that's what you consider proof of a globe, you are sorely mistaken

2019-11-12 11:58:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

you can keep banging that drum all you like, there's a quote about asking the same question and expecting a different answer. You should google it!

2019-11-12 12:01:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

why do you think NASA has to continue to fake all of the things they show us?

2019-11-12 12:03:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

you're a joke

2019-11-12 12:03:23 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

keep believing in your theoretical spinning monkey ball

2019-11-12 12:03:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

for which the evidence to support it is non-existent

2019-11-12 12:07:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

show proof of curvature or rotation, you will never be able to, because you do not live on a spinning ball!

2019-11-12 12:10:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

all you have as evidence is claims, told to you by liars, CGI and NASA fakery. Nothing tangible. If curvature existed and/or rotation, there would be a way to show/demonstrate that proof. no-one has ever been able to, because they can't! because this place is not spinning and it has zero curvature. Argue all you want, step outside and acquire proof of curvature. But you won't! you'll just argue and parrot everything you're told, without having ever seen real proof or obtained it for yourself

2019-11-12 12:12:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

not at all,only in that head of yours. That seems to be the only argument you possess, lack of something is not proof of something. now, step outside, get some real proof. all you have is circular argumentation.

2019-11-12 12:14:21 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

there's about 200 proofs, now go debunk All Of Them!!! come back when you have!

2019-11-12 12:16:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

laugh all you want, you're wrong, you just believe you're not.

2019-11-12 12:16:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

zero evidence on your side

2019-11-12 12:16:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-12 12:16:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-12 12:16:41 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-12 12:16:42 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-12 12:16:44 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-12 12:16:47 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

nothing as proof

2019-11-12 12:17:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

but keep patting yourself on the back! keep telling yourself you're right

2019-11-12 17:37:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

@Say nice idea, but... just show proof of curvature and proof of rotation. there's plenty of explanations for the observation, commonly referred to as "gravity" you've likely already heard and dismissed them already because you so desperately want to hold on tightly to your precious globe model, with no real reasoning other than "but scientist xyz told me or NASA this or Neil Degrasse Tyson that" If you're not going to respond with proof of the things I'm asking for "curvature" or "rotation" I have no real interest in this conversation!

2019-11-12 17:41:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

oh sticks LMAO

2019-11-12 17:41:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  


2019-11-12 17:41:36 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

No sticks prove nothing

2019-11-12 17:41:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

come on, provide a better one than the sticks BS

2019-11-12 17:42:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

well... do you have a better "proof" than sticks?

2019-11-12 17:44:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

No! the sticks thing is not proof! this is not me being dishonest, it's me being realistic. Those sticks prove nothing

2019-11-12 17:46:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

because you're just parroting the same BS you heard from one of your leaders! come on man, use some real logical reasoning here. we've heard the sticks stuff before, many times, it's utter nonsense. Now, are you going to provide real proof, or do you really want to argue about sticks? cos honestly, it's pathetic

2019-11-12 17:47:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

we don't have a model

2019-11-12 17:48:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

looks close, feels close and just like the globe model, nobody has ever actually measured the distance, because nobody can

294 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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