Message from @CryptoCypher
Discord ID: 641430605631979539
And it saw its first use in 1906
I’m sure it’s been modified since then right?
They modified it a bit
It used to use mercury as a balance but then they modified it to use heavy oil as a balance
These things were used on all submarines in ww2
So the accuracy was heavily documented
Yeah and so were pendulums and occult items.
On the german side at least.
Any evidence to back up that claim
I do remember something about Germans trying to test a hollow Earth by aiming up to spy on the UK
those germans were into some interesting stuff
and then Operation Paperclip
the founding of NASA by all those German Scientists
I definitely prefer how the Soviets handled the old German regime
Nazis don’t get a pass 😤
and how about Operation fishbowl or Project Dominic or Operation High Jump
Pretty sure Russia also took scientists
What about them?
yeh I think they did too
Von Braun
was the head
But I just want to know
How a gyrocompass
Could possibly work on a flat earth
I don't know tbh, it's one of those red herrings
Without WW2, who knows where certain countries would be
If the Germans kept their scientists
i got a gynocompass
good for you! 🙂
Strange NASA devices =/= proof of globe.
Hey guys
The earth isn't flat or round
It's a cube