Message from @CryptoCypher
Discord ID: 643786163194167445
@liks LOL that's hilarious!
if that's what you consider proof of a globe, you are sorely mistaken
Do you have a correct map?
you can keep banging that drum all you like, there's a quote about asking the same question and expecting a different answer. You should google it!
Why do you think we still dont have a map
why do you think NASA has to continue to fake all of the things they show us?
you're a joke
keep believing in your theoretical spinning monkey ball
for which the evidence to support it is non-existent
You will never have a map of the flat earth
Because its impossible
Earth is a ball
show proof of curvature or rotation, you will never be able to, because you do not live on a spinning ball!
all you have as evidence is claims, told to you by liars, CGI and NASA fakery. Nothing tangible. If curvature existed and/or rotation, there would be a way to show/demonstrate that proof. no-one has ever been able to, because they can't! because this place is not spinning and it has zero curvature. Argue all you want, step outside and acquire proof of curvature. But you won't! you'll just argue and parrot everything you're told, without having ever seen real proof or obtained it for yourself
The fact that you can’t map the earth on a plane is a proof of curvature
not at all,only in that head of yours. That seems to be the only argument you possess, lack of something is not proof of something. now, step outside, get some real proof. all you have is circular argumentation.
The existence of the southern celestial pole is enough to prove the flat earth model is wrong
there's about 200 proofs, now go debunk All Of Them!!! come back when you have!
zero evidence on your side
nothing as proof
but keep patting yourself on the back! keep telling yourself you're right
!mute @Tae
"South*StarToday at 2:32 AM
If earth is flat, than earth Chan has flat chest"
Ye Ik him. He’s a lil troll. I told em he was gonna get muted if he said stuff like that
Well hopefully he learns.
No further questions.
@oh hi mark 1 minute in the video and shes saying circumnavigation is not possible on flat earth which is false. Condemnation without investigation once again.
@CryptoCypher we can test this ourselves if you want to
Also, I’d still like to hear the mechanism behind objects accelerating downwards
Something other than “Thats just how it is”