Papers by Mercan Efe Güney
Turkish studies - economics, finance, politics, Dec 31, 2022
Kocaeli Üniversitesi mimarlık ve yaşam dergisi, Nov 8, 2023
Kent Akademisi, Dec 15, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 6, 2020
Iconarp international journal architecture and planning, Dec 20, 2022
Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, 2011
Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 2010
The region is the first scale unit that professional of planning became operational. Therefore, d... more The region is the first scale unit that professional of planning became operational. Therefore, determining the correct form of region planning is possible when its condition both in Turkey and in the world is recognized and evaluated. The following text consists of three parts. In the first part, the region in world literature will be reviewed, the system on which the region establishes in the United ,ations (U,) and European Union (EU) will be discussed and thus cases of academic and institutional studies carried out on the region in the world will be revealed. In the second part, similarities and differences between Turkey and the world in terms of region planning will be put forward by regarding that Turkey has been in candidateship process for EU. Lastly, Turkey will be evaluated in regards to regional planning as a result of the review conducted. A regional border suggestion will also be presented within the scope of the subject in this evaluation. Key Words: Region, zoning, ,UTS, development agency.
SAGE Open, 2021
The aim of this study was to develop a scale to measure the attitudes of the university academic ... more The aim of this study was to develop a scale to measure the attitudes of the university academic and administrative staff and students toward sexual harassment and assault, and examine its psychometric properties. After the development of the item pool and examination of the content validity of the intended items, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and parallel analysis was conducted and Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was calculated collecting data from 150 participants (54.7% of female and 45.3% of male) for the initial version (comprised of 12 items) of the Attitudes Toward Sexual Harassment and Assault Scale (ATSHAS). In the second phase, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted with 354 participants (54% of female and 46% of male) for the revised version (10 items) of the ATSHAS. Additionally, Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was calculated with second sample. After developing the item pool, the completion of the first phase of the study took 5 months, a...
Ege Coğrafya Dergisi
Endüstriyel Miras Alanları oluşturuldukları dönemlerin sanayi ve kalkınma açısından üretim alanla... more Endüstriyel Miras Alanları oluşturuldukları dönemlerin sanayi ve kalkınma açısından üretim alanları iken, bugünün ise oluşturuldukları dönemleri simgeleyen izleridir. Ancak bu yapılar dünyadaki bakış açısı kapsamında kimliğin yeniden üretim alanları olarak görülmektedir. Bir başka deyişle geçmişten bugüne kalan üretim yapıları ve alanları yeni bir üretim alanı olarak planlanmaktadır. Bu üretim, endüstriyel miras yapılarının korunarak sürdürülmesi bağlamında hem işlevlendirilmesi hem de bir rota önerisi ile farklı kullanıcıların ziyaret edebileceği alanlar haline dönüştürülmesidir. Böylece kent kimliğinin korunması ve sürdürülmesinin yanı sıra turizm aktiviteleri aracılığıyla kente ekonomik katkı da sağlanacaktır. Çünkü rotalar kültürler arası deneyimlemeyi artırmanın yanı sıra kimlik, kültür, özgünlük, farkındalık, bölgesel kalkınma ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma gibi kavramlarla coğrafyayı ilişkilendiren önemli unsurlardır. Bu çalışma İzmir Alsancak Liman Arkası Bölgesi için endüstriye...
Kentler kadın dostu planlama yaklaşımı ile üretilmelidir. Çünkü bir kentin kadın dostu olması o k... more Kentler kadın dostu planlama yaklaşımı ile üretilmelidir. Çünkü bir kentin kadın dostu olması o kentin herkes için planlanmış olması demektir. Kadın dostu kent için planlama meslek alanının gerekli veri setini ve değerlendirme yöntemini belirlemesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma erişilebilirlik, güvenlik ve kentsel hizmet kapsamında kentsel yoksunluğu belirleme, değerlendirme ve sorunlara çözüm önerme konusunda geliştirilmeye açık bir model önerisi getirmeye çalışmıştır. Seçilen pilot bölgede erişilebilirlik ve güvenlik kapsamındaki incelemeler belirlenen veri setine göre yapılırken hizmet yoksunluğu kapsamında her bir sosyal altyapı alanı (lise, ortaokul, ilkokul, cami, sağlık tesisleri ve yeşil alanlar) için ayrı ayrı yoksun bölgeler saptanmıştır. Bu çalışma mevcut bir dokuda yoksunluk incelemesinin nasıl yapılacağını göstermesinin yanı sıra kadın dostu kent planlama çalışmalarına katkı koymasıyla da önemlidir. Çalışmanın inceleme yöntemi ve getirilen öneriler, kadın dostu bir kentin o...
Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Ataerkil bir toplum olan Türkiye’ de toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği, toplumsal her alanı olduğu g... more Ataerkil bir toplum olan Türkiye’ de toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği, toplumsal her alanı olduğu gibi kentin kurgulanmasını ve kentsel yaşam pratiklerini de etkilemektedir. Çünkü kentler, tüm yaşayanların gereksinim ve taleplerini gözeterek oluşturulmamaktadır. Oysaki ‘kentli hakkı’ gereğince, toplumun her kesimi tüm kentsel hizmetlerden eşit yararlanmalıdır. Ancak şehir planlama meslek alanının mevzuatına ve tüm ölçeklerdeki analiz ve uygulama alanlarına kadınların ve erkeklerin kenti deneyimleme farklılıkları yansıtılmadığından kadınlar kentleri erkekler kadar kullanamamakta ve sonuçta kent kadınlar için toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini yerine getirdikleri hizmet alanları haline gelmektedir. Bu yüzden şehir planlama bir bilim ve meslek alanı olarak kadınların kentsel yoksunluk yaşamamaları, kenti sınırlılıkları olmadan deneyimlemeleri ve kentteki güvensizlik problemlerinin giderilmesine yönelik yaklaşımlar geliştirmelidir. Bu tanımlamaya en uygun yaklaşım, kadınların kentsel yaşamın tü...
The fact that the administrative organization which lays the foundations of decision generation p... more The fact that the administrative organization which lays the foundations of decision generation process is not based on natural boundaries is one of the significant reasons for the inadequacy of the precautions taken and the decisions generated in planning for the protection of the nature and for the difficulties encountered in putting them into practice. In other words, the provincial boundaries which constitute the framework of the administrative organization where planning is currently authorized do not coincide with the natural boundaries. In this study, it was considered that river basins are natural boundaries which should be taken as a basis for the protection of water cycle-resources and it was aimed to the redefine the provincial boundaries compatible with basins. For the realization of the aim, changeability of provincial boundaries was examined and no criterion was identified regarding how the current provincial boundaries are determined. In the case of the absence of criteria hindering the said change, it was demonstrated that the provincial boundaries are changeable and thus the proposal of new provincial boundaries based on basin boundaries was generated.
Cogent Social Sciences, Nov 23, 2022
Turkish women use cities as service areas where they practice their social gender roles. Parks ar... more Turkish women use cities as service areas where they practice their social gender roles. Parks are one of these service areas. This study aims to propose ways to analyze and assess green areas as public places regarding the women-friendly city concept as a way of promoting gender equality. The study claims that planning and constructing a green area is insufficient to create a public place, and the existence of a green area does not mean that it can be used. Furthermore, green areas should be approached in a context where their existence is not merely limited to their square meter ratios per person. Thus, green areas should be planned with a women-friendly perspective which meets the needs and demands of all users and with an approach that overcomes the intersectionality-blindness of planning.This study analyzes green areas based on the following three categories: accessibility, safety, and usability. The findings revealed that no parks met these criteria, especially in the densely used areas. Furthermore, problems related to all the three criteria were observed in the central area, and as people moved away from this area, issues related to accessibility and security came to the fore
Cogent Social Sciences, 2022
Turkish women use cities as service areas where they practice their social gender roles. Parks ar... more Turkish women use cities as service areas where they practice their social gender roles. Parks are one of these service areas. This study aims to propose ways to analyze and assess green areas as public places regarding the women-friendly city concept as a way of promoting gender equality. The study claims that planning and constructing a green area is insufficient to create a public place, and the existence of a green area does not mean that it can be used. Furthermore, green areas should be approached in a context where their existence is not merely limited to their square meter ratios per person. Thus, green areas should be planned with a women-friendly perspective which meets the needs and demands of all users and with an approach that overcomes the intersectionality-blindness of planning.This study analyzes green areas based on the following three categories: accessibility, safety, and usability. The findings revealed that no parks met these criteria, especially in the densely used areas. Furthermore, problems related to all the three criteria were observed in the central area, and as people moved away from this area, issues related to accessibility and security came to the fore.
Cogent Social Sciences, 2022
Turkish women use cities as service areas where they practice their social
gender roles. Parks ar... more Turkish women use cities as service areas where they practice their social
gender roles. Parks are one of these service areas. This study aims to propose ways to analyze and assess green areas as public places regarding the women-friendly city concept as a way of promoting gender equality. The study claims that planning and constructing a green area is insufficient to create a public place, and the existence of a green area does not mean that it can be used. Furthermore, green areas should be approached in a context where their existence is not merely limited to their square meter ratios per person. Thus, green areas should be planned with
a women-friendly perspective which meets the needs and demands of all users and with an approach that overcomes the intersectionality-blindness of planning.This study analyzes green areas based on the following three categories: accessibility, safety, and usability. The findings revealed that no parks met these criteria, especially in the densely used areas. Furthermore, problems related to all the three criteria were observed in the central area, and as people moved away from this
area, issues related to accessibility and security came to the fore
Papers by Mercan Efe Güney
gender roles. Parks are one of these service areas. This study aims to propose ways to analyze and assess green areas as public places regarding the women-friendly city concept as a way of promoting gender equality. The study claims that planning and constructing a green area is insufficient to create a public place, and the existence of a green area does not mean that it can be used. Furthermore, green areas should be approached in a context where their existence is not merely limited to their square meter ratios per person. Thus, green areas should be planned with
a women-friendly perspective which meets the needs and demands of all users and with an approach that overcomes the intersectionality-blindness of planning.This study analyzes green areas based on the following three categories: accessibility, safety, and usability. The findings revealed that no parks met these criteria, especially in the densely used areas. Furthermore, problems related to all the three criteria were observed in the central area, and as people moved away from this
area, issues related to accessibility and security came to the fore
gender roles. Parks are one of these service areas. This study aims to propose ways to analyze and assess green areas as public places regarding the women-friendly city concept as a way of promoting gender equality. The study claims that planning and constructing a green area is insufficient to create a public place, and the existence of a green area does not mean that it can be used. Furthermore, green areas should be approached in a context where their existence is not merely limited to their square meter ratios per person. Thus, green areas should be planned with
a women-friendly perspective which meets the needs and demands of all users and with an approach that overcomes the intersectionality-blindness of planning.This study analyzes green areas based on the following three categories: accessibility, safety, and usability. The findings revealed that no parks met these criteria, especially in the densely used areas. Furthermore, problems related to all the three criteria were observed in the central area, and as people moved away from this
area, issues related to accessibility and security came to the fore
Planlama sürecinin doğru ilerleyebilmesi için süreçte yer alacak kurumlar net tanımlanmalıdır. Ek olarak bu kurumların birbirleriyle ilişkili faaliyet alanlarında ortak karar verebilme mekanizmasının oluşturabilmesi için yetki/hizmet alanı sınırlarının örtüşmesi gerekmektedir. Bu konudaki en önemli gelişmelerden biri, AB’ye uyum sürecinde 2002 yılında 4720 sayılı Bakanlar Kurulu Kararı (BKK) ile kabul edilen İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırmasıdır (İBBS). İlgili Yönetmelikte “Bölgesel istatistiklerin toplanması, geliştirilmesi, bölgelerin sosyoekonomik analizlerinin yapılması, bölgesel politikaların çerçevesinin belirlenmesi ve Avrupa Birliği Bölgesel İstatistik Sistemine uygun karşılaştırılabilir istatistiki veri tabanlarının oluşturulması amacıyla ülke genelinde İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırması tanımlanmıştır” ifadesi yer almaktadır (Madde 1). Fakat mevcut durumda BM’lerinin sınırları birbirleriyle uyumlu olmadığı gibi belirlenen İBBS sınırlarıyla da uyumlu değildir. Bu kapsamda çalışmada kuruluş yıllarına göre BM’lerinin teşkilat yapıları, görev ve yetkileri aktarılacak ve sınırları (varsa) belirlenme kriterleriyle değerlendirilecektir.
Yaşanan bu sonuca bir karşı duruş olan ‘kadın dostu kentler’ kadınların kent yoksunluğuna karşı çözüm projesi olarak gelişmiştir. Kadın Dostu Kentler, kadınların kentsel yaşamın tüm alanlarında erkeklerle eşit olarak vatandaş kimliğiyle yer alabildiği kentlerdir. Bir başka deyişle kadın dostu kent, kentin kadınlar için de etkili ve erişilebilir olduğu, fiziki çevrenin ve mekânların kadınlar ve kız çocukları için güvenli ve kullanılabilir olmasının sağlandığı ve planlama süreçlerinin tümünde toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ilkelerinin/uygulamalarının gözetildiği kenttir.
Kadın dostu kentler, evrensel tasarım ve herkes için kent anlayışını gerçekleştirmek üzere ilkeler geliştirmiştir. Bu ilkelerin gerçeklik bulabilmesi/uygulamaya geçirilebilmesi planlama mevzuatı ve uygulama alanlarında gerekli düzenlemelerin yapılabilmesine bağlıdır. Bu noktada, kadınların ve kız çocuklarının kültürel çevredeki gereksinimlerinin ve bu çevreden beklentilerinin saptanması önem kazanmaktadır. Dolayısıyla kadın dostu kentin planlanabilmesi için kadınların kent yoksunluğunun kabul edilmesi; kadın dostu kent kapsamında geliştirilen ilkelerin uygulama araçlarının belirlenmesi; uygulama örneklerinin incelenmesi ve sonuçlarına göre olumlu ve olumsuz yönlerine göre değerlendirilmesi ve mevzuatın yerelin koşullarına göre düzenlenmesi önceliklidir.
Bu kitap, kadın dostu kent kapsamında yapılmış tanımları; Birleşmiş Milletler ve Avrupa Birliği’nde konuya yönelik yapılmış çalışma ve sözleşmeleri; Türkiye’nin bu süreçte durduğu noktayı ve örnek uygulamaları vermesiyle kadın dostu kent kapsamında bir bilgilendirme kitabı olmasının yanı sıra ulaşım, güvenlik, yeşil alan, kent mobilyaları ve mevzuata yönelik olarak İzmir’in Bornova İlçesinde geliştirdiği projeler ve önerilerle kadın dostu kent uygulamaları kapsamında literatüre katkı koymayı amaçlamaktadır.
important stage of building this city is the establishment of mechanisms to ensure participatory management at
the local level, the consideration of gender mainstreaming by local governments in planning and decision-making
processes and the development of areas of cooperation between women and local decision-makers by including
women in all processes. In other words, the prerequisite of the women-friendly city is that women have a say in
policies that affect them by taking part in decision-making and planning processes. However, today, women who
constitute half of the population cannot use the possibilities of the city as men since they are / could not be included
in those processes as a participant and / or as a representative, and consequently they experience inequality.
As well as representation and having a word of women in politics is a requirement of democracy in terms of
representation, it is also a way of mentioning the problems and needs of women and finding solution for those.
Therefore, an important step to ensure gender mainstreaming in Turkey is to equalize women’s representation in
politics with men. In this context, this study examined and analyzed representation of women in terms of both
candidates and winners in provincial councilors, municipal councilors and MPs in 2009 and 2014 local elections
and 2011 and in the 2015 general elections in the 13 women-friendly cities in Turkey and also particularly
Izmir by mapping with Geographical Information Systems. This review reveals not only the comparison of women-
friendly cities with each other but also the status of those cities in the 12 NUTS 1 Regions. In this way, the
situation of women-friendly cities in terms of women’s representation in Turkey was observed, while the status of
those cities in their regions was also observed by identification as women-friendly cities. In the same scope, the
study focused on the city of Izmir, and examined and analyzed differences in representation of women in İzmir with
both NUTS 1 region where the city is located and also all women-friendly cities. The findings of the study show
that increasing the number of women candidates across women-friendly cities has a statistically significant effect
on the number of women who are elected. The study will contribute to the literature on gender mainstreaming.
economic, social and technological developments. However, these developments; has caused many ecological problems
across the border. With globalization, the solution of environmental problems resulting from global human
actions such as excessive and unbalanced consumption of resources, decreasing biodiversity, environmental pollution
and climate change can be achieved through global human actions such as the alliance of government and
non-governmental organizations. In this paper, in line with the ecological globalization concept defined by this
algorithm, the effects of global scale developments on the shaping of environmental and conservation legislation
in Turkey will be discussed. However, the seriousness of the environmental threats we face today has shown that
the developments in the process of globalization of ecology are not sufficient at the point of solution. When the
reasons for this are examined, it can be said that most of the global negotiations and the resulting agreements
have not been put into practice, that there are no practical mechanisms in the process of fulfilling the obligations,
or that, in other words, coordinated actions have not taken place. However, the fact that developed countries,
which are the main actors of the globalization process, regard these measures as an obstacle in front of the
developments has also revealed difficulties in practice. Looking at Turkey’s scale, it can be said that in recent years,
new approaches such as sustainable development and participatory policies have been adopted. However, the developments
continue to be inadequate in preventing environmental problems in Turkey. Turkey can be defined
as a developing country and sufficient resources cannot be allocated for investments in protected areas. However,
meetings at global level and agreements signed as a result cannot be clearly and adequately included in regulations.
At the point of solution of environmental problems, a joint institutional structure and strategies should be
determined with the government power, non-governmental organizations, local people. In addition, it is important
to understand that, environmental protection is not an obstacle in front of development, but rather the approach
that protection can be used as a tool for development.
is equal before the law regardless of language, race, color, sex, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion,
sect and similar reasons”. This article is based on Article 10 of the Constitution which provides equality of everyone
before the law. In parallel, in the Beijing Action Platform that has been accepted in the World Women’s Conference
IV to which to which Turkey is also included, it was stated that “obstacles to women’s equal participation
in private and public life can be eliminated through women’s participation in political decision-making positions
and mechanisms”. Despite these binding factors, sense of politics in Turkey causes political roles and participation
of women to be limited with majorly as voters. Even, there is no obligation in the Law on Political Parties
for the parties to nominate women candidates. It was observed that whether the year, the province or the name
of the party changes, the names of many candidates repeated; almost the same names have been observed in the
process of continuous nomination. In addition to the fact that politicians are the same, other important factors
of why women remain as voters in politics are; grand parties generally elect men for membership of general provincial
councils while small scale parties try to elect women and those parties which are accepted to participate in
elections do not present women and/or men candidates in each province and town, in other words those are the
areas to which political parties do not show interest in. In this context, this study examined the number of parties
and independent candidates who were elected in the 2009 and 2014 local elections and in the 2011 and 2015
general elections. In the study process, SPSS; ArcGIS programs were used for analyzing the data regarding electoral
period. This study reveals the fact that the reason why some of the parties do not nominate any candidates for
some provinces could be explained by NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 Regions (Classification of Statistical Region Units)
and in parallel, it also reveals how to prevent the active participation of women in politics in these provinces districts
where women are not nominated and also the status of independent candidates. The results contribute to
gender mainstreaming studies by associating the total population of provinces with and without candidate nominations
to the female population and to the ratio of participation of women in business life.
for general election in 1934, women could not reach to the required level of equal participation to politics in
terms of active participation. The low level of participation of women in politics at the local and national level is
not from the reluctance of women to enter into politics, but rather from the malestream political culture and the
masculine structure of political parties as an extension. There are no special measures to encourage women’s participation
in the charter of the majority of political parties. This is due to the fact that such special measures are
not based directly on the Constitution and are not stipulated in the Political Parties and Election Law but left to
arbitrary treatments. The election of women to parliament or local governments depends entirely on the will of
the party authorities to nominate women and to present them in the top of the list. A balanced representation of
women in political decision-making and public administration processes is an important requisite of democracy
and is vital for the quality of public administration. The involvement of more women in competent positions
enables a more effective solution to the problems and needs of women citizens. In this context, this study focuses
on how the representation shows a distribution geographically over data on women’s representation in Turkey
through the provincial and district level. Within the scope of this study; in 2009 and 2014 local elections and in
the 2011 and 2015 general elections, data of mayors, provincial councilors, municipal councilors and MPs and
data on population, education levels, net migration rate and velocity, birth and marriage rates of provinces were
obtained and this data set is mapped in computer environment by using Geographical Information Systems. Rates
of women candidates and elected women in abovementioned elections were evaluated firstly at the provincial
level, then at level of districts. The findings show that, except for the present geographical regions and NUTS regions;
women rates constitute regions in certain areas. Demographic and geographic data, which can be effective
in the formation of these regions, are compared through the analyses in the Geographical Information System
program and maps have been produced for the variables that are effective in the representation of women. Since
this study contains findings about a new regionalization / geographical marking in representation of women, it is
an important study in terms of the disciplines related to the subject.