Cambridge Theological Federation
Wesley House Cambridge
Archbishop Rowan Williams' lecture on ‘Civil and Religious Law in England’ in February 2008 provoked passionate critical responses, not only in Britain but around the world. While acknowledging ambiguities in the text of the lecture,... more
Public justice' is one of the most widely-invoked of the many distinctive terms coined by Herman Dooyeweerd but, strangely, one of the least well analysed. Dooyeewerd holds that that the identity of the state is defined by a single,... more
It is increasingly acknowledged that our escalating global environmental challenges cannot be adequately responded to by governmental bodies without a substantial upsurge of popular support for the far-reaching policy shifts widely seen... more
B uilt o n the Jo hns Ho pkins Unive rsity Campus © 20 18 Pro je ct MUSE. Pro duce d by Jo hns Ho pkins Unive rsity Pre ss in co llabo ratio n with The She ridan Libra rie s. Fait h in polit ics. New t rends in t he st udy of religion and... more
Rich and extensive literatures have been generated in recent decades by both political theorists and theologians in response to normative political questions generated by the deepening religious diversity of both western and non-western... more
Billingham has substantially revised that material, and is the primary author of Section III. Chaplin is the primary author of Section IV. Chaplin leans towards what below we call 'argumentative democracy'; Billingham has sympathies with... more
What is the essence of the Gospel? Which aspects of the church's ministry are contingent? The story of the Anglican Church in Ghana offers an opportunity to reflect upon these questions. While the history of this colonial church is... more
John Henry Newman is widely acknowledged to be an impor- tant theologian. However Newman commentators suggest that his work has received little recognition by philosophers. The general consensus has been that until the latter part of the... more
Several Newman commentators consider that his work has been ignored by philosophers. This essay re-examines Newman’s work in relation to the particularist approach to the “problem of the criterion” in order to see whether or not Marty... more
Oggi, la nozione che si possa avere un"esperienza diretta di Dio è ridicolizzata in molte chiese europee. Tuttavia, questo concetto (chiamiamolo Percezione Mistica) è centrale nello insegnamento metodista. John Wesley insisteva che i suoi... more
I thank the Methodist Sacramental Fellowship for giving me the permission to republish this essay which forms the first part of the MSF Conference lecture: Whither Methodist Theology Now: The Collapse of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral... more
In recent years, William J. Abraham has suggested the creation of a new subdiscipline for examining the epistemology of theology. This article provides an overview of this proposal, highlighting some of the philosophical concepts, such as... more
John Wesley considered the slave trade to be a national disgrace. However, while the American Methodist Church had initially made bold declarations concerning the evils of slavery, the practical application of this principled opposition... more
An increasing number of historians have highlighted the complex nature of much eighteenth-century churchmanship. These writers argue that in this period many clergyman possessed altitudinarian and latitudinarian tendencies simultaneously.... more
The last 3 years have witnessed a period of substantial volatility in Cameroon. In 2016, protests within the minority Anglophone regions against the obligatory use of French in schools triggered a period of considerable unrest, in which... more
This is the Italian version of the paper published in the Holiness Journal
This essay explores the validity of religious experience today by examining a variety of philosophical perspectives including Modern, Postmodern and critical realist thinkers. Utilising William Alston's detailed analysis of the... more