Papers by Ricardo Miguel Godinho
![Research paper thumbnail of Is enamel the only reliable hard tissue for sex metric estimation of burned skeletal remains in biological anthropology?](
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2019
Sex diagnosis is a crucial element in the analysis of skeletal remains from forensic and archaeol... more Sex diagnosis is a crucial element in the analysis of skeletal remains from forensic and archaeological contexts.
Thus, researchers have developed several methods using different anatomical regions to estimate sex. Despite
such variety of methods, sexing of collective cremated human skeletal remains is still challenging due to heatinduced
size changes and fragmentation, along with the typical commingling of collective contexts. This study
aims to examine the potential of burned tooth crowns for odontometric sex estimation. To that end, heat-induced
size changes were quantified in experimentally heated teeth. Then, odontometric sex estimation was performed
in a set of theoretical samples of pre and post-heated tooth crowns. Results show heated tooth crowns undergo
variable but consistent and statistically significant expansion, which is due to micro-fracturing. Such heat induced
size changes are of sufficient magnitude to impact odontometric sex diagnosis and sex ratios of the
theoretical samples. Yet, sexing using heated/burned tooth crowns may still be useful to estimate the minimum
number of females in a given sample. Further, the effect of heat-induced size changes may be calculated and
removed using μCT scanning.
![Research paper thumbnail of A Necrópole do Largo da Igreja (Sarilhos Grandes): evidências bioarqueológicas de contato entre Portugal e o Novo Mundo](
A escavação arqueológica de emergência realizada em 2008, no Largo da Igreja de Sarilhos Grandes ... more A escavação arqueológica de emergência realizada em 2008, no Largo da Igreja de Sarilhos Grandes (Montijo), no âmbito de uma empreitada do Grupo Águas de Portugal (SIMARSUL), permitiu identificar, no adro da Igreja de São Jorge, vinte e três enterramentos e seis ossários.
No decurso da escavação arqueológica a equipa de antropologia realizou a recolha de amostras de sedimento com o objetivo de submetê-los a uma análise paleoparasitológica, paleopatológica e de paleodieta. Essas análises permitiram identificar nos enterramentos nº8, 9, 13 e 22 parasitas que ainda não haviam sido encontrados em material arqueológico na Europa, bem como vestígios alimentares como amido de batata e arroz. Em curso encontra-se a pesquisa das paleodietas por análises de isótopos e do cálculo dentário.
As análises isotópicas de δ13C e δ15N desenvolvidas em quatro indivíduos sugerem uma dieta principalmente de origem terrestre, com uma contribuição variável de proteínas animais procedentes de organismos marinhos (entre 30% e 43% do carbono presente no colagénio).
As datações por AMS de alguns dos indivíduos corroboram a hipótese da população de Sarilhos Grandes ter estado em contato ou mesmo ter participado diretamente nas primeiras expedições ao continente americano. Sarilhos Grandes foi nos alvores da Modernidade e em época Moderna uma povoação vocacionada para o mar. São reconhecidas referências para a participação de montijences nas primeiras expedições na América do Sul. Os resultados da datação e da paleodieta indiciam que o consumo de batata foi introduzido em Portugal em data mais antiga do que estava documentado até agora. A análise em curso do tártaro dentário fornecerá novos dados que contribuirão para um melhor entendimento desta hipótese.
Biomechanical studies in biological anthropology rely on the principle of bone mechanical adaptat... more Biomechanical studies in biological anthropology rely on the principle of bone mechanical adaptation and that bone morphology reflects loading history. Although the cellular processes by which bone senses and adapts to loading are not fully understood, it is clear that mechanical adaptation may cause changes in bone mass and mineral density. Moreover, it is also clear that bone morphology at different scales and the mechanical properties of bone material and tissue are related to its mechanical function. This paper reviews the general principles of bone mechanical adaptation and how bone structure and bone material properties are related to its mechanical function. Thus, it presents a general review of bone structure, bone mechanical properties and how bone adapts to loading.
![Research paper thumbnail of 2015-"Santa Margarida do Sado 3. La influencia fenicio-púnica al interior de la cuenca del Río Sado". Actas del VII Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular. Aroche-Serpa. Ayuntamiento de Aroche.](
En el yacimiento de Santa Margarida do Sado 3, fueron identificados dos periodos bien diferenciad... more En el yacimiento de Santa Margarida do Sado 3, fueron identificados dos periodos bien diferenciados, un hábitat de la Edad del Hierro y una necrópolis tardoantigua. La primera de las fases debe vincularse a la constatada presencia comercial fenicio-púnica en el estuario del río Sado y su proyección al interior curso arriba del río. La segunda de las fases, a la perduración en el tiempo de una villa rústica identificada en la actual Santa Margarida do Sado, en un enclave próximo al curso fluvial, de tierras fértiles y protegido de las crecidas del río. Abstract Santa Margarida do Sado 3 site has two identified differential periods, an Iron Age habitat and a late late-antiquity necropolis. The first period was linked with the phenisian-punic trade in the Sado stuary, which is in accordance with previous studies. The second period was associated with an identified rustic villa under the present Santa Margarida do Sado, which located close to a river in a fertile area that was protected of the flooding river.
![Research paper thumbnail of Evidence of contact between New and Old World: paleoparasitological and food remains study in the Tagus river population of Sarilhos Grandes (Montijo, Portugal)](
The period of European maritime expansion that started in the fifteenth century had a great impac... more The period of European maritime expansion that started in the fifteenth century had a great impact on trading, on human migrations and consequently in the dispersion of infectious diseases. Portugal was at the core of this expansion; however, studies about parasitic infections, especially helminths, are lacking. This study aims to help reduce this gap presenting the results of microscopic analysis of soil sediments collected from the São Jorge churchyard of Sarilhos Grandes (Montijo). Consecrated in the fourteenth century AD, it remained as a burial ground until the nineteenth century. Soil samples collected from the pelvic girdle of five adult individuals and samples taken as control were analysed under the microscope after current conventional methodological procedures were undertaken. Eggs from Ascaris lumbricoides were identified. Also eggs of trichostrongyle type species were identified in two individuals and may represent the first report in archaeological European samples. Food remains include potato and rice starches, muscle fibres, bivalves, pollen grains and fungi spores. The stratigraphy interpretation together with potato findings put the oldest skeletons to a chronology around the sixteenth century AD. These results are consistent with historical sources that documented the prominence of Tagus river nearby villages in maritime expansion.
![Research paper thumbnail of Ontogeny of the maxilla in Neanderthals and their ancestors](
Nature Communications, 2015
Neanderthals had large and projecting (prognathic) faces similar to those of their putative ances... more Neanderthals had large and projecting (prognathic) faces similar to those of their putative ancestors from Sima de los Huesos (SH) and different from the retracted modern human face. When such differences arose during development and the morphogenetic modifications involved are unknown. We show that maxillary growth remodelling (bone formation and resorption) of the Devil's Tower (Gibraltar 2) and La Quina 18 Neanderthals and four SH hominins, all sub-adults, show extensive bone deposition, whereas in modern humans extensive osteoclastic bone resorption is found in the same regions. This morphogenetic difference is evident by ∼5 years of age. Modern human faces are distinct from those of the Neanderthal and SH fossils in part because their postnatal growth processes differ markedly. The growth remodelling identified in these fossil hominins is shared with Australopithecus and early Homo but not with modern humans suggesting that the modern human face is developmentally derived.
![Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of parasitological examinations to paleopathology: first results obtained in Portugal (8th-20th centuries AD)](
Paleoparasitology study the evidence of endo and ectoparasites, whose identification helps to int... more Paleoparasitology study the evidence of endo and ectoparasites, whose identification helps to interpret issues related to health and disease in past populations. In Portugal, this type of analysis on human osteological remains started to be performed recently. The aim of this paper is to present the first results. One hundred and twenty samples of sediment taken from 4 areas of burial were analyzed. The methodology consists of rehydration of the samples with an aqueous solution of trisodium phosphate 0.5% for 72 hours, or with a solution of 10% hydrochloric acid for 30 minutes. The rehydrated samples were homogenized and concentrated at 2000rpm for 1 minute. Twenty microscope slides of each sample were analyzed by optical microscopy, by mixing a drop of sediment with a drop of glycerol. For quantification of eggs per gram of sediment, Lycopodium sp. spore tablets were added to the samples. Results revealed that from a study of 30 individuals from Islamic Santarém (8th-12th centuries AD), 6 (20%) were positive for Trichuris trichiura (n = 2) and for Ascaris lumbricoides (n = 4); 5 subjects from Sarilhos Grandes churchyard (14th-20th cent. AD) lived with A. lumbricoides (n = 2), Trichostrongylus sp. (n = 2) and Oxyuridae (n = 1); from the 11 burials associated with the S. Francisco church in Vila Franca de Xira (18th cent. AD) 63% had T. trichiura (n = 7) and A. lumbricoides; 2 of the 3 individuals exhumed from S. Julião Church in Lisboa (19th AD) registered T. trichiura. The species found are related to human settlement and poor hygiene conditions common to the time in Europe. However, when compared to studies published in other countries, the concentrations obtained are lower, maybe indicating different cultural habits or knowledge about medical treatments. This work will continue with the research about cultural practices, food and medical knowledge of these populations. The trends verified will be explored by studying samples from other chronologies and regions of Portugal.
![Research paper thumbnail of Bronze Age funerary spaces in Outeiro Alto 2 (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal): the hypogea cemetery](
Zephyrvs, LXXI, Jun 2013
The Outeiro Alto 2 (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal) is part of a wider range of archaeological
sites ... more The Outeiro Alto 2 (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal) is part of a wider range of archaeological
sites recently excavated on the left bank of the Guadiana River, Baixo Alentejo, in the context of the
Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva - EDIA (Alqueva Dam). The chronology of its occupation
extends from the Final Neolithic to the Bronze Age, also through Chalcolithic, and it is located on a gentle
hill with a wide view of the landscape. In this study we present the data concerning to the occupation of
the site during the Bronze Age, more specifically the hypogea necropolis. It is a cultural reality badly known
and scarcely characterized and documented until recently, proper to the region, but where it becomes evident
the influence of Argaric Culture, especially in the funerary rituals.
Key words: Funerary practices. Southwest Bronze. Argaric Culture. Subterranean funerary structures.
![Research paper thumbnail of Preexistencias de Setúbal. 2ª campanha de escavações arqueológicas na Rua Francisco Augusto Flamengo, nos 10-12. Da Idade do Ferro ao Período Medieval](
The excavated plot of the Street Francisco Augusto Flamengo,
located in the historic centre of Se... more The excavated plot of the Street Francisco Augusto Flamengo,
located in the historic centre of Setubal, provided a broad
stratigraphic sequence in which the major stages of development
of this urban agglomeration were represented from its beginnings
to the Middle Ages.
The first stable occupation, from the Phoenician period, had
been recovered only by artefacts, including red slip ceramics,
Phoenician amphorae, gray ceramics remobilised in levels of
colluvial nature. Rare ceramic sherds could be attributed to the
second Iron Age (IV-III centuries a. C.), or even to the Roman
Republic period (II-I centuries a. C.).
In what concerns the Roman city, we excavated part of a
public dump of the High Empire, which provided among other
artefacts a remarkable set of Terra sigillata with an appreciable
number of potter`s stamps. The sealing of the dump occurred
in the second half of the second century. An important urban
infrastructure was then built on the site, perhaps in the early
third century, intended for public water reservoir, with a capacity
exceeding 250m3
, marking a peak of urban development.
The decline of Caetobriga became evident from the mid-fourth
century, creeping de-urbanization in the fifth and sixth centuries.
This reduction of life and urban space explains the peripherization
of the excavated area, which received a necropolis in the
Islamic period.
During the resurgence of the burgh in the late Middle Ages,
the space in question was integrated into the walled enclosure,
but the memory of the funerary field remained in the names of
places (Rua da Paz). This site is certainly a mere reservation in
urban terms, and marginal to the location of the most qualified
functions as domestic rubbish dumps occupied it in the XIIIXIV
centuries. The urbanization of the plot has only occurred
in the XVI-XVII centuries according to the report of the first
archaeological excavations, already published
![Research paper thumbnail of 2014-"Um mundo em negativo: fossos, fossas e hipogeus entre o Neolotico Final e a Idade do Bronze na margem esquerda do Guadiana (Brinches,Serpa) ". 4º Coloquio de Arqueologia do Alqueva. O plano de Rega (2002-2010). pp. 55-74. EDIA-DRCLAREN.](
This paper presents the preliminary results for six archaeological sites, of the several excavate... more This paper presents the preliminary results for six archaeological sites, of the several excavated by ERA Arqueo-logia, S.A., in the context of the impact assessment project of water supplying network of Alqueva dam promoted by EDIA. S.A.. Empirical data is considered to be quite revolutionary to regional Recent Prehistory, namely concerning sites with negative structures (pits, hypogeum and ditched enclosures). A set of problems that can be addressed through those archaeological contexts is discussed, namely regarding the Archaeology of Death, the temporality of certain sites and its meaning, and the debate on the interpretation of this kind of negative structures (such as ditched enclosures and “fields of pits”). --- No presente texto apresentam-se sumariamente os resultados preliminares de um conjunto de seis sítios, dosvários que a ERA Arqueologia S.A. intervencionou no âmbito da minimização do bloco de rega de Brinches, Serpa,(empreendimento da EDIA, S.A.). É realçado o carácter revolucionário, em termosmpíricos, dos resultados obtidos para a Pré-História Recente, nomeadamente ao nível dos sítios com estruturas negativas (fossas, hipogeus e recintos de fossos), enunciando-se um conjunto de problemáticas que poderão ser desenvolvidas a partir destes contextos, nomeadamente ao nível da Arqueologia da Morte, das dinâmicas diacrónicas de ocupação dos mesmos espaços e do debate em torno da interpretação deste tipo de estruturas negativas (concretamente dos recintos e dos sítios de fossas).
No presente texto apresentam-se sumariamente os resultados preliminares de um conjunto de seis sí... more No presente texto apresentam-se sumariamente os resultados preliminares de um conjunto de seis sítios, dos vários que a ERA Arqueologia S.A. intervencionou no âmbito da minimização do bloco de rega de Brinches, Serpa, (empreendimento da EDIA, S.A.). É realçado o carácter revolucionário, em termos empíricos, dos resultados obtidos para a Pré-História Recente, nomeadamente ao nível dos sítios com estruturas negativas (fossas, hipogeus e recintos de fossos), enunciando-se um conjunto de problemáticas que poderão ser desenvolvidas a partir destes contextos, nomeadamente ao nível da Arqueologia da Morte, das dinâmicas diacrónicas de ocupação dos mesmos espaços e do debate em torno da interpretação deste tipo de estruturas negativas (concretamente dos recintos e dos sítios de fossas).
Conference Presentations by Ricardo Miguel Godinho
![Research paper thumbnail of Ciência, associativismo e educação: os ateliers pedagógicos sobre evolução humana para crianças e jovens](
O GEEvH é uma associação científica, criada em 2005, sem fins lucrativos, sedeada no Departamento... more O GEEvH é uma associação científica, criada em 2005, sem fins lucrativos, sedeada no Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Universidade de Coimbra, e criada pelos alunos do curso de Mestrado em Evolução Humana da Universidade de Coimbra. Assumiu a missão de incentivar a promoção, o desenvolvimento e a divulgação do ensino da evolução humana. Esta missão tem-se desenvolvido, principalmente, por via de actividades que passam, por exemplo, pela realização de ateliers pedagógicos para o público geral e escolar que dão a conhecer as mais recentes descobertas científicas no âmbito da evolução humana. A transmissão da informação faz-se com uma linguagem adequada aos públicos-alvo contemplando, também, uma vertente lúdica que visa cativar o interesse dos estudantes para a ciência em geral e a evolução humana em particular.
A premissa que tem presidido ao desenvolvimento destes ateliers pedagógicos assentou no facto da ciência, e o conhecimento produzido, se encontrarem em constante mutação o que dificulta a atualização dos conhecimentos pelos educadores, que muitas vezes têm que lidar com constrangimentos de tempo e recursos. Tendo em conta estes elementos considerou-se que os cientistas são determinantes na criação de interfaces para a transferência de saberes entre as universidades e centros de investigação para a comunidade. Neste processo, o associativismo científico assume um papel de destaque. Assim, recorrendo a actividades experimentais, a jogos didáticos e à apresentação multimédia em escolas, museus e exposições científicas tem-se conseguido transmitir conceitos-base da Paleoantropologia, Primatologia, Bioarqueologia e Arqueologia que ajudam a perceber os principais mecanismos subjacentes à Evolução Humana. Por esta via, entre 2005 a 2014, o GEEvH contactou com 1799 alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico de sete distritos de Portugal continental, permitindo que o conhecimento científico estivesse acessível a toda a população desde tenra idade.
Papers by Ricardo Miguel Godinho
Thus, researchers have developed several methods using different anatomical regions to estimate sex. Despite
such variety of methods, sexing of collective cremated human skeletal remains is still challenging due to heatinduced
size changes and fragmentation, along with the typical commingling of collective contexts. This study
aims to examine the potential of burned tooth crowns for odontometric sex estimation. To that end, heat-induced
size changes were quantified in experimentally heated teeth. Then, odontometric sex estimation was performed
in a set of theoretical samples of pre and post-heated tooth crowns. Results show heated tooth crowns undergo
variable but consistent and statistically significant expansion, which is due to micro-fracturing. Such heat induced
size changes are of sufficient magnitude to impact odontometric sex diagnosis and sex ratios of the
theoretical samples. Yet, sexing using heated/burned tooth crowns may still be useful to estimate the minimum
number of females in a given sample. Further, the effect of heat-induced size changes may be calculated and
removed using μCT scanning.
No decurso da escavação arqueológica a equipa de antropologia realizou a recolha de amostras de sedimento com o objetivo de submetê-los a uma análise paleoparasitológica, paleopatológica e de paleodieta. Essas análises permitiram identificar nos enterramentos nº8, 9, 13 e 22 parasitas que ainda não haviam sido encontrados em material arqueológico na Europa, bem como vestígios alimentares como amido de batata e arroz. Em curso encontra-se a pesquisa das paleodietas por análises de isótopos e do cálculo dentário.
As análises isotópicas de δ13C e δ15N desenvolvidas em quatro indivíduos sugerem uma dieta principalmente de origem terrestre, com uma contribuição variável de proteínas animais procedentes de organismos marinhos (entre 30% e 43% do carbono presente no colagénio).
As datações por AMS de alguns dos indivíduos corroboram a hipótese da população de Sarilhos Grandes ter estado em contato ou mesmo ter participado diretamente nas primeiras expedições ao continente americano. Sarilhos Grandes foi nos alvores da Modernidade e em época Moderna uma povoação vocacionada para o mar. São reconhecidas referências para a participação de montijences nas primeiras expedições na América do Sul. Os resultados da datação e da paleodieta indiciam que o consumo de batata foi introduzido em Portugal em data mais antiga do que estava documentado até agora. A análise em curso do tártaro dentário fornecerá novos dados que contribuirão para um melhor entendimento desta hipótese.
sites recently excavated on the left bank of the Guadiana River, Baixo Alentejo, in the context of the
Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva - EDIA (Alqueva Dam). The chronology of its occupation
extends from the Final Neolithic to the Bronze Age, also through Chalcolithic, and it is located on a gentle
hill with a wide view of the landscape. In this study we present the data concerning to the occupation of
the site during the Bronze Age, more specifically the hypogea necropolis. It is a cultural reality badly known
and scarcely characterized and documented until recently, proper to the region, but where it becomes evident
the influence of Argaric Culture, especially in the funerary rituals.
Key words: Funerary practices. Southwest Bronze. Argaric Culture. Subterranean funerary structures.
located in the historic centre of Setubal, provided a broad
stratigraphic sequence in which the major stages of development
of this urban agglomeration were represented from its beginnings
to the Middle Ages.
The first stable occupation, from the Phoenician period, had
been recovered only by artefacts, including red slip ceramics,
Phoenician amphorae, gray ceramics remobilised in levels of
colluvial nature. Rare ceramic sherds could be attributed to the
second Iron Age (IV-III centuries a. C.), or even to the Roman
Republic period (II-I centuries a. C.).
In what concerns the Roman city, we excavated part of a
public dump of the High Empire, which provided among other
artefacts a remarkable set of Terra sigillata with an appreciable
number of potter`s stamps. The sealing of the dump occurred
in the second half of the second century. An important urban
infrastructure was then built on the site, perhaps in the early
third century, intended for public water reservoir, with a capacity
exceeding 250m3
, marking a peak of urban development.
The decline of Caetobriga became evident from the mid-fourth
century, creeping de-urbanization in the fifth and sixth centuries.
This reduction of life and urban space explains the peripherization
of the excavated area, which received a necropolis in the
Islamic period.
During the resurgence of the burgh in the late Middle Ages,
the space in question was integrated into the walled enclosure,
but the memory of the funerary field remained in the names of
places (Rua da Paz). This site is certainly a mere reservation in
urban terms, and marginal to the location of the most qualified
functions as domestic rubbish dumps occupied it in the XIIIXIV
centuries. The urbanization of the plot has only occurred
in the XVI-XVII centuries according to the report of the first
archaeological excavations, already published
Conference Presentations by Ricardo Miguel Godinho
A premissa que tem presidido ao desenvolvimento destes ateliers pedagógicos assentou no facto da ciência, e o conhecimento produzido, se encontrarem em constante mutação o que dificulta a atualização dos conhecimentos pelos educadores, que muitas vezes têm que lidar com constrangimentos de tempo e recursos. Tendo em conta estes elementos considerou-se que os cientistas são determinantes na criação de interfaces para a transferência de saberes entre as universidades e centros de investigação para a comunidade. Neste processo, o associativismo científico assume um papel de destaque. Assim, recorrendo a actividades experimentais, a jogos didáticos e à apresentação multimédia em escolas, museus e exposições científicas tem-se conseguido transmitir conceitos-base da Paleoantropologia, Primatologia, Bioarqueologia e Arqueologia que ajudam a perceber os principais mecanismos subjacentes à Evolução Humana. Por esta via, entre 2005 a 2014, o GEEvH contactou com 1799 alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico de sete distritos de Portugal continental, permitindo que o conhecimento científico estivesse acessível a toda a população desde tenra idade.
Thus, researchers have developed several methods using different anatomical regions to estimate sex. Despite
such variety of methods, sexing of collective cremated human skeletal remains is still challenging due to heatinduced
size changes and fragmentation, along with the typical commingling of collective contexts. This study
aims to examine the potential of burned tooth crowns for odontometric sex estimation. To that end, heat-induced
size changes were quantified in experimentally heated teeth. Then, odontometric sex estimation was performed
in a set of theoretical samples of pre and post-heated tooth crowns. Results show heated tooth crowns undergo
variable but consistent and statistically significant expansion, which is due to micro-fracturing. Such heat induced
size changes are of sufficient magnitude to impact odontometric sex diagnosis and sex ratios of the
theoretical samples. Yet, sexing using heated/burned tooth crowns may still be useful to estimate the minimum
number of females in a given sample. Further, the effect of heat-induced size changes may be calculated and
removed using μCT scanning.
No decurso da escavação arqueológica a equipa de antropologia realizou a recolha de amostras de sedimento com o objetivo de submetê-los a uma análise paleoparasitológica, paleopatológica e de paleodieta. Essas análises permitiram identificar nos enterramentos nº8, 9, 13 e 22 parasitas que ainda não haviam sido encontrados em material arqueológico na Europa, bem como vestígios alimentares como amido de batata e arroz. Em curso encontra-se a pesquisa das paleodietas por análises de isótopos e do cálculo dentário.
As análises isotópicas de δ13C e δ15N desenvolvidas em quatro indivíduos sugerem uma dieta principalmente de origem terrestre, com uma contribuição variável de proteínas animais procedentes de organismos marinhos (entre 30% e 43% do carbono presente no colagénio).
As datações por AMS de alguns dos indivíduos corroboram a hipótese da população de Sarilhos Grandes ter estado em contato ou mesmo ter participado diretamente nas primeiras expedições ao continente americano. Sarilhos Grandes foi nos alvores da Modernidade e em época Moderna uma povoação vocacionada para o mar. São reconhecidas referências para a participação de montijences nas primeiras expedições na América do Sul. Os resultados da datação e da paleodieta indiciam que o consumo de batata foi introduzido em Portugal em data mais antiga do que estava documentado até agora. A análise em curso do tártaro dentário fornecerá novos dados que contribuirão para um melhor entendimento desta hipótese.
sites recently excavated on the left bank of the Guadiana River, Baixo Alentejo, in the context of the
Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva - EDIA (Alqueva Dam). The chronology of its occupation
extends from the Final Neolithic to the Bronze Age, also through Chalcolithic, and it is located on a gentle
hill with a wide view of the landscape. In this study we present the data concerning to the occupation of
the site during the Bronze Age, more specifically the hypogea necropolis. It is a cultural reality badly known
and scarcely characterized and documented until recently, proper to the region, but where it becomes evident
the influence of Argaric Culture, especially in the funerary rituals.
Key words: Funerary practices. Southwest Bronze. Argaric Culture. Subterranean funerary structures.
located in the historic centre of Setubal, provided a broad
stratigraphic sequence in which the major stages of development
of this urban agglomeration were represented from its beginnings
to the Middle Ages.
The first stable occupation, from the Phoenician period, had
been recovered only by artefacts, including red slip ceramics,
Phoenician amphorae, gray ceramics remobilised in levels of
colluvial nature. Rare ceramic sherds could be attributed to the
second Iron Age (IV-III centuries a. C.), or even to the Roman
Republic period (II-I centuries a. C.).
In what concerns the Roman city, we excavated part of a
public dump of the High Empire, which provided among other
artefacts a remarkable set of Terra sigillata with an appreciable
number of potter`s stamps. The sealing of the dump occurred
in the second half of the second century. An important urban
infrastructure was then built on the site, perhaps in the early
third century, intended for public water reservoir, with a capacity
exceeding 250m3
, marking a peak of urban development.
The decline of Caetobriga became evident from the mid-fourth
century, creeping de-urbanization in the fifth and sixth centuries.
This reduction of life and urban space explains the peripherization
of the excavated area, which received a necropolis in the
Islamic period.
During the resurgence of the burgh in the late Middle Ages,
the space in question was integrated into the walled enclosure,
but the memory of the funerary field remained in the names of
places (Rua da Paz). This site is certainly a mere reservation in
urban terms, and marginal to the location of the most qualified
functions as domestic rubbish dumps occupied it in the XIIIXIV
centuries. The urbanization of the plot has only occurred
in the XVI-XVII centuries according to the report of the first
archaeological excavations, already published
A premissa que tem presidido ao desenvolvimento destes ateliers pedagógicos assentou no facto da ciência, e o conhecimento produzido, se encontrarem em constante mutação o que dificulta a atualização dos conhecimentos pelos educadores, que muitas vezes têm que lidar com constrangimentos de tempo e recursos. Tendo em conta estes elementos considerou-se que os cientistas são determinantes na criação de interfaces para a transferência de saberes entre as universidades e centros de investigação para a comunidade. Neste processo, o associativismo científico assume um papel de destaque. Assim, recorrendo a actividades experimentais, a jogos didáticos e à apresentação multimédia em escolas, museus e exposições científicas tem-se conseguido transmitir conceitos-base da Paleoantropologia, Primatologia, Bioarqueologia e Arqueologia que ajudam a perceber os principais mecanismos subjacentes à Evolução Humana. Por esta via, entre 2005 a 2014, o GEEvH contactou com 1799 alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico de sete distritos de Portugal continental, permitindo que o conhecimento científico estivesse acessível a toda a população desde tenra idade.