Papers by Ana Luisa Santos
International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2020
Non-adult sex estimation is an active field of forensic inquiry as morphological variations betwe... more Non-adult sex estimation is an active field of forensic inquiry as morphological variations between males and females are subtle, but observable, even from intrauterine development. The objectives of this study are threefold: to test the validity of the auricular surface method for sex estimation (Int J Osteoarchaeol 27:898–911, 2017 ) in fetuses and children under the age of 5 years old; to evaluate if health conditions, reported as the cause of death, influence its accuracy; and to detect possible secular trends in sexual dimorphism. One-hundred and ninety-seven skeletal individuals from the Lisbon and Granada Identified Collections were studied. Individuals were divided according to the hormonal peaks (< 0, 0–2, < 2, and 2.1–5 years old), cause, and year of death (before and after 1960). As in previous studies, two ratios (FI/CF and DE/AD) and two qualitative variables (OM and MRS) showed the highest frequencies of correct estimation (0.81–0.86). The correct sex allocations increased when the discriminant function (0.85) and logistic regression (0.86) were applied. Males of the age groups < 0 and 2.1–5 years were all correctly sexed by both formulae, and the same was observed for the female probabilities of adequate allocation. The cause and year of death were identified as variables without statistical significance. It is proposed that this method can be incorporated with confidence into the multifactorial laboratory protocols for non-adult sex estimation from skeletal remains.
A burial is described by Leclerc and Tarrete (1988: 963)1 as the “Lieu ou ete deposes les restes ... more A burial is described by Leclerc and Tarrete (1988: 963)1 as the “Lieu ou ete deposes les restes d’un ou plusieurs defunts, et ou il subsiste suffisamment d’indices pour que l’archeologue puisse deceler dans ce depot la volonte d’accomplir un geste funeraire”. Essentially, what makes a burial is the intentionality of a deposition and the will of the fulfillment of certain symbolisms2-4. Other depositions of death individuals are distinct from what is currently interpreted as a burial, such are the cases of dismembered bodies after murders, corpses (or parts) used as trophies or offerings or individuals thrown, dumped or discarded4. An individual may die and be deprived of its status of being human and his body reduced to an object or a thing4. This work aims to present and interpret the funerary anthropology associated with the human remains recovered from the former Evora Inquisition courtfigure 1.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2017
Sex estimation in non-adult skeletons is crucial in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology. It ... more Sex estimation in non-adult skeletons is crucial in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology. It was not extensively considered in the past, mainly because it was stated that the dimorphic osteological features were difficult to identify before adulthood. Over the past few years, this statement was disproved, and the study of numerous dimorphic non-adult skeletal traits was approached. This paper presents a new methodology that evaluates the auricular surface of the non-adult ilia. Several morphological and continuous variables were recorded for 34 individuals (21 females and 13 males) aged between 7 and 18 from the Coimbra Identified Skeletons Collection (University of Coimbra, Portugal). The results show low intra and inter-observer errors for all the variables, which renders the methodology replicable. Two ratios related to the shape of the anterior area of the auricular surface offer the most dimorphic data (proportions of cases correctly assigned: 0.82 and 0.88; sexual allocation probabilities: 0.85 for both variables). A discriminant function and a logistic regression were developed, which correctly classified the 82.35 and the 88.23% of the individuals, respectively. Moreover, two qualitative variables, referred to as the overall morphology and the apex morphology, also show statistically significant differences between males and females (proportions of correct assignation: 0.82 and 0.76; sexual allocation probabilities: 0.79 and 0.76). These variables can be incorporated in a multifactorial approach together with other indicators already available in the specialised literature in order to help improve the accuracy of the results obtained. This methodological procedure has to be applied with other identified samples, including younger individuals, so as to test whether the trends presented in this context are maintained and are useful in populations from a different geographical provenience.
Palavras-chave: Hipoplasias do esmalte dentário; helmintos; Idade Média; "vantagem cumulativa/adv... more Palavras-chave: Hipoplasias do esmalte dentário; helmintos; Idade Média; "vantagem cumulativa/adversidade"; origens do desenvolvimento da saúde e da doença.
A escavação arqueológica de emergência realizada em 2008, no Largo da Igreja de Sarilhos Grandes ... more A escavação arqueológica de emergência realizada em 2008, no Largo da Igreja de Sarilhos Grandes (Montijo), no âmbito de uma empreitada do Grupo Águas de Portugal (SIMARSUL), permitiu identificar, no adro da Igreja de São Jorge, vinte e três enterramentos e seis ossários.
No decurso da escavação arqueológica a equipa de antropologia realizou a recolha de amostras de sedimento com o objetivo de submetê-los a uma análise paleoparasitológica, paleopatológica e de paleodieta. Essas análises permitiram identificar nos enterramentos nº8, 9, 13 e 22 parasitas que ainda não haviam sido encontrados em material arqueológico na Europa, bem como vestígios alimentares como amido de batata e arroz. Em curso encontra-se a pesquisa das paleodietas por análises de isótopos e do cálculo dentário.
As análises isotópicas de δ13C e δ15N desenvolvidas em quatro indivíduos sugerem uma dieta principalmente de origem terrestre, com uma contribuição variável de proteínas animais procedentes de organismos marinhos (entre 30% e 43% do carbono presente no colagénio).
As datações por AMS de alguns dos indivíduos corroboram a hipótese da população de Sarilhos Grandes ter estado em contato ou mesmo ter participado diretamente nas primeiras expedições ao continente americano. Sarilhos Grandes foi nos alvores da Modernidade e em época Moderna uma povoação vocacionada para o mar. São reconhecidas referências para a participação de montijences nas primeiras expedições na América do Sul. Os resultados da datação e da paleodieta indiciam que o consumo de batata foi introduzido em Portugal em data mais antiga do que estava documentado até agora. A análise em curso do tártaro dentário fornecerá novos dados que contribuirão para um melhor entendimento desta hipótese.
Tuberculose - Estudos médicos e antropológicos, 2017
Abstract book
Tuberculose - Estudos médicos e antropológicos
Portuguese Medical Associatio... more Abstract book
Tuberculose - Estudos médicos e antropológicos
Portuguese Medical Association Coimbra
24th June 2017
A Ermida Manuelina de São Roque, 1999
Differentiating between medical procedures performed antemortem, perimortem or postmortem in skel... more Differentiating between medical procedures performed antemortem, perimortem or postmortem in skeletal remains can be a major challenge. This work aims to present evidence of procedures to treat rhinosinusitis (RS) and mastoiditis, suggest criteria for the diagnosis of frontal sinus disease, and frame the individuals described in their medical historical context. In the International Exchange collection, the
skull (878) of a 24-year-old male, who died in 1933 due to frontal sinusitis and meningitis, presents evidence of a trepanation above the right frontonasal suture, and micro/macroporosity on the superciliary
arches. The available Coimbra University Hospitals archives (1913–1939) reported that 46 females and 59 males (aged 15 months–84 y.o., x=35.33) underwent surgery to treat RS, primarily by trepanation
(94.3%). In a search for similar evidence in the collection, the skull of a 42-year-old female (85), who died in 1927 due to sarcoma in the abdomen, shows four quadrangular holes located above the right supraorbital notch, right and left maxilla, and left mastoid process. The number/location of the holes and cut marks point to postmortem medical training (possible dissection). This paper discusses the value of information from historical contexts to differentiate between surgery and medical training in the paleopathological record.
Results of the archaeological and anthropological research on the necropolis of the castle of Via... more Results of the archaeological and anthropological research on the necropolis of the castle of Viana do Alentejo (Évora). The castle was built at the end of the 15th/beginning of the 16th century and is considered to be the one of the finest examples of the “Manueline” architectural style in the south of Portugal.
Sixteen skeletons and the remains of at least other eight individuals were dug out. They had been buried there during the 15th and 16th centuries, when the town´s Mother Church and the church of Misericórdia were built inside the castle. It was possible to establish not only burial practices at the time, but also the genre, age, height and discreet characteristics of that population.
Resultados da investigação arqueológica e antropológica da necrópole do castelo da vila de Viana do Alentejo (Évora), erigido entre o final do séc. XV e o início do séc. XVI e considerado um dos melhores exemplos do estilo “manuelino” no Sul de Portugal.
Foram exumados 16 esqueletos em articulação e as ossadas de, pelo menos, outros oito indivíduos, aqui depositados nos sécs. XV-XVI, quando se construíram no interior do castelo a Igreja Matriz da vila e a Igreja da Misericórdia. Para além das práticas funerárias da época, avaliaram-se os sexos e as faixas etárias, a estatura e os caracteres discretos da população representada.
Calcification, or mineralisation, can occur as part of a natural process, or by pathological proc... more Calcification, or mineralisation, can occur as part of a natural process, or by pathological processes. The purpose of this work is to examine an unidentified semi-spherical and perforate hollow mass, found near the pelvis of an adult female, dated 12th–13th century AD, exhumed of the Church of Santo Domingo de Silos (Prádena del Ricón, Madrid, Spain).
The mass was examined by SEM and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. These procedures revealed a heterogeneous inner surface with both smooth and irregular areas. A larger spherical and several smaller crescent-shaped perforations were noticed. X-ray microanalysis revealed the presence of the elements C, K, P, Ca, Al, Si, Fe, and Mg. The co-localisation of Ca and P suggests that they may be combined in a mineral matrix, likely formed in vivo. Other minerals probably came from the soil, although Fe could be related to the presence of blood. The macroscopic and microscopic appearances, chemical composition, and location of the calcified mass point to a possible hydatid cyst from Echinococcus granulosus, common in agricultural populations.
This study used a suite of analytical techniques that are useful in the diagnosis of unknown calcified masses and can, therefore, be recommended for use in future analytical work.
The period of European maritime expansion that started in the fifteenth century had a great impac... more The period of European maritime expansion that started in the fifteenth century had a great impact on trading, on human migrations and consequently in the dispersion of infectious diseases. Portugal was at the core of this expansion; however, studies about parasitic infections, especially helminths, are lacking. This study aims to help reduce this gap presenting the results of microscopic analysis of soil sediments collected from the São Jorge churchyard of Sarilhos Grandes (Montijo). Consecrated in the fourteenth century AD, it remained as a burial ground until the nineteenth century. Soil samples collected from the pelvic girdle of five adult individuals and samples taken as control were analysed under the microscope after current conventional methodological procedures were undertaken. Eggs from Ascaris lumbricoides were identified. Also eggs of trichostrongyle type species were identified in two individuals and may represent the first report in archaeological European samples. Food remains include potato and rice starches, muscle fibres, bivalves, pollen grains and fungi spores. The stratigraphy interpretation together with potato findings put the oldest skeletons to a chronology around the sixteenth century AD. These results are consistent with historical sources that documented the prominence of Tagus river nearby villages in maritime expansion.
Anthropological Science, 2013
Leprogenic odontodysplasia (LO), also known as dens leprosus, consists of anomalous root developm... more Leprogenic odontodysplasia (LO), also known as dens leprosus, consists of anomalous root development of the permanent upper incisors. This dental anomaly was first reported by Danielsen in 1968 among Danish juvenile skeletons from medieval leprosaria cemeteries. As yet, no clinical cases have been documented and the etiological and epidemiological significance of the condition are poorly understood. The aim of this study is to discuss a case of LO found amongst the skeletons from the St. Jørgen's leprosarium cemetery (13th-16th/17th centuries), housed in the ADBOU (Anthropological Database of Odense University), Southern Denmark University. A juvenile individual presents a disarticulated maxillary right central incisor possessing a short root that shows a groove caused by marked constriction beginning approximately 1.5 mm above the neck. From this groove, the diameter decreases considerably until the apex. Atrophy of the anterior alveolar maxillary process, extending laterally from the central incisors to the canines, is also apparent. This individual exhibits additional rhinomaxillary lesions (e.g. absorption of the piriform margin including the anterior nasal spine) and foot changes (including phalangeal acro-osteolysis) compatible with a diagnosis of lepromatous leprosy. This case contributes to the debate about the significance of this rare condition, particularly in terms of its presence in Scandinavian skeletons from medieval leprosaria cemeteries. Possible interpretations are discussed, including the pathognomonic value of the specific lesion and whether it indicates early childhood onset of leprosy during the Middle Ages. The understanding of LO epidemiology and its relationship with leprosy will benefit from future clinical and skeletal studies.
Antropologia Portuguesa, 2008
Iconographic representation of humans is an important source of evidence for paleopathologists. T... more Iconographic representation of humans is an important source of evidence for paleopathologists. This is particularly so in acknowledging sociocultural practices in past and/or extinct populations. The aim of this work is to report images of body modifications and cases of paleopathological interest represented in the iconography recovered during the ‘Philosophical Travel’ to the Brazilian Amazonia, led by the naturalist Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira (ARF) between 1783 and 1792. Watercolors executed by the official expedition illustrators have been selected from the surviving archive. These portray individuals with their artefacts, clearly exhibiting cranial, facial and thoracic modifications, performed by groups such as the Tanarana, Cambeba, Jurupixuna, Mauá, Miranha, Caripúna and Uariquena. ARF also recorded the procedures and underlying cultural significance of these practices. The unequivocal pathological cases represented include a “male dwarf” [sic], and a Catauixi woman with dermatological lesions on her body. The author described with some details this skin condition and considered various possible diagnoses (e.g. vitiligo, scabies or leprosy). He also questioned whether these were hereditary or environmental in origin. This study considers the documentary evidence in the context of modern paleopathological inquiry, contributing to our understanding of cultural practices and diseases affecting the Amazonian inhabitants during the 18th century.
The invention of the microscope revolutionized the course of human knowledge. This instrument ch... more The invention of the microscope revolutionized the course of human knowledge. This instrument changed the
face of science and of previous beliefs, expanded the horizons of knowledge, and challenged philosophical and scientific
thought, especially in the field of natural sciences and medicine. In the domain of bioarchaeology, the introduction of
histological techniques was important; not only to identify body tissues and to diagnose diseases in mummified remains, but
also to understand bone and teeth microstructure, and associated patterns of response to environmental constraints. In this
paper a critical review of the major contributions of histology to the growing body of knowledge in paleopathology and
bioarchaeology will be presented, focusing on the current multiple applications of microscopy, its limitations, and its future
La navegación, consulta y la descarga de los títulos inseridos en las Bibliotecas Digitales UC Di... more La navegación, consulta y la descarga de los títulos inseridos en las Bibliotecas Digitales UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina y UC Impactum supone la aceptación plena y sin reservas de los Términos y Condiciones de Uso de estas Bibliotecas Digitales, disponibles en la página web Según lo expuesto en los referidos Términos y Condiciones de Uso, la descarga de títulos de acceso restringido requiere una licencia válida de autorización, debiendo el usuario acceder al/ a los documento/s a partir de una dirección de IP de la institución que posea la licencia antes mencionada.
Papers by Ana Luisa Santos
No decurso da escavação arqueológica a equipa de antropologia realizou a recolha de amostras de sedimento com o objetivo de submetê-los a uma análise paleoparasitológica, paleopatológica e de paleodieta. Essas análises permitiram identificar nos enterramentos nº8, 9, 13 e 22 parasitas que ainda não haviam sido encontrados em material arqueológico na Europa, bem como vestígios alimentares como amido de batata e arroz. Em curso encontra-se a pesquisa das paleodietas por análises de isótopos e do cálculo dentário.
As análises isotópicas de δ13C e δ15N desenvolvidas em quatro indivíduos sugerem uma dieta principalmente de origem terrestre, com uma contribuição variável de proteínas animais procedentes de organismos marinhos (entre 30% e 43% do carbono presente no colagénio).
As datações por AMS de alguns dos indivíduos corroboram a hipótese da população de Sarilhos Grandes ter estado em contato ou mesmo ter participado diretamente nas primeiras expedições ao continente americano. Sarilhos Grandes foi nos alvores da Modernidade e em época Moderna uma povoação vocacionada para o mar. São reconhecidas referências para a participação de montijences nas primeiras expedições na América do Sul. Os resultados da datação e da paleodieta indiciam que o consumo de batata foi introduzido em Portugal em data mais antiga do que estava documentado até agora. A análise em curso do tártaro dentário fornecerá novos dados que contribuirão para um melhor entendimento desta hipótese.
Tuberculose - Estudos médicos e antropológicos
Portuguese Medical Association Coimbra
24th June 2017
skull (878) of a 24-year-old male, who died in 1933 due to frontal sinusitis and meningitis, presents evidence of a trepanation above the right frontonasal suture, and micro/macroporosity on the superciliary
arches. The available Coimbra University Hospitals archives (1913–1939) reported that 46 females and 59 males (aged 15 months–84 y.o., x=35.33) underwent surgery to treat RS, primarily by trepanation
(94.3%). In a search for similar evidence in the collection, the skull of a 42-year-old female (85), who died in 1927 due to sarcoma in the abdomen, shows four quadrangular holes located above the right supraorbital notch, right and left maxilla, and left mastoid process. The number/location of the holes and cut marks point to postmortem medical training (possible dissection). This paper discusses the value of information from historical contexts to differentiate between surgery and medical training in the paleopathological record.
Sixteen skeletons and the remains of at least other eight individuals were dug out. They had been buried there during the 15th and 16th centuries, when the town´s Mother Church and the church of Misericórdia were built inside the castle. It was possible to establish not only burial practices at the time, but also the genre, age, height and discreet characteristics of that population.
Resultados da investigação arqueológica e antropológica da necrópole do castelo da vila de Viana do Alentejo (Évora), erigido entre o final do séc. XV e o início do séc. XVI e considerado um dos melhores exemplos do estilo “manuelino” no Sul de Portugal.
Foram exumados 16 esqueletos em articulação e as ossadas de, pelo menos, outros oito indivíduos, aqui depositados nos sécs. XV-XVI, quando se construíram no interior do castelo a Igreja Matriz da vila e a Igreja da Misericórdia. Para além das práticas funerárias da época, avaliaram-se os sexos e as faixas etárias, a estatura e os caracteres discretos da população representada.
The mass was examined by SEM and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. These procedures revealed a heterogeneous inner surface with both smooth and irregular areas. A larger spherical and several smaller crescent-shaped perforations were noticed. X-ray microanalysis revealed the presence of the elements C, K, P, Ca, Al, Si, Fe, and Mg. The co-localisation of Ca and P suggests that they may be combined in a mineral matrix, likely formed in vivo. Other minerals probably came from the soil, although Fe could be related to the presence of blood. The macroscopic and microscopic appearances, chemical composition, and location of the calcified mass point to a possible hydatid cyst from Echinococcus granulosus, common in agricultural populations.
This study used a suite of analytical techniques that are useful in the diagnosis of unknown calcified masses and can, therefore, be recommended for use in future analytical work.
face of science and of previous beliefs, expanded the horizons of knowledge, and challenged philosophical and scientific
thought, especially in the field of natural sciences and medicine. In the domain of bioarchaeology, the introduction of
histological techniques was important; not only to identify body tissues and to diagnose diseases in mummified remains, but
also to understand bone and teeth microstructure, and associated patterns of response to environmental constraints. In this
paper a critical review of the major contributions of histology to the growing body of knowledge in paleopathology and
bioarchaeology will be presented, focusing on the current multiple applications of microscopy, its limitations, and its future
No decurso da escavação arqueológica a equipa de antropologia realizou a recolha de amostras de sedimento com o objetivo de submetê-los a uma análise paleoparasitológica, paleopatológica e de paleodieta. Essas análises permitiram identificar nos enterramentos nº8, 9, 13 e 22 parasitas que ainda não haviam sido encontrados em material arqueológico na Europa, bem como vestígios alimentares como amido de batata e arroz. Em curso encontra-se a pesquisa das paleodietas por análises de isótopos e do cálculo dentário.
As análises isotópicas de δ13C e δ15N desenvolvidas em quatro indivíduos sugerem uma dieta principalmente de origem terrestre, com uma contribuição variável de proteínas animais procedentes de organismos marinhos (entre 30% e 43% do carbono presente no colagénio).
As datações por AMS de alguns dos indivíduos corroboram a hipótese da população de Sarilhos Grandes ter estado em contato ou mesmo ter participado diretamente nas primeiras expedições ao continente americano. Sarilhos Grandes foi nos alvores da Modernidade e em época Moderna uma povoação vocacionada para o mar. São reconhecidas referências para a participação de montijences nas primeiras expedições na América do Sul. Os resultados da datação e da paleodieta indiciam que o consumo de batata foi introduzido em Portugal em data mais antiga do que estava documentado até agora. A análise em curso do tártaro dentário fornecerá novos dados que contribuirão para um melhor entendimento desta hipótese.
Tuberculose - Estudos médicos e antropológicos
Portuguese Medical Association Coimbra
24th June 2017
skull (878) of a 24-year-old male, who died in 1933 due to frontal sinusitis and meningitis, presents evidence of a trepanation above the right frontonasal suture, and micro/macroporosity on the superciliary
arches. The available Coimbra University Hospitals archives (1913–1939) reported that 46 females and 59 males (aged 15 months–84 y.o., x=35.33) underwent surgery to treat RS, primarily by trepanation
(94.3%). In a search for similar evidence in the collection, the skull of a 42-year-old female (85), who died in 1927 due to sarcoma in the abdomen, shows four quadrangular holes located above the right supraorbital notch, right and left maxilla, and left mastoid process. The number/location of the holes and cut marks point to postmortem medical training (possible dissection). This paper discusses the value of information from historical contexts to differentiate between surgery and medical training in the paleopathological record.
Sixteen skeletons and the remains of at least other eight individuals were dug out. They had been buried there during the 15th and 16th centuries, when the town´s Mother Church and the church of Misericórdia were built inside the castle. It was possible to establish not only burial practices at the time, but also the genre, age, height and discreet characteristics of that population.
Resultados da investigação arqueológica e antropológica da necrópole do castelo da vila de Viana do Alentejo (Évora), erigido entre o final do séc. XV e o início do séc. XVI e considerado um dos melhores exemplos do estilo “manuelino” no Sul de Portugal.
Foram exumados 16 esqueletos em articulação e as ossadas de, pelo menos, outros oito indivíduos, aqui depositados nos sécs. XV-XVI, quando se construíram no interior do castelo a Igreja Matriz da vila e a Igreja da Misericórdia. Para além das práticas funerárias da época, avaliaram-se os sexos e as faixas etárias, a estatura e os caracteres discretos da população representada.
The mass was examined by SEM and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. These procedures revealed a heterogeneous inner surface with both smooth and irregular areas. A larger spherical and several smaller crescent-shaped perforations were noticed. X-ray microanalysis revealed the presence of the elements C, K, P, Ca, Al, Si, Fe, and Mg. The co-localisation of Ca and P suggests that they may be combined in a mineral matrix, likely formed in vivo. Other minerals probably came from the soil, although Fe could be related to the presence of blood. The macroscopic and microscopic appearances, chemical composition, and location of the calcified mass point to a possible hydatid cyst from Echinococcus granulosus, common in agricultural populations.
This study used a suite of analytical techniques that are useful in the diagnosis of unknown calcified masses and can, therefore, be recommended for use in future analytical work.
face of science and of previous beliefs, expanded the horizons of knowledge, and challenged philosophical and scientific
thought, especially in the field of natural sciences and medicine. In the domain of bioarchaeology, the introduction of
histological techniques was important; not only to identify body tissues and to diagnose diseases in mummified remains, but
also to understand bone and teeth microstructure, and associated patterns of response to environmental constraints. In this
paper a critical review of the major contributions of histology to the growing body of knowledge in paleopathology and
bioarchaeology will be presented, focusing on the current multiple applications of microscopy, its limitations, and its future
paleopatologia, disciplina orientada para as
investigações acerca da saúde humana a partir do
estudo dos vestígios que persistem após a morte.
Os ossos e dentes perduram ao longo do tempo,
revelando evidências de pretéritas doenças e da
variabilidade no percurso da história da humanidade.
Nesta disciplina os vestígios esqueléticos foram
sempre estudados com recurso às mais recentes
técnicas. Nunca como hoje houve tantos vestígios
disponíveis para análise mas, em contraste, nunca
corremos tão grande risco de os perder. Num
notável exercício de síntese, articula a abordagem
biocultural da paleopatologia de modo original
e interdisciplinar, não descurando as questões
éticas a que estamos compelidos pela natureza
da Antropologia. A forma clara, e até lúdica, da
escrita torna-a atrativa tanto para quem detém
conhecimentos de paleopatologia como para
estreantes, sendo também um livro pedagógico e,
por conseguinte, recomendável para o ensino.
The necropolis of Monteiras is located on the North of Portugal, a few Km away from the Douro river, in the south border Roman province of Tarraconense. Approximately 90 burials, both from cremation and inhumation, were excavated between 1993 and 1995 by Teresa Soeiro and Gilda Pinto. According to the grave goods this necropolis dates from 1st to 4th centuries AD.
In this work will be presented the archaeological and anthropological results from 17 graves with preserved fragments of human bone. Pottery, metal, glass and charcoal were also studied. Through macroscopic observations and using a magnified lent, the colour and texture of the cremated bone were evaluated showing a whitish colour and transversal cracks on some fragments of long bone. For each grave, the total weight of the bone fragments and the degree of fragmentation is also specified. The human bone fragments identified, mainly from long bones and skull, allowed the determination of the demographic profile.
The study of the funerary practices in this archaeological site across time is a contribution to the knowledge of the roman funerary world.
The aim is to perform a cortical surface exam, to test the reliability of the Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) as a non-invasive diagnostic tool, to determine differences between the bone manifestations mentioned above, and between individuals with different ages.
2). No indivíduo 2 existem alterações de aspeto “espiculado”/“serrilhado” e depressão pronunciada nas superfícies oclusais de quatro incisivos e um canino
maxilares e três incisivos e dois caninos mandibulares. Nos dentes dos indivíduos 2, 5 e 8 verifica-se desgaste em forma de cunha na linha de junção cimentoesmalte, com consequente perda de substância dura. Estas lesões poderão ter origem mastigatória, provocada pela alotriofagia, ou extramastigatória,
provocada pelas condições de vida e atividades ocupacionais (discutidas no contexto da consulta dos processos individuais realizada na Torre do Tombo) ou pela hipercloridria provocada por vómitos crónicos que poderá ter contribuído para a dissolução química do esmalte e dentina resultante das deficientes condições de higiene e de alimentação no cárcere ou de um sistema digestivo afetado por várias enfermidades.
O projeto Sarilhos Grandes foi iniciado em 2008, no âmbito de uma intervenção de salvaguarda de uma empreitada da SIMARSUL, empresa do Grupo Águas de Portugal, que conduziu à descoberta de 21 enterramentos dos séculos XV-XVII. Desde então uma equipa multidisciplinar tem realizado estudos com o objetivo de obter informações acerca da dieta e das doenças da população de Sarilhos Grandes.
A Conferência Sarilhos Grandes na Expansão Portuguesa e a exposição Sarilhos Grandes entre dois mundos: o Oriente e o Ocidente irão apresentar os resultados da investigação, de onde se destacam alguns parasitas relacionados com a ingestão de carnes e de águas contaminadas, o consumo de batata, centeio, trigo, feijão, grão-de-bico entre outros vegetais bem como de crustáceos. Alguns destes achados, bem como o fungo Candida albicans, foram pela primeira vez identificados no território nacional.
Seventy-seven individuals (14.1%) present at least one NSS, 36 to the right, 40 to the left and 1 male two bilateral spurs, without statistical significance between sides (X²=0.211; df=1; p=0.646). A logistic regression shows that age is associated with the predisposition to die of cardiovascular disease (odds ratio [OD], 1.020; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.003 to 1.038), but not sex (B=0.130; Wald=0.168; p=0.682) and the presence of NSS (B=-0.645; Wald=3.056; p=0.080). Furthermore, male individuals (OD, 2.343; 95% CI, 1.329 to 4.129) and age (OR, 0.985; 95% CI, 0.971 to 0.999), but not nasal trauma (B=-0.750; Wald=2.341; p=0.126), are associated with the presence of NSS. Albeit NSS are known to cause impairment of quality of life, its investigation is scarce in clinical studies and nonexistent in paleopathology.
Materials and Methods: The sample (n=21), selected from the Coimbra identified skeletal collection, consists of seamstresses, shoemakers and tailors, and an age and sex matched control sample of equal number. The indicators recorded were entheseal changes, degenerative joint changes, markers of occupational stress (MOS) and robusticity index (RI). The model suggests changes in the dominant side related to repetitive circular and pedalling movements associated with sewing, alongside changes associated with a hunched posture. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse bilateral asymmetry (Wilcoxon test) and the association of the indicators with occupation, age at death, sex and RI (Fisher’s exact test).
Results: Little association was found between occupation and the indicators, rather age at death and sex was more important. Bilateral asymmetry was rarely found. Specific MOS related to sewing were found in the control sample, thus the model is not supported. There was an almost non-existent association between the indicators and RI.
Discussion and Conclusions: No clear association was found between occupation and the indicators, contradicting the model. Age had a stronger association, suggesting that occupation itself is not a determining factor, whereas age and sex are. The model created is not effective or viable, since few differences were found between the samples. The use of both left and right sides in the tasks performed could explain the results of bilateral asymmetry. Similar studies, applied to a larger sample size, are needed to better understand the occupation factor in the development of the indicators.
The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together researchers interested in disease, injury and other effects of occupations (in the broadest sense) on the human skeleton to improve the interpretation of these changes in archaeological and forensic contexts.
Why Occupational Health?
Identifying occupation, task division and activity-patterns from skeletal remains past populations and using this to assist forensic identification, has been an alluring prospect in bioarchaeology from its earliest inceptions. Some occupation identification can be made by pathognomonic changes, e.g. “phossy jaw” which was characteristic of those working with white phosphorous in the matchstick industry, however, the majority of skeletal changes cannot be ascribed to a single task or occupation, e.g. entheseal changes or cross-sectional geometry. Recent research has highlighted that the multifactorial aetiology of many skeletal changes previously used to identify activity-patterns cannot be applied simplistically.
Conference Content
This conference will build on recent advances in related fields to provide a direction for future research on using skeletal changes to identify occupations (and activity-patterns) based on what is currently known. Abstracts are invited on a diverse range of approaches including: palaeopathology, biomechanics, ethnography, modern medicine, forensic science, archaeology, socio-cultural
The deadline for abstracts is the end of February and for early registration, is the 3rd of April.