腾讯PCG创新社区技术美术 胡晓川分享《走近卡通渲染-关于Trick的两三事》 - Unity技术专栏是中国Unity官方为开发者准备的中文技术分享社区,极简高效的markdown文本编辑器体验更适合Unity开发者日常记录开发经验和灵感,通过输出倒逼输入,加快自身学习成长速度;每一位开发者都可以通过技术分享与社区中的伙伴们交流学习,一起成为更优秀的创作者。
Taichi is a domain-specific language embedded in Python that helps you easily write poble, high-perf
Graphics programmer spending most of my waking hours making pixels prettier and faster. This blog is my scratchpad for graphics techniques I try and experiment with. The opinions expressed herein are my own. Follow @KostasAAA In the previous blog post I described a ementation of a hybrid shadowing system. It was based on a tile classification system with 3 levels (or nodes in
Ray Marching and Signed Distance Functions I’ve always been fascinated by demoscenes: short, real-time generated audiovisual demos, usually in very, very small executables. This one, by an artist named “reptile”, comes from a 4KB compiled executable. No external assets (images, sound clips, it’s all in that 4KB. To get a intuitive grip on how small 4KB is, a 1080p video that this
This post presents best practices for implementing ray tracing in games and other real-time graphics applications. We present these as briefly as possible to help you quickly find key ideas. This is based on a presentation made at the 2019 GDC by NVIDIA engineers. Main Points Optimize your acceleration structure (BLAS/TLAS) build/update to take at most 2ms via pruning and selective updates Denoisi
Gazoo.vrv Don Williamson, Consultant Game Technoemories come from that period. I remember vividly two inble WOW! moments that changed my life. The first was seeing the DOOM s
The Turing architecture introduces a new programmable geometric shading pipeline through the use of mesh shaders. The new shaders bring the compute programming model to the graphics pipeline as threads are used cooperatively to generate compact meshes (meshlets) directly on the chip for consumption by the rasterizer. Applications and games dealing with high-geometric complexity benefit from the fl
はじめに 先行事例と課題 陰影と色彩 シェーディングマップによる嘘陰影 頂点シェーダアニメーション ドット絵的なモデルとアニメーション 結果 問題点とか その他テクニックとか 今後 (追記:続いた) 実践ドット絵シェーダー その2 - チラつき抑制編 - 水鳥コンビナート はじめに 自分はドット絵が好きだが、描くのはあまり好きではない。 正確に言うと、1,2 枚を描くのはよいがひとつのゲームに使用する大量のドット絵を全部自力で描くのは大変つらい。 例えばアクションゲームかなにかを作る場合を考えてみると、 キャラクターについてだけでも、必要なドット絵枚数は (登場キャラクター数) × (各キャラができるアクションの数) × (各アクションに必要な枚数) × (リテイクのコスト) で相当なものになるのがわかる。 そこでドット絵っぽいものをレンダリングできるシェーダを用いることで横着をしようとい
ems ems is now available, right here, online. You can purchase a beautifully printed version of this book, and others in the series, at a 30% discount courtesy of InfIT and Addison-Wesley. The CD content, including demos and content, is available on the web and for download. Foreword Now is an excellent time to be working in the field of computer graphics. Over the past five years, GP
HLSL,GLSL,DirectX, OpenGL, Unity, Unreal Engineなど言語やエンジンは問いません。 グラフィックスに関するネタを書いてくれる人募集です! リアルタイムレンダリング,オフラインレンダリング等のジャンルも問いません。