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Questions tagged [capslock]

Button on keyboard that locking all text typed to device to capital text.

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how do I correctly disable caps-lock on my keyboard?

There are really two problems. One is that I accidentally hit caps-lock while I am doing some things and it is a hassle. The other is that caps-lock is on when I am trying to log in to my machine. I ...
Ray Kiddy's user avatar
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Caps lock inverted for normal and language-specific characters

Ubuntu 24.04: Sometimes my Caps lock state as indicated by the LED light on my Dell laptop keyboard gets inverted bot only for standard English characters. For special characters on my Czech keyboard (...
Martin Modrák's user avatar
1 vote
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Remapping Caps Lock to the 'backslash' character [duplicate]

As I am writing a lot of LaTeX, I'd like the CapsLock key to instead print a \ (AltGr+8 on my keyboard). I am running Ubuntu 23.10. I installed gnome-tweaks, which allowed me to remap Caps Lock to ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Capslock/control switching for Raspberry Pi 5 Ubuntu

I'd like any way to swap capslock and control or map capslock to control on the Raspberry Pi 5 ubuntu port. The old xmodmap does not work anymore. I think this is because of the usage of Wayland. ...
Ongaku's user avatar
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Caps Lock does not capitalize accented letters on AZERTY keyboard

I've just upgraded to Ubuntu 23.10 and my Caps Lock key does not work as it is supposed to. Before the update, when CAPS LOCK was on, I could get capital accented letters by just hitting é, à, ç, etc. ...
Arcesilas's user avatar
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Caps Lock Issue with Ubuntu 22.04 dual boot [duplicate]

So I wanted to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 11 for the sake of making it my main Programming machine while windows being my Microsoft Office machine. but I am encountering this weird caps lock delay ...
ItzKenny's user avatar
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I'm using Caps Lock as the Compose key. How can I still get caps lock behavior?

I'm running Ubuntu 23.04 with Wayland. I've set the Compose Key to be Caps Lock in the Keyboard settings dialog. That's convenient - I can now compose lots of fancy characters easily. (For various ...
Adam Dingle's user avatar
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Razer blade stealth 2016 Caps lock switch off freezes system

ive scoured the internet but cant seem to find an answer. Everytime i press caps lock and when i go to switch off caps lock it causes the system to freeze. Running Ubuntu 22.04. i have tried ...
Moe Shakir's user avatar
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Releasing CAPS LOCK with the SHIFT key

I want my Shift key to do caps and special characters without being affected by Caps Lock. I want to release Caps Lock with Shift. I don't want Shift to toggle. How can I do this?
Jason's user avatar
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xmodmap remappings not working correctly in all applications

I remapped some of my keys using a Mode_switch with the following .Xmodmap ! remove Caps Lock clear lock clear mod1 remove Lock = Caps_Lock remove Shift = Caps_Lock keycode 66 = Alt_L Meta_L Escape ...
AstanVizu's user avatar
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'setxkbmap -option caps:none' no longer works in 22.04.1

After the upgrade to 22.04 earlier this week I can no longer turn off the CapsLock key with terminal command 'setxkbmap -option caps:none'. Was this intentional? Or, is there another way to do so? ...
Richard Silbar's user avatar
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Capslock as Escape Key hold vs press behavior

I would like to know if it's possible to map CapsLock as Escape key when tapping but behave as a Super key if hold. This is a behavior I manage to do in MacOS with Karabiner but I haven't been able to ...
Carlos Gonzalez's user avatar
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Pressing caps lock (to return to lower case) doesn't always register

I've noticed on Ubuntu my Logitech keyboard doesn't seem to always register pressing cap-locks a second time (to return to lower case) so I end up typing this: UBuntu LOgitech I'm sure it never ...
user997112's user avatar
11 votes
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Jammy 22.04: How to map Capslock to Ctrl and Esc

I did a fresh installation of jammy 22.04. In my previous Ubuntu version, I'd remapped Caps lock to Esc when pressed and released, and to control when held in combination with other keys. It's good ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How do I get xcape to work correctly on Ubuntu 22.04?

I'm a vim/nvim user, and xcape has become for me a key feature in the last years. I use it in combination with gnome-tweaks (new package name, on previous version was gnome-tweak-tool) in order to: ...
LordAlucard90's user avatar
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Caps-Lock as Control no longer triggers reliably after upgrade to 20.04 (Lenovo UK keyboard layout)

Some years ago I mapped CapsLock to control to help treat a repetitive strain injury. This stopped working after updating to Ubuntu 12.04. For example, to paste in the terminal, one types shift+...
MRule's user avatar
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How to persistently map Capslock to ESC and Ctrl so that it still works after suspend/resume

I'm using the following lines in my ~/.xprofile on Ubuntu 20.04 to map Capslock to ESC and Ctrl: # make CapsLock behave like Ctrl: setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps # make ...
Wolfson's user avatar
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Problem on deactivating caps lock

I'm new here, so I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong. So... I've noticed that my caps lock only deactivate when i release the key. I can activate it just by pressing the key, but to turn it off, I ...
Gabriel Dias's user avatar
8 votes
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Fix CAps LOck delay in Ubuntu 21.04

I am one of those people who uses CAPS LOCK to capitalize text, so the issue is quite annoying on Linux distros where there is a delay. I had found a fix for this, which included changing the key<...
CyanCoding's user avatar
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Remap Caps Lock key to Ctrl+Y or other key

I am trying to remap my caps lock key to a new key combination like ctrl+b for using tmux. I spent hours googling but all explanations are just cryptic or only cover remapping a key to only a single ...
xbufu's user avatar
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Caps lock not working properly

I'm an AZERTY user, so to type numbers without using the num pad we need to use Caps lock/shift and the same thing for a lot of other special characters. So I realized that on Ubuntu, caps lock is ...
Adya's user avatar
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Capslock started to switch the language, but is not set to do so. How to disable it?

My Ubuntu 20.04 started writing in capitals. Capslock changes a language. In Settings -> Keyboard, I do not have this set. The language change is set to Super + space, however when I go to ...
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
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Why does my caps lock to escape mapping disappear when I use a USB switch?

I have been using this method to map caps lock to escape in Ubuntu 20.04, and it has worked flawlessly so far. However, I recently bought a USB switch to switch between controlling two computers with ...
hmmmmsomethingiswrong's user avatar
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How to use Caps Lock as ctrl automatically?

I used to be able to use my caps lock key as a ctrl using Gnome Tweaks but, despite it being set in Tweaks it is not working anymore. For the past 2 months I've had to periodically open up a non-tmux ...
user_78361084's user avatar
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xmodmap Mode_switch for different layouts

I need to add the same "Mode_switch layer" triggered by Caps_Lock for both layouts: EN and RU. Specifically, both Caps_Lock + h and Capd_Lock + р (Cyrillic_er) should lead to Left; both ...
Andrey Pikunov's user avatar
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Casp to Escape mapping gets reverted behind the scenes

On 20.04 LTS, pretty vanilla setup, I've successfully managed to remap caps to escape using gnome-tweaks... except it doesn't stick. Something unknown to me reverses the setting after a few hours or ...
clavoie's user avatar
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Change Caps Lock to Left Shift+Ctrl in Xubuntu

I want that pressing Caps lock behave the same as pressing Left Shift+Ctrl within Xubuntu. I use these two a lot as modifiers in conjunction with other keys. The only things I find are switching Caps ...
Dag's user avatar
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Re-install drivers in Ubuntu 18.04

My HP laptop behaves weirdly after I disconnect my Bluetooth earphones. The bar shows WiFi connected, but the internet no longer works. Also, the Caps Lock starts blinking as 2 back to back and 1 ...
Swati Srivastava's user avatar
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Laptop keyboard suddenly started acting weird

I am using a Lenovo ThinkPad E570 i3, with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (updated from previous version) and Windows 10 Pro Dual Boot. I was reading a book on evince, and it was the only app running. The network ...
S_H_'s user avatar
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Caps Lock key is not working Ubuntu 20.04

I recently upgraded Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04. After upgrading Everything is OK. But while I am typing password during login caps lock key is not working.I am trying to write uppercase character but it's ...
Abdur Rahim's user avatar
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Caps-Lock delay issue in Ubuntu 20.04

Hello Ubuntu Community, I have recently started duel-booting Ubuntu 20.04 alongside Windows 10 for the purposes of game development and I have noticed an issue that I think many have had it before me....
Abdelfattah Radwan's user avatar
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How do I set caps to BOTH control and escape in ubuntu/gnome?

I've seen a few questions about this, but none that answered it to my satisfaction. The question: "I'm on ubuntu-flavored linux. I want to use caps as an escape and a control at the same time. (...
PersianExcursion's user avatar
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Toggle caps lock LED on ThinkPad T43 - Ubuntu Server 16.04

I have installed the above mentioned OS on a 15-year old IBM Thinkbad (t-43 / 1871 series). I only care about the CAPS lock LED. Don't care about the others. Have reviewed some basic topics ...
user507866's user avatar
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Mapping caps to ctrl doesn't work

I decided I want to have my caps-lock key behave as ctrl key, so I added XKBOPTIONS="caps:ctrl_modifier" to my /etc/defaults/keyboard file. This file as of now has these contents: XKBMODEL="pc105" ...
mike239x's user avatar
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Mysteriously got into caps lock mode after mapping it to control

Under 18.04 I changed my caps lock key to be another control. I think I did this with a Gnome Shell add-on (just before Firefox performed an upgrade and disabled it.) Anyway, just a little while ago ...
ErikR's user avatar
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Complety! map capslock to ctrl

So I am using setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps to map capslock to ctrl since I find it easier to reach. However, I noticed that e.g. the functionality in which I hold down Ctrl and use the mouse-wheel ...
CD86's user avatar
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ubuntu 18.04 dell XPS caps lock sticks

I don't know if this is a hardware or software problem, but with my new Dell XPS 13, I find that the caps-lock sticks in the on position and I can't turn it off. Is there a way to prevent caps-...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS freezes after changing keyboard layout two times and black screen after pressing CAPSLOCK

Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS w/ 11 november 18 updates freezes after changing keyboard layout two times (super + space) and black screen after pressing CAPSLOCK two times. System can be shutdown only by ...
Sol's user avatar
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Remapped CapsLock key is ignored (set by XKBOPTIONS in /etc/default/keyboard)

I tried to follow which says this can be done this way: On Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu, Mint etc.) To make Caps Lock another Ctrl key, edit the ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Remapping CAPS_LOCK on Ubuntu 18.04

I would like to do the following with my CAPS_LOCK key: Remap CAPS_LOCK+h to the left arrow key Remap CAPS_LOCK+j to the down arrow key, etc Allow CAPS_LOCK to STAY as a CAPS_LOCK key if it's just ...
gav.newalkar's user avatar
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Keyboard option shift:both_caps not taking effect on console

I am trying to get both shift keys pressed together to act as caps lock on the console in Xubuntu 18.04. On recent Debian/Ubuntus, /etc/default/keyboard can be used to configure the keyboard both for ...
Dominik's user avatar
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14 votes
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Capslock (and other keys) indicator for Ubuntu 18.04

I know there are many solutions to this problem like using indicator-keylock or using lks-indicator. I have tried them both. However since I am on Ubuntu 18.04, these are not working. Can someone ...
Leela Venkatesh K's user avatar
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Cannot change a keyboard layout on the lock screen

I have two keyboard layouts installed in my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS + GNOME. Sometimes, after some idle period, my computer goes into a lock screen when the layout is the other than I need to type my ...
Yury Kirienko's user avatar
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Caps lock stopped working after an update

For some reason, Caps Lock stopped working on my machine. Not only on the laptop keyboard, but on any connected keyboard as well. I'm using 18.04 on a Dell XPS 15 9560. It worked perfectly until a ...
wout's user avatar
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Remapping Caps Lock to Escape in Ubuntu 18.04 bionic

In Ubuntu 16.04, there was an option in the settings which allowed to switch between Esc and Caps Lock. Where is this option in Ubuntu 18.04?
vrcmr's user avatar
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Caps Lock as a Control (Ctrl) key though the shell command

I'm using an Awesome WM, so the default settings provider doesn't work for me. Is there a simple shell way to make the Caps Lock key send a Ctrl key code instead?
KhaimovMR's user avatar
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Map Caps Lock to delete whole word

I used dconf-editor to map caps lock to backspace, which works fine. i.e. ['caps:backspace'] But I'd like to map caps lock to ctrl_backspace, so that it deletes the whole word when pressed. Is this ...
centerback's user avatar
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How to set Level3_Shift to Caps Lock AND Compose to Caps Lock+Ctrl in XFCE?

I switched from SUSE recently, which uses KDE as a default desktop environment. In KDE, it is possible to archieve such a setup with GUI options, but not in XFCE. I've tried set up the ~/.Xmodmap ...
Skirmy's user avatar
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18 votes
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Can I remap the Caps Lock key to play audio?

I'm trying to re-use the useless Caps lock key for something useful on 16.04 MATE. I have come across setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps to disable it, but could it be remapped to play/pause VLC for ...
2BFrank's user avatar
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Unable to install dual boot ubuntu on windows 10; caps lock key keeps blinking

I am trying to install dual-boot Ubuntu 16.04 onto Win10 w/USB stick, but after selecting anything from the purple menu (Try w/o installing, install, etc.), the screen flashes, goes black and then ...
Keiva's user avatar
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