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Keyboard option shift:both_caps not taking effect on console

I am trying to get both shift keys pressed together to act as caps lock on the console in Xubuntu 18.04. On recent Debian/Ubuntus, /etc/default/keyboard can be used to configure the keyboard both for ...
Dominik's user avatar
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How to get caps and num lock lights to show when in console

I have recently noticed something rather annoying, when in console (in one of the TTYs), if I press the caps lock key, the little light which normally lights up to show me that it is, does not, nor ...
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3 answers

Check Lock Keys state from command-line

I want to check Lock keys (i.e Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock etc.) state (On/Off) from command-line. How do I check state via terminal command?
Pandya's user avatar
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How do I turn off Caps Lock (the lock, not the key) by command line?

For some reason my laptop is stuck in Caps Lock. I have the Caps Lock key mapped by xmodmap to hyper_l, so I don't have a caps_lock key to turn it off. Is there a way I can turn it off by command ...
Echogene's user avatar
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How can I disable Caps Lock on text-mode (tty) terminals?

I have disabled caps lock in Ubuntu via the System Settings -> Keyboard panel (see How to programmatically swap the caps lock and esc keys? on how to find this option), however when I switch to a text-...
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