Sampler Weaving
Alice, my old loom, is warped. Dick helped me wind on the 5-yards of 8/4 carpet warp last night, watching clips of Top Gear on YouTube when I didn't need him. Winding on was much easier, and the tension is much more even, with his help. I'm making a sampler of loom-controlled weaves (plain weaves, basket weaves, and twills) from this book -
It's a college textbook from the 1970's that a weaving friend recommended. There are several other samplers in the book - double weaves, laces, weaver-controlled weaves - that I'm planning to do also.
I took my time threading the reed and heddles, and only made a few errors. At least that I've found so far. A couple of threads were crossed between the reed and the heddles; these were easiest to fix since I found them early. One thread - the pin in the lower right - missed the eye of the heddle and wasn't being woven at all. And the pin on the left? Reversed threads in the heddles, which meant cutting the old warp threads (scary the first time) and attaching new ones. I also made a new string heddle and attached it to the harness before figuring out I didn't need it. But hey, it's good practice, right? And now that I've experienced these problems, they won't be so scary next time. In theory.