Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts


High Tech and Craftsy Discount!

Hubby's a tad hard of hearing, so when the Roku3 came out with the ability to plug headphones into the remote control (genius!!), I was first in line to get one.
He loves it . . . . or at least he did until the headphone jack stopped working on the second night. ~sigh~ I did so love that short-lived peace and quiet.

While he was enjoying his teevee, I was making a birthday quilt and using my baby iPad to watch Craftsy
where my friend and weaving mentor, Deborah Jarchow, is teaching her 'Beyond the Basics' rigid heddle weaving class. (Doesn't she look great?)
Love, love, love this class. I love the Craftsy model anyway - take classes on your own time, in your own home, at your own pace, with the ability to ask questions of the teacher and get responses within 24 hours (or thereabouts) - but Deborah's class is really outstanding. 

My favorite part is that her lessons aren't 'sanitized'; when she makes a mistake (we call them "design elements" in my crochet classes) she laughs and shows how to fix it. Watching the repair job really fixes in my mind what went wrong and how things should be done.

And because she's such a great person and friend, Deborah is offering 50% off her class to my friends. Just use this link - Be sure to tell her Elisa said "hi!"