Papers by Nevena Serafimova
CONTRIBUTIONS, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, MASA, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2020
We introduce an imprecise probability model for general interaction games based on the Dirichlet ... more We introduce an imprecise probability model for general interaction games based on the Dirichlet family of multivariate probability distributions. In order to deal with the lack of evidence (ex-ante information), an ambiguity averse attitude of the players is incorporated into the payoff function. The existence of an ambiguity averse Nash equilibrium for the N-stage game is established as a classical result, composed of individual Nash equilibria for each separate round in the repeated game. The existence of a common belief about the probability distributions is an essential assumption for the analysis. In addition, further research directions are suggested.

The ECHO Project delivers an organized and coordinated approach to strengthen proactive cyber def... more The ECHO Project delivers an organized and coordinated approach to strengthen proactive cyber defense of the European Union, through effective and efficient multi-sector collaboration. ECHO Project aims to establish a strong and resounding sustainable network of cyber-security centers and competence for innovation within European Union, which will facilitate the sharing of knowledge, threats and cyber incidents for improving cyber-security solutions, raise awareness of security and protection methods and establish best practices to reduce risk exposure. The ECHO Consortium, composed of 30 members from different fields and sectors including health, transport, manufacturing, ICT, education, research, telecom, energy, space, healthcare, defense & civil protection, will develop, model and demonstrate a network of cyber research and competence centers, with a center of research and competence at the hub. The core objectives of the ECHO Project are: 1.The ECHO Multi-sector Assessment Fram...
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2023
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
Во овој труд се разгледува една класа линеарни диференцијални равенки од втор ред чиешто општо ре... more Во овој труд се разгледува една класа линеарни диференцијални равенки од втор ред чиешто општо решение е полином и се покажува дека таа е редуктибилна на систем диференцијални равенки од прв ред. При тоа е добиен системот диференцијални равенки и формулата за општо решение полином
Во рамките на трудов презентирано е математичко моделирање и симулација на борбени дејства помеѓу... more Во рамките на трудов презентирано е математичко моделирање и симулација на борбени дејства помеѓу две спротивставени единици, во услови кога постојат различни претпоставки во однос на аквизицијата на цели, координацијата при селекција на цели и можноста за самоуништување. Моделирањето е базирано на деривирани модели на Маркови вериги за континуирана транзиција. Моделите и софтверското решение се наменети за ситуации кога се изведуваат воздушни дуели, дејство од воздух на земја и изведување копнени дејства. Се претпоставува дека секоја од единиците е хомогена, односно поделува борбени платформи од ист вид и опремени со идентично вооружување
Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informathics (BJAMI), Dec 14, 2019
This article presents a brief review of differential game models, their characteristics and solut... more This article presents a brief review of differential game models, their characteristics and solutions, including evolutionary games. At the end, some upgrades of the classical models are discussed.

– The concept of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) can be used as a foundation for establishing... more – The concept of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) can be used as a foundation for establishing an integrated Intelligence System, which would be based on services as software components. It offers better coordination among institutions involved in intelligence, thus providing increase of intelligence effectiveness. In this article, the central focus is placed on determining measurement tools that allow evaluation of the service’s potential within an Intelligence Information System (IIS). The defined metrics’ aim is to estimate the accessibility status of services in IIS, thus facilitating the decision-making process prior to initializing a request for intelligence data gathering. Taking into account the individual service characteristics of reliability and cost, we gain additional insight into both momentary and periodic, weighted accessibility status of the system. By employing these estimations we hope to enhance our ability to understand, and consequently control and improve t...

Modern information technology offers significant support to the Intelligence Cycles (planning, co... more Modern information technology offers significant support to the Intelligence Cycles (planning, collecting, analyzing of data and their dissemination), by promoting the appropriate and flexible use of information, its searchability and exploitation. Although Intelligence Information Systems can significantly improve current and generate new intelligence working protocols, they are confronted with a serious challenge – the security of the system and the circulated information. Optimization techniques in the context of game and control theory are some of the tools that offer mathematical support for the formalization of the decision-making processes related to networked systems security. Game theory has been recently recognized as a way around the problem of lacking a quantitive decision framework for the security issues, as well as a model that can address more efficiently the problem of computational complexity in simulations.
Во овој труд се разгледува една класа линеарни диференцијални равенки од втор ред чиешто општо ре... more Во овој труд се разгледува една класа линеарни диференцијални равенки од втор ред чиешто општо решение е полином и се покажува дека таа е редуктибилна на систем диференцијални равенки од прв ред. При тоа е добиен системот диференцијални равенки и формулата за општо решение полином.
In this article we observe a class of linear differential equation of third order, which is obtai... more In this article we observe a class of linear differential equation of third order, which is obtained from a class of second order differential equation. Using some previous results, conditions for the existence of two of its particular solutions are obtained.

Information Age brings technologies that provide unparalleled opportunities for military and secu... more Information Age brings technologies that provide unparalleled opportunities for military and security force, including Army of the Republic of Macedonia, to develop and adopt new operational concepts for training and experimentation that may radically enhance their competitive edge. The military is undergoing a major cultural shift in its approach to simulation, and this processes need to be sufficiently flexible in adapting quickly to remain current with the rapid changes in information-related technologies as well as organizational adaptations associated with these advances. Serious games show to have positive impact on training results. Advantages of simulation games lay in the provision of a safe training environment, where users are able to play, test and probe without serious consequences. At the same time, it is important to engage learners by providing a motivating, challenging environment, which becomes meaningful to the player when skills and knowledge acquired within the ...
In this article we observe a class of linear differential equation of second order, (x − x1)(x − ... more In this article we observe a class of linear differential equation of second order, (x − x1)(x − x2)(x − x3)y” +(b2x2 + b1x + b0)y0 + (c1x + c0)y = 0, where x1, x2, x3, b2, b1, b0, c1, c0 are real numbers. Some substitutions for the given equation are introduced using the coefficient of y00 and with their help, some existence conditions for the integrability of the new equations are obtained, which contain a natural number.
Во рамките на трудов презентирано е математичко моделирање и симулација на борбени дејства помеѓу... more Во рамките на трудов презентирано е математичко моделирање и симулација на борбени дејства помеѓу две спротивставени единици, во услови кога постојат различни претпоставки во однос на аквизицијата на цели, координацијата при селекција на цели и можноста за самоуништување. Моделирањето е базирано на деривирани модели на Маркови вериги за континуирана транзиција. Моделите и софтверското решение се наменети за ситуации кога се изведуваат воздушни дуели, дејство од воздух на земја и изведување копнени дејства. Се претпоставува дека секоја од единиците е хомогена, односно поделува борбени платформи од ист вид и опремени со идентично вооружување.
This paper presents a concept for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach in a prototype of ... more This paper presents a concept for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach in a prototype of an Intelligence Information System (IIS). IIS prototype, based on SOA, could offer better coordination among institutions involved in intelligence thus providing increase of intelligence effectiveness. This approach can serve as a foundation for the establishment of the Integrated Intelligence System, which is based on services as software components. Here, our main interest is the upgrading of the Intelligence Information System with a Smart Web Portal, composed of three modules combined together to automate the Intelligence Cycle. The purpose of this feature is to serve as a platform for integrating Intelligence’s information collected by different sources and ensure information delivery to the right end-user.
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
This paper presents a concept for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach in a prototype of ... more This paper presents a concept for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach in a prototype of an Intelligence Information System (IIS). IIS prototype, based on SOA, could offer better coordination among institutions involved in intelligence thus providing increase of intelligence effectiveness. This approach can serve as a foundation for the establishment of the Integrated Intelligence System, which is based on services as software components.
Papers by Nevena Serafimova