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What Are We Doing in Syria?

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My first reaction to news earlier this month that the Syrian government had been overthrown was, how much did we have to do with it; how involved was the CIA; and how much is it going to cost.

As with Saddam and Gaddafi before him, we know that Assad was no libertarian hero. But unleashing an army dedicated to establishing an Islamic state in once-secular Syria hardly seems like a good idea to me.

As with President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” moment after Saddam’s overthrow, getting rid of Assad will prove to be the easy part. Rebuilding Syrian society after the destruction of the country will cost billions and will likely be about as successful as our “liberation” of Libya, which is still a failed, terrorist-dominated state more than a decade later.

In 2017 the Los Angeles Times published an article that, sadly, speaks volumes about the insanity of our interventionist foreign policy. “In Syria, militants armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA,” read the headline. How does it make any sense that the Pentagon is fighting a proxy war with the CIA on Syrian soil? What’s worse is that the American people are forced to pay for this Pentagon versus CIA war and then forced to pay again to rebuild the country after all the destruction.

The Syrian people will feel the cost in more than just dollars.

How involved is the US government in the overthrow of the Syrian government? For the past ten years the US has controlled the areas of Syria oil and wheat production, stealing resources that we have no legal claim on. The combination of resource theft and extreme sanctions hollowed out Syrian society over the past ten years, so when the terrorists sprang forth from Idlib a few weeks ago there was little resistance.

Now instead of the relatively benign yet authoritarian rule of Assad, we have rule by the direct inheritors of the people who attacked us on 9/11. I am shocked that the mainstream media and many if not most politicians are cheering this. Ironically, some of the biggest cheerleaders for the al-Qaeda takeover of Syria are the same Members of Congress who finished their daily speeches on the House Floor with “we will never forget 9/11.” I guess they finally forgot?

The implosion of Syria, like the US-engineered implosion of Libya and Iraq, has not led to democracy, peace, and the protection of civil liberties. In each case it has produced the exact opposite. Millions dead, millions more living in misery with many seeking revenge against those who destroyed their families, their lifestyle, and their countries. Are we safer having created millions of new enemies?

President-elect Donald Trump made a statement last week about Syria, saying that this is not our fight and we should have nothing to do with it. His sentiment is the correct one, though we have unfortunately to this point had far too much to do with it. Let us hope that as president, Donald Trump will follow through with this sentiment and extract the US – the overt and covert presence – from not only Syria but the entire Middle East. This is not our fight and every single thing we have done there for the past 75 or so years has only made things worse. Time for an America first foreign policy!

(Republished from The Ron Paul Institute by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Dr. Ronald Ernest Paul writes:

    Now instead of the relatively benign yet authoritarian rule of Assad, we have rule by the direct inheritors of the people who attacked us on 9/11.

    Ironically, some of the biggest cheerleaders for the al-Qaeda takeover of Syria are the same Members of Congress who finished their daily speeches on the House Floor with “we will never forget 9/11.”

    The above-quoted sentences by Dr. Paul are incorrect.

    Men-made catastrophe of September 11, 2001, was not perpetrated by Muslims.

    Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was tortured by American govt. to attest that American agent Osama bin Laden did 9/11, which was (is) absurdly a false narrative and inadmissible to any conscientious human mind.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  2. Trump says a lot of things now because he doesn’t have power yet, but things will change when he is in the White House, as he is assuring his friend Netanyahu.

    If Biden has given away hundreds of billions of dollars plus weapons, Trump will be a better donor to secure the family’s real estate plans with the lands of those killed by the Israelis.

    Let’s not fool ourselves, that is what is in his plans.

  3. Wokechoke says:

    Watching the start of the Turko-Israeli War.

    • Replies: @Rich
  4. Every real “Libertarian” ought always to ask, “Cui bono?” Dr. Paul undoubtedly knows full well the answer to that in the present case. Of-course he is always very careful never to say. So Liborio Guaso gets to set The Record straight, instead.

    Evidently the good Dr. Paul , despite or due-to his advanced age, believes he still has something left to lose. The shock he’s letting his “self” in-for has already proved fatal to many….and is bound to yet do so to many many more.

  5. Phibbs says:

    I wish Mr. Paul would state the obvious: Jews own & manage both the politicians and the media. America’s foreign policy is all about advancing the Jews’/Israel’s interests. American interests are spat on in Washington D.C.

    • Replies: @Mike Conrad
  6. Godly53 says:

    The American people are largely stupid and evil, which is why their society and government is also stupid and evil.

  7. @Phibbs

    Exactly right.

    What Are We Doing in Syria?

    Whatever wealthy and powerful jews tell us to do, that’s what. As with pretty much everything else we do.

    • Agree: Katrinka
    • Replies: @george 1
  8. Rurik says:

    Now instead of the relatively benign yet authoritarian rule of Assad, we have rule by the direct inheritors of the people who attacked us on 9/11.

    The above-quoted sentences by Dr. Paul are incorrect.

    not if you understand who actually attacked us on 9/11, are the same people who are now in control of Syria

    in fact, when Israel did 9/11, they had the fall of Syria, (among six other Muslim nations) as their main rationale for doing it

    • Replies: @Face_The_Truth
    , @zonoy
  9. What are the U.S doing in Syria, what the U.S has always done…kill and steal.

    We see the pecking order with Turkey, like the sick man of Europe it obeyed the cease fire demand from the U.S even though none of Turkeys’ objectives were obtained while the Israelis walk in unopposed to scoop up their goodies. I wonder who the invasion was designed to advantage?

    Turkey, Israel and U.S, pick the odd man out, one a sucker.

    So Turkey is served up lies and BS, what do they do? Gobble gobble!

  10. An American first foreign policy? Not while America is controlled by Jews.

  11. @Rurik

    The fall or demise of all Muslim nations is a good thing whether the Jewish State of Israel does it or world’s 2 billion Muslims do it by themselves via sectarian barbarism is not the issue; because, 1400 years old military-political ideology of Islam actually belongs in the trash-bin of history by now.

    In fact, the Israelis are doing a big favor to non-believers of Islam by killing Muslims in West Asia!

    And, I salute His Excellency Net-Any-Ahu for doing the extremely hard job for the interest of world’s Jewry.

    But, deliberately killing American sailors in international water and later claiming that was an unforeseen sloppy mistake, continuously spying on American govt. that actually sends billions of dollars annually to the Jewish State, and participating in the assassination of a sitting American president are unforgivable crimes of the Jewish State of Israel.

    I have not included the men-made catastrophe of 9/11/2001 in the above list of unforgivable crimes of the Jewish State of Israel, because American White greedy Christian bloodsuckers committed it for gaining total control of world’s natural resources in the so-called “New American Century” where Israeli govt. played the role of facilitator(s).

    Both recorded and unrecorded bloody crimes of 2000 years old Christianity (i.e., Jew-worship) will only end in Christians (Jew-worshipers) eating each other’s flesh!

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Truth Vigilante
  12. george 1 says:
    @Mike Conrad

    Specifically arranging for the greater Israel Project and providing for a safe transit path for the proposed gas pipeline from Qatar and Saudi Arabia to Turkey.

  13. Rurik says:

    I have no problem with Muslims in their own lands.

    And as you point out, it wasn’t Muslims who did 9/11, but Jews, yes and their treasonous white American enablers like Bush and Cheney and many, many others.

    on my list of those whom I’d hold to account, first are Dick Cheney, and George W Bush, and then all the apparatchiks in the FBI and CIA and elsewhere, who’ve betrayed their fellow countrymen and women, their nation and their sacred oaths, in order to preside over the horrific slaughter of thousands of Americans, so they could seek some personal advantage out of the deaths and wars and horrors.

    The ones who helped perpetrate 9/11, all deserve to dangle.

    And that goes for all the ones who’ve participated in the cover up.

    Then there’s the Israelis, who should all be hanged as well, for their part in 9/11.

    As to the Muslims, they didn’t do anything to harm any American that I know of, except act as bullet and bomb sponges.

    Why should I blame them for anything?

    At worst, is they come to the West, and then destroy it, because they’re not Westerners, and never will be. But when the West opens their gates wide open, and says Come on in! We’ll give you freebies galore, and you can rape whitey’s children if you want to, and the authorities will cover it all up, and help you rape even more!

    Who’s more to blame, the Muslim (and African and Latins and everybody else) who’re welcomed in with wide open arms and legs?

    or the treasonous scum who invite them?

    Like the Jews and Catholic and Protestant churches who bring in hundreds of thousands of Somalians and others.

    No, Islam isn’t for me, but neither is any organized religion. But so long as people are living in their own lands, I don’t care who or what they pray to.

    It’s when they come here, that they’re a problem, and it is Jews and Christians and Democrats and shitlibs and corrupt Republican politicians who’re inviting them in.

    • Agree: Brad Anbro
  14. Rich says:

    If Israel attacks Turkey that will force NATO to invoke article 5 and come to Turkey’s defense. That would be funny to see. The back flips and pretzel twisting and head scratching might cause a few heads in DC and its vassal states to explode.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  15. @Face_The_Truth

    Face_of_The_Untruth writes:

    In fact, the Israelis are doing a big favor to non-believers of Islam by killing Muslims in West Asia!
    And, I salute His Excellency Net-Any-Ahu for doing the extremely hard job …..

    What the eff is wrong with you Mr Untruth?

    The collective wrongs perpetrated by the Muslims over the last thousand years (whether real or imagined), pale into insignificance in comparison to the crimes committed by Malignant International Jewry (MIJ) in the last year alone*.
    (*Without even having to factor in their orchestration of the murders of JFK/RFK/JFK Jr, 9/11, USS Liberty incident, the Ukraine proxy war, the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax, the Mass Cull of humanity during the Covid Psyop) and much, MUCH more.

    The fact that the Muslim world are committed in their opposition to MIJ (ie: actually putting their lives on the line), warrants that ALL the goyim of the world should be united in providing our utmost [financial/materiel/moral] support.

    Anyone that would even contemplate saluting that epicentre of evil and unparalleled piece-of-shit (otherwise known as Nutty-yahoo), has a few screws loose.
    Either that or they have a (((tribal)))/Christian Zionist affiliation with the Talmudic misfits.
    You would do well to pay heed to what Rurik has written in comment # 13.

    • Thanks: Rurik
    • Replies: @Face_The_Truth
    , @Jokem
  16. @Truth Vigilante

    Truth Vigilante says: The collective wrongs perpetrated by the Muslims over the last thousand years (whether real or imagined), pale into insignificance in comparison to the crimes committed by Malignant International Jewry (MIJ) in the last year alone.

    Face_The_Truth retorts:

    The collective crimes perpetrated by Christian bloodsuckers and Muslim scums on non-believers of Christianism and Islam in past 2000 years have not been held to account as of today.

    In Indian subcontinent alone, Muslim war-criminals and Muslim terrorists killed 80 million “Hindus” (i.e., Indian Pagans) both during and after medieval period.

    World’s Jewry have not done even the scintilla of crimes that were committed on non-believers since the commencement of Christianism (i.e., Jew-worship) 2000 years ago!

    Truth Vigilante says: The fact that the Muslim world are committed in their opposition to MIJ (ie: actually putting their lives on the line), warrants that ALL the goyim of the world should be united in providing our utmost [financial/materiel/moral] support.

    Face_The_Truth retorts:


    Muslim-world is committed to conquest and subjugation of non-believers of Islam and, within that commitment, Muslim-world finds two giant obstacles in making our world Dar al-Islam: One is the Jewish State of Israel in West Asia and the other one being the most stubborn, vast land-mass called India!

    The Jewish religious doctrine of Jew vs. Gentile (aka Goyim) is practiced within Jewish religious text-books since today’s Jews do not go out to kill, rape, kidnap and torture non-believers of Judaism.

    However, Islamic ideological doctrine of Mu’min versus Kãfir is far worse both in texts and in Islamic practices.

    In reality, Jewish concept of Yahudi versus Goyim is for Jewish self-preservation only whereas Islamic fundamental understanding of believer versus non-believer is for complete annihilation of all other religions and all other religious practices on earth, which is just like the way early Christians (i.e., Jew-worshipers) destroyed all Pagan statues, arsoned all Pagan libraries and Pagan archives, converted all Pagan schools, Pagan temples and Pagan sanctuaries into Christian churches, Christian monasteries and Christian abodes for the purpose of exclusive Jew-worship.

    Truth Vigilante says: Anyone that would even contemplate saluting that epicentre of evil and unparalleled piece-of-shit (otherwise known as Nutty-yahoo), has a few screws loose.

    Face_The_Truth retorts:

    Israeli Prime Minister Net-Any-Ahu deserves world’s admiration and accolade for taking the most consequential stand against Muslim-marauders who attacked his country again and again without any respect for human decency, human coexistence and human dignity.

    Israelis gave everything that Muslims demanded in every so-called “Peace Deal”; but, in return Israelis only got constant bomb-attacks, rocket-attacks, knife-attacks, and kidnapping for ransom.

    Which is similar to Indian “Hindus” giving Muslims whatever Muslims demanded; but, in return Indian “Hindus” only got bloody battles after bloody battles, military-style attacks on the Indian Parliament, terrorist-attacks on major Indian financial hubs, and literal expulsions of all “Hindus” from Muslim-dominated territories.

    I only cite historical truths for what Muslims — when in majority — are capable of and what majority Muslims do to non-believers of Islam.

    Islam is a military-political ideology that masquerades as a religion and majority of world’s Muslims are the worst scums on earth.

    Stated under oath by Madan Lal Pahwa during M.K. Gandhi Murder Trial:

    “…We walked night and day. There were men and women of all ages and all conditions.

    Many could not stand the strain. They — mostly women and children — were left on the road.

    I reached a place called Fazilka, in Indian territory, and discovered that another refugee column in which my father and other relatives had set out had fared much worse.

    They had been attacked by Muslim-mobs on their way: Only 40 or 50 had survived out of 400 or 500 and even these were in hospitals.

    My aunt had been killed, more than a hundred ‘Hindu’ girls were abducted [by Muslims], and my father was rescued from a heap of the dead.”

    “…While in Fazilka, we saw other refugee columns coming in; one of them he says was ‘forty miles long’, and in another marched ” five hundred women who had been stripped naked [by Muslims] …

    …I saw ‘Hindu’ women with their breasts, noses, ears and cheeks cut [by Muslims] …

    …one of them told me how her child was roasted and she was asked to partake of the same [by Muslims] …

    …another was ravished [by Muslims] in the presence of her husband who was kept tied to a tree.”

    • Replies: @Jokem
    , @Truth Vigilante
  17. Jokem says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    What Tooth Dilettante say, true or not, works in favor of World Marxism

  18. Jokem says:

    Islam is a military-political ideology that masquerades as a religion and majority of world’s Muslims are the worst scums on earth.

    The extremists are, but the majority are much like the rest of us, they want to have a family and be secure and earn a living.

  19. Wokechoke says:

    Good times. Russia had around 190 KIA in Syria between 2015-24. Around half were killed in a plane crash heading into Latakia while over the Black Sea.

    The Jews and Turks and Americans overreacted to the tiny Russian presence of 4,000 troops stationed there.

  20. @Face_The_Truth

    Face_Of_The_Untruth writes:

    World’s Jewry have not done even the scintilla of crimes that were committed on non-believers since the commencement of Christianism ….

    Well then, let’s do some back of the envelope calculations for the 20th/early 21st centuries alone, that tally up some of the deaths from Malignant International Jewry:

    1) WWI & II – of the order of 100 million. (Yes, anyone who’s studied history objectively will know that Jewish financiers manoeuvred their political minions in key positions of power – like the drunkard Churchill and that cripple FDR – so that the Allies forced war on the Germans in both wars and the Japanese in the latter conflict).

    2) The murder of JFK/RFK.
    Had the former not been murdered by Malevolent Jews, and gone on to serve a second term (which he would’ve after winning in a landslide in 1964), there would’ve been no 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars and the needless deaths of countless hundreds of thousands (to say nothing of the millions of mostly Indo-Chinese civilians killed in the Vietnam War, coupled to the 58,000 Americans that perished).

    And, immediately following JFK’s tenure, we would’ve seen two terms of RFK.
    The world would’ve been an entirely different place had this transpired and there more than likely would not have been a 9/11.

    3) 9/11 and it’s aftermath. I can’t put a final figure on that because it is still ONGOING – the latest chapter being the fall Syria and the carnage/head chopping that is to be unleashed on the populace.
    But, in the words of Paul Craig Roberts, 9/11 led to the:
    ‘Killing, maiming, orphaning, displacement and dispossession of tens of millions’.

    4) The Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax, which has prevented various third world peoples (sub-Saharan Africans in particular), from utilising cheap and reliable coal fired power generated electricity. As a result they die decades earlier from indoor smoke induced respiratory illnesses.
    Watch the seven minutes or so from 1:04:30-1:12:00 in the video below for emphatic proof that the ZOG conjured Global Warming fraud is leading to the premature demise of countless hundreds of millions in the third world:

    Video Link

    5) The Mass Cull of humanity from the ZOG orchestrated Covid Psyop and roll out of the deadly ‘vaccines’ manufactured by ZOG owned Big Pharma.
    Watch the 2 min video below titled ‘Dr. Roger Hodkinson Reveals Latest Vaccine Stats – 20 Million Dead from the Jab and 2.2 Billion Injured’:

    Summary: The death and despair resulting from Jewish depravity since the dawn of the 20th century alone DWARFS anything that Muslims were alleged to have perpetrated over the last 1000 years.
    And please, stop again with your ‘Israeli Prime Minister Net-Any-Ahu deserves world’s admiration and accolade … ‘ idolatry. You’re making us all nauseous.

    Anyone that has a single positive word to say about Bibi the Grim Reaper, is a sick and twisted fuck.
    You’re either a conscience-free Jew or a Christian Zionist in the mould of that paedophile Lindsey Graham.

    Which if the two categories of degenerate are you Mr Untruth?
    (Seeing as there is no other possibility – it’s either one or the other).

    • Replies: @Rurik
  21. Rurik says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    1) WWI & II – of the order of 100 million.

    Please don’t forget the Boer wars at the start of the 20th century, where Malignant International Jewry sent in their British goons to steal the gold and diamond mines, and invented concentration death camps for the Dutch women and children, because they couldn’t defeat the heroic Afrikaner guerilla fighters.

    Or, the Bolshevik / communist horrors and Red Terror, that slaughtered untold millions of souls, in the course of the 20th century, including many millions during the Holodomor alone.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  22. @Rurik

    You wrote:

    ‘Please don’t forget the Boer wars at the start of the 20th century …. the Bolshevik / communist horrors and Red Terror …… including many millions during the Holodomor alone’.
    Thanks Rurik, we should not forget those.

    But I did write: ‘tally up SOME of the deaths from Malignant International Jewry … ‘ in my comment.
    As you and I well know, I could be here all day if I was itemise each and every significant act of malfeasance perpetrated by Malignant International Jewry.
    Off the top of my head, here are just a few post 9/11 alone:

    1) The 2002 Bali Bombing (Australia’s 9/11 – seeing as Aussies were disproportionately killed and injured in this attack in which an Israeli sourced mini-nuke was employed).
    The Bali Bombing occurred on 12 Oct. 2002 – exactly ONE year, ONE month and ONE day (111) after 9/11. The Talmudic Jews have a numerological obsession with the numbers 11, 111 and multiples thereof. eg: JFK assassinated on 22/11, American Airlines planes allegedly crashing on 9/11 were AA11 and AA77 etc.

    2) The March 2004 Madrid Train Bombing* (Spain’s 9/11).
    (*A period of 911 days had elapsed in between this ZOG orchestrated crime and the 9/11 False Flag).
    Quite a cohencidence, don’t you think?

    3) The 7/7 London Underground Tube and Bus bombings (Britain’s 9/11).
    This occurred on 7 July, 2005, or 7/7/2005.
    Or, looked at another way, if we add up the digits of the year it can be written as 7/7/7.
    (*The Jewish financiers in the City of London that control the entirety of the western financial and political systems like to get off on that, seeing as 777 is a multiple of 111).

    4) The Jewish orchestrated ‘disappearance’ of Malaysian Airlines MH370 and shooting down of MH17 in 2014 (both of which were Boeing 777 aircraft).

    5) The mini-nuke (estimated to be in the vicinity of 4-6kT equivalent of TNT) dropped on Beirut by the IDF in August 2020.
    Look at the short clip below yourselves. This was no stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate/fertiliser that created that mushroom cloud, I can assure you of that (40 sec video):

    Video Link
    At the end of the day, Jewish depravity is difficult to quantify.
    Yet that suspect individual using the pseudonym ‘Face_Of_The_Untruth’ goes in to bat for the Jews from time to time and tries to make a defence for their heinous activities.

    • Replies: @Face_The_Truth
    , @Rurik
  23. zonoy says:

    oh, driving the muslims into christian nations is helping them how?

  24. What you do everywhere; stealing and murdering, murdering & stealing.

  25. @Truth Vigilante

    Every incident you have cited above inherently involved unadulterated greed of White Christian bloodsuckers!

    Our world has not been in peace since the commencement of Christianity (i.e., Jew-worship) 2000 years ago.

    Get rid of Christian bloodsuckers (i.e., Jew-worshipers) and Judaism will wither away.

    Judaism is the symptom; but, Christianity is the disease of Western Civilization.

    • Disagree: Rich
  26. Rurik says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    At the end of the day, Jewish depravity is difficult to quantify.

    an understatement

    thanks TruthV

    they are our misfortune

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