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Our World of Wars, Our War of Worlds
A Ukrainian soldier with the 1st Airmobile Battalion, 79th Air Assault Brigade calls out to a fellow soldier, letting the other soldier know he is set and ready to cover his movement during pairs movement training at the Yavoriv Combat Training Center on the International Peacekeeping and Security Center, near Yavoriv, Ukraine, May 15, 2017. “170515-A-RH707-394” by U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

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It is some years now since a lot of people began imagining the specter of World War III in the near or middle distance. This kind of thinking has been especially common since the U.S., with determination and purpose, provoked Russia to intervene in Ukraine three years ago this coming February. A few weeks later President Biden defended his decision to block the transfer of fighter jets to the Kiev regime by famously remarking, “That’s called World War III.”

It is obvious now, if it wasn’t then, that the Biden White House had already begun playing a reckless game of footsie with the Russians. Kiev now has squadrons of F–16s in the air, Abrams tanks on the ground, and Patriot missiles standing guard. Same story. When, in mid-November, Biden (or whoever makes decisions in his name) gave Ukraine permission to fire long-range missiles into Russia warnings of World War III came quickly. “Joe Biden is dangerously trying to start WWIII,” Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican, said on “X.” You heard similar remarks from the Kremlin and the Russian Duma.

The risk of a new global conflict could scarcely be more evident as 2024 gives way to 2025. A sound survey of our geopolitical circumstances tells us the imperium, in an increasingly desperate state as its hegemony is challenged, is effectively spoiling for decisive confrontations with any power that threatens its longstanding but crumbling primacy. As I have argued severally these past few years, the policy cliques in Washington concluded they had reached a shoot-the-moon moment when they committed the U.S. to the proxy war in Ukraine, an all-out operation to bring down the Russian Federation. We must now read this hubristic ambition as part of a larger story, a worldwide story, a story of war everywhere you look.

But we need to get beyond all thoughts that we stand at the edge of a “World War III” of the kind that scarred the previous century. The phrase obscures more than it reveals. It prompts us to search the past for an understanding of our present, and — as is the case with so much about our new century — the past is not of much use to us. At some point — I would say after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001— we entered uncharted territory. The world is at war, yes, but ours are wars of a different kind by way of the technologies and methods used to wage them — to say nothing of the objectives of those who start them. The nature of power and how it is exercised have been transformed. When taken together, the sheer magnitude of our wars is — and I am ever cautious with this term — unprecedented.

Like it or not we are making history, to put this point another way. And when one’s age is making history there is no repeating or referencing history because the events of the age have no parallel in the past. The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy and ended with negotiations after decisive victories on battlefields. The wars we witness — let us be very clear about this — are destroying democracy, and those waging these wars make it bitterly plain they have no intention of negotiating anything with those they have turned into adversaries. This bodes very badly for the character of the transformation that is to come.

The wars that beset us — in Europe, in West Asia, in East Asia — are many. With or without military engagement, they have already started. But to step back even a small distance, they seem to me to be one. This is a war between a power that has reigned without serious challenge for half a millennium and the powers, non–Western powers, the 21st century thrusts forth in the name of global parity. The one is fading, the other emergent. The world is at war, and it is a war of worlds.

If I had two words to explain why the world is in so perilous a state, I would have no trouble settling on “the West.” I have made reference to history. Let us have a look around in it in this connection.

The notion of the West is at least as old as Herodotus, chronicler of the Persian Wars, who described the line separating the West from the rest as imaginary. The term acquired many meanings over many centuries. But it was in the 19th century that the West was first understood as a modern political construct. This was in response to the modernization project Peter the Great had set in motion in the early 1700s. So “the West” was defensive from the first, formed in reaction. There was also something unconscious reflected in it. Russia was the East, given to communal forms of social organization and some dark, irrational peasant consciousness, pre–Cartesian and anti–Western to its core — and so an implicit threat, never to be any other.
Here is de Tocqueville, in the first volume of Democracy in America, which he brought out in 1835:

There are at the present time two great nations in the world, which started from different points but seem to tend towards the same end. I allude to the Russians and the Americans. Both of them have grown up unnoticed; and whilst the attention of mankind was directed elsewhere, they have suddenly placed themselves in the front rank among the nations, and the world learned their existence and their greatness at almost the same time…. Each seems called by some secret design of Providence one day to hold in its hands the destinies of half the world.

A dozen years later Sainte–Beuve, the historian and critic, made a more daring case:

There are now but two great nations — the first is Russia, still barbarian but large, and worthy of respect…. The other nation is America, an intoxicated, immature democracy that knows no obstacles. The future of the world lies between these two great nations. One day they will collide, and then we will see struggles the like of which no one has dreamed of.

A short while later Jules Michelet, the celebrated historian, was first to call for “an Atlantic union,” meaning a trans–Atlantic union. Michelet, it is worth noting, made it plain he considered Russians to be sub-human. So it was that by the 1870s “the West” as we know it was fully ascendant, as was “the East” as the Atlantic world’s great Other.


I have no idea why it was the French who proved so prescient on this question, but it is impossible not to be impressed by their foresight. Sainte–Beuve got it right as rain when he predicted a world-enveloping struggle of which no one had yet dreamed. It is our curse that we witness this today, 177 years after he made his observations.

At the same time we have to recognize these writers’ lapses and failures. The civilized-vs.-the-savage theme is prevalent in all these writings, unfortunately. De Tocqueville put this in terms of opposites:

The former [the young United States] combats the wilderness and savage life; the latter, civilization with all its arms. The conquests of the American are therefore gained with the ploughshare; those of the Russian by the sword.

This is nothing more than clunky, Westcentric stuff — damaging to the extent it has since marked accepted thinking all the way to Joe Biden’s White House. And the French seers of the mid–19th century failed to see — it could not be otherwise, we have to say — that the collisions of which Sainte–Beuve wrote would take many strange forms and extend far beyond Czarist Russia.

Craig Murray, formerly a British ambassador in Central Asia and now a committed critic of Western policy, published a piece in mid–December under the headline “Abolishing Democracy in Europe.” In it he described the effective disenfranchisement of a half-million Moldovan voters resident in Russia when presidential elections were held this past autumn. He goes on to consider the case of Georgia, whose president, a French citizen for most of her life, now point-blank refuses to leave office despite her defeat in elections this year. And he then takes up Romania, where courts recently disqualified the winning presidential candidate on the wholly specious grounds that he may have benefited—repeat may have, there is no evidence of this—from social media campaigns favorable to Russia.

Murray is right to treat these events together. All three involve Western-inspired political and institutional corruptions in the cause of installing Russophobic leaders who favor ties to the European Union regardless of popular preferences. This is war by any other name, in its way as vicious if not as violent as the proxy war in Ukraine. It is a theater in the war of worlds that besets us.

West Asia is another. There continues to be debate as to whether Israel runs U.S. policy in the region or whether the U.S. runs Israel as its client. I remain of the latter conviction, as I have made clear here and here. Israel is the great beneficiary now that Syria, a secular nation, has fallen to opportunist jihadists. All signs are that Iran is next on Zionist state’s list. But the imperative here is to understand the startling pace of events in West Asia as part of Washington’s larger quest to bring the entire globe under its imperial control.

Is war with China inevitable? I am not sure this is any longer the interesting question. If we begin counting from the U.S.–cultivated coup in Kiev in February 2014, it was eight years before a war few could see broke into open conflict. It seems to me that in the China case we are in 2014 or thereabouts.

A year ago a prominent general predicted the U.S. would be at war with the People’s Republic by 2027. Defense News, which reliably reflects official thinking, now reports that war the year after next “is a fixation in Washington.” Just before Christmas, Military Times reported that the Biden White House authorized $570 million in new military assistance to Taiwan; the Pentagon concurrently announced $300 million in new military sales. These are big numbers in the Twain context. Beijing immediately declared its vigorous objections.

Tell me, should we continue wondering whether war with China is inevitable? Or should we conclude that another theater in our war of worlds has already opened?

Yanis Varoufakis, that wise man of Athens, published a piece in Project Syndicate on Dec. 19 under the headline, “The West Is Not Dying, but It Is Working on It.” “Western power is as strong as ever,” Varoufakis begins. But he then argues that the U.S. and its trans–Atlantic clients are destroying themselves from within:

What has changed is that the combination of socialism for financiers, collapsing prospects for the bottom 50%, and the surrender of our minds to Big Tech has given rise to overweening Western elites with little use for the last century’s value system.

Democratic process, in other words, social or economic equality by any measure one chooses to apply, any thought of the commonweal, the rule of law—all have been foregone as no longer of use. This is not the triumph of the governing classes: It is the governing classes destroying their societies and so themselves. Such is Varoufakis’s case in sum.

I could scarcely agree more robustly. The West, just as the old French philosophers anticipated, has engaged its Other this past year and decisively demonstrated its power. But power and strength are two different things, as I have long insisted. Domestic decay, deindustrialization, rampant poverty and inequality, cultivated ignorance, addictions to self-deception, the utter absence of any kind of domestic consensus on either side of the Atlantic: These are passingly of benefit to the conduct and interests of empire. But in the middle distance nations reliant solely on power while neglecting the sources of strength enter a cycle of decline that self-accelerates.

America is losing in our world of wars and our war of worlds. I see no case otherwise if we consider history’s longue durée. But we must immediately note that America has never surrendered in war or negotiated from a position of weakness.

We may count Vietnam an exception, but the Americans did not abandon their war against the Vietnamese until, with the dramatic rise of Saigon in April 1975, they were forced desperately to exit in helicopters from the roof of the American embassy. Maybe Afghanistan is another such case, but in my view Washington continues to wage war by other means against Kabul.

The question remains in the large just as it is in Ukraine: What happens when a great but declining power loses a war, the very most decisive war, it cannot afford to lose? We have not been here before. History is of little use as a guide.

(Republished from Scheerpost by permission of author or representative)
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  1. This year will probably mark the entry of NATO into Ukraine war, they will probably try and stretch Russia further by attacking Belarus, the U.S will consider that Russia is now bogged down due to its inability to take Pokrovsk, Chasiv Yar and Toretsk up to this date…the strategy has always being the long game.

    Now we have Israels next target to tick off in the form of Yemen, for a country running short of ammunition the U.S proxies have used a lot of ordinance and still are planning more conflict? I believe there are a lot of fake stories and story tellers in the alt-media giving the U.S a sick mans narrative. Russia has to use a nuke to end it now!

    • Agree: Anonymous45
    • LOL: meamjojo
  2. Notsofast says:

    on sept 11, 2001 the zioneocon empire declared a war of terror on the on the whole world, starting with the murder of 3000 of their own citizens. with this unthinkable terrorist action, the pnac zioneocons created their desired “pearl harbor event”, they spoke of openly in 1997 manifesto, a casus belli, they used to attack and dominate first the near east and then the world.

    7 countries in 5 years, became their new mantra, as their war of aggression began, to subdue the near east, seize their oil supplies and lay the groundwork for their long desired ersatz israel project. the israelis are true and only benefactors, of these illegal wars of choice, that have cost americans their combined future and left them in chains of debt slavery for untolded generations to come.

    ww3 was launched with their covid 19 bioweapon attack on china and eventually the entire world. this time they murdered a million of their own people and tens of millions around the world, while sickening and destroying the health of hundreds of millions if not billions of people worldwide. the true purpose of this biowar was to destroy the chinese economy and eliminate the civil rights and liberties around the world.

    this was the beginning of their great reset, where all the assets of the middle class were syphoned upwards, destroying almost 40% of small businesses in these last 5 years. the bill of rights was attacked, article by article and replaced with their new rules based orders. the geneva convention, the u.n. convention on genocide and the nuremberg code were also cancelled in the name of public safety, from a disease they created and patented in their own name, making billions of dollars, forcing people to be human guinea pigs in their genetic engineering experiment from hell, mislabeling their novel mrna based experiments as “vaccines”.

    they began the kinetic war by ordering their ukranazi proxy zato army to shell russian speaking ukrainians in the donbass, killing tens of thousands of ukrainians of russian heritage, while refusing all peaceful solutions, leaving the russians no choice but to respond militarily to protect their people from this attempted expulsion from their own lands.

    so ww3 isn’t about to start, it’s actually about to end, as the russians have destroyed 3 iterations of the zato ukranazi proxy armed and equipped terrorist forces, dominating them strategically and technologically, while illegal western sanctions, destroyed the economies of these states that had imposed them.

    the hour is late and just like 2024, their time has come to an end. sure they can attempt to blow the entire world to smithereens but what will that gain them? if they dare they will be destroyed completely and receive far worse than they give once again. let us hope they will not continue their suicidal course of action but even if they don’t they will be destroyed eventually by the ticking debt time bomb, they have constructed in their hubristic attempt to take over the world. so happy new year everyone and let’s hope, a happy new day and age to come.

  3. ghali says:

    A 2200-word essay and not a single word on the role of the barbaric Jews in the US-led Western war and terror. How can you do that? The barbaric Jewish control of US-led Western regimes has the criminal result of engulfing most of West Asia and Russia-Ukraine in war and mayhem.

    • Agree: Anonymous45, Jim H
  4. I don’t care what any pretentious Frenchman said. I’m not fighting you gay and fake war.

    • Agree: Old Prude
  5. Levtraro says:

    This kind of thinking has been especially common since the U.S., with determination and purpose, provoked Russia to intervene in Ukraine three years ago this coming February.

    This is a Western-biased view that attributes all major geopolitical planning and initiatives to Western leaders while the rest of the world simply waits and reacts to Western actions.

    In the particular case of Russian invasion of the Ukraines, there is a single fact that proves this Western-biased view is wrong: at the start of the invasion, the West offered to move the Ukrainian government to London. This proves that the West was improvising, unprepared for Russia’s actions and that the West didn’t know what would happen and how it all will evolve.

    An alternative, non-Western-biased view, which is more consistent with the facts, is that Western leaders thought they had Ukraine already in their pockets and believed that Russia would just have to accept that the Ukraines (minus Crimea) were gone to the NATO+EU orbit. Then Putin surprised them with the Special Military Operation (SMO) and they have to start planning their reaction, which took some time to take form.

    I understand the sentiment behind the author’s view, he tries to put the blame for the war in Ukraine on the West, but while doing that he errs by under-estimating Russia’s agency as an independent Great Power.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  6. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    This year will probably mark the entry of NATO into Ukraine war,

    This is already a war between NATO and Russia with Ukraine as the theatre. It has been this from the start. Whether we’ll see NATO officers in NATO uniforms or not is another matter. It doesn’t really matter, Russians will kill them in whatever guise they come.

    • Agree: ariadna
    • Replies: @Miro23
  7. @Levtraro

    I think Russia should have pressed the advantage while it definitely had it. It is allowing NATO to become militarised and prepare for war in the future. Still it will be far more costly for NATO than for Russia, and Russia will still have an advantage, especially if it starts cutting off energy, raw material and other supplies to Europe from Africa, America and elsewhere by sinking the transports.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Levtraro
  8. The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy and ended with negotiations after decisive victories on battlefields.

    Seriously? Both Woodrow and Franklin used “democracy” to sell these horrific interventions to the American people. In neither one was there any intent to “defend” democracy.

    The wars we witness — let us be very clear about this — are destroying democracy…

    Again, “democracy” has nothing to do with what is going on.

    • Agree: Dutch Abraham
    • Thanks: Zumbuddi
    • Replies: @annacat
    , @Jim H
  9. Miro23 says:
    @Commentator Mike

    This year will probably mark the entry of NATO into Ukraine war,

    This is already a war between NATO and Russia with Ukraine as the theatre. It has been this from the start. Whether we’ll see NATO officers in NATO uniforms or not is another matter. It doesn’t really matter, Russians will kill them in whatever guise they come.

    Agreed and the US Jewish war party is already instructing Ukraine to draft teenagers while the country experiences a catastrophic and unsustainable casualty rate.

    With regards to NATO it’s already in this war providing money, training, equipment, intelligence, targeting and in the case of the UK maybe even running operations (e.g. Kursk).

    If “the entry of NATO” means troops from the UK, Germany, Poland, Sweden, France, Holland, Spain, then I can’t see it. The only place they could make a difference would be on the front line in Donetsk and they’re not going there. It’s a political impossibility to send NATO troops into the Ukrainian hellhole.

    • Replies: @One Nobody
  10. Gestetner says:

    I would bother reading your texts if your arrogant eye-straining refusal to capitalise sentence starts and proper nouns (assuming you know what those are? ) were not so obtrusive.

    I have this hallucination in my mind’s eye, of a tattered 1970s Left Dissident flyer printed using a Roneo or Gestetner machine. The authors used to type AMERIKA with a K, signalling with a German word how Fascist the USA under Richard Nixon or LBJ was (sic).

    So why is your text not the pale purple of those flyers?

    • LOL: Emslander
  11. Levtraro says:

    Agreed and the US Jewish war party is already instructing Ukraine to draft teenagers while the country experiences a catastrophic and unsustainable casualty rate.

    In addition to teenagers, what the West is demanding of the Ukrainian Jewish leadership for the money we are giving them, is to start the consumption of Ukrainian middle classes.

    So far most of the dead and maimed are professional military (early casualties) and old men from the lower classes (recent casualties).

    That is simply not enough for the money we are paying. The Jewish comedian has to start the consumption of young men from the middle classes. These are the best soldiers, healthy and energetic.

    But he is reluctant, feeling the Ukrainian populace may become too angry and depose him before he is able to run away.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  12. annacat says:
    @Stephen Paul Foster

    That the two world wars were waged in defense of democracy is an idiotic claim.

    • Agree: HdC
  13. Amon says:

    We have been here before, it was called the Bronce Age collapse.

  14. Bert says:

    We have not been here before. History is of little use as a guide.

    The largest novel condition is that enough of the American population is sufficiently disaffected that it would refuse to support a draft. There has usually been opposition to American wars or pre-war aggression, e.g., New England’s opposition to the Mexican War, non-slaveholding Southerners to secession, general opposition to entering the two World Wars. Past resistance was based on the general principle of valuing young American men’s lives over disputable abstractions. That principle was successfully overcome by the oligarchs of the past, but I don’t think their successors can pull that off nowadays. The support for the assassination of the United Healthcare executive suggests that class warfare in America is likely to forestall any draft. And surely the oligarchs couldn’t believe they could hold on to their power and high life after a nuclear war. So, it is more likely that America’s wars will be of the “let’s you and him fight,” if another Ukraine can be found.

  15. @Commentator Mike

    Still it will be far more costly for NATO than for Russia, and Russia will still have an advantage, especially if it starts cutting off energy, raw material and other supplies to Europe from Africa, America and elsewhere by sinking the transports.

    And you think NATO couldn’t do the same?

    A free-for all on transports would be extremely destructive.

    Both sides have submarines.

    • LOL: rgl
  16. Trumpeter says:

    It’s a small thing but we were forced to leave after Nixon embarrassed himself* and the rest of the Republican party. The Democrats took over Congress and the White House and cut funding. That’s when the South started loosing.**

    *Looking back at the deep state attack on Nixon, can you see any similarities to current events. For example Woodward was a brand new hire with no journalism experience. Fresh out of Naval intelligence, what a coincidence. When we know now that Project Mockingbird was real and not ‘conspiracy theory.’
    **Lt Col D Hackworth Ret US Army from his memoirs.

  17. Rodney King, the greatest photographer of our time, asked, “why can’t we all just get along?” after a good night of arse whooping… so, why can’t we?

    • Replies: @rgl
  18. Trumpeter says:

    I can’t see Europe starting a fight with Russia. Not just the “You and who’s Army?” kind of thing (and I mean that in the widest possible extent, from number of groups to quantity and quality of material to incompetent leadership) but imagine the fear knowing that the 69th Intersectional Dildo Precision Marching Drill Team is lining up against you.
    Even worse is Europe’s economic vulnerability. I could shut down the entire economy with one sleeper agent and a PR mouthpiece. Announce that in return for striking Russian fuel systems and supplies, that this will now be returned. All Nat Gas shipments into European ports will be subject to attack. The resulting explosion will be used to destroy the port facilities. One sleeper agent with a wire guided anti tank missile in a basement and KaBOOM. Russia has plenty of other systems that could hit a ship at dock. By the way, the boom is as big as Hiroshima.
    And short of America launching the nukes, how do you stop that?

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
  19. @John Johnson

    Russia is self sufficient and doesn’t need to transport any resources by sea. Furthermore it is connected to its allies like China, Iran, North Korea by land and can defend the land based transports easier than its enemies can their sea based transports.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  20. Anon[360] • Disclaimer says:

    The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy

    I did not know that ! Now I am sure that aliens do exist. They kidnapped the author, drained his brain box and dropped him on his head. Jews aside we were allies with Russia where Stalin was no advocate of democracy.

    WW2 was barely over when we were enemies with Russia and allies with Germany. WHAT is this guy talking about ?

    but the Americans did not abandon their war against the Vietnamese until, with the dramatic rise of Saigon in April 1975

    What the hell is this guy talking about ? What rise of Saigon ? You mean the rise of the helicopters off the Embassy as the US fled in shame ?

    The US lost its nerve with Tet in 1968. While the VC and NVA got creamed they broke the US will. I remember in 1973 taking the subway into the Bronx. Where the train exited the tunnel in Harlem you could look down to street level and there was a Marine and Army recruiting center. It must have been a cushy job because the place was empty. There was a burly Marine Sargeant in dress uniform smoking outside. The scene sticks in my mind even to this day.. Even the struggling and unemployed Blacks and Hispanics were not tearing the place apart to be recruited.

    One friend told me he had no intention of dying in some rice paddy or being sent back to the US minus body parts. Even the high school drop outs in the Ghetto knew the game was up.

    Now as it was then, we think that dollars and bombs solve our endless beefs. The US keeps coming back for more no matter how many times it gets its nuts snipped. We ARE tottering on the edge of another world wide conflagration.

    One can feel it and sense it in the air. A new breed of lunatics are driving the herd. This time we wont be looking at the action on our TV or You Tube. The fun and games will be outside our window.

    • Agree: ariadna
    • Replies: @ariadna
  21. Biff says:
    @John Johnson

    “A free-for all on transports would be extremely destructive.”

    Cause they couldn’t deliver your dildos and other sexual devices.

  22. Che Guava says:

    The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy

    It is now only (just) the second of January here, so we have a long way to go, and it was written late last year, but that wins the prize for most nonsensical statement I’ve seen this year, and will retain its place in a top-ten throughout the year.

  23. ariadna says:

    “A 2200-word essay and not a single word on the role of the barbaric Jews in the US-led Western war and terror. How can you do that?”=

    Easy. Lawrence does it every time…

  24. WWI and WWII were not fought to defend “democracy”. That is merely the propaganda the elites shower us with to cover their true motives and intentions. WWI and WWII were wars in furtherance of empire and imperialism. The West primarily meaning England, Germany, France and the US were engaged in imperialist reconfiguration attempting to destroy, take, consolidate or reconfigure old empires like the Turkish Ottoman Empire the Dutch, Germanic-Austrian and Russian Empires etc.
    The US had imperialist ambition which was why they fomented the Spanish-American War to beat up on a declining Spain to take their territories (Cuba Philippines).
    Now the globalist power cliques want to take over the entire world and they are in the process of achieving their goals. Current events reveal their urgency and we need to be aware of this plan for global hegemony.

    • Agree: Dutch Abraham
    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  25. GMC says:

    If the photos I saw on the Israeli hit on Tartus were real , then it looks like the Jews have used another nuke . And I would assume it was a message to Russia/Iran from the Pentagon and Israel that they are not afraid of any Oreshnik missile, at least in the Mid East. If China, North Korea and Iran don’t combine forces with Russia to make a “statement” together like the US does with its Nato forces, Israel and their proxy armies etc. then the Western Oligarch Bosses will continue in Ukraine, and they could use other than conventional missiles and other nasty tools they have at their disposal. Unfortunately, there are so many puppets in the US, E U and in the Mid East that work for these Cartels, that we could see a real nasty year ahead. Domestic USA doesn’t look like it will have much fun in 2025 either.

  26. Che Guava says:

    I see that two others had already posted about the nonsense of

    The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy

    , I usually try to check to avoid repeating points already made, but didn’t this time.

    Other than that, Mr. Lawrence makes several good points, recent manipulations in Georgia and Moldova the best and latest examples of utter corruption and anti-democracy by the would-be imperial rulers there, E.C. and NATO.

  27. Dnought says:
    @John Johnson

    In any prospective NATO/Russia war, the US/NATO would be far more dependent on sea-borne transport than Russia, who would effectively have interior lines of communication in any such conflict.

    And Russia would probably cut to the chase and immediately start taking out NATO ports, which would be a very severe blow to NATO war efforts.

    • Agree: rgl, Lurker
  28. When “the West” is described, it seems to be forgotten that South America and Central America, or Mesoamerica if you prefer, are also in the Western Hemisphere, although by present day nomenclature, one supposes they are now part of the “Global South”. That calls to mind the late Mario Beneddeti’s poem “El Sur También Existe”, popularized in a song by the Catalan Joan Manual Serrat.

    Exist it does, more so with every passing year. New Zealand and Australia, English-speaking nations, are considered part of the “West”, but they are also in the Southern Hemisphere. The Malvinas/Falkland Islands are as well, but… Nevertheless, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see increased European and possibly North American migration to South America as conditions continue to worsen in the north. I made that choice 21 years ago, and in even in my rural backwater have begun encountering newcomers from both Europe and North America.

    I no longer travel outside South America, given what I hear and read from folks in the USA and Spain, plus Egypt and South Korea. I’m at a loss to understand how the citizens of these places permitted the changes that have taken place, but I’m convinced these changes are for the worse, far worse than I’d believed they’d get. I wish all a happy new year, but I’m not overly optimistic about it turning out to be one, not with the antics of the USA and its European “allies”.

    Good luck to all!

  29. katesisco says:

    What is so frightening about this war, is that we are allowing the combatants to progress militarily, make even more and more effective weapons even while we ‘war.’
    The US has engaged in a multi faceted destruction of the Middle East, even while it is being aided, rebuilt, children emergency food air lifted, hospitals bombed, instant pop up surgical units like those we watched on MASH.
    On one hand we kill and on the other we strive to save. Does any of this makes sense?

    What we are doing is to preserve war profits, keep the opposite side unbalance and aways on the defensive, while recovery goes on, rebuilding and recovery ready for yet the next bombing.
    This is insane.

    We are building a new multi port in Turkey. It will have roads and RRs to the Kurdish oil fields. Iraq, amid the desolation of 20 years of knock downs, is building a new port near Basra. And Russia is completing their plans for the new Silk Road for energy usage also.

    We warred for 20 years to control the power structure inside each country, planning for these routes and now the bombing will become focused on the infrastructure accessing the oil and gas fields. Now instead of bombing Baghdad civilians we can bomb the railway transport.

    The Med countries, still choked with war displaced population struggling to have permanence are again driven from settled areas. Six million eliminations and that is not enough.

    We say we want peace but what we want is control.

  30. Lurker says:

    “Ukranazi” – good grief.

    • Replies: @Notsofast
  31. ariadna says:

    “It is obvious now, if it wasn’t then, that the Biden White House had already begun playing a reckless game of footsie with the Russians.”,
    says Mr Lawrence and then proceeds to list highly dangerous actions Biden took to provoke Russia…

    Is it possible he does not know what the phrase ”to play footsies” means, i.e., to secretly work with? Yes, it is. What he does not know, or pretends he doesn’t, is a lot more serious, as he makes shockingly obvious in this, among other, whoppers:

    “The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy and ended with negotiations after decisive victories on battlefields. The wars we witness — let us be very clear about this — are destroying democracy.”
    I can’t decide whether I should add “[sic]” in brackets or [“sick]” to this paragraph.

    I wonder why Ron gives first-page space to Lawrence’s semidoct litanies, whose least obnoxious feature are the platitudes presented as his “deep analyses,”and are full of references to thinkers invoked in support against the grain, as well as laughable whoppers that he thinks give him an erudite’s aura (e.g., Herodotus discovered there was a “West”).
    His shtick is to insidiously present—without ever mentioning them– the Jewish wars and the entire US judaic-hijacked foreign policy as all the doing of the … “West.”
    He aspires to be a sort of Chomsky for the Dummies.

    I wonder why (perhaps copyright and permission to reprint obstacles?) UR does not dispense with these LLs (“Lawrence Leavings”) and publish instead highly intelligent analyses from the likes of Simplicius:

    Simplicius’ outstanding summary of 2024 ends with this:
    “I’d like to leave you with this more balanced reflection on the state of things. Though it may sound solemn, or even ominous, it is the only take which accounts for the true seriousness of the dangers lying ahead, and the momentous changes yet to come; if there’s only one address you listen to today, let it be this one:”
    [the speech of ex-DPR Prime Minister Alexander Borodai]— is a MUST viewing:

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
  32. Anon[153] • Disclaimer says:

    WW III is on, it’s time to quit warning about it. That it’s undeclared doesn’t make it pending, it makes it illegal under Hague (III). Its ambiguous means make it more illegal – sabotage, banned biological weapons, assassination, genocide, torture, blinding booby traps, and other means in breach of UN Charter Article 41 and what the ICJ calls “absolute sanctified rule of law.” These are forensic slam dunks, unjustifiable crimes constituting aggression. The war is on notwithstanding its largely covert nature. The axis –  CIA/Mossad/MI6 – adopted a common plan and conspiracy of obscuring attribution for its internationally wrongful acts in breach of jus cogens. It’s a weakling’s war of sneaky little ratfucks.

    What happens when they lose? High crimes tribunals. The loser Langley scumbags won’t get a Hirohito bye. Any acceptable security architecture has got to have teeth. That means ending CIA impunity with condign punishment for the gravest crimes. Brennan, Pompeo, Marlowe, Kimber, and all living DDOs, Haines, Haspel, Cohen, Casey, Blee, Kramer, to impose command responsibility, and a lot of their buttonmen, contractors, and cutouts to eliminate the superior orders defense.

    CIA’s best possible outcome is a mass-extinction draw. So other elites will have to decapitate them before they try it. We got to kill those psycho fuckers or they’re going to get us nuked.

    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  33. Notsofast says:

    because you’re a fucking asshole and i use this as a fucking asshole filter.

    • Agree: Poupon Marx
    • LOL: Emslander
  34. The western world is under total zionist communist demonic control and they derive this control from the zionist owned central banks, the FED in Americas case and these central banks are all privately owned by the zionist banking kabal and these central banks thrive on wars and debt and deaths and these zionist are hell bent on bringing on a war with Iran, which will bring in Russia on the side of Iran and the war will go nuclear.

    This is what the messianic zionists want, they want a nuclear war which they intend to survive in their deep underground military bases that they have throughout the ZUS and Israel and the EU and will emerge to a world of their own and zionist puppet Trump is going to deliver the war for Israhell.

    We jews. we are destroyers and nothing you can do will meet our demands or needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own. – Maurice Samuel taken from his book, You Gentiles, page 155, this book can be had on amazon.

  35. @Bert

    Great assessment. I think you might just be right. And for once it’s better than the alternative.

  36. Sarita says:

    Breaking news!
    Terrorist attack!

    Haaretz: Israeli strikes kill at least 17 Palestinian civilians in Gaza, children amongst the victims.

    When will terrorism be stopped.

    • Replies: @rgl
  37. Sarita says:

    Another terror attack!
    This one in new Orleans!

    “US President Joe Biden has been briefed on the situation in New Orleans, the White House said in a statement.
    Biden is currently at his family home in Wilmington, Delaware, where he has been on vacation since last week celebrating Hanukkah and eating s very tasty syrawberry ice cream

    Boy, 🍓 yummy 😋

  38. Phibbs says:

    Without worldwide Jewry’s hostility to white, Christian Russia, there never would have been a Ukraine-Russian war. The Jew dictator oi Ukraine (Zelensky) is supported by the Jew-owned government in Washington D.C. Jew hatred also extends to us whites in America. That’s why under the Jew Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas, opened the southern border and reduced us Caucasians from 60% of the U.S. population to just 55% in a matter of 4 years. Jews love it when whites commit abortion or take the Jew clot shot, which dramatically increased stillbirths, sterility in men, birth defects and spontaneous abortions. There is a reason why Jesus calls ALL Jews the children of Satan in John chapter 8 verse 44!

    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  39. Che Guava says:

    The Axis powers and connected polities are worth serious thought from a political angle. It is a spectrum.

    Fascism in Italy took power with Mussolini as its Duce, but the house of Savoia remained as the head of state. That was distrastrous in 1943.

    In Japan, the emperor had been given absolute power by the events following drunken Commodore Perry’s incursion, leading to multiple civil wars. After that time, Japan had a ‘democratic’ system much like that of late eighteenth-century Britain, with the emperor having ultimate power, but a selectively elected parliament and house of Peers (former feudal nobility) under that.

    On another level, various fascist-style organisations were also present. They ranged from the spying neighborhood groups (隣り組) , to the minor political parties that would never win a seat in the Diet, some of the latter continued until the ’00s, but I’m quite sure that they are all dead or geriatric patients by now, excepting the two of Mishima’s followers who weren’t close enough to him to particitate in the homosexual love-suicide, but were there. Really, they would be in their late 70s or early 80s by now. Both used to have much influence in the ruling party.

    In Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II begged for a restoration, but the National Socialists rejected the plea. So, Adolf Hitler became head of state.

    My favourite soldiers on that side are Leon Degrelle and Otto Skorzeny.

    Degrelle had a very popular political party, too, the Rexists, but it was banned by the Belgian state.

    Codrinaeu had similar ideas to Degrelle, but was assassinated.

  40. Agent76 says:

    December 23, 2023 Imperial Conquest: America’s “Long War” against Humanity Worldwide Militarization

    Militarization at the global level is instrumented through the US military’s Unified Command structure: the entire planet is divided up into geographic Combatant Commands under the control of the Pentagon. US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska plays a central role in coordinating military operations.

  41. All wars are Banker’s wars!

    Video Link

  42. ariadna says:

    “I did not know that ! Now I am sure that aliens do exist. They kidnapped the author, drained his brain box and dropped him on his head. “

    That is not the story I heard, according to which they did attempt to drain his skull but upon finding it housed slim pickings, they dropped him on his head, not out of cruelty but knowing it would cause no damage.

    • LOL: rgl
  43. Here is an interesting short video where Professor John Mearsheimer explains to warmonger Piers Morgan that Ukraine has lost the war and there is nothing we can do to stop daily Russian advances. He says Ukraine should cut a deal to save lives and territory, something most Americans agree with. Morgan wants to fight on until every Ukrainian is dead.

    Video Link

    • Replies: @Felpudinho
    , @Joe Wong
  44. Notsofast says:

    the banderites are nazi larpers, plain and simple. they use nazi symbols and regalia and are proud of their “heritage”. when they attempted kursk 2.0, some of them went in in vintage s.s. helmets of ww2. this is not mere happenstance, they do this purposefully and everyone just ignores it or says well that’s just boys being boys, when if they were in germany they would be thrown in jail for their tattoos alone. look at the pedigree of the e.u., look into von der lugen’s family history.

    they use the banderites hatred of russia, to inspire their useful idiots to commit egregious war crimes, while fighting for their jewish overlord. why hasn’t israel complained of these open displays neonazism? because they are mostly ashek-nazis, with old scores they want to settle in the area, that they consider to be yet another homeland of theirs.

    if it walks, talks and acts like a nazi, it’s a nazi, i’m not afraid to call a spade a spade. i don’t care if hitler was a vegetarian or treated his dogs well, he hated slavs and saw them as untermensch, seeking to exterminate them and steal their lands and resources, just like the way ashkenazis see palestinians, same motivation same supremacist mind set.

    • Replies: @RestiveUs
    , @Lurker
  45. Wild Man says:

    “West Asia is another. There continues to be debate as to whether Israel runs U.S. policy in the region or whether the U.S. runs Israel as its client. I remain of the latter conviction, as I have made clear here and here. Israel is the great beneficiary now that Syria, a secular nation, has fallen to opportunist jihadists. All signs are that Iran is next on Zionist state’s list. But the imperative here is to understand the startling pace of events in West Asia as part of Washington’s larger quest to bring the entire globe under its imperial control.”

    Patrick Lawrence, is incorrect. This lack of accuracy, is a very common thing among long-standing geopolitical commentators deemed somewhat worthy. As per the analysis he offers, he fails to realize, that this time it’s different (vis-a-vis America’s other past post-world-war-2 client states). It is absolutely crazy all these so-called worthy long-careered geopolitical commentators can be so blind (i.e. – almost every such one Unz features gets this wrong): Because the facts are Israel runs U.S. policy (and not the other way around). The issue seems to be that all these so-called worthy geopolitical commentators remain blind to the fact that the petrodollar partnership is in fact a 3-way partnership (Zionist Israel as enabled by Jewish American/Jewish British Wall Street/City of London financial masterminds is one of the three, also featuring the American hegemon, and then the Sunni exportable-energy-rich supremacist princedoms, as the other two partners). Zionist Israel has got financial Samson Option dibs on the other two partners (can pull the plug on the petrodollar house of cards at any time and burn that vehicle down to the ground). Zionist Israel will use that weapon (and has been using the threat of this weapon), among the partnership to ride the American hegemon to the ground, in pursuit of their own agenda (to usurp the ongoing psychopathic tries for world domination from the faltering hegemon, which hegemon may have otherwise abated in such pretension, after America overextended that way, in the Vietnam era).

    I have recently concluded that the Greater Israel Zionist project’s secret weapon, that many of these so-called worthy geopolitical commentators (the brighter ones among the bunch) have so concluded is a real agenda and always has been, which of course then will require a secret weapon beyond currency shenanigans, to prevail in that region, even with much larger bordered landmass, is likely a biologics secret weapon. I don’t have solid proof for this speculation, but there is much circumstantial evidence laying about, pointing to this as likely.

    It should be noted that many of these so-called worthy geopolitical commentators (but not all) have failed to properly measure membership among the ruling faux-western (as led by America) elite, and so are also partially blinded by this missed attribution: The faux-west corporatist globalists are made up of personal that derive from Jewish ethnicity, at approx. the 25% level, an astoundingly huge demographic over-weighting, and this is true among both poles of this faux-west globalist cabal: Both among the billionaires, as well as among the top technocrats, with each pole using and washing the hand of the other. Kevin MacDonald has some interesting things to say about Darwinian group selection modes apparent within the operation of the Jewish ethnic genome, particularly the ascendant Ashkenazi component, and Israel Shahak offers a historical description as to how this likely came to be, among rebbe-tightly-controlled insular communities of yore in eastern Europe.

    Peter Zeihan is sort of a crazed mouthpiece for this cabal. If one can properly parse his takes (and discount his obsequiousness to the faux-western elite, which I have already well-outlined in past comments about Peter Zeihan, that I have offered here at TUR, which obsequiousness is disgusting, and so is therefore easy to spot, and therefore easy to discount), it turns out that otherwise, Peter Zeihan is worth observing, because he shows hand (what is likely coming next among the faux-west corporatist globalist cabal):

    Video Link

    Video Link

    • Thanks: ariadna
  46. Sarita says:

  47. Jim H says:
    @Stephen Paul Foster

    ‘The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy.’ — Patrick Lawrence, quoted by Stephen Paul Foster

    Whenever someone airs the lofty sentiment ‘defense of democracy,’ I immediately finger that person as (at best) a card sharp, and more probably a pickpocket and armed robber.

    Woody Wilson’s WW I brought us the arrest of war resisters and the draconian Espionage Act. Frank Roosevelt’s WW II brought us a Soviet-style command economy, the silencing of America First war skeptics, and (thanks to Truman) the permanent national security state, which has become a fourth branch of government.

    War destroys democracies, plain and simple. And it is doing so right now, in these final days of a usurper ‘president’ who is looting the Treasury on behalf of the Ukies. Soon the Jews will be back, demanding another $30 billion for little Shitrahell.

    And so it goes, as the carrion eaters pick away at democracy’s corpse.

    • Agree: ariadna, rgl
  48. dramatic rise of Saigon in April

    Ho Chi Minh City ROSE? I thought it FELL. Maybe I’m upside down.

    • LOL: Jim H
  49. These are big numbers in the Twain context.

    Did Samuel Clemmons ever even VISIT Formosa?

  50. @Anon

    If people weren’t even willing to save a helpless woman from burning alive in New York, what makes you think anyone is going to try to stop any these Elites? America is a weak, pathetic country….They don’t care about dying. Even that shitty cop stood there and didn’t help her. Instead the garbage stood around recording the incident. That there goes to show you exactly what kind of nation the U.S. is…

    • Agree: rgl
  51. @Phibbs

    So then do they “Love” the negros and browns? Why are they trying to get rid of whites while keeping the blacks and browns around?

    • Replies: @Phibbs
  52. Wokechoke says:

    Eggers has made Nosferatu into a sidelock sporting Ukrainian Boyar. The Vampirism is apt.

  53. rgl says:
    @John Johnson

    Just re-enforcing what other commenters have already said. Russia doesn’t get what it needs for war from distant locales. It has no need to sea-transport war material. It has a very long border with it’s ally, China.

    I remember the U.S./Cdn Reforger excersizes that would marry U.S.\Cdn reinforcements with war material pre-positioned in Europe. Interdiction by then Soviet forces were a major headache, and remain so today.

    Futher, the changed nature of land warfare means that under the Reforger principle, war material would be consumed at a far faster rate that it could be reintroduced from across the Atlantic. Further, the Ukraine fiasco is proving that western war material cannot even be produced fast enough in the quantities required on the modern battlefield.

  54. Phibbs says:

    That question is easy to answer: Negros have low intelligence and are much easier to manipulate. Hispanics and Asians don’t read a lot and will never understand that their real enemies are Jews.
    Jews know that their only threat is from white people. Fortunately for the Jews, they own the media and the politicians. Both liberal and conservative whites support Israel; both groups are willing to kill the First Amendment to please the Jews. Worst of all are evangelicals, who comprise 23% of the U.S. population. Born-Again Christians practically worship Jews and their terrorist state: Israel.

    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  55. rgl says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    Rodney King, the greatest photographer of our time, asked, “why can’t we all just get along?” after a good night of arse whooping… so, why can’t we?

    Simply put, western values are incompatible with Muslim belief. Or vice versa. It really in no more complicated than that.

  56. rgl says:

    When will terrorism be stopped.

    Terrorism is the tool used by groups/nations who cannot afford in people or material to wage conventional war.

    When wars stop. That is when terrorism will largely stop. This will not happen until one group of people stop coveting the things other people have.

    Not before.

  57. Another facet of modern warfare is that wars are not just typically now undeclared they are often unacknowledged (or unrecognizable) as wars by the regime responsible for them and the people of said countries (particularly the U.S.) are often not allowed to even know there is a war, even when (especially when) it’s being waged on them…but they are given words that they are allowed to use to describe the situation without describing the reality of it. Before during after and because of covid are an example of this regime approved language. Such BS. When “covid hit” etc…

  58. The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy and ended with negotiations after decisive victories on battlefields.

    Both world wars? Well, maybe the first.

    If I had two words to explain why the world is in so perilous a state, I would have no trouble settling on “the West.”

    Off by one word. LOL

  59. @Phibbs

    Now that makes a lot of sense, especially the part about the First Amendment.

  60. @Carlton Meyer

    Here is an interesting short video…

    It’s always a pleasure to watch a new video of yours. Thanks for posting it.

    I see that you were in the Marines, my teen-years best friend was too. Hopefully you weren’t stationed at Camp Lejeune as my friend was. The carcinogenically contaminated groundwater there got him; riddled with cancer he died three years ago at the age of 62. Maybe one day you can do a video on the Camp Lejeune fiasco/tragedy and the ensuing cover up.

    • Agree: Poupon Marx
    • Replies: @Carlton Meyer
  61. @Trumpeter

    Agree 100%. I’ve been saying the same thing for months. NATO cannot win an all out war with Russia. This opinion is shared by heavyweights such as Col. D. MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, Col, Larry Wilkerson.

    NATO nations do not have healthy enough economies and manufacturing capabilities to produce munitions, materiel, major equipment. And most of their stocks are depleted. Russia not only has more munitions stockpiled but many times more production facilities. Plus their military equipment is more advance in design, higher performance and efficiency.

    The NATO populations would not support such an all out war, as support for Jewcentric leftist pro-war parties is on the wane, severely.

    Europe does not have the ground forces. The ones. they have are inferior across the board to their Russian equivalents. They have no combat experience and are untested. NATO is a Tower of Babel of nations with different equipment, command structures.

    Logistically, moving anything across the multitude of borders of Europe on highways and rail is logistically like planning a trip to Mars. Easily destroyed by Russia.

    And last but not exclusively, if Russia starts to seriously lose, China will be all in. Without Russia, as an ally and buffer, their entire economy and Western territory is vulnerable.

    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  62. @Miro23

    The Europeans are used to shadow fighting. They will do nothing and with what?.

  63. @Felpudinho

    I was at Camp Lejeune for only three months for engineer school, so hopefully I’ll be okay. The Marine Generals blamed a long time leak from a local dry cleaners, but an independent investigation revealed the old underground aviation fuel tanks at the adjacent New River air station were leaking for decades, and some Generals knew about that. But replacing the tanks would cost millions of dollars and the leaks didn’t seem harmful.

    This was a huge problem everywhere in the USA as tanks rust through, so the Feds finally put a use limit on underground tanks (20 years I think) so they must be replaced even if the owner claims there is no problem. This includes local gas stations.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Felpudinho
  64. @Notsofast

    Happy New Year Notsofast.

    The Yemenis released a statement as follows: Either Palestinians live like Israelis or Israelis shall live like Palestinians. Then they loosed a hypersonic in HellAviv. What big balls they have. 🙂

    Happy New Year every one and many thanks to all those Blades of Grass rooted in their love for the truth we share together. It’s called Open Source Intelligence.

    • Thanks: Jim H, Notsofast
  65. Joe Wong says:

    What happens when a great but declining power loses a war, the very most decisive war, it cannot afford to lose? We have not been here before. History is of little use as a guide.

    The Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire are the two mirror empires of the American Empire. The Americans are walking the same path as these two dead empires, the American Empire will end up like these two dead and gone for good empires.

  66. @ariadna

    Ron prints the widest allowable range of opinions, the lame, the uninformed, the expert, the high minded, the analytical, the solipsistic self deceivers, and you and me.

    Ron is very smart and very wise. A simultaneous combination that is rare.

    • Replies: @Sarita
  67. Joe Wong says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    Morgan wants to fight on until every Ukrainian is dead.

    John Mearsheimer is more bloodthirsty than Piers Morgan, Mearsheimer wants to fight China until every Taiwanese is dead, then until every Japanese and Korean is dead.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @迪路
  68. @Gestetner

    why are you such an Arschloch?

    for your information Arschloch, we are here to communicate and share information. most of us type on a screen keyboard on the way to work or at a transport terminal.

    i did think, Notsofast was original in not capitalizing and maybe I should do the same, it saves time, but immitation is a suncere form of flattery and I didn’t want it to go to his head when he is already a great contributor to my perspective and that of others.

    so stop your negative envy Arschloch and keep painting by the numbers. find another ball busting venue, you’ll have more success there. you see we turn away unit 8200 ziotrolls 7 days a week and twice on sunday.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
  69. @Carlton Meyer

    In Texas, decades ago, state law mandated that all underground tanks had to be enveloped with a cofferdam enclosure, thus insulated and separated by air, and thus suspended in the enclosure. This assured, that if the tank leaked, sensors and periodic checking/inspections would reveal the breech without absorption into the environment.

  70. @Poupon Marx

    Let’s not forget, allowing themselves to be invaded… Whats the point in Europeans fighting while the negros and Muslims sit back, collect pay and fuck around with the womenfolk? If European men were smart they would tell the Gov to go fuck a wild boar up it’s ass. That if they want to fight Russia so bad, use the blacks and Muslims.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
  71. @One Nobody

    Jealousy and envy are likely factors. His intelligence and knowledge appear to be inferior.

  72. @Carlton Meyer

    I had thought the cause for the groundwater contamination at Camp Lejeune was that thousands of 55-gallon drums of solvents, toxic fluids, and all kinds of other unneeded nasty stuff after WWII were simply dropped in shallow-dug holes and covered over as the old-fashioned “out of sight out of mind” way of getting rid of toxic waste.

    Speaking of underground tanks, one of the guys I worked with in Alaska had a side business of digging up those underground gas station tanks on his free weekends, he said it was straightforward work and good money.

    Thanks for your reply and happy 2025. I’ll be keeping an eye out this year for your new stuff.

    • Troll: ariadna
  73. Sarita says:

    Two of the injured in New Orleans are Israelis so my guess is that this should leave a Mossad false flag out of the equation..

    oh wait, Sherlock !

    There is something called the Hannibal directive…

  74. Sarita says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Friends again with Ariadna?
    What are the odds of an ‘encounter’, she is in Teheran while you drive a truck in Kentucky.
    Give it a rest.

  75. @NoBodyImportant

    LOL. The manly population of Western Europe from a military viewpoint, leaves a lot to be desired. Add to the fact – I believe – that they just will not go. Most of them are close to emigrating out of disgust, generally, and lack of opportunities and employment.

    The whole point of any wars involving Western Caucasians and Russians is to reduce the native Indo-European populations by ZIO International, Inc. That is the overriding goal and consideration. This reduces the resistance that ZIO, Inc. has toward its goals of total world control and ownership.

    Read that paragraph in Bold over and over, until it sinks in. Annihilation is the ultimate and underlying goal. Extinction.

    • Agree: Bert
  76. In fact, WWIII began long, long, ago. WWII never ended. The West, driven by Judaic xenophobia, absolute supremacism and unhinged, sacralised, blood-lust, has been at war with the world (with brief eruptions of internecine self-destruction as well)for hundreds of years. The difference now, as we see in Gaza, is that the race and civilization war has become exterminationist.
    Need we again recall the numerous injunctions to ‘civilize’ the non-Western untermenschen, and make them ‘fully human’ as the still dead Chinese traitor, and darling of the West, Liu Xiaobo, called the process of Westernisation for the Chinese? Do we have to fully account for the dedicated efforts of the West, led by the USA and Israel, to control the cybersphere and mass surveillance, now ramping up, driven by Judaic Silicon Valley psychopaths and their goy accomplices? And will we forget the gargantuan US biological warfare effort, spread across continents, but all, derisively, labeled ‘defensive’?
    The planet’s biospheres are collapsing. There is NO way that the ‘Gods Upon the Earth’ will allow the billions of ‘useless eaters’ to destroy THEIR property, so mass extermination is INEVITABLE. The xenophobic Judaic mind virus, the real driving force behind the West, allows for no other outcome.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Poupon Marx
  77. @rgl

    Western ‘values’ are a sad, sick, fraudulent joke. You see really existing Western values in Gaza and the appalling complicity of the slave regimes of the West.

    • Agree: John Trout, annacat
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @rgl
  78. @Junious Ricardo Stanton

    It’s a lie so preposterous that it takes real chutzpah to utter it. But it’s mandatory for Western propaganda goons. To be uttered UNHESITATINGLY.

    • Replies: @rgl
  79. Sarita says:

    A guy by the name ‘1984’ wrote:

    They are trying to label this as a terrorist attack committed by a migrant and push the blame on “ISIS” because of a “black flag” hanging from a pole from the back of his truck that apparently “came through the eagle pass border crossing” 2 days-30 days ago.

    The “we are the news” people, paid influencers, and president elect proceed to parrot this narrative over and over on X and the mindless lemmings eat it up.

    Damage done. Psyop complete.

    Never mind that…

    •The gunman was a US citizen from Texas.
    •He served in the US military.
    •The truck was rented from the Turo app and belonged to a Houston man.
    •The “ISIS flag” flying from the back of the truck is actually a black jacket.
    •If a US citizen crosses the US Mexico border, it doesn’t make them a migrant.

    Fear is a method of control. A populous that lives in fear will believe everything that they are told, do everything that they are told to do, and repeat every lie that makes them feel like the good guys are in control.
    Wake up. There are no good guys.

  80. @Joe Wong

    Wong is wrong. Wong is gong. Wong is dong. Wong should be long gone.

  81. @Poupon Marx

    Do you believe they’ll succeed at this?

  82. @mulga mumblebrain

    The planet’s biospheres are collapsing.

    Make an appointment for a brain MRI.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  83. @mulga mumblebrain

    It’s amazing how many people don’t care, and how many support the Jews in their Gaza genocide. The Jews have been given a free hand to do whatever they want with the full support of the Western powers, except for some few complaints here and there but no real opposition to their genocidal programme. How much longer will this go on?

    • Agree: John Trout
  84. @Commentator Mike

    Until they are defeated.

    Can anyone defeat them?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  85. @Commentator Mike

    I wish I knew….I guess until they kill them all..

  86. @Commentator Mike

    Russia is self sufficient and doesn’t need to transport any resources by sea.

    The myth of Russia as an economic fortress continues.

    We went over this at the start of the war as Ritter made the same false claim.

    Have a look at their imports:

    They depend on imports of heavy machinery, electrical equipment and medicine.

    Russia’s import dependencies increased after the fall of the USSR. Both Ritter and Putin missed the memo on that one.

    Russia has ongoing medicine shortages:

    So yes it would be a major problem if Chinese tractors and medicine went blub blub in the sea.

    The same thing happened to Venezuela. They snickered at US sanctions but didn’t bother to check their own import dependencies. US pharmacies made a ton of money as Venezuelans in the US were buying drugs with cash and sending them back home.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @SteveK9
  87. Anon[191] • Disclaimer says:

    The two world wars were waged in defense of democracy…

    Utter Bullshit.

    WWI was a War that Britain desperately wanted to destroy Germany before they became more economically powerful than the Empire.

    WWII was a War that Britain declared to finish WWI.

    Jews were heavily involved in both decisions.

  88. @Poupon Marx

    The whole point of any wars involving Western Caucasians and Russians is to reduce the native Indo-European populations by ZIO International, Inc. That is the overriding goal and consideration. This reduces the resistance that ZIO, Inc. has toward its goals of total world control and ownership.

    So would you describe Putin as serving this ZIO Inc through his invasion?

    • Replies: @SteveK9
    , @Poupon Marx
  89. rgl says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Well … yes, and no. The genocide we are witnessing in Gaza and the West Bank, i.e. Palestine, is the result of our leaders values. If it were in my power to stop what is happening in Palestine, it would have been stopped decades ago. But I do not that power, and neither do you. What western peoples are doing is dumping the politicians that are driving this misery. Macron, Trudeau, Sholtz are all being shown the door. Not fast enough, but it is happening. Biden is already next to gone. I don’t know if Trump will be any better, but here’s hoping …

    There is not one single person I know personally that isn’t sickened by the death and destruction not only in Palestine, but also in the Ukraine.

    I would not abide forcing our women into hijabs. Or restricting them from education, or employment. I do not abide paedophilia. Likewise Muslim nations would not abide bikinis, bourbon on the rocks, or having their ‘rights’ to bang little boys taken away from them.

    This is what I meant about incompatibility.

    The genocide occurring in Palestine is a political situation driven by a power and land mad zion Israel. Supported by the political ensembles in the so-called west. Were our leaders to listen to their people, this barbarity would stop near immediately.

  90. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    -Now we have Israels next target to tick off in the form of Yemen, for a country running short of ammunition the U.S proxies have used a lot of ordinance and still are planning more conflict? I believe there are a lot of fake stories and story tellers in the alt-media giving the U.S a sick mans narrative. Russia has to use a nuke to end it now!-

    good point Ive often wondered this as well i.e. are these alt-media narratives delivered in a way to make America and its vassals appear as weak and on the brink of the end, war is deception as they say!

  91. rgl says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Usually your posts are cogent. This is not one of them.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  92. Russians should have dropped a nuke on Idlib and been done with all that Jihadi trash festering in there. But they didn’t and we are where we are.

  93. @Poupon Marx

    Obviously this sad truth, attested to by all environmental monitoring agencies and scientists, is beyond the intellectual and moral ability of knuckle-dragging, Rightwing, unhumans like this pos, to comprehend. Fortunately, the cosmos will be rid of your type, but disease arises wherever does life.

  94. 迪路 says:
    @Joe Wong

    That may not be a bad thing, but sooner or later we should kill some Taiwanese.
    Some Taiwanese don’t deserve to live anyway.

  95. RestiveUs says:

    No, Lurker is right. You people overuse the term Nazi and it has become as trite as “fascist”.

    • Agree: Lurker
  96. Anonymous[200] • Disclaimer says:

    Video Link

    At 1:00 takes about usa stabilizing ME with regional powers. Very in depth information.

  97. @rgl

    Women having all those rights haven’t really benefited them. I mean look how many white women were part of that Boycott white men bullshit. At least Arab women respect their men, Western women are ungrateful cock suckers, and the white ones are the absolute worse. They take pride in being traitors of their own people. That’s what happens when Western men gave them too much power.

    Just look at Sweden.

  98. @rgl

    You also said Biden is already gone, lol Biden isn’t leaving just because of the war issue. It is THEY that chose Trump! And they chose him because they want war with Iran. Where do you get this idea from that Biden is gone because of the situation in Gaza? Biden not getting a second term has nothing to do with that. If it did, B wouldn’t be so damn happy that Trump is the next President. And Trump is already committed to Israel more than any President the U.S. has ever had.

  99. @Jeffrey A Freeman

    The Jews have an unbroken record of defeating themselves,
    but unfortunately only after inflicting suffering on others.

    Myth has it that about one thousand Jews committed suicide
    rather than surrender to the X Roman Legion at Masada in
    73 AD.

    But, it’s totally out of character that a bunch of Jews would
    ever end up in a situation where they couldn’t lie,
    bribe, weasel or pimp their way out.

  100. ariadna says:

    could it be that you misattribute the “halucination in [your] mind’s eye” to the strain of reading text that lacks proper capitalization or perhaps purposely affects an ee cummings blank verse effect in which case you are committing a post ergo proptem fallacy in the sense that there is no evidence that said halucination did not pre-exist the reading of said text or that the reading is not merely a confounding factor in the context of a mental condition that is actually multifactorial as has been proposed by several psychologists starting with d freedman and many others but in the interest of brevity i will not cite them nor do Iwish to tax your mind’s eye any further

  101. @John Johnson

    So yes it would be a major problem if Chinese tractors and medicine went blub blub in the sea.

    Look at the map, there is a big land border there.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  102. Levtraro says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I think Russia should have pressed the advantage while it definitely had it. It is allowing NATO to become militarised and prepare for war in the future.

    NATO has already demonstrated one big fact, the most important conclusion derived from these 3 yr of war in the Ukraines: NATO does not want war with Russia.

    (1) is losing its major expansion project,
    (2) inmense amounts of treasure and very expensive gear,
    (3) many high- and middle-ranking officers,
    (4) accelerated de-dollarization and depressed its major economy in Europe,
    (5) unleashed the largest Russian hatefest and propaganda ever,
    (6) stimulated the growth of nationalist forces in the USA and Europe,

    and despite all those losses and offenses to its power, NATO still remains outside the theatre of war, letting Russia slowly swallow their major expansion project, the Ukraines, like a pithon snake swallows a deer.

    So why would Russia go all guns blazing against NATO? No fucking reason.

    Both NATO and Russia agree that the war will be decided in the Ukraines, which is very convenient for Russia.

    Which parts of NATO are the most worried parties, and therefore the most fanatic Russia haters? The Baltic statelets. Because it seems from NATO’s reluctance to go all in to the war in the Ukraines, that NATO would not defend them in case of another aggressive Russia move, this time against them.

  103. Lurker says:

    The implication is that these ‘nazis’ are somehow drivers of the conflict. Ultimately its jews. And jews are always happy to burnish the bad guy credentials of nazis.

    A further implication is that if all us good people try really hard to repudiate ‘nazis’ the world will be a better place. It won’t.

    • Replies: @Notsofast
  104. @Levtraro

    I hope you are right.

    Europe also lacks energy and other resources to up its military production, although it could do it at enormous cost. Originally I thought Russia couldn’t take on all of NATO because of the disparity in populations and economies but I’m changing my mind.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
  105. SteveK9 says:
    @John Johnson

    Their imports reflect a short-term loss in technological prowess. Russians are smart (take a look at Russian Physicists, and Mathematicians) and they will rebuild this.

    After the USSR, Russia foolishly decided they could become a part of the West, and focused (or at least their oligarchs focused) on supplying raw materials.

    Modern medicine is shit. Doing without it is a benefit. Old-fashioned public health measures, especially clean water, ended most of humanities health problems long ago. What we have now is mostly self-created with poor eating habits, and the onslaught of the disgusting Pharma companies.

    • Agree: Poupon Marx
    • Replies: @John Johnson
  106. SteveK9 says:
    @John Johnson

    The way Putin has fought this war owes much to the influence of Jewish Oligarchs (yes, they are still there) and Putin personal fascination with Jews. Finally, look at Russian actions regarding Israel. There are none in opposition to the Zionist project.

    • Disagree: Poupon Marx
  107. @John Johnson

    Johnson, Ukraine is NOT going to be the New Israel. Jewish vampires have sucked the blood out of Ukraine for decades. And despite the deception put upon Ukrainians and their sacrifice of their lives for Jews who hate them, it just isn’t going to happen.

    Anyway, you need a colonic with Maneshitvitz wine and ground Gefilthy Fish. Russians and Chinese are not The West. Eventually, Israel will be destroyed – within a generation. Enjoy it while you can.

  108. @Commentator Mike

    Your original opinion was correct. All of NATO against Russia would be a defeat, definitively. Russia has an Army of 1.5 million, superior materiel and armaments, and higher production rates of same.

    This opinion is shared by senior retired and independent analysts from high military and intelligence backgrounds.

    Europe has no native energy sources, but external ones. They can all be disabled in an afternoon.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  109. @Commentator Mike

    So yes it would be a major problem if Chinese tractors and medicine went blub blub in the sea.

    Look at the map, there is a big land border there.

    Yea and look at a rail map.

    China isn’t their only import partner and there is basically one rail line.

  110. @Poupon Marx

    So you weren’t able to answer the question related to your own assertion. Once again you make some broad statement and then run away when asked to explain.

    Here is another question:

    Will Russia be more or less Muslim when the war is over?

    Russia’s birth rate is at an all time low and Putin has been bringing in Central Asian Muslims for labor.

    Let’s see if you can man up and answer that honestly. Or just yell JEWS and run away like a flustered lady.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  111. @mulga mumblebrain

    Why wait? Drink the oil of hemlock now and beat the rush.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  112. @Poupon Marx

    Your original opinion was correct. All of NATO against Russia would be a defeat, definitively.

    Boy you are hilarious. You Putin defenders alt-isolate yourselves to where you miss statements from your mass murdering hero. Putin already said that they would lose against NATO in a conventional war.

    Russia has an Army of 1.5 million, superior materiel and armaments, and higher production rates of same.

    You are describing the Russian military as it was on paper before the war.

    They clearly do not have your imagined production rates if they are using Chinese buggies and passenger cars in combat.

    Video Link

    • Replies: @ariadna
  113. @Levtraro

    You should have put “and flooded their own country with outsiders.” No way in hell would I fight for a shitty nation that would betray my culture and people like that.

    • Agree: Levtraro
    • Replies: @Levtraro
  114. @Poupon Marx

    Maybe so, but Europe and America are already being destroyed. No one is being deported back to where they come from. So even if Israel goes down, Europe and the U.S. are going down too.

  115. @SteveK9

    Their imports reflect a short-term loss in technological prowess. Russians are smart (take a look at Russian Physicists, and Mathematicians) and they will rebuild this.

    It reflects long term dependences from the 1990s that cannot be fixed in a year or even five.

    Russia is not an economic island as many here want to believe. Having Russians with advanced degrees doesn’t change that fact.

    After the USSR, Russia foolishly decided they could become a part of the West, and focused (or at least their oligarchs focused) on supplying raw materials.

    Well they sold natural resources to various countries. Not just the West but also China and the Middle East. Putin continued that practice and allowed their dependencies to develop. Putin could have started a pharmaceutical company instead of putting 1.3 billion into a gaudy mansion and another 700 million into a yacht. That’s 2 billion into Putin’s toys. Not everything is the fault of the West.

    Modern medicine is shit. Doing without it is a benefit. Old-fashioned public health measures, especially clean water, ended most of humanities health problems long ago.

    Well the Russians disagree and they are currently trying to get Western medicine from alternative sources.

    Russia Turns to India Amid Medicine Shortage Crisis

    Healthcare professionals are also voicing their concerns. Dr. Alexei Smirnov, a cardiologist in Moscow, highlighted the dire situation. “We are running out of essential drugs for heart patients. The supply chain disruptions mean that we can’t provide adequate care to those in need. It’s heartbreaking to see patients suffer because we lack the necessary medications,” he explained.

    Well maybe write that cardiologist and suggest that he try clean drinking water.

  116. @ghali

    Like always, the jews over reach in their hubris and then are culled by their adversaries. This conflict is /will be the same.

    The tide will turn and israel will cease to exist. America will fail as a super power and support to israel will dwindle.

    Again “israel” will restart it’s eternal quest for total world domination with the help of international bankers and jew domination

    Some wasps are parasitic, they lay their eggs in living hosts that the parasite hollows out.

    Rings any bells???

    How about USS Liberty?? How about 911??

    When the fuck are you Americans going to wake up??

    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  117. Levtraro says:
    @John Johnson

    Will Russia be more or less Muslim when the war is over?

    Muslim population is growing in Russia due to (1) this group’s moderately high fertility and (2) immigration, but the rate of increase is too slow to change much over the course of the war. Plus recently new laws were signed that will reduce the immigration part of said growth. So data points in the direction of “not much” as the answer to your question. But certainly, fertility of Russian women is the major non-success of the otherwise highly successful Russian govt since 2000.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  118. Notsofast says:

    who say the original nazis were the drivers? you’re taking your eye off the ashkenazis that drove both. always follow the money and that leads to palestine, by rothschild design. this goes back further than ww2.

  119. Levtraro says:

    I should also clarify why point (5) (unleashed the largest Russian hatefest and propaganda ever) is a loss for NATO and the West more generally.

    This hatefest and vociferous propaganda was clearly ridiculous in its intensity, extension and depth, thus substantially consolidating the poor image of the West and its media, as well as its credibility, in the rest of the world. Those are significant losses incurred while trying and failing to weaken Russia. Then the West has allowed and mostly supported the genocide of Palestinian civilians by Israel, further diminishing its credibility.

  120. @rgl

    Is there any value that the West considers it’s core value?
    Freedom ?
    Free Speech???
    Hello Germany,
    Hello Uk,
    Hello France .
    Can I criticize Israel?
    Fuck you then.

  121. @Levtraro

    Will Russia be more or less Muslim when the war is over?

    Muslim population is growing in Russia due to (1) this group’s moderately high fertility and (2) immigration, but the rate of increase is too slow to change much over the course of the war.

    It’s a simple question and we both know the answer which is yes.

    Putin has already brought in around 100,000 Muslims into Donbas.

    He uses them like Mexicans. They do the unwanted jobs and don’t ask any questions. Putin is on record praising Islamic values as integral to Russia and will need to bring in at least half a million to replace the dead Slavs. He was already importing them to replace Slavs that left for Western Europe.

    Yes this war will affect Russian demographics and entire areas could end up with Muslim majorities. The DPR militias were marched off to the front and will be replaced with Muslims. I’m sure the women are thrilled with what the Russians call liberation.

    Of course this a taboo subject at Unz as many want to imagine him as Dwarf Hitler or some savior of traditional values. Well only until recently Russia had Europe’s highest abortion rate. Putin only started talking about their low birth rate when he realized it wouldn’t be a 2.5 week special operation and would need to conscript.

    Great job dwarf.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
    , @NoBodyImportant
  122. Levtraro says:
    @John Johnson

    I forgot about your reading comprehension limitations.

  123. @Rev. Spooner

    Israel is just one country so even if it gets destroyed that doesn’t mean the rulers everywhere else will lose all their power, it’s not like the billionaires of their ilk reside or live there, they don’t. Instead they either live in the U.S. or City Of London. Just look up how many of them are running the damn country in the U.S.

    So even if the money is going over there to prop up that country, why are all the billionaire’s living in the United States instead of living in Israel where the money is going?

  124. @John Johnson

    You’ve been right about Putin regarding the whole importing a bunch of Muslims. He doesn’t even act like he really cares about Russia either.
    But oh well, if the Muslims take over Russia and have control over it’s military force. They’ll have access to all of those weapons…And unlike Putin, they wouldn’t hesitate to use them on Israel or the U.S. if these are the radicalized Muslims with revenge on their minds.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  125. Levtraro says:

    You’ve been right about Putin regarding the whole importing a bunch of Muslims. He doesn’t even act like he really cares about Russia either.

    You’re not well informed about this issue. Putin just signed a law for the deportation of all immigrants that do not legalize their status by April 30th. Plus Russia has the most favorable economic incentives for the birth of new Russians of all White nations.

    • Agree: Notsofast
    • Thanks: Bert
    • Replies: @John Johnson
  126. @Poupon Marx

    I want to see the day dawn when the anthropogenic climate desabilisation denialists get their comeuppance. Once the serfs FINALLY awaken to the end-stage of human existence on Earth, caused in small degree by the pernicious stupidity and vicious psychopathology of Rightwing scum like you. People are NOT going to be in forgiving mode, a cause for champagne, not hemlock.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  127. @rgl

    I was AGREEING with Stanton, not disagreeing. It was pretty anodyne, too. As for incogency, well it was Christmas, after all. I remember-I got heat stroke sitting under the oak tree when it hit 37 Celsius. There you go.

  128. @rgl

    I agree that Islam is incompatible with ‘liberal’ societies. And particularly the fundamentalist, Wahhabist, type encouraged by the West in pursuit of destroying the Soviet Union and Israel’s neighbours. I abhor all fundamentalism, whether ‘Christian’ (the notion is antithetical to Christ’s message and is thinly disguised Judaism) Judaic, Islamic, Hindu or capitalistic.
    All these enjoin their brainwashed adherents to treat those of their ‘faith’ differently from those who are not. That different treatment can amount to mass murder and genocide, as our Judeonazi betters are showing us.
    The efforts of the West to avert its decline and fall will cause a global ‘Clash of Civilizations’ war, driven by perverted religiosity, and it will be nassty. A global Gazafication is coming.

  129. @Levtraro

    You’ve been right about Putin regarding the whole importing a bunch of Muslims. He doesn’t even act like he really cares about Russia either.

    You’re not well informed about this issue. Putin just signed a law for the deportation of all immigrants that do not legalize their status by April 30th.

    He is indeed well informed. Most of the Muslim immigrants are legal. They were invited by Russia.

    Are you going to deny that Putin has been importing Muslims?

    There is plenty of data to show that Putin has been using Muslims like Mexicans. This was true even before the war:

    How Muslim Migrants Are Reshaping Russia’s Dying Countryside, One Village At A Time

    Plus Russia has the most favorable economic incentives for the birth of new Russians of all White nations.

    How so exactly compared to Nordic countries and why do they have the lowest birth rate in their history?


    If you are going to run defense for the dwarf king in an open forum then you better get your data right. This isn’t Russia where dissenters are hauled off to Siberian prisons for questioning the dictator.

  130. Levtraro says:

    In reply to JJ

    Most of the Muslim immigrants are legal.

    Without the numbers your assertion is null and void. Find and show the data, percentages. Go and find them.

  131. Levtraro says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    I want to see the day dawn when the anthropogenic climate desabilisation denialists get their comeuppance.

    Isn’t this the day when your life too will be destroyed by the horrific consequences of anthropogenic climate desabilisation?

    Wouldn’t you want to be wrong and denialists be right for the sake of your own survival?

    You want the human world destroyed in a few decades by anthropogenic climate desabilisation just to win an argument you had decades ago?

  132. ariadna says:
    @John Johnson

    “Putin already said that they would lose against NATO in a conventional war.”

    Wow… I take it he said that in a confidential letter to you personally so it is unethical for you to divulge a confidence but, of course, useful for the world to know, TROLL.

  133. “What has changed is that the combination of socialism for financiers, collapsing prospects for the bottom 50%, and the surrender of our minds to Big Tech has given rise to overweening Western elites with little use for the last century’s value system.”

    Bottom line, all the tech in the world is a substitute for actually occupying the land being fought over. Right now Russia is continuosly gaining ground. Any deal that does not include a total withdrawal from Ukraine is a victory for Russia.

    And that requires booots. Russia cannot win a conflict against the EU muchless NATO, muchless the US and worse still a global confrontation, that includes sanctions with naval and land blockades.

    Th issue is the numbers. I suspect that several years ago, Russia may have made a deal with China that included China sending some portion of her near a billion people into a conflict through North Korea. I wonder how many unwanteds China has that they would supply to Russia in their common aim to defeat the west. BRICs was not created as alternative. It’s ultimate aim is destroy the west – period.

    My concern is that the west does not Pres Putin seriously. The tepid response suggests that the west thinks they lolly gag through this, because they have the technological and economic advantage.

    The war they fear is already underway and Ukraine is but one of many moves on the board.

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