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Black Flag Over Damascus

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The black flag of Salafist Islam has been raised over Damascus. ISIS/Al Qaeda has won…. The same terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. Whom we waged war against in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Losing thousands of our servicemen and women. Costing trillions of dollars. They won. And we helped them. America stands for nothing. … Scott Ritter@RealScottRitter

General Mike Flynn, the former head of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), warned his colleagues in the Obama administration, that supporting terrorist groups to prosecute proxy wars on Washington’s behalf, was a risky business that would eventually backfire leading to the establishment of ‘a Salafist principality in Syria.’ That warning has now become a reality.

Of the 50-or-so mainstream articles on the fall of the Syrian government, not one bothered to mention the fact that the Sunni militia that toppled Bashar al-Assad is currently on the US State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. Nor did they mention that the same jihadist group is on the United Nations list of terrorist organizations. Nor did they mention that the leader of the group—Abu Mohammad al-Jolani—has a $10 million bounty on his head offered by the US government. None of this information was reported to the public because the media does not want the American people to know that Washington just helped install a terrorist regime at the center of the Middle East. But that’s what’s really going on.

And it’s even worse than it looks because, ultimately, the 13-year-old Syrian campaign is not really aimed at Syria, but Iran. Syria is just the last obstacle on the path to Tehran, but Tehran is the icing on the cake. Crush Iran and Israel takes the ‘top spot’ in the Middle East; it becomes the regional hegemon overnight. Meanwhile—Uncle Sam gains access to the pipeline corridors it has sought for over 2 decades, corridors that will transport natural gas from Qatar to the Mediterranean and then onward to markets in Europe. The gas will be provided by a US puppet, extracted by western oil companies, sold in US Dollars, and used to maintain a stranglehold on European politics. At the same time, all other competitors will be either sanctioned, sabotaged or excluded entirely. (Nordstream)

Most people are unaware of how pipeline politics have shaped events in Syria making the country a target for US aggression. But from 1949 until today, US intelligence services have tried repeatedly to topple the leader of the Syrian government in order to oversee and control a Trans-Arabian Pipeline “intended to connect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia to the ports of Lebanon via Syria.” Robert F Kennedy summed it up in a brilliant article he wrote more than a decade ago:

The CIA began its active meddling in Syria in 1949—barely a year after the agency’s creation. Syrian patriots had declared war on the Nazis, expelled their Vichy French colonial rulers and crafted a fragile secularist democracy based on the American model. But in March 1949, Syria’s democratically elected president, Shukri-al-Quwatli, hesitated to approve the Trans-Arabian Pipeline, an American project intended to connect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia to the ports of Lebanon via Syria. In his book, Legacy of Ashes, CIA historian Tim Weiner recounts that i n retaliation for Al-Quwatli’s lack of enthusiasm for the U.S. pipeline, the CIA engineered a coup replacing al-Quwatli with the CIA’s handpicked dictator, a convicted swindler named Husni al-Za’im. Al-Za’im barely had time to dissolve parliament and approve the American pipeline before his countrymen deposed him, four and a half months into his regime. Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria, Robert Kennedy, Politico

Washington’s long history of covert action against Syria is well documented in Kennedy’s piece which also pinpoints the precise moment when the US decided it would do ‘whatever it takes’ to topple the regime and replace it with a compliant flunky. Here’s Kennedy:

our war against Bashar Assad did not begin with the peaceful civil protests of the Arab Spring in 2011. Instead it began in 2000, when Qatar proposed to construct a $10 billion, 1,500 kilometer pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Qatar shares with Iran the South Pars/North Dome gas field, the world’s richest natural gas repository. The international trade embargo until recently prohibited Iran from selling gas abroad. Meanwhile, Qatar’s gas can reach European markets only if it is liquefied and shipped by sea, a route that restricts volume and dramatically raises costs. The proposed pipeline would have linked Qatar directly to European energy markets via distribution terminals in Turkey, which would pocket rich transit fees. The Qatar/Turkey pipeline would give the Sunni kingdoms of the Persian Gulf decisive domination of world natural gas markets and strengthen Qatar, America’s closest ally in the Arab world. Qatar hosts two massive American military bases and the U.S. Central Command’s Mideast headquarters. Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria, Robert Kennedy, Politico

This helps to explain why Syria factors so largely in US geopolitical plans to control critical resources as a way to preserve the dominance of the dollar and to contain China’s explosive economic growth. The US is determined to control the vast resources of the Middle East to maintain its privileged position in the global order. Here’s more:

Assad further enraged the Gulf’s Sunni monarchs by endorsing a Russian-approved “Islamic pipeline” running from Iran’s side of the gas field through Syria and to the ports of Lebanon. The Islamic pipeline would make Shiite Iran, not Sunni Qatar, the principal supplier to the European energy market and dramatically increase Tehran’s influence in the Middle East and the world. Israel also was understandably determined to derail the Islamic pipeline, which would enrich Iran and Syria and presumably strengthen their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas.

Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link. In 2009, according to WikiLeaks, soon after Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline, the CIA began funding opposition groups in Syria. It is important to note that this was well before the Arab Spring-engendered uprising against Assad. Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria, Robert Kennedy, Politico

So, once Assad agreed to the “Islamic pipeline”, his goose was cooked. Washington was never going to let that happen. As we said earlier, Washington is fully committed to controlling critical resources in the Middle East as a way to contain China and maintain its increasingly tenuous grip on global power. The Abraham Accords also factor into this geopolitical strategy by normalizing relations between Israel and its Islamic neighbors (primarily Saudi Arabia) in order to create an economic corridor that allows for the rapid transport of manufactured goods from India to Europe. Washington sees economic integration in the region as the principle means for preserving its global primacy. That doesn’t mean that Israel’s ambitions to dominate the Middle East wasn’t the driving force behind the war in Syria and the ousting of Assad. It was, but there were other considerations as well, geopolitical considerations.

So, you can see why the US wanted to install a government that was more receptive to Washington’s interests. What’s hard to understand, however, is how this is all supposed to work. Assad is gone and al Qaida won. We know that. Now what?

I can’t imagine that any of the young men who have spent the last decade of their lives galivanting around the dessert in 4x4s blasting anything that moves, know a lot about running a government. So, who’s going to run the agencies, pay the workers and perform the mundane clerical tasks that that are expected of every government? Who’s going to run the schools, fix the roads, and police the streets? Of course, maybe Mr. al-Jawlani has talents we don’t know about and will miraculously rise to the occasion making sure the agencies are fully staffed and the trains run on time, but that seems extremely unlikely. What is more probable is that the architects of this dreadful fiasco plan to run the country and its flailing economy into the ground, greatly intensifying the suffering of ordinary working people, increasing the public dissatisfaction until an attempt is made to violently overthrow the new regime.

We could be wrong. There is a remote chance that the Sunni militants in HTS will address the needs of the people and lead them to a prosperous and secure future. But we all know that is not going to happen. This regime is merely a tool in the hands of foreign interests who want to seize as much of Syria’s natural wealth as possible while eliminating a potential threat to Israel’s relentless expansion. In short, the neocon powerbrokers who fomented this evil strategy did so without the slightest regard for the safety or well-being of any of the 23 million people who currently call Syria home. Their lives just don’t matter.

What does matter (to Tel Aviv and Washington) is having a proxy army that is willing to do its bidding in an upcoming war with Iran. That matters. And that is why the US and Turkey use “contract” soldiers who will do what they are told in exchange for the lavish salaries they receive. HTS is paid for its services, and those services are going to involve the launching of attacks on Iran and Hezbollah. So, this is NOT an experiment in new forms of governance. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham doesn’t have the slightest interest in running the government. Syria is merely a base of operations for launching attacks on Iran and Hezbollah. That’s it. That’s what they’re paid to do, make war.

It’s all about geography, gas, USD and Israel. And of those four, Israel looms largest.

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  1. I just heard reports that the “US”
    launched over 70 heavy airstrikes against
    “jihadis” in Syria. Now why would ” we” do that?
    Supposedly , Is ” real” is on high alert, and mobilizing
    as well. If … gas, oil and pipelines are really the issue,
    Why are those not the targets? Always a fishy smell.

    Me thinks there’s more to the story. Let’s wait
    a few days before reaching all of these, “conclusions”.
    Could be an entirely different reality … from what “our ”
    medias are reporting. Maybe? Remember, propaganda
    is the # 1 weapon of war. And, all of these, deeply
    religious people, who love their ” gods ” , and peace…
    will continue to war until the “prince” arrives.
    Any day now. You’ll see. It will be wonderful… ?

  2. “The same terrorists who attacked us on 9/11”
    Scott Ritter@RealScottRitter

    Does Ritter really believe this? It’s the foundational lie and justification for every war in the last 24 years.

  3. Future history books will tell the tale of how the mighty Syria, the indispensable bulwark of the Axis of Resistance, led by the wise philosopher king Bashar al-Assad, “the Lion of Damascus,” betrayed by its treacherous allies, fought bravely and valiantly to the bitter end but was ultimately overcome by an unstoppable force much greater than anything Syria could muster.

    In reality, they ran like cowardly dogs, without a fight.

    Performace worthy of American tranny brigades.

  4. Merry Christmas.

    And Happy New Year. In America, Great Satania.

    • Replies: @AnoN
    , @Colonel Dolma
  5. All the smart guys were wrong. Escobar, Ritter, that English professor from Tehran, legions more.

    How does one explain how Russia and Iran and China just got their ass kicked in Syria, Assad has run off to Russia, and now Israel bombs and invades Syria as much as they want, Turkey’s proxies have Damascus and Hezbollah and the Palestinians are in a vastly weaker position….how does one explain all that? Essentially an overnight change of the geopolitical map of power.

    They say Assad couldn’t pay his army. Well, China is flush with dollars, why didn’t they pay the Syrian military, just like the CIA and the Gulf States and Turkey paid THEIR mercenaries?

    And Putin’s intelligence services cannot see it coming and do a bit more than they did? And Putin cannot give Syria the means, beforehand, to shoot down Israeli jets and help eliminate the threat in Idlib??? Wasn’t it Putin who insisted on bussing the now victorious terrorists OUT of Damascus a few years ago, rather than eliminating them in battle?

    Frankly, it all makes sense if we posit that Putin himself is controlled by, or hemmed in by, Jewish/Zionist financial power. Whitney doesn’t want to go there. But if we make that assumption, does it not explain the strange ‘Wait for years to save the Donbass. Then. Go slow in Urkaine, kill as many young Slavic men as possible. Never give Assad the air defense that can stop Israel bombing. Pressure Iran to hold back. Maybe even pressure Iran to betray the Hamas and Hezbollah leadership?

    Incompetence theory or Conspiracy theory…..or US/Israeli political and military genius. Which one do you choose?

  6. Bob mcbob says: • Website

    Im not sure why Iran doesn’t do the same to Iraq – get a mob to oust the current regime and boot out the US bases. If that doesnt occur then these Syrian head choppers will end up on the border near Kuwait, ready to jump across and try to seize the oil fields in Iran. It would be a replay the Syria strangulation technique.

  7. Russia, some-how must have cut a deal, although it is hard to believe, what trade-off would justify this top prize(Syria). The loss of face for Iran and Russia left alone.

    If this bargain was made out of need, then BRICS is just a punching bag. This returns Russia to second tier player on the world scene of geo-politics.

    • Replies: @Rev. Spooner
    , @annamaria
  8. @Goldgettin

    methinks there is less to this story (or maybe worse rather than less).
    Or rather that the strikes are a cover up for the real role of US here which has been to support HTS and the mayham.
    Iraqi shia forces, backed by Iran, tried to enter the country to help the Syrian government. They were bombed by the Americans in a truly shameful incident.
    Prior to the Russian entry in 2015 the US had been quite open about wanting to help ISIS or al qaeda in destroying Assad. Then Obama realised how bad it looked. Haha he said about the coalition of Russia, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah that was fighting ISIS. Look at my coalition of 35 countries all fighting ISIS together (of course they never did, just provided assistance).

  9. Of the 50-or-so mainstream articles on the fall of the Syrian government, not one bothered to mention the fact that the Sunni militia that toppled Bashar al-Assad is currently on the US State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. Nor did they mention that the same jihadist group is on the United Nations list of terrorist organizations.

    The BBC world service just did. Mind they said how much better it was and quoted the British govermnment minister Pat McFadden who wants to change their proscribed status. Disgusting.
    BBC was full of stories out of the White Helmets today – even more disgusting iven the close relationship between MI6, WH and BBC in Syria in deceiving the public.

    • Replies: @anon
  10. @WingsofaDove

    “””How does one explain how Russia and Iran and China just got their ass kicked in Syria, Assad has run off to Russia, and now Israel bombs and invades Syria”””

    It’s easy to explain. The Jews are in control of all the governments involved. There are no
    “nations” or “countries”. It is the Jews vs the Rest of the world. So far the jews are winning, but Jesus might have something to say about it.

    • Agree: Colonel Dolma
  11. anastasia says:

    I’m beginning to believe that the Arabs deserve their fate. They have to be the dumbest of the dumb with their religious divisions.. These jihadists can be swatted like flies and gotten rid of on one fell swoop. How would they be able to do anything without the monetary and weaponry support of their backers.

    Frankly, I don’t understand how this happened. I read there were only 10,000 of them where there are more than 200,000 men making up the Syrian military.

    How come no one talks about the core basic facts. I don’t understand how this happened.

  12. @Yep, I said it

    China, controlled by the Jews? You must be tripping. They’ll never forgive nor forget that the Jew Sassoons were the drivers behind the opium wars.

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
    • Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  13. Notsofast says:

    good point, the u.s. bombed 75 “isis” positions to insure they don’t take advantage of the situation, further saying hts still has many isis connections. they went on to warn hts, not to encroach into kurdish areas. they may have more trouble from turkish hts than they did from the assad government.

    russia is supposed to sign a mutual defense treaty with iran in january, we’ll have to wait and see if that happens, that will give a better perspective on the whole subject.

    • Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  14. One thing is for sure at this point is that Bashar Assad’s departure did not happen overnight. In fact, the changing political priorities of his sponsors for some time now probably convinced the Syrian leader not to fight back against the ascending Hayat Tahrir al Sham and other Islamist militant forces that came straight from Idlib region. While all this chaos is unfolding the regional powers like Turkey, Israel along with US imperialism are using these seismic events to dominate and reshape the region in accordance with their own interests.

    Just now I heard the IDF are not only seen bombarding Syrian military bases. but have taken control of Jabal Sheikh as well which is next to the Golan heights. All these convulsions that are taking place at this point in time provides a deeply unsettling picture for the future of Syria and the rest of Middle East.


  15. Now that the Good_Guys ™ won Türkiye, Germany and Austria are
    gearing up to send their extended families home; it is an ill wind indeed … 😁
    There will be pride parades and associated USraeli sex tourism in Damascus
    (the Cypriots will bitch a little over losing their monopoly);
    why, it will be almost like Kabul before Charlie Wilson began his War on Miniskirts.

  16. Altai5 says:

    It’s all about geography, gas, USD and Israel.

    The only reason the US can’t have good relations with Syria and many other Middle Eastern countries is it’s support for Israel and it’s commitment to protect it and allow it’s expansion which means needing to destroy any ability of them to have long-term coherent governments which could enact their national interests in resisting Israel. Why is such a pipeline a problem otherwise? All those countries would otherwise be US allies, or vassal states.

    Israel is the rock upon which the US empire is beaching itself. It’s not a source of America’s geopolitical power, it’s what it’s geopolitical power is spent upon. The more intense Israel lobby control over US foreign policy since 2001 has accelerated this process but Israel has been an albatross around America’s neck for decades prior. Otherwise why would they need such an extensive lobby?

    • Agree: mark green
  17. Anon[108] • Disclaimer says:

    Mike Whitney has really become a solid writer on world events.

    He’s grown a lot over the last decade, and it shows.

    Well done, Mike.

  18. Russia is now free from worrying about Syria…that’s Turkeys problem now.

    Russia should just hack the piece out that they want, like the U.S, and continue on as usual, the head choppers can always be bribed to do some dirty work if needed.

  19. Another great mind-opening article (translated from Spanish from

    The end of the Syrian regime

    By Sara Ainhoa de Ceano-Vivas Núñez | 09/12/2024 | Palestine and the Middle East
    Sources: The Jump


    In less than a fortnight, the Bazaista regime in Syria has fallen and Bashar Al Assad has fled the country, after 13 years, a lightning victory that no one expected. What local, regional and international factors have made it possible?

    After the lightning attack that began on November 27 launched by jihadist militias in northwestern Syria, in less than 15 days the Bazaist regime in Syria has fallen and Bashar Al Assad has fled the country, after 13 years.

    This attack has taken not only the Syrian regime but also the entire international community by surprise. The eyes of the world were on the Palestinian genocide and the war of slaughter in southern Lebanon. No one expected the Syrian rebels, led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), to advance so quickly on the city of Aleppo and head south, where they conquered Hama, Homs and finally the capital, Damascus. Bashar Al Assad has fled the country. The regime’s prime minister calls for unity in Syria and has discharged the army.

    This lightning victory has been possible thanks to several local, regional and international factors. The Aleppo region has been emptied of Syrian regular army troops after several years of “stability” since the regime regained control in 2016, to place the bulk of the impoverished army in the south of the country, anticipating a possible offensive by Israel. In addition, Russia, Bashar Al Assad’s main ally and supporter, has most of its forces focused on the war in Ukraine, so it has not kept the previously abundant resources on the ground. Likewise, Iran, also an ally of the regime, with a significant deployment of Shiite militias in Syria, has lost a significant part of its support with the destruction of Hezbollah, which has had to mobilize all its fighters back to Lebanon, while the rest of the pro-Iranian militias are focusing their efforts on other, more strategic places in the country.

    The advances have been declared under the banner of HTS, a radical Islamist faction that has been fighting in Syria for years, but these highly organized attacks are being supported by many other armed groups

    The advances have been declared under the banner of HTS, a militia formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, a radical Islamist faction that has been fighting in Syria for years, and which is a splinter branch of Al-Qaeda. But these highly organized and coordinated attacks are being supported by many other armed groups, which after spending several years in the same region of Idlib, have improved their military tactics on the ground. The attack has been a great victory not only for the vast territory regained, but also for the acquisition of a significant arsenal of the Syrian regular army, abandoned in its retreat, which includes both light and heavy weapons. Some sources even mention aerial and anti-aircraft weapons. The capture of Damascus seems to have been carried out by the joint operations room with militias in the south of the country.

    On the other hand, the Syrian National Army (SNA) took advantage of the situation to attack Shehba and Tel Rifaat, a region north of Aleppo where thousands of internally displaced people expelled from Afrin during Turkey’s invasion in 2018 are taking refuge. The SNA is made up of different radical Islamist factions, many of its members recognized former ISIS fighters, completely at the service of Turkish interests. Although HTS factions also receive varying levels of Turkish support, the SNA is fully subordinate to Turkey. Its main military efforts are directed against the democratic and multi-ethnic project of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES), being a danger to all non-Arab Sunni minorities, but especially harmful to the Christian and Yazidi minorities.

    According to the UN, between 200 and 400 thousand people have been displaced since November 28. At the moment, in the Shehba region alone, the Rojava Information Center estimates that 100,000 people have been displaced from the region, mainly reaching the cities of Tabqa and Raqqa

    Tens of thousands have already been displaced by this escalation of the war in Syria. According to the UN, between 200 and 400 thousand people have been displaced since November 28. At the moment, in the Shehba region alone, the Rojava Information Center estimates that 100,000 people have been displaced from the region, mainly reaching the cities of Tabqa and Raqqa, where they are in conditions of extreme need. No one could foresee this mass displacement. Although makeshift tents are being built, thousands of people are living outdoors under the frigid conditions of the Syrian winter. Essential supplies such as food, water and medicine are lacking. This shortage has meant that several people have died in recent days, including a four-month-old baby.

    According to SDF sources, SNA militias detained and hijacked a convoy of 120 cars with internally displaced persons fleeing the Shehba area. So far, the whereabouts of these people are unknown. They also report the detention and extortion of other displaced people trying to flee Tel Rifaat and Shehba to other areas of the Autonomous Administration, paying exorbitant prices for fuel in their desperate attempts to flee to safer places.

    In Aleppo, the Kurdish-majority neighborhoods of Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafieh, which have maintained their own administration and self-defense since 2012, are surrounded by HTS and SNA militias. They currently have about 400,000 inhabitants, including dozens of Arab families displaced from the surrounding rural areas by the violence of the clashes. The situation is one of tense calm and fear of an attack. The SDF is holding negotiations with HTS to facilitate the departure of those who want to leave the neighborhoods. A lack of medicine, food and water is hardening the conditions of the siege. Some combatants from the Women’s Defence Units (YPJ), who were in charge of defending the neighbourhoods, have been reported to have been arrested by SNA militias.

    Alepo ruins
    DAANES officials expressed their fear of a possible invasion by the SNA with Turkish air support over the Manbij region, a danger that has already materialized, although for the moment the SDF is resisting the advance. Manbij is a multi-ethnic city west of the Euphrates home to more than 300,000 people who have been an integral part of a democratic self-administration since its liberation from ISIS in 2016. In recent days, the command of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has reported repeated shelling by Turkey and the SNA, as well as ground infiltration attempts that have been repelled. Salih Muslinm, co-chair of the PYD, the majority party in the DAANES, calls for dialogue with HTS and a negotiating table to agree on the future of a democratic Syria.

    The fact that Turkey is a member of NATO as well as a power that supports the jihadist militias driving the escalation leaves little doubt that these operations have the approval of the US

    These attacks break the Astana Agreement signed between Turkey, Iran and Russia to stabilize the region. However, many of the people living in Syria indicate that such an agreement was never really fulfilled and has already remained a dead letter.

    It remains to be seen how the different international actors position themselves in the coming days. However, the fact that Turkey is a member of NATO as well as a power that supports the jihadist militias driving the escalation, leaves little doubt that these operations have the approval of the US. Should the conflict escalate, it is worth asking how the International Anti-ISIS Coalition will respond if the capabilities of the SDF, its main partner on the ground, are compromised.

    Original Source:


  20. Anon slim says:

    You say there are other geopolitical considerations for the US other than blindly supporting Israel and Zionism, however this is wrong. Why wouldn’t America just buy Syrian, or Iranian for that matter, oil? The dollar is still the reserve currency and all of these countries, including Russia and China, have repeatedly tried to make deals with America, only to be rebuffed by Jewish interests. Does it make sense to antagonize Iran, and the wider middle east, for decades and decades, or just cut Israel loose? We could easily control their oil with economics, instead we bomb the whole area so no regional powers will emerge. Not a global power, a regional one which might threaten Israel. So the whole continent has to be dominated for the sake of a country the size of New Jersey? Next you might say Israel is a colony of America, the old Noam Chomsky bit. Well if that’s how colonialism works where there is an unlimited supply free weapons, unwavering political support, and economic guarantees like billions in loans which just get forgiven the next year, why would countries like India ever want independence? It’s because America is a colony of Israel. Or ruling elite regularly give speeches bragging about how they are Zionist. Why would an American politician even know that word let alone be an ardent supporter.

    • Thanks: Adam Birchdale
    • Replies: @true.enough
    , @meamjojo
  21. A black flag is also raised over the BRICS, it is starting to show it has feet of clay.

    Russian RT in now trying to lay the blame of the Syrian debacle at the feet of Iran.

    And Iran has shown its unwillingness to take the hits necessary to prove itself by launching a missle attack against Israel, it showed it wasn’t really that serious in its axis against Israel.

    And why wasn’t the fight been taken to Israels cities like they did to Lebanon and Gaza? Why not turn the terrorism on the terrorist, I bet Israel would of emptied of people as they flee to their dual citizenship havens, how long would Israels economy last then?

    These errors by Iran left Lebanon and Hamas to take the blows…and China…do they exist?

    I haven’t heard a squeak from the China mouse about anything of late.

  22. @Notsofast

    “Russia is supposed to sign a mutual defense treaty w Iran in January”

    this piece of paper isn’t going to deter, post-January 20, Izramerica from pulverizing Iran. What Putin needs to do, ASAP, is bring sufficient Russian military power — troops and aircraft — directly into Iran to make it clear to Zion that an attack on Iran will be considered a direct attack on Russia.

    of course, having already betrayed Hezbollah and Syria,

    the Kremlin Dwarf will do nothing of the kind.

    • LOL: meamjojo
    • Replies: @meamjojo
    , @Truth Vigilante
  23. You guys wanna know what Ron Paul (Who is a truth-teller) and who is into alternative version of world events said once? That the real objectives of the zionist-neoconservatives of the US government is to steal the whole world for their own selves and their own super-rich class?

    And i add to that, that they also want to literally steal Mars, the Moon and all planets of the solar system for their own selves, and an asteroid that is floating in space that some say is worth zillions of dollars.

    These oligarchs rulers are crazy, I think Ronald Reagan wanted to ride in a space shuttle once and travel to space in order to conduct a space-war from heaven

    I think Gore Vidal and other political analysts said that this coup de etat done by neocons against the US government and US society was performed in September 11, 2001.

    But I think that the real objectives of stealing the whole world for their super-rich oligarchic global plutocracy really began in late 1800s.

    The late Senator Robert Byrd (RIP) said that the goals of the global plutocracy began 5000 years ago. And I really think that the axis of evil (USA, Israel, Europe, NATO and their vassal minions states) is really the continuation of the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman Empires.

    That’s why at most oligarchic bourgeoise elitist universities like Harvard, Oxford College, Yale, the ancient greeks and ancient romans are praised. Michael Parenti said in one of his videos-conferences about how the ruling class calls the killer Roman Empire as “The Great Roman Empire”

    Only a global anarchist revolution can put an end to this 5000 years old oligarchic-plutocratic-cleptocratic global empire

    Maybe the Anunnaki extraterrestrials can save the human race

    Something has to give !!


    • Replies: @true.enough
    , @AxeGryndr
  24. meamjojo says:

    “Incompetence theory or Conspiracy theory…..or US/Israeli political and military genius. Which one do you choose? ”

    Clearly US/Israeli political and military genius and incompetence of the majority of TUR authors and posters. How many times do I have to tell you people how wrong your are before you accept my truth?

    • Replies: @One Nobody
    , @Liosnagcat
  25. @OrangeSmoke

    It’s not just Ritter. There are plenty of others, including Phil Giraldi and Ray McGovern who buy into that narrative.

    • Thanks: Adam Birchdale
  26. meamjojo says:
    @Yep, I said it

    “So far the jews are winning, but Jesus might have something to say about it. ”

    Newsflash! Jesus has been dead for a couple of thousand of years and he ain’t coming back anytime soon..

    • Agree: RadicalCenter
    • Troll: Sarita
  27. meamjojo says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Why not send the North Koreans to Iran? [lol]

    • Replies: @One Nobody
  28. @WingsofaDove

    China, like Russia is averse to conflict unless their security is directly affected. Russia was present because it was asked by Syria to help. The late Texe Marrs stated, circa 2017, that a big war was being planned and would be blamed on Putin, which would provide a cover Israel becoming Greater Israel. People thought he was one of those “conspiracy nuts”. Doesn’t look that way now, does it?

  29. Toxik says:

    What’s also lost here is the timing. Tulsi comes in next month. She would have stopped any efforts to oust Assad. Remember, she went to Syria a few years ago and spoke with Assad and she concluded that Assad was not our enemy … but in the end, its all for Israel to take.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
    , @Frau Katze
  30. Wokechoke says:
    @Low-carb Political Movement

    Netanyahu did not extend out a hand of friendship to Alawites in his recent gloating tweet.

  31. @Low-carb Political Movement

    It isn’t that the US, Israel, and Turkey are taking advantage of something that just happened, is it? Certainly they conspired to get rid of Assad at this particular time. The question in my mind is how will Erdogan be able to gain the trust of any other Muslims or Arabs again. He sold out the Palestinians completely after putting on a show of rage at the Gaza situation. He’ll have no credibility at all in the region now, I should think.

  32. @Anon slim

    I agree with you 6,000,000 percent.

  33. @Low-carb Political Movement

    Michael Parenti said in one of his videos-conferences about how the ruling class calls the killer Roman Empire as “The Great Roman Empire”

    I also refer to the Roman Empire as ‘The Great…”, and I will praise Napoleon and Hitler among other figures from world history.

    Unfortunately, I lost my Oligarchic Bourgeoise Elitist membership card at the beach, and so events have been unfolding without me having been consulted first.

    Such is fate.

  34. AnoN[407] • Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    Have you noticed that Elon Musk, the zionist genocidal, blocks most of the posts by Mohammad Marandi at his twitter account?

    Musk is the king of censorship and a fag**t zionist

    • Replies: @Anonymous45
  35. @Redpill Boomer

    It seems they forgave and forgot long enough to let Sidney Rittenberg, Jakob Rosenfeld, Israel Epstein, Sidney Shapiro and other Jews help Mao run China.

    • Thanks: Poopsie
    • Replies: @hobnob
    , @迪路
  36. But evil Assad made pancakes out of prisoners.

  37. chris says:

    Uncle Sam gains access to the pipeline corridors it has sought for over 2 decades, corridors that will transport natural gas from Qatar to the Mediterranean and then onward to markets in Europe.

    Yeah, except that now, following the US precedent, two can play the ‘blow up the adversary’s pipeline’ game.

  38. @meamjojo

    Why not send the IOF into Lebanon for a third time, and show us if you can fight a clean fight? The IOF is a shoot from afar coward army? LOL

  39. @meamjojo

    How many times we have to tell you zionist criminal scum that without the US Tax Payer and your whores in Congress you are nothing, proven to be absolutely nothing.

  40. @meamjojo

    I’ve noticed that your messiah Menachem Schneerson hasn’t made any appearances lately either.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  41. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei will make a speech focusing on regional developments on Wednesday.

    Do you think he is going to announce the Iranian A-bomb?

    • Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  42. Rurik says:

    maybe there is a silver lining

    If Hamas is glad Assad is gone, perhaps Assad wasn’t any good after all.

    I always assumed he was good, because Israel and Hillary wanted him gone, but perhaps I can’t always assume just because ZOG hates someone, that they must then be good.

    Perhaps Assad was a liability, and that’s why Russia pretended not to see what was happening, until it happened.


  43. @Goldgettin

    I just heard reports that the “US” launched over 70 heavy airstrikes against “jihadis” in Syria.

    You wouldn’t care to provide a reference, would you?

  44. @meamjojo

    . . . my truth. . .

    What a ridiculous turn of phrase.

    You really are a twit.

  45. Looks like a mad tea party where Israel gets to occupy another stretch of territory to expand upon its Zionist regime while Christians are forced to seek shelter from another Zionist genocide.

  46. Gallatin says:

    I can’t imagine that your average ISIS-fighter, willing to behead infidels with a pocket knife, really likes Israel very much.

    If these guys ever do coalesce and form a state on the former territory of Syria, they might be a greater nuisance to Western interests than Assad was.

    10% of Syria is Christian. I fear what will happen to them now.

  47. meamjojo says:
    @Anon slim

    It’s amazing how stupid you are. That is why very few outside of TUR would agree with this foolishness you post.

    • Troll: Sarita
    • Replies: @Adam Birchdale
    , @annamaria
  48. meamjojo says:

    It’s very questionable if Tulsi will be confirmed. I would bet she doesn’t make it.

    • Agree: Voltarde
    • Troll: Sarita
  49. Dragoslav says:

    Centuries of inbreeding, bad genes, negrification ( cheap black female slaves in the harems ) , backward religion… That’s why.
    They are only slightly above sub Saharans. With the same low IQ and Childish incompetence and cowardice.

  50. Dragoslav says:

    I notice that the great general in armchair : muh muh and his bride Greta are nowhere to be found on this site when their Muslim wishful thinking implodes.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  51. ghali says:

    First, it was not al-Qaeda that attacked the U.S. on 9/11. Overwhelming evidence shows that Israel and U.S. Jews/Zionists (Jewish Lobby) planned and executed the attacks. Second, the U.S. presence in the Middle East and U.S. unconditional support for Jews’ barbaric war against the people of the Middle East are directed by wealthy Jews who control the U.S. regime and U.S. media. The cliché of U.S. presence in the Middle East to control the flow of oil resources is to deflect attention away from Jewish power (Jewish Lobby) over the U.S.

    The Russian leadership should feel ashamed of their deafening silence towards the Israeli Jewish criminal violation of international law and civilized norms. Putin’s leadership has no courage to condemn not only the ongoing Jewish terrorist attacks on Syria but also the illegal occupation of Syrian territory by the barbaric Jews. What happened in Syria is a carbon copy of what happened in Afghanistan in 1988. Russia is well-known for its cowardly betrayal of allies. The Russian regime of Mikhail Gorbachev negotiated its cowardly withdrawal with the terrorists, the CIA, and the brutal Gulf regimes at the expense of the democratically-elected government of Afghan president Mohammad Najibullah. It was a humiliation that Russia aptly described as “national reconciliation” between the government, the CIA, and CIA-recruited terrorists, including al-Qaeda. It was a disaster for Afghanistan and the Afghan people. Russia has proven time and again to be weak and incompetent. In Syria, Turkey, Israel, and a reimaged al-Qaeda (a.k.a. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, under Abu-Mohammad al-Golani, who is wanted in the U.S. for terrorism with a $10 million bounty on his head) were added to the US-led mix. It seems like just yesterday the U.S. and its vassals were slamming the same group of terrorists who recently rampaged through Syria. Iran bears as much responsibility as Russia. Let us hope Syria will not go on the same road as Afghanistan. Meanwhile, only the Taliban’s Afghanistan, U.S.-led Western countries, Turkey, and Israel applauded the fall of Syria to U.S.-sponsored terrorists.

    • Agree: Agent76
  52. @OrangeSmoke

    It is the same terrorists: a bunch of Jewish supremacists (Zionists) and ZOG stooges and puppets of the inbred Rothschilds international finance. Just follow the money, you always end up at the same place.

    They hate Christians more than anyone else, just look at what their “holy” book the Talmud says about the Lord Jesus Christ, or look at how they try to criminalize the Bible as “anti-semitic” for saying Jews killed Jesus (which the Talmud gloats about the Jews killing Jesus) or how the Biden administration (which allowed this in Syria) and the democrat party openly hates Christianity and openly wants to destroy free speech and free exercise of religion and throw Christians in gulags, and one thing they especially hated recently was the notion of religious (Christian) exemptions to their agendas. They’d love to behead Christians like ISIS (Israel) does. Netanyahu was bragging of being responsible for this with Syria, and countless Christians are going to be horribly affected by it and that’s exactly what Jews want because Jews absolutely hate Christ and Christians; the facade they show the duped Zionist “Christians” falls apart in an instant when you see how the IDF regularly targets Christians, or how all these zionist stooges completely ignore all the Christians in the Middle East affected by the Jewish Supremacist war mongering racket and conquest while they parade and celebrate it, and how Jews have nothing but hate to speak for Christ and Christians when they think their duped zionist/political golem aren’t listening.

    They’re the enemies of the gospel, same as it ever was, there is no new thing under the sun. They persecuted the apostles in the early church in the New Testament and they still do it today with their hate groups like the ADL/SPLC inciting bombings against baptist churches in America after years of trying to cut off all their finances, to funding Islamists like Israel/US funding ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Etc. who persecute, kidnap, enslave, beat, rape, sell, and murder Christians in the Middle East. When I was looking for recent articles on this, I found one titled “ISIS threatening to kill Christians in Israel”, which could be read as “Israel threatening to kill Christians in Israel” if you take the ZOG propaganda blinders off. They want to make Christianity illegal in America and keep trying to find ways to persecute Christians, and that’s not even covering the treatment of Christians in Israel by Jews or by the “IDF” in Palestine/Gaza; and now we have Zionist-funded Islamic terror groups that are killing, raping, kidnapping, enslaving, and selling Christians in Syria as they’ve been doing for Bush/Clinton/Obama/Trump/Biden elsewhere too. And none of that will change under Trump since he’s a massive zionist, and he’s the one who allowed lockdowns in 2020 and pushed vaccines and pushed “take the guns first and go through due process second” and approves of speech laws against “anti-semitism” (i.e. criticizing Jews/”Israel” for anything, at all, ever).

    Who do you think funded and founded many of these terrorist groups? The scapegoat is “Islamic extremism” but if you follow the money you end up at a bunch of zionists, political whores, blackmailed pedophiles, and ultimately Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and the Balfour Declaration and all the rest of the zionist filth and their lies.

  53. @AnoN

    Indeed. Musk was born into apartheid South Africa and now will lead the charge in support of apartheid Israel, apartheid America and fellow supremacists around the globe.

  54. @Rurik

    I got cancer reading the goddamn comments to those articles…Never realized how many people support Israel because of this one video. If they wanted to free the Gazans, why is that a bad thing? I thought people were sick and tired of all the killings of women and children.

    But instead I’m starting to see a lot of Islamic hatred on those articles and lots of Pro-Israel love “GET THEM IDF!” That sort of thing.

    I am no fan of either side but anyone acting and pretending that the other side are the good guys either don’t pay attention or truly believe that their beloved side has a right to kill all those people. Next time I’ll reframe from reading comments from these articles you people post.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  55. padre says:

    I simply can not comprehend shear stupidity of Muslims! But then again my Slavs aren’t any better, hundred years at each other throats! And then they whine about their ill fate!

  56. Assad is a SIMP. It was his bimbo wife “Asma” that emasculated him and coerced him into caving to the wokeist west. Just consider the love letters that came out when his email account was hacked. If Assad had made her wear a burqa and beat her every now and then, then perhaps the macho muslims might have had a little respect.

    Instead of leading an attack to liberate Gaza, Assad was bending over and grabbing his ankles so that Bibi and Biden could pull a train on him.

    Just look at his male offspring as a good example of how soft he is. None of them looks like they are ready to rule over a bunch of head choppers.

    Compare Assad’s boys to Saddam Hussein’s two sons. At least they were willing to throw someone into the wood shredder every now and then in order to maintain a certain level of credible chadliness.

  57. @Anonymous534

    In reality, they ran like cowardly dogs, without a fight.

    Performace worthy of American tranny brigades.

    Remember the small groups of Afghan Army Special Forces/Commandos who fought the Taliban in the mountains as their leader, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, fled Afghanistan in a huge military helicopter stuffed with stolen cash?

    They all died.

    Maybe these Syrian soldiers learned from that mistake, maybe they didn’t want the same fate.

    After Aleppo fell so fast, the writing was on the wall. At that point loyalty shifts to the family; why die for Assad and leave behind a defenseless widow and orphans when you can save your skin and be there for your family as a provider and protecter in the turbulent times sure to come.

    • Agree: RadicalCenter
  58. George Galloway speaks about Syria, Assad, ISIS, Golani ….. etc, in this latest interview titled ‘GALLOWAY WALLOPS PIERS MORGAN – AGAIN!’ (25 mins):

    Video Link

    • Replies: @Rurik
  59. @Haxo Angmark

    Laxo Stretchmark writes:

    of course, having already betrayed Hezbollah and Syria, the Kremlin Dwarf will do nothing of the kind.

    It’s common tactic of Jewish John’s Johnson to refer to Putin as a dictator ‘dwarf’ or some variation thereof. So I’m assuming that you and he are getting your instructions from the same ADL supervisor.

    Is that the directive coming from above, whereby all you sayanim underlings are advised to hammer away using the same pejoratives towards enemies of ZOG?

    Laxo, you’re a particularly annoying little heeb. Have you ever considered self-euthanasing?
    Try it, you might like it.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  60. This guy looks just like Trotsky, er,……Zelenskyyyiiyyayiiy.

  61. Anon[360] • Disclaimer says:

    I can’t imagine that any of the young men who have spent the last decade of their lives galivanting around the dessert in 4x4s blasting anything that moves, know a lot about running a government. So, who’s going to run the agencies, pay the workers and perform the mundane clerical tasks that that are expected of every government?

    You have to think out of the box ! The US taxpayer will pick up the bill. Here is how it works. Money goes to the headchoppers who in turn send it to offshore bank accounts. I hope the logistics experts dont forget to include several pallets. Some forklifts should also be provided, propane fueled of course to save the environment.

    As an aside Nuttyyahoo is blowing everything in Syria to shit. The fallout from this is that when all is turned to sand and desert, the residents become raiders and predators. The Zionists will soon discover that they have given axes and machetes to beheaders.

    As for Hezbollah being unable to get arms, this scribbler waxes that money is a superb lubricant meaning that the headchoppers will be paid off the transship to the Hez. Where there is a will and where there is coin, there is a way.

    Israel may well find itself between two devils and the blue sea, the ones in Syria being ultra violent and with nothing to lose.

    I was never good at multiplication but something tells me that 7M Jews versus billions of Moslems is what I would call a fatal fraction.

  62. AxeGryndr says:

    I almost stopped reading, but kept on, hoping that would be resolved. The article improved greatly after that speed bump, but Ritter is apparently stuck with an Arab hangover.

  63. Jolani was born in Saudi which makes him a Saudi Citizen

    • Replies: @nokangaroos
    , @OrangeSmoke
  64. AxeGryndr says:
    @Low-carb Political Movement

    “Only a global anarchist revolution can put an end to this 5000 years old oligarchic-plutocratic-cleptocratic global empire”

    The OPCGE has had 5000 years to hone their playbook, and herd us like sheep. We have handguns and deer rifles, they have the hardware to destroy armies and nations, and money to buy their minions from our midst.

    It doesn’t look hopeful.

    Fortunately, they need people to clean their toilets and manufacture their toys.

  65. @OrangeSmoke

    Yes him and the rest of the controlled opp anti-zionistista ZOGbots believe it as well. Wake the fuck up no one is on your side. Not Russia, Not China, Not Iran Kill your local globalist/Zionist kike aligned propagandist.

    • Replies: @Poopsie
  66. Miro23 says:

    And it’s even worse than it looks because, ultimately, the 13-year-old Syrian campaign is not really aimed at Syria, but Iran. Syria is just the last obstacle on the path to Tehran, but Tehran is the icing on the cake. Crush Iran and Israel takes the ‘top spot’ in the Middle East; it becomes the regional hegemon overnight. Meanwhile—Uncle Sam gains access to the pipeline corridors it has sought for over 2 decades, corridors that will transport natural gas from Qatar to the Mediterranean and then onward to markets in Europe. The gas will be provided by a US puppet, extracted by western oil companies, sold in US Dollars, and used to maintain a stranglehold on European politics. At the same time, all other competitors will be either sanctioned, sabotaged or excluded entirely. (Nordstream)

    Thanks for that excellent summary of US Imperial/ Israeli planning.

    IMO there’s never going to be a reliable supply of gas to Europe through a pipeline from Qatar. It’s all too politically unstable. It might have worked in 1985 but not in the 2020’s

    The Imperial plan is to collapse Russia and Iran, but Turkey, Israel and those fragile Gulf monarchies (dictatorships) don’t look so stable themselves. And that’s not to mention current US social/economic issues (1985 looked better).

  67. Russia was planning with Turkey a pipeline hub in Turkey.

    So is this off or do they just connect the pipe from the Gulf to it? But will Syria be stable for the dream of this Gulf pipeline to come true?

  68. Servenet says:

    In many ways Ritter is a moron.

  69. Tom Welsh says:

    “America stands for nothing…”

    Not quite correct. America stands for money.

  70. muh muh says:

    I notice that the great general in armchair : muh muh and his bride Greta are nowhere to be found on this site when their Muslim wishful thinking implodes.

    For someone recently caught larping as a woman here, you sure are cavalier with your bullshit.

    The only prediction I’ve made to date is that Israel will collapse in a generation, and I’ve repeatedly provided a rock solid argument for that, backed by unassailable data supporting the position that this will occur as a result of its own demographic trajectory:

    FWIW, morale building, such as posting Hamas attack videos, is not wishful thinking. Many of us here — most not even Muslim — enjoy seeing them take out one or three or seven Israeli troops at a time, always bearing in mind the tremendous odds against which they fight. (They’re still doing that, by the way.)

    Your primarily flaw is that you act compulsively and prematurely, which is probably why you couldn’t manage a single sock puppet without getting badly embarrassed.

  71. @Truth Vigilante

    It’s common tactic of Jewish John’s Johnson to refer to Putin as a dictator ‘dwarf’ or some variation thereof. So I’m assuming that you and he are getting your instructions from the same ADL supervisor.

    That’s sweet that you are thinking about me in a thread where I haven’t posted.

    Your Kremlin Gremlin wasn’t able to back Assad because of his stupid Ukraine war.

    Now Israel is on a land grab and here you are lashing out at forum posters that opposed the war from the beginning.

    The dwarf just made Israel’s dream come true. It looks like they are securing Golan plus a “buffer zone” aka more land. And why not? Who would stop them? Trump is preparing Team Rapture Ready to be the most pro-Israel cabinet in US history.

    But get back to misdirecting your frustrations at forum posters that said this war would only lead to the deaths of poor rural Slavs.

    You are really the most confused boomer here. Putin will create another graveyard of a thousand crosses tomorrow and you’ll be up at night thinking about how that damn John Johnson poster must be acting for Israel.

    You and other Putin defenders are in a competition to see who can look like the biggest ass for continuing to support a mass murderer who just abandoned one of his remaining allies. Other posters have figured out that this ex-KGB run isn’t actually on the side of alt-right but here you are still thinking this is some “war against the Jews” just because Zelensky is Jewish. You are a sap.

  72. ariadna says:

    “How does one explain how Russia and Iran and China just got their ass kicked in Syria.”

    China’s “ass” was far away and never got anywhere near, busy reviewing and revising its buyers’ lists.
    Iran was prevented from intervening by Assad himself who had kicked the Iranian troops out (at Putin’s request) and refused to call them back in to help.
    Russia accepted a quiet smacking in exchange for keeping its Tarsus base “until further notice,” hoping its cooperation will earn him credits with his imaginary future “partners.”

  73. ariadna says:

    “ISIS/Al Qaeda has won…. The same terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. Whom we waged war against in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. ”

    Ritter cannot possibly believe that. Also hard to believe that he is not aware that the majority of people who follow him on youtube have resoundingly rejected that tale. So why, why is grabbing a handful of BS and smearing himself with it?!

    If he wanted to point out that the ISIS/ZAl Qaeda/Al Nusra/HTS now being “moderate washed” on CNN and BBC are the same gang who our government previously claimed attacked us on o/11, he should have said so.
    Stating the glaring long-debunked lie as a fact makes him an outright liar.

    • Thanks: Rich23
    • Replies: @hobnob
    , @Poupon Marx
  74. HT says:

    People used to laugh when I told them America was the most corrupt country in the world.

    • Replies: @Bama
  75. In another 100 years, it’ll all be forgotten and go the way of the great skirmishes of the 19th century.

  76. Bama says:

    The U.S. is the looney, crazy bombing any and everywhere its Zionist master points. Wholesale killing and societal disruptions are America’s calling card for Jewish expansion.

    The U.S. has lost the ability to reason or rule for itself with dire consequences for America and the world. Russia’s ace in the hole is its catastrophic nuclear arsenal and delivery system – only to be used for the big one. China is strong but wanting time to grow even stronger with air, land and sea forces. It has not reached its prime yet.

    Crazy America will continue to listen and act as Igor, Frankenstein’s monster, to knock down anything it’s told to destroy. The question is not where it all will end, but when.

    • Agree: HT
    • Replies: @John Johnson
  77. @John Johnson

    Yeah it’s hard to even defend Putin anymore at this point. But I’m on neither of these failed imbeciles side. They are all full of shit, and helping hell realize it’s dream. And when the U.S. finally bankrupts completely, B will just run off to join Brics.

  78. @WingsofaDove

    All the smart guys were wrong. Escobar, Ritter, that English professor from Tehran, legions more.

    They’re not trying to be right or wrong. They all have a suspiciously pro-Russian bias that prevents them from honest analysis.

    They are trying to craft a narrative just like some MSM producer. It’s not about trying to determine what is actually happening on the ground.

    And Putin’s intelligence services cannot see it coming and do a bit more than they did? And Putin cannot give Syria the means, beforehand, to shoot down Israeli jets and help eliminate the threat in Idlib??? Wasn’t it Putin who insisted on bussing the now victorious terrorists OUT of Damascus a few years ago, rather than eliminating them in battle?

    A dozen snipers would have delayed the advance on Allepo for at least a week. The rebels were trained by Turkey but still fought the Arab way of advancing in mob like groups and shooting at targets out of range. There is in fact a video of a Kurd sniper taking out a dozen of them.

    Putin had his jets do a few bombing runs and then called it a day.

    Well why weren’t those jets at the border when they came in? A single jet can wipe out an unsupported column. They were using vehicles without tracks which can be delayed by blowing up highways and getting them stuck in sand.

    The excuses don’t add up.

    • Thanks: WingsofaDove
  79. @Tennessee Jed

    The messenger notwithstanding, the message here is sound to sane people. Dead people, like jesus, don’t have anything to say.

    Hard to believe for cultists like you and jojo, but some normal, reasonable, honest, prayerful, industrious, loyal people, including family men, don’t belong to any of the “abrahamic” cults.

    i I don’t have a “messiah”, because unlike you and your senior-cultist Meamjojo, I’m not concerned with any man saving my soul, and I worship God alone, not men living or dead.

    Nor am I concerned with the ancient ravings of selfserving jews extolling self-worship, needless cruelty, blind hatred and disregard for all people outside the cult, a gleeful eagerness to murder women and children and babies, irrelevant genealogies, absurd fables, punishments for things that harm nobody and are not sins or crimes, etc.

    You know, much of your “old testament” / torah and the sickass talmud.

    All praise to God, Alhamdullilah. To Hell with these cults spreading hatred and needless cruelty and the worship of men or tribes (or magic buildings and “holy lands”).

    • Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  80. Russia and Iran finally release their Syrian yokes: Until the fall of Assad, Assad and his main backers, Russia and Iran, were the responsible party for Syria’s situation – all of its sorrows, all of its instability, all of its poverty and the general mess. Now who is responsible and accountable for Syria’s future? In one fell swoop, one mostly failed state went from being under Russia’s list of headaches and liabilities to being on Israel’s, Turkey’s, Jordan’s, and America’s list of headaches and liabilities – all of the Middle East actually must suffer the liabilities. The west will bear the blame when everything sours, as everything certainly will. The lack of democracy, the political arrests, the totalitarian laws, the civil strife, the corruption, and the dysfunction – all of it is now the problem of the west, not Putin, not Khamenei and not Assad. Moreover, the resources Iran and Russia wasted on a failed Syrian state will now be used to further strengthen their countries directly. A note to the west: Russia and Iran refused to take the bait. And now, the west will squander its resources to save and rebuild a country that the west destroyed. Russia only feared Syrian weapons falling into the hands of the Ukes and likely made an agreement with Israeli officials that Russia would not fight the jihadists in exchange for the Israeli destruction of any Syrian military equipment left behind in Syria that could “fall” into Ukrainian hands. A great day for us all!

  81. @Paul Greenwood

    Ius solis only makes sense for pirate, slaver and “settler” entities 😬

  82. Poopsie says:
    @We are all Dumb

    “Wake the fuck up no one is on your side. ”


    However, I believe we must also grow the fuck up.

    Either way, I laugh hysterically at the infantile beliefs that, one, there is some messiah and two, that any of us deserves one.

    Merry Christmas to all! Ho ho ho!

    • Replies: @We are all Dumb
  83. anon[321] • Disclaimer says:
    @Michael Droy

    A guest commentator on France 24 (English)’s “debate” openly said ‘this man is obviously a creature of CIA and given the timing of this happening right after the ceasefire deal in Lebanon we can be sure an agreement was reached behind scenes’

  84. I would guess that Zelinsky would have loved to have those patrol boats…

    It kind of reminds me of Pearl Harbor.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  85. Poopsie says:

    He also got his tush whooped good for his efforts while the crimes continued as usual by the usual.

    My, my!

  86. hobnob says:
    @Tennessee Jed

    Good point. I think the Chinese will do a deal with anyone so long as it benefits China. Let bygones be bygones. Israel has a long history of providing China with advanced U.S. military technology in violation of U.S. law. China is Israel’s second largest trading partner. I think China wants peace in the Middle East so it can do business there. If Syria becomes a Sunni state, fine. China can dump its wayward Uyghurs there.

    • Replies: @迪路
  87. Rurik says:

    the first link is to a Fox news’ type of website, but the most recent comment is anti-Israel

    the second link is The Times of Israel, so you’d expect it to have an anti-Gaza bent.

    and yet, the second most recent comment is

    It’s ironic that Hezbollah went to war with Israel to support Hamas and Hamas is rooting for their enemies.

    which seems to me spot on

    then there is

    Sure -there will be the appropriate support for Palestine with demonstrations in Damascus.

    But that’s it.

    The hatred between Iran and the rebels runs deep.

    Their focus will be on the restoration of a one Syria.

    That means tackling Turkey.

    I would also suggest the rebels wont antagonize the USA as well and allow the US to stay within Syria

    and this is why we read the comments, because these are the questions we’re all asking..

    Will Russia be allowed to stay?

    Will the ZUSA be allowed to stay?

    How much Syrian land will be handed over to the ancient enemies of Syria?

    How much Syrian land will be gifted to Israel? To Turkey.. to Kurds.. and so forth..

    What kind of deal was made between Russia and the ((West))

    lots of questions, but only time will tell.

    you people post.


  88. @Bama

    Are you aware that the topic is Syria? And that this was a Turkish led force?

    US AC-130s were in the air but did not fly out of their region to help the rebels.

    This was Erdogan playing Putin and Assad.

    The US is not the Eye of Sauron in all matters.

    Israel is now getting more land thanks to Putin being unable to back Assad.

    The little dwarf is running back to his glorious 2.5 week special operation while Israel gets a “buffer zone” and without any losses.

    That’ll do dwarf, that’ll do.

    • Replies: @Bama
  89. hobnob says:

    Ah yes, from false flag to amiable black flag. The Mighty Wurlitzer modulates on command.

  90. HT says:
    @John Johnson

    Russia is a paper tiger. They could do nothing to help Assad and they know it. Their only role in all this is to be Jew-merica’s villain, the reason why we have to spend trillions on our military to fight to “save democracy” in places like Ukraine and the Middle East while our own country is overrun with invading illegals by the millions. It’s become like a poorly written play yet moronic conditioned Americans can’t see through the fog to look at the reality.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  91. @Anonymous534

    They are demoralized, hungry and frightened.
    Do you know what they were paid? The soldiers were paid $7 and the Generals $40 according to Alister Crooke while the average jihadi gets $2000.
    You know the saying often attributed to Napoleon that “an army marches on its stomach” .

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  92. Those who fight, then run away, live to fight another day! Except those who are fixed on establishing Greater [the what?] Israhell – and then through fair means and foul, the entire planet! All our survival senses should awaken before they are strangled by insane narratives and strategies. Peace for all – except for we all know who.

  93. @PetrOldSack

    Brics is not a military alliance but an Economic Block, don’t drag them into this.
    Both Russia and Iran warned Assad months in advance but he ignored the warnings. Russia had offered to train his army and Syria could defer payment, but Assad did not agree. (Alistair Crooke on Judging Freedom).
    Assad was trying to get on the right side of the Gulf Monarchies and the USA. That wouldn’t work for Israel. Israel wants a power vacuum and America obliged.
    This will cause chaos and Israel loves chaos in Arab lands.

  94. ANON[723] • Disclaimer says:

    Who is Al Jolani?
    He is a combination of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Al-Nusra, except that he has learned the media. He gave an interview to CNN and published a message addressed to the Iraqi Prime Minister that the opposition, after Bashar al-Assad, to present him as ‘hero’. He has been active in terrorist groups fo all his life, and he is famous for his terrorist activities in the Nusra Front. When it was decided that the Nusra Front would merge with ISIS, he had a disagreement with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, distanced himself from this terrorist group, and no longer wanted to be under the leadership of them, he was in search of a higher position.
    He was interviewed by Al Jazeera after the name of Al Nusra Front was not among the groups invited to Riyadh conference in 2015. His REAL NAME is Ahmed al-Sharaa, but recently he appears in the media with a new name, Al Jolani and with different OUTFIT.

    Al Jolani was Born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and was residing in Al-Mazzah, Damascus
    His father, Hussein al-Sharaa was arrested during the anti-Nasser purges that took place after the coups of 1961 and 1963, where escaped from the prison 7 years later to Iraq to study. Hussein al-Sharaa worked as an economic advisor to Hafez al-Assad’s government during his rule, but was imprisoned again. Ahmed Al-Sharaa, (Al Jolani) was born in Riyadh in 1982, at the time where his father worked as a petroleum engineer and his mother was a teacher. After returning from Saudi Arabia, the Golani family lived in the Al-Mazah neighborhood, an affluent neighborhood in western Damascus that was considered one of the centers of power for the Assad family. Al Jolani lived with his family. Ahmed al-Sharaa was a second-year medical student who left for Iraq when the US invaded in 2003.
    In mid-2003, al-Qaeda, led by al-Zarqawi, was carrying out attacks against the Iraqi government. Golani was trained by al-Zarqawi and quickly rose through the ranks of the group.
    Al-Jolani had a remarkable ability to organize and manage operations, which led to significant growth of this terrorist Organization.Although there is no precise information about the operations carried out under Al-Jolani’s leadership, one of the actions that Al-Qaeda in Iraq carried out was bombings of the densely populated Iraqi cities, for which Al-Jolani was partly responsible for planning of these operation. In 2005, however, American forces arrested Golani and transferred him to Camp Bucca, near the Kuwaiti border. His arrest, however, radicalized his views; Golani met with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in this camp, and the foundation for the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, the Nusra Front, was laid in this camp.
    After his release from the prison, al-Jolani visited Abu Muslim, the jihadist leader in Mosul.
    Al-Julani mentioned the meeting with Baghdadi and said about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: “He was not qualified to analyze situations, he did not have a strong personality.” After his meeting with Baghdadi, Al-Julani entered Syria with six people, all wearing suicide belts. This trip took place at the same time as the developments and unrest began in Syria. In the same year, the United States officially listed the Nusra Front as a terrorist group. In 2020, it offered a $10 million reward for information on the leader of the Nusra Front.
    When the Riyadh Conference with Syrian opposition groups was held on June 12, 2015 and the Nusra Front was not invited to the conference, Golani gave interviews to Al Jazeera, Orient, and Al Ghad Al Arabi, although his face was not clearly visible in these interviews. In part of his interview with Al Jazeera, Golani referred to the Riyadh conference. In this conference, which Saudi Arabia held to create solidarity among Syrian opposition groups, terrorist groups such as “Jaish al-Islam,” “Ahrar al-Sham,” and “Free Army” were present. In this interview, he also provides an analysis of the presence of Russia and Turkey in Syria, which shows traces of Golani’s attempt to distance himself from the image of a group commander and to assume the mask of a military figure.
    Now, Abu Muhammad al-Shara, a person about whom Americans set a $10 million reward for information, is being praised as a liberating leader by some figures in the Syrian opposition after Bashar al-Assad, and media affiliated with the Tahrir al-Sham group, presenting this image, Tahrir al-Sham forces as the “Knights of the Field.”

    • Thanks: Adam Birchdale
  95. Rurik says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    loved the way Galloway pointed out where he met Assad, to the sniveling Piers Morgan

    and Galloway is right about those whom deposed Assad.

    ‘Be careful what you wish for’, as Galloway made Piers eat his words, again.

    There’s a certain pleasure to watching exchanges such as this one, because Galloway towers so far above the establishment shill Morgan, that it’s almost too much.

    ‘Gitmo is still open’

    ‘We, (MI6, CIA, Mossad), used Assad’s dungeons for torture, when it suited ‘us’

    he’s forcing Piers to eat his hypocrisy

    “The double standard is what I can’t accept”

    Thank you Mr. Galloway!


    Uh-oh TruthV, I just heard Galloway identify as a MAGAt, “I was very happy that Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris”

    “I was very happy, and I endlessly evangelized for it”

    I can’t help but wonder at your reaction to that, TruthV, knowing what your opinion of George Galloway must be, which like myself, is of the highest esteem.

    I very much enjoyed that exchange. (I had to check on the words ‘adumbrated’ and ‘suppurating’ that Galloway used)

    The funny talk of cross-dressing, and exposing the Biden crime family and the Democrat regimes corruption in Ukraine, and all the hope these guys have for what Trump might actually accomplish.

    What it all bodes for Syria, and Gaza and Lebanon, and Ukraine, we all seem to agree, we’ll have to wait and see..

    But I also agree with both guys, that the Hillary/Obama/Biden/DNC/CIA/FBI/Adam Schiff/Cheney machine, is doing everything in their considerable power to make sure Trump is saddled with so many catastrophes, that there’s no way he can achieve peace, (or anything else) even if he wants to, and both of these guys seem to agree that Trump wants peace.

  96. @OrangeSmoke

    Well, it looks like he’s shown his true colors as controlled opposition

    This shouldn’t come as a surprise

  97. @Paul Greenwood

    His family’s ancestral home is in Golan, Syria now occupied by the Jews.

  98. Parbes says:

    Good general description and breakdown of the situation in Syria, and the Putin-led Russian government’s weakness and blunders there…

    “Incompetence theory or Conspiracy theory…..or US/Israeli political and military genius. Which one do you choose?”

    Of these, the first one is the most pertinent, in my opinion. It’s a fact that Putin is, in essence, a delusional and SEMI-IGNORANT Russian liberal, who labors under many self-imposed illusions regarding human nature, currently existing societies, Russia’s enemies, the way the world works and Russia’s place in it, and the way serious conflicts should be waged and won. He still considers the mendacious Western ruling class (as well as others such as the Erdogandog and Israeli Zio-Nazi regimes) to be Russia’s potential or actual “partners”, to kiss and make up with at the first opportunity and then “manage regional and global affairs together”. ALL of the confrontations that Russia has engaged in during the past quarter century under the Putin regime, bear the same familiar pattern of:
    – indecisiveness;
    – half-assed commitment;
    – incomplete – and usually inept – execution of the original plan or objectives;
    – easily getting side-tracked or derailed from the correct course by various enemy scams;
    – critical errors or blunders made at the most inopportune moments, resulting in disastrous situations;
    – constant attempts at backdoor negotiations and unadvertised “secret agreements” with sworn enemies (instead of PUSHING FOR VICTORY and doing all the things needed for that), generally ending in Russia getting “deceived” and “thrown”, over and over again;

    ALL of this is a consequence of the delusional and illusion-filled “liberal with Russian characteristics” nature and mindset of Putin and his fellow ruling elites in today’s post-Soviet Russia.

    • Thanks: WingsofaDove
    • Replies: @Daniel Rich
  99. Bama says:
    @John Johnson

    Without US money, material, weapons, S & T, and political power, Israel is impotent. Erdogan is the whore between East and West. His importance is over rated.

    Putin has learned the game of pitting one Arab against another is never ending.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  100. @Rev. Spooner

    More excuses.

    I’ve seen footage of captured Syrian soldiers and there wasn’t a scratch on them. They were all well fed and looked like they would struggle if they had to run a mile.

    They looked like middle class Arabs that had just come from a shopping mall.

    The more likely answer is that they didn’t see a point in fighting. Russian forces need to stop the column when it entered. Allowing Aleppo to fall that quickly sent the message that the rest of the country will follow and it will be every man for himself.

    Putting a dozen machine gun nests in some buildings would have led to dead rebels in the streets. Defensive positions in an urban area are very difficult to remove and can kill a lot of men very quickly. Spray a group, retreat, change positions, repeat. Urban combat is a nightmare for troops on the offensive if they are actually going door to door.

    Instead the video cameras showed rebels pretty much walking in and taking the place. If it was that easy then how long could Damascus hold? Syrian soldiers saw the result on TV and called in sick.

  101. hobnob says:

    Pretty clear the lightening collapse of Syria’s government was the product of a conspiracy. Either that or divine intervention, which is not fruitful to contemplate as it’s too unpredictable. What will be the outcome? The pundits propose scenarios but end up saying we’ll have to wait and see. If it’s the product of a conspiracy, then what’s the intended outcome?

    Well here’s an outcome so absurd I haven’t heard it before: world peace. A conspiracy among Netanyahu, Putin, Xi, and Trump. We end up with Greater Israel, Sunni Arabs bought off and pacified, Iran brought on board with irresistible trade deals, NATO dissolved and the United States made great again, Chinese investments secured. All the big players eagerly investing in rebuilding Ukraine, Syria, and Gaza, and investing in infrastructure in Africa and wherever needed.

    And the Palestinians? Same as the dedicated Zionists. They will have autonomous enclaves in a chunk of Gaza and the West Bank respectively. They can make of it whatever they want, Disneyland, Colonial Williamsburg, 15-minute cities, etc. There will be gentle re-education for the unwilling, reinforced by generous resettlement payments and options to make them happy.

    There will be no more wars for oil and natural resources because all commodities will be fairly traded. All this will be overseen by a distributed power, the same power that issues the digital currencies to keep it all going. There will be a trade-off in what was formerly know as privacy and freedom of this and that, but most all will be happy because we finally have world peace, not to mention all the material things most people think necessary for a good life. Those who died for it will pass from living memory, as they have from past wars.

    But meanwhile, it’s fitting now to acknowledge the hundredth anniversary of Thomas Hardy’s trenchant little poem Christmas 1924. Here it is, updated with two stanzas:

    ‘Peace upon earth!’ was said. We sing it,
    And pay a million priests to bring it.
    After two thousand years of mass
    We’ve got as far as poison-gas.

    We don’t stop there, ’tis sad to say.
    A generation on without delay,
    We split the atom to insure
    The human race may not endure.

    We soldier on without remorse,
    Nothing stays our deadly course.
    Our moral compass set aside,
    We look away from genocide.

  102. @Rurik

    The funny talk of cross-dressing, and exposing the Biden crime family and the Democrat regimes corruption in Ukraine, and all the hope these guys have for what Trump might actually accomplish


    Are you talking about the time when Galloway dressed up as a cat for a fetish in a reality tv show? He actually drank milk out of a saucer.

    Is that cross-species-dressing? I really don’t know.

    Boy some interesting people sure line up for Putin.

    Britain’s top celebrity Putin supporter is on the Diddy list.

    Are there any normal people with children that support Putin?

  103. Harry Law says:

    It seems the west is on board for Israel’s greater Israel project [GIP] not just the river to the sea, but enveloping Jordan, Syria and Iraq – and that is just for starters; after the fall of Syria they can see this ‘GIP’ falling into their hands quite easily. The Arabs have only themselves to blame, unless they wake up Israel will seize it all. Only in self-defence of course.
    by the way, I am wondering is it too late to contact the FBI and tell them the whereabouts of the terrorist leader of HTS, and claim the $10 million dollar bounty on his head? I would do a 50% share with Mike Whitney if I suceed.
    Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, the militant leader of the main group driving Syria’s armed opposition, speaks exclusively to CNN’s Jomana Karadsheh about the goal of Syria’s rebel coalition, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS).

  104. @meamjojo

    Methinks the jew doth protest too much. 🙂

    More and more people are learning that jews control America.

  105. @RadicalCenter

    Alhamdullilah? Are you part of that sex cult that worships a rock somewhere in a desert?

  106. Rurik says:

    Are there any normal people with children that support Putin?

    just about all of the Russian people

    is that good enough for you?

    And if it isn’t, guess how much angst that is going to cause anyone

  107. Rurik says:

    ‘Be careful what you wish for’

    great analysis from Simplicius

    perhaps ZOG has opened a Pandora’s box it will regret

    • Agree: Notsofast
  108. Megoy says:

    So supposedly the SAME people that attacked us on 9/11 are the same people that NEVER attacked ISRAEL and was in fact given medical treatment and support from Israel with American Jew media liars stating that the JewSA SHOULD be Allie’s with them in Syria?

    So Flynn, whom Jews LIED and set up to be removed from Trump’s administration was RIGHT? No wonder JEWS wanted him gone.

    Of course the lying Jewish media would NEVER tell the less than 35% of the population that still believes them what actually happened.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  109. For those like me scratching their head with a back scrubber labelled ‘don’t make sense, don’t make sense, don’t make sense’, here’s a fourth possibility well articulated in addition to my three above listed in my original post.

    “It’s a trap!”

    Video Link

    • LOL: Rangewolf
    • Replies: @Notsofast
  110. The black flag over Damascus , should be the skull and bones supper imposed on the Israeli flag , this would be right and proper for the Israelis are a killing demonic satanic race of reptilian shape shifters who are out to destroy every nation on earth, see David Ickes book, The Biggest Secret, it can be had on amazon.

    Zionist messianic Israelis are not human, humans do not kill for the joy of killing that the Israelis do, just look at what they and the ZUS did with their false flag attack on the WTC on 911 and blamed on muslims to give the ZUS the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda, and then Israel did another false flag attack on October 7, 2023 and blamed it on their Mossad front Hamas to have the excuse to genocide the Palestinian people, a mirror image of the false flag on the WTC.

    Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity and it is in their shape shifty reptilian DNA.

    • Agree: annamaria
  111. Rurik says:

    So supposedly the SAME people that attacked us on 9/11

    at least you said “supposedly”, because it wasn’t Osama and his nineteen henchmen that brought Building 7 down. Not even close.

    Of course the lying Jewish media…

    you’re on the right track tho

    • Replies: @Megoy
  112. Anonymous[209] • Disclaimer says:

    Muh pipeline.
    It is not required to pass a pipeline through syria to ship gas from qatar to europe.
    If its going inland it can simply go through iraq to turkey. Not touching syria.
    If it goes through the sea, it can just be transported to Israel.

  113. AnoN[641] • Disclaimer says:

    Turkish Drone Strikes and Kills 11 Civilians in North Syria, Kurdish region.
    Although the battle between the Syrian army and the armed terrorist group ultimately ended with the fall of Damascus, the power struggle between the various armed groups on Syrian soil has just begun.
    With the Syrian army retreating from some areas along the Euphrates River last week, Kurdish SDF militias took advantage of the vacuum and entered some areas in eastern Syria, such as the city of Deir Ezzor; this issue was accompanied by fierce protests and bloody clashes between Deir Ezzor’s Arab tribes and Kurdish militias.
    Also, the presence of Kurdish groups in the city of Manbij, northeast of Aleppo and west of the Euphrates River, led to several days of heavy fighting between Turkish-backed mercenaries known as the Patriotic Army and the SDF militias.
    There is a possibility that the battle east of the Euphrates turning into an Arab-Kurdish ethnic war.
    On the northern front, there was heavy fighting for several days between the Kurdish SDF militia and Turkish-backed mercenaries finally ended with the SDF retreating from the city of Manbij, and the forces of the National Army taking control of the city.

    A Turkish drone strike in a Kurdish-held area in northern Syria killed 11 civilians including six children.

    Please note that when the genocidal US/Israel forces kill Children, no Zionist media dares mentioning that Palestinian children have been massacred, but if they are talking about their enemies, the first thing is mentioned or fabricated is the ‘children’.

    “Eleven civilians, including six children, all members of the same family, were killed in a Turkish drone strike targeting a house” near Ain Issa, north of the city of Raqa, in a Kurdish-held area, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights(MI6) said.Turkish forces and their proxies have controlled territory in northern Syria since 2016 when they began targeting Kurdish fighters they link to a group waging a decades-long insurgency against the Turkish state.

    On Sunday, the Britain-based Observatory, which has a network of sources inside Syria, said at least 26 combatants were killed as Turkey-backed Syrian fighters launched an offensive on the northern Manbij area, west of Ain Issa.
    “Pro-Turkish factions… seized large districts of Manbij city in the eastern Aleppo countryside, after violent clashes with the Manbij Military Council,” the Observatory had said. However, sporadic clashes around the city continue, and the Kurds, through their central operations room in the city of Kobani (Ayn al-Arab), are also attacking the National Army forces, especially using armed drones. This has caused the Turkish army to send its military columns into Syrian territory through the Jarablus crossing and begin heavy aerial bombardment of the city of Kobani, which may be a sign of a possible joint attack on the city by Turkey and the forces under its command.
    On the eastern front, however, the situation is somewhat different; the US-backed Kurdish militias have a significant numerical and equipment advantage over the armed groups, and the main forces of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or other terrorist groups have not yet reached Deir Ezzor.
    Meanwhile, popular demonstrations against Kurdish militias have been taking place in the city of Deir Ezzor for several consecutive days.A demonstration that was accompanied by violence and armed repression by the SDF security forces, which at any moment increases the possibility of a major ethnic war between Arabs and Kurdish in this region.
    Kurdish militants targeted and shot down a Turkish military reconnaissance drone.

  114. Problem with secular pluralistic regimes is they have no core conviction that can unify a people around a cause to fight and die for.

    Thread of retribution. Khmer Rouge like.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  115. @Bama

    Without US money, material, weapons, S & T, and political power, Israel is impotent. Erdogan is the whore between East and West. His importance is over rated.

    You’re not even reading about what happened in favor of just deciding in your imagination that the US must be to blame.

    This was a lightly armed forced trained in Turkey with the help of Ukrainian drone advisers.

    The US had AC-130s in the air at the time and did not help the rebels. They stayed in their sector of the country. Meaning the US chose to not get involved.

    Middle Eastern governments have been toppled without the help of the US.

    The entire area was in fact involved in bloody wars with Muslim invaders toppling governments hundreds of years before the US existed.

    Erdogan played everyone and for good reason. The world basically dumped a few million Syrian refugees on him and with no plan. Putin was caught napping in Syria because he has been so focused on Ukraine. Erdogan was paying attention and was able to flip the government with a small force. Refugees are already lining up to leave Turkey. It was well played.

    Putin has learned the game of pitting one Arab against another is never ending.

    He doesn’t know that game as Syria will be a loss financially and to the reputation of Russia. Russian protection now means well we will see how it goes.

    If he was paying attention then he could have stopped the incursion when it entered over the border. They were using old equipment and would have been decimated by a pair of Migs. Putin’s defenders still don’t have an excuse for why Russian jets dropped bombs in Aleppo but weren’t able to engage the column when it entered. A small column in a ME country can be easily buried in the sand by jet fighters if it doesn’t have air support. Most of their vehicles had wheels and would have been stuck.

  116. PCR provides the best analysis of the current middle east situation that I have seen so far.

    Video Link

    But they [Russia and Iran] couldn’t act, so they brought defeat down on their heads. So the consequence will be a change of government [in Russia] or there’s going to be a big war. Israel and the US won’t stop now. Putin is unable to use sufficient force to bring the Ukraine war to an end.

    It looks to me like the Neocons have all the 7 countries.

    Saudi Arabia will reinstate the petro dollar.

    I said in an earlier thread that the collapse of Assad reminds me in many ways of the surrender of Paulus and the 6th army at Stalingrad. Or perhaps it is more like the collapse of the Austrian empire in November, 1918 when Germany already had taken Russia out of the war.

    In any case, Assad, Putin, Xi and Khomeini were too timid to take on Israel, Netanyahu and the US when they had the chance. Their dithering has cost them the war.

    PCR calls the governments of Iran and Russia “total fools” because the Neocons had broadcasted to the entire planet through Wesley Clark exactly what they were going to do.

    PCR says that Napoleon was always on the offensive. I think that applies to a lesser degree to Hitler.

    IMO, what we have now in the middle east is similar to what would have happened had Hitler not invaded France in May 1940 and then gone onto Barbarossa. Slowly but surely the Jews would have kept provoking and chipping away at the German/Italian axis until Stalin would have marched into Germany. It would have been a similar situation to Russia/Ukraine today with Ukraine still firing missiles into Russia.

    PCR also says that under Trump, the US and Israel will accuse Iran of developing nuclear weapons and attack anyway. He says that unless Putin surrenders there will be a nuclear war. If Putin is replaced internally, it will likely be by someone far more hawkish.

    So really the only way to avoid a big war, likely nuclear, is for Putin to surrender Russia to Judea the same way Assad has surrendered Syria.

  117. @OrangeSmoke

    I doubt if Ritter believes the official 9/11 story. But, at this point in time, a quick way for a journalist to become marginalized is to go around saying that Israel did 9/11. Since it happened on US soil, it’s just as hard for a public figure to question the official 9/11 narrative as it is to question whether 6 million died in the HolyHoax. Touch either of those Sacred Cows and you’ll be badly burnt. So, I think that Ritter, and others like Col. Macgregor, choose not to go there, instead concentrating on day-by-day developing problems, like trying to warn their viewers that we’re being led by the Nose by an evil force into Armageddon.

  118. Nadim says:

    Although the battle between the Syrian army and the armed terrorist group ultimately ended with the fall of Damascus, the power struggle between the various armed groups on Syrian soil has just begun.
    With the Syrian army retreating from some areas along the Euphrates River last week, Kurdish SDF militias took advantage of the vacuum and entered some areas in eastern Syria, such as the city of Deir Ezzor; this issue was accompanied by fierce protests and bloody clashes between Deir Ezzor’s Arab tribes and Kurdish militias. Also, the presence of Kurdish groups in the city of Manbij, northeast of Aleppo and west of the Euphrates River, led to several days of heavy fighting between Turkish-backed mercenaries known as the Patriotic Army and the SDF militias.
    There is a possibility that the battle east of the Euphrates turning into an Arab-Kurdish ethnic war.
    On the northern front, there was heavy fighting for several days between the Kurdish SDF militia and Turkish-backed mercenaries finally ended with the SDF retreating from the city of Manbij, and the forces of the National Army taking control of the city.

    “Pro-Turkish factions… seized large districts of Manbij city in the eastern Aleppo countryside, after violent clashes with the Manbij Military Council,” the Observatory(MI6) had said.
    However, sporadic clashes around the city continue, and the Kurds, through their central operations room in the city of Kobani (Ayn al-Arab), are also attacking the National Army forces, especially using armed drones. This has caused the Turkish army to send its military columns into Syrian territory through the Jarablus crossing and begin heavy aerial bombardment of the city of Kobani, which may be a sign of a possible joint attack on the city by Turkey and the forces under its command.
    On the eastern front, however, the situation is somewhat different; the US-backed Kurdish militias have a significant numerical and equipment advantage over the armed groups, and the main forces of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or other terrorist groups have not yet reached Deir Ezzor.
    Meanwhile, popular demonstrations against Kurdish militias have been taking place in the city of Deir Ezzor for several consecutive days.A demonstration that was accompanied by violence and armed repression by the SDF security forces, which at any moment increases the possibility of a major ethnic war between Arabs and Kurdish in this region.

  119. meamjojo says:

    “If Hamas is glad Assad is gone, perhaps Assad wasn’t any good after all.

    I always assumed he was good, because Israel and Hillary wanted him gone, but perhaps I can’t always assume just because ZOG hates someone, that they must then be good. ”

    How can you be so stoopid? Did you actually graduate high school? Sheese.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @John Johnson
  120. anonymous[345] • Disclaimer says:

    The Jewish media is the enemy of all white people on Earth.

    Trump knows. Will he be the hero we asked for in 2016?

    • LOL: John Johnson
    • Replies: @John Johnson
  121. Wokechoke says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    No it’s a rewind of the capitulation of Vichy forces in Syria 1941.

    Video Link

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  122. Wokechoke says:
    @Priss Factor

    These massacres will be airbrushed away by the various stakeholders.

  123. Harry Law says:

    Simplicious has a good article on why Syria fell..
    Whitney Webb recounts that the recent events in Syria very likely would not have happened if the US had not prevented the Syrian military from attacking the Syrian “rebels” i.e, HTS several years ago, for instance the first Trump administration threatened multiple times to militarily attack the Syrian government if they attacked the “rebel” stronghold of Idlib, even though Trump’s special envoy on ISIS had called Idlib “the largest safe haven since 9/11.
    Nicky Haley said at the time…
    “that any Syrian attack on Idlib, regardless of whether or not chemical weapons are allegedly used, would be “dealt with” and provoke a U.S. response, before ominously warning the Syrian government, “Don’t test us again.”

  124. annamaria says:

    ‘The loss of face for Iran and Russia left alone.:
    — Only for shallow thinkers.
    For those who are highly intelligent the picture is more ambivalent:

    At first glance, such developments appear to hint that Israel has a love affair with the rebels, and they together have achieved a great victory over their enemies. However, there are many problems with this analysis.

    Firstly, Turkey is most likely to emerge as the chief victor and dominant influence over the powers in the region. … ultimately the Syrian project has been a Turkish one, and Turkey’s main drive of Ottoman Empire revanchism will eventually clash with Zionism’s Greater Israel project.


    Does Israel even realize what it has just helped to facilitate? Instead of a peaceful secular state on its borders, it may soon have a rabid caliphate, led by someone without Assad’s temperance and pumped up by Turkey into a reconquista of Jerusalem and Gaza. Israel thinks it has eliminated Iran from the chessboard but instead it has potentially brought on someone even far more historically aggressive, and someone who—unlike Iran—has an actual, real historical bone to pick with the colonial pretender that is Israel.

    Looking at the root of the current tragedy in Syria:

    Israel is a typical fascist state distinctive by its total lack of honor and its predilection for whining:

    • Agree: Notsofast, John Trout, Rurik
    • Thanks: NoBodyImportant
    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  125. Wokechoke says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    Mers El Khebr.

    Churchill sinks the French fleet.

    Video Link

  126. Rangewolf says:

    I am pretty sure that Scott Ritter did 9-11, and don’t laugh, he wasn’t yet a bloated porker in 2001. He could have done it, and even if he didn’t I have great respect for Ritter. Anyone can be wrong some of the time or most of the time. But to be wrong every single time like Ritter, that is real genius.

  127. Getaclue says:

    Ignorant doesn’t begin to describe you

  128. annamaria says:

    The ISIS/Al Qaeda are the darlings of the Judaized USA.

    And yes, the same people who did 9/11 have helped to bring ISIS/Al Qaeda to power in Syria.

    Kol-Nidre has become the ‘law of the land’ in the (judaized) west, which means the end of the western civilization. The nomadic tribe of jews has never had its own distinctive civilization but only borrowings from Persian, Iraqi, Syrian, Spanish, German, Russian, Dutch, et al. civilizations. Instead of creating a great culture, jews have focused their energies on supremacist lunacy and hatred. Hence the civilizational impotence and inability to co-exist with “others.” Only the assimilated jews were able to reach the heights in sciences and arts.

    What sane society would let jews in? The wise China has been keeping the subversive whiners at bay to avoid this genocidal idiocy:

    And yet, the parasitic subversives are trying hard in China:

    There is presently no formal representative body for the Jewish community in China, however, there are small active expat groups in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. In China, Jewish life is primarily organized through regional Jewish organizations and Chabad centers, with limited independent synagogues, mainly concentrated in major cities like Shanghai and Beijing; due to government restrictions, the small Jewish community in Kaifeng, the only native Jewish community in China, is largely forced to practice their religion privately with limited public displays of Jewish identity.

    Chinese IQ: 104.1
    Jewish IQ: 92.43
    China should treat Jewish organizations and Chabad centers as malicious infestation and deal with it accordingly.

    • Agree: John Trout
  129. Russians are disgusted… but they went through something similar.
    Russia collapsed in WWI and let the Germans take a huge chunk of former Russian territory.
    Lenin, smuggled into Russia by the Germans, actively sabotaged the war effort from within.
    Bolsheviks exploited the instability and came to power by betraying the country and aiding the Germans. They undermined Kerensky’s effort to keep up the fight.

    That said, the Bolsheviks, for all their terror and crimes, did consolidate Russia into a formidable power. Stalin was a monster but a powerful and decisive ruler, unlike Tsar Nicholas.

    Lesson from history is that a country needs a strong, intelligent, decisive ruler and functional institutions to back him up.

    • Agree: Sarita
    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  130. Seems rather familiar.

    • Agree: Rurik
  131. Notsofast says:

    i think this is most likely the case. the zioneocon empire was planning on trapping the russians and iranians with another terrorist uprising using drones and weapons supplied from ukraine, as a means of sticking russia with a second front in order to force concessions out of them in ukraine and freezing the conflict, as they had done in idlib.

    they both decided to pull their assets out and the israelis have now opened yet another front, as hamas welcomes their sunni brothers, asking for their assistance. now the u.s. and israel are stuck with the tarbaby they intended for the russians and iranians, who will sign a mutual defense treaty on january 25th. there will be no frozen conflict in ukraine and the ukranazis will be forced to surrender on russian terms.

    it’s sad for the syrian people but this was going to be a long bloody insurgency designed to attrit the russians and iranians, both of whom can now concentrate on the real enemy, zato. the u.s. and israel are both run by incompetent idiots and this will hasten their demise.

    • Thanks: NoBodyImportant, Rurik
  132. @annamaria

    I appreciate you pointing all of this out. PCR is starting to really disappoint me lately with his views on the whole situation.

  133. @Priss Factor

    …The guy in that video has a very low IQ to repeat faggot so many times and fuck repeatedly…

  134. @John Johnson

    Putin cares far more about Ukraine than Syria. He’s not going to waste resources there.

    He’s gone so far as to bring in thousands of North Koreans to help with Ukraine.

    As for Hezbollah, they’re still reeling from Operation Grim Beeper and Israeli attacks (carried out because Hezbollah has been firing rockets into northern Israel for the past year in support of Hamas).

    Loss of Russia plus weakening of Hezbollah = the end for the brutal Assad.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  135. Agent76 says:

    5 September 2010 The Imperial Anatomy of Al-QaedaThe CIA’s Drug-Running Terrorists and the “Arc of Crisis”

    Part 1 examines the origins of the intelligence network known as the Safari Club, which financed and organized an international conglomerate of terrorists, the CIA’s role in the global drug trade, the emergence of the Taliban and the origins of al-Qaeda.

    Zbigniew Brzezinski Taliban Pakistan Afghanistan pep talk 1979

    In 1979 Carters National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski went into Pakistans border regions with Afghanistan to give a little pep talk to some prospective majehadeen (Holy Warriors).

  136. @Low-carb Political Movement

    In historic campaign across Syria, IDF says it destroyed 80% of Assad regime’s military

    After rebel takeover, Israeli Air Force and Navy strike missile depots, naval vessels, fighter jets and more to ensure they don’t fall into wrong hands.

  137. Nadim says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    PCR calls the governments of Iran and Russia “total fools” because the Neocons had broadcasted to the entire planet through Wesley Clark exactly what they were going to do.

    Tell PCR to be quiet. PCR should not advice Iran on things he knows little. Iran and General Soleimani knew about the Neocons’ plan from the beginning, thus, General Soleimani came with the AXIS of Resistance Strategy. But the Russians were foolish enough to focus on SERVING US interests by voting for illegal sanctions against Iran legal nuclear program to get concessions from the West in return. That’s why Putin increased his social interaction with war criminals like George Bush and Tony Blair, accepting Italy PM,Silvio Berlusconi’s invitation to his dinner party where all got drunk and listened to war criminal Tony Blair’s playing Guitar, while George Bush and Putin were dancing where Putin was hoping Russia be accepted as an ‘equal partner’ in the Colonist Club known as ‘Rules-based order’.
    But General Soleimani was NOT a fool. He created a reliable fence, the axis of resistance, where Iran and her allies improved their deterrence capability against the enemy. This strategy was a tool to keep the enemy on their toes to strike a blow at their plan implementation.
    Finally, Putin was disappointed to see the more he gives as concession to the West, the less he is respected. he decided to change the course and look to the East for supports. Iran understood the Necon’s plan long before PCR did.

  138. @anonymous

    You do realize it was Trump that signed US recognition of Golan and with nothing in return?

    That was all Trump and not an act of Congress.

    Israel just took more of Syria after Der Tiny Tsar was sleeping on the job.

    You might want to lower your expectations on Trump’s next term…..bigley.

    The best we can hope for is to not have a war with Iran.

    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  139. @Toxik

    Too bad for idiot Tulsi, who supported a man responsible for some 300,000 civilian deaths.

    Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  140. @Pepé Le Pew

    Why should Russia surrender? It can exist well in isolation as an autarky.

    These things go up and down and in cycles. It’s not as if Russia “lost” Syria. It had no benefits from Syria, there was nothing in Syria that it needed. It wanted to help the Syrians and when it was obvious they didn’t want that help any more, it stood down. Quite sensible I think. Let Jews and Turks now kill Syrians, so why should Russia want to have anything more to do with it?

    Russians are not stupid. They know what these people are like. If it has gathered BRICS and the Global South around it, even if nothing much comes of it, it is useful for propaganda purposes and for turning many against the Collective West.

    • Replies: @Nadim
    , @Pepé Le Pew
  141. @Frau Katze

    Putin cares far more about Ukraine than Syria. He’s not going to waste resources there.

    Well it was supposed to be his job to back Assad’s government. The Russian military bases are not there for parades.

    The world can now see that Russian security means meh, we’ll see what happens.

    Putin has lost credibility and it was weak for him to not put up a fight. There are in fact reports of Russian units trapped in Syria. So he didn’t even make sure his own soldiers could get out.

    As for Hezbollah, they’re still reeling from Operation Grim Beeper and Israeli attacks (carried out because Hezbollah has been firing rockets into northern Israel for the past year in support of Hamas).

    I didn’t mention Hezbollah and I don’t really care.

    Putin’s run from Syria is good for both Germany and Ukraine. Congrats to winners/losers in the Middle East, I really don’t care.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
    , @michael888
    , @Wj
  142. @Poopsie

    Very true we get the heroes we deserve. Since we are an inept bunch of money hungry retards we got the orange jewsus.


    Read this about Nietzsche’s Superman from the book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”

    “I teach you the superman. Man is something that must be overcome. What have you done to overcome it? All beings have hitherto created something above themselves: and do you want to be the ebb of this great tide and go back to the animal instead of overcoming man? What is the monkey for man? A ridicule or a painful embarrassment. And that is precisely what man must be for the superman: a ridicule or a painful shame. You have followed the path that leads from worm to man, and even in you there are many things that continue to be worm. You were once monkeys, and even now man is more cute than any monkey. And the wisest of you is only a splintered being, a hybrid half plant, half ghost. But do I command you andor that you become ghosts or plants? Behold, I preach to you the superman! The superman is the sense of the earth. Let your will say: let the superman be the meaning of the earth! I adjure you, my brethren, remain faithful to the earth and do not believe those who speak to you of earthly hopes! They are poisoners, whether they know it or not” -Frederick Nietzsche, this is how Zarathustra


  144. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    “is he going to announce the Iranian A-bomb?”

    probably not: because Iran is definitely one place that “nuclear weapons don’t exist”. Nor, in time to do any good, will they.

    Iran does, however, have c. 41 days to put their purported “thousands of ballistic missiles” to good use against Izrahell. After 20 January, time will swiftly run out.

  145. Nadim says:
    @Commentator Mike

    It wanted to help the Syrians and when it was obvious they didn’t want that help any more, it stood down.

    You are a gullible Person not knowing about Russian dream of being a ‘world power’ and to have an ‘equal partner’ status to drink tea with the war criminals while managing the world. The West denied Russia of that status. Therefor, to extend to the Mediterranean sea, was a big dream for Russia.
    It would be a setback to Russian dream if Russia were to lose its bases in Syria. Russia will be kicked back into her big hole in his own neighborhood if the West did not allow Russia to have her bases.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
  146. it’s all about the (fake) benjamins…audit the fed, gold the fed and or end the fed… bingo no more monopoly money to buy death… Andrew Jackson did it… are there no more Andrew Jackson’s anymore?

  147. @Priss Factor

    Putin’ s chabad jewishness also explains the betrayal of the Armenians in Nagorno Karabagh by Russian “peacekeepers”last year… he is one short POS jew fuck….hoping some Russian Orthodox patriots can overthrow his ass and bring some hope to Christendom and those protecting Christians in this fallen world.

  148. @meamjojo

    He is alive and well in our hearts and we take His physical presence in this world until he returns…which might be sooner than you haughtily presume.. in which case it will be a joyful day watching you being converted to a charcoal briquet you godless fuck….oops couldn’t observe my rule to ignore your racist supremacist ass.

  149. zimriel says:

    I was worried about this new government, but if it means Israel is the “top dog” then I can live with it. Better them than the usurpers of the Eranshahr.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  150. @John Johnson

    This is the primary definition of a “man” who can’t get off or achieve any sexual satisfaction unless he’s watching someone else pound the living shit out of his own wife. While he strokes off in a chair telling himself how inferior he is to the man his wife is fucking right in front of him.

    • LOL: John Johnson
  151. @John Johnson

    You have to understand that weakening Hezbollah was a big factor in the deteriorating security situation.

    I don’t why Putin did nothing at all. I suspect that he was foolishly not paying attention and it was too late by the time he realized things were going south.

    Anyway Assad got out and is now enjoying December in Moscow.

  152. @Nadim

    It would be a setback to Russian dream if Russia were to lose its bases in Syria. Russia will be kicked back into her big hole in his own neighborhood if the West did not allow Russia to have her bases.

    The West does not have much in Syria—some intelligence information from the Kurds at the most. They’re not in a position to determine whether or not Russia retains its bases.

    • Replies: @Nadim
  153. Miville says:

    Assad was not bad as a person but his own deep state, the Baath Party, he could not do without was awfully corrupt, callous and murderous. He was sort of amateur. He had absolutely no taste for tyranny nor for grandeur but that prevented him from draining any swamp, which requires ungentlemanly qualities.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  154. @Anonymous534

    The total collapse of Syria’s military means there is a huge number of Syrians who will rise again later OR be butchered by the CIA’s headchopping friends.

    Syria was a house of cards, the opposite of Libya, but may meet the same Hillary-esque fate.

  155. @John Johnson

    Syria was overwhelmed by corrupt military skimming (no doubt many bought off by the CIA). Supposedly Putin warned Assad he had to deal with that, but Assad had no means to do so (and wanted to survive). Assad’s collapse was inevitable. But the CIA’s headchoppers are now in charge. Likely a repeat of Libya?

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @迪路
  156. Nadim says:
    @Frau Katze

    Of course the West is in the position to determine what Russia can have. The West has most of the Arab states under her full control as COLONIES, not Russia. Iraq is still occupied by the US and its OIL MONEY kept in the Jewish city of New York to have full control over them. The rest of Arab states are treated as colonies. How many bases US have in the region?
    The following shows some of the US basis known to public in the Middle East:
    Let us list the approximate strength of US forces in each country.

    Kuwait: 13,500;
    Bahrain: 9,000;
    Saudi Arabia: 2,700;
    Qatar: 8,000;
    The UAE: 3,500;
    Iraq: 2,500;
    Jordan: 2,936;
    Syria: 900 (although most sources put the number at more than 2,000);
    Oman: Several hundred;
    Israel: several hundred, perhaps thousands and a military base.

  157. Abbybwood says:

    Apparently Assad left Syria with around $135 BILLION!

    That would have financed a nice military, compared to the $7/mo. they were being paid!

    Now it seems the headchoppers have let all the prisoners out of Assad’s prisons and have discovered a vast and very ugly network of torture and thousands of dead bodies/skeletons.

    Oh the research!

    • Replies: @skrik
  158. @OrangeSmoke

    But it is. The Zionazis did 9/11, and now their pawns, ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is destroying Syria. The Oded Yinon Plan grinds on.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  159. @michael888

    Likely? Certain! Watch for destruction of non-Judaic archeological sites, again, as well. Wiping the region clean of non-Judaic civilization is a PRIME Zionazi obsession.

  160. Miro23 says:

    … we have to spend trillions on our military to fight to “save democracy” in places like Ukraine and the Middle East while our own country is overrun with invading illegals* by the millions. It’s become like a poorly written play yet moronic conditioned Americans can’t see through the fog to look at the reality.

    As a justification, the US “saving democracy” story has become beyond belief. And the US public are also now beyond moronic.

    If society is the sum total of these people, then society really no longer exists. It’s just some atomized people existing on a patch of land who’re being robbed blind by a group of Jewish bandits.

    BTW filmmaker Kurosawa dealt with this theme in his masterpiece “Seven Samurai”. The villagers did find a way out.

    * The illegals keep things running (at survival wages – i.e. they’re also getting robbed).

  161. 迪路 says:
    @Yep, I said it

    Your mind is worthy of Jewish domination of your suffering.
    Then prove to me how the Jews control our country?

  162. 迪路 says:

    It is clear that our country has always been anti-Israel.
    And it is an obvious rumor that Israel is providing military technology to our country. Our military technology does not need a garbage country like Israel to provide.
    If you assume that you are selfish, you will only conclude that others are also selfish.
    The Jews are afraid of us, and we do not talk to perfidious Jews about political benefits.

  163. 迪路 says:

    It doesn’t matter. If you look at the media of the Syrian opposition, they have no vision.
    If you hope that people in the Middle East might rebel, you might as well wish for a meteor to destroy Israel one day.
    Their thoughts are worthy of their suffering.
    Wait until they find the right ideological guidance.

  164. Sarita says:

    It boils down to the adjective “these guys” will finally be


    defined with..
    One of these:
    1-Mujahedeeen (or Jihadists). (this one is the one I prefer).
    2- Non Syrian foreign fighters who get payed by the US.
    3- DAESH: Arab Terrorists trained by Israel.
    4-ISIS (or as the Iranian hasbara trolls call them: Takfiri Israeli trained criminals, ISISRAEL etc.).
    5- Turkye trained Syrians.
    6- Al Qaeda, later Al Nusra, today HTS.

    Once we are sure 100% what they are exactly (without of course the influence of the hasbara trolls from all sides with their non stop illusions of truth) we will know what to expect regarding how long the enemy of mankind will last.
    The seed of destruction of shitty Israel has been planted because it is the most important duty of 1.8 Sunni Muslims.

    Why? Because Sunni Muslims are taught that there is a prophecy that says millions of Jihadist troops will come from Syria, and enter Jerusalem and that the Jews will hide and that even the rocks, stones and trees will speak and say “there is a Jew hiding under me, come get him”.

    Save this comment.
    Go back to talking shit.
    Wait a few years.

  165. OmK says:

    The following one may contain some truths and false :

    【Dec-9-24 :
    Q) The Storm Rider
    Syria is Captured-

    In this one it is written that Freedom Fighters of Syria (Syrian rebel fighters)
    is Al-Qaeda > CIA created operation, same with ISIS creation.

    ISIS(Blackwater), Al-Caeda, are Pentagon’s mercenary company.

    Even if Freedom Fighters of Syria is ex-Al-Caeda, they now may not be

    Pentagon, CIA, etc. are Rothschild’s company, because their budgets are paid by the Rothschild’s “Federal” Reserve Bank of New York.
    This is a privately owned central bank with money button.

  166. Megoy says:

    You mean the SAME people that HATE America enough to 9/11 and tear up every country BUT Israel? Lol. Yes I know all about it. Keep fighting the good fight!

    • Thanks: Rurik
  167. @John Johnson

    Jewish John’s Johnson (JJJ) writes:

    here you are lashing out at forum posters that opposed the war from the beginning.

    As everyone who’s read my commentary knows, I have never lashed out at anyone that’s been opposing these wars.
    That’s why I, and like minded objective observers, think so highly of V.V. Putin.
    He did everything humanly possible to avoid that conflict now known as the Ukraine proxy war. And, if the Judeo-Ukrainian regime had stuck to the terms of the Minsk Accords, there would’ve been no war.

    But JJJ, your ZOG benefactors were having none of that.
    They insisted that the sweaty dwarf Zelensky reject all peace overtures from Putin.
    They decreed that ‘War it shall be’.
    And you, my Talmudic non-friend, you cheered this decision all the way.

    So, just for the record (not that I need to be saying this since my commentary history confirms it emphatically), the verbal tongue lashings in UR are handed out to the likes of you.
    ie: warmongering sycophants of the Anglo-Zionist empire.

    Once again JJJ, you have it arse backwards – as you do with most matters.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  168. @John Johnson

    Referring to the likes of Escobar and Ritter, Jewish John’s Johnson (JJJ) writes:

    They all have a suspiciously pro-Russian bias that prevents them from honest analysis.

    The inference to be drawn from that remark, according to JJJ, is that all honest analyses have a pro-Anglo Zionist empire bias.

    UR readers, does anyone need reminding of what I’m about to say?
    There is no more faithful servant of the agenda of Malignant International Jewry, than Jewish John’s Johnson.
    It’s part of his DNA, it’s what was drummed into him at the yeshivas he attended as a ‘ringlet-from-the-temples’ adorned little Jewish lad.

    While we’re on the matter of JJJ’s school days, I managed to locate this photo of him and his school chums from the 1970’s.
    They are seen marvelling at the high tech capabilities (it had the square root function FFS!) of the first electronic calculator they’d seen up close in their lives:

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  169. @Rurik

    I have enormous respect for George Galloway, but I’m not sure we can extrapolate that he’s a card carrying MAGAt just yet.
    I think that he’s just trying to be optimistic and hoping that at least some good things, no matter how small, transpire during Donald Chump’s Presidency.

    As for the words ‘adumbrated’ and ‘suppurating’, I’d never seen them before either.
    And, unlike you, I haven’t looked them up, so you’re one up on me there.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  170. @mulga mumblebrain

    It’s on their flag: Zion between the two rivers. That’s what they salute, sing their hymn to, wrap themselves in. That’s the dream that keeps them energetic and alive: from the river to the river shall be Zion. Fanatics who don’t give up. They’re getting more brazen, it won’t surprise me if they march all the Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank, and then turn on the Israeli citizen Palestinians too. They will destroy the mosque and build their temple as the sleepy Arabs watch on. The rest of the world will be too busy with problems of their own to do anything about it. There’s a reason they’ve planted themselves there among those Arabs, who if they got together could just walk into Israel from all sides and strangle everyone with their bare hands but they won’t. The Arabs will keep on getting killed and dying even just by doing nothing, perhaps even more than if they united and wiped out that evil state. Look at how they took over Palestine in the early days when it was just a few of them landing from refugee ships. Who would have thought that rag tag group of terrorist bandits would have come to this? And they still have a long way to go.

  171. Daniel Rich says: • Website

    “ALL of this is a consequence of the delusional and illusion-filled “liberal with Russian characteristics” nature and mindset of Putin and his fellow ruling elites in today’s post-Soviet Russia.”

    Are you Russian by any chance…?

    I ask, because there are no links to support your assessments, and thus make your statements look like personal opinions, and we all know what is said about those, don’t we?

    • Replies: @Parbes
  172. @Pepé Le Pew

    I like Paul Craig Roberts, and he’s been right on many issues.
    This however, is NOT one of them.

    You and PCR say stuff like:

    In any case, Assad, Putin, Xi and Khomeini were too timid to take on Israel, Netanyahu and the US when they had the chance. Their dithering has cost them the war.

    He [PCR] says that unless Putin surrenders there will be a nuclear war. If Putin is replaced internally, it will likely be by someone far more hawkish.

    Putin and Xi are playing the long game. As has been discussed in various UR threads, GDP is a worthless measure of assessing the productive capabilities of a nation.
    U.S GDP is mostly financialised fluff that will soon evaporate when the USD loses world reserve currency status, which is coming soon enough.

    On a PPP basis, the likes of China, Russia, Iran and several notable others, are all powering ahead.
    Meanwhile, the U.S and its snivelling NATO vassals (and other lap dogs in east Asia), are going nowhere fast.

    Russia is, BY FAR, the most formidable military machine in the world today.
    It could take on the U.S and pound it into the ground in short order.

    But, seeing as the latter also has nukes, this would entail considerable collateral damage in terms of lives lost in Mother Russia in a confrontation.

    Simply put: There is no need to rush into a major war with a nuclear armed opponent.
    The plan is to WAIT IT OUT, and let THE U.S IMPLODE OF ITS OWN ACCORD.

    As for PCR’s claim that Putin should surrender, this is ludicrous.
    Should a lion surrender to a mouse? (Especially if the former is well on the way to a resounding victory).
    With every passing day the Sino-Russian Super hegemon gets stronger, while the Anglo-Zionist empire gets immeasurably weaker.
    (What occurred in Syria is of no consequence in the grand scheme of things – it has not weakened Russia or China in the slightest).

    The Ukraine proxy was has shown emphatically that the U.S and all its sycophant vassals COMBINED do not have the INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY to match mighty Russia in artillery shell production, and output of other armaments.
    Factor in also the industrial capacity of China (and you can be certain that China and Russia are joined at the hip in their agenda to derail the Anglo Zionist empire), and you’ll soon see why ZOG is done for.

    SUMMARY: The U.S will be experiencing much higher inflation in the very near future (the economic ignoramus Donald Chump will exacerbate the crisis with his ‘100% tariffs imposed on various countries’).

    Budget deficits, which are already colossal right now, will explode into the stratosphere.
    Since no nation is buying substantive amounts of U.S treasuries to fund the deficits (in fact countries like China are REDUCING their previous holdings by dumping them into the market), the ZOG owned Fed will step in and digitally conjure trillions more each year to buy them.
    This will result in a tsunami of USD in the world chasing a fixed amount of goods and services.

    ie: a recipe for HYPERINFLATION.

    All the while, as holders of USD anticipate the loss of reserve currency status for the currency, they will be dumping them like a hot potato rather than get stuck with fast depreciating greenbacks.
    To combat the precipitous collapse in the USD the Fed will be forced to raise the Fed Funds rate (not that it matters anyway – since the bond market will front run the Fed and raise rates to sky high levels).
    This will entail that in the very near future, that HALF of all Federal revenue will be needed JUST TO SERVICE THE DEBT. Soon after that (if not before), the whole U.S economy/stock and bond markets implode.

    So Pepe, you should stick to what you know. ie: not geopolitics.
    It is wrong to compare the U.S of WWII (a manufacturing behemoth) to the U.S of today (which is a hollowed out husk with little manufacturing capability of note relative to the Sino-Russian Super hegemon).
    When the USD goes, the U.S goes with it.
    And, without the help of America, Apartheid Israel is done for.

  173. @Wokechoke

    Typical British exaggerating their role in the defeat of the Vichy French in that video you posted in comment # 124.
    The nerve of them to title the video ‘The incredible story of BRITISH CAVALRY … ‘.

    The fact of the matter was that the British forces were making little headway (and occasionally getting mauled in many instances).
    It was the Australian infantry that did all the hard fighting and made the key breakthroughs that led to the capitulation of the Vichy French (click on the link below and read for yourselves):

    An excerpt from the link:

    The Battle of Merdjayoun took place during the Syria-Lebanon Campaign of World War II from 19–24 June 1941 between Vichy French and PREDOMINANTLY AUSTRALIAN Allied forces in and near the Lebanese town of Marjayoun.

    I know a little about this because, when I was a kid, the Governor of my state (NSW) in Australia was Sir Roden Cutler, VC, AK, KCMG, KCVO, CBE.

    That’s right, the VC stands for Victoria Cross – the highest award for bravery in the British Commonwealth of nations.
    Roden Cutler lost a leg in that campaign, but that didn’t stop him from a distinguished career.

    Anyway, as bad as that video was that you posted Mr Choke, it did at least mention on a few occasions the hammering that actual British forces were taking.
    Also, listen to the video for a few seconds just after the 33:00 mark (look at the map and see for yourselves that the Aussies were the spearheads of the victory), where the narrators were at least gracious enough to say:

    ‘There was some real heroism in that case from the Australian infantry’.

    Same story in WWI, where British ground forces were pretty pathetic for most of the war.
    To the extent that most of the great victories on the western front were won by ‘British Empire Forces’ in WWI, ALL of the major battles where this occurred were on the backs of Australian, Canadian and New Zealand spearheads that did the bulk of the hard fighting and made the major breakthroughs.

    The Australians in particular were the standout soldiers on the Allied side in that conflict.
    The British Military archives fully acknowledge this.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  174. @Commentator Mike

    Why should Russia surrender?

    Should Germany have surrendered? The only real difference is that Judea had officially declared war on Germany, whereas the Judean war on Russia is a typical secret, dirty war.

    Putin has tried to mollify the Jews since he was first elected to no use.

    Anyone who studies history has to be aware of the genocides the Jews committed in Russia, Germany, Armenia and now Ukraine and Gaza. They have to be aware of the exploding pagers and all the hundreds of political assassinations. They have to be aware of the Hannibal doctrine and the Sampson option. They have to be aware of the Liberty. They have to be aware of the Protocols, the Talmud, the book Germany Must Perish, the Morgentau Plan, the Kalergi Plan and the Oded-Yinon Plan.

    Jews are absolutely ruthless and will stop at nothing. Putin has to put on his big boy pants, and so does Iran.

    Putin either has to become a Jewish vassal, surrender, or be prepared to conduct total war on Jewish terms. If Nazi Germany had conducted WWII on Jewish terms, there would have been a real Holocaust and no Jews left to migrate to Israel.

    • Agree: NoBodyImportant
  175. @Truth Vigilante

    He did everything humanly possible to avoid that conflict now known as the Ukraine proxy war.

    That’s false. He could have sent an ultimatum over NATO before invading. Demand that they change their constitution to Swiss style neutrality.

    They insisted that the sweaty dwarf Zelensky reject all peace overtures from Putin.
    They decreed that ‘War it shall be’.

    A formal offer was never made to Zelensky. There were talks of an offer and Putin was demanding that Ukraine hand over their long range artillery. Well what would stop Putin from invading again?

    You and other Putin defenders try to operate with half-truths. It just doesn’t work in an open forum.

    Go ahead and source an official offer from Putin to Zelensky. It doesn’t exist.

  176. @Truth Vigilante

    It’s part of his DNA, it’s what was drummed into him at the yeshivas he attended as a ‘ringlet-from-the-temples’ adorned little Jewish lad.

    I’m not Jewish but your hero Putin has worn the little party hat many times:

    While we’re on the matter of JJJ’s school days, I managed to locate this photo of him and his school chums from the 1970’s.

    They are seen marvelling at the high tech capabilities (it had the square root function FFS!) of the first electronic calculator they’d seen up close in their lives:

    That photo shows a gameboy advance.

    You can’t even tell your own stupid joke properly.

    Lay off the Foster’s before posting.

    Putin abandoned his dictator pal Assad and the people of Syria are thrilled. Torture prisons have been emptied and the people are celebrating in the streets.

    Fans of the Tiny Tsar are clearly upset. Yea well I guess it will take you and Whitney around 5-7 years to figure out that you can’t put your hope in a mass murdering midget. Russia is currently using bicycles in combat and you still put faith in the Kremlin Gremlin. Pathetic.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  177. @Truth Vigilante

    Putin and Xi are playing the long game.

    Would you have described Assad as also playing the long game a few weeks ago?

  178. annamaria says:
    @Frau Katze

    Was not your yeshiva successful in indoctrinating its pupils in Kol-Nidre mentality (effortless lying), sadism, and genocidal joy? Have you ever considered the idea of jews being expelled from 109 countries for their judaic/talmudic dishonorable character and behavior?

    Vanessa Beeley:

    After a rather turbulent 48 hours I am safe and will be writing and broadcasting as normal very shortly. I had one hour to pack one suitcase, take one dog and get through a border swarming with armed thugs looting and fighting amongst themselves over the spoils. …

    Social media is a mess of lies, misinformation and downright hypocrisy. Thank you to everyone who emailed and messaged, it really lifted my spirits at an all time low. …

    The mainstream media vultures are flooding in to claw at the corpse of one of the oldest civilisations in the world. … Syria will become a toothless melting pot of foreign interests, resource looting and expanding Zionist land grab. A nation without an army and without any military infrastructure is not a nation. It’s a playing field for the predators.

    Judaic/talmudic indoctrination produces morally and culturally impotent degenerates possessed by supremacist lunacy and sadistic urges. The damned tribe.

    “The Mussolini-Jabotinsky Connection: The Hidden Roots of Israel Fascist Past:”

    The one with a dog-face is bibi’s idol Jabotinsky, whom Mussolini proudly called “jewish fascist.”

  179. annamaria says:

    The Iranian civilization is among the oldest and richest culturally and scientifically among other civilizations.,people%20by%20an%20outside%20force

    The region that is now the country of Iran has been known by many different names, and has had varying boundaries and borders over the past 5000 years. The name Iran comes from the Avestan word airyānąm, appearing in the time of Cyrus the Great (4th century BC).

    In comparison, jews were never able to create a civilization due to their moral defect. They have been a nomadic tribe of profiteers and predators, clothed into the lies of “special victimhood and superior morality.” The “superior jewish morality” is wonderfully outlined in Kol Nidre: “The phrase Kol Nidrei it is not a prayer at all, but rather a legal formula used for the annulment of vows and promises.”

    All vows we are likely to make, all oaths and pledges we are likely to take between this Yom Kippur and the next Yom Kippur, we publicly renounce. Let them all be relinquished and abandoned, null and void, neither firm nor established. Let our vows, pledges and oaths be considered neither vows nor pledges nor oaths.

    Judaic/talmudic education must be banned by all countries which want to preserve the well-being of their people. Either a complete assimilation or immediate expelling.
    “Extracts from the Jewish text the Talmud”

    -“Just the Jews are humans, the non-Jews are no humans, but cattle” Kerithuth 6b, page 78, Jebhammoth 61
    -“The non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves” Midrasch Talpioth 225
    -“Sexual intercourse with non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with animals” Kethuboth 3b
    -“The non-Jews have to be avoided even more than sick pigs” Orach Chaiim 57, 6a
    -“The birth rate of non-Jews has to be suppressed massively” Zohar 11,4b
    -“As you replace lost cows and donkeys, so you shall replace non-Jews” Lore Dea 377, 1

  180. Parbes says:
    @Daniel Rich

    @Daniel Rich: “…there are no links to support your assessments, and thus make your statements look like personal opinions…”

    How can there be a “link” to support the assessment, genius? The “link” is the events of the past quarter century, and in particular the last several years! It is the obvious conclusion from following with an unbiased mind the behavior, direct statements and speeches, and results obtained in geopolitical confrontations, of Putin’s government during that period of time – and it’s also what most Russians say on Russian news sites and forums, as you would see for yourself if you could get your head out of a narrow selection of American news media sufficiently to actually search out and at least occasionally peruse a broader range of global media and comment forums. If you are/have been too lazy, ignorant or bigoted to do that, then that’s your problem.

    “…and we all know what is said about those, don’t we?”

    Just don’t forget that that general statement applies to YOUR opinions and YOUR OPINIONS ABOUT OTHERS’ OPINIONS, too – not just the opinions of others that you don’t like.

  181. @Truth Vigilante

    PCR did not say that “Putin should surrender”. Basically PCR said that if Putin doesn’t surrender, then there will be a big war, most likely nuclear, and that if Putin was replaced, it would be by a bigger hawk than Putin and that would lead to a big war as well.

    The Jews are not going to give up on their centuries old plan, even if it leads to a nuclear war. I am of the belief that they directly caused Chernobyl in order to collapse the USSR, I believe that it was Jews who were pushing Zelensky the Jew into bombing the ZNPP and it was Jew who pushed him to attempt to first capture and later attack the Kursk NPP.

    Moschiach horny Rabbis are not afraid of nuclear war between the various goyim groups that they control, just as they were never concerned with how many Jews might die in WWI and WWII.

    I also don’t think that the Rabbis are overly concerned about the collapse of the dollar now anymore than they were in 1907, 1929 or 1987. Jews own the real assets anyway, and they control the western banks (and Russia’s too). In fact, Jews have learned over thousands of years that financial crisis and starving goyim almost always work to their advantage.

    We must also accept that Jews have brought Russians to heel repeatedly over the last century, often using starvation and depression as their tool.

    So what do I think Russia should do? I think they should coordinate with Iran and send a few massive waves of ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles, including their new Hazelnut, and that they should take out Tel Aviv and Dimona. Flatten them, and any air bases and ammo stockpiles, just like the Jews are doing to Syria today. It would have been even easier if Iran and Russia had not waited until after Assad and Syria had fallen, they should have done it already after the genocide in Gaza became clear and they could claim a “holocaust exemption” from rules of war. To quote the Jews themselves, Russia and Iran already should have bombed Judea back into their beloved “stone age”.

    • Agree: NoBodyImportant
    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @迪路
  182. Rurik says:

    Others (Priss..) have made the comparison to Nicholas II, as a decent family man in over his head.

    One of the problems with hereditary rule, is the offspring rarely have that particular mettle for rule.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  183. anonymous[353] • Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    whoever put that stupid kippa on his head, it means has accepted the jewish finger be in his behind.
    The scum must be massacred.

    Whe do the scum of humanity put their pussy on faggot’s head? What is the reason for these faggots’ to accept the push, including faggot trump to put the pussy on his head.

  184. anon[314] • Disclaimer says:

    When I see the evil that the jews and their whores (US and all others) have unleashed on our world, I can’t help but repost this:

    “Hitler never wanted to exterminate the jews, he wanted to get rid of them and protect the German against their evil influence and he did. He made the mistake to make deals with the zionists to get rid of the jews and allowed them to emigrate to Palestine. He should have never done that.

    The jews invented the ‘holocaust’ which never took place.

    However, Hitler should have exterminated the jews instead of allowing them to escape, he should have killed the 6 millions he never killed.

    If he had done that, today there would be no genocide in Palestine, no terror groups sponsored by the US and their Jew masters, woke, lgbt, race theory, fake pandemics wouldn’t exist and the West would be a place where white people are safe, prosperous and make enough children for the future.”


    • Replies: @Sarita
  185. Nothing to see here, move along. That is not Masonic, and Freemasonry and Kabbalism have absolutely nothing to do with each other anyway.

    • Thanks: Rurik
    • Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  186. Sarita says:

    Stop crying.
    Why did your stupid intelligence services in Teheran NOT figure out this when instead you spent the last year and two months saying that Russia had given you state of the art weapons and that Russia and Putin were your fuck buddies, your lovers, and that Putin would step in if Iran was attacked, etc etc etc?
    What were the intelligence services doing when Israel killed Haniye and Nasrallah?
    Why did the axis have failure after failure after failure?

    Why didn’t you analyze Putin demeanor etc. ?
    Now you’re crying?
    He fooled you, but it was your fault.
    And he’s now laughing on the phone with Bibi.

  187. OmK says:

    Is this one a hand habit ?
    In a lifetime anyone may make such a finger shape in some time.
    Is this site idiot makow’s site ?

  188. skrik says:

    Now it seems the headchoppers have let all the prisoners out of Assad’s prisons and have discovered a vast and very ugly network of torture and thousands of dead bodies/skeletons

    [repeat from another thread] No response = DIY =

    ““Fake News” and Crimes against Humanity: Amnesty International Admits Syrian “Saydnaya” Report Fabricated Entirely in UK”


    “However, there is another aspect of the report that remains unexplored – the fact that Amnesty International itself has openly admitted that the summation of the report was fabricated in the United Kingdom at Amnesty International’s office, using a process they call “forensic architecture,” in which the lack of actual, physical, photographic, and video evidence, is replaced by 3D animations and sound effects created by designers hired by Amnesty International.
    Amnesty Hired Special Effects Experts to Fabricate “Evidence”
    In a video produced by Amnesty International accompanying their report, titled, “Inside Saydnaya: Syria’s Torture Prison,” the narrator admits in its opening seconds that Amnesty International possesses no actual evidence regarding the prison

    [my bolding] This fake story is being pushed by, presumably amongst other agencies I don’t see, PFBCs [= publicly financed broadcasters] = taxpayers are paying for filthy lying propaganda to be catapulted at themselves. grrr

  189. @Pepé Le Pew

    I don’t think it will happen Russia will keep compromising with Jews. I think about a third of Israel’s citizens are Russians so it’s unlikely Russia will holocaust them. But then why diesn’Ameruca do what you suggest for Russia to do? Has America surrendered to the Jews already?

    • Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  190. 迪路 says:
    @Tennessee Jed

    Yet they never make it to the core of decision-making. And generally speaking, these Jews were persecuted underclass Jews, not Jewish bankers.
    So I’d advise you not to start a rumor that we’re under Jewish control here.
    We have always been against Zionism here.

  191. @Commentator Mike

    “Russia will keep compromising with Jews.”

    Basically that is the same “as surrender to the Jews”. Their demands will continually escalate, and eventually Putin and Russia will be forced to perform humiliation rituals such as hosting Tranny beauty competitions and other special concessions to Jews. Putin and Russia will then be forced to allow Jews special sovereignty over Odessa, Crimea and much of southern Ukraine up to and including Dnipro.

    Has America surrendered to the Jews already?

    LOL. Haven’t you been observing the population replacement going on across Rome, aka “The West”? Haven’t you been observing the wokeist humiliation ritual? Did you not notice that almost the entire cabinet of Biden and Trump are Jews, C-Jews or Shabbos goyim?

    Yes, America surrendered to the Jews in December 1913 and then went on to instigate and fight two world wars on their behalf.

    For centuries Jews recognize no treaty, no contract, no promises. They lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, and commit genocide. Over and over and over.

    The only compromise is surrender, and even that is not certain. Just watch what happens to Hussein of Jordan over the next few years much of Jordan already belongs to Eretz Israel.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  192. 迪路 says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    I still think the core problem is Iran’s lack of strategic planning. The entire Middle East lacks a strategic plan to become a great power.
    If Iran wants to develop nuclear power plants, why not just build atomic bombs?
    Nuclear power plants would be a target for the Israelis, and with an atomic bomb, Israel would be a target for them.
    They don’t know how to keep secrets, and will even let their nuclear physicists be assassinated.
    At such times, what they should do is show that they can die with the Jews, fire depleted uranium bombs at Tel Aviv, pollute the entire environment of Israel, and destroy Israel’s business environment.
    If you look at the public opinion in Iran, they have a white collar class full of stupid people who can’t see reality, and if it was us, we would just do a massacre and kill them all, rather than let garbage become president.

  193. Rurik says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    hoping that at least some good things, no matter how small, transpire during Donald Chump’s Presidency.

    nothing wrong with that, however naive. I’m doing the same.

    ‘adumbrated’ and ‘suppurating’,

    the former means like a litany, of sorts

    the latter means oozing pus, as in Syria

    (I’m hearing encouraging things from Argentina. We’ll see I guess)

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  194. Rurik says:

    I can’t always assume just because ZOG hates someone, that they must then be good. ”

    How can you be so stoopid?

    think of it like this, Jew boy

    You’re rather well-known around these parts, huh?

    Now imagine, that someone were to give you, the treatment

    holding your head in a piss-befouled toilet

    Just about everyone here, and everywhere else you go, would be very grateful for such an act..

    But that doesn’t necessarily mean the guy holding your head under the piss, is a good guy, in spite of the good thing he was doing, making everyone cheer, and so forth..

    Do you understand?

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  195. @meamjojo

    I always assumed he was good, because Israel and Hillary wanted him gone, but perhaps I can’t always assume just because ZOG hates someone, that they must then be good. ”

    How can you be so stoopid? Did you actually graduate high school? Sheese.

    It’s illogical opposite thinking as opposed to critical thinking.


    The MSM said it is going to rain.

    You can’t trust the MSM so I will wear shorts.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  196. annamaria says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    “For centuries Jews recognize no treaty, no contract, no promises. They lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, and commit genocide. Over and over and over.”

    — They are indoctrinated in the joy of “lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, and commit genocide” from infancy. They do the subversive indoctrination in plain sight:

    What Is Kol Nidre:
    Said at the start of the Yom Kippur fast day, Kol Nidre declares all future vows and promises invalid, by declaring that all vows are “absolved, remitted, cancelled, declared null and void, not in force of in effect.” Said by the cantor, surrounded by men holding Torah scrolls, it is sung to a traditional tune that has been passed down for generation.

    In short

    The phrase Kol Nidrei it is not a prayer at all, but rather a legal formula used for the annulment of all jewish vows.

    Either a society develops a strong immune response to the malicious nomadic tribe of subversives who “lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, and commit genocide,” or the society is destined to be destroyed by the tribe. The first protective step should be a ban on both judaic/talmudic education and proselytizing n zionism (jewish fascism).

    • Agree: Pepé Le Pew
  197. Rurik says:
    @John Johnson

    You can’t trust the MSM so I will wear shorts.


    that’s sophomoric and stupid

    an appropriate analogy would be ‘all the Democrats and ((msm)) all say we must all wear masks and get our boosters and obey lock-downs, and trust the “science”, (as they all did ; )

    And so knowing only that, the knee-jerk temptation would be to ignore it all as agenda-driven horse shit.

    But one must take care, lest some truth inadvertently ebb out of the lies these people always tell.

    Another way of looking at it, is that JJ and Jew boy both agree on something, like perhaps that Putin is wrong, and a bad guy, blah blah..

    And while the knee-jerk temptation is to assume, based on the reliable idiocy of these two clowns, that then Putin must be right, in fact that’s not always the case.

    There is one metric that I have found perfect and unassailable, the closest thing to infallible I know of.. and that is that ‘if there is a regime on the planet, that is cozy with ZOG, and on great terms, then that regime is a menace to their own people, and will betray them at the drop of a kippah’.

    This is something the Kurds and Saudis and Turks and Sunnis and Americans and Europeans, (and everyone else), would do well to pay heed to.

    Now you boys can get back to jerking each other off..

  198. Wokechoke says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    The point is, it was a bit of a “yawn”. The entire campaign barely a blip. Special Olympics win.

    However, Churchill decided to invade Syria to block Luftwaffe squadrons from using Syrian airfields. Oddly enough, perhaps it was coup-Ed recently to ensure no Russian basing in Latakia in 2024.

  199. Wokechoke says:

    Assad at least had a foreign power willing to take him in. And his immediate family. So you can say, he planned ahead better than Nicholas. And look at George V who refused to take in his freaking cousin during ww1.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Truth Vigilante
  200. Rurik says:

    So you can say, he planned ahead better than Nicholas.

    it wasn’t exactly apples to apples, but both men just seemed to have been placed in positions power, through no effort or merit of their own, other than their ‘birthright’. Which is fine if you’re going to inherit a farm, but not so much if you’re going to inherit the rule of a nation under great and tectonic shifts, with enemies everywhere.

    For that, you need Machiavellian eyes in the back of your head, and an intuitive understanding of human nature that can’t be taught. And for the intuitive part, I wonder if that isn’t where one’s wife comes in, and sees the first minister advising the monarch, and she listens in, and says ‘kill that man before he kills you’.

    Women have a better sense of stuff like that, when men are too busy thinking of how the new bridge is going to be funded, or if we need those new jets. Women’s minds work differently, they ‘see’ things we don’t. They’re genetically disposed to sniff out things like loyalty, and treachery, being treacherous (not always in a bad way) by nature.

    Men have muscles and can swing a sword, but women evolved with a sixth sense for seeing things in human nature that we men will never quite ‘get’.

    Just some ruminating on power politics.., and the value of a good woman at your side.

    • Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  201. @Rurik

    In this recent Nima interview of Dmitry Orlov, Orlov states that Assad’s entire family had been learning Russian for several years in preparation for their exile in Russia.

    If true, Assad was planning his exile for years.

    WWI was to a large degree caused by Tsar Nicholas was was scheming with the UK on taking over the Bosphorus and Constantinople.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  202. @Wokechoke

    Assad at least had a foreign power willing to take him in. And his immediate family.

    Not so fortunate are other members of Assad’s family.
    I’ve been informed today by a reliable source that General Maher al-Assad, leader of the 4th Armoured division and brother of the former President, shot himself before they captured him.

    There is an Anglican priest whose newsletter I receive from time to time and he’s visited Syria several times since the civil war began, providing humanitarian aid and support.
    He is a good friend of George Galloway, John Shipton (Julian Assange’s father) and countless others who have been on the right side of history (he befriended Mordechai Vanunu when the latter lived in Sydney for a few years in the 80’s).

    He wrote this in his latest newsletter (likely info he got straight from the horse’s mouth, coming from trusted friends of his in Syria):

    I heard that my friend, Dr Hassoun, the former Grand Mufti of Syria, tried to go to pray at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and was thrown out. At least that means he’s still alive.
    Meanwhile, those found in army uniforms are being slaughtered across the country.

    Of course, the likes of Mean Joo Joo and Jewish John’s Johnson (JJJ) are sniggering with glee as they read those words above.
    What is about to happen to the people of Syria at the hands of these Anglo-Zionist empire funded head choppers is a tragedy beyond words.

    But Joo Joo and JJJ (collectively known as the 5 J’s), care not for the suffering of others.
    Not that we should’ve expected anything different from the Spawn of Satan.

  203. Wokechoke says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    Maher was the real power. According to everything I’ve read.

  204. Rurik says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    Assad never really wanted to be Syrian, he wanted to be British

    The regime was doomed as soon as Iran stopped providing Syria with oil in 2023. “It was only a matter of time after that’.

    Syria was a fake county with little in common between the tribes, (except perhaps mutual hostility, like Iran and Libya)

    {from what little I understand, these constructs/nations were deliberately drawn on a map by Perfidious and co. following WWI. (Sykes–Picot) The intention was for them to be eternally embroiled in tribal strife, so that they could never coalesce into anything that could threaten the ((new, post-war global order)). Or something like that}.

    We’re headed for a time when Arab states collapse

    Ukraine has collapsed as a state. The only thing propping up the fake state of Ukraine is the American money. {sounds like Israel to me}

    Trump’s daughter is married to the son of a Lebanese billionaire who controls Syria’s main resource after oil, phosphorous.

    This Beirut billionaire is Trump’s advisor on Syria. The phosphorous is shipped out of Russian-controlled Syrian port of Tartus, which somehow avoids all the sanctions.

    “Investigate the hell out of it if you want your kneecaps busted”

    ‘Israel is doing the right thing as far as destroying Syrian aircraft and tanks and things. Otherwise terrorists, (‘which is what HTS is’), will use them against everyone. So by destroying these weapons, Israel is doing a good thing’.

    go to 27:00 if you want it verbatim.

    ‘[Israel] grabbing the Golan Heights is a ‘reasonable measure’. The Arabs will be too gutless to do anything about it, “except for the mouth music”.

    The Golan is also strategic for military reasons and for Israel”s drinking water.

    {the guy obviously isn’t too concerned about Gaza’s drinking water, but then he seems very much the realist, even if questions of morality don’t cloud his opinions.}

    “Syria no longer exists”. He keeps hammering on that.

    ‘The Druze of ‘formerly’ southern Syria, like the Jews better than they like the Muslims’

    ‘the IDF are cowards who’re great at bombing civilians from the air, but are worthless in combat’

    {I’m paraphrasing ; }

    “they’ll keep the genocide going, as that seems to be their standard of success”.

    Lebanon might tire of Hezbollah.

    ‘in that part of the world, the ‘art of betrayal is well-honed, and there’s no mercy for the weak, none at all.’

    ‘Betrayal is the endemic culture of the region’

    ‘Jordan is an American run concentration camp for Palestinian refugees, which the Americans are very good at’.

    ‘All hell will break loose if (when?) American influence in the region falters’.

    ‘If or when that happens, there will be tribal mayhem, and from looking at Syria, these things can happen quickly’.

    If the king of Jordan has to escape to Miami Beach, like Assad did to Moscow, maybe Jordan will cease to exist the next day.

    ‘if the Jihadists converging in Syria with all their respective and mutually exclusive takes on fanatical Islam or tribalism, start slaughtering each other, Russia isn’t going to lose sleep.. they’re not Russians’.

    {This guy has a very low opinion of the ISIS and other head-slicers heading to Damascus.

    How many Americans can’t sleep because 30 or 40 gang members of South-side Chicago gunned each other down over the weekend. Even blacks don’t care about black lives, so long as it’s other blacks killing them.

    He thinks Syria is going to descend into a slaughter-fest for young Jihadists and Wahhabists all seeking to advance their own respective tribal interests, (perhaps like Libya?) and the global community is going to let them have at each other, (if not encourage it), unless it spills over on their borders, at which point the air strikes will come in.

    A dystopian hell on earth. Such a deal! }

    ‘Once there’s no more Ukraine, there’s no more place for the West to hit Russia from’.

    The Russian plan is to de-militarize the Ukraine. That’s the plan’.

    Right now the Ukrainian army is collapsing, and it looks like ZOG’s plan is to send Ukrainian children, (untrained teenagers) into the meat-grinder.

    Such a deal!

    ‘The idea is to kill as many Ukrainians as possible, from the American point of view’

    I would call it the (((American))) point of view. (I suspect he would agree, but can’t actually say so).

    They, (the ((Americans))), just love killing goyim, ‘it’s like the mind of a reptile’.

    at 52:20

    I think it’s obvious he’s talking about ‘the Jews’.

    52:30 “so that’s a win / win for us”

    Such a deal!

    Trump can’t kill BRICS or force people to use the dollar, tariffs or no tariffs. Nations don’t want to be subject to the whims of ZUS presidents, stealing their money or sanctioning them when it suits ZOG. Bitcoin and other alternatives to the dollar are inevitable, Trump threats and foot stomping notwithstanding.

    Russia might very well give Oreshniks to Iran, and if so, Iran won’t need nuclear weapons.

    I very rarely watch an hour long video, but this one was intriguing.

    Thanks Pepe’

    • Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  205. @Rurik

    If you haven’t listened to Orlov before, he is an intelligent man, but he wears PC blinders. One case in point is on AGW. Another is his constant shilling for Russia. He never names the Jew. He is a Russian with at least some Jewish blood who moved to the US in the 1990’s and then back to Russia a few years ago.

    For a long time he had a blog at, now apparently moved to

    Like so many other interesting people providing analysis, he only looks at things from within the kosher Overton window, which renders much if not most of his analysis invalid.

    ‘The idea is to kill as many Ukrainians as possible, from the American point of view’

    I would call it the (((American))) point of view. (I suspect he would agree, but can’t actually say so).

    People who cannot name the Jew will never understand that the civil war in Ukraine is a war of genocide just like the war in Gaza, so I doubt that he would agree that the Jews caused the war.

    • Agree: annamaria
    • Replies: @Rurik
  206. Rurik says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    If you haven’t listened to Orlov before, he is an intelligent man, but he wears PC blinders.

    I hadn’t heard of him before, but you’re right, he’s astute, but has moral blinders on

    Like the way he talked of the Arabs slaughtering each other – with indifference, or even disdain. I think Nima might have been thinking, ‘if you’re so cavalier about Syrian deaths, why should anyone care about Russian deaths, about which you’re so indignant.

    I can’t be certain of that, but it was a little vibe I got.

    But perhaps it is telling that even as I try to pay attention to such things, while I knew of the wealthy Lebanese son-in-law, I had no idea his dad’s ties to Syrian phosphorous, or how Russia is allowed to ship it out of Syria sans sanctions.

    Yes, an apologist of ZOG, and shill for Israel, but there were a few gems of information I otherwise would not have known about.

    Yet is still disgusts me the way they always try to blame some amorphous ‘America’, like it’s Billy Bob in Kentucky who’s doing all these things that benefit Israel at the direct expense of Billy Bob.

    Note to Orlov: Endless wars that costs tens of thousands in American lives, and trillions in American treasure, that earn America nothing but the hatred of the world, while benefiting Israel, are not in ‘America’s’ interests, even if a handful of ‘Defense’ Contractors and politicians are getting rich, betraying the people of America.

    But I suspect he knows all that, but by deflecting blame to ‘America’, helps deflect blame away from Israel. On whose behalf are *all* these wars. Which I’m certain he knows, but like them ((all)), refuses to mention that part.

    • Agree: lavoisier
    • Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  207. @Truth Vigilante

    Of course, the likes of Mean Joo Joo and Jewish John’s Johnson (JJJ) are sniggering with glee as they read those words above.

    Boy you sure spend a lot of time thinking about me.

    What is about to happen to the people of Syria at the hands of these Anglo-Zionist empire funded head choppers is a tragedy beyond words.

    They were trained and funded by Turkey.

    Fresh video from New Syria:

  208. @Rurik

    As I said, he lived in the US for over a decade, and during that period he rarely had anything good to say about Americans. During that period he designed a sail boat that he later lived on because he said that the planet was going to melt due to AGW. On his blog he ruthlessly banned anyone who was a “climate denier”. One thing is certain he did very well while living in the US because he retired early and lived on his boat. But that is just typically Jewish. And like most Russian-Jews, he also has an obsession about “Nazis”.

    I have been following him for years because as you say, he often has “a few gems of information I otherwise would not have known about”.

    • Thanks: Rurik
  209. @Pepé Le Pew

    And again…

    Note: The Muslim Brotherhood are Freemasons. Likely he is signaling to all the other Muslim Brotherhood puppets of the Jew.

    • Agree: Rurik
  210. chris says:

    If Hamas is glad Assad is gone, perhaps Assad wasn’t any good after all.

    If Rurik, of course! Seems too damned convenient, doesn’t it. That would make up for a lot if Israel would do good things too; I just don’t buy it that whatever is left of Hamas is approving of Israeli actions.

    Gee, wouldn’t be like it would be lacking for a couple of Hasbra trolls to mouth an opinion at which everyone would throw their arms up in disbelief.

    If this was really the opinion of Hamas, wouldn’t there have been some explanation added, as to why they would have such a surprising point of view?

    The fact that no such supporting opinion is forthcoming may be an important indication of its lack of authenticity.

  211. Rurik says:

    I just don’t buy it that whatever is left of Hamas is approving of Israeli actions.

    not Israel’s actions, Chris, but whatever is happening in Syria

    there’s a lot of blather as to how Hamas feels about it, but what are we to believe here in the West, where everything we’re told is all ((agenda-driven lies))?

    Unless I could speak directly to the Hamas leadership, and the people of Palestine, I don’t know what to believe.

    Are you certain that Hamas isn’t optimistic about the removal of Assad?

    What about the Syrian people? What are the percentages of the Syrian people who support the rebels? Certainly some. How many, is there any way to know, here in the West, getting through the ((iron dome)) of information control?

    Yes, Assad was the enemy of our enemy, but does that make him a good guy?

    The one thing I’m certain of beyond any doubt, is that what’s being done in Gaza is as evil as it gets.

    So I have a metric to measure everything else against. Insofar as a nation or leader is in support of Gaza, and doing all they can to help the people of Gaza, then that is the measure of what I’d call good, vs. evil = the continuing genocide of the Palestinians people.

    Is the new regime in Syria going to help the Palestinian people, or toss them under the bus?

    I don’t know the answer to that.

    If this was really the opinion of Hamas, wouldn’t there have been some explanation added, as to why they would have such a surprising point of view?

    I’ll make a stab at being the devil’s advocate, and suggest that perhaps the Assad administration simply didn’t really care about the Palestinians.

    It seems to me, that it was/is Yemen and Iran and Hezbollah who’ve been actively doing something about Gaza, and Syria was more or less a transport hub for supplies from Iran to Lebanon.

    I could be wrong about all of that, because I have no way of knowing these things. But that’s how it has seemed to me.

    So perhaps it is possible that because the lot of the Palestinians has been so disastrous so far, that they’re at the point where anything might potentially be better than the status quo.

    Perhaps ZOG has orchestrated this coup, without fully understanding the consequences. And that their ‘moderate rebels’ really are impassioned Islamists who’re willing to kill or die to defend Islam and the Islamic people. Which would include the Palestinians.

    Perhaps I’m grasping for anything..

    The fact that no such supporting opinion is forthcoming may be an important indication of its lack of authenticity.

    Do you have information from Hamas that they consider the fall of Assad an unequivocal disaster?

    I’m not saying they don’t see it that way, only that I just don’t have access to their official statements, or even their opinions on the matter. Perhaps I’m not looking in the right places.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
  212. Odyssey says:

    The events in Syria were orchestrated by Biden’s team led by Antony Blinken. The Turkish and Israeli military and intelligence services wanted to set a trap for Russia and Iran to rush into the war against terrorists.

    Since there are few of them, most of the terrorists are Israeli and Turkish soldiers dressed in NATO uniforms. Erdogan’s mother and grandmother were Jewish.

    The leader of the rebels, Abu Mohammed Golani, is an Israeli. There are 2-3 Jewish villages in the Golan Heights. His father was an engineer who supplied the Israeli army. He was supposedly in prison and, in fact, trained with Ali Baghdadi for six years. They were trained to learn to behave like Arabs. Ali Baghdadi was Samuel Elliot, also an Israeli agent. They were set up to be leaders to lead the Islamic armies. Ali Baghdadi was not killed, unless he was accidentally hit during the bombing.

    The Russians did not betray Assad, but the Mossad passed at least a million dollars to each Syrian general (about 30 of them) to not resist. They did the same with Saddam’s generals, who were told before The Desert Storm that their money, taken out to French banks, would be blocked.

    • Thanks: antibeast, Truth Vigilante
  213. Wj says:
    @John Johnson

    Ukraine has been steadily losing more and more ground over the last 10 days. Its a lost cause but that wont stop armchair warriors from pushing it.

  214. @ariadna

    Ridiculous comment. You do not have the knowledge base, the depth of understanding, or the time invested in various currents, trends, goals, and clandestine operations and dialog between and among the major players to make such a statement.

    You savor jolly jaunts of negative disapproval and disappointment of various figures that do not fit a template that is so subjective that it has no objective application and is too simplistic to even begin to elucidate the complex variables in play.

    Carping, sniping, snorting disapproval at the major prime movers can be witnessed at a baseball, football, basketball game by the black sneakers, reverse baseball caps, gum chewing little snits pontificating on how X or Z are no good, should have, missed, etc, etc.

    That is one reason I quit going to live sporting events. The unending expert drivel and common tarry from the “experts” around me.

    This is like hearing a deck officer advising or critiquing the operation or personnel in the Engineering Department. “Qualified” is the operative word.


    Putin, to me, is a failure based upon his taste and selection of suit ties.

  215. @Rurik

    You will notice my comments are laid down along the same lines. When you don’t know, when information that is solid is scarce, when certain actions can be feints, when there are other parameters and variables that are unseen, then the correct action is to state and opinion TENTATIVELY.

    Most people want to impress others by stating what they want to project as definitive knowledge and high certainty. Because most people are intellectually lazy, indolent, uneducated generally and have lived in an instantaneous, short time frame, video time frame, their opinions reflect the muddy shallow pool of their prattled jejune nothing burger opinions.

  216. When you don’t know, when information that is solid is scarce ……then the correct action is to state and opinion TENTATIVELY.

    Most people want to impress others by stating what they want to project as definitive knowledge and high certainty.

    Well then, how is it that you, in light of the fact that ALL national medical associations of the world (other than those with an axe to grind – like the ZOG controlled USSA and Apartheid Israel), ALL of them say that the genital mutilation of infant boys is an unnecessary procedure that:

    1) Violates bodily autonomy

    2) Yields NO BENEFITS whatsoever

    3) Is accompanied by the real risk of severe injury/disfiguration (leading to gender reassignment) or death?

    4) Should immediately be banned (as some of some of the more sensible nations advocate), and any parent violating their child in this way should be prosecuted.

    Shouldn’t you be speaking ‘tentatively’ about these matters (in light of the fact that the deluge of objective evidence, in its entirety, is against you), rather than stating things emphatically as we’ve observed you doing in previous threads?
    When someone is as poorly informed as you are, in relation to the reality of this pagan ritual, one should keep a low profile and/or keep their opinions to themselves.

    You’re exposing yourself as a hypocrite.

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