) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour guests: M.D. Alam ]co-founder of the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC); and Muhammad Salim Akhtar, National Director of the American Muslim Alliance and the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections. Muhammad Salim Akhtar So far more than twenty groups have endorsed AMPAC’s Million American March Against Fear,...
a few hours after broadcast). Featuring two guests! M.D. Alam opens with a discussion of the Million Muslim March on the White House planned for next September 11th. (MD Alam is a Democratic Party insider and 9/11 truth supporter from Missouri.) Then 9/11 researcher-activist Barbara Honegger joins us to discuss her plan for stopping the...
Listen) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Leading European 9/11 truth activist Dr. Eric Beeth reports live from Bulgaria on the (likely false-flag) Bulgarian bus bomb. If nations were schoolyard kids, Israel would be a vicious, muscular, but not-so-tall budding psychopath with a Napoleon complex – sort of like Joe Pesci in...