On November 7, the Dutch capital has been the theater of fighting between a group of foreigners and people who carry a Dutch passport but cannot be considered to be Dutch in any meaningful sense.
The foreigners were Israelis, fans of the Maccabi Tel Aviv football club. Mostly younger males of military age, they had traveled to Amsterdam to watch the UEFA Europa League match between their team and Ajax Amsterdam, colloquially known as De Joden (the Jews). The fact that the Israeli team was demolished with five goals against zero may have been the cause for some collective sadness.
It is in itself quite extraordinary that Israeli teams are permitted to take part in the tournament, whereas Russian teams are not, at least since 2022. The reason? In that year, Russia launched a Special Military Operation against the Ukraine in order to stop the permanent shelling by NATO-supported Ukrainians of Russian-speaking residents of Donetsk and Lugansk, which had already claimed almost 20,000 victims (mostly civilians). This shelling had been going on since 2014, but Ukrainian teams were not barred from UEFA competitions. Nor have teams from Israel, which has been invading, bombing and killing its neighbors for decades, ever been punished for what their government has been perpetrating. In other words, it is UEFA that has introduced politics (one-sided, moreover) into the exciting and fascinating world of football.
While UEFA is obviously a politicized outfit and for that reason alone deserves to be shunned, on the ground that it is definitely not a good idea to mix sports with politics, especially if there is a war going on. As the Maccabi fans made their way to the stadium, some of them, seeing Palestinian flags flying on buildings, tore these down as their comrades cheered. Inside the stadium, when asked to observe a minute of silence to commemorate the hundreds of victims of the recent Valencia floods, the Israelis preferred to continue yelling and cheering, even chanting anti-Palestine slogans.
At that point, in view of the strict rules usually observed during football games, the local authorities should immediately have postponed the match and drive out the Israeli fans: their disrespectful, even offensive anti-European, anti-Christian and anti-Muslim behavior was not to be tolerated. Not only because of events in the Middle East, but also because, like it or not, Amsterdam has a considerable Muslim population of up to 20%. Perhaps one in five of all people under 25 are Moroccan. Mohammed is the name most often given to newborn boys. Since all these Muslims are now Dutch citizens, they are entitled to have their feelings respected and do not deserve to be insulted by groups of foreigners, even if these hail from Israel.
The Jerusalem Post reported that there were persistent rumors about Amsterdam Muslims and assorted Palestinian sympathizers planning to organize a demonstration against the ongoing Israeli massacre of civilians in Gaza. Although many Palestinians are Christians, Muslims all over the world have been identifying with the Palestinians. Under these circumstances, given the reputed superiority of Israeli spy services, one is left to wonder why these have not prevented Maccabi fans from traveling to Amsterdam, since some sort of trouble seemed imminent. This fact in itself sheds a peculiar light on what is being called in Israel the “Amsterdam Pogrom.”
Hundreds, thousands of Israelis were chased by angry young Muslims, many of them Moroccans. Israelis were insulted, humiliated, beaten up, hit by cars and thrown in canals. Basically, it was an ordinary street fight of the kind not seldom seen in European cities, especially in connection with football matches. Nothing really out of the ordinary therefore. With the difference that this time there was more theatrical violence and many of the victims were Israelis. Moreover, it seemed they were the ones who first stepped out of line, so they had it coming.
As was to be expected, Israeli leaders and public officials loudly voiced their indignation and shock, wailing about anti-semitism.
Yet the Muslims who chased the Israelis did precisely what the Dutch government brought them in for in the first place: act as a fifth column of street thugs and attack non-Muslims. For decades, Dutch and other European big cities have been flooded with young Muslims (“asylum seekers,” “refugees,” etcetera), who are actually a kind of Brown Battalions sweeping the streets just as their brown-shirted predecessors did in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. All year round, their victims are the real local natives and especially Dutch girls and women. The Amsterdam crime stats are consistently headed by young Moroccans. Street crime of all sorts and shapes and street violence (strictly against non-Muslims) are reportedly the preferred specialties of Moroccans, who are responsible for some 80% of these. Whoever dares to point this out or, especially, laments about it on social media risks being accused of “hate speech.”
Now that the victims of the Brown Battalions are a group of Israeli tourists, finally the Dutch public have a chance to join the chorus and chant their long-suppressed complaints.
There are, however, still some questions that remain unanswered: now that Israel seems in the process of carrying out its “Final Solution” with respect to the Palestinians and its neighbors in Lebanon and Syria, why would it allow thousands of young men of military age to engage in wanton leisure activities abroad? Aren’t they urgently needed by the Israeli army, navy and air force? Certainly after more than a year of exhausting operations.
The female mayor of Amsterdam, long surrounded by the distinct odor of abuse of office and corruption, seems to have requested a formal investigation into the possible threats to public order resulting from the massive presence of Maccabi Tel Aviv fans in the city. The Dutch spy service that did the investigation asserted there was no danger and that the coast was clear. Thus, two spy services, an Israeli and a Dutch one, both gave the green light. Why would that be?
It would seem the Battle of Islamsterdam looks suspiciously like it was arranged. Either that, or the Israeli and Dutch spy services are both woefully inadequate.
The official narrative on the Battle of Islamsterdam, however, has some definite benefits: it serves to show the Israeli public and the rest of the world that Israelis absolutely need to hang on to their small but ever expanding slice of land, because it is only there that they can feel a little safe. At the same time, it serves as a justification for the continuation of Israeli operations against its neighbors. In these uncertain times times, now that BRICS is growing and the US is about to undergo a change in its foreign policy, that is quite welcome indeed.
It looks like other team supporters have decided they don’t want Israel to participate even though those at the top, who are brought and paid for, allow a genocidal countries teams access to their tournaments.
If people around the world cared enougb then Israel could become a cage for the Israelis like Gaza is for the Palistinians…but it means more actions like those in the Netherlands need to be taken to show that the people ain’t all right with genocide!
What is an Israeli team doing playing in a European league? It is not in Europe.
Why so many Moroccans? The Netherlands never had any colonial ties or connection to Morocco like France did with Algeria.
Israel got booted out of the Asian confederation a few decades ago. It’s ridiculous that they are included in the European confederation, but it is no more ridiculous than the inclusion of Armenia and Kazakhstan, both of which I think of as part of Asia.
No good will come from allowing Muslim immigration in the West. It needs to be stopped cold, and reversed as much as possible. Western civilization will not survive with Islam within our borders.
shut up genocidal liar.
Muslim’s struggle against Zionism has opened the eyes of the West . It has exposed the level of the deep corruption that has seeped into Christianity and how irtrievablly zionsim has destroyed the Chritsian values . The openings have led to awareness of the presence of the Zionism’s venom in all realms of life in the west .
Those who wish well for Chrstians should thank Islam’s followers.
YOU are an ignorant, racist and a fool affected by the LIES of Trump, a zionist Mafia racist and assassin, who lies to get people like you to vote for him so he can SERVES the Jews to cash in for his broken business. He has to feed his whores.
You should ask yourself a question: What the fucking Americans are doing in the West Asia? Why the fucking racists like YOU invade other countries killing millions of Muslims and displaced millions more, then you the FOOLS expect people stay where they are? If you are serious, then you tell your illiterate and ASSASSIN president to fuck off from the region now, then wait to see if any one is interested to live next to RACISTS like you.
Soon it will be the same Jews who made every step possible for the Muslim invasion of Europe who are going to make every step possible to get rid of them, especially as their cancerous nation in the middle east is crushing more and more everyday.
Jews were safe in the West until some of their fanatic co-religionists started importing feral third-worlders. Since their victimhood in WWII, they’ve practically been worshiped. Israel, the only “safe” place? Keep pushing the Iranians and you’ll find out it’s not.
You’re right about that. But Israel is still a genocidal Apartheid state.
But was it worse than the Holocaust? https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2024/11/amsterdam-soccer-riots-worse-than-the-holocaust/
Incoherent article.
First, Muslim are ” dutch ” citizens and must be respected.
Then, they are feral third worlders who prey on the natives.
Better : they are low IQ foreigners imported against the will of the natives by the Jewish globalist mafia.
What kind of IQ does work against self-preservation? I am not talking of the number – the quantity but the qualitative part . Someone might ask that there is no qualitative part . But there is .It is based on the cultural context of the European . Still that is not the point .
Stupid white has given up asking questions years ago . Why ? Must be something with the IQ.
Separate question –Did those IQ scientists ever bother to understand why and how propaganda intersects with reality at given IQ? Did they ever ask question if IQ could be used by the intrinsically psychopath with no redemptive feature to exploit oppress and gaslight the millions of the white by the Zio?
Has not the white been hoisted on its own petard by the Jewish sect?
What did they learn from WW1,WW2 Lavon Affiats and USS Liberty? Nothing. What did tehy learn from the behaviors of Israeli embassy during Iran hostage crisis and from Lebanon bombings in 1983?
Did the low IQ Sahel just not kick the bastards out ? Next should be Congo .
Now the cows think muslim has low IQ.
For @ 11
Amsterdam riot was caused by Jewish violence outside the stadium and collective affront to the non Jewish in the stadium . The noxious Jewish behaviors preceded it.
So did Holocaust .
Some info on Football “Hooligans” (Casuals) for those that might be interested in the subject.
Football hooliganism in the United Kingdom.
The Dutch are notorious for their Football Firms.
The Battle of Beverwijk: Dutch Football’s Brutal Hooligan Nadir.
Some good points made in the article.
Unfortunately (as it seems quite usual ?) combined with fascinatingly uninformed falsities:
1) “shelling by NATO-supported Ukrainians of Russian-speaking residents of Donetsk and Lugansk, which had already claimed almost 20,000 victims (mostly civilians)”
– As has been pointed out numerously and of course utterly ignored (and probably will be forever ?), this is utter rubbish and proves the author has not even bothered to do a 1 minute Google check of that his repetitious entirely false claim:
For futility`s sake, once again, here the official UN-Observer High Commissioner For Human Rights report on which all those pseudo-claims are based:
“- Total conflict-related civilian casualties in 2014-2021
During the entire conflict period, from 14 April
2014 to 31 December 2021, OHCHR recorded a
total of 3,106 conflict-related civilian deaths
(1,852 men, 1,072 women, 102 boys, 50 girls,
and 30 adults whose sex is unknown). Taking
into account the 298 deaths on board Malaysian
Airlines flight MH17 on 17 July 2014, the total
death toll of the conflict on civilians has reached
at least 3,404.”
As the UN observers detail here:
2) “young Muslims (“asylum seekers,” “refugees,” etcetera), who are actually a kind of Brown Battalions sweeping the streets just as their brown-shirted predecessors did in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s”
– Totally uninformed nonsense-comparison.
The Brown shirts (Sturmabteilung, SA) in Germany (1921-1938) were the exact opposit of what you paint them as, namely a protective and reactive organization the main task of which was to protect Nationalistic gatherings and events from the then common attacks by Radical Communist vigilantes.
Which long preceded them and already from 1919 on and under the direction of the Soviet Comintern (especially K.Radek), Spartakus Bund, KPD, Roter Frontkämpferbund, Anti-Faschistische Junge Garde, Antifaschistische Weltliga -ANTIFA- and other SovietUnion alligned organisations at the time, had roamed and were roaming the streets in Germany, terrorizing all those considered Anti-Communist, regularly committing arson, shootings, violence, killings and attempts to disrupt public gatherings and overthrow the German government (Berlin-Putsch and Soviet Republic of Bavaria).
And of course the Brownshirts were exclusively active in and protected their very own country, did not immigrate into another and then “roamed” the streets there.
But then again, why let the truth/reality get in the way of a nice little garbage comparison….
Wait, the Squatting Muslims in Amsterdam didn’t actually kill any Wandering Jews? Abject failure.
Never, they would sacrifice their whole European diaspora if it meant the end of Whitey.
It’s not like these people had 50 years to see the writing on the wall and do Alija.