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Report: Over 10,000 Invaders Died Trying to Reach Spain in 2024

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Wow so sad I’m crying right now I’m serious I’m literally shaking.


More than 10,000 migrants died while trying to reach Spain by sea this year, a report released by a Spanish migration rights group said on Thursday.

On average, that means 30 migrants died every day this year attempting to reach the country by boat, Caminando Fronteras (Walking Borders) said. Overall deaths rose 58% compared to last year, the report added.

Tens of thousands of migrants left West Africa in 2024 for the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago close to the African coast that has increasingly been used as a stepping stone to continental Europe.

Caminando Fronteras said most of the 10,457 deaths recorded up until Dec. 15. took place along that crossing, the so-called Atlantic route — considered one of the world’s most dangerous.

The organization compiles its figures from families of migrants and official statistics of those rescued. It included 1,538 children and 421 women among the dead. April and May were the deadliest months, the report said.

The real story is “these immigration people don’t give a shit about the immigrants, they are only using them as a weapon against white people.”

These immigrant groups actively cover-up the deaths. The Jewish media suppresses the stories in Europe, just like they suppress all the brutal shit going on at the US border. No one actually cares about the immigrants.

It’s seven times more cost effective to simply send the money Europe spends on immigrants to the countries they are from. This is costing trillions of dollars. You could just go to these poor countries and pay for their food and housing and it would be much cheaper.

Of course, they already have food and housing. “The third world” is sort of a misnomer at this point. No one is starving other than in places where the Jewnited Snakes is funding wars.

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Snake Baker contributed to this article.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Foreign Policy, Ideology • Tags: EU, Immigration, Spain 
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  1. Old Prude says:

    If the Spanish navy spent a week sinking every boat leaving the African coast, less than 10,000 people would be killed and the Spaniards would have fixed their invasion problem for a good long while.

  2. “It’s seven times more cost effective to simply send the money Europe spends on immigrants to the countries they are from. This is costing trillions of dollars. You could just go to these poor countries and pay for their food and housing and it would be much cheaper.”

    No. They should invest in the business that will employ them.

    • Replies: @kiwk
    , @Colin Wright
  3. Altai5 says:

    The essential logic seems to be:

    European countries should sacrifice their finite social and housing space being ethnically displaced to no end forever to deal with the temporary problem of a population boom in poor countries instead of, you know, sending their copious supplies of money or changing elements of the economic system that are pretty unfair.

    Seems like it’d be easier and fairer to send money to the poor countries and avoid the massive resource competition (Particularly for the scarce resource of housing) the terrible social pollution of ever decreasing ethnic homogeneity than importing people for life from poor countries. Hell, even having a strict guest worker system where you can work but must leave after 3/4 years would help poor countries a lot more. But it’s almost like these policies wouldn’t hurt and ethnically displace the natives enough or something.

    It reminds me of the best line ever in the Simpsons that sums up the “Knives Out” mentality of the elites perfectly. “Not the money, but something”

    Video Link

    Send them to displace the “D students” and “deplorables” to make themselves feel better. Because the plan never seems to be to make the West less host to the global wealth. It’s actually interesting that not since Live 8 (2005) has there been any real big political push to try and address any systematic policies that hurt poor countries. Even something as seemingly simple as stopping Western fishing ships overfish in poor countries is apparently impossible to stop.

    There seems to be a kind of animal hoarding Western supremacism, “Of course Ahmed should be allowed to stay in Sweden, sending him back to live among his kin would be cruel!” going on. The idea that maybe Ahmed only likes Sweden because it’s richer and might not actually like leaving his own country and community and become “integrated” is ignored. It’s kind of like the same logic by an older generation of progressives that gave rise to residential schools for the natives in Canada and Australia. This is perfectly illustrated by the compounding nature of immigration. Immigration begets more immigration precisely because it makes it easier for immigrants to find their nation within a nation.

    And so instead of clamping down on the boats and thus making the young men decide it’s not worth the risk anymore as the logical answer we spend more and more resources to remove the risk leading to more and more boats, being lower quality and more overcrowded in risk compensation. Put a million dollars in the middle of a massive intersection and then tell a crowd of young men from the richest backgrounds it’s theirs if they can get and see how many of them get killed and maimed. It’s the nature of young men but if you removed the reward…

    Of course this is only the internal logic of actual universalist real Europeans. We know where invade and dominate the world (For Israel) and invite the world (For the diaspora) truly stems from.

    • Agree: Etruscan Film Star
    • Thanks: Felpudinho
    • Replies: @pyrrhus
    , @Martin ES.
  4. Dumbo says:

    It’s all propaganda. Just stop promoting immigration and it will stop. The NGO boats actually pick the Africans up on the African coast and bring them to Europe. The governments are the ones pushing this stupidity instead of easily stopping it.

    But no, on top of being invaded we have to hear that somehow it’s “impossible to stop it” and that “governments are trying to limit it” and other nonsense.

  5. Anonymous[323] • Disclaimer says: • Website

    (((NGO boats))) and (((government))).

  6. The mass migration of Black Africans to the Canary Islands has been occurring for at least a couple of years already and is intensifying at an increasing rate. They thought that by reaching one of these islands they would then have a chance to be transferred to the European continent but the Spanish government is not allowing them to come to the Spanish mainland.

    Here is an excellent image of such an arrival, captured in November 2023, with considerable detail to be seen when clicking on the image. Notice that theses appear to be hardened individuals, mainly young men. These folks come on their own boats and are not rescued from flimsy inflated rafts by NGO and government sponsored water taxis, as has been the case for years off the coast of Libya and Tunisia, hence a lower survival rate after a much longer journey from western Africa.

    81 African Migrants Arrive by Boat at Canary Island

    Here is an image of an arrival from last September at night, also with excellent detail:

    There are only two main cities on the Canary Islands, Las Palmas in the northern part of Gran Canaria, and Santa Cruz in the northern part of Tenerife. These are the two main tourist islands. During half of the year (between early November and late April) the only balmy and warm places in Europe where one can go to are the Canary Islands; anywhere along the Mediterranean is still too cold.

    In early October of this year there were major demonstrations against over-tourism, which has already become a problem during the summer months in places like Venice, Barcelona, Prague, Amsterdam, Mallorca, and smaller popular locations (Dubrovnik, Capri, Santorini, etc.) The fact remains that tourism is an important source of revenue, but the quality of life is degrading in one of the few remaining European locations with ideal weather. It does not seem that these African men can be successfully “integrated” in the local society. It remains to be seen whether the Spanish government will send them back from where they came.

    Anti-migrant Protests In Spain’s Canaries Draw Thousands

    Agence France Press – October 27, 2024

    Protesters took to the streets of Gran Canaria’s Las Palmas and Tenerife’s Santa Cruz demanding action.

    “We are not racist, we’ve been too supportive, we are welcoming everyone who enters the country,” Zulema Ruiz, a demonstrator in Las Palmas told AFP.
    “We cannot let our children go out into the street because we’re afraid they’ll be raped or stabbed,” the 37-year-old added.
    Eugenia Santana, 38, said demonstrators were “against mass and illegal immigration because it is affecting our health and education.”

    • Thanks: Dragoslav
  7. anon[726] • Disclaimer says:

    Simple solution:

    Just tell the invaders (who all come from Muslim North Africa) that the Spaniards are 20% Jewish and that they will not get their 72 virgins if they die in Jewish lands.

    Admixture analysis (of the Spanish population) indicates a high mean proportion of ancestry from “Sephardic Jewish (19.8%) sources”.

    • Troll: RadicalCenter
  8. Anonymous[185] • Disclaimer says:

    Same shit, different millennium.

    From Isabella of Spain by William Thomas Walsh (London: Sheed & Ward, 1935):

    “Early in the eighth century, the Spanish Jews, through their brethren in Africa, invited the Moors to come and occupy the country…

    Hardly had the Mohammedan Arabs subdued and organized the Berbers of north Africa when they were invited by the Spanish Jews to cross the nine-mile strip of water at Gibraltar and possess themselves of the Christian kingdom…

    That they played an important part in bringing the Saracens from Africa in 709 is certain. In the invading army there were many African Jews. Everywhere the Spanish Jews opened the gates of cities to the conquerors, and the Moslems rewarded them by turning over to them the government of Granada, Seville and Cordoba. ‘Without any love for the soil where they lived, without any of those affections that ennoble a people, and finally without sentiments of generosity,’ says Amador de los Rios, ‘they aspired only to feed their avarice and to accomplish the ruin of the Goths; taking the opportunity to manifest their rancour, and boasting of the hatreds that they had hoarded up so many centuries.’…”

    Saint Paul was correct when he said that the Jews are the enemy of mankind.

    Jesus Christ was correct when he said that (((their))) father is the devil.

    • Thanks: Alden, Felpudinho
    • Replies: @Been_there_done_that
  9. Boo hoo. Serves them right. Like some idiot who hits a pole driving drunk. As long as they don’t take anyone else with them, it’s all to the good.

  10. @Anonymous

    Same shit, different millennium.

    It’s not Moors or Saracenes coming from Morocco this time, but an invasion of Black Africans from western Africa. Look at the images in my previous comment.

    • Replies: @anon
  11. anon[233] • Disclaimer says:

    Also black Africans in Iberia is not new (as shown in genetics), but probably the numbers are.

    Phylogeographic analyses showed that ∼65% of the European L lineages most likely arrived in rather recent historical times, including the Romanization period, the Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula and Sicily, and during the period of the Atlantic slave trade. However, the remaining 35% of L mtDNAs form European-specific subclades, revealing that there was gene flow from sub-Saharan Africa toward Europe as early as 11,000 yr ago.

    Most of the sub-Saharan African mtDNAs fall into one of the multiple subclades of macro haplogroup L … frequencies vary widely, ranging from 3% in Southern Europe (with a peak of 4%–6% in Iberia) to 0.7% in Central Europe and 0.5% in Northern Europe.

    Lastly, three recent studies highlight the possibility of genetic exchange between Europe and Africa. Moorjani et al. (9) estimated that about 1–3% of recent Sub-Saharan African ancestry is present in multiple southern European populations; Cerezo et al. (23) find evidence of older (11,000 ya) Sub-Saharan gene flow toward Europe based on mtDNA genomes; and Auton et al. (8) found that short haplotypes were shared between the Yoruban Nigerians and southwestern Europeans.

    • Replies: @Lemmy Tellyuh
  12. More than 10,000 migrants died while trying to reach Spain by sea this year, a report released by a Spanish migration rights group said on Thursday.

    Someone should start a paella supply business in the countries where these “migrants” hail from. It would be quite the money spinner for the entrepreneur and nobody would have to risk sea water filling their lungs.

    … I know. Joking about migrants dying is in bad taste. But really, it would save the lives of these out-of-Africans if governments made it absolutely clear to them they will not make their beds in Spain (or wherever). No temporary accommodations. No aid from the state. No Doctors Without Brains. No hearings. The door swings both ways. It’s back to Africa for them so quick they won’t have time to leave footprints.

    • Agree: Felpudinho
  13. Also black Africans in Iberia is not new…

    There is a difference in Iberia between Spain and Portugal; both countries have had stable borders for centuries. Portugal, which I visited again earlier this year, has a distinctly greater Black African infusion in its population than Spain does. This goes back mainly to migration from the African colonies since the explorations of Vasco da Gama, before 1500 and Brazilian migration in the past century. Portugal seems like an Octoroon society, while Andalusia has stronger Arabian and Berber influence.

    • Replies: @anon
  14. @Old Prude

    If the Spanish navy spent a week sinking every boat leaving the African coast, less than 10,000 people would be killed …

    Agree, except you mean fewer than 10,000 people, not less than.

  15. anon[276] • Disclaimer says:

    while Andalusia has stronger Arabian and Berber influence.

    From the genetic studies I read, northwestern Spain has some of the highest percentages of African ancestry in Spain, and northeastern Spain has the lowest.

    • Replies: @Alden
  16. Chaskinss [AKA "Septic Guirini"] says:

    send them to the usa empire. cheap labour

  17. Orcas are our friends ….

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  18. It’s seven times more cost effective to simply send the money Europe spends on immigrants to the countries they are from.

    How about we just send them food with sterilization agents in it so they all die and we’re rid of them forever and the land can be recolonized with whites? Why is that not an option? I’m not giving them a fucking dime.

  19. kiwk says:

    You are assuming they are employable.

    There is a reason they try to invade western countries – so they can get freebies.

  20. @Dumbo

    Just stop promoting immigration and it will stop.

    No “FREE” anything upon arrival and the third-world immigration would stop. As long as the freebies in the West are better than what full-time work can provide back home they’ll keep on coming.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  21. eah says:

    >10,457 deaths recorded up until Dec. 15

    Exactly how were these alleged deaths ‘recorded’?

    The organization compiles its figures from families of migrants and official statistics of those rescued. It included 1,538 children and 421 women among the dead. April and May were the deadliest months, the report said.

    What does ‘compiles its figures from families of migrants and official statistics of those rescued’ mean?

    Obviously the numbers are self-serving and made-up — if ’30 migrants died every day’, that’s almost 1k every month, and a death toll like that would’ve been in the news — but I do not recall hearing much at all about it — I’m sure a few small boats carrying Africans trying to reach the Canary Islands foundered, but nothing like the numbers they claim.

    As some evidence of this, here are the results of a search of German public broadcaster ZDF for any news about the Canary Islands: Kanaren, Kanarische Inseln — I see exactly one story about a boat that supposedly left Senegal headed for the Canary Islands, and was later found:

    Atlantik: Schiff mit 200 Migranten entdeckt

    The 200 is just a guess at how many may have been on board — they found a boat (it’s not known which boat), no migrants.

    If there was hard evidence that 1k migrants were dying every month, there would be stories about it — there are none.

    • Replies: @Franz
  22. Alden says:

    Northwest Spain is Galicia and blue eyed Celts. And Celtic festivals every summer. It’s the Atlantic coast. Close to France. Northwest Spain is also Basque Country.

    Whatever the experts claim. Black Africans migrating to Spain thousands of years ago, black Tudors, black Egyptian Cleopatra, black kings of China blacketty blacketty black blacks discovered America a thousand years before Columbus

    • Thanks: Angharad
    • LOL: NoBodyImportant
  23. 10,000 Africans, 6 million Jews, they just pull numbers out of the air.

  24. @Alden

    “Celts” hahaha, average Galician looks no different to Pedro Sanchez.

    • Troll: Angharad
  25. Wokechoke says:

    It’s a chance at rape and pillage really. The freebies are not as choice as the violence and plunder.

  26. Wokechoke says:

    These boats full of blacks, what are chain guns for again?

  27. Personally, I have never believed black is beautiful—but that’s just me. Millions upon millions of European and North American women love to go black. They are wanted as boy toys, they are needed in cuck scenes, there are sex safaris. and a special night ferry that runs between Finland and Estonia with Africans gigolos and elite women. So perhaps these guys could just stay in the balmy Canarias and eke out a living as hustlers/companions.

    Don’t believe me? Just goo goo google ‘mature woman sex vacations’ in Senegambia.

  28. @anon

    sub-Saharan African mtDNAs fall into one of the multiple subclades of macro haplogroup

    Speaka de Ing, homey.

  29. pyrrhus says:

    It would be much simpler just to sink the boats, and of course, not rescue anyone…After the first few, illegal immigration would end….

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  30. @TheAntidoteToToxins

    Millions upon millions of European and North American women love to go black

    The allure of “forbidden fruit.”

    Also the result of Western feminists’ feminization of White males.

    Eldridge “Soul on Ice” Cleaver depicted the resulting male split thusly:

    Blacks: super-masculine menials

    Whites: effete effeminate elites

    Young vag lubes for the former big-boners.

    Older, run-through hags seek the latter for big-buck$ (gibs/security).

    • Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  31. Jiminy says:

    At this rate, the black African should discover the new world by the end of the century. They are a race so full of surprises. Who would have known that they were such great open ocean voyagers.

  32. Franz says:

    What does ‘compiles its figures from families of migrants and official statistics of those rescued’ mean?


    The real question is how many make it to Spain? If 50,000 make an attempt and one-fifth drown, this might be okay from a cost-benefit standpoint, assuming the people shipping Africans north are doing it to destroy Europe. At this point I think it’s a fair assumption.

  33. @Alden

    Black Africans migrating to Spain thousands of years ago, black Tudors, black Egyptian Cleopatra, black kings of China blacketty blacketty black blacks discovered America a thousand years before Columbus

    Don’t forget, Columbus was black.

  34. @pyrrhus

    Norwegians refused to save Russians from a sinking ship struck in the Med by who knows who with who knows what. But they’d welcome Africans aboard.

  35. Angharad says:

    Blowing the boats up is an option, too.

  36. Angharad says:

    10K is not enough – but it’s something

  37. @Altai5

    The Jewish Cabal is behind the invasion of White countries and that includes the NGOs that are ferrying them to Europe, and the NGOs that are giving food / water / instructions / clothes to illegals flooding the US southern border.

    It’s as simple as that.

    It’s not about needing workers, as time has shown most 3rd worlders end up on welfare and drain far more than they contribute, this isn’t even counting the crime / rapes / gangs / social discord they cause / terrorist attacks. The borders across the West are not maintained even though they easily could be, simply because the Jew bosses at the very very very top don’t want them to be.

    Jews want to wreck White countries because their Cabal views strong homogeneous White nations as a threat to their Globalist power structure.

    It’s also why Israel takes in zero refugees who are not Jewish, despite their country wrecking most of the Middle East via their USA war Golem that American Jews control. The Cabal wants Jews to still be around in 100 years while Whites, especially White Christians, will be a minority everywhere and rapidly fading away.

    Video Link

    • Agree: AlmaMater
  38. @TheAntidoteToToxins

    Honestly, this is why I hate and despise white women. Wish they would get beaten by black women every day. And I really don’t want to hear about them fucking negros. No one fetishizes black women like this, so whats so goddam special about the worthless males?

  39. @Lemmy Tellyuh

    Antidote sounds like someone who watches too much garbage interracial porn. If black men were so special, why aren’t people chasing the black women? What makes the males more desirable than their own women?

  40. @EliteCommInc.

    ‘No. They should invest in the business that will employ them.’

    I’d be cautious about investing in Africa.

  41. @TheAntidoteToToxins

    Don’t believe me? Just goo goo google ‘mature woman sex vacations’ in Senegambia.

    White woman and her black boy toy in Crete, 2015.

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