SouthWest 20jan12 v2
SouthWest 20jan12 v2
SouthWest 20jan12 v2
Introduction Noah Rose & Associates have been appointed to coordinate artistic direction for public art as part of the strategic regeneration programmes for Ramsey, Laxey, Peel and the South West (Port Erin and Port St. Mary). Some limited coordination also applies to separate public art developments for Douglas and Castletown. Information on this programme and on Noah Rose & Associates can be viewed on: Team comprises: Noah Rose (Lead Artist & Coordinator); Ian Banks (Public Art Consultant & Architect); and Matt Owen (Associate Artist). As a starting point, the issues that the team considered critical to the successful undertaking of the island-wide project cover 5 key strands - which are: Location and Distinctiveness (a unique sense of place) Community Engagement (arts activity used more as action research) Design Team Integration (being fit for the brief, achievable and sustainable) Broadening Opportunities (facilitating local artists and creative skills etc) Cultural Visioning & Branding (being part of a joined-up cultural & tourism strategy)
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
South West Public Art Brief Strands 1 3 of the more localised brief for the South West, needs to set out a dual public art focus for both Port Erin and St. Mary. Starting with Port Erin, proposals will compliment with public consultations and current regeneration schemes under development by Hugh Logan Architects and other design team members.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
Port Erin - Identified Sites / Project Ideas Initially, 13 public art ideas have been identified for Port Erin itself. Some of these are deliberately inter-linked with St Mary potentially. Many form optional or alternative suggestions for permanent or temporary artworks. Ideas now need to be tested against community and design team support; available budgets; as well as the local available skills of artists etc. Not all will be possible - though some may lay the seed for future commissions (by others perhaps), including pan-island ones.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
1. Artisan Crafts Contemporary writing commission transport theme or similar. Hybrid typographical paving or wall pieces to interpret the above in hand-cut stone-carved letters. Possibility of in-situ artisan fabrication as a live 'performance work' and public/media interest. Links to typography & graphics, and Manx Litfest 2012 & IoM Poetry Society.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
2. Rail Platform / Plaza - Interpretation Seating Artisan crafted street furniture in hardwood, stone or steel (recycled rails etc?), placed on platform and new plaza. With discrete text interpretation and soundscape applied via integral MP3 players headphone port (people to provide own). Potentially interchangeable with wayfinding proposals and transport information.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
3. Plaza Backdrop or Focal Point Linked to the possible extension to the Museum / Railway plaza, and looking to take advantage of the opportunity presented by the current plain-clad backdrop. Idea is either the location and customisation of a rail carriage as exhibit, intervention and artist residency space (plus caf or interpretation point). Alternative would be replaceable mega-billboard artwork - or night-time light, steam & sound projection onto the cladding.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
4. Artisan Shop Signs & Canopies Artist input into potential shop canopies and signage to Station Road / Church Road. Bronze Kipper for fishmongers, lamb for butchers, clock for jewellers and Falcon for Falcon Nest (rooftop corner?) etc. Also traditional painted signs and elegant sign writing. Potential for shop planning design guide perhaps. Elegant black-smithing to brackets also.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
5. Gateways - Gable Lettering & Typography Painted, carved and raised-relief gable lettering (temporary & permanent poems etc)
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
6. Stamps Linking Post Office with Museum, artists to create new contemporary stamp series for Port Erin on transport themes and also exhibit via light projection, shop windows, street banners (Orchard Street) and other printed media (could be one set for each town or similar). Contemporary nature anticipated. Exemplar artist case studies as example, include the recent Internment Camp artist series and the current Paul Smith Olympic designs. 8 Years off 150th anniversary noted.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
7. Pop-Up Artist Spaces So-called Pop-Up artists colonisation of vacant retail units creating a literal shop window for artist studios, galleries, drop-ins and other installations and creating cultural added-value to the streetscape. Units agreed on short-term leases - and subject to immediately vacating if being sold or let.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
8. Weather Station Weather powered and influenced clock, soundscape, fountain or other architectural automata / interactive work. Linked to the pre-existing weather station housed in Port Erin. More information required on this.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
9. Bus / Rail Gateway - Wayfinding / Interpretation Traditional Information points as well as location-specific apps for wayfinding and QR Tag interpretation (Possibly linked to Bus / Railway Station and Museum as local hub and gateway with red telephone boxes perhaps used as mini information points?).. Possible free Wi-Fi zone to station and museum?
The railway station is the southern terminus on the island. Note the scallop shell detailing to the roof eaves and check out the link to annual IoM Queenie Festival.Next link
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
10. Market Exploration Exploration of the identification of a potential market place. Temporary event and intervention to explore artist market and public cultural events. Applies as well of course to non-cultural events such as farmers markets and Xmas fairs etc.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
11. Erin Arts / Old Strix Offices Incubator Connection? Linked to identified need for incubator space and proximity to Erin Arts, explore potential (subject to Arts Council) for artist residency space, artist and creative industry incubator and art-design-caf type studio with option of also of creating potential new public space or pocket park at end of Orchard Road.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
12. Night Garden Pop-Up artist festival intervention of light and sound / music on derelict garden space to create temporary pocket park (to look at but not enter) and so explore and debate the future use of the space.
Isle of Man Regeneration Public Art Co-ordination - Noah Rose & Associates
13. Funicular Exploration Temporary Transport Pilot & Shuttle Tour As pre-cursor to any possible funicular, temporary intervention to explore transport. Local promenade tour via artist walking, Bicycle Rickshaw or pilot community white bike sharing scheme - to link the promenade to station and museum - plus other destinations as identified during holiday season potentially to St Mary also.
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