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Sijo Monachan Ar. Ann Joseph

School of architecture and design School of architecture and design
Bishop Jerome institution and design Bishop Jerome institution and design
[email protected] [email protected]

common grounds for play and relaxation. (Carr,

Francis, Rivlin, and Stone, 1992.The open public is
Abstract a valuable component of the city's urban fabric. The
most prevalent open spaces in Kerala include
People are the soul of the city and open spaces public parks, bazaars, monuments, marketplaces,
serve as nodes in the city where people gather and streets, playgrounds, community open spaces,
celebrate the goodness of life. greenways and linear parkways, religious sites, and
Public spaces have always been a part of human waterfronts. Many of these venues have been
civilization. The open public space should be a identified as having a word that describes their
social space that is accessible to all, regardless of casual, daily, functional use.
gender, age, or socio-economic level, open places The aim of the search is to study and critical
become important as they create a visual analysis of active open space in beach way, fort-
communication between several persons who visit Kochi. Produce developmental guidelines that
it. Any public space has three characteristics: could help enhance the experience of these spaces.
physical social and cultural. To evaluate the urban open space, their role and
To make a successful city it should provide a sense essence and analysis the open space in urban
of space that strengthens community identity and context of fort Kochi. Finding out the reason why
community pride. This improves community it is successful or fail in our context. And study the
relations and reduces feelings of alienation while various aspects in open space planning.
creating a place for all types of people to Understanding a critical, visual, and physical
congregate. examination of several public spaces in Fort Kochi
from the search Defining urban open space will
need taking into consideration both its physical and
1.Keywords social dimensions.

Accessibility, Permeability, Imageability,

Legibility, Proximity, Activity, Safety
2. Characteristics of a Great Public
1.Introduction Promoting human contact and social activities. Is
Public space is the stage upon which the drama of safe, welcoming, and accommodating for all users.
communal life unfolds. The streets, squares, and Has design and architectural features that are
parks of a city give form to the ebb and flow of visually interesting. Promoting community
human exchange. These dynamic spaces are involvement. Reflects the local culture or history.
essential counterpart to the more settled places and Relates well to bordering uses. Is well maintained.
routines of work and home life, providing channels
Has a unique or special character.
for movement, nodes for communication, and

3.Existing Urban Open Spaces in Fort 5.Case Studies
Kochi 5.1 Tel Aviv’s Central Promenade Renewal /
Mayslits Kassif Architects
Beach side Nehru park
Location: (Street, City, Country): Tel Aviv
promenade- Herbert Samuel Street, Tel Aviv-
Yafo, Israel
Delta school
ground The current renovation project aimed to transform
this historical blockade by creating a new
Parade continuous interface that enables free pedestrian
flow to and from the sandy beach, throughout the
Santa cruz city's central waterfront. Moreover, serving as the
main waterfront public space of the entire
metropolitan area, the new promenade and its
sitting-terraces were designed to offer a generous
array of seats and relaxation opportunities along the
Figure 1 existing urban open spaces in fort-Kochi seafront, in order to host a great many new visitors
and create a hospitable and lively public domain for
this large dense urban area.
There are different typologies which include large
open grounds, community open ground, children's
park, beach front parks, etc. The key issues include
that the neighborhood parks are not maintained
periodically. Parade ground is one of the important
grounds and recreational areas in the city, the
Maidan needs landscaping, jogging tracks, barrier-
free tracks, and planting of more trees, etc.
Due to the limitation in the research focusing on the
fort Koch beach area and does not address the
higher activity point in other part of the cities. Figure 2 Tel Aviv’s central promenade renewal

4. parameters identified from literature Accessibility: The beach road is access from a two-
readings lane road
From Cities for People-Jan Gehl, Image of the Proximity: Proximate from the city. Many
City-Kevin Lynch, Social Life of Small Urban commercial buildings near the beach.
Spaces-William H. Whyte, Responsive
Vehicular parking:The parking provides either side
Environments books and journals Some parameters of the road
were found. Proximity, Vehicle and pedestrian
accessibility, View and vista, Safety, Sitting space, View and vistas: The whole beach is nicely
landscaped with paths and areas for relaxing.
Climate, Permeability, Activity and age group,
Imageability, Legibility. Based on the parameters, Safety: The entire stretch can be developed as
compare them with the case studies and find the walkway with well lighting fixture making a safer
final result. place for evening.
Sitting : provided along the seaside by the new
walkway and its sitting-terraces.

Imageability: The whole beach is imageable as it is Imageability: several public buildings, monuments,
multifunctional. and statues it add to the imageability of the marina
5.2 Marina Beach, Chennai
5.3 South beach, Calicut
Location: Chennai India
Location: Calicut, Kerala
Marina Beach is a natural urban beach on the Bay
of Bengal in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Around The Kozhikode Beach also Known as the South
500 vendors manage the beach's famous stores and Beach, is a beach on the western side of Kozhikode,
food stalls, which are well known. Because of the situated on the Malabar Coast of India. Kozhikode
memorials and sculptures, as well as the morning beach which was once a major trade port for traders
stroll, joggers' track, lovers' area, aquarium, and from all parts of the world to import and exports
other amenities, it is a popularly hangout for people goods especially textiles which consist of silk,
of all ages. Beach cricket has been played at the calico and other forms of spices has a wide variety
Marina for decades. Other popular beach activities of areas which still are not introduced to the tourist
include kite flying and beach cricket. even though they are placed in front of them. The
beach is famous for an old lighthouse which gives
it an ancient tinge. The beach also has a cultural
status as it brings all the sections of the community
to enjoy its magnificence every day. The Beach is
accessible through four road overbridges in the
city. The beach has paved stones and illumination.

Figure 3 Marina beach, Chennai

Accessibility: The beach road is accessed from five
main nodal points of the access roads. Figure 4 South beach, Calicut
Proximity: Proximate from the city. Many Analysis
important buildings located here
Accessibility: The Beach is accessible through four
Vehicular parking: Parking is done along the street road overbridges in the city. There are several
Proximity: The site is well permeable and is entries from the road, this makes it suitable for
designed along a stretch with different activities people to make choices.
View and vistas: The seating of the beach is facing Proximity: Proximate from the city. Many food
to the beach. The whole beach is nicely landscaped joints are present.
with paths and areas for relaxing. Vehicular parking: There provided more number of
Safety: The Marina continues to be the most parking to the public
dangerous area to bathe or swim in the state of View and vistas: Gandhi Road and the
Tamil Nadu, with the highest frequency of neighbouring beach area have various visual
drownings. connections to the Square, and from each location,
Sitting: Benches are provided at regular intervals at we may view different visual aspects of the same
the marina beach. Normal plate forms with granite space.
finishes are also provided

Safety Beach is active at evening time. Different The Vasco Da Gama Square is one of the most
type of light under trees, ground with landscape, active places in Fort Kochi having a narrow
lamp post at certain distances, and tree hung lights promenade along the beach, food stalls, Chinese
fishing nets and cultural events. the most active
Sitting: Normal platforms with granite finishes are area with activities changing from morning to
provided and the seating area provide under the tree evening. Attracts many tourists and local visitors
for natural shade. The seating mainly provides the for activities like shopping, sea food, sight view,
edges of the freedom square. photography and many other similar purposes.

Imageability: The freedom square add to the

imageability of the beach and the freedom square is
also an imageable element.

5.4 Inference of the Case Studies

Based on the study, some parameters were
identified, that play a major role in improving the
spaces near coastlines.
➢ Accessible with viable road networks and
visual connections.
Figure 5 Fort-kochi,beachway
➢ The various areas, monuments, and signs
on and around the shore must be legible to 6.2.Key Findings
➢ Beach quality is determined by the nature ➢ The beach is one of the most busiest public
of the coastline. It should be considered to place of the city
ensure a safe and user-friendly ➢ The beach has a wide and long walkway
environment. which gives the tourists to walk and enjoy
➢ Proximity to the city, allowing people to
the beauty of the water bodies and beach
visit the beach premises regularly and
easily. ➢ There are lot of food joints that provides
➢ Tourist industry economic opportunities for tasty sea food cuisine
the local community as well as the ➢ There is a children's park adjacent to the
government. beach which is functioning properly
➢ The beach walkway is a busy shopping spot
➢ The beach cleanliness Is poor
6.Field Study ➢ Rest room facility is limited
6.1 fort-Kochi beachside ➢ Tree shelters are not sufficient to provide
Location: Fort-kochi, Kerala
➢ Beach staff is limited
One of the famous beaches of the state, Fort Kochi ➢ Lacks safe drinking water facility
Beach has its fair share of cultural and historic ➢ Lacks first aid facility
legacy along with being the venue for famous
Cochin Carnival. The beach is situated near the
estuary of Vembanad Lake. The beach is adjacent
to many historical monuments that speak about the
colonial past of Kochi. Fort Kochi beach is part of
culture and lifestyle of Kochi. The beach is
crowded in most of the evenings especially in
weekends and vacations. The beach is also famous
for Kite – flying.

important factor in all beaches, Proximity to the
city, allowing people to visit the beach premises
regularly and easily. The study of the Fort Kochi
Beachfront Spaces led to the development of
specific guidelines that could help in developing
such areas into functional public spaces.

➢ Parking places must be made available on
the property close to the beach road. The
Pie chart government should acquire the land under
the Land Acquisition Act.

➢ The promenade pathway must be slightly

sloped so that water drains naturally
through the holes provided.

➢ Maintenance of Trash cans provided on the

Analysis beach should be done on a regular basis.
Accessibility: The beach is open for all public, free
movement is possible.
➢ The present vegetation between the beach
Proximity There were many heritage buildings and and the promenade should be fenced in,
shops with regular access paths to the beach
Vehicular parking There were parking spaces in the
beach. It is not sufficient during the peak time
Permeability: A continuous walkway run ➢ The open spaces should be attractive and
throughout the beach with well-defined curbs and imageable.
View and vistas: Good view to the Arabian sea, ➢ A lack of good place to sit is an equally
proper seating facing the sea are provided. Mainly important issue. For example, a choice of
active morning and evening. seats in sun or shade can make all the
Safety: Active during night due to proper lighting difference in a place success, depending on
and ornamental lighting make space vibrant, its climate and location.
making the walkway well it makes it safer and
more active. ➢ The beach cleanliness has to be a priority
and needs suitable intervention.
Sitting: Choices include people sitting under the
shaded tree. Benches and platforms are used as
sitting spaces. Few of them are not well shaded so ➢ More beach staff has to be appointed to
people prefer to sit under the trees. ensure safety of the visitors.
Imageability: The long stretch of pathways adds to
the beauty of the beach. The Chinese fishnets Is
also a imageability of the beach. ➢ The area chosen as a public space should
firstly be well maintained after.
The general parameters to find the potential of
coastal edges to form efficient active public spaces
were identified. Accessibility to the beach is an
9.Conclusion https://www.academia.edu/43135686/A_STUDY_

➢ Beach areas have the potential to become
important public interaction places. With
the use of the data collected from the field
study, I can conclude that the beach way in https://healthbridge.ca/dist/library/Situational_A
Fort Kochi should be maintain for the long-
term benefit. The study provided insight nalysis_of_Beaches_of_Kerala_inner_with_cover_
into the many characteristics of beach sides,
which can the general parameters that help May_2017.pdf
to easily identify the coastal edges that can
develop as people's places.
➢ A successful beach is defined not only by
its design but also by the public's
commitment and involvement.
➢ The beach cleanliness must be a priority
and needs suitable intervention. Pollution
of these beaches also makes them unusable
for the public.














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