• significantly improved by going through many generations since the
invention of the first implantable pacemaker in 1958.
face recognition
• Under the condition of r/R≪1, where r and R are the radii of the
wire and the circular loop that it is forming, self-inductance can be
approximated by
• Whereas, for the case of planar spiral coils having N turns with
different radii Ri (i = 1, 2, …, N) the total self-inductance should be
calculated from
• In a simplified case for two perfectly aligned parallel coaxial circular coils in
the air separated by relative distance d12 and the radius and number of turns
of (R1, N1) and (R2, N2) for the first and second coils, respectively,
In order to more accurately calculate self- and mutual inductances of coils with
various geometries
In addition to the distance and geometry, alignment of the coils has a significant
effect on their mutual inductance.
We can normalize the mutual inductance between two coils to get a qualitative
sense of how strongly they are coupled and compare the coupling between different
pairs of coils.
The coupling coefficient k 12 between two coils with self-inductances L 1
and L 2 is defined as
self-oscillating capability