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• significantly improved by going through many generations since the
invention of the first implantable pacemaker in 1958.

• their importance in several state-of-the-art medical treatments is on the


• They have made it possible to treat a wide range of ailments and

disabilities from bradycardia, chronic back pain, epilepsy and deafness.

• IMDs have the potential to alleviate more challenging types of

disabilities such as blindness, paralysis and loss of limbs.
• devices need to transmit and receive information wirelessly across the
skin barrier.

• since breaching the skin with interconnect wires would be a source of

morbidity for the patient

increases the risk of infection

increase the risk of damage to the IMD.

• sensory prosthetic devices:

interface with the central nervous system (CNS) to restore a sensory

function such as hearing or vision.

the quality of perception enhances with the number of stimulating sites

and electrodes and the rate of stimulation.
devices may stimulate the neural tissue by means of tens to thousands
of stimulating channels.

they generally require considerably more power and communication

bandwidth than autonomous devices, such as pacemakers.

State-of-the-art visual prostheses are currently targeting beyond one

thousand sites to improve the quality of the visual functions such as:

 mobility without a cane

face recognition

 reading large fonts

• Radio frequency identification (RFID)
cannot have batteries due to their size, weight, and lifetime

takes advantage of inductive links to not only power up the

ultralow-power RFID tags.

read the tags, stored information through back telemetry.


•The main physical principle behind the operation of telemetry

coils is Faraday’s law.

A change in the magnetic environment of a coil of wire will cause a

voltage (electromotive force, or EMF) to be induced in the coil. The
induced EMF is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic
flux through the coil.
1.1 Magnetic Fields

• A magnetic field is associated with any moving charged particles

that result in flow of current.

• The magnitude of the magnetic field regardless of the material

properties of the medium can be described by the magnetic field
strength, which integrated along a closed curve that encircles the
moving charges results in the total current that passes through
the curve.
• For designing a telemetry link, a number of parameters that are
directly associated with the magnetic field and its strength must
be considered, such as self- and mutual inductances.
1.2 Inductance and Inductive
• Self-inductance

ratio of the magnetic flux generated in an area

enclosed by a conductor loop to the current passing through the loop.

• Under the condition of r/R≪1, where r and R are the radii of the
wire and the circular loop that it is forming, self-inductance can be
approximated by

where 𝜇0 is the permeability of free space.

 For the case of circular coils with N turns,

 if the coil length d is much smaller than R

 the self-inductance is approximately equal to N2L

 L is the self-inductance of a one-turn loop

• Whereas, for the case of planar spiral coils having N turns with
different radii Ri (i = 1, 2, …, N) the total self-inductance should be
calculated from

where 𝛼i,j = 1 if i = j and 𝛼i,j = 0 otherwise

1.3 Mutually Coupled Coils
• The mutual inductance between two conductor loops, Mij, depends on the
proportion of the magnetic flux generated by one loop that passes through the
other loop (flux coupling).

• It highly depends on their geometries, relative orientation, and magnetic

properties of the medium.

• In a simplified case for two perfectly aligned parallel coaxial circular coils in
the air separated by relative distance d12 and the radius and number of turns

of (R1, N1) and (R2, N2) for the first and second coils, respectively,
 In order to more accurately calculate self- and mutual inductances of coils with
various geometries

 one should either use tabulated parameterized equations

 finite-element electromagnetic software, such as FastHenry, SONET, or HFSS

(Ansoft, Pittsburgh, PA).

 In addition to the distance and geometry, alignment of the coils has a significant
effect on their mutual inductance.

 The effects of coil misalignments have been analyzed elsewhere.

 We can normalize the mutual inductance between two coils to get a qualitative
sense of how strongly they are coupled and compare the coupling between different
pairs of coils.
 The coupling coefficient k 12 between two coils with self-inductances L 1
and L 2 is defined as

 Assuming R 2 < R 1, the coupling coefficient in this case can be

approximated by:

 k 12 also depends on the coil orientation and alignment,

 In order to minimize k12 between two planar coaxial coils at a certain

distance d12, their planes should be orthogonal.
 On the other hand, parallel and perfectly aligned coaxial coils provide
maximum k 12.
1.4 Equivalent Network Models
• In an inductive link, shown in Figure 7.1a a time-variant current i2(t)
in the primary coil, L2, generates a time-variant magnetic field, part
of which passes through the secondary coil, L3.

• This part of the time-varying magnetic field generates voltage V3(t)

across L3 and current i3(t) through the secondary loop due to its
mutual inductance M23 with L2.
 The time-domain relationship between these voltages and currents can
be found from

where R2 and R3 are the ohmic losses of L 2 and L 3, respectively.

 In order to find the inductive link equivalent Z-network model, shown in

F igure 7.1b, all voltages and currents in (7.8) should be represented in
the Laplace domain,

 Therefore, the equivalent Z matrix can be written as

 Power transfer efficiency

 key parameter in the design of wireless links.

 identifies the energy source specifications, heat dissipation, power

transmission range, and possibility of interference with other electronic

 Inductive link PTE

ratio between the power delivered to the load (PDL) and

the power drained from the energy source and delivered to the primary
 Power Amplifiers

 commonly utilized in wireless power transmission links to drive the

primary coil by converting the DC power of an external source, often a
battery, to an AC signal at the carrier frequency, f0.

 There are several well-known topologies for such PAs, designated by

classes A to F.
 For transcutaneous power transmission, class-E PAs are the most popular
ones, followed by class-D PAs, due to their:
 high power efficiency (which can theoretically be close to 100%)

 self-oscillating capability

 small number of components

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