BXE PBL Opam-Diff.
BXE PBL Opam-Diff.
BXE PBL Opam-Diff.
The op-amp ic we are going to discuss here is ic 741. it is an 8 pin ic. The pin configuration is given above
An ideal op-amp has the following characteristics :
1. An infinite open-loop voltage gain.
2. Infinite input impedance
3. Zero output impedance
4. Infinite common mode rejection ratio
5. Infinite bandwidth
6. Zero offset voltage
however, real op-amps have characteristics a little deviated from
what has been stated above.
What is feedback?
- The process of feeding back part(sample) of output and combining it
with input.
Open loop gain of op-amp is very high, so only smaller signals will be amplified
without clipping
1.Susceptible to noise
2.its very difficult to obtain such signals in labs
Open loop gain is not constant it varies with changes in temperature and power
Open loop op-amps have very low bandwidth as gain is very high and hence they are
also unsuitable for ac applications.
Applications of operational amplifier
They are mainly categorized into two types:
Figure shows the circuit diagram of Differentiator. A Differentiator is formed or constructed simply by replacing an input resistor R f with a
capacitor C as shown in figure. The input to the differentiator is given to the inverting terminal through an input capacitor C and non
inverting input is grounded. Let Ic be the current flowing through capacitor C and R f be the feedback loop, while If be the current flowing
through the Rf, V0 be the output voltage.
If = -V0 / Rf ……………..(5)
V0 = - Rf C dVin / dt …………(6)
This equation (6) gives equation for output voltage of differentiator. If Rf = 1m Ω and C = 1 µ then RfC = 1, equation (6) becomes,
V0 = - dVin / dt ..………..(7)
From first Assumption we will not able to flow the terminal of OP-AMP. So, when current is produced through Vin, let us
say(1) will not flow from 1st terminal but will flow from second terminal
Op-amp is very useful for mathematical operation and in our circuit we
can conclude that
If input to the differentiator is sine wave, the output is cosine wave.
If the input is square wave then the output is spikes.
Negative sign indicates that there is a phase change of 180 degrees.
If the input is DC wave then the output is linear with the input for