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Electronic Circuits II Lab Familiarization of Op–Amp

Roll No: Date: ..../....../......

Lab Sheet 1
Familiarization of Op–Amp
ˆ To identify the pins of Op–Amp
ˆ To apply power to Op–Amp
ˆ To observe open–loop characteristics.

Operational Amplifier (abbreviated as Op–Amp) is a special type of amplifier that
can be used for a variety of mathematical operations between signals. By proper
selection of its external components, an Op–Amp can be configured for carrying
out operations such as amplification, addition, subtraction, differentiation, and in-
tegration. Op–Amps are used in applications like control systems, instrumentation,
signal processing, etc. The first applications of Op–Amps were in analog computers.

Figure 1: Circuit symbol and power supply arrangement for Op–Amp

Figure 1 shows the symbol of the Op–Amp and the power supply connections to make
it work. The inputs, identified by the “−” and “+” symbols, are designated invert-
ing and noninverting input terminals. Their voltages with respect to ground are

Department of ECE 1 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Electronic Circuits II Lab Familiarization of Op–Amp

denoted vN and vP , and the output voltage as vo . The power supply to the Op–
Amp is denoted by VCC and VEE . Ideally, Op–Amp amplifies only the difference
in voltages between the two input terminals, which is called differential voltage.
The output voltage of the Op–Amp in Open Loop configuration is given by

v0 = AOL (vP − vN ) (1)

where the term AOL refers to the open loop Gain (amplification factor) provided by
the Op–Amp. Open loop refers to the circuit arrangement where there is no feedback
from the output to the input. The open loop gain is very high for an Op–Amp. For
example, the popular 741 Op–Amp has a typical gain of 200,000 V/V.
Figure 2 shows the pin diagram of the commonly used Op–Amp IC 741. Functions
of different pins are listed in the Table.

Table 1: Pin descriptions for 741

Pin Description
1,5 To nullify the offset voltage,
input is applied at this pin
2 Inverting input
3 Noninvering input
4 Negative power supply terminal
6 Output
7 Positive Power supply Terminal
Figure 2: Pin Diagram of IC 741
8 No connection

Powering the Op–Amp

Op–Amp does not have a 0V ground terminal. Ground reference is established
externally by the power supply common. Figure 1 shows the arrangement of dual
power supply to power the Op–Amp. Typical powers supply values for 741 Op–Amp
is ±15V . But depending on the application, a wide range of voltages can be used
as VCC and VEE .

Department of ECE 2 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Electronic Circuits II Lab Familiarization of Op–Amp

1. Connect the power supply, leave all other terminals open, and measure the
voltage at pin 6.

Voltage at pin 6 is: .....................

(a) Did this match your expectation?

(b) What is the reason behind the difference in voltage?

2. Connect the pins 2 and 3 to ground. Now measure the voltage at pin 6
Voltage at pin 6 is: .....................
(a) Did this match your expectation?
(b) What is the reason behind the difference in voltage?

3. Find the Output Voltage Waveform and the Transfer Characteristics

for the following exercise questions. Plot them on a graph sheet and mark the
relevant values.

(a) Input at the inverting terminal (b) Input at the noninverting terminal

Figure 3: Op–Amp in open loop configuration

Department of ECE 3 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Electronic Circuits II Lab Familiarization of Op–Amp

(a) Connect the pin 3 to ground, and connect a positive dc voltage at pin 2 and
observe the output voltage (as in Figure 3a)
(b) Connect the pin 3 to ground and connect a sine wave signal with peak to peak
voltage of 1V and frequency of 100Hz at pin 2 and observe the output voltage.
(c) Connect the pin 3 to ground and connect a square wave with peak to peak
voltage of 1V and frequency of 100Hz at pin 2 and observe the output voltage.
(d) Connect the pin 2 to ground, and connect a positive dc voltage at pin 3 and
observe the output voltage (as in Figure 3b)
(e) Connect the pin 2 to ground and connect a sine wave with peak to peak voltage
of 1V and frequency of 100Hz at pin 3 and observe the output voltage.
(f) Connect the pin 2 to ground and connect a square wave signal with peak to
peak voltage of 1V and frequency of 100Hz at pin 3 and observe the output

Pre–Lab Questions
1. What is the limitation of open loop Op–Amp amplifiers? What is the reason
behind this limitation? What do you suggest to overcome this limitation?

2. Is the open loop Op–Amp amplifier linear or nonlinear? Justify your answer.

3. What is the range of voltages that can be used as the power supply to Op–
Amp 741?

4. List the names of manufacturers of Op–Amp IC 741.

Department of ECE 4 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

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